published: 27 October 2021
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal,
Not Simple
Kofi Yakpo*
Department of Linguistics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Edited by:
Andras Kornai,
Computer and Automation Research
Institute (MTA), Hungary
Reviewed by:
Umberto Ansaldo,
Head of School of Media, Creative
Arts, and Social Inquiry, Curtin
University, Australia
Anouschka Foltz,
University of Graz, Austria
Kofi Yakpo
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Language Sciences,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 03 April 2021
Accepted: 06 September 2021
Published: 27 October 2021
Yakpo K (2021) Creole Prosodic
Systems Are Areal, Not Simple.
Front. Psychol. 12:690593.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.690593
This study refutes the common idea that tone gets simplified or eliminated in creoles
and contact languages. Speakers of African tone languages imposed tone systems on
all Afro-European creoles spoken in the tone-dominant linguistic ecologies of Africa and
the colonial Americas. African speakers of tone languages also imposed tone systems
on the colonial varieties of English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese spoken in tonal
Africa. A crucial mechanism involved in the emergence of the tone systems of creoles
and colonial varieties is stress-to-tone mapping. A typological comparison with African
non-creole languages shows that creole tone systems are no simpler than African noncreole tone systems. Demographic, linguistic, and social changes in an ecology can
lead to switches from tone to stress systems and vice versa. As a result, there is
an areal continuum of tone systems roughly coterminous with the presence of tone
in the east (Africa) and stress in the west (Americas). Transitional systems combining
features of tone and stress converge on the areal buffer zone of the Caribbean. The
prosodic systems of creoles and European colonial varieties undergo regular processes
of contact, typological change and areal convergence. None of these are specific to
creoles. So far, creoles and colonial varieties have not featured in work on the worldwide areal clustering of prosodic systems. This study therefore aims to contribute to
a broader perspective on prosodic contact beyond the narrow confines of the creole
simplicity debate.
Keywords: simplification, prosodic system, stress, tone, creole, linguistic ecology, language contact, areal
Creolization is said to involve the simplification of input structures (for a thematic overview, see
Ansaldo et al., 2007). One such structure is tone, which has been argued to constitute a feature
that gets lost or is starkly reduced during language contact and creolization (e.g., Heine, 1978,
220; Salmons, 1992; Sebba, 1997, 49; McWhorter, 1998, 793; Kusters, 2003, 343; Trudgill, 2010,
309; Sessarego, 2020, 3). I propose that creolization has neither led to the elimination nor the
simplification of tone systems.
Instead, creoles feature prosodic systems ranging from tone to stress, and to mixed systems
incorporating both. The same holds for European colonial varieties (varieties of English, French,
Spanish, and Portuguese spoken in Africa and the Americas). These are generally left out of
discussions about creole prosody but are essential for developing a general typology of prosodic
contact outcomes.
The prosodic systems of creoles and colonial varieties (contact prosodic systems) have developed
tone or stress systems in accordance with the linguistic factor of areal typology (dominance of
tone vs. stress in the ecology), the cognitive factor of psycholinguistic dominance (recipient vs.
source-language agentivity), and social factors in their specific linguistic ecologies (the demographic
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October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
first is obligatoriness: Every word or phrase has at least one
syllable marked for primary stress, the highest degree of metrical
prominence. The second criterion is culminativity: Every word
or phrase has no more than one syllable marked for the highest
degree of metrical prominence (Hyman, 2006, 231). The acoustic
correlates of stress are language-specific but usually involve a
combination of the cues of length, loudness, vowel quality,
and pitch variations over the stress-bearing syllable. The pitch
contours of utterances in languages that are non-tonal are
composed of intonational pitch accents anchored to stressed
syllables, and boundary tones associated with the edges of phrases
and utterances. I henceforth refer to languages with stress,
but no tone (some tone languages also have stress) to ‘stressonly’ languages. All the lexifiers and superstrates of the AfroEuropean creoles and colonial varieties (English, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, and Dutch) are exclusively stress-only languages.
In languages with tone, pitch features are instead part of
(at least some) morphemes and therefore part of the lexical
realization of morphemes together with vowels and consonants
(Welmers, 1959, 2; Hyman, 2001, 1367). The lexical tones of
morphemes can therefore only be changed by specific rules akin
to those which alter the segmental realization of morphemes. All
the substrates and adstrates of the Afro-European creoles and
colonial varieties treated here are tone languages.
Pitch is nevertheless employed in both stress-only and tone
systems for the non-lexical purposes of intonation, that is, for
marking phrase boundaries and expressing pragmatic functions
like emphasis, focus, and asking questions (e.g., Downing
and Rialland, 2016). However, stress-only systems use pitch
distinctively only in these phrasal ways.
A concept that is equally important for the ensuing
discussion is Van Coetsem’s psycholinguistic metaphor of
‘agentivity’ (1988, 2000). The language with agentivity provides
features to the contact language or variety. In the case of
recipient language agentivity, features from a non-native
source language are transferred to the speaker’s dominant
or native recipient language by borrowing. Source language
agentivity represents the opposite case. The speaker uses
a non-native recipient language, and features from her
dominant or native source language are transferred to the
recipient language by imposition (termed ‘interference’ in
earlier work, see Weinreich, 1953; Thomason and Kaufman,
1988). Source language agentivity therefore manifests itself
as substratal (in cases of shift from the source language to
the recipient language) or adstratal (in cases of maintenance
of the source and recipient languages) areal influence on the
recipient language.
The Afro-European contact scenarios treated here all
constitute cases of source language agentivity. The importance
of this cannot be stressed enough. All sources that claim tone
loss and reduction in language contact and creolization fail to
make the distinction between the two transfer types of recipient
language and source language agentivity. They therefore fail to
identify the directionality of change in contact prosodic systems,
thereby jumping to the logically flawed conclusion that stress
trumps tone (section 5).
The paper is organized as follows. I first present an analysis
of the contact prosodic systems of Pichi and Guyanese Creole
proportion and social stratification of speakers of tone and stressonly languages) (Bordal Steien and Yakpo, 2020; Yakpo, 2020).
Further, there is an east-west, tone-stress continuum from
Africa to the Americas. Contact prosodic systems in African
ecologies and in isolated ecologies of the Americas (e.g., in
the Amazonian region of Suriname) feature tone systems. In
this, they reflect the prosodic proclivities of their adstrates
(African languages presently spoken by the multilingual speakers
of the creoles) and substrates (African languages once spoken
alongside the creoles). The prosodic systems of most creoles
and colonial varieties spoken in the Americas have, in turn,
converged toward the stress-only systems of their European
lexifiers (lexicon-providing languages) and superstrates (socially
dominant languages, whether lexifier or not) but still maintain
marginal tonal features (for detailed creolist definitions of
adstrate, substrate, lexifier, and superstrate, see Yakpo, 2017a,b,
53, 227–229).
Afro-European creoles and colonial varieties therefore
constitute no exception to the world-wide tendency
of prosodic systems to cluster areally (Matisoff, 2001;
Gussenhoven, 2004, 42–45; Clements and Rialland, 2007,
74). So far, creoles and colonial varieties have not featured
in studies on the areal clustering of prosodic systems (e.g.,
Maddieson, 2013). This study therefore aims to contribute
to a broader perspective on prosodic contact beyond
the narrow confines of creole linguistics. The results of
this study also complement and support the stratal-areal
contact model proposed in earlier work (Yakpo, 2017a),
which explains long-term contact outcomes in creoles
spoken in the multilingual linguistic ecologies of Africa
and the Americas.
Arguments that creole grammars and prosodic systems are
simpler than those of non-creoles are based on the concept of
‘bit complexity’ (DeGraff, 2001, 284–285), which comes down to
a simplistic measure of ‘more overt material = more complex’.
Even from the perspective of bit complexity, creole tone systems
are more complex than those of the colonial varieties of English,
French, Spanish, and Portuguese (section 3.1 and section 4).
This is due to social factors that impede the same amount of
innovation and areal diffusion of tonal features to the colonial
varieties as to the creoles (section 6).
I identify three cognitive-typological mechanisms that
drive the creation of contact prosodic systems in the
encounter of tonal substrates and adstrates, and lexifiers
and superstrates that make use of stress. These are stressto-tone mapping, paradigmatization, and idiosyncratization.
Neither the mechanisms themselves, nor their outcomes involve
simplification. Instead, contact prosodic systems acquire their
properties from ‘typological matching’ (Mufwene, 1996, 2001;
Aboh and Ansaldo, 2007) between the features of the input
languages in a specific linguistic ecology. Crucially, the acoustic
and phonological realization of tone in the adstrates and
substrates is matched with, and where compatible, grafted on the
corresponding realization of stress in the lexifier.
A few additional definitions are in order before proceeding.
In languages with stress, words or phrases are associated
with metrical structure that is determined with respect to
the position of a stressed syllable meeting two criteria. The
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October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
over a disyllabic word (14%), e.g., grèví ‘gravy’. More diverse
patterns without the restriction of obligatory and cumulative
/H/ are present in a few English-sourced words, e.g., ápás /HH/ ‘after’ (<Eng. half past), and African-sourced words, e.g.,
ny´ní /H-H/ ‘ant’ (<Mende y´ní), òkóbó /L-H-H/ ‘impotent
man’ (<Yoruba òkóbó). A further pattern consists of an /L/
tone in English-sourced monosyllables whose etymons normally
remain unstressed, e.g., bìn /L/ ‘past tense marker’ (<been), dì /L/
‘definite article’ (<the), or African-sourced monosyllables with
the same specification for /L/ tone, e.g., nà /L/ ‘general locative
preposition’ (<Igbo nà ‘general locative preposition’; also found
as a reflex of Proto-Niger-Congo ∗ na in hundreds of African
substrate and adstrate languages).
Ideophones and interjections of African or unknown origin
feature more diverse word-tone patterns, often due to lexicalized
duplication and triplication, e.g., ékìé /H-L-H/ ‘expression of
counter-expectation’, k´ngk´ngk´ng /H-H-H/ ‘requesting entry’,
ményéményé /H-H-H-H/ ‘whine in a childlike fashion’, gbògbògbò
/L-L-L/ ‘hastily’, kàmúkàmú /L-H-L-H/ ‘sight of buttocks moving’,
and súkútúpàmpà /H-H-H-L-L/ ‘in a cheap and mean fashion’.
Some monosyllabic roots are distinguished from each other
by tone alone, see Table 1. In conformity with a general pattern,
function words tend to be L-toned, while the corresponding
content words are mostly H-toned.
Pichi also has a few disyllabic minimal pairs, see (1) in Table 2.
We also find the maximal number of possible tone patterns over
disyllabic words, see (2). A phrasal tonal minimal pair is given
in (3), where òpìn-yày ‘open-eye(s) = cultivated’ has undergone
the tonal derivation of compounding (see section 2.1.2).
Abbreviations and glossing conventions are listed and explained
at the end of this article.
which occupy different spaces on the continuum of contact
outcomes between African tone systems and European stressonly systems (section 2). I then provide evidence for an areal
distribution of the prosodic systems of Afro-European creoles
and colonial varieties along an east to west, Africa to the Americas
axis (section 3). This distribution roughly corresponds to the
presence of tone in Africa and stress in the Americas, with
transitional prosodic systems in the Caribbean, the areal buffer
zone between the two. I then identify three concrete mechanisms
with potential for generalization, which were involved in the
emergence of contact prosodic systems with tone (section 4).
Finally, I compare features of tonal Afro-European creoles, which
have been claimed to constitute simplification, with those of tonal
non-creole languages in Africa (section 5). I show that there
is no evidence for simplification in the tone systems of AfroEuropean creoles. The study is concluded with some general
remarks on the role of social factors in the differential outcomes
of prosodic contact (section 6).
Two case studies follow of the prosodic systems of the Englishlexifier creoles Pichi (Equatorial Guinea) (section 2.1) and
Guyanese Creole (Guyana) (section 2.2). The two languages
belong to the linguistic family of Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier
Creoles with shared ancestry in a (number of) 17th century
protolanguage(s) in the Caribbean and West Africa (Hancock,
1986, 1987; Smith, 1987). Pichi and Guyanese Creole occupy
different sections of an areal continuum of contact prosodic
systems across the Afro-Atlantic (see section 3). Pichi has a
tone system and Guyanese Creole has a mixed system featuring
tone and stress.
2.1.2. Tonal Processes and Grammatical Tone
Pichi tonal processes are operative within prosodic domains of
various sizes (see Yakpo, 2019a, 46–57 for details and pitch
2.1. A Creole With Tone: Pichi
The English-lexifier creole Pichi is spoken on the island of
Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. A detailed description of the tone
system of Pichi including acoustic evidence is provided by
Yakpo (2019a, 37–60). The following sections summarize relevant
aspects of the system.
TABLE 1 | Monosyllabic tonal minimal pairs in Pichi.
L tone
‘hit with the head’
‘day; there’
Pichi has an ‘equipollent’ (Hyman, 2011a) 2-tone system with
a High (H) and a Low (L) tone. This means that /H/ and /L/
are both lexically specified and phonologically activated, and
subjected to tonal rules and processes (see section 2.1.2). There
is no acoustic evidence for stress.
The Pichi prosodic lexicon is etymologically layered due to
the mechanism of stress-to-tone mapping that converted English
stress to tone (section 4.1). Most English-sourced words, which
constitute the majority of the lexicon, feature an obligatory (at
least one) and cumulative (at most one) H tone. The most
frequent patterns are an /H/ over a monosyllabic word (54% of
my corpus) e.g., áks ‘ask’, an /H-L/ sequence over a disyllabic
word (23%), e.g., húmàn ‘woman’, and an /L-H/ sequence
2.1.1. Tones, Tone Patterns, and Minimal Pairs
‘(to) like’
‘like this; sew; show’
TABLE 2 | Multisyllabic tonal minimal pairs in Pichi.
kàtá /L-H/
kátà /H-L/
pàpá /L-H/
fíbà /H-L/
pápà /H-L/
ny ´ ní /H-H/
wàtá /L-H/
bàtà /L-L/
ópìn yáy /H-L H/
‘open (an) eye’
òpìn-yáy /L-L-H/
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H tone
October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
and gr´n /H/ ‘ground’ → bὲrìn-gr´n /L-L-H/ ‘burial ground’ (also
see Yakpo, 2012).
Thirdly, Pichi features a tone-conditioned suppletive
allomorphy, a cross-linguistically rare or at least underreported
phenomenon (Paster, 2006). Pichi has two pronominal variants
that both instantiate (direct and indirect) object case. The
variants are the clitic object pronoun =àm ‘3SG.OBJ’ and
the phonologically independent and emphatic pronoun ín
‘3SG.EMP’. The clitic =àm ‘3SG.OBJ’ is the default form used in all
licit contexts. Hence =àm is the only possible option if the host
verb features a word-final consonant (2) or word-final H-toned
vowel (3).
Examples (4) and (5) featuring the independent pronoun ín
‘3SG.EMP’ are therefore ungrammatical:
∗ È
‘S/he will marry him/her’.
∗ È
d ń
‘S/he has thrown it away’.
The use of the allomorph =àm is, however, also ungrammatical
if the host features a word-final L-toned vowel (6). Pichi
tonotactics disallow string-adjacent identical tones in the same
phonological word, hence in this case ∗ V̀V̀ >> V̀CV̀, V́V̀ (stringadjacent H tones are also banned but this is not relevant here).
The corresponding examples are ∗ (6) >> (2), (3) (for additional
layers of rules, see Yakpo, 2019b, 206–212). The restriction is
therefore a manifestation of the Obligatory Contour Principle
(OCP) (Leben, 1973). In order to avoid a breach of the OCP, the
independent and emphatic pronoun ín is recruited when the verb
features a word-final L-toned vowel (7).
∗ Y ù
f ı́bà=àm
‘You resemble him/her a lot’.
Y ù
f ı́bà
resemble 3SG.EMP
‘You resemble him/her a lot’.
TABLE 3 | Suprafixation with personal pronouns in Pichi.
Subject and possessive case
L tone
Object case and emphasis
H tone
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The use of grammatical tone also characterizes tonal
derivation in compounding and morphological reduplication.
The H tone of the dependent is replaced by an L tone, while
the head retains its original tone pattern; compare wách /H/
(to) ‘watch’ and mán /H/ ‘man’ → wàch-mán /L-H/ ‘watchman’,
or wàch-wách /L-H/ ‘to continuously/repeatedly watch’. An
example involving a disyllabic dependent is bέrìn /H-L/ ‘bury’
Category expressed
w`t á
‘I can take the water (and) pour it away’.
‘He hasn’ t yet given me my money’.
S/he’ ll marry him/her
traces of examples provided in this section). Processes include
tonal plateauing when the L-toned syllable of a disyllabic verb
with an H-L pattern is hemmed in by the left-adjacent H and
a right-adjacent H of a following object, as in pr´mìs mí /HL H/ → pr´mís mí [H-H H] ‘promise me’. Pichi also features
downdrift (indicated by ↓H), which causes an H to be lowered
by a preceding L tone, as in yέstàdé [H-L-↓H] ‘yesterday’. In
a series of adjacent H tones, we find downstep (also indicated
by ↓H): Each H tone is lowered successively in relation to the
preceding one, as in wákà sén sén sén [H ↓H ↓H] ‘walk same
same same = walk exactly in one line’. Pichi also features pitch or
register raising for focal emphasis when all H tones of a focused
constituent are raised a notch higher (also see 2.2.3, 3.1, and 4.3).
There are also instances of grammatical tone, i.e., processes
restricted to the context of a specific morpheme or construction
(Rolle, 2018). Tone floating and contour tone formation take
place when the H-toned subjunctive marker (a complementizer)
mék /H/ ‘SBJV’ occurs left-adjacent to the monosyllabic personal
pronouns à /L/ ‘1SG.SBJ’ and è /L/ ‘3SG.SBJ’. The final consonant
of mék is generally not pronounced and this leads to a vowel
hiatus and to further deletion of the vowel of mék. In the process,
the H tone of mék is floated and linked to the L-toned syllable of
the personal pronouns à and è, i.e., mâ /HL/ ‘SBJV.1SG.SBJ’ and
mê /HL/ ‘SBJV.3SG.SBJ’. The resulting portmanteau morphemes
and contour tone are so common (the two words/tones are
almost always merged), that the contour tone may be seen to
be phonologized, i.e. má /H/ ‘mother, madam’ vs. mâ /HL/
The inflectional expression of the grammatical relations of
subject, object, and possessive case involves the use of tonal
suprafixation with personal pronouns (see Yakpo, 2019a, 128), see
Table 3.
An example of case assignment in 1SG pronouns (object vs.
possessive case) via tonal ablaut is given in (1). Note that in cases
of clash between subject case and emphasis, the latter series of
pronouns wins out, e.g., mí nó sàbí ‘I [EMP] don’t know’ vs. à nó
sàbí ‘I don’t know’.
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
2.2. A Creole With Stress and Tone:
Guyanese Creole
2.2.2. Tonal Processes and Grammatical Tone
Guyanese Creole does not seem to have a similarly broad use
of grammatical tone as Pichi. Compounding and reduplication
nevertheless show parallels with Pichi (Devonish and Thompson,
2010, 13–57). Like in Pichi, the formation of compounds (1) and
reduplications (2) (Table 4) involves tonal derivation: The lexical
HL tone is deleted in the non-final component (the dependent),
while the final component (the head) retains its lexical HL
tone (Devonish and Thompson, 2010, 11). Note that in long
vowels the contour is spread out across both moras hence láàng
The following description of the prosodic system of Guyanese
Creole examines aspects of the analyses by Devonish (1989, 2002;
and pers. comm.) and Devonish and Thompson (2010). My
interpretation of the data is that Guyanese Creole has a mixed
prosodic system featuring both lexical tone and stress (section
2.2.1 and section 2.2.2). Guyanese Creole additionally features
residual tone in ideophones (section 2.2.1 and section 3.2).
2.2.1. Stress, Tone, Prosodic Patterns, and Minimal
TABLE 4 | Tonal derivation of compounds and reduplications in Guyanese Creole.
Guyanese Creole makes use of tone and stress. The most reliable
indicator of stress in Guyanese Creole is a quantity contrast:
Stressed syllables are generally longer than unstressed ones.
Stress appears to be assigned lexically, but the nature of stress
placement is not elucidated fully in the sources. I therefore focus
on the pitch-related aspects of the prosodic system. Devonish and
Thompson (2010, 9) refer to Guyanese Creole as a ‘restricted’
tone language. I assume that the language has a privative contrast
between /HL/ and Ø (i.e., zero or toneless) in the majority lexicon.
Hyman (2011a, 191) employs the term ‘privative’ to characterize
a binary contrast (/HL, Ø/ in the case of Guyanese Creole), in
which only one tone (i.e., /HL/) is phonologically active, i.e.,
‘invoked by the language’s constraints or rules’. The pitch traces
contained in Devonish (2002) also indicate interpolation (gradual
transitions between pitch peaks). Further, the presence of the
HL contour is obligatory and culminative in lexical words, and
there are positional restrictions on its occurrence. Tone systems
like that of Guyanese Creole are also called ‘sparse’, a term
I will use from now on (Gussenhoven, 2004, 34–35; Hyman,
2011b, 235).
The HL lexical tone is assigned independently of stress and
may or may not coincide with the stressed syllable. There are
various types of output prosodic patterns. One group consists of
toneless (Ø) monosyllabic clitics that are realized as [L]. These
form tonal minimal pairs in their output forms with other,
segmentally identical words, specified for H(L) (the L of the
contour is not realized in these monosyllables), e.g., gó [H] ‘go’
vs. gò [L] ‘FUT’, and bín [H] ‘to have been in a location’ vs. bìn [L]
‘PST’. Note the prosodic parallelism between the minimal pair gò
vs. gó in Table 1 (Pichi).
Guyanese Creole also has disyllabic tonal minimal pairs.
Two examples follow (stressed syllable in bold, HL lexical
tone indicated by a rising-falling circumflex): (1) pakît /Ø-HL/
‘packet’ → [H-H] vs. (2) pâkit /HL-Ø/ ‘pocket’ → [HL-H]
and (1) flowâ /Ø-HL/ ‘flour’ → [H-H] vs. (2) flôwa /HL-Ø/
‘flower’ → [HL-H]. For want of space, I shall not delve into
the complex rules formulated by Devonish (2002, 86–95) as well
as Devonish and Thompson (2010, 10–11) to account for the
divergent realization of these word-tone patterns in phonological
brackets to the right of the arrow. What is relevant is that
the output tone patterns after the arrow show a pitch contrast
between forms (1) and (2). Note that both sets of minimal
pairs feature stress on the penultimate syllable, showing that the
assignment of tone is independent of the assignment of stress.
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Component 1
Component 2
Compound/ Reduplication
shâp /HL/ ‘shop’
frônt /HL/ ‘front’
shap-frônt /Ø-HL/ ‘shop front’
blâk /HL/ ‘black’
pê.pa /HL/ ‘pepper’
blak-pê.pa /Ø-HL.Ø/ ‘black
láàng /HL/ ‘long’
láàng /HL/ ‘long’
laang-láàng /Ø-HL/ ‘long here
and there’
The prosodic pattern of Guyanese Creole (and Pichi)
compounds and reduplications is therefore the opposite of that
found in British English, where the first component receives stress
and the second is deaccentuated, i.e., shop-front. I have provided
evidence elsewhere that the prosodic features of compounding
found in Guyanese Creole, Pichi, and other Afro-Caribbean
English-lexifier Creoles conform to an areal pattern found across
West Africa (Yakpo, 2012).
2.2.3. Residual Tone
Guyanese Creole also features ‘residual tone’. The term goes back
to Berry (1972) and has been employed by some to characterize
the occurrence of lexical, phrasal, or grammatical tone in specific
semantic fields, and grammatical and pragmatic functions in
Afro-European creoles otherwise characterized by stress systems
(e.g., Todd, 1980; Granda, 1986; Smith and Adamson, 2006).
In Guyanese Creole, residual tone is found in the formation of
ideophones. The features of residual tone differ from those of the
tone system described in section 2.2.1–2.2.2 in the following way:
(1) There are two distinct tone heights, which differ from the HL
contour described above, suggesting an /H, L/ or /H, Ø/ contrast;
(2) There is no evidence for a quantity contrast (i.e., stress) in the
ideophones covered here.
Ideophones depict sensory imagery pertaining to sensations
like motion, visual appearance, texture, and feelings
(Dingemanse, 2018). They also tend to be structurally marked
cross-linguistically, for example through the presence of
phonemes that are rare in other word classes of the same
language, or the presence of lexical tone in a prosodic system
otherwise characterized by stress, as in Guyanese Creole
(All examples in this section are from Hubert Devonish,
pers. comm. Tones in ideophones are marked). Example
(8) contains the ideophone pím.pím /H.H/ ‘remained quiet,
did not respond verbally when a response might have been
October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
expected’, with two successive H tones. Example (9) features the
ideophone kìtàkàtà /L-L-L-L/ ‘hectically’, which bears L tones
throughout. The ideophone brámbrámbrám /H-H-H/ ‘with a
rumbling noise’ (10) features three successive H tones. All three
ideophones consist of (lexicalized) duplications or triplications, a
common feature in African creoles and non-creoles (see section
‘I told him he was lying
and my reproach was met with
kı̀t àkàt à.
The analyses in section 2 have shown the existence of tone
and stress systems in the same linguistic family, as well as
mixing between the two prosodic types. I will now argue that
Afro-European creoles and colonial varieties show an areal
distribution across the Atlantic basin (section 3.4), which is
roughly coterminous with the presence of tone in the east
(section 3.1) and stress in the west (section 3.3). Transitional
systems combining features of tone and stress are found in
the areal buffer zone of the Caribbean (section 3.2). When the
social and linguistic composition of an ecology changes, contact
languages and varieties can shift from tone to stress systems and
vice versa (section 3.5).
3.1. African Creoles and Colonial
Varieties, and American Maroon Creoles
Have Tone Systems
‘She is running through the house hectically’.
(10) Ii
Tone systems typify all creoles and European colonial varieties
(the varieties of English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese)
spoken in the tonal ecologies of Africa for which detailed
phonological data is available. Tone is one of the most
conspicuous typological features across Africa (Maddieson,
2005). Tone was therefore naturally imposed on the prosodic
systems of creoles and colonial varieties spoken in Africa.
Tone systems are also found in isolated Maroon creoles of
the Americas, which probably retained tone systems from
earlier times (Rivera Castillo and Faraclas, 2006 provide a first
typological comparison of African and Maroon creole systems
with African non-creole systems).
All African English-lexifier creoles have been described as
tonal. Krio (e.g., Berry, 1970; Hancock, 1971; Nylander, 1984;
Finney, 2004), Pichi (Yakpo, 2019a), and Nigerian Pidgin
(Faraclas, 1996) have been analyzed in detail, showing the
presence of equipollent 2-tone systems with fully specified
H and L tones, fixed word-tone patterns and tonal minimal
pairs. Most English-derived words have a culminative and
obligatory H. Polysyllabic lexemes with more than one H
or no H at all are fewer and are mostly found in words
with an African etymology. All African English-lexifier creoles
make use of grammatical tone. We find identical or similar
instantiations of grammatical tone like tone deletion and
replacement during compounding and reduplication in Pichi
(section 2.1.2), Nigerian Pidgin (Faraclas, 1996, 251–252),
Krio (Finney, 1993), Cameroon Pidgin (Nkengasong, 2016,
36–37), and Ghanaian Pidgin (Huber, 2003). Case functions
in personal pronouns are expressed by tonal contrasts (e.g.,
Nigerian Pidgin, Faraclas, 1991). For the better studied
languages Nigerian Pidgin and Pichi, word-level and phraselevel processes have been described including downstep, tonespreading, deletion, polarization (the OCP-triggered assignment
of an opposite, polar tone, to an adjacent morpheme/syllable),
and pitch or register raising. Preliminary analyses of my
field data suggest that most of the lexical, grammatical, and
phrasal functions of tone identified for the other African
‘He hit down the door with a rumbling noise’.
Residual tone possibly also occurs in some degree-modifying
adverbs, where an extra-high tone expresses focal emphasis
together with the adverb. The multifunctional word sotil is a
clause introducer with the meaning ‘until’ in time clauses like
(11). When the clause introducer occurs at the end of a clause
in an ‘unfinished utterance’, as in (12), it expresses emphasis
and meanings like ‘a lot’ or ‘excessively’. In the latter instance,
sótíl always bears extra-high pitch on both syllables. The African
English-lexifier creoles feature both uses of the corresponding
form (só)té(é) as well, including the use of extra-high tone and
final-vowel lengthening (see section 4.2) (for an example sentence
in Pichi, see Yakpo, 2019a, 277). The phenomenon has also been
described for Sranan and African creoles under the term ‘register
raising’ (Smith and Adamson, 2006; see section 3.3 and section
3.4). Only an acoustic analysis can eventually clarify whether the
extra-high tone in a context like (12) instantiates lexical tone or a
purely intonational use of pitch.
(11) Ii
‘She beat the egg until it spoiled’.
(12) Ii
‘She beat the egg repeatedly and excessively’.
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
prolonged absence or marginalization of African tone languages
in the ecology, just like most creoles of the Caribbean. The
presence of residual tone in Cape Verdean has indeed been
suggested by Macedo (1979, 132–134), though not corroborated
by acoustic analyses.
Crucial support for the areal distribution of prosodic systems
across the Afro-American Atlantic comes from the presence of
tone systems in African varieties of English, French, Spanish, and
Portuguese, i.e., of the very lexifiers of the creoles. West African
varieties of European colonial languages like Nigerian English
(Gussenhoven and Udofot, 2010) and Ghanaian English (CriperFriedman, 1990) have been analyzed as privative systems with a
two-way /H, Ø/ contrast and fixed word-tone patterns. In both
varieties, English-sourced content words feature a culminative
and obligatory H. The syllable with primary stress in the British
English cognate receives an H, as in member /H-Ø/ → [HL]. Monosyllabic function words that are unstressed in British
English are toneless and L-toned in the output, e.g., of /Ø/ → [L],
a /Ø/ → [L], and he /Ø/ → [L]. Nigerian and Ghanaian English
both also feature rightward H tone spreading in utterance-medial
positions (e.g., member /H-Ø/ → [H-H]), as well as downdrift.
Central African French and Equatorial Guinean Spanish
have been analyzed as equipollent /H, L/ systems with fully
specified tone and no stress (Bordal Steien and Yakpo, 2020).
In Central African French, an /H/ is realized on the final
syllable of every content word, thus replicating the most frequent
position of phrasal stress at the word level in European French.
Other syllables receive an /L/. Central African French has two
fixed word-tone patterns, namely /L/ and /(L)H/, e.g., ce /H/
‘this’, le /L/, sentir /L-H/ ‘feel’). Equatorial Guinean Spanish,
in turn, has four word-tone patterns, namely /L(-L)/, /(L-)H/,
/(L-)H-L/, and /(L-)H-L-L/, e.g., desde /L-L/ ‘since’, yó /H/
‘1SG.SBJ’, porqué /L-H/ ‘why?’, clase /H-L/ ‘class’, película /L-H-LL/ ‘film’.
Central African French and Equatorial Guinean Spanish both
have tonally distinguished minimal pairs in the category of
function words, e.g., Equatorial Guinean Spanish tú /H/ ‘2SG.SBJ’,
tu /L/ ‘2SG.POSS’. The tone of Central African French personal
pronouns is not only lexically specified but also unpredictable
on the basis of French stress, e.g., ils /H/ ‘3PL.SBJ.M’ vs. il
/L/ ‘3SG.SBJ.M’. Equatorial Guinean Spanish also has H tone
spreading and downdrift, e.g., jóvenes /H-L-L/ ‘youths’ → [HH-H]. Tone systems apparently also characterize other African
Romance varieties, among them the French varieties of Côte
d’Ivoire (Boutin and Turscan, 2009) and Mali (Bordal and
Skattum, 2014). The data on African varieties of Portuguese is
not conclusive (e.g., Santos, 2019 for Angolan Portuguese). But it
would be unusual if these varieties had stress-only systems, since
most of them are spoken in tonal ecologies.
Besides the creoles and colonial varieties spoken in Africa, the
Maroon creoles of the Americas for which we have conclusive
data feature tone systems. Maroon creole languages are spoken
by the descendants of Africans who liberated themselves from
European enslavement and established independent polities in
areas that remained geographically secluded until the 20th
century. Maroon creoles therefore also remained relatively
isolated from (non-tonal) European superstrates and creoles until
quite recently (e.g., non-tonal Dutch and Sranan in Suriname).
English-lexifier creoles are also found in Ghanaian Pidgin and
Cameroon Pidgin.
Tone systems are also found in the insular Gulf of Guinea
Portuguese-lexifier Creoles Forro (Maurer, 2008) and Angolar
(Maurer, 1995), spoken in São Tomé, Lung’le (Agostinho and
Hyman, 2021), spoken in Príncipe, and Fa d’Ambô, spoken
in Annobón. Fa d’Ambô and Lung’Ie have been analyzed as
languages with a privative /H, Ø/ contrast, based on the stress
contrast of Portuguese. The value Ø is generally realized as [L]. In
Fa d’Ambô, for example, we find stress-to-tone mapping between
lexifier and creole forms such as the following (H-toned and
stressed syllable in bold here and thereafter): fala /Ø-H/ ‘say’,
from Port. falar ‘say’, and mosa /H-Ø/ ‘woman’, from Port. moça
‘girl’ (Zamora, 2010).
The analysis of Lung’Ie, in turn, shows a privative /H, Ø/
contrast between the three word-tone patterns /H/, /Ø-H/,
and /H-Ø/. The prosodic lexicon is etymologically stratified.
Portuguese-sourced nouns have a culminative H tone, e.g., páta
/H-Ø/ ‘duck’ from Port. pata. African-sourced words are, by
contrast, toneless, and bear L output tones, e.g., ugbododo /ØØ-Ø-Ø/ → [L-L-L-L] ‘precipice’. Agostinho and Hyman (2021,
88) explain the somewhat unexpected feature of the latter stratum
by the resolution of the prosodic clash between the minority
African lexicon (with non-culminative, non-obligatory H) and
the Portuguese-sourced majority lexicon (with culminative H
tone due to stress-to-tone mapping). Moreover, Lung’Ie has not
been in much contact with tonal African adstrates for several
centuries because of Príncipe’s geographical isolation as an island.
Idiosyncratic outcomes and innovations are to be expected
during prosodic mixing due to differing social histories, and
should not be seen as unique to creoles (see also Good, 2009).
There is no evidence for stress in Lung’Ie (Agostinho and Hyman,
2021, 81–86) and due to the absence of similarly detailed acoustic
analyses, it is difficult to substantiate claims that Forro and Fa
d’Ambô employ stress in addition to tone (e.g., Traill and Ferraz,
1981; Zamora, 2010).
By contrast, the family of Upper Guinea Portuguese-lexifier
creoles of Cape Verde (Kabuverdianu) (Swolkien, 2015), GuineaBissau (Kriyol) (Chapouto, 2014), and Senegal (also called
Kriyol by its speakers) (Biagui, 2012) have all been analyzed
as languages with stress, not tone. Lang (2009) and Jacobs
(2010) provide convincing lexical and structural evidence for a
founder role of non-tonal Wolof (Atlantic) at a crucial period in
the development of Upper Guinea Creole in the 15th century.
Other Atlantic languages that were probably represented in the
creole founder population (e.g., Fula, Seereer, and Joola) and are
still spoken alongside the creole in Guinea Bissau and Senegal
also have stress-only systems. This aligns the Upper Guinea
creoles prosodically with other non-tonal languages spoken in
adjoining parts of West Africa. Further, non-tonal Portuguese
has been spoken alongside these creoles by the descendants of
founder populations for several centuries (Jacobs, 2010, 302–
307), hence much longer than other European languages in
Africa. Nevertheless, there is equally strong linguistic evidence
for an input of the tone languages Manding (Mande) and Temne
(Atlantic) into Proto-Upper Guinea Creole (Quint and Tavares,
2019). Alternatively, the Upper Guinea Creoles could therefore
also have completed a shift from tone to stress due to the
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
The use of lexical tone in addition to stress has also
been posited for Tobagonian in the distinction between the
grammatical and pragmatic functions of personal pronouns
(James, 2003), e.g., dèm /L/ ‘3PL’ vs. dém /H/ ‘3PL.EMP’ (for
parallels with Krio/Pichi, see section 4.2). In the absence of
acoustic evidence that such uses of pitch in Tobagonian are
indeed tonal, and not concomitants of stress and intonation, this
is, however, difficult to verify.
Haitian Creole differs from its lexifier European French
in that individual words all bear lexical stress on the final
syllable (Cadely, 1994; for acoustic evidence, see Kalkhoff,
2018). In Haitian, the prosodic constituent is therefore not
the accentual phrase as in European French, but the prosodic
word, which is also the domain of attribution of lexical tone.
In addition, the Haitian post-nominal determiner is stressed
and consistently high-pitched, e.g., mayi-a ‘maize-DET’. Kalkhoff
(2018) proposes that this is in emulation of the H tone of
the corresponding post-nominal determiner in Gbe, Haitian’s
main substrate cluster (Kalkhoff, 2018), i.e., blı̌-á ‘maize-DET ’
(own knowledge). Further, in some basilectal varieties of Haitian
(e.g., rural varieties that incorporate fewer features from the
French superstrate than urban varieties), word stress is apparently
replaced by word-final high pitch alone, thus mirroring the tone
systems of African varieties of French (Brousseau, 2003, 132;
see section 3.1). Sylvain (1936; cited in Gooden, 2003, 193)
mentions the existence of tonal minimal pairs in distinguishing
intensive from attenuative meanings in reduplications, e.g.,
píké-píké /H-H-H-H/ ‘very pricking’ vs. pìkè-pìkè /L-L-L-L/
‘slightly pricking’. There are thus indications that Haitian
has residual tone, and has merged aspects of the stress-only
system of its lexifier European French with the tone systems
of its African substrates, prompting Kalkhoff (2018) to call it
Besides Guyanese Creole (section 2.2), the Iberian-lexifier
creole Papiamentu (Netherlands Antilles) is prosodically fully
mixed in the sense that the acoustic properties of tone and
stress co-occur and are generalized across the entire lexicon
(Devonish, 1989, 60; Rivera-Castillo, 1998; Rivera-Castillo and
Pickering, 2004; Remijsen and Van Heuven, 2005). Papiamentu
has a tone system that combines lexical word stress with lexical
tone and numerous tonal processes, including downstep and
polarization. The vowels of stressed syllables are longer and
louder than unstressed ones, and unstressed syllables tend to be
more centralized (i.e., more schwa-like) than stressed ones. Some
analyses postulate an /H, L/ equipollent system with full lexical
specification of tones (Rivera-Castillo, 1998; Kouwenberg, 2004).
According to Remijsen and Van Heuven (2005), Papiamentu has
a privative /HL, Ø/ contrast. Syllables specified for Ø are realized
as lower than the H of the HL lexical tone or they carry an LH
intonational pitch accent that signals focus. Further, the lexical
HL tone can, but need not coincide with the stressed syllable.
The position of the lexical HL is also unpredictable in a large
number of words. In Joubert (1991), there are over two hundred
tone-stress minimal pairs, see ex. (1–3) below. Further, tone
distinguishes (1) disyllabic verbs from (2) disyllabic nominals
and is therefore also used for derivation (see Kouwenberg,
2004, 66–69 for more instances of grammatical tone). Examples
Saramaccan (traditionally spoken in the Amazonian interior of
Suriname) has a two-height contrast, fixed word-tone patterns,
and tonal minimal pairs (Good, 2009). Most Portuguese- and
English-sourced words feature a privative /H, Ø/ contrast. /H/
is borne by the syllable that bears stress in the lexifier; compare
wómì /H-Ø/ ‘man’ (<Port. homem ‘man’) and àkí /Ø-H/ ‘here’
(<Port. aqui ‘here’). African-sourced words are fully specified for
tone and feature an equipollent /H, L/ specification. In addition,
a phonologized extra-H tone /!H/ is found in mostly Africansourced ideophones (Good, 2006, 20), thus constituting a third
tone height (see 4.3). African words also have more diverse
patterns, e.g., lὲgὲdὲ /L-L-L/ ‘lie (noun)’ and tótómbòtí /H-HL-H/ ‘woodpecker’. There are also numerous tonal processes
in Saramaccan, including H tone spreading and raising, and
plateauing (Rountree, 1972; Good, 2004). Like in the African
English-lexifier creoles, personal pronouns are inflected by tonal
ablaut to express case functions, e.g., mì ‘1SG.SBJ/POSS’ vs. mí
‘1SG.OBJ/EMP’ (McWhorter and Good, 2012, 42).
The related Surinamese Maroon creole Ndyuka also has
a two-way height contrast including tonal minimal pairs,
e.g., tàkì /L-L/ ‘quotative complementizer’ vs. tákì /H-L/ ‘say’
(Huttar and Huttar, 1994, 5). Compounds are created via
the same tonal derivation as in the African English-lexifier
creoles, i.e., káw /H/ ‘chew’ and bón /H/ ‘bone’ → kàwbón /L-H/ ‘chewed-bone(s)’ (Huttar and Huttar, 1994, 373).
The analysis by Hualde and Schwegler (2008) of the prosodic
system of the Spanish-lexifier Maroon creole Palenquero spoken
in the town of Palenque de San Basilio (Colombia) also
indicates the presence of a tone system, when it is stated
that ‘accented’ syllables consistently carry high (contour) pitch’
(Hualde and Schwegler, 2008).
Instead of seeing the tone systems described in this section as
exceptional they should be understood as typical instantiations
of source language agentivity in ecologies dominated by tone
languages. Such tone systems develop through the three
mechanisms of stress-to-tone mapping, paradigmatization, and
idiosyncratization (see section 4).
3.2. Some American Varieties Combine
Stress With Tone
A second group of contact languages and varieties combines
stress with tone in various ways. The resulting mixed systems
include (sparse) tone systems of the type encountered in
Guyanese Creole and Papiamentu (see below for the latter), in
which tone and stress co-occur throughout the lexicon. Further,
they extend to systems with fully specified ‘residual tone’ (Berry,
1972) in specific semantic fields and in specialized functions in
prosodic systems otherwise characterized by stress alone, or both
stress and sparse tone (e.g., Guyanese Creole, section 2.2).
Sranan (Suriname), for example, makes use of stress alone
in the majority of its lexicon with characteristic effects like
lengthening of stressed syllables, shortening of unstressed ones
and consonant gemination, e.g., papa ‘father’ → [ppa], wowoyo
‘market’ → [wwoyo] (van der Hilst, 1988, 51–54). Sranan
ideophones, however, have fixed H or L tones, e.g., píí /H-H/
‘quietly’, pétépété /H-H-H-H/ ‘thoroughly’ vs. tjùbùm /L-L/ ‘with
a plopping sound’ (Smith and Adamson, 2006).
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
focal emphasis (for Guyanese Creole, Trinidadian English
Creole, and Bajan, see Sutcliffe, 2003; for Sranan, see Smith
and Adamson, 2006; for Pichi, see Yakpo, 2019a, 55–57).
A further, seemingly pan-Caribbean intonational feature
with parallels in the tonal substrates is an utterance-final
fall in wh-questions (Sutcliffe, 2003), which corresponds to
‘lax question intonation’, a Macro-Sudan areal feature of
Africa (Güldemann, 2018, 481). Lax intonation has also been
described for the Gulf of Guinea Portuguese-lexifier Creoles
(Agostinho et al., 2019).
Colonial varieties of English, French, Spanish, and
Portuguese spoken by African-descended majorities in the
Americas also show intonational features that differ in
often substantial ways from the colonial varieties spoken
by European-descended populations. Caribbean varieties
of English have a reputation for their ‘melodic intonation’,
an auditory impression that is, again, occasioned by
their greater degree of syllable-timing, un-English pitch
contours associated with stress, and a greater range of pitch
variation across stressed and unstressed syllables alike (see
Wells, 1982).
Speakers of European French also think that Caribbean French
has an ‘accent chantant’ because speakers of the latter place stress
on individual words, not accentual phrases, again like Haitian.
They also tend to stress the first syllable of multisyllabic words
in addition to the last, and may stress clitics and prepositions,
something that speakers of European French do not normally do
(Pustka, 2007).
In the same vein, authors have commented upon, though often
not described in detail, the peculiar prosodic characteristics of
rural varieties of Spanish and Portuguese spoken in countries
with large African-descended populations and by isolated
communities of African origin. Popular (vernacular) Brazilian
Portuguese, for example, has more utterance-internal pitch
accents than European Portuguese with a frequent alternation
between and H∗ and L∗ , and ‘tonal events not linked to stressed
syllables’ (Frota and Vigário, 2000, 11).
Rao and Sessarego (2016) provide a detailed acoustic and
phonological analysis of aspects of the prosody of Afro-Bolivian
Spanish. They mention, among other features not found in other
Bolivian Spanishes, an obligatory and fixed LH pitch contour or
H level pitch over stressed syllables. In European and Europeaninfluenced American varieties word-level pitch contours can,
by contrast, be significantly altered by intonation (see Hualde
and Prieto, 2015 for an overview). Butera et al. (2020) arrive at
a similar conclusion with respect to the Afro-Peruvian variety
of Spanish spoken in the province of Chincha, Peru. There is
cursory evidence for the existence of similar prosodic features in
other American Spanish varieties as well, which require further
substantiation (e.g., Choco Spanish and Congo, see Lipski, 2007).
The analyses of numerous American ‘stress-only’ varieties
remain somewhat inconclusive. It is well possible that many
feature residual tone or constitute mixed tone-stress systems as
well. Either way, many of their distinct prosodic characteristics
are very likely to result from the incorporation of pitch features of
the tonal substrate languages once spoken by the African creators
of these varieties.
follow (stressed syllable in bold, HL lexical tone indicated by a
rising-falling circumflex): (1) lorâ /Ø-HL/ ‘to turn’ (verb), (2) lorâ
/Ø-HL/ ‘turned’ (participle), (3) lôra /HL-Ø/ ‘parrot’.
Few Afro-European creoles have been studied as extensively
with regard to prosody as Papiamentu. It is therefore possible that
systems with stress and (sparse) tone as well as residual tone are
far more common in the Americas than meets the eye. Some of
the stress-only systems described in section 3.3 and others not
mentioned here could therefore turn out to be mixed as well.
3.3. Other American Varieties Combine
Stress With African Intonational Features
Many Afro-Caribbean creoles and American varieties of
European colonial languages spoken by African-descended
majorities feature stress-only systems without lexical and
morphological tone. But ‘suspicious’ features raise the possibility
of a tonal past and an areal switch from tonal or mixed to stressonly systems (see section 3.5 and 5.2 for further discussion).
Relevant prosodic features of some of these creoles and colonial
varieties are discussed in the following.
Gooden (2003) produces evidence that the English-lexifier
Creole Jamaican makes use of lexical stress, not lexical tone.
But the nature of pitch movements associated with wordlevel stress and intonational pitch accents is unlike that of
its lexifier British English (e.g., an H∗ L on stressed English
syllables vs. an H+L∗ on stressed syllables in Jamaican).
Equally, compounding involves morphological stress placement
on the rightmost morpheme like in Guyanese Creole (see
section 2.2.2), which is reminiscent of compounding in tonal
Pichi (see section 2.1.2), but unlike English, where the first
morpheme is stressed. Further, the prosodic rhythm of Jamaican
(Thomas and Carter, 2006) and Guyanese Creole (Devonish,
2002, 96–97) is syllable-timed. Syllable timing means that
the duration of each syllable is more or less equal, unless
there is some form of pragmatic marking. Syllable timing
gives Jamaican an auditory impression that prompted earlier
(English-speaking) observers to mistakenly classify Jamaican as
tonal (e.g., Lawton, 1963). The prosodic rhythm of the lexifier
British English is, by contrast, stress-timed. Phonetic effects
to achieve optimal prosodic rhythm in British English are the
lengthening of vowels in stressed syllables, the reduction of
vowels in unstressed syllables, e.g., police [plis], as well as
vowel laxing, e.g., sane [sein] vs. sanity [saniti] (Ciszewski,
1999, 30). Syllable timing, rather than stress-timing generally
appears to be a hallmark of African tone languages (Gut
et al., 2001) and is therefore very likely to be a tonal carryover (see Bloomquist et al., 2015, for a summary of similar
arguments with respect to Jamaican, Jamaican English, and
African American English).
Many Caribbean creoles, whether they have been analyzed
as tonal or not, also show pitch-related intonational features
found across tonal Africa. These include utterance-level
declination, which parallels downdrift and is widely attested
in tonal Africa (Yip, 2002, 262–263), as well as ‘register
raising’ (assignment of extra-high pitch to the entire
relevant constituent, not just the stressed syllable) for
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October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
3.4. The East to West, Africa to the
Americas, Tone to Stress Areal
Continuum of Prosodic Systems
contained in the sources cited there. The prosodic features tone,
residual tone, stress in the headers of the three central columns are
checked against the column captioned languages. The symbols
+ and – indicate the presence or absence of features. When
in parentheses (+), evidence for the feature is anecdotal in
the literature, i.e., not corroborated by acoustic evidence and
Table 5 presents the areal east-west, Africa-Americas, tonestress continuum of prosodic systems in the languages surveyed
in section 3.1–3.3. Their classification is based on information
TABLE 5 | The areal continuum of Afro-European contact prosodic systems.
Stress Description of prosodic features
Tonal substrate and adstrate languages of Africa
(1) Mainly 2T and 2T3; equipollent (e.g., /H, L/) and privative
(e.g., /H, Ø/)
(2) Lots of word-level and phrasal tonal processes, incl.
everything in Group 2
(3) Lots of grammatical tone, incl. everything in Group 2
(4) Lax question intonation (Macro-Sudan languages) and
rising intonation (e.g., some Bantu languages); syllable timing
African English-lexifier creoles (Krio, Pichi, Nigerian
Pidgin, Cameroon Pidgin, Ghanaian Pidgin)
(1) 2T and 2T3 systems; equipollent /H, L/, privative
/H, Ø/; /!H/ in pragmatically salient functions (degree words,
Gulf of Guinea Portuguese-lexifier creoles of Africa
(Forro, Angolar, Lung’Ie, Fa d’Ambô)
(2) Downstep; H-tone raising, spreading, deletion, floating;
OCP/polarization; pitch raising for emphasis
Colonial varieties of European languages spoken in
Africa (Nigerian English, Ghanaian English, Central
African French, Equatorial Guinean Spanish)
(3) Compounding and reduplication; tonal inflection of
personal pronouns; tone-conditioned allomorphy (Pichi);
portmanteau morphemes with contour tones (African
Maroon creoles of the Americas (Saramaccan,
Ndyuka, Palenquero)
(4) Lax question intonation next to rising question intonation;
syllable timing
Papiamentu, Guyanese Creole, and possibly other
Caribbean creoles
(1) 2T and stress; privative /H, Ø/; words with residual tone
possibly have equipollent /H, L/; /!H/ in pragmatically salient
functions (degree words, ideophones); contrastive stress
(2) Downstep; H-tone raising, spreading, deletion,
polarization (Papiamentu); pitch raising for emphasis
(3) Compounding and reduplication; derivation (Papiamentu)
(4) Lax question intonation next to rising question intonation;
syllable timing
Caribbean English-lexifier creoles (Sranan,
Tobagonian, and possibly others), Caribbean
French-lexifier creoles (Haitian, and possibly others)
(1) Contrastive word stress; no tone in the majority lexicon;
residual tone with privative /H, Ø/ or equipollent /H, L/ in
specific functions and fields (e.g. ideophones and
(2) Utterance-level and/or phrase-level pitch downtrends but
no tonal downstep; pitch raising for emphasis
(3) Possible grammatical (residual) tone in compounding and
(4) Lax question intonation next to rising question intonation;
syllable timing
Caribbean English-lexifier creoles (Jamaican,
Trinidad Creole English, Bajan, and others)
(1) Contrastive word stress; no tone in the majority lexicon;
no firm evidence for residual tone but likely in
Upper Guinea Portuguese-lexifier Creoles (Kriyol,
(2) Utterance-level and/or phrase-level pitch downtrend but
no tonal downstep; pitch raising for emphasis
Colonial varieties of European languages spoken
by African-descended populations and many
vernacular colonial varieties of the Americas
(Caribbean French and English, Popular Brazilian
Portuguese, Afro-Bolivian and Afro-Peruvian
Spanish, Choco Spanish, and possibly others)
(3) Morphological stress (e.g., stress shift in compounds and
reduplications); no grammatical tone
(4) Lax question intonation next to rising question intonation;
syllable timing
Stress-only lexifier and superstrate varieties of
Europe and colonial (standard) varieties of
European-descended populations of the Americas
(e.g., European French and English, Argentinian
Spanish, and others)
(1) Contrastive word-level and phrase level stress; no
(residual) tone
(2) Utterance-level and/or phrase-level pitch downtrend; no
tonal downstep
(3) Morphological stress; no grammatical tone
(4) Rising question intonation; stress-timing (English, Dutch)
and syllable-timing (Spanish, French)
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
think that Group 4 and 5 languages that evolved in ecologies
with overwhelming African-descended majorities, once had
full-blown tone systems like those of Group 2 (see section
3.1). Areal convergence with European stress-only lexifiers and
superstrates and other stress-only languages in the ecology (e.g.,
the Indic languages of the Caribbean, see below) would have then
led to the replacement of tone by stress systems and the retention
of sparse and residual tone in some varieties.
In languages spoken in ecologies with somewhat less of
a demographic dominance of African populations vis-à-vis
European populations, as well as the right social factors (e.g.,
a slightly more porous social stratification of Africans and
Europeans), stress and tone could have co-evolved right from the
start (e.g., Papiamentu as well as Spanish and Portuguese colonial
varieties of the Americas).
A switch from tone to stress has explicitly been claimed by
Barth (2016) for Sranan (Suriname). Barth argues on the basis
of historical phonology that Sranan once had a tone system like
its closest relatives, the Maroon creoles Ndyuka and Saramaccan,
and then lost tone through contact with Dutch. The survival
of African-style systems of lexical and grammatical tone in the
Maroon creoles makes it plausible that many other American
creoles and colonial varieties started out as tonal and later shifted
to stress-only prosodic systems (see Alleyne, 1980; Devonish,
1989). With the end of the European slave trade in the 19th
century, the proportion of L1 speakers of African tone languages
began to decline. Throughout the 20th century, socio-economic
change led to the partial erosion of racialized social stratification,
while formal education in the standardized European varieties
of colonial languages was expanded (Yakpo, 2015; also Hackert,
2019, 225).
In the wake of such social transformations, the American
ecologies came to be dominated by patterns of societal
multilingualism involving creoles and the stress-only superstrates
English, Spanish and Dutch. In several cases (Guyana, Suriname,
Trinidad), non-tonal Indic adstrates also played an important
role in the ecology. The influence of Bhojpuri, for instance,
has contributed to changes in the pitch associated with stressed
syllables in Trinidad Creole English (Gooden et al., 2009, 419–
420). It is possible that source-language agentivity in Bhojpuri
and other non-tonal languages of Trinidad besides English (e.g.,
Portuguese, see Ferreira, 2006) also contributed to the demise of
tone in Trinidad Creole English.
The opposite areal switch from stress to tone is, by contrast,
a possibility in the trajectory of Krio, the English-lexifier creole
of Sierra Leone. In one account, Krio is seen as an offshoot of
Western Maroon creole of Jamaica brought to Sierra Leone in
the late 18th century by African-descended returnees (Smith,
2017). Jamaican is a stress-only language today (see section 3.3)
and contemporary Krio is a tone language without stress (see
section 3.1). If Western Maroon creole had already acquired a
stress system in Jamaica by the time it arrived in Sierra Leone,
then Proto-Krio would have jettisoned stress for tone due to
adstratal influence from speakers of African tone languages.
Most prominent among these adstrates were Yoruba, Gbe,
Mende, Temne, and Manding (Hancock, 1971; for the historical
background, see Huber, 1999, 59–74).
detailed phonological analysis. The rightmost column provides
details of the three checked features, with numbers (1)–(4)
referring to the following characteristics discussed in section 2.1–
2.2 and section 3.1–3.3: (1) type of prosodic system and tonal
inventory, (2) phrase-level and utterance-level tonal or pitchrelated processes, (3) aspects of grammatical tone, (4) aspects of
intonation and prosodic rhythm. The languages column contains
linguistic groupings and individual varieties. These are, in turn,
grouped in the Group column in the following way:
The eastern pole (Group 1) at the top of Table 5 is
represented by the tonal substrates and adstrates of Africa.
The western pole (Group 6) at the bottom is represented
by the stress-only superstrates and lexifiers (English, French,
Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch) spoken in Europe and by largely
European-descended populations in the Americas. Group 2–5
prosodic systems emerged from contact between Group 1 (tone)
and Group 6 (stress) systems.
Table 5 shows a tone-stress cline from Group 1 to 6 languages
with a gradual decrease in tonal features and a concomitant
increase in stress-related features. Group 2 creoles and colonial
varieties are exclusively tonal (section 3.1). Group 3 features the
mixed systems of Papiamentu and Guyanese Creole (section 2.2
and 3.2) that combine stress and privative tone in all of their
lexicon, additionally feature residual tone and many but not
all of the tonal features of Group 2 languages detailed in the
rightmost column. Group 4 languages (section 3.2) feature stressonly systems in most of their lexicon but there is evidence for
residual tone in ideophones and some grammatical functions
(e.g., compounding and reduplication). Group 4 languages share
some pitch-related phrasal and intonational features reminiscent
of Group 1 and 2 tone languages (downtrend, pitch or register
raising, lax question intonation).
Group 5 languages have stress-only systems (section 3.3).
The evidence for residual tone is anecdotal, hence (+) in the
corresponding column. However, the evidence is more conclusive
that Group 5 languages have incorporated African intonational
features in which they overlap with Group 1–4 languages (e.g., lax
question intonation in some languages, pitch or register raising,
and syllable timing).
Groups 2–5 are idealized types and we should expect many
more variations, gradations, and idiosyncrasies than captured by
Table 5. It is also possible that future research reveals that many
languages now in Group 4 and 5 have more tonal features than
presently known.
3.5. Areal Switches Are Common in
Creole Prosodic Systems
In section 3.1–3.4, I argued for the existence of an areal
continuum of contact prosodic systems from Africa to the
Americas. Two diachronic scenarios are thinkable on the
basis of the demographic (African-descended majorities) and
linguistic (tone-dominant ecologies) evidence in relation to
the areal continuum summarized in section 3.4. One scenario
would suggest that Group 4 and 5 languages in Table 5 have
always featured stress-only systems but incorporated substratal
tonal features in their prosodic systems. However, I tend to
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
phonetic realizations of stress and tone (Bordal Steien and Yakpo,
2020, 23–26).
For one, high or rising pitch is a consistent correlate of stress
besides duration, loudness, and vowel quality in the European
lexifiers, e.g., in French (Jun and Fougeron, 2002), British English
(Morton and Jassem, 1965), and Spanish (Hualde and Prieto,
2015). Speakers of tone languages are perceptually also more
sensitive to pitch variations than to other acoustic cues of stress.
Speakers of Mandarin Chinese selectively perceive the higher
pitch of stressed syllables in English, rather than vowel length,
loudness, and vowel quality. This makes pitch the primary cue
for distinguishing stressed from unstressed syllables for native
Chinese speakers (Wang, 2008). In other words, the pitch contour
of a stressed syllable is reinterpreted as a tonal contour by tone
language speakers and other cues of stress are ignored.
As a result, the position of H in the creoles coincides with
primary stress placement in the cognate forms of the lexifier, e.g.,
Pichi, go → gó /H/, carpenter → kyápìntà /H-L-L/, enter →
/H-L/, forget →
/L-H/, understand → `ndàstán /L-L-H/. H
tone in Pichi is therefore culminative and obligatory in Englishsourced content words, just like primary stress placement is in
English. Low tones are found on all syllables that do not bear
stress in the corresponding English source word. Stress-to-tone
mapping is attested in all the Afro-European creoles and colonial
varieties covered in section 3.1 and other contact languages not
mentioned so far, e.g., in the African Arabic-lexifier creoles Juba
Arabic (Nakao, 2013) and Kinubi (Gussenhoven, 2006). Stressto-tone mapping also characterizes the prosodic systems of EuroAsian creoles and colonial varieties that arose from the encounter
of stress-only superstrates and tonal substrates and adstrates (for
an overview of several varieties, see Ng, 2011 and Lim, 2012; for a
detailed study of Hong Kong English, see Wee, 2016).
The commonness of switches between types of prosodic
systems is corroborated by evidence from regions other than the
Afro-Atlantic. The Tibeto-Burman family is presently split halfway between languages that employ tone and others that use
stress. Tonal Tibeto-Burman languages are found in a prosodic
linguistic area encompassing tonal Tai-Kadai, Hmong-Mien and
Chinese languages (Ratliff, 2015).
The reverse switch involving ‘tonoexodus’ (Matisoff, 1973) is
also attested. If Proto-Afro-Asiatic was tonal, as suggested by
some (see Wolff, 2018), then the tonal Cushitic and Omotic
subbranches of Afro-Asiatic retained tone during millennia of
contact with tonal Nilo-Saharan. The Proto-Semitic subbranch
of Afro-Asiatic therefore probably lost tone along the way. The
Cushitic languages Kemant and Khamtanga therefore appear
to have lost tone through contact with (Ethiopian) Semitic
(Appleyard, 1991, 10). In northern Norway (Jahr, 1984; Bull,
1995) and southern Finland (Bruce, 2004), the superstrates
Norwegian and Swedish, which employ both stress and tone
(Kristoffersen, 2000), underwent substratal and adstratal transfer
from the stress-only languages Sami and Finnish. The resulting
contact varieties of Norwegian and Swedish have lost tone and
feature stress-only systems.
There is therefore ample evidence that tonogenesis and
tonoexodus are cyclical and complementary processes rather
than one-way streets (see also Matisoff, 1973). There is no reason
to exclude creoles from these cross-linguistic tendencies (see
section 5.2 for further discussion).
4.2. Paradigmatization
The second mechanism in the creation of contact prosodic
systems is paradigmatization (Bordal Steien and Yakpo, 2020,
26–28). Paradigmatization occurs by default when stress patterns
of the non-tonal lexifier are mapped onto tone patterns in the
contact languages and varieties. In the case of lexicon sourced
from African tone languages, tone classes can be carried over
into the contact language without prior stress-to-tone mapping,
as in the case of Mende and Yoruba items in Krio described
further below. But there may be contact-induced adaptation
even with African-sourced tonal words, see e.g., 3.1, on Lung’Ie.
The resulting tone classes therefore largely mirror corresponding
stress and tone classes in the European and African input
languages, respectively (see section 2.1.1).
Besides the replication of prosodic structures from source
languages, paradigmatization may also regularize functional
paradigms. The pronominal system of all African Englishlexifier creoles is divided into two series. One series expresses
subject and possessive case and invariably bears an L tone, e.g.,
yù ‘2SG.SBJ/POSS’ (<you), wì ‘1PL.SBJ/POSS’ (<we) and dὲm
‘3PL.SBJ/POSS’ (<them). The other series assumes the syntactic
and pragmatic functions of object case and emphasis and is
exclusively H-toned, e.g., yú ‘2SG.OBJ/EMP’, wí ‘1PL.OBJ/EMP’,
and dέm ‘3PL.OBJ/EMP’ (e.g., you, we, and them). Hence,
In the preceding sections, I have argued that the distribution of
tone and stress is areal across the Afro-American Atlantic. Tone
predominates in the east (Africa), stress in the west (Americas),
and transitional systems cluster in the areal buffer zone of the
Caribbean. Given that the tonal creoles and colonial varieties all
have lexifiers with stress-only systems, it is useful to take a closer
look at the emergence of tone systems during the encounter of
non-tonal lexifiers and tonal substrates and adstrates.
Ratliff (2015, 258) cautions against broad explanations
for tonogenesis in language contact because they fail to
explain ‘exactly how tones were either transferred to—or
stimulated to develop in—previously atonal languages under
contact’. Bordal Steien and Yakpo (2020) propose three specific
cognitive-typological mechanisms in the genesis of contact
prosodic systems with tone, namely: (1) stress-to-tone mapping
(section 4.1), (2) paradigmatization (section 4.2), and (3)
idiosyncratization (section 4.3).
4.1. Stress-to-Tone Mapping
Through the mechanism of stress-to-tone mapping speakers of
tone languages create a tone system in the contact language
or variety by building on perceptual analogies between the
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
it is à sí yú yέstàdé! ‘I saw you yesterday’, but not ∗ à
sí yù yέstàdé! The English-sourced pronouns have therefore
undergone paradigmatization in the creoles in order to fit
into the L-toned and H-toned case paradigms, respectively.
Paradigmatization in the tonal English-lexifier creoles of Africa
shows numerous overlaps with that of the tonal English-lexifier
creoles of Suriname (e.g. Saramaccan, see section 3.1), suggesting
it was already present in the proto-creole(s).
Contact varieties whose lexifiers have fewer stress patterns
show correspondingly fewer word-tone patterns. Phrase-final
stress in European French has been converted into word-final
stress in the tonal African varieties of French (Bordal Steien,
2015; Bordal Steien and Yakpo, 2020). Paradigmatization has only
rendered two word-tone patterns in Central African French on
the basis of the corresponding European French potential for
stress placement (see section 5.2 for further discussion).
hence a notch above the usual H tone register. H tone raising is
conventionalized with these words, as is the lengthening of the
final vowel in sótéé (3).
Idiosyncratization has therefore rendered a set of tonally
arbitrary forms with respect to stress-to-tone mapping, and
these are grouped in a specific semantic field. The use of /!H/
and lengthening for degree modification are probably both
iconic processes (see Thompson, 2018, for a possibly universal
prevalence of H tone in the sound symbolic lexicon) (also see
section 5). But I have shown that the similar process of pitch
or register raising for emphasis also occurs in other African
and Caribbean English-lexifier creoles, see 2.1.2–2.2.3 and 3.1–
The presence of tone-conditioned suppletive allomorphy in
Pichi is an example of the idiosyncratization of grammatical
tone (see section 2.1.2), even if the conditioning feature of an
obligatory tonal contour over adjacent tone-bearing units draws
on an areally widespread model (Yakpo, 2019b, 217–218).
Contact tone systems can only incorporate the material
provided by their input languages during stress-to-tone
mapping. In combination with the two other mechanisms
of paradigmatization and idiosyncratization, prosodic
contact nevertheless leads to autonomous outcomes,
particularly in the creoles in contrast to the European colonial
varieties (see section 5.2).
4.3. Idiosyncratization
The third mechanism, idiosyncratization, leads to the emergence
of arbitrary word-tone patterns, paradigms and constructions.
While paradigmatization creates tonally regular forms and
paradigms, idiosyncratization therefore creates tonally irregular
ones including idiosyncratic grammatical and syntactic tone
rules. Idiosyncratization may occur through any combination
of the factors of substratal and adstratal imposition, the
operation of cross-linguistic tendencies (e.g., interactions of
tone with consonant or syllable type), and language-specific
constructionalization and grammaticalization, whether through
contact or not.
An example follows of idiosyncratization in the wordtone patterns of content words. The African English-lexifier
creoles have a considerable stock of English-sourced words
in which H tone does not coincide with English primary
stress. Examples from Krio/Pichi are water → wàtá /L-H/,
trousers →
/L-H/, property → pr`pàtí /L-L-H/, hospital
→ spítùl /L-H-L/. Such words have undergone tone shift
and no longer exhibit a prosodic parallelism with their English
etymons (for the background to these changes, see Devonish,
2001). Tone shift therefore constitutes idiosyncratization vis-àvis the English input.
A further example of idiosyncratization in the lexicon follows
from Krio and Pichi. Both creoles have a set of degree-modifying
and quantifying words, see Table 6. (1, 2) are English-sourced
lexicalized reduplications (<little, big); (3) is of unknown origin
[but see the back formation sótíl < ∗ (so) till in Guyanese Creole,
ex. (11, 12)]; (4) is probably Igbo-sourced (<sò. sò. ‘only’). The
exclamation mark before the /!H/ tone signals that it is extra-high,
I now revisit arguments for claims that tone is eliminated or
simplified in creoles (see section 1). A comparison with tonal
African non-creoles allows the conclusion that the tone systems
of Afro-European creoles are neither particularly simple nor
typologically divergent in other ways (section 5.1). Instead,
creole prosody undergoes regular typological change and areal
convergence (section 5.2).
5.1. Creole Tone Systems Are No Simpler
Than African Non-creole Tone Systems
The hypothesis that creolization involves prosodic simplification
has at least two subjacent assumptions: (i) Creolization is seen
to involve the elimination of features that are difficult for adult
learners (for a thematic overview, see Siegel, 2004), and tone is
viewed as ‘particularly hard to master during untutored second
language acquisition’ (Sessarego, 2020, 4).
This assumption is logically flawed, for it does not distinguish
between the two psycholinguistic dominance relations of
recipient language agentivity and source language agentivity (see
Bordal Steien and Yakpo, 2020), and the two corresponding
transfer types of borrowing and imposition (van Coetsem, 1988,
2000). Phonology (van Coetsem, 2000), and prosody in particular
(Matras, 2009, 231–33), are the most stable domains of a natively
acquired grammar. So if any domain gets transferred to a contact
language from its input languages at all, it will be prosody, and
in ecologies dominated by tone speakers, it will be tone (Bordal
Steien and Yakpo, 2020). The assumption of tone loss is also
TABLE 6 | Tonal idiosyncratization in lexical words (Krio and Pichi).
Tone pattern Example
(1) lílí(lí) ‘little, tiny’
dì wàtá tú lílílí ‘the water (is) too little’
(2) bíbí ‘big, huge’
(3) sótéé ‘excessively’ /!H!H!H/
wán bíbí hós ‘a huge house’
à r ´ n sótéé ‘I ran excessively’
(4) sósó ‘only’
sósó m´ nìn tέn ‘really early in the morning’
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languages are particularly ‘tone (and phonation) prone’ for
marking semantic and grammatical distinctions, due to the
sparsity and interdependence of segmental material in the word.
Conversely, the functional load of tone in the lexicon will be
reduced in languages with longer words. It therefore comes as
no surprise that tone languages in which two or more syllables
predominate should be characterized by fewer tonal minimal
pairs in the lexicon than logically possible. This is the case in
Akan (Kwa, Ghana), for example, (e.g., pàpá ‘father’, pápá ‘good’,
pàpà ‘fan’, ∗ pápà; own knowledge), the Narrow Bantu languages
(Hyman et al., 2020), Cushitic (Mous, 2009), Chadic (Rolle,
2018), and, last but not least, the Afro-European creoles and
colonial varieties.
Thirdly, African tone languages of all linguistic lineages
feature restrictions on the distribution of tones and the number
of word-tone patterns. Susu (Mande, Guinea) only has the three
tone patterns H, H-L, and L-H over mono- and disyllabic nouns
(nouns with more syllables are not very common) (Green et al.,
2013). Two tone patterns, H and L-H, cover ninety per cent of the
lexicon of Bambara (Mande, Mali) (Dumestre, 2003, 22).
Further, it is very common for African substrates and adstrates
of Afro-European creoles to have lexical strata displaying specific
prosodic behaviors, often as a result of the imposition of native
prosody on loan lexicon, just like in the creoles. In the twoheight system of Mende (Mande, Sierra Leone), loanwords
bear a cumulative H on the penultimate syllable, irrespective
of the original position of the H-toned or stressed syllable
in the source language. Native vocabulary is not subject to
such a restriction (Leben, 1977; cited in Clements and Ford,
1979:201). In the three-height tone system of Ewe (Kwa, Ghana,
and Togo), European loanwords have a cumulative H on the
stress-bearing syllable in the source language, other syllables are
L-toned, e.g., àbólò ‘bread’ (<Port. bolo ‘cake’, incl. nominal
prefix à-), àk´ntà /L-H-L/ ‘arithmetic’ (<Port. conta ‘account’),
sùkúù /L-H-L/ ‘school’ (<Eng. school, incl. epenthetic vowel
/ù/), dúkù /H-L/ ‘scarf ’ (<Dutch doek ‘scarf ’, incl. paragogic
vowel /ù/). The tonal integration of European loanwords in Akan
(Apenteng and Amfo, 2014) and Gã (Kropp Dakubu, 1999),
two other languages of the Ghanaian littoral zone, proceeds
along similar lines.
Kikongo (Narrow Bantu, Congo, and DRC) has a privative /H,
Ø/ system and H tone is obligatory and cumulative in much of
the lexicon. French loans bear a word-final cumulative H due to
stress-to-tone mapping, just as in Central African French, e.g.,
kàdó /Ø-H/ ‘present’ (<Fr. cadeau), prὲzìd´˜ /Ø-Ø-H/ ‘president’
(<Fr. président). By contrast, word-final H is rare in the Africansourced lexicon, compare ndúùmbù /H-Ø-Ø/ ‘spices’, èntsàngálà
/Ø-Ø-H-Ø/ ‘basket’ (Donnelly, 1982).
Besides loanwords, ideophones also display special
phonological (and morphosyntactic) characteristics crosslinguistically (Dingemanse, 2018). In African non-creoles and
creoles alike, ideophones exhibit additional tone heights (e.g.,
extra-high) and tone types (e.g., contour tones instead of level
tones alone), as well as idiosyncratic tone patterns. In the 2-tone
language Temne (Mel, Sierra Leone), ideophones generally take
an H or LH (composite) tone where other word classes take
an L or HL tone. This renders tonal minimal pairs like gb
Eurocentric because it takes for granted that stress systems, which
happen to characterize all European lexifiers and superstrates,
constitute the fallback during prosodic contact.
(ii) Creoles can have tone systems, but these systems are
assumed to be simpler than non-creole tone systems (see the
sources cited in the opening paragraph of section 1). Assumption
(ii) deserves some attention. In the face of irrefutable evidence
for the existence of creole tone systems, it is less categorical than
the tone loss hypothesis, yet aligns with the ‘creoles-are-simplerthan-other-languages’ hypothesis (for an overview and a critique,
see Ansaldo and Matthews, 2007).
In the following, I address the characteristics of tone in
Afro-European contact prosodic systems with respect to: (1)
tonal inventories (i.e., the number of distinctive tones), (2)
the existence of tonal minimal pairs, (3) the number of wordtone patterns, (4) and the nature of tonal processes and rules,
comparing these with features of tonal non-creole languages
of Africa.
Tone systems with two heights, whether equipollent /H, L/ or
privative /H, Ø/, as in the Afro-European creoles and colonial
varieties are the most common ones across a huge swath of West
Africa and all of West Central Africa as far south as Angola
(Wedekind, 1985; Hyman et al., 2020). These were the principal
home regions to the millions of Africans enslaved and deported
to the Americas by the Europeans (Eltis, 2001). Their languages
therefore constituted the most important substrates to the creoles
and colonial varieties that developed in the Americas and in the
West African littoral region. A two-way contrast is also crosslinguistically the most common type beyond Africa (Maddieson,
2013) and tonogenesis almost always produces a binary contrast
between two tone heights (Hyman et al., 2020).
Further, a significant number of relevant African substrate
and adstrate languages feature restricted three-height systems
termed 2T3 height systems by Hyman (2018, 208) (2 input
vs. 3 output heights, e.g., /H, L, Ø/). In such systems, the
presence of an additional (e.g., mid or extra-high) tone is, for
example, conditioned through a constructional tone rule or
the segmental structure of its tone-bearing unit and therefore
predictable and not lexical in sensu stricto (as in Yoruba, see
Akinlabi, 1985).
The conventionalization of extra-high tone in Krio and Pichi
degree-modifying words is an example of such a restricted use
of a third height in the creoles (see section 4.3). In contrast,
systems with three and more lexical tones have marked regional
distributions. In West Africa, these are principally found in
the Kru languages and the adjacent contact zones, the Mabia
(Gur) languages, and the Nigerian-Cameroonian plateau region.
None of these areas were pre-dominant home regions of
enslaved Africans as far as the historical records are concerned
(see Eltis, 2001).
A second argument encountered for classifying creole and
other contact prosodic systems as simpler is the supposedly low
number of tonal minimal pairs. This is claimed by McWhorter
(1998), an assertion contradicted in later work by the same
author’s listing of over twenty tonal minimal pairs in Saramaccan,
many of which are multisyllabic (McWhorter and Good, 2012,
39). Matisoff (2001, 304) argues that largely monosyllabic
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/HL/ ‘manufacture a tool’ vs. gb /LH/ ‘extremely old (IDEO)’
(Kanu, 2008).
In the two-tone system of Kisi (Atlantic, spoken in Guinea and
Sierra Leone), contour tones are not restricted to final syllables
in ideophones and are also found on initial syllables, unlike
in other word classes, e.g., kpîngmgbí /HL-H/ ‘darkly’ (IDEO)
(Childs, 1988). There are also many more H tones and extra-H
tones than L tones in Kisi ideophones, which is the opposite of
the distribution in non-ideophonic word classes, e.g., kpáng /!H/
‘tightly, carefully (IDEO)’.
Beyond the ideophonic lexicon, restrictions on the number,
types and position of tones are common throughout tonal
Africa (for an overview, see Downing, 2010). This is again no
different from the creoles. A good many Bantu tone systems are
characterized as sparse because they feature a privative /H, Ø/
contrast. The single /H/ toneme is obligatory and culminative,
and its position predictable (Odden, 1988; Gussenhoven, 2004,
34–35; Hyman, 2011b, 235). But restrictions are also found in
systems with full specification of lexical tones. In Akan, vowel
height and the place of articulation of consonants determine
the distribution of H and L tones in disyllabic verbs, e.g., pìrá
/L-H/ ‘hurt’ (first vowel is high and followed by a sonorant)
vs. kásà /H-L/ ‘speak’ (first vowel is non-high) (Welmers,
1973, 118).
A fourth argument for simplification is the claim that
there is no grammatical tone in creoles (McWhorter, 2005,
13–14). ‘Grammatical tone’ is poorly delimited in the first
place, making it difficult to distinguish from tone sandhi
phenomena, intonation, phrasal tonology, even lexical tone
(Rolle, 2018, 3), and the terminology is unclear (Rolle, 2020,
71). If we assume the definition of grammatical tone as a
tonological operation restricted to the context of a specific
morpheme or construction (Rolle, 2018), there is a vast range
of phenomena that can be subsumed under the label in Africa
(e.g., polar tone in Yoruba, see Akinlabi and Liberman, 2000;
and constructional tone in Kalabari, see Harry and Hyman,
2014). Some African tone languages have much grammatical
tone, others less (Hyman et al., 2020). In comparison, tonal
Afro-European creoles neither feature abundant nor particularly
sparse grammatical tone. Uses discussed in this study include
the expression of pronominal case functions by tonal minimal
pairs in all tonal English-lexifier creoles, e.g., in Pichi (section
2.1.2) and in Saramaccan (McWhorter and Good, 2012,
Tonal inflection in the pronominal paradigm in addition
to segmental inflection for number and case is common in
West African tone languages, including Ewe (Duthie, 1996, 53),
Akan (Dolphyne, 1996, 109–110), and Edo (Uchihara, 2010). I
have shown that creole grammatical tone also extends to tonal
derivation in compounding and reduplication, constructional
tone and OCP, as well as tone fusion and contour tone formation
(see section 2.1.2).The creoles also have phrasal tone rules of
tone spreading, downdrift, dissimilation, assimilation, and tone
insertion, all of which are shared with African tone languages
(Hyman and Schuh, 1974; Yip, 2002). These rules have been
investigated in detail for creoles like Pichi (see section 2.1 and
the references there), Saramaccan (Good, 2004, 2006, 2009), and
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Lung’Ie (Agostinho and Hyman, 2021, 77–80). There is good
reason to assume that similar rules exist in other tonal AfroEuropean creoles of Africa and the Americas.
In sum, the prosodic systems of Afro-European creoles do
not differ from the systems of African non-creole languages in
any consistent and sufficient way to qualify them as simpler in
terms of tonal inventories, the existence of tonal minimal pairs,
the number of tone patterns, and the nature of tonal processes
and rules. Instead, creole tone systems fit snugly into the areal
patterns attested in countless variations throughout tonal Africa.
5.2. Creole Prosodic Systems Undergo
Regular Typological Change and Areal
Contact prosodic systems acquire their properties from a
typological matching exercise between features of the input
languages in a specific linguistic ecology (Mufwene, 1996,
2001; Aboh and Ansaldo, 2007). The acoustic and phonological
realizations of tone imposed by the adstrates and substrates can
initially only be grafted on the prosodic patterns of the lexical
material provided by lexifier stress patterns.
The more typologically compatible the input systems are,
the more tonal features will be utilizable. In other words, if a
creole evolved from contact between the Mande language Dan
(Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia) with 5 tone heights and the neighboring
Kru language Krahn with 3 tone heights, tone-to-tone mapping
should allow a higher number of tonal features to be utilized.
Claims that tone is reduced in function or lost in African
contact languages that have emerged from contact between tone
languages should be taken with a grain of salt, due to the absence
of detailed analyses (e.g., Heine, 1978, 221 and the sources cited
there). The only comprehensive study of the prosody of the
Kikongo cluster (Congo, RDC, Angola), for example, concludes
that the Bantu-based contact language Kikongo-Kituba ‘has
merely accelerated certain tendencies inherent in the Kikongo
pitch system’ (Donnelly, 1982, 343).
The prosodic systems that emerge under the typological
constraints of stress-to-tone mapping will therefore not look
like the tone system of a language like Guébie (Kru, Côte
d’Ivoire), with its above-average number of tonal features utilized
by West African standards. Guébie has five contrasting tone
levels and abundant grammatical tone (Sande, 2018). Clements
and Rialland (2007, 70–74) argue that in all areas of West
and East Africa with a similarly high functional load of tone,
lexical and grammatical tone was not borrowed from neighboring
languages. Instead there was an areal diffusion of monosyllabicity,
the structural prerequisite for such a functional proliferation of
tone. None of the tonal creoles of Africa have a predominantly
monosyllabic template, so it is not surprising that they have 2T
(two heights) or 2T3 (2 input, 3 output heights), not five-tone
systems. However, there is no reason to assume that diachronic
change of a creole through areal pressure toward monosyllabicity
should not produce additional tone heights and more active
grammatical tone than is already the case.
Afro-European creoles are ‘late arrivals’ in their respective
linguistic ecologies in the sense that they owe part of their lineage
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Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
varieties of the Americas that exclusively feature stress today
suggest the existence of tone or mixed tone-stress systems before
the shift to stress-only systems.
I have identified and described three mechanisms
involved in the emergence of contact prosodic systems with
potential for generalization to prosodic contact scenarios
beyond the Afro-Atlantic. These are stress-to-tone mapping,
paradigmatization, and idiosyncratization. The label ‘simple’
neither captures these mechanisms themselves, nor the tone
systems they engender.
The argument that creoles are simpler than non-creoles
is based on the notion of ‘bit complexity’ (DeGraff, 2001,
284–285), which boils down to ‘more overt material = more
complex’. Bit complexity has been criticized as a simplistic and
arbitrary criterion of little heuristic value for measuring linguistic
complexity (Aboh and DeGraff, 2017, 14–20; Newmeyer, 2021).
Nevertheless, even from the perspective of bit complexity,
creole tone systems are more complex than those of the colonial
varieties of English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese spoken in
Africa (section 3.1 and section 4). This is due to social factors
that impede the same amount of innovation and areal diffusion
of tonal features to the colonial varieties as to the creoles. The
colonial varieties are heavily standardized, are usually acquired in
classrooms, and are predominantly used in formal settings. The
proportion of speakers who regularly use the colonial varieties
is small and limited to social classes with access to secondary
and tertiary education (for French in Africa, see e.g., Mufwene,
2011). The natural evolution of European colonial varieties,
including that of their prosodic systems, is therefore severely
constrained (Yakpo, 2020, 133–134). By contrast, the creoles
have been evolving without state-sanctioned standardization
and are primarily spoken by urban working class and rural
populations, many of whom have little formal education and
limited exposure to the colonial varieties. The creoles could
therefore acquire many more autonomous prosodic features
through areal diffusion from substrate and adstrate languages
than the colonial varieties.
The idea of creole simplicity is a chimera. Research should
rather focus on the roles played by genealogy, areal typology,
cognition, and social factors in shaping the fascinating diversity
of specific language contact outcomes, as I have attempted here
with respect to prosodic systems.
to exogenous Indo-European lexifiers. The prosodic systems of
Afro-European creoles therefore continue to align themselves
over time with other languages in their respective ecologies
according to regular areal dynamics (for an overview of these
dynamics, see Raymond, 2017, 3–5). Since convergence takes
time, typological inconsistencies may persist in the prosodic
systems of creoles vis-à-vis those of their tonal (Africa) or stressonly (Americas) areal cohabiters.
For example, a large part of the lexicon of Ghanaian Pidgin
is sourced from English and therefore features a cumulative
H due to stress-to-tone mapping. By contrast, the Ghanaian
Pidgin adstrates Akan, Gã, and Ewe have a much smaller
European-sourced lexicon with a cumulative H (see section
5.1). Such an inconsistency between Ghanaian Pidgin and the
non-creoles in the Ghanaian ecology is not caused by creole
distinctiveness, but by differences in the size of the Europeanderived prosodic lexicon. Likewise, the persistence of (residual)
tone in Caribbean creoles and areally unusual prosodic layering
in an African creole like Lung’Ie (African-sourced words are
toneless) means that these languages have not (yet) fully
aligned themselves with their adstrates and/or superstrates. These
differences are gradual, and can progressively narrow down due
to continuing areal convergence, or stabilize as innovations that
bring additional typological diversity to an ecology.
Such a role of time depth in the areal diffusion of prosodic
features is fundamentally different from the idea that creoles
are young and have not yet had time to accumulate (tonal and
morphological) complexity in their grammars (e.g., Bickerton,
1988, 274–278; Lightfoot, 2006, 7; McWhorter, 2007, 4–5).
The latter view is a trope rooted in 19th century linguistic
evolutionism (for an epistemological deconstruction, see Krämer,
2013; McElvenny, 2021). The results of this study instead suggest
that creoles and colonial varieties undergo regular cycles of shift
from one part of the typological spectrum (e.g., tone) to another
(e.g., stress) and vice versa, without an a priori assumption of
simplification or complexification.
In the scenarios covered here, such shifts are contact-driven
and result in prosodic convergence between unrelated and
typologically dissimilar languages cohabiting the same ecology,
and prosodic divergence between related languages inhabiting
different ecologies. Prosodic convergence and divergence are
reflected particularly well in the range of prosodic systems found
in the family of Afro-Caribbean English-lexifier Creoles, with its
large geographical spread across diverse linguistic ecologies in
Africa and the Americas.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
The prosodic systems of Afro-European creoles and colonial
varieties form an areal continuum across the Afro-Atlantic from
Africa to the Americas, roughly corresponding to tone in the
east and stress in the west. Transitional systems are found in the
areal buffer zone of the Caribbean, where tone and stress-only
systems have converged in various ways. Numerous pitch-related
phenomena found in American creole languages and colonial
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The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, The
University of Hong Kong. Written informed consent for
participation was not required for this study in accordance with
the national legislation and the institutional requirements.
October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
Experienced Researchers (2020–2021) at the Humboldt
University of Berlin.
KY designed the work, collected and analyzed the
primary data, assembled secondary data from other
sources, conducted the qualitative analyses, and wrote
the manuscript.
I am indebted to the two reviewers of this article as well
as Ana Lívia Agostinho, Jeff Good, Shelome Gooden, Carlos
Gussenhoven, Larry Hyman, Douglas Pulleyblank, and Guri
Steien for their generous comments on a draft version of this
article. I thank Hubert Devonish for providing crucial linguistic
data on Guyanese Creole and Joseph Farquharson for sending
me vital literature from his library. I am also grateful to Isabel
Wetzel, Evans Koskei, Violet Akoth Owiso, and Jeremias Koskei
for creating the enchanting environment in which this piece
could be written.
Research for this study was conducted with the support of
the Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee
of the Government of Hong Kong (GRF 17608819) and
the Seed Fund for Basic Research (grant no. 201910159234)
of the University of Hong Kong. This manuscript was
written during a Humboldt Research Fellowship for
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October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593
Creole Prosodic Systems Are Areal
Clitic morpheme boundary
Feminine gender
First person
Second person
Future tense
Third person
Two tone system
2 input vs. 3 output tone heights
Indefinite article
High tone
Imperfective aspect
Low tone
Masculine gender (in glosses)
Mid tone
High-low contour tone
Object case
Low-high contour tone
Obligatory Contour Principle
Separates tone-bearing units (syllables), e.g., kátà /H-L/ ’scatter’
Plural number
Extra-high tone
Downdrifted or downstepped high tone
Possessive case
Input (phonological) tone
Potential mood
Output (phonetic) tone
Progressive aspect
Perfect tense-aspect
/HL/ → [H]
Input /HL/ becomes output [H]
High intonatonal pitch accent
Past tense
Low intonational pitch accent
Quotative complementizer
High level tone
Low level tone
Subject case
High-low (falling) contour tone
Subjunctive mood
Low-high (rising) contour tone
Singular number
H-toned vowel
Definite article
L-toned vowel
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October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 690593