Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals: Biology and Application*
T. A. Gorr1,†
D. Wichmann1
J. Hu1
M. Hermes-Lima2
A. F. Welker2
N. Terwilliger3
J. F. Wren4
M. Viney4
S. Morris4
G. E. Nilsson5
A. Deten6
J. Soliz1
M. Gassmann1
Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty and
Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP),
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 260, CH-8057
Zurich, Switzerland; 2Departamento de Biologia Celular,
Universidade de Brası́lia, Brası́lia, Brazil; 3Oregon Institute of
Marine Biology, University of Oregon, Charleston, Oregon;
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol,
Bristol, United Kingdom; 5Department of Molecular
Biosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; 6Fraunhofer
Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Leipzig,
Accepted 9/29/2009; Electronically Published 6/21/2010
Many invertebrates and ectothermic vertebrates successfully
cope with a fluctuating supply of ambient oxygen—and consequently, a highly variable tissue oxygenation—through increasing their antioxidant barriers. During chronic deprivation
of oxygen, however, the hypometabolic defense mode of the
fruit fly Drosophila, the hypoxia-induced behavioral hypothermia of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, and the production
of ethanol during anoxia by the crucian carp Carassius carassius
all indicate that these animals are also capable of utilizing a
suite of genetic and physiological defenses to survive otherwise
* We dedicate this article to Steve Morris (deceased 2009) in honor of his legacy
as an inspiring teacher and scientist, a dedicated lover of wildlife biology, and
a great guy. This article was prepared as an overview of a symposium at “Molecules to Migration: Pressures of Life,” the Fourth International Conference in
Africa for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Maasai Mara National
Reserve, Kenya, 2008.
Corresponding author; e-mail: tgorr@access.uzh.ch.
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83(5):733–752. 2010. 䉷 2010 by The
University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 1522-2152/2010/8305-9045$15.00
DOI: 10.1086/648581
lethal reductions in tissue oxygenation. Normally, much of an
organism’s gene response to hypoxia is orchestrated via the
hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF. Recent developments expand our view of HIF function even further by highlighting regulatory roles for HIF in the hypometabolism of
insects, in the molting and the normoxic immune response of
crustaceans, and in the control—via the downstream effector
gene erythropoietin—of the hypoxic ventilatory response and
pulmonary hypertension in mammals. These and related topics
were collectively presented by the authors in a symposium of
the 2008 ICA-CBP conference at Mara National Reserve, Kenya,
Africa. This synthesis article communicates the essence of the
symposium presentations to the wider community.
General Background and Symposium Rationale
Inadequate oxygen supply followed by uncontrolled signaling
represents a major aspect of the progression of cardiovascular
disease, stroke, and cancer. One significant obstacle that limits
the response of many cancer patients to conventional therapies
is the reduced oxygenation (hypoxia) seen in most solid tumors.
Tumor hypoxia, in turn, correlates with inherent tumor aggressiveness, incidence for spreading, and resistance to all commonly used medical treatments. Cancer cells respond to hypoxia by upregulating physiological mechanisms normally
involved in maintaining the local oxygen supply while also
switching their metabolism to a more prominent utilization of
anaerobic fermentative rather than oxidative pathways. Importantly, key aspects of the hypoxia survival strategies—including multiple functional and regulatory details surrounding
the main O2-sensing signal transducer, a transcription factor
called HIF (hypoxia-inducible factor)—are conserved across
phyla, from humans to nematodes. To survive periods of diminished and/or erratic oxygen supply, organisms have evolved
to tolerate such changes in their microenvironment. Similarly,
the cancer cells in a tumor evolve as it develops, by acquiring
mutations that help them survive in the local environment.
Consequently, one major outcome of existing selection pressures under low oxygen that is common between many invertebrate or lower vertebrate species and human tumors is the
gain of hypoxia tolerance. Tumor angiogenesis, glycolysis, and
apoptotic evasion are regarded by many as the main adaptations
that aid the tumor in acquiring tolerance and have all been
well studied. Compared with these responses, the reduction of
ATP-consumptive processes during hypoxic or anoxic challenges as physiological means to establish a lifesaving new
hypometabolic-energy steady state and HIF’s regulatory role of
this metabolic slowdown are poorly understood with respect
to most animal or neoplastic cells.
734 T. A. Gorr et al.
In addressing this knowledge gap, the symposium reported
here (organized and chaired by Max Gassmann, University of
Zurich) aimed to survey the mechanistic responses and adaptations facilitating hypoxia tolerance in a wide range of animal models. The synthesis reflects the breadth of animal adaptability by focusing on selected examples of models and their
survival modes during hypoxic or anoxic challenges. Thus, the
presented topics include (a) up-to-date reviews on the coping
mechanisms of anoxia-tolerant organisms, including the challenge of reactive oxygen species; (b) normoxic, hypoxic, and
cold-induced HIF responses in crustaceans; (c) interference
with hypoxia tolerance effecting genes in fruit flies and cancer
cells; and (d) the erythropoietin-mediated antihypertensive
protection of hypoxic alveolar airways as well as the enhancement of the hypoxic ventilatory response with a particular augmentation of carotid body function in mice and humans.
The O2-Sensing HIF Pathway
Transducing minutes to hours of a diminished oxygen partial
pressure (Po2) onto the level of DNA is mainly, though not
exclusively, mediated by HIFs throughout the animal kingdom.
Generally speaking, these responses to hypoxia via HIF or other
cascades begin to occur at the cells’ specific critical oxygen
threshold (Pc), which separates the aerobe-oxyregulated
(Po2 1 Pc) from the anaerobe-oxyconforming (Po2 ! Pc) physiological state. For mammalian cells subjected to a Po2 ! Pc,
several hundred potential (Manalo et al. 2005) and more than
70 validated hypoxia-responsive gene targets of HIF have been
identified to date (Wenger et al. 2005). Considerable progress
has also been made in understanding the molecular basis of
HIF and its regulation by oxygen (Höpfl et al. 2004; Schofield
and Ratcliffe 2004; Maxwell 2005; Fandrey et al. 2006). A decade
after the discovery of HIF, it is quite clear that, from mammals
to teleosts, and in Drosophila melanogaster, the crustacean
Daphnia magna, and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the
HIF complex is composed as a heterodimer of homologous a
subunits and b subunits (Gorr et al. 2006; Hoogewijs et al.
2007). Both classes of HIF subunits are members of the family
of basic helix-loop-helix/Per-Arnt-Sim (bHLH/PAS; Per-ArntSim first reported PAS domain–containing proteins) transcription factors. During hypoxia, the functional heterodimer binds
specifically to target gene sequences embedded within hypoxiaresponse elements (HREs). To date, three HIF-a proteins—
HIF-1a, -2a, and -3a—have been reported in mammals to
heterodimerize with the constitutively present HIF-1b subunit,
originally known as aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT), thereby yielding complexes HIF-1, -2, and
Regulation of HIF by oxygen, in cultured cells at least, occurs
primarily at the protein level through the enzymatic hydroxylation of specific a-subunit prolyl and asparaginyl residues. In
tissues of humans and mice, on the other hand, hypoxia additionally seems to operate by inducing the mRNA of HIF-1a,
as reported by some (Wiener et al. 1996; Vogt et al. 2001; A.
Deten, unpublished data) but not by others (Wenger et al.
1996). The mammalian family of HIF prolyl hydroxylases,
PHD-1–3, have been established to function as the long-soughtafter HIF oxygen sensors and thus are responsible for the
protein-level control of HIF activity (Epstein et al. 2001; Ivan
et al. 2001; Jaakkola et al. 2001). As members of the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily, the PHDs catalyze the Fe(II)- and O2-dependent hydroxylation of two specific
prolyl residues within the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD) of the mammalian HIF-1a and -2a factors. This
modification enables capture of HIF-a by the von Hippel–
Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor protein, which acts as recognition component of an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Therefore, prolyl hydroxylation is the oxygen-regulated step governing ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of HIF-1a and
-2a. A second O2-requiring hydroxylation modifies an asparagine within the C-terminal transactivation domain of HIF-1a
or -2a. The responsible asparaginyl hydroxylase is called FIH1 (factor inhibiting HIF-1). This modification prevents recruitment of the coactivator proteins p300 and CBP, which in
turn prohibits the transactivation of target genes under high
Po2 (Lando et al. 2002a, 2002b). The absolute requirement of
PHD- and FIH-1 activities for O2 and Fe(II) makes these hydroxylations susceptible to inhibition by hypoxia/anoxia, iron
chelators (e.g., desferrioxamine), transition metals (e.g., Co2⫹),
and 2-oxoglutarate analogs (e.g., dimethyloxalylglycine). As a
result, from cultured mammalian cells to fly cells, HIF signaling
shows a well-preserved maximal activity between 0.5% and
2.0% O2 (Jiang et al. 1996; Ebbesen et al. 2004; Gorr et al.
It appears, therefore, that HIF signaling has evolved to operate precisely within the hypoxic niche of oxygen partial pressures (i.e., Po2 ≤ Pc). Although the Pc is a cell-specific variable,
under standard culture conditions this critical oxygen threshold
usually occurs for primary or transformed mammalian cells
within the ∼0.15%–1.5% O2 range (Froese 1962; Robiolio et
al. 1989). Thus, the Pc range overlaps well with the range of
HIF activation, suggesting that HIF’s sentinel and perhaps original function might have been safeguarding the cells’ transition
from aerobic to anaerobic ATP synthesis (e.g., Webster 1987;
Iyer et al. 1998; Seagroves et al. 2001). Beyond these autonomous functions, active HIF is systemically required—for example, in nematodes and fruit flies—for the adaptation of the
organism and its development during hypoxic, but not anoxic,
stresses (Shen and Powell-Coffman 2003; Centanin et al. 2005).
HIF’s maximal signal during low Po2 and declining activity
toward normoxic and anoxic conditions is the combined result
of strikingly low oxygen affinities of the PHD and FIH-1 sensor
proteins together with a pronounced hypoxia-driven transcriptional induction of some of the sensor genes (i.e., PHD-2, PHD3). The in vitro and apparent KM values for the hydroxylation
of short synthetic HIF-1a peptide substrates by oxygen lie at
approximately 64 mm Hg (FIH-1) and 178 mm Hg (average
for PHD-1–3). These data imply that HIF hydroxylases operate
in vivo at Po2 levels far below their KM values (Hirsilä et al.
2003; Acker and Acker 2004). Thus, the oxygen affinity of the
PHD enzymes actually lies above the concentration of dissolved
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 735
oxygen in the air, which means that the availability of oxygen
is predicted to be limiting for activity of HIF hydroxylases over
the entire physiological range. These KM data are therefore consistent with the enzymes’ function as bona fide sensors of
graded levels of oxygen. Moreover, the HIF-mediated hypoxic
upregulation of PHD-2 and PHD-3 gene expression (Marxsen
et al. 2004) prepares for the rapid destruction of HIF-a subunits
following reoxygenation (D’Angelo et al. 2003) and enables
PHD enzymes, because of their increased protein levels, to stay
operative even under conditions of low Po2 (Stiehl et al. 2006).
This negative feedback loop not only limits the HIF response
but also resets the hypoxia threshold by downshifting the HIF
set point toward further O2 depletion (Stiehl et al. 2006). Conversely, cells grown in high O2 concentrations reset their HIF
set point upward through the downregulation of PHD genes
(Khanna et al. 2006). Activation of the HIF system can thus
adapt to hypoxia because of its flexible and perhaps tissuespecific O2 thresholds. These thresholds are adjusted according
to the previous cell exposure to low or high O2 concentrations
and in turn are responsible for holding steady the pathway that
is responsive to varying tissue oxygenation.
Under extreme oxygen deprivation, however, transcription
factors that are distinct from HIF take over the regulation of
cell survival. These HIF-independent pathways often center on
the tumor suppressor protein p53, the known gatekeeper for
cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in DNA-damaged, deoxygenated,
and nucleoside triphosphate–depleted cells (Graeber et al. 1996;
An et al. 1998; Wenger et al. 1998). Loss-of-function mutations
of the p53 gene, which occur in more than 50% of human
cancers (Levine 1997; Ryan et al. 2001), can lead to unchecked
cellular proliferation and/or the selection for hypoxia-resistant,
apoptosis-defying p53-mutant clones. In addition to p53, the
translational induction of the basic leucine zipper–activating
transcription factor 4 (ATF-4), indirectly mediated by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident kinase PERK (Blais et al.
2004; Ye and Koumenis 2009), stimulates another truly VHLindependent cascade following the accumulation of un/misfolded proteins in the ER lumen of O2-deprived cells (i.e., ER
stress). ATF-4 activation has also been demonstrated in vivo
near necrotic regions in invasive breast carcinomas (Ameri et
al. 2004). Remarkably, PHDs (i.e., PHD-3) can also interact
with ATF-4 via prolyl residues embedded in the factors’ noncanonical ODD (Köditz et al. 2007). Thus, PHD-dependent
sensing of changing oxygen levels recruits both the HIF and
the ATF-4 systems to guide the cell along its trajectory from
hypoxic adaptive to anoxic ER stress responses.
Oxidative Stress in Hypoxic/Anoxic-Tolerant Species
Of the oxygen consumed by animals, 0.1%–0.2% is routinely
converted into reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are involved in several cellular signaling pathways, including the cell
cycle, stress responses, and energy metabolism (e.g., Kowaltowski et al. 2009). When in excess, ROS can damage most
biomolecules, and consequently they are implicated in the
pathogenesis of many human diseases. A well-studied model
for oxidative stress is ischemia and reperfusion. It was demonstrated in the late 1980s that tissue failure caused by ischemia/reperfusion stress is associated with the generation of excess ROS during the postischemic reperfusion, with subsequent
oxidative stress. However, numerous animal species can survive
up to many weeks with very little or no oxygen (Hermes-Lima
and Zenteno-Savin 2002). How do they cope with the potential
dangers of reoxygenation stress after hypoxia/anoxia exposure?
That hypoxic/anoxic-tolerant animals would have high levels
of antioxidant defenses was first noticed by Reischl (1986) when
he proposed that sulfhydryl (SH)-rich (i.e., cysteine-rich) hemoglobins in hypoxic turtles act as antioxidant defenses against
a possible surge of ROS generation following tissue reoxygenation. Later, Rice and Cammack (1991) observed that ascorbate
content in the brain of an anoxic-tolerant turtle remains high
regardless of oxygenation state, whereas guinea pig brain slices
presented a large decline in ascorbate levels. Rice et al. (1995)
also reported that brain ascorbate concentrations are two- to
threefold higher in anoxic-tolerant vertebrate species when
compared with anoxia-sensitive species. Similarly, anoxiaexposed garter snakes presented increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (in muscle and liver) and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels (in muscle) when compared with
nonexposed animals (Hermes-Lima and Storey 1993). Moreover, exposure of garter snakes to 5 h of freezing caused an
organ-specific increase in catalase and selenium glutathione
peroxidase (Se-GPX) activities. Alterations in antioxidant defenses to hypoxia are now generally established. For example,
anoxic goldfish and leopard frogs Rana pipiens both showed
increases in Se-GPX and catalase activities (Hermes-Lima and
Zenteno-Savin 2002). Turtles Trachemys scripta elegans exhibited high constitutive activities of most antioxidant enzymes in
various organs (Willmore and Storey 1997a, 1997b), and although submergence caused decreased enzyme activities, these
were considered to be sufficient to protect against generation
of ROS on reoxygenation. Turtle hatchlings showed no changes
in antioxidant capacity of plasma, brain, and liver following
hypoxia or in lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl (Baker
et al. 2007). In contrast, five of seven species of hatchling turtles
increased hepatic catalase activity following anoxic exposure
(16 d; Dinkelacker et al. 2005). Among invertebrates, land snails
Helix aspersa showed a twofold rise in foot Se-GPX activity
induced by anoxia (A. F. Welker, unpublished data). Anoxiainduced increases in endogenous antioxidant defenses (enzymes or GSH) were also reported for the molluscs Biomphalaria tenagophila and Littorina littorea (Pannunzio and
Storey 1998; Ferreira et al. 2003), the polychaete Heteromastus
filiformis (Abele et al. 1998), and the crab Chasmagnathus granulata (de Oliveira et al. 2005).
Exposure to hypoxia also elicited increases in antioxidant
enzymes in fish, for example, catalase and Se-GPX activities in
the brain of carp (Lushchak et al. 2005b) and the liver of tilapia
(Cardoso 2005). In the estuarine fish Leiostomus xanthurus,
organ-specific increases in SOD activity were also observed under hypoxia (Cooper et al. 2002). In addition, hypoxia exposure
in Pacific oysters prompted increased GPX expression in the
736 T. A. Gorr et al.
gills and mantle (David et al. 2005). This ability to elevate
antioxidant enzyme activity seems to correlate with the capacity
of an animal to tolerate anoxia/hypoxia. Thus, the Atlantic cod
Gadus morhua, a hypoxic-sensitive species, showed no changes
in catalase expression and a diminution in the expressions of
GPX and SOD in response to hypoxia (Olsvik et al. 2006).
Constitutively high activities of antioxidant enzymes are also
relevant for posthypoxic stress in fish. Goldfish, for example,
present levels of hepatic Se-GPX activity (0.3–0.5 U/mg protein)
that are comparable with rodents. In Piaractus mesopotamicus,
a fish that lives in seasonally oxygen-poor waters, high constitutive levels of the GPX protein were observed in liver (Bastos
et al. 2007).
In addition, freezing (in freeze-tolerant vertebrates) harbors
the danger of generating excess ROS during thawing and requires some control over free-radical metabolism. Freeze exposure for 24 h in the wood frog Rana sylvatica prompted
significant increases in Se-GPX and total-GPX activities in different tissues (Joanisse and Storey 1996). Increased expression
of thioredoxin, glutathione S-transferase (GST), and glucose6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) in heart and g-glutamyltranspeptidase (g-GT) activity in liver were also observed
for wood frogs under exposure to freezing (Hemmings and
Storey 1996; Storey 2004). In addition, a variety of reptiles show
increased expression of antioxidant enzymes or enzyme activity
during freezing (Hemmings and Storey 2000; Storey 2006; Voituron et al. 2006) reminiscent of those responding to anoxia
(Storey 2007).
Air exposure is another situation that severely diminishes
oxygen availability to water breathers. Mussels Perna perna increased GST activity in the hepatopancreas during a 4-h period
of air exposure (de Almeida et al. 2005). In the subantarctic
crab Paralomis granulosa, air exposure induced tissue-specific
increases in SOD, catalase, and GST activities (Romero et al.
2007). A rise in muscle Se-GPX and catalase activity was also
reported for Callinectes ornatus, a crab from intertidal zones,
following 3 h of aerial exposure (Togni 2007).
Evidence for postanoxic oxidative stress eventually came
from goldfish (Lushchak et al. 2001), where lipid peroxidation
increased by twofold in liver after 1 h of reoxygenation (following 8 h of anoxia). Hypothetically, goldfish would have even
higher levels of lipid peroxidation products during reoxygenation if antioxidant defenses were not activated on anoxic exposure. Indeed, hyperoxia exposure in goldfish induced significant augmentation in markers of oxidative stress (Lushchak
et al. 2005a). Clear-cut evidence that ROS production is increased following postanoxic stress was recently obtained by
Milton et al. (2007), who determined that hydroxyl radical
(OH7) generation in the brain of turtles T. scripta became very
low during anoxia but was restored on reoxygenation. A reduction in ROS production was also reported in turtles Chrysemys picta when their cortical sheets were exposed to progressive hypoxia and anoxia (Pamenter et al. 2007). ROS generation
returned to control levels on reoxygenation. The absence of a
large increase in oxidative damage during reoxygenation has
been attributed to the preactivation of endogenous antioxidant
enzymes and/or the presence of well-developed antioxidant defense systems. The variation in ROS concentration could act
on signaling pathways to control antioxidant enzyme synthesis
in hypoxic-tolerant species (Lushchak and Bagnyukova 2006).
Possible candidates to participate in these signaling cascades
include H2O2 itself (Kowaltowski et al. 2009) and the Akt (protein kinase B) pathway (Loss et al. 2009). This increase in the
endogenous antioxidant capacity under low oxygen concentrations has been termed “preparation for oxidative stress”
(Hermes-Lima and Zenteno-Savin 2002) and is present in animal groups that share very distant evolutionary ancestors (Fig.
1). Moreover, the buildup of enzymatic antioxidant defenses
under conditions of low metabolic rates (anoxia, hypoxia, freezing) is energetically costly, emphasizing the importance of ROS
management for the control of oxidative stress on reoxygenation.
Activation of Se-GPX (activity or gene expression) occurs in
various animals enduring hypoxia or stress related to changes
in oxygen availability, for example, in hibernating bats and
ground squirrels (Storey 2003), in supercooling lizards (Voituron et al. 2006), and in estivating gastropods (RamosVasconcelos et al. 2005; Nowakowska et al. 2009). Therefore,
it is tempting to propose that Se-GPX plays a crucial role in
regulating the effects of ROS (as inducing oxidative stress or
as a cellular second messenger) during cycling oxygenation and
metabolic rate.
While increased antioxidant defenses during anoxia/hypoxia
maintains intracellular levels of ROS at manageable levels on
reoxygenation, the role of each specific antioxidant defense has
not been investigated until very recently. When Cardoso (2005)
injected the Nile tilapia with the catalase inhibitor aminotriazole
(ATZ; Bagnyukova et al. 2005), it promoted a depletion in
hepatic catalase activity but did not cause a relevant reorganization of other antioxidant defenses and markers of oxidative
stress during normoxia. However, hypoxia exposure tended to
increase hepatic Se-GPX activity, and after 30 min of reoxygenation the GSSG : GSH ratio was increased by 1.3-fold in
ATZ-injected fish in comparison with saline-injected fish. Importantly, other markers of oxidative stress showed little change
in either hypoxic or reoxygenated fish (Cardoso 2005). These
results are consistent with a minor induction of posthypoxic
oxidative stress in tilapia liver with suppressed catalase activity
and, thus, with a minor role for catalase in the protection
against reoxygenation stress in tilapia. However, we must bear
in mind that activation of liver Se-GPX during hypoxia (Cardoso 2005) is consistent with Se-GPX playing a role in managing posthypoxic oxidative stress. Because there is no specific
Se-GPX inhibitor, future RNA interference (RNAi) work must
elicit this postanoxic stress paradigm.
HIF and Hypoxia Responses in Crustaceans
Tidal-zone crustaceans, similar to the turtles and freshwater
fish described above, are also exposed to particularly variable
environments. Many decapod crustaceans—including crabs,
shrimps, and lobsters—experience frequent short-term changes
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 737
Figure 1. Animal groups for which preparation for oxidative stress is an adaptation strategy for enduring freezing (F ), hypoxia (H ), anoxia
(A), and air exposure (E). Other stress situations where preparation for oxidative stress may be involved—such as hibernation, estivation,
diapause, supercooling, and dehydration—are not listed. Hatchling turtles with increased liver catalase activity are Chelydra serpentine, Trachemys
scripta, Emydoidea blandingii, Chrysemys picta, and Malaclemys terrapin.
in the abiotic factors oxygen, salinity, and temperature in their
marine or estuarine habitats. The ability of a marine species to
adjust to varying levels of these parameters as the tide rises and
falls, for example, is a major factor in determining whether the
animal is restricted to the subtidal zone or can penetrate the
upper reaches of the estuary or indeed the supratidal zones. As
the next two sections demonstrate, both marine and freshwater
decapods are well endowed with behavioral and molecular responses when challenged by a nonconstant habitat, and thus
they represent important new models with which to investigate
both acute and chronic adaptations to stress.
One strategy for surviving in a changing world is to be relatively insensitive to oxic, ionic, or thermal fluctuations and to
simply conform to the current conditions. This approach can
potentially offer considerable energy savings. Another strategy
is to maintain a heterogeneous array of responders that can
regulate function across the spectrum of environmental changes
that the organism might experience. An example is the oxygenbinding and -transporting protein hemocyanin (Hc) found in
the circulating hemolymph of most decapod crustaceans. The
protein is composed of multiple subunits that self-assemble
into hexameric arrays; in the Dungeness crab Cancer magister,
each Hc subunit is encoded by a separate gene (Terwilliger et
al. 2006). The high degrees of plasticity and diversity at both
the structural and functional levels afforded by the molecular
heterogeneity of crustacean Hc is thought to provide these
animals with flexible adaptation, both developmentally and
evolutionarily (Markl and Decker 1992; Giomi and Beltramini
2007). Working in concert with this strategy of functionally
heterogeneous oxygen transporters is the ability to rapidly mobilize a suite of defenses, both behavioral and molecular, against
a variable thermal regime or fluctuating oxygen and salinity
concentrations in the environment through closely coordinated
pathways of gene regulation. A key regulator in tolerating hypoxia and possibly other stresses is the HIF transcription factor,
as introduced above.
In a phylum such as Arthropoda, species diversity is so immense that comparative studies even within a class can yield a
panoply of divergent results that makes the search for unifying
patterns to understand mechanisms of stress response more
challenging. Nonetheless, both the comparative approach and
detailed examinations of single species are providing significant
glimpses of the range of molecular adaptations to environmental stresses among crustacean species and how conserved
these mechanisms are in comparison with those in other phyla.
Gene-expression profiling studies coupled with real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses have identified novel stressspecific genes as well as shared multiple-stress-responsive genes
in several species, including shrimp Palaemonetes pugio and
Penaeus monodon (Brouwer et al. 2007; de la Vega et al. 2008)
and crabs Portunus pelagicus, C. magister, and Carcinus maenas
(Terwilliger et al. 2006; Kuballa et al. 2007; Towle and Terwilliger
2008). Within the decapods, however, it is likely that the detailed response to an environmental challenge or to stress has
diverged widely across species, although the upstream control
mechanisms have been conserved. In addition to its welldocumented role in mobilizing the transcription of selected
genes associated with hypoxia defense, HIF upregulation has
been demonstrated during normoxia in both hypoxia-tolerant
vertebrates such as the crucian carp (Rissanen et al. 2006) and
specific cases in hypoxia-sensitive vertebrates (Blouin et al.
2004; Dery et al. 2005). Processes in which normoxic upreg-
738 T. A. Gorr et al.
ulation of HIF-1a is involved—including controlled cell proliferation, apoptosis, vascularization, tissue reconstruction, and
a strong immune response—are also processes that are integral
to the molt cycle and to the innate immune response of crustaceans. These parallels have led us to hypothesize that HIF-a
is involved in recruiting certain genes during molting and infection in crustaceans (Terwilliger 2008).
Molting requires a periodic shutdown of extraneous physiological activities during which the animal focuses on simultaneously detaching itself from the old exoskeleton while synthesizing the new one. The epithelial surface to be shed and
rebuilt includes the lining of the foregut and hindgut, explaining in part why the adult crab ceases to feed for several days
preceding and immediately after ecdysis. Furthermore, just before ecdysis, oxygen uptake may be affected because of an increased diffusion distance across the gills resulting from multiple layers of the new flexible exoskeleton, the loosened
extracellular space, and the old exoskeleton. The ligamentous
supports between the heart and the dorsal carapace must be
temporarily disconnected, further contributing to a decrease in
effective oxygen uptake and delivery via the circulation. Thus,
the potentials for transient metabolic depression, localized tissue hypoxia, and a role for HIF regulation are high when a
crustacean molts, even though environmental oxygen is plentiful. Preliminary studies of HIF expression during molting in
juvenile C. magister in normoxic conditions indicate cyclical
upregulation of HIF-a as the molt cycle progresses (W. Miller,
unpublished observations). These results call for further investigations into HIF-regulated pathways of gene expression in
The upregulation of HIF-a proteins in normoxic vertebrate
macrophages occurs in response to stimulation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an outer-wall component of Gram-negative
bacteria (Blouin et al. 2004). Crustacean hemocytes are also
mobilized by LPS, releasing antimicrobial peptides, clotting
proteins, and prophenoloxidase that function in the crustacean
innate immune response (Söderhäll and Cerenius 1998; Bachere
2000; Terwilliger and Ryan 2006). Hemolymph obtained from
freshly caught crabs and shrimp often contains low levels of
culturable bacteria (L. Burnett, unpublished observations),
which suggests that crustaceans may naturally function in a
state of chronic immunostress. In acute-infection studies,
healthy adult blue crabs Callinectes sapidus were infected with
the marine pathogenic bacterium Vibrio campbellii (N. Terwilliger, K. Burnett, L. Burnett, and D. Towle, unpublished
manuscript), resulting in increased expression of HIF-a mRNA
in Vibrio-injected crabs, consistent with the role of HIF-a in
a normoxic immune response. In a separate study, juvenile C.
sapidus were injected either with a specific HIF-a doublestranded RNA (dsRNA) or with the nonspecific poly-C/G
dsRNA, and gene expression was measured by qPCR. As a result
of both dsRNA injections, HIF-a expression was significantly
higher than it was in noninjected crabs (Terwilliger et al. 2008).
We suggested that the dsRNA activated a nonspecific immune
response, similar to that observed in shrimp (Robalino et al.
2004). The increase in HIF transcript in C. sapidus supports
the hypothesis that nonspecific immunostress in crabs triggers
an upregulation of HIF. Changes in expression of downstream
portions of the immune response would then be initiated. Together, solid evidence exists to support the notion that HIF in
decapod crustaceans is key in coordinating responses in tissues
that undergo developmental and ecdysial reprogramming as
well as in oxygenated yet microbially challenged cells.
Physiological Response of Crayfish to Environmental
Hypoxia and Temperature Change
The variability in the abiotic environment of intertidal crustaceans (above) can be even more extreme in freshwater bodies,
especially isolated shallow ponds. Aquatic invertebrates in such
habitats are regularly exposed to fluctuations in ambient oxygen
concentration and temperature. These habitats can frequently
become hypoxic, and as a result these animals exhibit a suite
of defenses to cope with O2 stress that can increase the efficiency
of O2 transport systems. A nice example of such adaptations
is the hypoxia-inducible, HIF-driven synthesis of different globin genes in the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna (Gorr
et al. 2004a). As an alternative to upregulated O2 delivery to
maintain an aerobic, oxyregulated physiology while facing mild
hypoxia, a lessening of energy demands through the reduction
of metabolic activities together with a shifted balance from
oxidative toward anaerobic (i.e., glycolytic) ATP production
might also be invoked to protect cellular energy levels from
becoming fatally depleted (Hochachka et al. 1996). However,
an exaggerated glycolytic substrate flux is not sustainable in the
long term, and mechanisms to reduce energy demand must be
exploited. Metabolic rate depression is understood to facilitate
this reduction in ATP demand in many invertebrate species
(e.g., Storey and Storey 1990; Grieshaber et al. 1994). Endothermic species may also achieve metabolic rate depression by
lowering the thermoregulatory set point (anapyrexia), slowing
cellular processes and ultimately decreasing energy demand.
Some ectotherms—for example, lizards (Hicks and Wood
1985), frogs (Wood and Malvin 1991), fish (Rausch and Crawshaw 1990), and crayfish (Dupre and Wood 1988)—actively seek
out colder environments to reduce their body temperature,
thereby reducing metabolic rate and their requirement for O2,
a behavior known as hypoxia-induced behavioral hypothermia
(HIBH; Wood 1991; Morris 2004).
Ambient temperature (Ta) is a particularly important variable
for ectotherms because it drives metabolism in these organisms
and can have large effects on metabolism (Q10 effect). As such,
the American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus is a valuable model in which to examine the interplay between temperature and physiological and molecular responses to hypoxia,
an interaction that only rarely occurs in mammalian and avian
models (e.g., Morris 2004). To study aspects of HIBH in P.
leniusculus, crayfish were acclimated to 5⬚, 13⬚, or 20⬚C for a
minimum of 2 wk and subsequently exposed to progressively
decreasing oxygen partial pressures (Po2, ∼21.3–1.0 kPa). The
critical point (Pc) of the oxygen consumption rate (Mo2) below
which crayfish recruit anaerobiosis and accumulate lactate was
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 739
elucidated using closed respirometry (Morris and Callaghan
1998; Morris et al. 2005) while hemolymph was sampled for
l-lactate analysis.
Increasing the acclimation temperature of P. leniusculus from
13⬚ to 20⬚C elevated the Mo2 in normoxic crayfish by 14.2%,
whereas a decrease in acclimation temperature from 20⬚ to 5⬚C
depressed Mo2 by 7.5% (Fig. 2). However, these differences
were largely apparent only for crayfish in normoxic or nearnormoxic conditions, for example, comparing results at 20⬚C
(Po2 p 15 and 10 kPa) with those at 13⬚ and 5⬚C. Regardless
of the temperature employed, hypoxia eventually elicited an
oxyconforming response with significant decreases in Mo2 below the Pc. For example, at 20⬚C, Pc p Po2 of 5 kPa, and importantly at 5⬚C, the Pc corresponded to a Po2 of just 2.5 kPa
(Fig. 2).
In normoxic crayfish, the hemolymph concentration of llactate remains universally low, even at 20⬚C (0.04–0.23 mmol
L⫺1). In general, hemolymph lactate concentrations increase
when the water Po2 falls below 2.5 kPa; thus, this value is used
as the critical Po2 for P. leniusculus, consistent with work on
other crayfish (Morris et al. 2005). This Pc for anaerobiosis is
largely unaffected by Ta, except that at the lowest Po2 (∼1 kPa),
the extent of the anaerobiosis is greater at the highest temperature (20⬚C). Thus, predictably, crayfish held at lower temperatures resort less to anaerobiosis (less l-lactate), consistent with
the suggestion that animals at lower temperatures are better
able to maintain energetic status, probably because of Q10 effects
lowering energy requirements. Thus, HIBH would provide
some clear benefits during severe environmental hypoxia.
These findings are reflected in data gained using a crayfish
cell line (OLGA-PH-J/92, obtained from American Type Culture Collection [ATCC]) from Orconectes limosus. These cells
show considerable tolerance to severe and prolonged hypoxia
(96 h, Po2, ∼0.2 kPa to ∼1 kPa) with reduced temperatures
(13⬚–5⬚C) and maintain ATP concentration in a steady state
comparable to normoxic values (Wren et al. 2008). In general,
these findings support the concept that cooler temperatures
offer protection to ectotherms in hypoxic environments. Our
investigation of the in vitro onset-decay profile of the HIF
indicates that HIF binding to DNA in hypoxic OLGA cells is
activated by hypoxia and is further potentiated by reduced
temperatures (23⬚, 13⬚, 5⬚C comparisons; Wren et al. 2008),
which is highly reminiscent of conclusions reached for the crucian carp (Rissanen et al. 2006). Importantly, it may thus also
be the case that crayfish seek out colder temperatures in order
to aid HIF induction (Morris 2004).
The identity of the crustacean OLGA cell line has recently
come into question (Lee et al. 2009), and consequently, the
commercial supply of OLGA cells (ATCC CRL-2576) has been
discontinued. The preliminary report (Lee et al. 2009) regarding
ATCC OLGA cell batches as containing clones of a potentially
fungal cell contaminant encouraged us to characterize our batch
of independently supplied cells (gift of Dr. T. Neumann; Neumann et al. 2000) by cloning and sequencing a fragment of the
arginine kinase (Ak) gene. Among crustaceans, Ak is a widely
identified and highly conserved gene, and the complementary
Figure 2. Oxygen consumption rate Mo2 (mmol g⫺1 h⫺1) of Pacifastacus
leniusculus acclimated to either 20⬚C (filled triangles), 13⬚C (open circles), or 5⬚C (filled circles) for 14 d before exposure to progressive
hypoxia. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean. Significantly
lower values compared with normoxic rates within temperature groups
are denoted by an asterisk (20⬚C), a plus sign (13⬚C), and a multiplication cross (5⬚C). Analyses employed a one-factor ANOVA, and
where significant, post hoc testing used Tukey’s test (P ! 0.05).
DNA (cDNA) is partially known from the P. leniusculus crayfish
(J. F. Wren, unpublished manuscript). Thus, assuming that our
OLGA cells stem from the crayfish O. limosus (Neumann et al.
2000), we were able to include as a positive control the cloning
of the homologous Ak fragment from the close relative P.
Using tissue from either P. leniusculus muscle or OLGA cells,
we were able to TOPO-clone a 300-bp Ak PCR amplicon into
the pCRII plasmid for subsequent sequence confirmation of
the enclosed insert (Invitrogen, TOPO cloning kit with pCRII
vector). BlastN searches against a nonredundant DNA database,
and ClustalW-based sequence alignments revealed that (a) 99
out of 100 top-scoring matches between the OLGA or P. leniusculus Ak queries were obtained with arthropod Ak database
entries, including numerous crustacean sequences with identity
ranging from 80% to 84%; and (b) the short Ak fragment
showed a 100% sequence identity between the OLGA and P.
leniusculus sources. These Ak sequence data thus strongly encourage us to conclude that our OLGA cells are truly of crustacean origin and are not a fungal derivative. We are unable to
make the same conclusion for other, discontinued OLGA supplies, and we urge caution because OLGA may comprise a
heterogeneous strain in which some batches may include fungal
contaminants. Potential users of OLGA cells should similarly
consider specifically characterizing their cell batch for crustacean or noncrustacean sequences.
There have been few attempts to integrate the biochemical
and molecular concepts of the hypoxia response with that of
anapyrexia (or HIBH; Morris 2004 for review). However, it is
important to consider that while acute lowering of temperature
may afford some protection against severe or prolonged hypoxia, ectotherms ultimately show thermal acclimation in which
metabolic rate partially recovers and Mo2 reapproaches the
740 T. A. Gorr et al.
original rate shown at higher temperatures (hence the reduction
in Mo2 of only 7.5% when comparing 20⬚-acclimated to 5⬚Cacclimated crayfish). In these circumstances, HIBH is of shortto medium-term benefit, and in view of our findings, the acute
effect of temperature change on the response of these animals
to hypoxia must now be established.
Targeting Hypoxia-Tolerance Mechanisms:
From Drosophila to Cancer Cells
As emphasized above, tolerance of severe hypoxia (Po2 K Pc)
or anoxia commonly rests on energy conservation as a longterm survival strategy. This hypometabolic state is defined by
Po2-conforming oxygen uptake rates, disengaged protein and
DNA synthesis, and a noncycling, quiescent phenotype. Adoption and maintenance of hypometabolism underlies the enormous resistance in many invertebrate and some ectothermic
vertebrate species to a large variety of stresses including hypoxia, ischemia, dehydration, and the hypothermia experienced
in small mammalian hibernators (reviewed in Hochachka et
al. 1996; Boutilier and St-Pierre 2000; Gorr et al. 2006). For a
tumor, the degree of hypoxia tolerance may be an important
determinant of the level of hypoxia that can be sustained within
the mass. Therefore, hypoxia tolerance can be viewed as a protumor property that provides a molecular resistance toward
effective therapy. Similar to that observed in invertebrate and
ectothermic vertebrate animal models, hypometabolic defenses
of severely hypoxic (0%–0.5% O2) cancer cells integrate adaptations at all three levels of this metabolic slow down, that
is, in the O2 uptake rate, the macromolecular synthesis machinery, and within the progression of the cell cycle. Regarding
the switch into the oxyconforming uptake mode of cancer cells
(Froese 1962; Freyer 1994), a molecular explanation has recently been put forward in form of the partly HIF-mediated
induction of the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) inhibitor
PDK1. Activation of PDK1 in turn suppresses respiration rates
because the inhibition of the PDH reaction starves the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle of pyruvate substrate (Kim et al. 2006;
Papandreou et al. 2006). The general silencing of all ATP-costly
macromolecular syntheses—including the rapid inhibition of
replicon initiation in early S-phase of the cell cycle (“replicon
arrest”: Pettersen and Lindmo 1983; Probst et al. 1988; Åmellem
and Pettersen 1991) and the marked reduction in the overall
rate of protein synthesis (“translational arrest”: Pettersen et al.
1986; Kraggerud et al. 1995; Guppy et al. 2005)—has also been
reported from O2-deprived cancer cells. Finally, cell cycle proliferation is arrested, often at the G1/S-phase transition and
independent of p53 function (Graeber et al. 1994), to block or
slow the growth of cancer cells when they become deoxygenated
(Giaccia 1996; Höckel and Vaupel 2001). This ultimate defense,
cellular quiescence, correlates with an extreme resistance to
radiotherapy (Masunaga et al. 2002, 2006).
To introduce and assess the targeting of hypoxia-tolerance
pathways as a conceptually novel strategy in oncology, we recently established a fly-to-cancer translational approach for the
discovery of and interference with novel hypometabolic func-
tions. When Drosophila is exposed to mild hypoxia, HIF functions in vivo in an angiogenesis-like fashion, mainly within the
tracheal system (Lavista-Llanos et al. 2002), to convert the hypoxia signal into the activated expression of the fibroblast growth
factor (FGF) receptor homologue. In this way, HIF primes the
tracheal endings to sprout out toward hypoxic target tissues
that are secreting increasing doses of FGF ligand (Centanin et
al. 2008). However, when flies or fly embryos are exposed to
a more severe shortage of O2, they will switch from a tracheal
(angiogenic) strategy to a hypometabolic one that at first glance
seems to mimic the behavior of cancer cells, both in vitro and
in vivo, during progressive deoxygenation. Drosophila’s remarkable ability to survive severe oxygen deprivation is reflected by the complete recovery after a 4-h exposure (adult
flies) or one of several days (late embryos) to a N2 atmosphere
(Haddad et al. 1997; Wingrove and O’Farrell 1999). For the
initial discovery of genes whose hypoxia-responsive products
might play a role in governing entry and maintenance of a
hypometabolic state (i.e., hypometabolic factors [HMFs]) and
to that end, participate in conferring hypoxia tolerance, we
recorded transcriptome profiles of S2 cells (Schneider cell, line
2) in response to graded hypoxia through microarray and
Northern blot RNA-level surveys. S2 cells were cultured from
the particularly hypoxia-tolerant late-stage embryos (Schneider
1972) and abundantly accumulated the functional HIF complex
during O2 deprivation (Gorr et al. 2004b). More than 300 S2expressed genes responded with a greater than twofold induction or suppression during the most severe period of hypoxia
(not shown). Because of the general paucity of commercial
Drosophila antibodies, this initial survey recorded only transcriptional responses. However, during the subsequent validation and fly/cancer translation stage exemplified for the homologous Thor/4E-BP1 (fly/human) HMF candidate below, we
assessed the gene’s functions at the RNA and protein levels.
Our survey (J. M. Gómez, T. Tomita, N. Romero, K. CloughGorr, M. Gassmann, H. F. Bunn, A. Deten, P. Wappner, and
T. A. Gorr, unpublished manuscript) revealed the gene Thor as
one of the most strongly hypoxia-induced hypometabolic factor
candidate genes. Thor is Drosophila’s single-copy homologue
of the mammalian translation repressors 4E-binding proteins
1–3 (4E-BP1–3). Active and hypophosphorylated 4E-BPs act
by sequestering the rate-limiting, cap-binding protein eIF4E
from the key translation initiation complex eIF4F (see Fig. 3).
Thus, induction of Thor in hypoxic fly cells (see Fig. 3, thick
“induction” arrow from hypoxia label to 4E-BP1) might contribute to inhibiting this branch of the ATP-costly protein synthesis. Indeed, fly genetics in collaboration with Pablo Wappner
(Leloir Institute, Buenos Aires) were used to expand our S2
results to the in vivo level by showing (a) the pronounced
induction of Thor mRNA in hypoxic flies, (b) the strict requirement of HIF for in vivo Thor expression, and (c) the
requirement of Thor function for Drosophila to adapt to and
recover from hypoxia. Observation (b) implicates HIF for the
first time in the control of a candidate hypometabolismmediating factor and thus in the downregulation of ATP-costly
protein synthesis activities in hypoxia (J. M. Gómez, T. Tomita,
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 741
N. Romero, K. Clough-Gorr, M. Gassmann, H. F. Bunn, A.
Deten, P. Wappner, and T. A. Gorr, unpublished manuscript).
Do cancer cells also acquire hypoxia tolerance and therapeutic resistance in part via the 4E-BP-mediated translational
slowdown? A rather weak and heterogeneous transcriptional
control of 4E-BP genes in different human cancer cells (i.e.,
hepatoma cells [Hep3B], breast carcinoma cells [MCF7], cervical carcinoma cells [HeLa]) during 16-h episodes of hypoxia
or anoxia (not shown) prompted us to study regulation of 4EBP1 proteins in these cell lines. In order to act as translational
suppressor, 4E-BP1 must be hypophosphorylated to be able to
compete for eIF4E binding with the protranslational factor 4G
(see Fig. 3). Decrease in the phosphorylation status of 4E-BPs
is usually accomplished through the tuberous sclerosis complex
(TSC) 1/2-REDD1/RTP801-mediated inhibition and the Bcl2/
adenovirus E1B 19-kDa protein-interacting protein 3 (BNIP3)or promyelocytic leukemia tumor suppressor (PML)-mediated
inhibition of the upstream mammalian target of rapamaycin
(mTor) kinase during hypoxia/anoxia (Fig. 3; Brugarolas et al.
2004; Sofer et al. 2005; Li et al. 2007). Consistent with this
expectation, we found a pronounced shift from hyper- to hypophosphorylated 4E-BP1 species in hypoxic and anoxic
Hep3B and HeLa cells but not MCF7 cells (not shown). In
conclusion, some cancer cells show a phosphosignature that
indicates a flylike activated translation repression via 4E-BP1
controls when deoxygenated.
To understand the relevance of this checkpoint for the hypoxia adaptation, we collaborated with molecular oncologist
Brad Wouters (Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto) and radiologist Philippe Lambin (Maastro Clinics, Maastricht) to analyze how the RNAi-based loss-of-function of 4E-BP1 relates
to hypoxic survival and treatment resistance of human cancer
cells and tumor models. Expression of short hairpin–interfering
RNA (shRNA) specific for 4E-BP1 yielded stable knockdown
(kd) transformants of two human cancer cells (HeLa and glioblastoma U87) whose viability during prolonged and severe
hypoxia exposure was significantly compromised. Moreover, a
single 10-Gy dose irradiation of U87 tumor xenografts made
from 4E-BP1 kd cells versus empty-vector (ev) transfected control cells revealed a differential radio sensitivity. The postradiation specific growth delay, a measure thought to closely reflect the relative number of cells killed by treatment, was always
significantly higher in the kd tumors than in the ev control
tumors, regardless of tumor end volume (Dubois et al. 2009).
These data strongly suggest a reduction in the viable fraction
of radio-resistant hypoxic cells in the kd tumors, which was
further evidenced by increased levels of cleaved caspase-3 despite similar extent or severity of intratumoral hypoxia in both
tumor types (pimonidazole IHC staining). Thus, 4E-BP1 lossof-function increases radio sensitivity by decreasing the hypoxia
tolerance of tumor xenografts without affecting the hypoxic
fractions of the xenografts. Diminished hypoxia viability in cells
of 4E-BP1 kd tumors was, however, associated with a threefold
drop in steady-state ATP concentrations (Dubois et al. 2009).
Regulating the rates of protein synthesis via the control of
the cap-dependent, eIF4F-driven translation is required, from
fly to cancer cells, to facilitate energy conservation and to gain
hypoxia tolerance. For tumors, this tolerance acquisition is associated with radioresistance. The results of this collaborative
effort show that targeting translational controls represents an
effective new way to sensitize cells to hypoxia and solid cancers
to radiotherapy.
Strategies of Anoxia Tolerance in Ectothermic Vertebrates
While most vertebrates die within a few minutes of anoxia, a
few can survive without any oxygen for days to months, depending on temperature (Fig. 4). Some of these tolerant ectotherms actively seek out colder ambient temperatures to
lower their metabolism in order to better cope with lack of
oxygen (HIBH, above). Anoxia-tolerance champions among
vertebrates include the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and
some North American freshwater turtles of the genera Trachemys and Chrysemys. In these animals, anoxia tolerance has
evolved to allow survival in small lakes and ponds that may
become anoxic for several months during the winter when thick
ice cover blocks both oxygen diffusion from the atmosphere
and the light needed for photosynthetic oxygen release (Holopainen and Hyvärinen 1985; Ultsch 1989).
The strategies utilized for anoxic survival by crucian carp
and turtles differ in several aspects (Lutz and Nilsson 1997;
Nilsson and Lutz 2004). However, most importantly, they all
defend their brain ATP levels by matching ATP use with glycolytic ATP production during anoxia. As such, they are able
to maintain ion homeostasis and avoid cell membrane depolarization, which, when it occurs in the brains of anoxiaintolerant animals such as mammals, initiates many of the
events that finally lead to anoxic cell death (Lutz et al. 2003).
While crucian carp maintain physical activity in anoxia (Nilsson et al. 1993), some turtles enter into a near-comatose state
as they strongly depress both brain and heart activity. For example, the crucian carp maintains cardiac output during anoxia
(Stecyk et al. 2004), while the heart rate of cold anoxic turtles
falls to only about one beat per minute (Stecyk et al. 2008).
Initially, the neural depression in turtles appears to be mediated
by adenosine release (Nilsson and Lutz 1992) and subsequently
maintained by a massive release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA; Nilsson and Lutz
1991). This is combined with a downregulation of ion channels
with conductance for Na⫹ and Ca2⫹, including glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) family (which
in mammals is responsible for much of the detrimental Ca2⫹
influx during anoxia; Bickler et al. 2002). The extracellular level
of GABA has been found to rise some 80 times in the anoxic
turtle brain (Nilsson and Lutz 1991), suggesting that the turtle
is virtually anesthetizing itself with GABA.
In contrast to the turtles, the crucian carp does not appear
to suppress ion conductance in the brain, possibly with the
exception of the NMDA receptor (Ellefsen et al. 2008). However, the carp downregulates selected neural functions, including vision and hearing, which are probably of little importance
during the dark anoxic winter (Suzue et al. 1987; Johansson et
Figure 3. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway and its various points of inhibition exerted by hypoxia (⫺O2) or nutrient
shortage (⫺nutrients). When nutrients (e.g., amino acids) and/or oxygen are sufficiently available, the kinase mTOR transmits positive growth
signals (e.g., binding of insulin/IGFs to the insulin receptor InR) to the translational machinery through its ability to phosphorylate (1) the
p70 subunit of the ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1), (2) the eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase (eEF2K), and (3) the eukaryotic translation
initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)–binding protein 1 (4E-BP1). These stimulating (white P in black circle) and inactivating (black P in white circle)
phosphorylations cumulatively activate the translational initiation of cap-dependent (target 4E-BP1) or 5 terminal oligopyrimidine tract (TOP)–
carrying (target S6K1) RNAs and stimulate their translational elongation as well (target eEF2K). Hyperphosphorylation of the translational
repressor 4E-BP1 releases the rate-limiting cap-binding protein eIF4E, allowing it to bind to the scaffolding protein eIF4G along with the eIF4A
helicase. Once the functional eIF4F trimer (i.e., eIF4E ⫹ eIF4G ⫹ eIF4A) is formed, nascent mRNAs are bound via the 5 cap/eIF4E interaction
and transported to ribosomal subunits for the initiation of the cap-dependent translation. Activation of the mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1:
mLST8 ⫹ mTOR ⫹ Raptor) relies on the interaction with GTP-loaded Rheb. This interaction may be inhibited during hypoxia by Bnip3 and/
or the promyelocytic leukemia tumor suppressor. Hypoxia also inhibits mTOR through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is itself
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 743
al. 1997). Oddly, turtles appear to maintain vision during anoxia (Stensløkken et al. 2008b). A moderate increase in extracellular GABA levels (Hylland and Nilsson 1999), possibly mediated by a reduced expression of GABA reuptake proteins
(Ellefsen et al. 2009), is probably involved in depressing energy
use in the crucian carp (Nilsson 1992), but only to a level that
is compatible with some physical activity. Other mechanisms
that may be involved in defending brain and heart energy
charge in crucian carp include phosphorylation of AMPactivated kinase that in turn will initiate mechanisms that increase energy supply and reduce energy use (Stensløkken et al.
Like other vertebrates, anoxic turtles produce lactate as the
main anaerobic end product of anaerobic glycolysis. The crucian carp, on the other hand, has the exotic ability to produce
ethanol during anoxia (Johnston and Bernard 1983; Nilsson
1988), thereby avoiding the enormous lactic acid load that
turtles have to deal with. The capacity for ethanol production
is backed up by enormous glycogen stores (Nilsson 1990; Vornanen and Paajanen 2006), and ethanol production is probably
the key to the crucian carp’s ability to maintain activity in
anoxia. The advantage of retaining mobility during anoxia
could be that it allows the crucian carp to seek out oxygen in
the spring, thereby shortening the anoxic period (Nilsson 2001).
The turtles, on the other hand, must reduce their metabolism
and physical activity to a minimum to minimize lactate load.
Hypoxia, Erythropoeitin, Carotid Body,
and Gender Differences
Inherently hypoxia-sensitive mammals can be engineered to
somewhat modify or increase their adaptability to oxygen deprivation. This point is exemplified through the overexpression
of erythropoietin (Epo) in mice. In 2000, our group introduced
the transgenic mouse line tg6 (Ruschitzka et al. 2000; Wagner
et al. 2001), which constitutively overexpresses the human Epo
transgene in every tissue and, as a result, develops an average
hematocrit of 0.80–0.85 within the first 2 mo of the mouse’s
life. The tg6 model is better protected from chronic alveolar
hypoxia, a known inducer of pulmonary hypertension, than
are wild-type (wt) animals. Hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by pulmonary vascular remodeling with increased muscularization of the pulmonary vasculature, polycythemia, altered reactivity of the pulmonary
vasculature, and subsequently, right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy. When wt mice were subjected to hypoxia, a pronounced
increase in the degree of pulmonary vascular muscularization
was observed. In contrast, such enhanced muscularization was
not observed in tg6 mice kept under equivalent hypoxia (Weissmann et al. 2005). Thus, congenital Epo overexpression exerts
an overall “antihypertensive” effect on the pulmonary vasculature by reducing vasoreactivity and muscularization during
vascular remodeling. Consistent with these data, our recent
studies showed a much attenuated increase of functional RV
parameters (e.g., RV systolic pressure [RVSP]) in tg6 animals
compared with wt animals during progressive inspired hypoxia
(A. Deten, C. Schürmann-Huber, J. Hu, J. Soliz, T. A. Gorr,
and M. Gassmann, unpublished manuscript). Furthermore,
hypoxic lungs of wt mice reflected unabated inflammatory cell
recruitment and vascular remodeling through a specific mRNA
induction of the proinflammatory interleukin 6 (IL-6) marker.
In sharp contrast, the IL-6 mRNA titer remained at basal levels
and could no longer be stimulated by hypoxia in hypoxic lungs
of tg6 mice or after acute injection of recombinant Epo (rEpo)
into wt mice before their exposure to hypoxia (C. SchürmannHuber, J. Hu, M. Gassmann, A. Deten, and T. A. Gorr, unpublished manuscript). It seems that overexpressed or acutely
administered Epo mediates its antihypertensive property by
counteracting IL-6-driven inflammation in the alveolar
Interestingly, the dose response curve of RVSP to decreasing
inspired oxygen peaked at higher O2 concentrations in tg6 animals than in control animals, which could indicate an increased
sensitivity to hypoxia in the transgenics. This was surprising,
because decreased vasoreactivity and increased arterial oxygen
content, which might follow from the increased hematocrit and
blood volume in tg6 mice, would instead suggest a delayed
maximum in the functional response curves along with an
increased tolerance to reduced concentrations of inspiratory
oxygen. To further analyze this conundrum, we set out to compare the ventilation of transgenic and wt mice, specifically looking at the breathing patterns of female and male animals during
inspiratory hypoxia. Here we summarize both the background
of the ventilatory response and our own findings with regard
to the gender-specific role of Epo in controlling breathing during low oxygen levels.
The main peripheral chemoreceptor identified in mammals
is the carotid body (Gonzalez et al. 1994), a small bilateral
organ situated near the carotid bifurcation, where it permanently measures oxygen arterial pressure and controls ventilatory activity. While the main stimulus of carotid bodies is the
decline of the arterial oxygen partial pressure (Pao2), carotid
bodies are also stimulated by other physical or chemical com-
activated by the tumor-suppressor kinase LKB1 during a fall in energy charge—that is, a rise in the [AMP] : [ATP] ratio—and the Redd1dependent regulation of the TSC1–TSC2 complex. The TSC1–TSC2 complex displays GTPase-activating protein activity against Rheb, resulting
in negative regulation of mTOR. Finally, hypoxia can directly influence the translation initiation machinery by sequestering eIF4E and its
nuclear import factor 4E-T to the nucleus and cytoplasmic processing bodies. Redd1 and Bnip3 are hypoxia-inducible transcription factor
(HIF)–dependent controls and mTOR antagonists. Thin arrow p pathway stimulation; T-bar p pathway inhibition; thick arrow p external
signal of dominant influence; dotted arrow p unclear signal transmission; hexagon p kinase function. Ellipse p all other functions. Black
name on light gray (e.g., Akt) p mTOR activator ⫹ oncogene, on gain-of-function mutation; black name on dark gray (e.g., AMPK, Bnip3) p
generic mTOR antagonist; white name on black (e.g., PTEN, TSC1/2) p mTOR antagonist ⫹ tumor suppressor until loss-of-function mutation.
744 T. A. Gorr et al.
Figure 4. The 1,000-fold difference in anoxic survival time between “normal” vertebrates and anoxia-tolerant vertebrates. Because metabolic
rate falls with temperature, animals will survive anoxia longer in the cold. For anoxia-tolerant vertebrates, a low temperature means that their
glycogen stores last longer; that is, they will survive anoxia as long as they have glucose available. By contrast, for anoxia-intolerant vertebrates,
a low temperature means only a slower loss of cellular energy charge and therefore a slower death process. Redrawn from Lutz et al. (2003).
ponents in blood, such as arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (Paco2), pH, temperature, arterial flow and pressure, or
osmolarity. The carotid bodies are among the most vascularized
organs in the body (five times more vascularized than the brain)
and are highly innervated by afferent sensorial fibers and fibers
from the autonomic nervous system (Gonzalez et al. 1994).
When mammals are exposed to hypoxia, the carotid body afferent fibers are immediately stimulated and forward this information mainly via nonrespiratory neurons localized in the
caudal obex, a region of the nucleus tractus solitarii (nTS;
Housley and Sinclair 1988; Finley and Katz 1992). The modulation of the activity in the respiratory neurons determine the
discharge frequency of the phrenic nerve-motor neurons located in the fifth cervical segment (de Burgh Daly 2000). Thus,
the nTS neuron projection activated by the stimulation of the
carotid bodies determines the parallel activation of the respiratory network and the sympathetic nervous system (Loewy
and Burton 1978; Otake et al. 1992; Sun 1995; de Burgh Daly
The carotid bodies produce a large diversity of neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, catecholamines (dopamine
and noradrenalin), and serotonin, as well as several neuropeptides (substance P, enkephalines, atrial natriuretic peptide, galanine, calcitonine-gene-related peptide, endothelin, vasoactive
intestinal peptide) and the gases nitric oxide (NO) and carbon
monoxide (CO; Verna et al. 1995; Tamayo et al. 1997; Zapata
1997; Eyzaguirre and Abudara 1999). These substances are all
produced in the Type I or glomus cells as well as in the nerve
endings. It is known that on a natural hypoxic stimulus, the
carotid body secretes different neurotransmitters that depolarize the Hering-membrane nerve, producing a nervous activation. From this cocktail of substances, it seems that dopamine,
acetylcholine, ATP, substance P, and NO have a predominant
role in glomus cell signal modulation (Prabhakar 1994; Verna
et al. 1995; Tamayo et al. 1997; Zapata 1997; Eyzaguirre and
Abudara 1999; Nurse and Zhang 1999; Vicario et al. 2000).
Furthermore, under hypoxia it seems that dopamine in particular plays a major role in the neurochemistry of the carotid
body and signal chemotransduction (Finley and Katz 1992). In
fact, glomus cells are essentially catecholaminergic and represent the structures with the highest catecholamine content in
the organism (10 times higher than in the striatum; Gonzalez
et al. 1995). However, the role of dopamine at the synapsechemosensitive level is still not understood.
Does blood-borne circulating Epo, especially when its synthesis and secretion is stimulated to greatly elevated levels by
the HIF-mediated transactivation of the gene in the kidney,
also participate in the regulation of the carotid body stimulation
during hypoxia? This question arises from the fact that on
exposure to Epo, nonerythroid cells displaying neuronal characteristics and carrying Epo, such as the rat pheochromocytomal cell PC12, showed increased intracellular Ca2⫹ concentration, dopamine release, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity,
and membrane depolarization (Assandri et al. 1999). As PC12
cells mimic carotid body Type I cells (Tanaka et al. 2001), we
hypothesized that these peripheral chemoreceptors were also
activated by Epo. To address this question, we measured the
hypoxic ventilator response (HVR) in wt mice after injection
Hypoxia Tolerance in Animals 745
of 2,000 U/kg rEpo. Control wt animals received an injection
of 0.9% NaCl solution. While there were no alterations observed at moderate hypoxia, Epo-injected animals showed
lower tidal volume (VT) but higher respiratory frequency (fR)
than saline-injected controls under severe hypoxia (6% inspiratory O2; Soliz et al. 2005). These data are consistent with an
effect of Epo on carotid body cells, most probably by binding
to the Epo receptor (EpoR). To determine whether EpoR is
present in the carotid body, we performed immunostaining in
serial lateral sections from the carotid bifurcation. Staining of
TH was used to identify the glomus cells on one section, and
EpoR staining was performed on the subsequent one. We found
a dense staining of EpoR in the carotid body, apparently localized within islets of chemosensitive cells, suggesting that peripheral chemoreceptors can be activated by plasma Epo on its
binding to EpoR (Soliz et al. 2005). Together, our results suggested that Epo controls ventilation at central (brain stem) and
peripheral (carotid body) levels.
Interestingly, we observed gender-dependent differences in
the Epo-modulated HVR. Of note, female mammals, including
women, exhibit better acclimatization to hypoxia at high altitudes. Furthermore, human and animal females are less susceptible to a number of hypoxia-associated sickness and syndromes (Joseph et al. 2000, 2002). This evidence draws
attention to the importance of female sexual hormones in coping with hypoxia, especially because it was demonstrated that
female sexual hormones can influence the expression of
hypoxia-inducible genes such as Epo (Suzuma et al. 1999; Bausero et al. 2000; Earley and Resta 2002) and are able to modulate
the cytokine regulation in PC12 cells (Koski et al. 2004). We
thus hypothesized that the Epo-enhanced ventilator response
via carotid bodies or the respiratory center in mice exposed to
hypoxia is a gender-dependent process. To test this hypothesis,
we used males and females from tg6 and tg21 mouse lines. In
tg21 transgenics, the expression of Epo is confined to brain
cells, therefore yielding, in contrast to tg6 animals (above),
normal serum levels of Epo and normal blood hematocrit levels
(42%; Wiessner et al. 2001). In tg6 mice, again, Epo is expressed
ubiquitously, thus triggering an excessive erythrocytosis with
enormously elevated hematocrit values (Ruschitzka et al. 2000;
Shibata et al. 2003; Wenger and Katschinski 2005). We found
that brain-derived Epo increases ventilation in female mice as
it does in males; however, the Epo modulation of the ventilatory
pattern was different between genders (Soliz et al. 2009). In
addition, we found that the excessive erythrocytosis of tg6 male
mice counterbalanced the stimulatory effect of brain-derived
Epo (Soliz et al. 2007). Surprisingly, in contrast to what happens
in males, excessive erythrocytosis and brain-derived Epo in tg6
females synergistically stimulated the HVR, resulting in a twofold increase of hypoxic ventilation in comparison with corresponding wt females (Soliz et al. 2009).
Assuming that plasma Epo does not efficiently cross the
blood-brain barrier (Marti et al. 2000; Brines et al. 2004; Marti
2004), we also injected rEpo in male and female wt mice (2,000
U/kg body weight; intravenous). This model allowed us to test
the effects of Epo on carotid bodies without the influence of
cerebrally produced Epo. Although Epo injection did not affect
the HVR of male animals, it dramatically increased the hypoxic
ventilation in females (Soliz et al. 2009). Finally, to test whether
our data in mice reflect the situation in humans, we evaluated
the HVR in volunteers exposed to 10% O2 for 15 min following
intravenous injection of rEpo. Indeed, we observed that increased plasma Epo concentration altered HVR in all tested
subjects. However, while HVR was decreased in men because
of a significant decrease in fR rather than in VT, HVR was
augmented in women because of a significant increase in VT
rather than in fR (Soliz et al. 2009). Because we do not expect
significant amounts of Epo to cross the blood-brain barrier in
this short period of time, our results suggest that elevated Epo
plasma levels influence the peripheral chemosensitivity in both
mice and human beings. Taken together, these results show that
carotid bodies in females are much more sensitive to Epo stimulation than are those in males. Thus, Epo plays a crucial role
in the female capacity to adapt to hypoxia as well as improve
protection against hypoxia-associated sickness and syndromes.
The models presented here, whether inherently tolerant to hypoxia or anoxia (e.g., Drosophila, crucian carp, etc.) or engineered to be better protected from inadequate O2 availabilities
(Epo-overexpressing mice), are beginning to reveal their potential values for understanding environmental responses to low
O2 and for the translation of findings onto human pathologies.
Counteracting the effects of anoxia and ischemia during organ
transplantation, myocardial infarction, or wound healing, for
example, has been hampered by disappointments and slow progress. Here we present the first evidence that the tg6 mouse
line, with its ubiquitous and constitutive overexpression of Epo,
is a valuable model with which to study gender-specific ventilatory adaptations to normo- and hypobaric hypoxia. This
will certainly redirect research activities toward the thus far
largely ignored crosstalk between oxygen and steroid hormone
signaling pathways. Beyond engineered rodents, fresh views on
the translational bench-to-bedside path can be provided by
studies on the profound tolerance toward little or no oxygen
observed in many invertebrates and ectothermic vertebrates. In
these stress-tolerant models, changes observed in physiological,
biochemical, and molecular functions during a period of low/
no oxygen are likely to be adaptive rather than pathological.
To that end, protective mechanisms in the anoxic yet conductance-maintaining brain of the crucian carp can teach us key
requirements to aid in the survival of a stroking area in the
human cerebral cortex or how to safely and reversibly switch
off the central circuits necessary for vision and hearing during
surgery of the respective brain areas. Targeting tolerancemediating and ATP-saving gene functions, like inhibitors for
the cap-dependent mRNA translation, has begun to translate
from these models (i.e., Drosophila) into innovative treatment
concepts for the sensitization of radio-resistant hypoxic human
malignancies. By identifying and interfering with the molecular
processes underlying hypoxia and anoxia tolerance, more se-
746 T. A. Gorr et al.
lective diagnostic markers and anticancer therapies can be anticipated because almost all healthy tissues in the human body
are homeostatic in their oxygenation and, arguably, are less
likely to recruit hypometabolic defenses when deoxygenated.
In this sense, invertebrate and selected vertebrate animals have
proven to be very useful models, and they will continue to be
in order to arrive at new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
against hypoxia-associated human pathologies. The value of
these studies goes beyond directed applications for human
health. The phyletic approach illustrates how regulatory molecules such as HIF that have been identified as stress-response
factors in some species may function during normally encountered physiological processes in other organisms and under
different conditions. Increased understanding of how individual
species exhibit diverse modes of dealing with environmental
challenges, such as the increasingly frequent episodes of hypoxic
zones in estuaries and nearshore waters, may reveal strategies
for an ecosystem-wide recording of the responses to global
climate change.
The contribution by M.H.-L. and A.F.W. was supported by
grants from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Technológico (CNPq) Projeto Universal and CNPqRedoxoma. The contribution by N.T. was supported by Mount
Desert Island Biological Laboratory and the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration/Hollings Marine Laboratory.
The contribution by J.F.W., M.V., T.A.G., and S.M. was funded
by NERC (NE/D010845/1). The contributions by D.W., J.H.,
and T.A.G. and by A.D. were funded by different projects within
the European Union’s sixth framework program (Euroxy and
Pulmonary Hypertension). The contribution by G.E.N. was
funded by the Research Council of Norway. The contribution
by M.G. and J.S. was supported by grants from the Roche
Foundation for Anemia Research and the Swiss National Science Foundation. J.F.W. would like to thank Mr. Dan Fagan
for his valuable technical assistance. T.A.G. would like to thank
Ms. Marianne Mathys for her expert assistance in generating
the graphics to Figure 3.
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