Curr Genet (2002) 42: 161–168
DOI 10.1007/s00294-002-0343-6
Sabrina Zeppa Æ Chiara Guidi Æ Alessandra Zambonelli
Lucia Potenza Æ Luciana Vallorani Æ Raffaella Pierleoni
Cinzia Sacconi Æ Vilberto Stocchi
Identification of putative genes involved in the development
of Tuber borchii fruit body by mRNA differential display in agarose gel
Received: 26 July 2002 / Revised: 27 September 2002 / Accepted: 3 October 2002 / Published online: 26 November 2002
Springer-Verlag 2002
Abstract In order to analyse gene expression during
fruit body development of the ectomychorrizal fungus
Tuber borchii Vittad., a modified differential display
procedure was set up. The procedure used is easier and
faster than the traditional one and generates reproducible cDNA banding patterns that can be resolved
on a standard ethidium bromide-agarose gel. From 16
cDNA fingerprints, 25 amplicons with apparent differential expression were identified and cloned without
a previous reamplification. Fifteen clones showed significant similarity to known proteins that are involved
in dikaryosis and fruiting, cell division, transport across
membranes, mitochondrial division, intermediary metabolism, biosynthesis of isoprenoid compounds and
putative RNA/DNA binding. Northern blot analyses
confirmed that seven cDNAs were indeed differentially
expressed during fruit body development. The characterisation of these cDNAs represents a starting point in
understanding the molecular mechanisms of cellular
differentiation leading to the development of the
T. borchii fruit body.
Keywords Ectomycorrhizal fungi Æ Fruit body
development Æ mRNA differential display Æ
Gene expression analysis
Sabrina Zeppa and Chiara Guidi contributed equally to this work
Communicated by U. Kück
S. Zeppa Æ C. Guidi Æ L. Potenza Æ L. Vallorani Æ R. Pierleoni
C. Sacconi Æ V. Stocchi (&)
Istituto di Chimica Biologica ‘‘Giorgio Fornaini’’,
Università degli Studi di Urbino,
Via Saffi 2, 61029 Urbino (PU), Italy
A. Zambonelli
Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare,
Università di Bologna, Via Filippo Re 8, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Ascomycetes are considered as ‘‘higher fungi’’ along with
Basidiomycetes owing to their structural complexity. The
Ascomycetes include truffles, well known for their high
organoleptic properties and the economic value of their
fruit bodies. The truffle life cycle, like that of other
symbiotic filamentous fungi, begins with a limited extraradical phase of vegetative growth in which the hyphae proliferate before coming into contact with the roots
of the host plant. After this contact the symbiotic phase
begins, leading to the development of the ectomycorrhiza, a new organ that is functionally and morphologically distinct from the two individual partners. In the
final stage, the mycelium is organised into the fruit body,
the role of which is to produce sexual fructifications,
later dispersed in the environment. The developing fruit
body is a distinct phase of the Tuber life cycle, characterised by the aggregation of different types of hyphae:
vegetative hyphal cells and highly specialised reproductive hyphae (asci). The development of ascospores
within asci involves features of cell differentiation that
are unique within the Kingdom Fungi (Read and
Beckett 1996). In the subdivision Ascomycotina, sexual
reproduction results in the formation of endogenous
ascospores within asci. In Tuber immature fruit bodies
the presence of antheridia and oogonia has been demonstrated (Marchisio 1964; Paguey-Leduc et al. 1990),
suggesting that sexual reproduction also occurs in
Tuberales. Ascospores are typically formed immediately
after karyogamy and meiosis and their formation involves cytoplasmic compartmentalisation by double
delimiting membranes between which the wall of the
ascospores develops (Read and Beckett 1996). Ascospore liberation from mature asci may be either an active
or, as in the truffles, a passive process.
Recently, biochemical and molecular biological
techniques have been applied to the study of Tuber, including the molecular identification of truffle species
(Amicucci et al. 1998; Bertini et al. 1998), the
characterisation of Tuber borchii mycelial strains and
bacteria associated with the life cycle of the fungus
(Saltarelli et al. 1998; Rossi et al. 1999; Barbieri et al.
2000), and the isolation of differentially expressed genes
(Zeppa et al. 2001; Polidori et al. 2002). Even though
developmentally regulated genes have been isolated (De
Bellis et al. 1998; Balestrini et al. 2000; Zeppa et al.
2001), aspects of the molecular biology underlying fruit
body development remain unclear.
In the present study mRNA differential display in
agarose gel was used to compare mRNA populations
from the unripe and ripe fruit body of the white truffle
T. borchii in an attempt to identify genes involved in
fruit body development. T. borchii was chosen as the
experimental organism because it is one of the few Tuber
species that can be grown in vitro for plant mycorrhizal
synthesis (Sisti et al. 1998).
The characterisation of differentially expressed genes
is the main step in understanding the molecular basis of
a biological system. Several technical approaches, such
as subtractive hybridisation, have been proposed to
compare different mRNA populations. Liang and
Pardee (1992) proposed the use of mRNA differential
display as an alternative to conventional methods for
analysing changes in gene expression. In the last decades, this technique has been preferred for the study of
different organisms, from plants and fungi to mammals,
and in different research areas, such as tumours, diabetes, heart disease and microorganism interactions
(Benito et al. 1996; Robinson et al. 1997).
Since the birth of the differential RNA display technique, several modifications have been made in order to
simplify and optimise this powerful tool. The requirement for radioactive polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
products has limited the use of this technique to laboratories with the appropriate equipment. This limitation
has been overcome with the use of digoxigenin-conjugated or biotinylated oligo(dT) primers and colorimetric
or chemiluminescence-based detection of PCR products
(An et al. 1996; Chen and Peck 1996). Despite the use
of non-radioactive PCR, the laborious preparation of
polyacrylamide gels and band detection cannot be
avoided. In a previous study, mRNA differential display
in agarose gel has been set up in order to detect differences in mRNA populations appearing after infection
of plant leaves (Dioscorea bulbifera) with pathogens
(Colletrotrichum gloeosporioides) (Rompf and Kahl
1997). Introducing some modifications to this protocol,
we have set up a reliable method for identifying mRNAs
differentially expressed during T. borchii fruit body
Materials and methods
Mycelial strains and fruit bodies
A mycelial strain designated 1BO (ATCC 96540) was isolated from
a T. borchii fruit body harvested in a Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster
forest located near Cervia (Ravenna, Central Italy). A dried
voucher specimen and mycelium are preserved in the Dipartimento
di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare of the University of
Bologna, Italy. The isolates were grown in the dark at 24C, with
no agitation, in modified Melin-Norkrans nutrient solution
(MMN), pH 6.6 (Molina 1979) in 100 ml flasks, each containing
70 ml of medium inoculated with fungus cultured in potato-dextrose-agar plugs. T. borchii fruit bodies were collected in Northern
and Central Italy and harvested in an experimental truffle orchard
located near Marina di Ravenna, Italy (Zambonelli et al. 2000).
Fruit bodies at each stage of maturation were collected at the same
The degree of maturation of the ascocarps was defined using the
following categorised stages on the basis of the percentage of asci
containing mature spores: stage 0, 0%; stage 1, 5%; stage 2,
6–25%; stage 3, 26–50%; stage 4, 51–75%; and stage 5, 76–100%.
The maturation stage of the spores was defined morphologically:
the mature spores were yellow-reddish brown in colour with reticulate ornamentation.
The ascocarps were confirmed as belonging to the T. borchii
species by morphological and PCR-based techniques (Pegler et al.
1993; Bertini et al. 1998).
RNA isolation
Total cellular RNA was isolated from 1 month old T. borchii
mycelia and unripe and ripe fruit bodies using an RNeasy Plantmini kit from Qiagen, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
The purification and yields of RNA (from fruit body samples) were
improved by phenol-chloroform extraction before processing of
samples. The final concentration and quality of RNA samples were
estimated either spectrophotometrically or by agarose gel electrophoresis with ethidium bromide staining.
Total RNA was treated using a Dnase I, DNA-free kit
(Ambion), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Differential display
Total RNA (500 ng) was reverse-transcribed in a 20 ll reaction
volume using 200 U PowerScript Reverse Transcriptase (Clontech) and 10 lM of four different anchored primers T12VG, T12VC,
T12VA and TV12T (V=A/G/C). The cDNA preparation was
stored in 40 ll of TE buffer (10 mM TRIS, pH 7.6, 1 mM EDTA).
Differential display PCR was carried out in 40 ll containing
3 ll of cDNA, 0.25 lM of the appropriate anchored primer,
0.125 lM of one of the random 13-mer oligonucleotides
GTC-3¢), 100 lM dNTPs, 1.25 mM MgCl2, 1·PCR buffer (Takara
Biomedicals) and 2 U Taq polymerase (Takara Biomedicals).
The amplification was performed in a PCR System 2400
Thermal Cycler (Perkin Elmer) as follows: an initial denaturation
at 94C for 30 s, 40 cycles at 94C for 30 s, 42C for 40 s and 72C
for 60 s followed by a 7 min extension at 72C.
The total RNA was routinely checked for contamination by
chromosomal DNA using parallel PCRs that were programmed
with an aliquot of RNA that had not been reverse-transcribed prior
to amplification.
The PCR samples were electrophoresed on a 1.8% agarose gel
and stained with ethidium bromide. Bands of interest were cut from
the gels, purified using the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen)
and checked by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Cloning and screening for inserts by colony-PCR
The differential display fragments were cloned using the pGEM-T
Vector System (Promega), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Colonies containing vectors with cloned inserts were
screened using the colony-PCR technique (Zeppa et al. 2000).
Amplification products were visualised by electrophoresis in a
1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide.
Restriction analyses of the colony-amplification products
To check whether the composition of the amplification products
was homogeneous, 10 colonies from each transformation were digested with EcoRI, HindIII and PstI (Promega). The reactions were
performed on unpurified PCR products (15 ll) using 4 U of restriction enzyme, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
restriction fragments were size-fractionated by 2.5% agarose gel
electrophoresis. Identical restriction patterns were obtained for
86.4% of the transformations.
Northern blotting analyses
For Northern blots, 15 lg total RNA from T. borchii mycelium,
unripe and ripe fruit bodies were loaded on a formaldehyde 1.2%
agarose gel (Sambrook et al. 1989) and electrophoresed. RNA was
blotted onto version 2.0 Hybond-N+ positively charged nylon
membranes (Amersham Life Science) in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. The quantity and quality of the blotted RNA were checked by staining the membranes with 0.02%
(w/v) methylene blue in 0.3 M sodium acetate, pH 5.5 for
approximately 3 min before destaining with distilled water.
The filters were hybridised in phosphate buffer (Sambrook et al.
1989) with the fragments obtained by differential display, 32Plabeled using the RediPrime labelling kit (Amersham Life Science).
Final wash conditions were 15 mM NaCl, 1.5 mM trisodium
citrate (0.1·SSC) and 0.1% SDS at 65C. As a control for loading,
membranes were rehybridised with a fragment of the T. borchii 18S
gene, obtained using the 18S1 and 18S2 primers (Balestrini et al.
2000). Each hybridisation signal was detected and quantified using
the Quantity One program (BioRad).
Sequencing of the isolated clones
The cloned inserts were sequenced, in both directions, using the
ABI PRISM BigDye terminator cycle-sequencing-ready reaction
kit (Perkin-Elmer), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The sequence was obtained using the ABI PRISM 310 Genetic
Analyzer (PE Applied Biosystem).
The differential display reverse transcribed (DDRT) cDNA
fragments were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers
indicated in Table 1.
mRNA differential display
Total RNA isolated from completely immature fruit
bodies with 0% of asci containing mature spores (stage
Table 1 Characteristics of the cDNA clones with similarity to known proteins present in the NCBI data bank
Clone Accession cDNA
Best database matcha
Identity Similarity E
Differentially expressed clones:
VC12 AF487329 718
Mating type protein 1 of Alternaria brassicicola
VT16 AF487320 930
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase 32
of Gibberella fujikuroi (Q12577)
VT3 AF487327 619
Involved in mitochondrial division Fis1p
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NP_012199)
VT19 AY082799 873
Putative protein G6G8.8 of Neurospora crassa
belonging to 3-phosphoserine phosphatase
family protein (AAK07846)
VT15 AF487319 599
Dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase
of N. crassa (P20285)
VC13 AF487316 364
SMT3 protein of S. cerevisiae (NP_010798)
VT13 AF487318 521
Serine-rich protein of Schizosaccharomyces
pombe (CAA16838)
Not differentially expressed or not detectable clones
VT1 AF487328 609
Hypothetical protein SPBC1709.14
of S. pombeb (T39642)
VT4 AF487315 549
Septin of Aspergillus nidulans (AAK21000)
VT14 AF487317 633
Putative helicase of Oryza sativa (AAK54302)
VT18 AF487321 650
Hypothetical protein B14D6.440
of N. crassac (T49492)
VA5 AF487323 592
Putative sodium P-type ATPase
of N. crassa (CAB65298)
VA6 AF487325 619
Probable transport protein of S. pombe (T40399)
VA11 AF487324 552
Putative sulphate transporter
of S. cerevisiae (P53394)
VC7 AF487322 1099
Putative methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
of S. cerevisiae (NP_011390)
Homology searches were performed using the BLASTX program
on the NCBI server
Belonging to transglutaminase/protease-like superfamily
Belonging to Na+/Ca2+ exchanger protein family
The values were determined from Northern analyses; the transcript levels of all cDNAs were normalised against 18S rRNA and
Relative mRNA levelsd
Not detectablef
Not detectablef
the lowest value obtained was set to 1.00. M: T. borchii 30-day-old
mycelium; UF: T. borchii unripe fruit body (stage 0); RF: T. borchii
ripe fruit body (stage 5)
These values were referred to the highest hybridization signals
These clones probably represents rare transcripts not detectable in
Northern blot experiments
0), and fruit bodies with 76–100% of asci containing
mature spores (stage 5) was treated with deoxyribonuclease, checked for integrity by denaturing gel electrophoresis and used for DDRT-PCR experiments. These
fruit bodies were collected from an experimental truffle
orchard (see Materials and methods).
Sixteen combinations of primers were utilised; from
the resulting differential display patterns in agarose gel,
22 amplicons, showing differential expression, were selected for further analyses (Fig. 1). These cDNA fragments were purified from the gels and directly cloned.
This procedure is especially handy because it enables the
amplification of differentially expressed products to be
detected on agarose gel and directly cloned.
By combining the use of longer primers (13 bp in
length) and a powerful reverse transcriptase we obtained
cDNA fragments larger in size (350–1.200 bp) than the
cDNA fragments (100–500 bp) obtained by the traditional differential display technique. Furthermore in an
attempt to reduce non-specific primers annealing and to
obtain more specific and reproducible patterns, the PCR
annealing temperature was increased to 42C.
The mRNA differential display protocol utilised revealed reproducible differences in banding patterns with
all primer combinations, when using mRNA derived from
two samples for each maturation stage (stages 0 and 5).
Characterisation of cDNA fragments
To ensure that the composition of the amplification
products was homogeneous, ten colonies from each
transformation were digested with three different restriction enzymes. Identical restriction patterns were
obtained for 86.4% of the transformations, suggesting
that the corresponding DDRT-PCR bands represent
single products, whereas 13.6% of the transformations
gave rise to different restriction patterns, revealing
DDRT-PCR bands heterogeneous in sequence.
Twenty-five clones were obtained and sequenced.
These sequences were compared with those present in the
NCBI database using the BLASTX and BLASTN algorithms (Altschul et al. 1997). Fifteen clones showed
similarity to known proteins, as reported in Table 1,
eight clones were either novel or showed only poor
matches to known sequences, whereas two clones corresponded to fragments of 28S rRNA. Among the analysed
clones, the 873 bp clone VT19 appeared to be full length
(Fig. 2A). A database search identified this cDNA as
encoding a putative 3-phosphoserine phosphatase protein, exhibiting 69% similarity with Neurospora crassa
G6G8.8 protein (AAK07846), belonging to the 3-phosphoserine phosphatase family. The VT19 clone can also
be aligned with Saccharomyces cerevisiae YNL010w
(S62922), Schyzosaccharomyces pombe SPAC823.14
(CAB90159) (two proteins similar to N. crassa 3-phosphoserine phosphatase) and Arabidopsis thaliana 3phosphoserine phosphatase (BAA33806.1) (Fig. 2B).
Expression analysis
The expression pattern of all the cDNAs isolated was
analysed by at least two independent Northern blot experiments, using RNA from the same two samples as
used in differential display experiments and other samples, collected in the same site.
Seven cDNA clones were confirmed to be differentially expressed during fruit body development. One
month-old-mycelium of T. borchii, showing active metabolism (Saltarelli et al. 1998), was also included in
Northern blot analyses in order to detect changes in gene
expression levels in the vegetative and fructification
phases (Fig. 3). The relative mRNA stages of the cDNAs
were expressed relative to the lowest expression stage for
each transcript (Table 1). The VC12 clone is expressed
only in completely immature ascomata, suggesting that it
is a specific unripe fruit body gene (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1A, B Examples of mRNA differential display in agarose gel.
The fingerprints, showing the differences in mRNA populations
between unripe and ripe Tuber borchii fruit body, were obtained using
T12VC anchored primer and random primer CZ2 (A) and T12VT
anchored primer and random primer CZ3 (B). M: Marker VIII,
Boehringer Mannheim; RF: T. borchii ripe fruit body (stage 5); UF:
T. borchii unripe fruit body (stage 0). The arrows indicate the selected
cDNA bands, corresponding to differentially expressed clones
In this paper the first attempt in understanding the
molecular basis of truffle fruit body development is reported. We analysed two different stages of ascomata
maturation: the fruit body with 0% of asci with mature
spores (completely immature ascomata) and fruit body
Fig. 2 A Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of
the VT19 clone, a putative fulllength cDNA encoding 3-phosphoserine phosphatase. The
coding sequence is in uppercase.
The CT-rich sequences are
underlined; the A in the –3
position (Kozac consensus
sequence) is in bold and underlined. The start and stop codons
are in bold. B Alignment of the
putative translation product of
clone VC19 with Neurospora
crassa putative protein G6G8.8
(AAK07846) similar to 3-phosphoserine phosphatase, Schizosaccharomyces pombe
SPAC823.14 (CAB90159) similar to N. crassa G6G8.8, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
YNL010w (S62922), similar to
N. crassa G6G8.8 and 3-phosphoserine phosphatase of Arabidopsis thaliana (BAA33806.1).
Residues that are identical to
VC19 in at least two of the
related proteins are marked by
asterisks above the sequences
with 76–100% of asci with mature spores (mature ascomata). The truffle fruit body is composed of cytologically different and functionally distinct components: an
outer peridium and an inner gleba, which consists of
vegetative hyphal cells and reproductive structures
(Balestrini et al. 2000). As the fruit body matures, the
specialised hyphae are differentiated in the asci and the
ascospores are formed. These morphogenetic processes
are accompanied by new membranes and cell wall synthesis. Meiosis and mitosis occur during spore formation
and maturation.
The mRNA differential display in agarose gel method
was set up in order to identify genes that were differentially expressed during ascomata development. This
Fig. 3 Northern analysis of the
seven differentially expressed
cDNA clones. M: Tuber borchii
30 day old mycelium; RF: ripe
fruit body (stage 5); UF: unripe
fruit body (stage 0). RNA sizing: ethidium bromide-stained
ribosomal RNA bands showing
the integrity of total RNA. 18S:
control hybridisation with 18S
rRNA as a probe
technique has several advantages compared with the
classic mRNA differential display in polyacrylamide
gels, such as the use of non-radioactive PCR, simplified
band detection and direct cloning of bands purified
without previous reamplification. Therefore, it is significantly less time consuming and lower in cost. Furthermore, the traditional decamer primers often mismatch
and hybridise to distinct regions of the same cDNA and
for this reason we used 13 bp random primers (Zhao
et al. 1995; Graf et al. 1997). Twenty-five cDNAs were
isolated from the 16 fingerprints, cloned and sequenced.
Fifteen clones have significant similarity to known
proteins and the cDNAs can be grouped into the following functional categories: dikaryosis and fruiting
(mating type protein 1), cell division control (septin,
SMT3, helicase), transport across membranes (sulphate
transporter, Na+–Ca2+ exchanger protein, probable
P-type ATPase and probable transport protein), mitochondrial division (Fis1p), intermediary metabolism
(methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, 3-phosphoserine
phosphatase, dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase, transglutaminase/protease-like protein), biosynthesis of
isoprenoid compounds (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarylcoen-zyme A reductase) and putative RNA/DNA
binding (serine-rich protein).
These similarities allowed us to obtain a contribution
to our knowledge of T. borchii genome.
The cDNA clones were used in Northern blot experiments in order to quantify their expression level in
mycelium, unripe fruit body and ripe fruit body. Seven
out of the 25 cDNA fragments corresponded to differentially expressed genes (Fig. 3), while the others were
not differentially expressed or not detected, representing
false mRNA differential display positives or rarer transcripts more difficult to visualise.
The sequence homology of the differentially expressed clones suggests their putative gene function, allowing us to extend our knowledge of the molecular
aspects of T. borchii fruit body development. The deduced amino acid sequence of clone VT3 was found to
have 70% similarity with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Fis1p (NP_012199), an integral mitochondrial protein
required during fission for the correct assembly,
membrane distribution and function of Dnm1p, a soluble, dynamin-related GTPase. This protein assembles
on the outer mitochondrial membrane at sites where
organelle division occurs (Mozdy et al. 2000). Northern
blot analysis of VT3 revealed higher expression in the
T. borchii unripe fruit body (Fig. 3), suggesting that an
increase in mitochondrial division and biogenesis could
support the great energy demand of the cells during fruit
body development and ascospore formation.
Clone VT19 contains the complete sequence of the
gene encoding a putative 3-phosphoserine phosphatase,
the enzyme responsible for the dephosphorylation of
3-phosphoserine to serine, in the phosphorylated pathway
of serine biosynthesis. This amino acid is a key intermediate in a number of important metabolic pathways.
Furthermore, the serine is involved in the synthesis of
phospholipids, porphyrins, purines and thymidine (Ireland and Hiltz 1995). Northern blot analysis of clone
VT19 (Fig. 3) showed high expression in the vegetative
phase and lower expression in the unripe fruit body;
however, it was not detectable in the ripe fruit body.
This revealed the importance of the phosphorylated
pathway enzymes in fast proliferating tissues, which require a high serine supply (Ho and Saito 2001).
Clone VT15 codes for a part of dihydrolipoamide
acetyltransferase (E2p), a dynamic multifunctional
multidomain protein of the pyruvate dehydrogenase
complex (PDH). The PDH complex catalyses a key reaction that generates acetyl-CoA, linking glycolysis to
the tricarboxylic acid cycle and to the biosynthesis of
fatty acids. Expression of clone VT15 is increased sixfold
in the mycelium, revealing the active metabolism of this
stage and 3.5-fold in the unripe fruit body (Table 1),
probably in order to meet the energy demand for fruiting. Furthermore, the fatty acids that can be produced
by acetyl-CoA, could be utilised for the active synthesis
of new membranes during ascospore formation.
The deduced amino acid sequence of clone VC13
showed 56% identity with the SMT3 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (NP_010798). SMT3 is a ubiquitin-like protein modifier, known to be conjugated to
other proteins and to modulate their functions in various
important processes. Modification of cellular proteins by
the ubiquitin-like protein SMT3 is essential for nuclear
processes, including control of telomere length and
chromosome segregation and cell cycle progression in
yeast (Tanaka et al. 1999). Clone VC13 is expressed at a
higher level in the unripe fruit body (7.7-fold) and
in mycelium (6.5-fold) relative to the ripe fruit body
(Table 1); this could indicate more active cellular
division in the immature stage.
The predicted amino acid sequence of clone VT13
showed 49% similarity to a serine-rich protein of
Schyzosaccharomyces pombe (CAA16838). Serine-rich
proteins, such as transcriptional or splicing factors, are
often involved in RNA/DNA binding (Horie et al.
1998). The VT13 cDNA is highly expressed in the vegetative phase; however, its expression decreases in the
unripe fruit body and is lowest in the ripe fruit body.
Clone VC12, showing homology to the mat1 genes, is
expressed only in the completely immature fruit body
(Fig. 3). The mating type is a single regulatory locus that
controls sexual reproduction in Ascomycetes. The mating type idiomorphs encode proteins with confirmed or
putative binding motifs, suggesting that mat genes encode transcriptional regulators and control the expression of some genes required for sexual reproduction
(Turgeon et al. 1998). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the
mating type genes are known to act as master genes
(producing trascriptional factors) controlling the expression of multiple genes (downstream regulation),
which then impact on the sexual development pathway,
such as on fertilisation and sporulation. The T. borchii
VC12 clone showed the highest homology with the
mating type protein 1 of Alternaria brassicicola
(AAK85542), MAT1 of Cochliobolus heterostrophus
(1913430A) and FMR1 of Podospora anserina
(CAA45519.1). In P. anserina it has been reported that
the FMR1 gene, together with the SMR2 and FPR1
genes, acts as an activator and repressor of fertilisation
and internuclear recognition (Debuchy et al. 1993). In T.
borchii, VC12, a specific unripe fruit body gene (Fig. 3),
could be required after fertilisation for fruit body
development as in P. anserina (Debuchy et al. 1993).
Clone VT16, part of the gene encoding 3-hydroxy
3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR), is highly
expressed in ripe fruit body whereas it shows lower expression in the 30 day old mycelium and unripe fruit
body; furthermore multiple transcripts appear in ripe fruit
body RNA (Fig. 3) and this might be due to alternative
RNA splicing or to the existence of multiple HMGR
genes, like in other fungi and plants (Lum et al. 1996).
HMGR is the first specific enzyme of the isoprenoid
pathway, which leads to several classes of primary and
secondary metabolites such as sterols, quinones, carotenoids and gibberellins. High expression of HMGR in the
ripe fruit body could be explained by increasing synthesis
of the ergosterol for the biosynthesis of new membranes in
ascospores. The mature fruit body may also produce
terpenic compounds that could contribute to the flavour
of the truffle ascomata and have antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Furthermore, like other ectomychorrizal
fungi, T. borchii could produce gibberellin-like compounds, although nothing is known about the role of these
hormones in fungi (Hanley and Greene 1987).
The mRNA differential display in agarose gel method
is a valid strategy for identifying differentially expressed
genes in the development of the complex truffle fruit body.
The results reported here provide new insight into gene
expression during fruiting of the ectomycorrhizal fungus
T. borchi. Furthermore, the isolation of differentially expressed genes suggests new directions for further molecular studies and represents an interesting first step towards
a further characterisation of the life cycle of this fungus.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by P. S.: ‘‘Biotecnologia dei funghi eduli ectomicorrizici: dalle applicazioni agroforestali a quelle agro-alimentari’’ CNR, Italy.
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