1998 Oxford University Press
1084–1091 Nucleic Acids Research, 1998, Vol. 26, No. 4
Cloning and analysis of the four genes coding for
Bpu10I restriction–modification enzymes
Kornelijus Stankevicius, Arvydas Lubys, Albertas Timinskas, Donatas Vaitkevicius
and Arvydas Janulaitis*
Institute of Biotechnology, Graiciuno 8, Vilnius 2028, Lithuania
Received September 19, 1997; Revised and Accepted December 22, 1997
Bacterial restriction and modification (R–M) systems are
traditionally divided into three classes, designated type I, II and III,
on the basis of their enzyme subunit composition, cofactor
requirements, substrate specificity and reaction products (1). Type
II restriction endonucleases are the most prolific, encompassing over
2500 enzymes (2). By definition, these enzymes consist of
homodimers of a single polypeptide subunit and they require only
Mg2+ for DNA cleavage (1,3). Most type II enzymes now known
recognize short sequences in DNA, which vary from 4 to 8 bp in
length, maintaining a dyad axis of symmetry (palindromes), and
they cleave within those sequences. However, there is a
substantial number of type II restriction endonucleases, that
recognize asymmetric continuous or interrupted sequences,
which cleave at a short distance from those sequences on one or
both sides. In contrast to palindromic recognition sequences the
asymmetric recognition sequences are 5′–3′ different in each
strand. The possibility that recognition is mediated by symmetrically
organized homodimers, as is observed in type II ENases
interacting with palindromic nucleotide sequences is therefore
excluded. Further characterization of such enzymes revealed
additional differences from the rest of the type II endonucleases
not only as expected in their monomer or heteromer versus
homodimer structure, but in some cases also in other features
(cofactor requirement, bifunctionality) so substantial, that it is now
suggested that they may constitute new types (type IIS, type IV,
BcgI-like) of restriction endonucleases (3–6). These observations
indicate that restriction endonucleases recognizing asymmetric
nucleotide sequences are likely candidates for discovery of even
greater diversity.
Among type II restriction endonucleases recognizing asymmetric
nucleotide sequences there is a subgroup of enzymes [tentatively
designated type IIT ENases (7)] which cleave within the
asymmetric recognition sequence. No one representative of this
group has yet been characterized beyond the determination of its
specificity. One such enzyme, R.Bpu10I recognizes the asymmetric
nucleotide sequence 5′-CCTNAGC, whose central pentanucleotide
is represented by an interrupted palindrome, and which cleaves
within it symmetrically, at positions –5/–2 in different strands (8).
Preliminary experiments indicate that R.Bpu10I is composed of
two non-identical subunits (9). We now provide detailed genetic
and biochemical evidence to demonstrate that the Bpu10I R–M
system from Bacillus pumilus 10 comprises four genes encoding
two m5C MTases and two non-identical subunits of the restriction
endonuclease. Properties of the Bpu10I R–M system and Bpu10I
ENase make them unique among the type II enzymes that have
been characterized so far. A plausible evolutionary scenario
leading to the emergence of Bpu10I type enzymes concomitant
with the generation of restriction endonucleases with specificities
different from that of the progenitor is discussed.
*To who correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +370 2 642 468; Fax: +370 2 642 624; e-mail: janulaitis@fermentas.lt
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The Bpu10I R–M system from Bacillus pumilus 10,
which recognizes the asymmetric 5′-CCTNAGC
sequence, has been cloned, sequenced and expressed
in Escherichia coli. The system comprises four adjacent,
similarly oriented genes encoding two m5C MTases
and two subunits of Bpu10I ENase (34.5 and 34 kDa).
Both bpu10IR genes either in cis or trans are needed
for the manifestation of R.Bpu10I activity. Subunits of
R.Bpu10I, purified to apparent homogeneity, are both
required for cleavage activity. This heterosubunit
structure distinguishes the Bpu10I restriction endonuclease from all other type II restriction enzymes
described previously. The subunits reveal 25% amino
acid identity. Significant similarity was also identified
between a 43 amino acid region of R.DdeI and one of
the regions of higher identity shared between the
Bpu10I subunits, a region that could possibly include
the catalytic/Mg2+ binding center. The similarity
between Bpu10I and DdeI MTases is not limited to the
conserved motifs (CM) typical for m5C MTases. It
extends into the variable region that lies between CMs
VIII and IX. Duplication of a progenitor gene, encoding
an enzyme recognizing a symmetric nucleotide
sequence, followed by concerted divergent evolution,
may provide a possible scenario leading to the
emergence of the Bpu10I ENase, which recognizes an
overall asymmetric sequence and cleaves within it
DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank accession no. Y14683
Nucleic Acids
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Bacterial strains and plasmids
Bacillus pumilus 10, used as the source of DNA for the cloning
of the Bpu10I R–M system, was obtained from MBI Fermentas.
The Escherichia coli K-12 strain RR1, (10) was used as a host for
generating the B.pumilus 10 DNA library and for the propagation
of recombinant plasmids carrying the cloned genes for R.Bpu10I
or its individual subunits and Bpu10I MTases. Escherichia coli
strain ER2267 of genotype [e14–(mcrA –)] endA1 supE44 thi-1
∆(mcrC-mrr) 114::IS10 ∆(argF-lac)U169 recA1/F′ proA + B +
lacI q ∆(lacz)M15 zzf::mini-Tn10 (KmR) was used as host for
subcloning and deletion procedures. The positive selection
cloning vector pBR-R, containing the intact cfr9IR gene with
unique cloning sites (11) was used for cloning of the Bpu10I R–M
system. Plasmids pUC19 (12), pACYC184 (13) and pAL4A
(A.L., unpublished) were used as vectors for subcloning and
deletion experiments.
Media and transformation
Enzymes and chemicals
Restriction enzymes, T4 DNA ligase, DNA polymerase I large
fragment (Klenow), nuclease Bal31, bacterial alkaline phosphatase
(BAP), ExoIII/S1 Deletion Kit, DNA Labeling Kit (version 2.0),
SmaI-digested and dephosphorylated pUC19 and sequencing
primers were products of MBI Fermentas. The DNA Sequencing
Kit used was purchased from Pharmacia. All enzymes and kits were
used according to their respective manufacturer’s recommendations.
[α-33P]dATP was obtained from Izotop (St. Petersburg, Russia).
individual transformants obtained was then screened for resistance
to R.Bpu10I digestion.
Mapping of the B.pumilus 10 genomic R–M locus
Southern-transfer of B.pumilus 10 genomic or pBpu10IM9.0
recombinant plasmid DNA, digested with various restriction
enzymes (single and double digests), was performed as previously
described (14). A DNA Labeling Kit was used for the preparation
of a radioactive DNA probe containing a HindIII fragment of the
cloned Bpu10I MTase gene.
DNA sequence determination
Overlapping deletions used in DNA sequencing were constructed
using the nuclease Bal31 and ExoIII/S1 Deletion Kit. Sequencing
was performed by the dideoxynucleotide chain-termination
method (18) using the DNA Sequencing Kit, [α-33P]dATP,
M13/pUC (direct, reverse) standard sequencing primers and
double-stranded, supercoiled plasmid DNA as template. The
reaction products were resolved by electrophoresis on wedgeshaped gels.
Analysis of Bpu10I endonuclease and methylase activity
In vitro endonuclease activity was tested by incubation of various
amounts (1, 3, 5 µl) of cell-free extracts prepared as described (19)
with 2 µg of λ DNA at 37_C for 40 min in 40 µl reaction mixture
containing 10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.5, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM KCl
and 0.1 mg/ml BSA (standard reaction mixture), followed by
electrophoresis in 0.8% agarose gels. Chromatographic fractions
containing individual subunits were assayed by complementation
using aliquots of the crude cell extract prepared from recombinant
E.coli cultures expressing the alternate subunit, as a supplement
to the standard reaction mixture. To determine the Bpu10Ispecific modification generated in vivo, plasmid DNA isolated
from transformants was challenged with an excess of R.Bpu10I
followed by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Amino acid sequence comparison
DNA preparation and manipulation
Bacillus pumilus 10 genomic DNA was extracted and purified as
described by Marmur (15). Plasmid DNAs were prepared by the
alkaline lysis procedure (16) and were further purified by binding
to glass powder (17). Restriction and deletion mapping, agarose
gel electrophoresis, isolation of individual DNA restriction
fragments from agarose gels, subcloning of DNA fragments and
Bal31 deletions were carried out by standard procedures (14).
ExoIII/S1 deletions were obtained following the manufacturer’s
Library construction and selection of the clones harboring
Bpu10I methyltransferase
An aliquot (50 µg) of B.pumilus 10 genomic DNA was partially
digested with Hin1II and ligated with T4 DNA ligase at 16_C for
24 h in a 800 ml reaction volume to 7 mg PaeI-cleaved,
BAP-dephosphorylated pBR-R vector DNA. The ligation mixture
was used to transform competent E.coli RR1 cells. Total plasmid
DNA (10 µg) isolated from the pooled 100.000 CmR transformants
was digested with excess R.Bpu10I (30 U) for 3 h and the
transformed back into RR1. Plasmid DNA of 24 randomly picked
The deduced amino acid sequences of all ORFs (50 and more
amino acids residues) translated in six reading frames, were
compared to all sequences deposited with the EMBL (Release 42)
and the SWISS-PROT (Release 31) sequence data bases using the
BLAST (20) procedure. Alignment of selected sequences was
obtained using the MULTALIN (21) procedure applying the
BLOSUM 62 (22) amino acid scoring matrix. Similarity of the
Bpu10I subunit and MTase sequences to those of the available
restriction endonucleases and m5C methyltransferases, respectively,
was tested using the HR-SEARCH procedure (23).
Gel electrophoresis of proteins
Gel electrophoresis of proteins under denaturing conditions was
performed as previously described (24). SDS–PAGE was carried
out on 10% separating gels. Protein bands were visualized after
Coomasie blue R250 staining.
Cell growth and initial fractionation
Escherichia coli RRI[pAL-Bpu10IRα] and E.coli RRI[pALBpu10IRβ], expressing the individual genes for the subunits of
R.Bpu10I (α or β, respectively) cloned in the pAL4A vector,
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Escherichia coli cells were grown in LB medium containing
ampicillin (Ap, 60 µg/ml), kanamycin (Km, 50 µg/ml) and
chloramphenicol (Cm, 30 µg/ml) as required. Cells were
transformed using the CaCl2–heat shock method (14). Transformants were selected by plating onto LB agar supplemented
with appropriate antibiotics.
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under the control of the thermoinducible λ PL promoter, were
used as the source of subunits. The cells were grown into late
logarithmic phase at 37_C with aeration in L broth containing
10 g/l trypton, 5 g/l yeast extract and 5 g/l NaCl. The cells were
harvested by centrifugation and stored at –20_C. All further steps
were carried out at 40_C. Cells (15 g) were thawed in 60 ml of
buffer A (10 mM K-phosphate pH 7.0, 7 mM ME, 1 mM
Na2EDTA) containing 0.25 M KCl. Then, following cell rupture
by sonication, 10% Polymin P solution was gradually added to a
final concentration of 0.7%, with stirring. The precipitate was
removed by centrifugation at 12 000 g for 10 min. Soluble
proteins were salted out with (NH4)2SO4 at 80% saturation and
recovered by centrifugation. The pellet was dissolved in 1/3 of the
initial volume of buffer A and dialyzed against buffer A
containing 0.15 M KCl (buffer B). Dialysates were used for
chromatographic purification of the individual α or β subunits of
Purification of the R.Bpu10I α subunit from E.coli
Bordo–Sepharose chromatography. The dialysate was applied to
a Bordo–Sepharose column (1 × 10 cm) equilibrated with buffer
B. After the application of the dialysate, the column was washed
with 20 ml of buffer B and then eluted with a 100 ml linear
gradient of 0.15–1 M KCl in buffer A. The α subunit eluted at
X0.43 M KCl. The peak fractions were pooled and dialyzed
against buffer B.
Heparin–Sepharose chromatography. The dialysate was applied
to a Heparin–Sepharose (1 × 10 cm) column, equilibrated with
buffer B. The column was washed with 20 ml of the same buffer
and eluted with a 100 ml linear gradient of 0.15–1 M KCl in buffer
A. The subunit eluted around 0.5 M KCl. Fractions containing the
α subunit were pooled, dialyzed against storage buffer (10 mM
Tris–HCl, pH 7.5, 50 mM KCl, 1 mM DDT, 0.1 mM Na2EDTA,
50% glycerol) and stored at –20_C.
Purification of the R.Bpu10I β subunit from E.coli
Phosphocellulose and Bordo–Sepharose chromatography.
Fractionation on phosphocellulose and Bordo–Sepharose was
performed as described above for the isolation of the α subunit.
In this case though a (1.5 × 20 cm) Bordo-Sepharose column was
used and the limits of the KCl linear gradient used were different
(0.15–0.6 M phosphocellulose and 0.2–1 M Bordo–Sepharose).
R.Bpu10Iβ eluted around 0.35 M KCl from the phosphocellulose
column and at X0.6 M KCl from the Bordo–Sepharose column.
After Bordo–Sepharose chromatography the fractions containing
the β subunit were pooled and dialyzed against buffer B.
AH–Sepharose chromatography. The dialysate was applied to an
AH–Sepharose column (1.5 × 20 cm) equilibrated with buffer B.
The column was washed with 80 ml of the same buffer and then
eluted with a 400 ml linear gradient of 0.15–0.8 M KCl in buffer
Heparin–Sepharose chromatography. The dialysate was applied
to a Heparin–Sepharose column (1.5 × 20 cm) equilibrated with
buffer B and then washed with the same buffer. The column was
eluted with a 200 ml linear gradient of 0.15–0.8 M KCl in buffer
A. The R.Bpu10Iβ subunit eluted at ∼0.32 M KCl. Fractions
containinng the β subunit were pooled, dialyzed against storage
buffer and stored at –20_C.
Cloning of the Bpu10I methyltransferase gene
Selection of the gene coding for Bpu10I MTase was based on the
resistance of self modifying recombinant plasmids to digestion by
Bpu10I ENase. Twenty four randomly picked transformants
obtained after the selection procedure, described under Materials
and Methods, were further screened for the presence of Bpu10I
specific modification. Plasmid DNA of 22 out of 24 clones was
found to be protected against Bpu10I ENase challenge in vitro.
None of these clones showed any Bpu10I ENase activity when
assayed in vitro. Restriction mapping of the plasmids resistant to
Bpu10I cleavage revealed that they contained a 1.65 kb HindIII
fragment in common (data not shown). The recombinant
plasmids containing the shortest (4 kb, pBpu10IM4.0) and the
longest (9 kb, pBpu10IM9.0) of the cloned B.pumilus 10 DNA
fragments were selected for further experiments.
Deletion mapping of the pBpu10IM4.0 plasmid showed that
the 2.2 kb region on the right side of the Mph1103I site contained
a functionally active Bpu10I MTase gene (Fig. 1A). Southern
hybridization, using the radioactive 1.65 kb HindIII DNA
fragment from the cloned MTase gene as a probe, and B.pumilus
10 or pBpu10IM9.0 DNA, digested with various restriction
endonucleases, indicated that the pBpu10M9.0 plasmid contains
the intact genomic DNA fragment of B.pumilus 10 (data not
shown). The DNA flanking the 1.65 kb HindIII fragment is large
enough to include the ENase gene, usually closely linked to the
genes of the cognate MTase. However, clones harboring the
pBpu10IM9.0 plasmid did not reveal R.bpu10I activity, indicating
that the corresponding gene was either not cloned or not
expressed in E.coli cells. Sequencing of the bpu10IM gene and
the flanking regions, revealed genes encoding the complete
Bpu10I R–M system (see below).
Gene structure of the Bpu10I R–M system
A 4410 bp region of the cloned 9.0 kb fragment encompassing the
gene for Bpu10I MTase was sequenced on both strands (EMBL
accession no. Y14683). Four ORFs, all oriented in the same
direction, were identified (Fig. 1B and C). They encode the
Bpu10I R–M enzymes: two separate m5C MTases (Bpu10IC1
and Bpu10IC2) and two ENase heterosubunits (Bpu10Iα and
Bpu10Iβ) (see below). The first and the second ORFs corresponded
to the genes bpu10IMC1 and bpu10IMC2 of two m5C MTases.
ORF1 was 1194 bp long (termination codon not included),
extended from nt 110 to 1303, and encoded a protein of 398 amino
acids. It overlapped by 1 nt (or by 4 nt if the stop codon TGA of
ORF1 was included) with the downstream ORF2 (nt 1303–2478
= 1176 bp, 392 amino acids; Fig. 1C). Putative RBS sequences
AGAGG (nt 95–99) and GGGGG (nt 1288–1292; not shown in
Fig. 1C) were detected upstream of both ORFs, respectively. A
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Phosphocellulose chromatography. The dialysate was applied to
a phosphocellulose P-11 column (1.5 × 20 cm) equilibrated with
buffer B. The column was washed with 80 ml of the same buffer
and eluted with a 400 ml linear gradient of 0.15–1 M KCl in buffer
A. Bpu10Iα eluted around 0.65 M KCl. The peak fractions
containing the α subunit were pooled and dialyzed against buffer B.
A. The subunit eluted at around 0.3 M KCl. Fractions containing
R.Bpu10Iβ subunit were pooled and dialyzed against buffer B.
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Acids Research,
putative promoter region was found only upstream of the
bpu10IMC1 gene. The third ORF, which corresponded to the
bpu10IRα gene, started 95 bp downstream from the last
nucleotide of bpu10IMC2 and encoded 294 amino acid residues
(34.5 kDa) of the Bpu10I ENase α subunit (start codon GTG; nt
2573–3454 = 882 bp). It was separated by the stop codon TAA
and the ATC triplet (nt 3455–3460), from the structural part of the
gene bpu10IRβ encoding R.Bpu10Iβ (ORF4; start codon ATG; nt
3461–4324 = 864 bp; 288 amino acids = 34 kDa). The putative
Shine–Dalgarno sequences AGGAGA (nt 2560–2565) and
AGGA (nt 3448–3451; not shown in Fig. 1C) were detected for
ORF3 and ORF4, respectively. Putative promoter sequences were
found only upstream from ORF3. These findings suggest that
genes of the Bpu10I R–M system are organized into two separate
operons: one for the genes of the two Bpu10I MTases and another
for the two subunits of Bpu10I ENase.
Gene assignment
Deletion and subcloning experiments were carried out to investigate
the expression and function of the four ORFs identified.
Bpu10I MTases. The intact ORF1 and 5′ terminal part of the
ORF2 in the 4.0 kb fragment were cloned (Fig. 1A and B). Thus,
ORF1 is clearly expressed in E.coli as the Bpu10I specific MTase
(M.Bpu10IC1). Incomplete plasmid DNA protection (∼80%)
from R.Bpu10I cleavage was found when the 0.69 kb DNA
fragment containing the N-terminal part and the putative
promoter of the M.Bpu10IC1, together with the exogenous
promoter of the tetracycline resistance gene, was deleted from the
plasmid pAC-Bpu10IMC1/C2 (pAC-Bpu10IM∆Em; Fig. 1B).
Nevertheless, these results indicate that the ORF2 encodes
another Bpu10I MTase (M.Bpu10IC2). These conclusions were
supported by the sequence analysis of the ORF1 and ORF2,
which revealed conserved amino acid motifs typical of DNA
m5C MTases (25). Low level bpu10IMC2 gene expression is
consistent with the lack of promoter sequences upstream of the
gene. As expected, given the operon like organization of Bpu10I
MTase genes, the level of bpu10IMC2 expression was increased
under the control of the promoter located in front of bpu10IMC1
(Fig. 1C) to a level which proved high enough to protect DNA
against R.Bpu10I challenge in vitro (pAC-Bpu10IMC2 and
pAC-Bpu10IMC2′; Fig. 1B).
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Figure 1. (A) Restriction endonuclease and deletion mapping experiments using the plasmid pBpu10IM4.0. Thin lines indicate the cloning vector pBR-R, hatched lines,
the 4 kb cloned B.pumilus 10 DNA fragment. Restriction endonuclease sites are abbreviated as follows: Cf, Cfr42I; Ec, Eco105I; E47, Eco47III; Hi, HindIII; Mp, Mph1103I;
∆, deletion between restriction sites as indicated. (B) Subcloning and deletion mapping of the genes encoding the Bpu10I R–M system. Only B.pumilus 10 DNA fragments
cloned or subcloned into pBR-R, pUC19 or pACYC184 vectors are represented. The black lines represent the sequenced DNA fragment. Directions of transcription and
positions of the Bpu10I R–M genes are indicated by large arrows: MC1 corresponds to bpu10IMC1; MC2, bpu10IMC2; Rα, bpu10IRα; Rβ, bpu10IRβ. Direction of
transcription from the known vector promoters adjacent to the cloned fragments is indicated by small arrows. Recognition sites of the restriction endonucleases used in
subcloning and deletion mapping experiments are abbreviated as follows: Mp, Mph1103I; Em, Eam1104I; Ec, Eco105I; Vs, VspI; Pa, PaeI; Nd, NdeI. Plasmid
pAC-Bpu10IMC1/C2 was obtained after subcloning the 2.51 kb Mph1103I–VspI DNA fragment, containing the intact genes of bpu10IMC1 and bpu10IMC2, from
pBpu10IM9.0 into Eco32I-digested pACYC184. To obtain pAC-Bpu10IMC2∆Em the 5′ part of the bpu10IMC1 and upstream DNA region including the heterogenous Ptet
promoter from the plasmid pAC-Bpu10IMC1/C2 was deleted (the second Eam1104I site being located within the vector). pAC-Bpu10IMC2 is a derivative of the
pAC-Bpu10IMC1/C2, in which a part (∼0.4 kb) of the bpu10IMC1 gene was deleted by restriction with Eco105I, then being treated with Bal31 exonuclease.
pAC-Bpu10IMC2′ was obtained after subcloning the 2.2 kb BfmI–NheI DNA fragment from the pAC-Bpu10IMC2 (restriction sites reside within the vector; not shown)
into Eco32I-cleaved pACYC184. Plasmids pUC-Bpu10IRα/β, pUC-Bpu10IRα/β′ and pAC-Bpu10IRα/β were obtained after insertion of the 1.9 kb VspI fragment from
pBpu10IM9.0 into SmaI-digested pUC19 and Eco32I-cleaved pACYC184, respectively. Plasmids pUC-Bpu10IRβ and pUC-Bpu10IRα were constructed by deletion of the
1 kb PaeI or the 0.4 kb NdeI DNA fragments respectively from the plasmid pUC-Bpu10IRα/β (PaeI and NdeI sites located within the vector are not shown). The plasmid
pAC-Bpu10IRα was formed by deletion of the 2 kb NdeI–Eco81I DNA fragment from pAC-Bpu10IRα/β (Eco81I site resides within the vector). R–M phenotypes were
determined as described under Materials and Methods. M+, MTase activity; M–, no activity; M+/–, partial activity; R+, ENase activity; R–, no activity. (C) Gene organization
of the Bpu10I R–M system. White and black arrows indicate direction of transcription and relative position of the bpu10I R-M genes in the sequenced DNA fragment.
Nucleotide sequences of the putative promoters and RBS are presented below. The putative start codons, RBS and –35, –10 promoter sequences are indicated in bold. Asterisks
denote the stop codons.
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Bpu10I ENase. No activity of the Bpu10I ENase was detected in
crude extracts prepared from the cells carrying the pBpu10I9.0
plasmid (Fig. 1B). The 1.9 kb DNA fragment encompassing both
the intact ORF3 and ORF4, when subcloned from the plasmid
pBpu10IM9.0 into the pUC19 vector in both directions (pUCBpu10IRα/β and pUC-Bpu10IRα/β′; Fig. 1B), manifest Bpu10I
ENase activity in vitro. This indicated that ORF3 and/or ORF4
encoded a restriction endonuclease and that the endogenous
promoter(s) operates in E.coli. Interestingly, host cell DNA
protection by specific methylation was not required to generate
viable transformants expressing Bpu10I ENase activity, as has
been observed in some other R–M systems [for references see
(26)]. In cells harboring the intact Bpu10I R–M system (plasmid
pBpu10IM9.0) no activity of the Bpu10I ENase was detected. It
is unlikely, however, that some increase of plasmid copy number,
after the subcloning of the Bpu10I ENase gene(s) from pBR-R
vector (pBpu10IM9.0) into the pUC19 (pUC-Bpu10IRα/β;
Fig. 1B) could result in so dramatic an increase in enzyme
activity. The ORF3 and ORF4 were precisely excised from the
pBpu10IM9.0 plasmid before subcloning, leaving a 4 kb DNA
region located upstream of the MTase genes and a 95 bp
intergenic region separating ORF2 and ORF3. The existence of
some regulatory elements of R.Bpu10I expression within these
regions cannot be excluded.
No Bpu10I ENase activity was observed in crude cell extracts of
the clones harboring deletion derivatives, where either the ORF3
(pUC-Bpu10IRβ) or ORF4 (pUC-Bpu10IRα) were inactivated
(Fig. 1B). When plasmids pAC-Bpu10IRα and pUC-Bpu10IRβ
were transformed into the same cell, on the other hand, Bpu10I
ENase activity was detected in cell extracts (data not shown). This
suggests that the proteins encoded by ORF3 and ORF4 function
in a mutually dependent fashion, such that both genes, either in
cis or trans, are needed for the manifestation of R.Bpu10I activity.
In parallel with these observations, crude cell extracts prepared
from the individual clones carrying the cloned intact ORF3 or
ORF4 (pUC-Bpu10IRα or pUC-Bpu10IRβ) complemented
when added to the reaction mixture (data not shown).
Comparison and analysis of deduced amino acid sequences
Bpu10I MTases. A 39% identity between M.Bpu10IC1 and
M.Bpu10IC2 was observed with an additional 24% similarity
derived from conservative substitutions. Both possess 10 conserved
amino acid motifs (CM; not shown), characteristic of DNA m5C
MTases (25). The greatest similarity amongst all m5C MTases
was observed in comparison with DdeI. The level of similarity
between DdeI and the Bpu10I MTases was approximately equal
to that between the Bpu10I MTases themselves. This similarity is
not limited to the conserved motifs but also extend into the region
that lies between the CMs VIII and IX and beyond CMs IX where
four conserved regions (CR) of higher identity are found (CRs A,
B, C and D; Fig. 2). Genetic and biochemical evidence has been
obtained which indicates that a variable region located between
CM VIII and CM IX of both phage multi-specific and bacterial
mono-specific MTases contains a target recognition domain
(TRD) which defines specificity of these enzymes as well as the
base to be methylated within the target sequence (27–30). This
general concept was confirmed and refined significantly by the
resolution of the atomic structures of two m5C MTases, HhaI (31)
and HaeIII (32) complexed with substrate DNA.
The similarity between variable regions of m5C MTases is
observed only in some of the enzymes which recognize identical
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Figure 2. Alignment of M.Bpu10IC1, M.Bpu10IC2 and M.DdeI amino acid sequences (A) and their DNA target sequences (B). (A) Only the protein sequences
encompassing CM VIII and CM IX, which are common to m5C MTases, the variable region between them, and conserved region D downstream of CM IX, are shown.
The numbers on the left margin denote the amino acid position relative to the N-terminus. White letters on the black background and the black letters on the shaded
background indicate amino acid residues that are common and similar in aligned sequences, respectively. Similar amino acids are grouped as follows: (K, R), (T, S),
(D, E, N, Q), (A, V, I, L, M, F, W, Y), (A, G). Uppercase letters (A, B, C, D) above aligned sequences correspond to the conserved regions common for all three aligned
MTases. (B) The 5′-CTNAG sequences common to the recognition sequences of Bpu10I MTases and M.DdeI are boxed. The target cytosines are boldfaced.
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or related nucleotide sequences which modify the same target
base (33). M.DdeI recognizes the 5′-CTNAG pentanucleotide
and modifies the C base (34). The same pentanucleotide
represents the central symmetrical part of the nucleotide
sequences recognized by Bpu10I MTases. Bpu10IC1 MTase
modifies the 5′-GCTNAGG sequence (target base underlined),
while M.Bpu10IC2–5′-CCTNAGC (Z.Maneliene, personal
communication) i.e. modifies the C base which belongs to the
5′-CTNAG pentanucleotide. The sequence similarities between
the variable regions of M.DdeI and Bpu10I MTases may therefore
reflect a similarity of structural organisation between the M.DdeI
specificity domain and the component of the Bpu10I MTases
which recognises the same target sequence 5′-CTNAG.
One monomeric MTase is sufficient for the recognition and
modification of a palindromic nucleotide sequence (33). For type
IIS MTases it has been demonstrated that a range of variations in
enzyme structural organisation are used in the modification of
asymmetric recognition sequences. These include a single
monomeric bifunctional enzyme modifying adenine residues in
both strands of target DNA (35); DNA MTases yielding m6A or
m5C on complementary strands in the reaction catalysed by a
single tandemly arranged bifunctional MTase or two separate
m6A and m5C MTases (36; J.Bitinaite, personal communication);
and two separate m5C MTases each responsible for the methylation
of different DNA strands (11,37). The Bpu10I MTase is likely to
belong to the last group.
Bpu10I ENase. Comparison of the R.Bpu10Iα and R.Bpu10Iβ
deduced amino acid sequences revealed quite a low degree of
similarity (25% of amino acids are identical and 17% are
functionally similar). Analysis using HR-SEARCH (23), however, resulted in the extraction of four regions of higher identity
(43% for A region; 46%, B; 37%, C and 31%, D; Fig. 3). The
subunits of R.Bpu10I resembled none of the protein sequences in
the EMBL and SWISS-PROT databases, nor did they resemble
any of those in our personal restriction enzyme data base. The
most significant regional similarity was identified between the 43
amino acid region in the DdeI ENase (which extends from amino
acid 120 to 162 of the R.DdeI), and the N-terminal part of the
conserved region C (28% identical amino acids for R.DdeI versus
P(E/D)X9-18(E/D)XK, identified as essential for catalysis and Mg2+
binding in some restriction endonucleases (38), could not be found
in R.Bpu10I subunits. However, the EXK motif preceded 8 amino
acids upstream by a negatively charged amino acid residue (D or E)
is conserved, as indicated by alignment of R.Bpu10I subunit
sequences with that of R.DdeI (Fig. 3; region C), elements
reminiscent of the P(E/D)X9-18(E/D)XK consensus motif (except
for P). If experimental evidence is obtained to support the suggestion
that the catalytic/Mg2+ binding motif (or part of it) of R.Bpu10I and
R.DdeI is of the structure (D/E)X8EXK, then it could represent a
new variant.
Subunit structure of the Bpu10I ENase
Initial experiments, using crude cell extracts prepared from
B.pumilus 10, revealed a total loss of enzyme activity (measured
using the standard reaction mixture) after chromatography on
phosphocellulose P11. The separation of the two R.Bpu10I
heterosubunits, whose existence was demonstrated on the basis of
genetic evidence, explained these findings. Indeed Bpu10I ENase
activity was recovered in two peaks after fractionation on
phosphocellulose P11, using the standard reaction mixture
supplemented with aliquots of crude cell extracts prepared from
the recombinant clones E.coli RRI[pAL-Bpu10IRα] or E.coli
RRI[pAL-Bpu10IRβ] expressing the individual subunits α and β,
respectively. Bpu10I ENase activity recovered eluted at around
0.33 M (β subunit) and 0.66 M KCl (α subunit). Bpu10I subunits
were purified from the recombinant clones to apparent homogeneity. The molecular masses of these proteins (Fig. 4A) were
determined to be close to those predicted for the α and β subunits
on the basis of their nucleotide sequences (34.5 kDa α subunit and
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Figure 3. The amino acid alignment of R.Bpu10Iα, Bpu10Iβ and the 43 amino acid region of R.DdeI discussed. The conventions used are the same as those in Figure 2.
In the alignment of R.DdeI with R.Bpu10I subunit sequences aa residues common to R.DdeI and at least one of the subunits are shown. Uppercase letters (A, B, C,
D) above aligned sequences correspond to the regions of higher identity between the subunits of R.Bpu10I.
1090 Nucleic Acids Research, 1998, Vol. 26, No. 4
34 kDa β subunit). Both subunits were required for R.Bpu10I
activity (Fig. 4B). Investigation of the Bpu10I ENase oligomeric
organization, however, under non-denaturing conditions, was
hampered due to the irreversible adsorption (or inactivation) of at
least of one of the subunits, to the gel filtration media used.
During PAGE electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions
the mixture of α and β subunits formed heavy aggregates which
failed to enter the gel further than a few mm (data not shown). The
same was observed when the individual subunits were subjected
to electrophoresis.
The two ORFs encoding Bpu10I ENase are separated by the
translation stop codon TAA followed by the ATC codon which
precedes the putative ATG start codon for bpu10IRβ (Fig. 1C). The
assignment of the initiation codon was further confirmed by the
N-terminal sequence of the purified β subunit. The experimentally
determined N-terminal pentapeptide matched the Thr-Gln-IleAsp-Leu sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence except
for the absence of the N-terminal Met. It could not be excluded
though that the R.Bpu10I produced in B.pumilus 10 is composed
of one polypeptide (e.g. due to suppression of stop codon).
Fractionation of the crude cell extract prepared from B.pumilus
10, the natural host of the Bpu10I R–M system, on the
phosphocellulose P11 column, revealed a separation of the
subunits identical to that for the subunits expressed in the
recombinant clones. These findings indicate, that the molecular
organization of R.Bpu10I, generated from the recombinant clone,
is the same as that in B.pumilus 10, which demonstrates that
R.Bpu10I is composed of two heterosubunits. The association
between subunits seems to be particularly weak, such that
numerous attempts to purify Bpu10I ENase proved unsuccessful.
Instead, α and β subunits can be purified and when mixed,
reconstitute restriction activity. This indicates that subunit
interaction necessary for target recognition and (or) catalysis, is
mediated by substrate. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
active form of Bpu10I corresponds to the heteromer.
Evolutionary implications
It is generally assumed that restriction endonucleases have
evolved numerous times (42). This assumption, however, does
not exclude the possibility that ENases emerged independently to
evolve further, generating new specificities i.e. recognizing
nucleotide sequences possibly related to that of a predecessor
(43,44). Although the overall primary sequence similarity
between subunits of the Bpu10I ENase is quite low, it is high
enough to indicate the similarity of their 3-dimensional structures
(45) and their evolutionary relatedness (46). This notion is
supported by the presence of several regions of higher identity
which are distributed over the aligned sequences of R.Bpu10I
subunits in the same relative positions. R.Bpu10I recognizes an
overall asymmetric sequence whose central part encompasses the
interrupted palindrome (5′-CTNAG) and cleaves symmetrically
within this part (8). It is possible that a restriction endonuclease
recognizing a symmetric sequence (e.g. CTNAG or CCTNAGG)
may have been a predecessor of R.Bpu10I. Such a progenitor
gene would encode one polypeptide, which after forming a
homodimer would be sufficient for recognition of the palindromic
nucleotide sequence. Divergent concerted evolution of duplicated
genes may have generated an enzyme of a new specificity, each
subunit of which might recognize different non-symmetrical
parts of the target (outside bases) in a different way. The similarity
between subunits of the R.Bpu10I and R.DdeI is restricted to a
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Figure 4. (A) SDS–PAGE electrophoresis of R.Bpu10Iα and R.Bpu10Iβ. An
aliquot (0.8 µg) of each subunit was prepared and electrophoresed on a 10%
SDS–polyacrylamide gel as described under Materials and Methods.
M, molecular weight marker (Boehringer Ingelheim); lane 1, R.Bpu10Iα; lane
2, R.Bpu10Iα + R.Bpu10Iβ; lane 3, R.Bpu10Iβ. (B) Restriction activity of the
R.Bpu10I. For each reaction 1.5 µg of λ DNA were incubated with purified α
and β subunits of R.Bpu10I. Products were then applied to a 0.8% agarose gel,
using the same conditions as described under Materials and Methods. Lane 1,
λ DNA; lane 2, λ DNA + R.Bpu10Iα; lane 3, λ DNA + R.Bpu10Iα and β; lane
4, λ DNA + R.Bpu10Iβ.
Bpu10I ENase’s structure establishes it as different from other
restriction endonucleases, recognizing asymmetric nucleotide
sequences (4–6), all of which originally were classified as type II
enzymes. The diversity in structure, cofactor requirement, type of
DNA cleavage and functional properties (monofunctionality
verses bifunctionality) of this group of enzymes, confirms this
group as distinct from the group recognizing palindromes, which
are homodimers activated by Mg2+. Among the enzymes
recognizing asymmetric nucleotide sequences the properties of
R.Bpu10I are most close to the type IIS ENases (4,39). Both are
monofunctional enzymes revealing only DNA cleavage activity
and requiring only Mg2+ for activity. They differ though, in
position of cut point relative to the asymmetric recognition
sequence (R.Bpu10I within the sequence, type IIS – outside) and
protein structure (heteromer versus monomer). The modification
component of some type IIS R–M systems is represented by two
MTases (11,37) as in case of Bpu10I R–M system. The Bpu10I
R–M system consists of four genes (and proteins), which is
unique among other representatives of the type II R–M systems.
Thus, consistent with the subdivision of the class II ENases to
establish the group of type IIS enzymes (4), an additional group
designated type IIT might be introduced for enzymes like R.Bpu10I
as has been previously proposed by Kessler and Manta (7).
The possibility of heteromeric structure of type II restriction
endonucleases recognizing asymmetric nucleotide sequences has
previously been addressed (40). Co-purification of two polypeptides
of slightly different size during isolation of CauII ENase, which
recognizes the 5′-CCSGG nucleotide sequence was used as an
indication of heteromeric composition. Biochemical and genetic
data on R.BcnI, an isoschizomer of R.CauII, unambiguously shows
that BcnI ENase operates in the form of a single protein (41; A.J.,
unpublished). However, it cannot been excluded that R.CauII
recognizes the 5′-CCSGG sequence as asymmetric, while R.BcnI
recognizes the same sequence as symmetric.
Nucleic Acids
Acids Research,
stretch of 43 amino acids that plausibly includes the catalytic/
Mg2+ binding center. Therefore, R.DdeI can not be assumed to be
a recent predecessor of R.Bpu10I, although this would not
exclude the possibility that the catalytic/Mg2+ binding center and
recognition of the 5′-CTNAG sequence might reside within the
43 amino acid stretch for both DdeI and Bpu10I ENases. A
scenario similar to that described above for Bpu10I ENase might
well be deduced for Bpu10I MTases.
We thank MBI Fermentas for providing enzymes and chemicals,
Elisabeth A. Raleigh for E.coli strain ER2267. We are also
grateful to Elena Zareckaja for sequencing N-terminal part of the
R.Bpu10Iβ subunit, Saulius Klimasuskas for discussion and to
Barbara Richmond-Smith and Geoff Werstuck for linguistic help.
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