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2013, Policy Research Working Papers
Throughout northern Mesopotamia - ancient Assyria - remains of the Mitannian Empire are found directly above those of the Akkadians. The latter empire, however, is said to have disappeared almost seven centuries before the rise of Mitanni, and it is generally assumed that there was some sort of "dark age" in the region in the intervening years. However, archaeological investigation has shown continuity of occupation as well as culture between the Akkadian and Mitannian epochs, and it is clear that no period of abandonment intervened. Even worse, Mitannian documents refer repeatedly to an Old Assyrian Kingdom which was conquered by the first Mitanni Great Kings Parsatatar and Shaushtatar. These documents also speak of the two greatest rulers of this Old Assyrian Empire, who are named as Sargon (Sharru-kin) and Naram Sin, and it is regarded as a strange coincidence that their royal titles are identical to the two greatest kings of the Akkadians, Sargon I and Naram Sin. How can this conundrum be resolved? The solution was proferred in 1990 by the late Gunnar Heinsohn, who argued that the Akkadians were one and the same as the Old Assyrians, a solution which explains at a stroke the occurrence of Akkadian rather than Old Assyrian strata underneath the Mitanni and the strange reappearance of Sargon I and Naram Sin in Mitannian Age documents. The present paper looks at evidence in support of this solution, and examines some of the profound consequences this will have for our understanding of the whole of ancient history.
Il Museo nei libri a cura di Giovanna Capitelli, Silvia Cecchini, Mauro Vincenzo Fontana (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università Roma Tre) e Ilaria Miarelli Mariani (Direzione Musei Civici di Roma Capitale) marzo-maggio 2024 Quattro appuntamenti, il sabato mattina, aperti agli studenti dell’Università e dei licei, ai possessori della MIC card, e alla cittadinanza tutta previo acquisto del biglietto del museo, per riflettere e discutere del rapporto tra il Museo e la società contemporanea. Si parlerà di libri di recente pubblicazione e si utilizzeranno varie forme di mediazione: l’intervista, il workshop, la lettura partecipata, la presentazione. Sabato, 20 aprile 2024, dalle 10:30-12:30 Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi, Piazza San Pantaleo, Sala Tenerani Giovanna Capitelli, Vanda Lisanti, llaria Miarelli Mariani dialogano a partire del volume di Graham Black, Museums and the Challenge of Change. Old Institutions in a New World, Routledge, 2021
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), 2024
On the cloud computing the number of instances represents the space that application shares. AI artificial intelligence and machine learning nowadays has been used as a provision system for virtualization purposes in the cloud. A database on cloud is hosted in an instance and is ready to be filled with data. Database is an organized collection of information that is stored and accessed by applications. Database instance contains raw data, figures, values. Database Management System it is possible to manage data such as queries and table schema. An example of database management system where all the utilities that the system offers, dbms is the interface system of the database, that includes data storage, data retrieval administration, reports and data security. The database makes use of a schema which is a set of rules. The table that is part of the database can be organized as a schema. The importance of the database is to ensure that data are stored and later to be accessed. Technologies are using schema, write into the database entries into separate tables. Operational data is the data produced by the organizations. Transaction are the operations that take place into the database such as updates. Next the OLTP represents the online transaction processing. Applications that makes use of queries are ATM (automated teller machine). The OLTP is make use of the ACID model(atomic,changing,isolation, durables) are transactions that takes place under specific constraints. Modern technologies are facing issues such as high volume data on the database and low-latency of the OLTP system. OLAP is the data analysis, and are technologies of data aggregation and queuing them using ascending ordering. The technologies are highly depend to each other the OLTP applications that handles operational data and the OLAP that querying them for aggregation analysis. Scaling the process of managing the underlying resources. The scale up handles the computing power and the temporary memory that is required for an instance to run and the scale out increase the number of databases. Data warehouse is a single place data from multiple data sources. Ingest large amounts of data, optimized for OLAP use cases. In a data warehouse makes uses of big data and are petabytes. Row is going to be transformed to a new structure OLTP database. Data Lake is a centralized repository for storing all structured and unstructured data. Keeps the collected data and is not possible to transformed the data or copy them.
Handbook of Polymer Blends and Composites. Vol. 4a, 2003
The extraordinary growth in the use of plastics in the last century is in response to a growing world population, with its increasing demands for more food, better health care, improved housing and numerous cheaper and abundant consumer products. What is expected of the chemical industry in the 21st century is to produce plastics while being aware of the environment, by reducing waste production, reducing the consumption of materials, reducing the demand for energy, reducing the use of non-renewable resources, and reducing risks, hazards and costs. Use of polymer blends and composites provides a very versatile strategy for designing new materials that fulfil these 'green' requirements: Lower costs without sacrificing properties Ability to tailor properties without creation of completely new polymer High performance blend from synergistically interacting polymers Recycling industrial and/or municipal scrap
Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 2024
This paper begins with an overview of some of the difficulties with modern conceptions-as formulated especially by Ugo Coli, Frederik Vervaet, and Carsten Lange-of the Triumvirate rei publicae constituendae as an instance of the so-called magistracies ad tempus incertum. According to these scholars, the Triumvirate could be legally retained past the term stipulated by statutory provisions. In contrast to this, drawing upon the notion that the contemporaries perceived the Triumvirate as a temporary formalization of personalized informal power, which would persist and effectively control both the sphere militiae and the sphere domi even after its holders ceased to be triumvirs and formally became promagistrates, this paper puts forth a hypothesis to elucidate the use of the term ἀντάρχοντες (typically denoting promagistrates) in an Aphrodisias inscription from ca. 39/38 BCE. In this text, ἀντάρχοντες refers to those who could convene the Roman Senate. In unravelling the reasons for which the inscription attributes to the ἀντάρχοντες the authority that promagistrates never formally possessed, we must account for the possibility that the text collapses one's legal rights and statuses from distinct temporal contexts and one's capacity to take informal political initiative, into a single construction. However, this reading becomes plausible only when we take into consideration the previous experience of the Romans and provincials with some powerful promagistrates interfering with Roman city politics.
That democracy is in crisis is a truism today. In recent years, many commentators have identified the disintegration of truth and facts as the core threat to democratic societies, and accordingly call for restoring our political sense of reality. In turn, this workshop proceeds from the conviction that we face at least as severe a crisis of our political sense of possibility: a crisis of political imagination. It has become increasingly difficult to even imagine democratic politics and democratic futurity differently, that is, significantly departing from the status quo of the minimal model of present, liberal western democracy. The infamous TINA dictum emblematically attests to the outright rejection of political creativity under the hegemony of neoliberal capitalism. While democratic creativity withers away, progressive change seems to be outsourced to the field of technology, in terms of planned and anticipable 'innovation'. This is all the more fatal in times of ecological disaster, where democratic political action is increasingly challenged by calls for establishing 'authoritarian environmentalism', often accompanied with technocratic ideas of climate engineering.
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Senza Colonne News - Brindisi, 2015 & PAGINE DEL '900 BRINDISINO, 2023
AAR: MAR, 2019
The American Historical Review, 2024
Constelaciones. Revista de Teoría Crítica, 2010
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
International Journal of Water, 2018
Experimental Hematology, 2013
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2011
Sensors, 2022
EJNMMI Physics, 2019