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2009, Journal of the European Economic Association
In this paper we examine the influence of unemployment on property crimes and on violent crimes in France for the period 1990 to 2000. This analysis is the first extensive study for this country. First, we construct a regional-level data set (for the 95 départements of metropolitan France) with measures of crimes as reported to the Ministry of Interior. To assess social conditions prevailing in the département in that year, we construct measures of the unemployment rate as well as other social, economic and demographic variables using multiple waves of the French Labor Survey. Second, we construct a city-level data source for all crimes reported to the Defense Ministry for year 2001. This city-level data source is matched to a wealth of city-level variables built from National Censuses, administrative and fiscal sources, and communal censuses. Third, we use a victimization survey conducted every year (starting in 1996) by the French statistical institute (INSEE). Since the city is a...
Departmental Working Papers
The Park Place Economist, 2013
The relationship between aggregate unemployment rates and the incidence of crime has been frequently analyzed (Cantor and Land, 1985; Bennett, 1991; Bushway, 2011). However, the result of this analysis has been inconsistent. This discrepancy could be related to the inconsistent application of both economic and sociological theory, as well as several methodological issues with previous research and literature (Bennett, 1991). Becker’s 1968 paper describes crime as an individual decision made based on potential loss and gain. However, many prior analyses examine aggregate data, masking changes in individuals’ situations behind aggregate numbers. The importance of predicting crime for law enforcement and public policy can have a large significance and magnitude on informed decisions. This can both reduce the cost of law enforcement and increase the efficiency of anti-crime measures. This article is available in The Park Place Economist:
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2001
Part of the ongoing debate between Cantor and Land and Greenberg centers on differing opinions about the question of interest in Cantor and Land (1985). We begin this article with our opinion that Cantor and Land's theory relates changes in the business cycle to changes in the aggregate rate of crime. We then question whether year-to-year changes adequately reflect changes
This study reinvestigates the relationship between unemployment and crime. By being the first study to use long-term unemployment, it contributes unique findings. Moreover, with a Swedish panel consisting of 288 municipalities and annual data from 1997 to 2009, the relationship is investigated for the first time with aggregate post-2000 data. The results show that long-term unemployment exhibits a strong association with violent crimes in addition to property crimes, highlighting a potential gap in the conventional theories of economics of crime. The point-estimate of long-term unemployment for violent crimes is between 1.5 and 4, and for property crimes it is between 1.3 and 2.3. Thus, long-term unemployment identifies a marginal group for committing crimes, particularly violent crimes, better than total unemployment does. Long-term unemployment plausibly creates a feeling of alienation that fosters violent and other non-rational behaviors.
Revista Tempo Amazônico - ISSN 2357-7274 | V. 2 | N.2 | jan - jun de 2015 | p. 94-110 , 2015
Resumo: A cidade de Antioquia teve uma relação intrínseca com o cristianismo nascente. Ela foi um dos grandes centros missionários e produtores de pensamento e teologia cristã do primeiro século. As disputas de poder que ocorreram em Jerusalém, entre as facções de judeus cristãos que lá havia, acabaram gerando um ambiente propício para o crescimento de um importante segmento do movimento de Jesus naquela cidade. Porém, em boa parte dos livros e produções literárias ocidentais, pouco se fala de Antioquia e, em geral, da Síria, como locais de fundamental importância, ou ainda, locais de expansão cristã por excelência. O papel de Antioquia passa, muitas vezes, despercebido. Por isso, pretendemos demonstrar neste artigo, que nesta cidade surgiram alguns dos paradigmas cristãos elementares, os quais iriam influenciar sobremaneira as formas e divisões do cristianismo em diante, sobretudo por causa do trabalho narrativo de Lucas, e da produção teológica dos grupos cristãos naquela cidade, que teve seu auge na figura de Paulo de Tarso. Assim, este artigo pretende-se abordar os principais aspectos da formação do cristianismo em Antioquia no século I, fazendo um corte temporal entre as décadas de 30 a 60 d.C., período narrado no livro neotestamentário dos Atos, de autoria atribuída a Lucas. Analisaremos como fonte, basicamente, a documentação extraída do cânon bíblico, sobretudo do mesmo livro de Atos e das cartas paulinas. Palavras-chave: Antioquia. Cristianismo. Expansão Cristã. Abstract :The city of Antioch had a close relationship with the nascent Christianity. She was one of the major centers missionaries and producers of Christian thought and the first century theology. The power struggles that took place in Jerusalem between the factions of Jewish Christians who were there, eventually creating an enabling environment for the growth of an important segment of the Jesus movement in that city. But in much of Western books and literary productions, little is said of Antioch and, in general, Syria, the fundamental importance of local, or even places of Christian expansion par excellence. The role of Antioquia goes often unnoticed. Therefore, we intend to demonstrate in this article, that this city come some of the basic Christian paradigms, which will greatly influence the forms and divisions of Christianity onwards, mainly because of the narrative work of Lucas, and theological production of Christian groups in that city which has its peak in the figure of Paul of Tarsus. Thus, this article aims to address the main aspects of the formation of Christianity in Antioch in the first century, making a temporal break between the decades 30-60 AD, period narrated in the New Testament book of Acts, authored attributed to Lucas. We look at how supply basically the extracted documentation of the biblical canon, especially of the same book of Acts and the Pauline letters.
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Nuradin Mohamed Abi, 2020
The Good Men Project, 2024
Agir en commun dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge, a c. di Vito Loré, Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Régine Le Jan, 2024
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 2023
Atti del Convegno sulla Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia, 2009
Conatus: Journal of Philosophy, 2018
Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2021
Current Biology, 2005
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009
Current Genomics, 2010
Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 2020
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2014
Biophysical Journal, 2013