World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
ISSN 1817-3047
© IDOSI Publications, 2019
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjas.2019.367.375
Nano-Silicon and Nitrogen Foliar Spray affects
the Growth, Yield and Nutrients Content of Rice
E.E. Gewaily, 1A.M. Ghoneim and 2E.A. Khattab
Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC), Sakha,
Kafr El-Sheikh, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt
Field Crops Research, Agriculture and Biology Division, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Enhancing nutrients use efficiency and protecting rice from environmental stress, can be ascertained
by nano fertilizers foliar application. Silicon (Si) as macronutrient has a key role in improving rice growth and
sustain yield. The present study was conducted at Rice Research and Training Center during 2017 and 2018
growing seasons in order to determine the efficacy of foliar sprays of nano-Si (30 mg/L and 60 mg/L), N foliar
spray (1% and 2%) and their combinations on growth parameters, rice grain yield as well as nutrients content
of Giza 178 rice cultivar. A field experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design (RCBD)
with nine treatments and three replications. The treatments were: control, foliar spray with 1% N (N1), 2% N
(N2), 30 mg/L nano-Si (Si1), 60 mg/L nano-Si (Si2), N1Si1, N1Si2, N2Si1 and N2Si2. The results showed that the
nano-Si and N foliar fertilizers spray significantly affected number of tillers, leaf area index, crop growth rate,
leaf area ratio and net assimilation rate. The results indicated that rice grain yield was increased in response to
application of nano-Si and N foliar fertilizers application. The results revealed that, there were significant
differences in number of panicles, number of filled grains per panicle, number of unfilled grains per panicle,
1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index among the different treatments. This study
suggests that, the combined application of 60 mg/L as nano-Si and 2% N foliar spray resulted in an increase
in grain yield and yield attributers as well as N, Si, Zn, P, Mn and Fe concentrations in rice grains.
Key words: Rice yield
Rice growth
Foliar application
Nano fertilizers are more effective in improving plant
nutrition, increasing the availability of nutrients such
as N, P, K, Zn and protecting plants from
environmental stresses than conventional chemical
fertilizers [5]. The Maximum use of production sources,
especially with the nano-fertilizers application and
enhancing photosynthesis efficiency can reduce the
environmental risks associated with the excessive
application of chemical fertilizers [6].
Foliar application is a complementary method to soil
additives to improve yield quantity and quality. Many
field experiments have shown significant effects of
nutrient uptake when spraying their solutions on the
vegetative stage of the plant [7]. Recently, nano-fertilizers
or coated nano-nutrients with effective properties have
been emerging to accelerated crop growth and nutrient
release on demand, control nutrient release that
regulates plant growth and enhance its target activity [8].
Nutrient management plays an important role to
increase crop production and meet the food needs of the
growing population. Fertilizer application affects crop
productivity through plant morphological trait such as
leaf area and rooting depth, which subsequently affect
physiological process such as water absorption and
transpiration [1]. Fertilizers have an important role in
enhancing rice production and its quality especially after
the introduction of high-yielding varieties. Nano-fertilizer
is defined as the materials with a single unit between 1
and 100 nm in size [2]. Some beneficial effects include
increased nutrient use efficiency, high yield and reduced
soil pollution [3].
Nanotechnology is one of the most modern methods
in agricultural applications in the water and soil section
are the use of nano-fertilizers for plant nutrition [4].
Corresponding Author:
A.M. Ghoneim, Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC), Sakha,
Kafr El-Sheikh, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt.
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the
soil and it’s not considered an essential element soil [9].
The Si treatments were considered beneficial to plant
growth and plant production. Silicon has a key role in
improving growth and increasing rice grain yield and its
deficiency can make a serious problem for rice production.
Silicon is useful nutrient for healthy growth and
sustainable production of rice [10]. Silicon has a dual
effect on the plant and soil system, which, by being
absorbed in the plant, makes the plant more resistant to
pests, diseases and environmental stresses and on the
other hand, leads to increase soil fertility by improving
water, physicochemical properties of soil and maintaining
the available nutrients for the plant [11]. Studies have
shown that treatment with Si significantly alleviated salt
and drought stress in plants [12]. In addition, Si plays a
key role in a number of metabolic and physiological
activities in plants. Silicon has several benefits for rice
including the reduction of the adsorption of heavy metals
such as Pb, Cd and As, resistance to salt stress,
increasing the extent of photosynthesis, the improvement
of performance and the prevention of rice lodging [13-15].
Application of N fertilizers is an important practice for
increasing rice yield. However, excess N causes lodging,
mutual shading and susceptibility to rice diseases.
Excessive application of N fertilizers also causes high
protein content in brown rice, which affects its quality.
Sufficient supply of Si to rice is effective in producing low
protein rice [13]. In addition, Meena et al. [11] reported
that, the occurrence of rice diseases was significantly
inhibited by Si application in the field experiment,
especially when N is applied with higher application rates.
These functions of Si are especially important in the
cultivation systems with dense planting and high N
The modern nano-Si fertilizers easily penetrate into
the leaves and create a thick silicate layer on the leaf
surface [11]. Silicon plays an important role in increasing
the activity of antioxidant enzymes and enhancing the
resistance of abiotic and biotic plant stresses [16].
Mobasser et al. [17] reported that, the use of Si increases
the rice grain yield by increasing the number of fertile
tillers per hill and the number of grains per panicle [18].
Other studies reported that the Si application significantly
increased the number of tillers and Si concentration in the
plant [19]. Cuong et al. [20] reported that increases in Si
application, increases the Si absorption and other
nutrients such as N, P and K in rice grain and rice straw
compared to without Si application.
There is little doubt that there has been less research
to evaluate the effect of foliar spray of nano-Si on growth
and yield of rice. Therefore, the aims of the present study
were to evaluate the effects of nano-silicon and N as foliar
spray application on rice growth, yield components and
nutrients concentration of N, Si, P, K, Zn, Mn and Fe.
Experimental Site Description and Soil Samples:
The field experiment was conducted during crop year of
2017 and 2018 in Rice Research and Training Center
(RRTC) experimental farm, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Representative soil samples were taken in bulk from 0-30
cm depth before the growing season. The soil samples
were air-dried, ground and passed through 2-mm sieve.
Composite soil samples were taken and analyzed for
physical and chemical characteristics of the soil namely,
electrical conductivity (EC,) pH, organic matter (OM),
texture, cations and anions following the standard
methods as described by Page et al. [21]. The physicochemical characteristics of the soil are given in Table (1).
Experimental Layout, Design and Fertilizers Treatment:
The experiment was set up as a randomized complete
block design with nine treatments and three replications
with a plot area of 2 x 5 m. The foliar fertilizer treatments
were as follows:
Without foliar
1% N foliar from urea
2% N foliar from urea
30 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
60 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
1% N foliar from urea + 30 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
1% N foliar from urea + 60 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
2% N foliar from urea + 30 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
2% N foliar from urea + 60 mg/L foliar from nano-Si
Phosphorus fertilizer was applied at the rate of 36 kg
P2O5 ha–1 as superphosphate (15.5% P2O5) as soil basal
application in one dose during soil preparation.
Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at a rate of 165 kg ha–1 as
urea. Two thirds of recommended N fertilizer was applied
as soil basal application and the other one third was
applied as top dressed 30 days after transplanting. Seeds
of Giza 178 rice cultivar, at the rate of 144 kg ha 1, were
soaked in water for 24 hours and then incubated for 48
hours to hasten early germination. Pre-germinated seeds
were sown on May 15th in both growing seasons.
Seedlings of Giza178 rice cultivar (4 weeks old) were
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
Table 1: The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil in a depth of 0-30 cm during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons
EC (dS m 1)
Available nutrients (mg kg 1)
OM %
Zn (mg kg 1)
Si (%)
Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
EC = Electrical conductivity; OM =Organic matter.
transplanted at spaces of 20 x 20 cm with three seedlings
per hill. All plots received identical cultural practices
according to the recommendations of RRTC.
Used nano-Si was provided by National Research
Centre and have characterized by specific surface area of
(300-330 m2/g), pH (4.0-4.5) and mean diameter (10 nm) and
purity was 99.7%. Nano-silicon source was polyethylene
glycol Salicylic acid (=PEG-sSA). Foliar sprays with
stabilized Salicylic acid (sSA) was used because it is the
only plant-available Si form, can be used. The foliar
application of nano-Si and N were applied twice at 15 and
30 days from transplanting.
Plant Chemical Analysis: Rice samples were digested
using wet
method as described by
Chapman and Partt [24]. Concentration of Si was
determined according to the method of Snyder [25].
The concentrations of Zn, Fe and Mn in rice grain were
determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
The N concentration was measured by micro-Kjeldahl
method. Phosphorus and K concentration were
determined according to Page et al. [21]. Chemical
analysis of plant samples was provided by National
Research Center, which is highly appreciated.
Data Analysis: All data collected were subjected to
standard statistical analysis of variance following the
method described by Gomez and Gomez [26]. Different
means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test
(DMRT) with a 5% probability level.
Measurements: At 45 days from transplanting, plant
height and number of tillers per hill were measured.
Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, carotenoids of leaves
were determined according to the method of Arnon [22],
as well as the concentration of N, Si, P, K, Zn, Mn and Fe
as described by Page et al. [21].
Crop growth rate CGR (g/day) was computed by
using the following formula;
Rice Growth Parameters: Table 2 shows effect of nano-Si
and N foliar fertilizers application on agro-morphological
traits of rice in the two growing seasons. The results
revealed that, the most of the rice growth parameters were
significantly affected by nano-Si and N foliar application
rates (Table 2). The results showed that, the plant height,
number of tillers, leaf area index, crop growth rate, leaf
area ratio and net assimilation rate were significantly
affected by the nano-Si and N foliar application rates in
the two growing seasons. These effects may be attributed
to the important role of N in formation of aux in which is
involved in cell division and internodes elongation. These
findings are in agreement with those reported by Ntanos
and Koutroubas [27 ] and Afifi et al. [ 28]. In addition, to
the important role of N for the activation of various types
of enzymes, such as those required for the CO 2
assimilation pathway and chlorophyll biosynthesis. With
increasing nano-Si foliar application rate from 30 mg/L to
60 mg/L, the leaf area ratio and net assimilation increased
significantly. These findings are in line with those
reported by Mobasser et. al. [17]. They reported that Si
fertilizer application enhanced the rice growth characters.
Similar results were reported by Shashidhar et al. [29].
With respect to N foliar application levels, data showed
W 2 – W2 / t 2 – t 1
where, W1 and W2 were total rice dry weight (g/m2) at
time t1 and t2 of a growing period, respectively.
Leaf area index (LAI) was calculated as follows:
LAI = Leaf area / Land area occupied by a plant
Net assimilation rate (NAR) (g/cm2/day) is the
increase in weight of dry matter of rice per unit leaf area
per unit time. Leaf area ratio LAR and NAR were estimated
according to the formula suggested by Radford [23].
At maturity, five hills were randomly sampled from
each plot to determine plant height (cm) and number of
panicles per hill. Ten panicles were randomly selected
from each plot to measure panicle length, number of filled
grains per panicle, number of unfilled grains per panicle
and 1000-grain weight. After harvesting, biological and
rice grain yields were estimated from a 5m2 area in each
plot and grain yield was adjusted to 14% moisture content
and converted to t ha 1.
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
Table 2: Plant height, number of tillers, leaf area index, crop growth rate, leaf area ratio and net assimilation rates of rice as affected by nano-silicon and N
foliar fertilizers application during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Plant
Number of
Number of
height (cm) tillers/hill
(g/cm 2/day) height (cm) tillers/hill
(g/cm 2/day)
22.85 i
4.30 g
0.3105 f
137.7 e
1.372 d
71.10 e
22.70 e
4.40 f 0.3210 f
1.395 d
72.86 e
24.38 f
4.87 e
0.3526 e
142.8 c
1.462 b
71.80 e
24.20 d
4.50 f 0.4131 b
1.451 b
73.50 de
24.95 d
5.25 d
0.3968 c
144.0 b
1.433 c
72.91 d
23.95 c
5.10 e 0.4213 b
1.460 b
69.85 g
23.25 h
4.75 f
0.3835 d
139.4 d
1.394 d
70.19 g
23.89 c
5.72 d 0.3905 d
1.424 c
71.35 f
23.32 h
4.78 f
0.3320 f
139.7 d
1.461 b
70.90 g
22.90 d
4.66 c 0.3313 f
1.462 b
74.36 d
24.17 g
5.18 d
0.3573 e
144.8 b
1.412 cd
73.90 d
25.00 b
4.99 b 0.3601 e
1.531 a
24.62 e
5.28 c
0.3996 c
1.413 cd
75.90 c
24.85 b
5.00 b 0.4021 c
1.433 c
78.87 b
25.07 c
5.39 b
0.4304 b
150.5 a
1.523 a
77.90 b
26.10 a
5.23 a 0.4326 b
1.456 b
80.37 a
26.25 a
5.69 a
0.4614 a
150.7 a
1.522 a
79.85 a
26.50 a
5.65 a 0.4692 a
1.551 a
LAI= Leaf area index; CGR =Crop growth rate; LAR = Leaf area ratio; NAR = Net assimilation rate. Means within a column followed by the same letter do
not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
Table 3: Mean comparison of the effects of nano-silicon and N foliar fertilizers application on rice contributing characters during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons
Number of
Number of filled
Number of unfilled
1000- grain Plant
Number of
Number of filled
Number of unfilled 1000-grain
height (cm)
weight (g)
height (cm)
grains/ panicle
weight (g)
98.10 d
21.0 c
109.2 d
30.10 a
22.00 d
99.20 d
21.85 c
106.10 e
30.00 a
21.95 cd
99.00 d
22.64 b
118.17 c
28.53 a
23.45 b
100.0 d
22.10 d
119.10 c
27.90 a
23.0 b
101.50 c
23.77 ab
130.50 ab
27.50 a
23.88 bc
101.2 c
24.10 a
125.10 bc
27.10 a
23.10 bc
97.20 de
21.07 c
112.03 cd
29.57 a
22.09 d
95.10 e
22.10 c
111.10 cd
29.10 a
22.10 cd
95.40 e
22.26 bc
116.50 cd
29.20 a
22.95 cd
97.50 de
22.10 c
115.92 cd
29.00 a
22.90 bc
103.7 b
22.70 b
124.13 bc
27.50 a
23.34 bc
103.2 b
22.50 c
126.10 bc
27.10 a
22.80 cd
104.3 b
23.22 ab
125.57 bc
23.77 b
23.59 bc
104.1 b
23.50 b
129.90 b
22.90 c
23.92 bc
107.5 a
22.79 b
138.50 a
24.03 b
24.27 ab
106.9 a
22.90 b
139.10 a
24.01 b
24.12 a
109.3 a
24.53 a
139.90 a
22.70 b
24.92 a
108.2 a
24.50 a
140.00 a
22.10 b
25.10 a
Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
highly significant effect for N levels on all previous
mentioned rice traits. The trend of data was clear and
unified, whereas means of these traits were gradually
increased with increasing level of N foliar from 1% up to
2%. The combination between nano-Si foliar and N foliar
application rates had highly significant effect on plant
height and number of productive tillers per hill. Maximum
values of number of tillers and LAI were recorded in N2Si2
treatment in the two growing seasons compared with the
other fertilizer treatments. It was mentioned that, when Si
is absorbed by rice, decreased cuticle transpiration and
rice elongation [8]. In addition, nano-Si foliar application
improved plant height and dry weight of rice [30].
influenced plant height, number of panicles, number of
filled grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight (Table 3). With
increasing nano-Si foliar fertilizer application rates from 30
mg/L up to 60 mg/L, the number of filled grains per panicle
decreased; this because the rice plants have not enough
carbohydrates to fill up all grains. These results are in
agreement of findings reported by Mobasser et al. [17]
and Malidareh [31]. With respect of N foliar application
rates, the results indicated that, with increasing the
application of N foliar from 1% to 2%, number of panicles,
number of filled grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight
increased significantly. The highest values of yield
attributers traits were obtained with N2Si2 compared to
other treatments in the both growing seasons.
The rice grain yield, biological yield and harvest
index were significantly affected by N and nano-Si
foliar application in the two growing seasons (Table 4).
The rice grain yield ranged from 8.85 to11.34 t ha 1 in 2017
season and from 8.90 to 11.20 t ha 1 in 2018 season.
Application of nano-Si and N foliar resulted in increases
of the rice grain yield biological yield and harvest index.
The maximum values of rice grain, biological yield and
harvest index were obtained with N2Si2 treatment in both
growing seasons (Table 4). Increasing fertilizer rate
induced an increase in rice yield and its components.
These increases may be attributed to the participation of
Yield Attributes and Yield: Mean values of plant height,
number of panicles, number of filled grains, number of
unfilled grains and 1000-grain weight as affected by N and
nano-Si foliar application rates in the two growing
seasons are listed in Table (3). The analysis of variance
showed highly significant differences among the
different treatments for all previous mentioned rice
traits. The results indicated that, plant height, number of
panicles per hill, number of filled and number of unfilled
grains and 1000- grain weight was significantly affected
by N and nano-Si foliar application levels in the two
growing seasons. Increased of N foliar application rates
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
Table 4: Mean comparison of the effects of nano-silicon and N foliar fertilizers application on rice yield, biological yield and harvest index in the two growing
Grain yield (t ha 1)
Biological yield (t ha 1)
Harvest index
Grain yield (t ha 1)
Biological yield (t ha 1)
Harvest index
8.85 e
0.443 d
8.90 d
19.87 f
0.448 d
9.64 bcd
20.98 cd
0.459 bc
9.59 b
20.10 e
0.477 b
9.93 bc
21.10 c
0.471 ab
9.67 b
20.36 e
0.475 b
9.00 d
20.61 e
0.437 d
9.15 c
20.50 d
0.446 d
9.38 cd
20.68 de
0.454 cd
9.44 c
20.89 d
0.451 cd
10.08 bc
21.23 c
0.472 ab
10.15 b
21.50 c
0.472 b
10.16 b
22.76 b
0.446 cd
10.30 b
23.62 b
0.436 cd
10.89 b
23.01 a
0.473 ab
10.78 b
23.00 a
0.469 b
11.34 a
23.28 a
0.487 a
11.20 a
23.30 a
0.483 a
Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
Table 5: Mean comparison of the effects of nano-Si and N foliar fertilizers application on chlorophyll, total N and Si concentration of rice leaves at 45 days
from transplanting during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons
Chloro. a
Chloro. b
Chloro. a
Chloro. b
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
2.41 e
1.17 d
0.92 d
1.92 d
1.13 d
2.36 de
1.18 d
0.89 d
1.87 d
1.16 e
2.42 de
1.21 c
0.93 d
1.96 d
1.16 d
2.40 e
1.19 d
0.89 d
1.98 c
1.18 e
2.44 d
1.18 d
0.96 cd
2.19 c
1.21 c
2.39 e
1.23 c
0.95 c
1.23 d
2.41 e
1.21 c
0.93 d
1.94 d
1.22 c
2.38 de
1.22 d
0.92 c
1.90 d
1.20 d
2.43 de
1.18 d
0.96 cd
2.16 c
1.24 c
2.40 d
1.20 d
0.97 cd
2.03 c
1.28 c
2.48 c
1.22 c
1.00 bc
2.34 b
1.30 b
2.50 c
1.22 d
0.99 c
2.29 b
1.29 c
2.48 c
1.23 c
1.01 ab
2.37 ab
1.36 a
2.51 c
1.24 c
1.01 ab
2.40 a
1.35 b
2.68 b
1.30 b
1.06 ab
2.26 b
1.37 a
2.70 b
1.28 b
1.15 ab
2.29 b
1.39 a
2.73 a
1.35 a
1.11 a
2.47 a
1.39 a
2.80 a
1.32 a
1.25 a
2.50 a
1.40 a
Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
N in structural functions of the plant, such as cell
multiplication, differentiation, genetic inheritance and
formation of tissues [17]. The results indicated that, there
were significant differences in grain yield, biological yield
and harvest index between the nano-Si foliar application
rates (Table 4). The trend of these results regarding
number of filled grains per panicle and number of unfilled
grains per panicle was in agreement with that reported by
Gewaily et al. [32], who stated that, with increase rate of
N application, a significant increase in number of filled
grains per panicle was observed due to high increasing in
total number of grains per panicle.
The combination between foliar spray of nano-Si
foliar and N application had highly significant effects on
rice grain yield, biological yield and harvest index. Effects
of foliar nano-Si application on rice grain yield and its
components are related to the deposition of the Si under
the leaf epidermis, which resulted in a physical mechanism
of defense, reduces lodging, increases photosynthesis
capacity and decreases transpiration losses from rice
plant [33]. Shashidhar et al. [29] reported that, reduced
amount of Si in plant develops necrosis, disturbance in
leaf photosynthetic efficiency, growth retardation and
reduces cereals grain yield. Plant tissue analysis has
revealed the optimum amount of Si is necessary for cell
development and differentiation [34, 35].
Nutrient and Chlorophyll Concentration in Rice Leaves:
Mean values of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids,
N and Si concentration in rice leaves recorded at 45 days
after transplanting are presented in Table (5). The analysis
of variance indicated highly significant differences among
the different treatments for all such traits. The effect of
foliar application with nano-Si and N was significant on N
and Si concentration in rice leaves (Table 5). Increasing
the application rate of nano-Si foliar application, leads to
significant increases in the contents of N and Si
concentration in rice leaves at 45 days after transplanting.
The combination between foliar spray of 60 mg/L nano-Si
and 2% N had highly significant effects on chlorophyll a,
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
Table 6: Mean comparison of the effects of nano-Si and N foliar fertilizers application on concentration of P, K, Zn, Mn and Fe in rice leaves at 45 days from
transplanting during 2017 and 2018 growing seasons
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
(mg kg 1)
0.14 d
0.16 c
0.20 b
0.14 d
0.17 c
0.20 b
0.20 b
0.22 a
0.22 a
0.14 d
0.15 d
0.19 bc
0.15 d
0.16 d
0.21 b
0.22 ab
0.23 a
0.23 a
0.97 b
1.00 b
1.11 a
1.09 a
1.11 a
1.13 a
1.15 a
1.13 a
1.13 a
24.22 c
25.32 b
24.30 c
25.84 ab
28.22 a
25.04 b
25.82 ab
26.98 a
28.50 a
31.90 d
36.78 c
39.43 a
32.14 d
37.00 c
39.54 a
39.65 a
37.77 b
39.90 a
63.00 f
63.00 f
65.20 e
63.00 f
75.30 b
71.90 d
75.20 b
74.00 c
85.10 a
0.98 c
1.03 c
1.09 c
1.08 c
1.12 b
1.12 b
1.16 a
1.14 a
1.14 a
23.90 c
25.90 b
24.10 c
26.10 a
27.90 a
25.20 b
25.60 b
26.92 a
27.98 a
31.00 c
37.01 b
39.10 a
31.90 c
36.80 b
39.01 a
39.85 a
37.88 b
39.78 a
62.10 e
62.92 e
64.85 e
63.10 e
75.00 c
70.90 d
74.90 c
93.92 a
84.12 b
Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
Table 7: Mean comparison of the effects of nano-Si and N foliar fertilizers application on N, P, K, Si, Zn, Mn and Fe concentration in rice grain at harvest stage
------------------------(%)----------------------0.756 c
1.30 e
0.160 d
0.200 a
-------------(mg kg-1)-------------14.50 d
21.90 c
42.42 f
----------------------(%)--------------------------0.780 d
1.37 f
0.157 c
0.200 a
---------------(mg kg-1)-------------------15.00 d
21.93 d
41.80 f
0.970 b
0.997 b
1.37 e
1.58 d
0.200 b
0.175 c
0.223 a
0.223 a
16.03 c
18.96 a
22.26 c
24.72 a
50.73 b
44.00 e
0.980 b
0.981 b
1.39 f
1.60 e
0.220 a
0.159 c
0.201 a
0.222 a
15.99 e
18.10 b
21.95 d
23.92 c
48.95 b
43.99 e
0.771 c
0.829 c
1.62 cd
1.69 c
0.195 b
0.160 d
0.221 a
0.224 a
18.75 a
16.97 b
22.04 c
22.15 c
42.53 f
42.53 f
0.795 d
0.825 c
1.66 d
1.70 c
0.192 b
0.159 c
0.231 a
0.221 a
18.25 b
17.90 c
21.90 d
22.01 d
41.90 f
41.99 f
1.075 a
0.979 b
1.63 cd
1.79 b
0.160 d
0.196 b
0.226 a
0.226 a
17.18 b
16.03 c
23.04 b
24.83 a
45.47 d
48.47 c
1.022 a
0.995 b
1.66 d
1.80 b
0.158 c
0.195 b
0.231 a
0.221 a
17.01 c
15.99 d
23.01 c
24.02 b
45.60 d
47.99 c
0.778 c
1.086 a
1.83 b
1.94 a
0.179 c
0.230 a
0.226 a
0.222 a
14.47 d
18.44 a
25.28 a
24.94 a
50.73 b
57.40 a
0.792 d
1.020 a
1.82 b
1.92 a
0.180 d
0.235 a
0.230 a
0.221 a
15.01 d
19.01 a
25.90 a
25.10 a
49.87 b
58.01 a
Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly (P < 0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.
chlorophyll b, carotenoids, N and Si concentration in
rice leaves at 45 days after transplanting. The maximum
values of chlorophyll a (2.73, 2.80 mg kg 1), chlorophyll b
(1.35, 1.32 mg kg 1), carotenoids (1.11, 1.25 mg kg 1), N
(2.47, 2.50 %) and Si (1.39, 1.40 %) were achieved with
N2Si2 treatment in 2017 and 2018, respectively. These
results are in agreement of findings reported by Cuong
et al. [20]. The increase in nutrients concentration may be
attributed to the positive effect of foliar application of
nano-Si and N, which consequently increased the
absorption of N [36]. Similar studies regarding the effects
of nano-Si foliar fertilizers application on increasing the
chlorophyll content of plants, which is consistent with the
results of this current study [35]. Foliar application with
nano-Si can stimulate the vegetative growth of plant as
well as increase rice stem diameter, number of lateral
shoots, root length and chlorophyll content [37]. It was
reported that, Si is responsible to control stomatal
activity, photosynthesis and water use efficiency (WUE)
which ultimately resulted in better vegetative growth rate
and hence increased rice grain yield [38].
Table (6) shows the effects of different treatments on
macro and micro-nutrients of rice leaves at 45 days after
transplanting. The analysis of variance indicated highly
significant differences among the different treatments on
the nutrients content. The combination between nano-Si
foliar and N foliar application rate had highly significant
effect on P, Zn, Mn and Fe concentration in rice leaves.
The maximum value of P concentration (0.220, 0.230 %),
Zn (28.50, 27.98 mg kg 1), Mn (39.90, 39.78 mg kg 1) and
Fe (85.10, 84.12 mg kg 1) was recorded in the N2Si2
treatment in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Nano-Si foliar
application, especially at reproductive stages of rice
increases the chlorophyll content and the number of tillers
per hill [10]. These results may be because nano-Si
mediates the synthesis of protein, amino acids, nutrient
uptake and stimulates antioxidant enzyme activity [2].
In addition, Si-deprived-plants are structurally weaker
than silicon-enriched plants, demonstrating reduced
growth, development, viability and reproduction.
Moreover, these plants are more susceptible to biotic and
abiotic stresses [39 and 40].
Nutrient Concentration at Harvesting: Mean value of N,
Si, P, K, Zn, Mn and Fe concentration in rice grain at
harvesting stage as affected by nano-Si and N foliar
application are presented in Table (7). The analysis of
variance indicated highly significant differences between
World J. Agric. Sci., 15 (6): 367-375, 2019
nano-Si and N foliar application rate in the concentration
of nutrients in rice grains. Increasing application rate of
nano-Si from 30 mg/L to 60 mg/L significantly increased
the P, Zn, Mn and Fe concentration of rice grains.
Also, the analysis of variance indicated highly
significant differences between nano-Si and N foliar
application rate in the nutrients content of rice grains.
The combination between nano-Si foliar and N foliar
application had highly significant effect on concentration
of P, Zn, Mn and Fe in rice grains. The highest
concentration of N (1.086, 1.020%), Si (1.94, 1.92%), P
(0.230, 0.235%), Zn (18.44, 19.01 mg kg 1), Mn (24.94, 25.10
mg kg 1) and Fe (57.40, 58.01 mg kg 1) were obtained with
N2Si2 treatment in 2017 and 2018, respectively (Table 7).
Although, Si is not considered within the important
nutrients required for increases of cell wall thickness
below the cuticle, which imparting mechanical resistance
to the penetration of fungi, decrease in plant transpiration
and improvement of the leaf group, that are essential for
rice growth, but its absorption have several benefits, such
as the angle, making leaves more erect, therefore reducing
self-shading, especially under high N application rates
[41, 38]. Gradual release of nutrients during growth stages
of the rice plant by nano-Si fertilizers application increases
rice growth and yield [42]. Cuong et al. [20] reported that
by adding nano-Si, rice grain yield was improved due to
increasing growth, yield attributes and better absorption
of N, P, K and Zn.
Several beneficial effects of nano-Si have been
reported, including increased photosynthetic activity,
increased insect and disease resistance, reduced mineral
toxicity, improvement of nutrient imbalance such as P, Zn
and enhanced drought tolerance. However, the beneficial
effects of Si effects vary with the plant species. Beneficial
effects are usually obvious in plants that accumulate high
levels of Si in their shoots [40]. Ghasemi et al. [18]
reported that, there is synergistic interaction between Si
and other nutrients, which ultimately has contributed to
increased absorption of Zn, Mn and Fe in the rice plant.
Combined application of N and Si recorded the highest
total N, protein content, Si, P, K, Zn, Mn and Fe
concentrations in rice. The increase in these nutrients may
be attributed to the positive effect of foliar application of
nano-Si, which consequently increased the absorption of
different nutrients [43 - 45]. It has been revealed that
exogenous application of nano-Si on plants enhanced the
rice growth and development by increasing accumulation
of proline, free amino acids, antioxidant enzymes activity
and improve photosynthesis efficiency and enhanced
nutrients content including P, N and Zn [36, 46].
In this study, application of nano-Si in combination
with N foliar as urea application rates, positively affected
agronomic, yield-related traits, rice grain yield and nutrient
uptakes of 178 rice cultivars. It can be concluded that
application of nano-Si at the rate of 60 mg/L along with
2% N as urea foliar would help in the sustainable
production of higher rice yield and the increased nutrient
uptake of rice. Rice is typical crop, which can accumulate
Si up to 10% Si on rice shoot. High Si accumulation of rice
has been demonstrated to be necessary for healthy
growth, higher and stable rice production. For this reason,
Si has been recognized as an agronomically essential
element in Japan and silicate fertilizers have been applied
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