Journal of
Training and Development
2017, Volume 3
ISSN: 2392-456X(Print)
ISSN: 2392-4578(Online)
ICT Pedagogy in Higher Education:A Constructivist Approach
Anila Jha
PhD Scholar, Kathmandu University,
School of Education
Hattiban Lalitpur, Nepal
Email for correspondence:
Information and communication technology (ICT) has been an integral part of pedagogy in
educational institutions in general and higher education in particular. My focus in this paper is to
see how ICT plays a role in constructing knowledge and improving learning in the higher educational
institutions. The arguments are based on the review of existing ICT related literature, and in- depth
interviews with few ICT pedagogy and social constructivist related educationists. So, the method
applied is qualitative. First, ICT plays a role of a means to an end in the sense that it carries
messages with higher level of accuracy. Second, it makes the interactions among the target group
‘living’ and creates the environment for effective learning. Third, ICT links the performers (teachers
and students) in the learning groups cognitively and affectively to transform the unit of learning
among the learners. This means that ICT plays a vital role in the part of the learners in which they
are liberated from their teachers’ dominance.
Keywords: Constructivist approach; higher education; ict; knowledge building; pedagogy.
In the recent decades, ICT has brought about
unprecedented change in the society allowing people
from distance to communicate in fix time using
information technologies. Moreover, the websites
of social network have also allowed us to be in
contact. As a result, modern ICTs have created a
“global village”, where we can communicate across
the world (Akkalwar, 2013). Moreover, Internet,
World Wide Web as part of ICT has contributed to
the quality of learning materials. Through ICT any
number of learners from anywhere and at any time
can easily have access to a large number of resources.
In this way, modern ICTs havesupported individual
and society for global reach. Similarly, Gulbani and
Joshi (2012) mentioned that ICT is a potentially
powerful tool for extending educational opportunities
and it can provide remote learning resources.
Constructivism, a theory of human interaction into
knowledge generation, has made its influences in
many academic fields, like sociology, psychology,
pedagogy and science. It believes that knowledge
generation is possible only through interaction and
discourses between and among individuals. Phillips
(1995) argued that constructivism is possible through
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ICT Pedagogy in Higher Education...
various roles of a learner such as active learner,
social learner and creative learner. He further argued
that learning is a social construction which means
we make meaning of knowledge only through
interaction with others. Moreover, constructivists
believe that knowledge can be created and recreated
which demands active involvement of the learners
to discover new knowledge (Pritchard &Woollard,
There are many forms of constructivism including
personal constructivism, radical constructivism and
social constructivism. Personal constructivism is
based on Piaget’s work that emphasizes learning on
individual basis depending upon individual needs.
This is considered as the expansion of Piaget’s model
of cognitive structures (Piaget, 1972). Radical
constructivism, on the other hand, is based on the
work of Ernst von Glasersfeld. This kind of
constructivism deals with two principles: one, the
knowledge is actively constructed and two, it is
meaningful only through the organization of learners’
experiences (Glaserfeld, 1995). The third form of
constructivism is social constructivism, which is
believed to be based on the work of Joan Solomon.
According to him, knowledge held by individuals
is always on the path of modification with social
effects on it.
This research was purely qualitative in nature. I
conducted in-depth interview with related experts
in addition to the review of relevant literature. The
review and the interview focused to answering my
research question “How can we relate the current
practice of ICT in higher education with social
Findings and Discussion
Based on the data collected by interviewing my study
participants, I came up with the two different themes
namely ICT in Knowledge Building and ICT
Pedagogy and Social Constructivism. These themes
along with respective data and relevant literature are
Massive Open Online Course
presented and discussed as follows:
ICT Pedagogy and Social Constructivism
ICT seems pervasive throughout the learning
endeavor in higher education, but it still requires
intensive efforts to be meaningful in addressing the
learners' need of learning in the present world. In
this regard, one of my research participants offered
me his experiences as follows:
"There is not much use of information
technology (IT) in the current practice of
higher education in Nepal. But, it has taken
its momentum. Basically, the Private higher
education institutions have moved towards
this direction. Moreover, Open Distance
Learning (ODL) programs run by Universities
and/or other Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) also use ICT in delivering its pedagogy
to the students. So far, the interaction as such
has not been promoted in regular classes
where teachers use the "idle" technology, the
PowerPoint presentation…"
On the other hand, the application of ICTs in
pedagogy, MOOC1 , has made meaningful interaction
with the students. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment (MOODLE) has also been
useful in the context in which students individually
becomes active to interact with the system and with
Similarly, next participant said:"…..Each
knowledge should be revised and updatedfor
21stcentury. Moreover, themaximum potential
of ICT should be used to investigate
authenticity of the resources that are provided.
ICT is a means and not an end. Information
technology facilitates students to gain new
knowledge, but it equally depends upon how
to use it. In today's world ICT has been used
to search for new knowledge. Countries with
richer resources have been able to do this
and countries with poorer resources are still
struggling towards the direction……"
66 JTD 3
This explains that the use of ICT in HEI2 s have
definitely helped students understand the content.
Again, simply understanding the given contents does
not seem to be enough. A key question can be raised
in this regard: has ICT contributed to better learning?
Next, it has also given opportunities to the students
for asynchronous learning through recorded
programs. In contrast to cognitive-constructivism,
social constructivism emphasizes “collectivelearning” where the role of teachers, parents, peers
and other community members in helping learners
and making learning fruitful. So, social constructivists
also emphasize that learning is an active, contextual
and social, (Tinio, 2002). Social constructivists talk
about technology-adoption as a process of involving
social groups into the innovation process where
learning takes place on the learners’ experiences,
knowledge, habits and preferences (Bondarouk,
Hussain (1999) described learning as a social process
taking place in and outside the classroom. Classrooms
are social bodies where students interact with each
other and their instructors for knowledge construction.
There seems to be a consensus among different
constructivists like that learners construct knowledge
through social interactions with each other.
ICT Pedagogy and Social Constructivism
The concept of social constructivism has been
introducedsince 1990s. After that, research started
on interpretive design and computer-based
information systems had developed and penetrated
into the society (Bondarouk, 2006). Along the
continuum of objectivist/relativist to constructivist
modes of pedagogy, learners find changing learning
environments with ICT. There is one-way
communication and actions of teachers rather than
their interaction with the students (Young, 2003).
On the other situation of social constructivist learning
environments, learners follow self-designed, selfcontrolled and socially collaborative learning-tracks
(Phillips, Wells, Ice, Curtis, & Kennedy 2008). The
Higher Education Institutions
Anila Jha
middle stages of this continuum are characterized
by a mix of both the absolute positions.
Learner’s understanding depends upon the social
and cultural context where the learning is happening.
The notion of social constructivism is closely
associated with the development theories of Vygotsky
and Bruner and that of social cognitive learning of
Bandura. Reality, knowledge and learning are three
major concepts of social constructivism (Pritchard
& Woollard, 2010, P-7).
While talking on social constructivists, reality is
constructed through human activity, that is,
knowledge is socially and culturally constructed and
learning is a social process (Pritchard &Woollard,
2010). For all these assumptions, they see the role
of communication to be vital only by which socially
agreed ideas and social patterns can be understood
(Kim, 2001). This includes the extension of the
understanding of new information and activities
among the group members (Rogoff, 1990). In social
constructivism, learning is an exploration and
discovery rather than a passive didactic approach in
the classroom. It is multidimensional, as described
by Young (2008), who mentions the application of
knowledge in different contexts whether of experts
or non-experts, how they construct, challenge and
modify knowledge, and further how they challenged
both forms within the community and from without
(p.9) for learningmeaning.
Likewise, Scardamalia and Bereiter (2006) state that
students are not mere learners or inquirers; they are
members of knowledge building community. In
social constructivists' perspective, classroom teaching
is supported and facilitated by technology especially
the telecommunication tools (Mumtaz, 2006). These
tools provide student with opportunities for
interactivity, a process of social learning. In this
regard, Vygotsky believes that, "the classroom should
provide variety of learning materials (including
electronic) and experiences and the classroom culture
provides the child with cognitive tools such as
language, cultural history, and social context" (as
cited in Driscroll 2000).
67 JTD 3
ICT Pedagogy in Higher Education...
The progress and development of educational
pedagogy has interesting phenomena with the
development of computer technology. It especially
focuses on personal computer technology (Basturk,
2005). In these days, as the internet and World Wide
Web have matured; the social aspects of learning as
described by Vygotsky have become very useful for
those who are looking to design educational projects
for involving communicating audience (Lane, 2001).
From the perspective of teacher development,
Shulman (1986) sees the gap in knowledge growth
in teaching and asks several questions: Where do
teacher explanations come from? How do teachers
decide?, what to teach? How to represent it? How
to question students about it? How to deal with
problems of misunderstanding? (p. 8).
From the perspective of social constructivism, on
the other hand, learning is a collaborative process
which is differentiated between two developmental
levels. Distinguishing between these levels as actual
development and potential development has resulted
in Vygotsky's identification of the "zone of proximal
development" (Vygostsky, 1978, p. 85). The zone
of proximal development is the potential level of
cognitive development which a learner acquires if
he is provided with the appropriate support.
Furthermore, social interaction, a key component in
the social constructivist pedagogy, is also significantly
changed by the impact of technology (Ford& Lott,
n.d). Then, major transition in communication media
from speech to print and from video to electronic
form has changed our means to create, record, store,
distribute, access and retrieve information. As a
result of these changes, the social interactions between
students and students, and teachers and students have
changed. At this context, students are no longer
dependent on teachers as the main source of
information. For this perspective "web-based
environments are becoming important forums for
joint problem solving, knowledge building and
sharing of ideas" (Nevgi, Niemi, & Virtanen, (2006).
Prior to such development of technology, a social
presence was communicated by dialogue and social
clues such as facial expressions, non-verbal clues
and inflection (Nevgi, Niemi, & Virtanen, (2006).
Communications between and among the students,
the teachers and the learning materials are the
cornerstones of technology. Moreover, it demands
a clear and concise interaction of the learners with
technological devices (Desai, Hart, & Richards,
2008) in the distance education environment.
According to Hussain, (2012), higher education is
considered to be an apex body in all educational
systems. It mainly focuses on knowledge creation
and its dissemination. Further, Hussain in his paper
states that teaching, learning and research are
considered to be the main activities in higher
education. Besides, there are some interrelated and
associated activities which seem to expand the
outcomes and effectiveness of higher education.
Such activities include instruction and instructional
mechanism, learning activities, institutional
environment and infrastructure, innovations and
interventions etc.
Knowledge building with ICT
ICT has also been contributed to building up
knowledge profoundly. Scardamalia and Bereiter
(2006) mentioned that knowledge building is also a
kind of social constructivism. Further, they elaborated
the knowledge building with the process of
CSILKBE3 . The difference between learning and
knowledge building is visible. Scardamalia and
Bereiter (2006) maintain that learning is an internal,
unobservable process that results in changes of belief,
attitude, or skill while knowledge building, by
contrast, results in the creation or modification of
public knowledge. In knowledge building pedagogy,
all ideas are treated as improvable, and that idea
improvement is its basic and explicit principle.
Additionally, Scardamalia and Bereiter (2006)
mentioned the perspectives of knowledge building
with idea of “knowledge of knowledge”. “A growing
number of “knowledge societies” are joined in a
Computer Supported Intentional Learning to Knowledge Building Environment
68 JTD 3
Anila Jha
deliberate effort to advance all the specific
knowledge” (p. 1).
As far as higher education is concerned, many
researchers explain ICTs as a form of learning based
on small groups in which contents are shared by
using ICT to access, create, share, build and
continually improve ideas of sharing and creating
knowledge specifically in higher education. In the
same way, Sfard (1998) maintains that learning
processes have different possible metaphors: one is
an acquisition metaphor and other is a participation
metaphor. The first one is a process of acquiring
chunks of information, typically delivered by a
teacher, while the second one is a process of
participating in various cultural practices and shared
learning activities.
Based on the data and discussions mentioned above,
I came up with the following figure to elaborate the
components of ICT pedagogy in social
Figure -1. Components of ICT pedagogy in social constructivism.
ICT Pedagogy
and Social
ICTs have been an essential tool to construct
knowledge building in higher education. It helps
students in constructing knowledge in their social
periphery. ICTs are the demanding need in higher
education particularly in the context of building up
knowledge. The need of massive knowledge in the
part of learners appears to be imperative due to their
growing access to globalization. As a result, people
seem to feel the need of new knowledge to meet
their local and global requirements.
This paper, thus, focused to bring forth the role of
ICT in building up new knowledge in higher
education. Based on qualitative research, there
emerged two different aspects of learning in this
regard. First, use of ICTs can be useful in constructing
new knowledge in the way that it facilitate learners
and teachers interact in a creative and meaningful
way. Second, the learners use ICTs to make meaning
of the contents and context of their own surrounding
which becomes helpful to live their life in easy way.
For this kind of knowledge construction, they need
to be in contact with the availability of the ICT tools
that broadens their horizon in one hand, and update
their knowledge on the other. It, therefore, seems
essential for higher education institutions to consider
ICTs not as a separate part of pedagogy, but
ICT Pedagogy in Higher Education...
indispensable to the pedagogical process.
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Anila Jha