Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(4): 1876-1878
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2020; 8(4): 1876-1878
© 2020 JEZS
Received: 08-05-2020
Accepted: 12-06-2020
G Anitha
AICRP on Biological Control,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
Chitra Shanker
Indian Institute of Rice
Research, Rajendranagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
V Shashibhushan
Nichino India Pvt. Ltd.,
Toopran, Medak Dt. Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
C Srinivas
Department of Entomology,
College of Agriculture,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Telangana, India
Diversity analysis of coccinellids in Kharif Rice
G Anitha, Chitra Shanker, V Shashibhushan and C Srinivas
Insect pests and diseases impede the attainment of higher yields by conventional transplantation methods
in rice crop. However, planting methods ence, different planting methods viz., broadcasting and
drumsowing and plant protection methods viz., organic protection practises are gaining popularity in our
country. However, the effect of such planting methods and plant protection practices on various predators
in the field has to be assessed. Since literature on the effect of different planting methods and plant
protection methods on Coccinellid predators is scant, the present study was undertaken to understand the
impact of these methods on the abundance and diversity of Coccinellids. The experiment was laid out in
College Farm, Rajendranagar during kharif 2014-15 and 2015-16 with three main treatments viz.,
Transplanted rice, broadcasted rice and drumsown rice. Under each module, three types of plant
protection measures viz., organic protection, farmers’ practices and “no protection”. Six species of
Coccinellids were recorded during the study, viz., Micraspis, Harmonia, Cheilomenes, Propylea dissecta,
Coccinella and Scymnus. Population of Coccinellids was more in organic protection plots and ‘no
protection’ plots compared to farmers’ practices plots. Similarly, broadcasted plots recorded higher
populations of beetles than transplanted and drumsown plots in general, though interaction effects were
also significant. Diversity study of Coccinellids revealed that species richness was 7 in all the varied
cultivation methods and plant protection practices and it seemed to be least affected by the main
treatment (cultivation type) or the sub-treatment (plant protection practises) followed. Shannon’s species
diversity index however, varied among cultivation techniques and the plant protection practices and it
ranged between 0.91 -1.14 indicating a fairly stable population, though not very stable.
Keywords: Diversity analysis, coccinellids, Kharif Rice
Rice is the stable food for millions all over the world and is also one of the major crops in
Telangana state. In the state of Telangana, rice was grown in an area of 9.50 lakh hectares in
the kharif season and 6.5 lakh hectares in the Rabi season of 2018-19. During the last two
decades, wide adoption of high-yielding, semi-dwarf varieties, increased use of chemical
fertilizers and improved package of cultural practices in rice and wheat has considerably
increased pest problems (Atwal and Dhaliwal, 2009). Conservational biological control is an
important method to manage pests successfully with least damage to the environment. Spiders,
Coccinellids, Mirids, rove beetles, mantids and dragon flies are a few predators commonly
found in the rice ecosystem.
Coccinellids offer very good natural control as they predate upon all the stages of Hemipteran
pests and can be recommended for their management. The overall impact of a multispecies
predator community can be reliably predicted from the average performance of the component
species in monoculture, but will vary based on the identities of the species present in a diverse
community of a particular species composition (Sokol-Hessner and Schmitz, 2002; Straub and
Snyder, 2006) [10, 11]. The diversity and composition of predator assemblages and their impact
on prey suppression may also vary spatially (Tscharntke et al., 2007) [12]. Even within a
habitat, structural complexity can mediate the intensity of interactions among predators (Finke
and Denno, 2002, 2006; Hughes and Grabowski, 2006) [2, 3, 4], and bottom-up effects of plant
diversity can mask the significant effects of changing predator diversity (Aquilino et al. 2005) [1].
Corresponding Author:
G Anitha
AICRP on Biological Control,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
Materials and Methods
The experiment was laid out in a split plot design in 1500 sq. m. at College farm,
Rajendranagar for two years, kharif 2014 and kharif 2015 with rice variety BPT 5204. There
were three main modules, each of 36m X 12m size with different establishment technique viz.,
Transplanted rice, broadcasted rice and drumsown rice.
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
During the last two decades, wide adoption of high-yielding,
semi-dwarf varieties, increased use of chemical fertilizers and
improved package of cultural practices in rice and wheat has
considerably increased pest problems (Atwal and Dhaliwal,
2009). Conservational biological control is an important
method to manage pests successfully with least damage to the
environment. Spiders, Coccinellids, Mirids, rove beetles,
mantids and dragon flies are a few predators commonly found
in the rice ecosystem.
Coccinellids offer very good natural control as they predate
upon all the stages of Hemipteran pests and can be
recommended for their management. The overall impact of a
multispecies predator community can be reliably predicted
from the average performance of the component species in
monoculture, but will vary based on the identities of the
species present in a diverse community of a particular species
composition (Sokol-Hessner and Schmitz, 2002; Straub and
Snyder, 2006) [10, 11]. The diversity and composition of
predator assemblages and their impact on prey suppression
may also vary spatially (Tscharntke et al., 2007) [12]. Even
within a habitat, structural complexity can mediate the
intensity of interactions among predators (Finke and Denno,
2002, 2006; Hughes and Grabowski, 2006) [2, 3, 4], and bottomup effects of plant diversity can mask the significant effects of
changing predator diversity (Aquilino et al., 2005) [1].
Materials and Methods
The experiment was laid out in a split plot design in 1500 sq.
m. at College farm, Rajendranagar for two years, kharif 2014
and kharif 2015 with rice variety BPT 5204. There were three
main modules, each of 36m X 12m size with different
establishment technique viz., Transplanted rice, broadcasted
rice and drumsown rice. Under each module, three types of
plant protection measures viz., organic protection, farmers’
practices and “no protection” were taken up. Recommended
dosages of fertilizers were applied to all the modules and
Transplantation, broadcasting and drumsowing were done in
the last week of July. Under organic protection,
Trichogramma japonicum cards were pinned to the underside
of the leaves @ 50,000/ha/release and six such releases were
carried out starting at 35 days after transplantation. T.chilonis
cards were also pinned to the leaves @ 50,000/ha/release and
six such releases were carried out starting at 37 standard week
at the time of the second spray when leaf folder adults were
noticed in the field. Pheromone traps with Scirpophaga lures
were installed in the organic protection plots at 30 DAT and
the lure was changed once every 22 days till 70 DAT. Sprays
of Neem oil 1.0% were taken up in the organic protection
plots when the pest crossed economic threshold level once at
36 SMW and again at 69 SMW.
In farmers’ practice, carbofuran 3G granules were applied to
the crop one week before pulling of nursery applied at the rate
of 200 g/cent of nursery in the transplantation module plots.
In the broadcasted and drumsown rice, carbofuran granules
were applied at 30 days after sowing at the rate of 10 kg/ acre.
In addition, foliar sprays of chlorpyriphos @ 2.50 ml/L water
were given when the pests crossed the Economic Threshold
Level (ETL) once at 36 SMW and again at 69 SMW. No
protection measures were taken up in the untreated control.
Observations on beetles
Weekly observations on populations of Coccinellids were
recorded in each of the treatment plots in the morning hours
between 7.00 a.m. and 9.00 a.m. in five quadrats (1m X 1m)/
each treatment plot from 34 to 47 standard weeks coinciding
with 30 days after transplantation (DAT) to 120 DAT. In each
plot, a metal quadrat was placed in the four corners and in the
centre to get a uniform count of the insects in that plot.
Diversity Indices
Diversity parameters of spiders were worked for the pooled
data of two years using the software BIODIVERSITY PRO
a. Species richness: Species richness (S) = number of
species/genera collected.
b. Species diversity (H’) was computed using Shannon
index of species diversity (Shannon and Weaver,1949)
c. Pielou’s Evenness Index or equitability (E) was
calculated using the following formula (Pielou,1966)
d. Total predator density was calculated using the formula
Abundance of Coccinellids
Results revealed that population of Coccinellids was more in
organic protection plots and ‘no protection’ plots compared to
farmers’ practices plots. Similarly, broadcasted plots recorded
higher populations of beetles than transplanted and drumsown
plots, though interaction effects were also significant.
Among different treatments higher populations of Micraspis
were recorded in broadcasted organic practices plots (32.41
beetles/quadrat), while transplanted no protection plots
recorded 30.48 beetles/quadrat and broadcasted farmers’
practices registered least population 16.10 beetles/quadrat.
Harmonia sp. was found to be significantly abundant in
drumsown organic plots (52.10 beetles/quadrat and least in
drumsown farmers’ practices (41.79 beetles/quadrat).
Coccinella sp was found to be in significantly higher numbers
in broadcasted ‘no protection plots’ (9.94 beetles/quadrat),
while least population was noticed in transplanted farmers’
practices (6.05 beetles/quadrat) Propylea dissecta was found
to be significantly more in numbers (1.93 beetles/quadrat) in
broadcasted ‘no protection ‘ plots while least population 0.3
beetles/quadrat) was seen in drumsown farmers’ practices,
while numbers in the other treatments ranged in between
0.76-1.80 beetles/quadrat. Cheilomenes sexmaculata was
found to be in significant large numbers (3.87 beetles/quadrat)
in transplanted ‘no protection’ plots, while significantly
minimum number (1.48 beetles/quadrat) were recorded in
drumsown organic protection plots. Scymnus sp. was found to
the most abundant genus with population ranging between
94.25 - 133.21 beetles/quadrat among all Coccinellids
recorded. Among various treatments, higher numbers of
beetles 133.21 beetles/quadrat were recorded in broadcasted
‘no protection’ plots, while 94.25 beetles/quadrat were
recorded in the drum sown farmers’ practices plots.
Diversity of Coccinellids
Results revealed that species richness was 7 in all the varied
cultivation methods and plant protection practices and it
seemed to be least affected by the main treatment (cultivation
type) or the sub-treatment (plant protection practises)
followed. Shannon’s species diversity index however, varied
among cultivation techniques and the plant protection
practices and it ranged between 0.91 -1.14 indicating a fairy
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stable population, though not very stable. This could be
because the pest spectrum was dominated by Hispa beetle,
leaf folder and stem borer with lesser sucking pests on the
crop both the years of study. Such a fairly stable population
faces the risk of being wiped out in numbers if any adverse
climatic conditions occur or adverse agronomy practices are
carried out in the field. The population has to be conserved
following safer plant protection practices. Pielou’s Evenness
Index was found to range between 0.47-0.59 indicating that
the spread of the beetle genera in the crop ecosystem was
even ensuring good levels of natural control. Coccinellid
density was however found to be between 23.67 - 24.90
beetles/quadrat in the farmers’ practices plots of transplanted,
broadcasted and drumsown establishment methods, while in
the organic protection plots and ‘no protection’ plots it ranged
between 29.63-31.77 beetles/quadrat proving that insecticidal
sprays in farmers’ practices affected their abundance.
Our study focussed on the abundance and diversity of
Coccinellids in kharif rice crop. Results revealed that 38-41
standard weeks recorded maximum diversity and numbers of
coccinellids as this stage coincided with the tillering and
flowering stage in rice. Similar results were reported by
Kandibane et al. (2006) [6] who recorded greater diversity of
coccinellids during tillering and flowering stages of rice crop
however with lesser diversity at initial and maturity stages of
rice crop. Joshi and Sharma (2008) [5] collected Coccinellids
from different ecosystems of Haridwar out of which
Micraspis discolor, Illeis cincta and Cheilomenes
sexmaculata were predominant. Rekha et al. (2009) [8]
documented total number of species collected in Madurai to
be seven and six in Alagarkovil districts of Tamil Nadu.
Species richness was more in Madurai recording 3.29 and less
in Alagarkovil (3.11), while the species evenness and species
diversity were more in Alagarkovil recording the values of
1.06 and 0.89, respectively as compared to Madurai (0.90 and
Joshi PC, Sharma PK. First records of coccinellid beetles
(Coccinellidae) from the Haridwar, (Uttarakhand), India.
The Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn
University. 2008; 8:157-157.
6. Kandibane M, Raguraman S, Mahadevan NR.
Taxonomic composition and diversity of coccinellids in
an irrigated rice ecosystem of Tamil Nadu, India.
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2006;
7. Pielou EC. The measurement of diversity in different
types of biological collections. Journal of Theoretical
Biology. 1966; 13:131-44.
8. Rekha, Ramkumar BS, Kandibane M, Raguraman S,
Swamiappan M. Diversity of coccinellids in cereals,
pulses, vegetables and in weeded and partially weeded
rice-cowpea ecosystems in Madurai District of Tamil
Nadu. Madras Agricultural Journal. 2009; 96(1-6):251264.
9. Shannon CE, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of
Communication. University of Illinois Press, Urbana,
10. Sokol-Hessner L, Schmitz OJ. Aggregate effects of
multiple predator species on a shared prey. Ecology.
2002; 83:2367–2372.
11. Straub CS, Snyder WE. Species identity dominates the
relationship between predator biodiversity and herbivore
suppression. Ecology. 2006; 87:277-282.
12. Tscharntke T, Bommarco R, Clough Y, Crist TO, Kleijn
DR, Tylianakis TA et al. Conservation biological control
and enemy diversity on a landscape scale. Biological
Control. 2007; 43:294–309.
The present study indicated that Coccinellid population was
higher in the organic plots and “no protection” plots
compared to the farmers’ practices plots showing their
susceptibility to farmers’ practices. Moreover, beetle
diversity, evenness and richness were found to be fairly good
and such community needs to be conserved using eco-friendly
practices of pest management which can help to utilize them
as important tools of natural control.
1. Aquilino KM, Cardinale BJ, Ives AR. Reciprocal effects
of host plant and natural enemy diversity on herbivore
suppression: an empirical study of a model tritrophic
system. Oikos. 2005; 108:275-282.
2. Finke DL, Denno RF. Intraguild predation diminished in
complex- structured vegetation: implications for prey
suppression. Ecology. 2002; 83:643-652.
3. Finke DL, Denno RF. Spatial refuge from intraguild
predation: implications for prey suppression and trophic
cascades. Oecologia. 2006; 149:265–275.
4. Hughes AR, Grabowski JH. Habitat complexity
influences predator interference interactions and the
strength of resource partitioning. Oecologia. 2006;
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