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Na'ama Pat-El

Na’ama Pat-El Contact Information Dept. of Middle Eastern Studies 306 Inner Campus Drive F9400 The University of Texas, Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1029 Education Voice: (512) 232-8292 E-mail: npatel@austin.utexas.edu WWW: utexas.academia.edu/NaamaPatEl WWW: naamapatel.net Harvard University, Cambridge, MA USA Ph.D., Semitic Philology, May 2008 M.A., Semitic Philology, May 2004 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel M.A., Semitic Linguistics (summa cum laude), May, 2002 University Rector’s Honors List 2000/1, 2001/2 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel B.A., Germanic Linguistics (summa cum laude), May, 1998 Humanities Dean’s Honors List 1997/8, 1998/9, 1999/2000 Professional Positions Publications The University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX Full Professor August, 2021 - present Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin Affiliations: Linguistics; Religious Studies; Center for Middle Eastern Studies; Jewish Studies; Medieval Studies. Associate Professor Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin August, 2014 - 2021 Assistant Professor Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin August, 2008 - 2014 Monographs 1. Studies in the Historical Syntax of Aramaic (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2012.) Reviews: Dennis Pardee (2014), in Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Christian Stadel (2014), in Aramaic Studies. Esther-Miriam Wagner (2015), in Journal of Semitic Studies. Edited Volumes 2. Zimrat JAH: a Tribute to Jo Ann Hackett. Ed. Jonathan Kaplan and Na’ama Pat-El (submitted. Maarav. expected publication: 2022). 3. Historical Linguistics and Endangered Languages: Exploring Diversity in Language Change. Ed. Patience Epps, Danny Law and Na’ama Pat-El (Abingdon: Routledge. 2021). 4. Bēl Lišāni: Current Research in Akkadian Linguistics. Ed. Rebecca Hasselbach-Ande and Na’ama Pat-El (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns. 2021). 5. The Semitic Languages. Ed. John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019) 6. Re-engaging Comparative Semitic and Arabic Studies. Ed. Daniel Birnstiel and Na’ama Pat-El (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 2018) 7. Non-Canonical Subjects within and across language families: The Reykjavík/Eyjafjallajökull papers. Ed. Jóhanna Barðdal, Na’ama Pat-El and Stephen M. Carey. (Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018) 8. Journal of Language Contact: a special issue Contact between Genetically Related Languages, Ed. Patience Epps, John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. (2013) 9. Language and Nature: Papers presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Ed. Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama Pat-El (Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2012). Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 10. Øyvind Bjøru and Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Curious Case of the Vanished Coordinative Conjunctions in Neo-Assyrian” (submitted) Journal of the American Oriental Society. 11. Na’ama Pat-El. ”On the Akkadian adjectival masculine plural -ūt once again.” (accepted) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 12. Na’ama Pat-El and Phillip W. Stokes. “The ‘Aramaic Substrate’ Hypothesis in the Levant Revisited.” (accepted) Journal of Semitic Studies. 13. Na’ama Pat-El. “The Decline and Fall of Semitic Linguistics”, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 110 (2020): 67-86. 14. Na’ama Pat-El. ”On the alleged unipartite relatives in Semitic,” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 170 (2020): 279-288. 15. Øyvind Bjøru and Na’ama Pat-El. “The Historical Syntax of the Subordinative Morpheme in Assyrian Akkadian.” Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 110/1 (2020): 71-83. 16. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The etymology of Syriac lwāt: a tale of two prepositions” Journal of Semitic Studies 65/1 (2020): 1-10. 17. Na’ama Pat-El and Aren Wilson-Wright. ”The Subgrouping of Samalian: Arguments in Favor of an Independent Branch.” Maarav 23/2 (2019): 371-387. 18. Na’ama Pat-El and Aren Wilson-Wright, ”Features of Aramaeo-Canaanite.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 138/4 (2018): 781-806. 19. John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. “The Origin of the Semitic Relative Marker.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81/2 (2018): 191-204. 20. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Israelian Hebrew: a re-evaluation.” Vetus Testamentum 67 (2017): 1-37. 21. Uri Mor and Na’ama Pat-El. “The Development of Predicates with Prepositional Subjects in Hebrew.” Journal of Semitic Studies 61/2 (2016): 327-346. 22. Na’ama Pat-El and Aren Wilson-Wright. ”The features of Canaanite: a re-evaluation.” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 166 (2016): 41-55. 23. Patience Epps, John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. ”Contact Among Genetically Related Languages: problems and approaches.” Journal for Language Contact 6/2 (2013): 209-219. 24. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Contact or Inheritance? Criteria for distinguishing internal and external change in genetically related languages” Journal for Language Contact 6/2 (2013): 313-328. 25. Na’ama Pat-El. ”On Verbal Negation in Semitic.” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 162/1 (2012): 17-45. 26. John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. “Third Person Possessive Suffixes as Definite Articles in Semitic.” Journal of Historical Linguistics 2/1 (2012): 25-51. 27. Jo Ann Hackett and Na’ama Pat-El. “On Canaanite and Historical Linguistics: A Rejoinder to Anson Rainey.” Maarav 17/2 (2010): 173-188. 28. Na’ama Pat-El. ”On Periphrastic Genitive Constructions in Biblical Hebrew.” Hebrew Studies 51 (2010): 43-48. 29. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Origin and Function of the So-Called “Correlative” in Classical Syriac.” Folia Orientalia 45-46 (2009-2010): 125-133. 30. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Origin of the Official Aramaic Quotative marker lʾmr.” Aramaic Studies 7/1 (2009): 27-38. 31. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Development of the Definite Article in Semitic: A Syntactic Approach.” Journal of Semitic Studies 54/1 (2009): 19-50. 32. Na’ama Pat-El and Alexander Treiger. ”On Adnominalization of Prepositional Phrases and Adverbs in Semitic.” Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft 158 (2009): 265-352. 33. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Traces of Aramaic Dialectal Variation in Late Biblical Hebrew.” Vetus Testamentum 58 (2008): 650-655. 34. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Some Notes on the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew zeh.” Zeitschrift für Althebraistik 20 (2007): 150-158. 35. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Syntactical Aspects of Negation in Syriac.” Journal of Semitic Studies 51/2 (2006): 329-348. Peer Reviewed Book Chapters 36. Øyvind Bjøru and Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Indicative Markers in West Semitic and their relationship to the East Semitic subordinative.” in Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama Pat-El (eds.), Bēl Lišāni: papers in Akkadian Linguistics. (2021. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns). 37. Epps, Patience, Danny Law and Na’ama Pat-El. “Historical Linguistics and Endangered Languages.” In Patience Epps, Danny Law and Na’ama Pat-El (eds.), Historical Linguistics and Endangered Languages: Exploring Diversity in Language Change. (2021. Abingdon: Routledge. 38. Na’ama Pat-El. “Comparative Semitic and Hebrew Plural Morphemes”. In Aaron Honkohl and Geoffrey Khan (eds.), New Perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew. (2021. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers). 117-144. 39. Idan Dershowitz and Na’ama Pat-El. “The Linguistic Profile of ‘The Valediction of Moses’.” In Idan Dershowitz, The Valediction of Moses: a Proto-Biblical Text. (2021. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021). 96-130. 40. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Typological Approaches and Historical Linguistics” In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Linguistics. R. Janda, B. D. Joseph and B. Vance eds. (Oxford, : Oxford University Press, 2020). 183-195 41. Na’ama Pat-El. “On Structurally Shared Innovations: The Diachrony of Adverbial Subordination in Semitic.” Syntactic Reconstruction. J. Barðdal, S. Gildea and E. Luján, eds. (Leiden: Brill. 2020). 314-335 42. John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. “Introduction to the Semitic Languages and their History.” in The Semitic Languages, J. Huehnergard and N. Pat-El, eds. (Routledge, 2019). 1-21 43. Na’ama Pat-El. “Proto-Semitic: a typological perspective.” in The Semitic Languages, J. Huehnergard and N. Pat-El, eds. (Routledge, 2019). 80-94 44. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Pre Modern Aramaic: Syriac” in The Semitic Languages, J. Huehnergard and N. Pat-El, eds.. (Routledge, 2019). 653-678 45. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The diachrony of non-canonical subjects in Northwest Semitic.” Non-Canonical Subjects within and across language families: The Reykjavík/Eyjafjallajökull papers. Jóhanna Barðdal, Na’ama Pat-El and Stephen M. Carey, eds. (Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018). 159-184. 46. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Digging up archaic features: Neo-Arabic and comparative Semitics in the quest for proto Arabic” Arabic in Context. A. Al-Jallad, ed. (Leiden: Brill. 2017). 441-475. 47. Na’ama Pat-El. “The Function and Etymology of the Aramaic Particle LM”, Contemporary Examinations of Classical Languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek), T. M. Lewis, A. G. Salvesen A. and B. Turner, ed. (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press. 2016). 121-138. 48. Na’ama Pat-El and Aren Wilson Wright. ”Deir ‘Allā as a Canaanite Dialect: A Vindication of Hackett.” in Epigraphy, Philology and the Hebrew Bible. J. Hutton and A. Rubin, eds. (Atlanta, GA: SBL. 2015). 13-24. 49. Na’ama Pat-El. ”A Note on Segholate Adjectives in Biblical Hebrew” Arabic and Semitic Linguistics Contextualized. A Festschrift for Jan Retsö. Lutz Edzard, ed. (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2015). 425-428 50. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The morphosyntax of nominal antecedents in Semitic, and an innovation in Arabic.” L. Edzard and J. Huehnergard, eds. Proceedings of the Oslo-Austin Workshop in Semitic Linguistics (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes; Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2014). 28-47. 51. Na’ama Pat-El. “On Negation in Phoenician”. The Phoenician Language: Studies in Writing and Linguistics. R. Holmstedt and A. Schade, eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013). 47-67. 52. Na’ama Pat-El. “Syntactic Aramaisms as a Tool for Internal Biblical Chronology.” Biblical Diachrony. C. Miller & Z. Zevit, eds. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2012). 245-263. 53. Na’ama Pat-El. ”The Syntax of ʾǎšer and šeC- Yet Again.” Language and Nature: Papers presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. R. Hasselbach & N. Pat-El, eds. (Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2012). 319-327. 54. Na’ama Pat-El. ”Historical Syntax of Aramaic: A Note on Subordination”. Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting. H. Gzella and M. L. Folmer, eds. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008). 55-76. 55. John Huehnergard and Na’ama Pat-El. ”Some Aspects of the Cleft in Semitic Languages.” in Studies in Semitic and General Linguistics in Honor of Gideon Goldenberg. E. Cohen and T. Bar, eds. (Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2007). 325-342. Solicited Publications and Reviews 56. Book Review: Sjörs, A. Historical Aspects of Standard Negation in Semitic. In Journal of the American Oriental Society. 143/1 (2021): 696-698. 57. Book Review: Kogan, L. Genealogical Classification of Semitic: The Lexical Isoglosses. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 112/2 (2017): 153-157. 58. Book Review: Mutzafi, H. Comparative Lexical Studies in Neo-Mandaic. In Mediterranean Language Review 23 (2016): 179-181. 59. Book Review: Wilmsen, D. Arabic Indefinites, Interrogatives, and Negators: A Linguistic History of Western Dialects. In Journal of Semitic Studies 61/1 (2016): 292-295. 60. Book Review: Gzella, H. (ed.). Languages from the World of the Bible. In Journal of the American Oriental Society 134/3 (2014): 525-527. 61. Encyclopedia entries: “stative”, “inalienable possession”, “possession”. In G. Khan, ed., Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (Leiden: Brill. 2013). 62. Book Review: Moshavi, A. Word Order in the Biblical Hebrew Finite Clause. In Journal of the American Oriental Society 133/4 (2013): 771-772. 63. Review Essay: ”Features of Archaic Biblical Hebrew and the Linguistic Dating Debate. A review of Vern, R. Dating Archaic Biblical Hebrew Poetry.” Na’ama Pat-El and Aren WilsonWright. In Hebrew Studies 54 (2013): 387-410. 64. Book Review: Hendery, R. Relative Clauses in Time and Space. In Journal of Historical Syntax 2/2 (2013): 1-10. 65. Book Review: Jastrow, O. Lehrbuch der Ṭuroyo Sprache. In Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies 16/1 (2013): 178-181. 66. Book Review: Isaksson, B., H. Kammensjö and M. Persson. Cirumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic. The case of Arabic and Hebrew. In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 108 (2013): 37-38. 67. Book Review: Häberl, C. The Neo-Mandaic Dialect of Khorramshahr. In Journal of Anthropological Linguistics 54/1 (2012): 96-97. 68. Book Review: Li, T. The Verbal System of the Aramaic of Daniel. In Hebrew Studies 53 (2012): 101-103. 69. Book Review: Blau, J. Phonology and Morphology of Biblical Hebrew: An Introduction. In Journal of the American Oriental Society 131/1 (2011): 139-141. 70. Book Review: Shisha Halevy A. and G. Goldenberg. Egyptian, Semitic and General Grammar: Studies in Memory of H. J. Polotsky. In Journal of the American Oriental Society 131/1 (2011): 138139. 71. Book Review: Kim Y.-K. The Function of the Tautological Infinitive in Classical Biblical Hebrew. In Horizons in Biblical Theology 32/2 (2010): 233-236. Research Grants/awards United States Department of Defense Arabic Flagship Program. 2020-2024 Office of the Vice President for Research (SRG) ”Historical Syntax of Relative Clauses in Semitic” AY 2016-17 European Institute for Advanced Studies (EURIAS) ”Contact Among Genetically Related Languages: Semitic as a test case” AY 2012-13 Leif Eriksson Mobility Grant ”Parallel Development and Syntactic Reconstruction: Semitic as a Test Case” COLA subvention grant ”Studies in the Historical Syntax of Aramaic” COLA Dean’s fellowship Summer Research Award ”The Development of Clausal Subordination in the Semitic Languages” summer 2012 2012 Fall 2011 summer 2011 Invited Talks Department of Hebrew Language (Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel) ”The Indicative Markers in West Semitic [in Hebrew]” June 2021 École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris, France) ”Linguistic comments on the authenticity of the Shapira Document” June 2021 Rethinking Proto-Semitic (Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany) Sept. 2020 “On the gender/number interface in the Semitic nominal system” (cancelled; COVID-19) Ancient Near Eastern Languages in Contact eLecture series (University College London and King’s College London, London, UK) “Contact between Arabic and Aramaic” with Phillip Stokes. June 2020 Semitic Linguistics (Tel Aviv University, section, Tel Aviv, Israel) “Re-evaluating Contact between Arabic and Aramaic in the Levant [in Hebrew]” May 2020 Department of Hebrew Language (University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel) “Re-evaluating Contact between Arabic and Aramaic in the Levant [in Hebrew]” May 2020 Ullendorff Annual Lecture in Semitic Philology (Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK) “The History of the Assyrian Subordination Marker” (postponed; COVID-19) May 2020 the 18th Spring Workshop on Theory and Method in Linguistic Reconstruction (University of California, Berkeley) “Reconstructing ‘inefficient’ morphological systems: two meanings – one form.” (postponed; COVID-19) March 2020 The Future of the Arabic Past (Ohio State University, Ohio) Sept. 2019 “The “Aramaic Substrate” Hypothesis in the Levant Re-examined” with Phillip Stokes Conference on Hebrew Language and Linguistics (Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK) ”Comparative Semitic and the Hebrew Plural Morphemes” July 2019 Arbeitstagung der Sektion Semitistik innerhalb der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (Vienna, Austria) February 2019 Keynote speaker: ”The Decline of Comparative Semitic Studies and How to Reverse it (maybe)” Linguistics Department and Near Eastern Department, Princeton University February 2018 Near Eastern Studies: ”Colloquial Arabic and comparative Semitics in the quest for proto Arabic” Judaic Studies: ”Hebrew and Aramaic: siblings, neighbors, authoritative languages” Linguistics: ”The Semitic ‘Perfect’ and the problem of 3rd person zero.” Institute for the Study of Islamic Culture and Religion, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt, Germany) ”The Aramaic Substrate of Arabic” Aramaic – Linguistic Diversity across Three Millennia (Marburg, Germany) ”The Classification of Aramaic within Semitic” The Symposium About Language and Society (SALSA) (Austin, Texas) Keynote speaker: ”Hebrew and Aramaic: siblings, neighbors, authorities” Enoch Seminar (Austin, TX) Plenary speaker: ”The Linguistic Dating of (Biblical) Texts” September 2017 September 2017 April 2017 May 2016 Department of Oriental Languages (Oslo, Norway) ”A new proposal for Northwest Semitic subgrouping” May 2016 The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Atlanta, GA) November 2015 ”Philology and the Study of the Bible: shifting foci” in a special student-organized session ”Babel: The Role of Primary Languages in Graduate Studies” Linguistics Department, Leiden University (Leiden, The Netherlands) ”Tracing the Origin of the Relative Clause: the case of Semitic” November 2015 Mainz international Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew [MICAH] (Mainz, Germany) Keynote speaker: ”Semitic Relatives and their Hebrew Reflexes” November 2015 Linguistics Department, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) ”The Semitic ‘Perfect’ and the Problem of Third-Person Zero Morpheme” October 2015 Berkeley Workshop on Historical Linguistics and the Hebrew Bible (Berkley, CA) ”Aramaic-Hebrew Interactions and Language Contact” November 2014 EURIAS Annual Meeting (Uppsala, Sweden) ”Re-Evaluating Parallel Development in Historical Linguistics” Semitic Seminar, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden) ”what historical syntax can do for Semitic linguistics: Aramaic as a test case” The University of Bergen (Bergen, Norway) ”Demonstrative as Definite Article in Aramaic: a cautionary tale” April 2013 March 2013 Nov. 2012 Collegium Fellows Seminar (Uppsala, Sweden) Nov. 2012 ”Features, Processes and Common Descent: re-evaluating parallel development in Historical Linguistics” Conference Presentations Semitic Seminar, Uppsala University (Uppsala, Sweden) ”Subordination in Semitic: reconstructing the relative” Nov. 2012 The Harvard Semitic Philology Workshop (Cambridge, MA) ”Negation in Phoenician” March 2009 Submitted: The International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (Oxford, UK) August 2022 ”The Curious Case of the Vanished Coordinative Conjunction in Neo-Assyrian Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru. Submitted: Societas Linguistica Europaea [SLE] (Bucharest, Rumania) August 2022 ”A change of Babylonian proportions: how an Akkadian subordinate marker changed the WestSemitic TAM” with Øyvind Bjøru, in the workshop ”Subordination and language change: new cross-linguistic approaches and perspectives” The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Boston, MA) ”The Missing Link: There is no copula in Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Online) ”Re-revisiting the language of the Aramaic documents in Ezra” The American Oriental Society annual meeting (online) March 2022 November 2021 March 2021 “The Curious Case of the Vanished Coordinative Conjunctions in Neo-Assyrian” with Øyvind Bjøru Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Leipzig, Germany) July 2020 “The Syntax and Development of Constituent Interrogatives in Assyrian Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru (postponed; COVID-19) Semitics Twitter Corona Conference March 2020 “The Indicative Markers in West Semitic and their relationship to the Assyrian subordinative” with Øyvind Bjøru The American Oriental Society annual meeting (Boston, MA) March 2020 “The Syntax and Development of Constituent Interrogatives in Assyrian Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru (postponed; COVID-19) The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (San Diego, CA) November 2019 ”On Consilience”, Review panel of R. Hendel and J. Joosten’s book ”How Old is the Hebrew Bible: A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study” (Yale UP, 2018). Rencontre Assyriilogique Internationale (Paris, France) July 2019 ”On the Historical Syntax of the Subordination Morpheme in Assyrian Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Chicago, IL) March 2019 ”On the Historical Syntax of the Subordination Morpheme in Assyrian Akkadian” with Øyvind Bjøru The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Denver, CO) November 2018 ””hǎyēlkû šənayim yaḥdāw biltî ฀ im nô฀ ādû: notes on historical linguistics and comparative philology” in the session ”Philology in Hebrew Studies” (unable to attend) The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Pittsburg, PA) ”The Origin of the Semitic Relative Marker” with John Huehnergard The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Boston, MA) ”Samalian: A Separate Branch of Northwest Semitic” with Aren Wilson Wright The International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (San Antonio, TX) ”The Origin of the Semitic Relative Marker” with John Huehnergard March 2018 November 2017 August 2017 The International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (San Antonio, TX) August 2017 ”The Influence of Aramaic on the Modern Arabic Dialects of the Levant and Mesopotamia: A Critical Re-evaluation” with Phillip Stokes, in the session Arabic and Contact-Induced Change The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Los Angeles, CA) ”Features of Aramao-Canaanite” with Aren Wilson Wright March 2017 The Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society [DGfS] (Saarbrücken, Germany) March 2017 ”The Semitic Perfect and the problem of zero subjects” in the workshop Sprachliche KodierungsAsymmetrien, Gebrauchsfrequenz und Informativität The Linguistic Society of America [LSA] (Austin, TX) January 2017 ”What’s “similar” about “similar pathways”? The case of the definite article” with Tonya Kim Dewey-Findell The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (San Antonio, TX) November 2016 ”Aramao-Canaanite: Arguments in Favor of a New Micro Sub-Grouping” with Aren Wilson Wright The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Boston, MA) ”On the fallacy of Source-to-Target path of change” March 2016 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Boston, MA) ”Parallel Development and Historical Linguistics” March 2016 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Austin, TX) ”Afroasiatic: A Reevaluation from a Semitic Perspective” with Aren Wilson Wright The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Atlanta, GA) ”Dialects of Biblical Hebrew: a re-examination” Feb. 2016 November 2015 Historical Linguistics and Typology: Assessing a Partnership (Austin, TX) September 2015 ”Different Evidence, Higher Credence: towards a clearer methodological distinction between historical linguistics and typology” with Daniela Helbig International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (Naples, Italy) June 2015 ”The Development of Definite Articles: A counter revolution” with Tonya Kim Dewey The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (New Orleans, LA) ”Deir Allā as a Canaanite Dialect” with Aren Wilson Wright March 2015 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (New Orleans, LA) ”The Semitic Perfect and the Problem of Third-Person Zero Morpheme” March 2015 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Washington, DC) ”Features of Aramao-Canaanite” with Aren Wilson Wright Feb. 2015 Österreichische Linguistiktagung (Vienna, Austria) ”The Origin of the Relative Clause in Semitic” (accepted, unable to attend) December 2014 15th Meeting of Afro-Asiatic Linguistics (Rome, Italy) ”Features of Canaanite: a re-evaluation” with Aren Wilson Wright September 2014 Horizons of Islamic Theology (Frankfurt, Germany) September 2014 “How archaic are the dialects? Arabic in light of comparative Semitics” in the session Comparative Semitic and Arabic Studies The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Phoenix, AZ) “Watkins on Typology and Historical Syntax” March 2014 Arabic in its Semitic Context (Leiden, The Netherlands) Nov. 2013 “Digging up archaic features: Neo-Arabic and comparative Semitics in the quest for proto Arabic” International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (Oslo, Norway) ”The Importance of Being a Process: the Aramaic definite article as a test case” Aug. 2013 16th International Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem, Israel) Aug. 2013 “The Origin and Diachrony of the Biblical Hebrew ṭôb lô pattern” with Uri Mor, in the session Biblical Hebrew in the Light of Theoretical and Historical Linguistics Semitic Workshop (Oslo, Norway) May 2013 ”The morphosyntax of nominal antecedents in Semitic, with particular attention to Arabic” The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Portland, OR) “Neo-Arabic as a Conservative Semitic Branch” Workshop on Historical Semitic Linguistics (Austin, TX) ”Subordination in Semitic: reconstructing the relative” March 2013 Oct. 2012 Hebrew, Arabic, and wider Semitic: past and present (Oslo, Norway) Aug. 2012 “Digging up archaic features: Neo-Arabic and comparative Semitics in the quest for proto Arabic” Societas Linguistica Eueropaea, Exaptation Workshop (Stockholm, Sweden) Aug. 2012 “Syntactic exaptation and its continuing legacy: the case of the Central Semitic definite article” Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects (Reykjavík, Iceland) “The diachrony of non-canonical subjects in Central-Semitic” June 2012 Intl. Symposium: Contact Among Genetically Related Languages (Austin, TX) April 2012 “Contact or Inheritance? Criteria for distinguishing internal and external change in genetically related languages” The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Boston, MA) “The Proto Semitic Origin of the Amharic Definite Article” (with J. Huehnergard). The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (New Brunswick, NJ) “The Morphosyntax of Nominal Antecedents in Semitic”. March 2012 Feb. 2012 International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (Osaka, Japan) June 2011 “On Structurally Shared Innovations: the Diachrony of Adverbial Subordination in Semitic” in the Workshop on Reconstructing Syntax The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Austin, TX) Canaanite and Historical Linguistics: A Rejoinder to Anson Rainey” (with JA Hackett) Feb. 2011 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Austin, TX) “Semitic Relatives: a Diachrony” Feb. 2011 The Society of Biblical Literature [SBL] (Atlanta, GA) “Syntactic Aramaisms as a Tool for Internal Biblical Chronology” Nov. 2010 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Austin, TX) “The Syntax of ʾǎšer and šeC Yet Again” Feb. 2010 The XIXth International Conference on Historical Linguistics [ICHL] (Nijmengen, The Netherlands) “The Diachrony of Adverbial Subordination in Semitic” [accepted, unable to attend] Aug. 2009 ARAM conference on Neo-Aramaic dialects (Oxford, UK) July 2009 “Cyclic changes and the development of the article in Neo-Aramaic” [accepted, unable to attend] The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Albuquerque, NM) “The Change in Demonstrative Position in Aramaic: A Syntactic Innovation” March 2009 Conference and sessions Organization The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (Chicago, IL) “The Origin of the Official Aramaic Quotative lʾmr” March 2008 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Chicago, IL) “The Proleptic Genitive in Aramaic: A Re-evaluation” March 2008 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (San Antonio, TX) ”The Origin and Function of the So-called ’Correlative’ in Classical Syriac” March 2007 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (San Antonio, TX) ”The Function and Etymology of the Aramaic Particle LM” March 2007 Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting (Leiden, The Netherlands) ”Historical Syntax of Aramaic: A Note on Subordination” Aug. 2006 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Seattle, WA) ”Adnominal Prepositions in Semitic” (with A. Treiger) March 2006 The American Oriental Society annual meeting [AOS] (Philadelphia, PA) ”Aspects of Cleft Sentences in Hebrew and Arabic” (with J. Huehnergard) March 2005 The North American Conference for Afroasiatic Linguistics [NACAL] (San Diego, CA) ”Some Notes on the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew ze” March 2004 The Association of Linguistic Typology Annual Meeting with Patience Epps, Danny Law, Anthony Woodbury, and John Beavers. Dec 2022 Akkadian Historical Linguistics with Rebecca Hasselbach-Ande May 2018 Special session in honor of Professor Jo Ann Hackett November 2017 At the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting, with Jonathan Kaplan and M. L. Case Panel: Endangered Languages and Historical Linguistics August 2017 At the International Conference on Historical Linguistics, with Patience Epps and Danny Law Special session: Cross-linguistic Variability in Processes of Language Change January 2017 At the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, with Patience Epps and Danny Law The North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics 44 [NACAL] (Austin, TX) with Aren Wilson-Wright February 2016 Historical Linguistics and Typology: Assessing a Partnership (Austin, TX) with Hans Boas, Patience Epps, Danny Law and Marc Pierce September 2015 Comparative Semitic and Arabic Studies (Frankfurt, Germany) with Daniel Birnstiel September 2014 International Symposium: Historical Comparative Semitic Linguistics (Austin, TX) with John Huehnergard International Symposium: Contact Among Genetically Related Languages, (Austin, TX) with Patience Epps and John Huehnergard October 2012 April 2012 The North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics 39 [NACAL] (Austin, TX) with John Huehnergard and Jo Ann Hackett February 2011 The North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics 38 [NACAL] (Austin, TX) with John Huehnergard February 2010 The North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics 37 [NACAL] (Albuquerque, NM) March 2009 with Rebecca Hasselbach The North American Conference of Afroasiatic Linguistics 33 [NACAL] (Philadelphia, PA) with Rebecca Hasselbach Supervision and Mentoring PhD committees • James Tandy, PhD, Linguistics • Charbel El-Khaissi, PhD-Linguistics, Australian National University • Øyvind Bjøru PhD-ANE, DMES current position: postdoc, UT Austin. March 2005 member panel member co-supervisor, graduated 2020 • Navdeep Sokhey, PhD-Arabic, DMES current position: assistant professor of Arabic, Virginia Tech. member, graduated 2019 • Daniel Wang, PhD-ANE, DMES current position: pastor. member, graduated 2018 • Sarah L. Baker, PhD-ANE, DMES co-supervisor, graduated 2018 Current position: assistant professor of instruction, Duke University. • Joshua Sears, PhD-ANE, DMES member, graduate 2018 Current position: assistant professor of ancient scriptures, Brigham Young University. • Benjamin Kantor, PhD-ANE, DMES Current position: post doc, Cambridge University, UK. member, graduated 2017 • Phillip Stokes, PhD-Arabic, DMES member, graduated 2017 Current position: assistant professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. • Aren Wilson-Wright, PhD-ANE, DMES co-supervisor, graduated 2016 Current position: post doc, Radbud University, The Netherlands. • Philip Zhakevich, PhD-ANE, DMES member, graduated 2016 Current position: lecturer, director of Hebrew program, Princeton University. • Alexander Magidow, PhD-Arabic, DMES Current position: assistant professor, University of Rhode Island. MA committees • Hammal Al-Bulushi, MA, Linguistics current position: lecturer, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. • Rosalie Melissa Town, MA-Arabic, DMES • Lauren Grifka, MA, CMES member, graduated 2013 co-supervisor, graduated 2019 supervisor, graduated 2010 reader, graduated 2010 Administrative, Professional and Public Service Service to the Profession • Editorial board, Harvard Semitic Museum Publication Series (Brill) • Editorial board, Journal of Aramaic Studies (Brill) • Editorial board, Journal of Language Evolution (Oxford) • Editorial board, Journal of Semitic Studies (Brill) [resigned] 2017-present 2016-present 2015-present 2019-21 • Director at Large, The American Oriental Society (elected office) 2018-20 • Member, International Conference on Historical Linguistics scientific committee • Ancient Near East Section Chair, The American Oriental Society (elected office) 2015-17 • Reviewer for Oxford University Press, Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics. 2012-18 • Reviewer for Routledge Press, Routledge Studies in Historical Linguistics. • Reviewer for Brill, Supplements to Aramaic Studies. • External Reviewer for pre-tenured faculty, The Catholic University of America • Reviewer for the European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) , the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), the European Research Council (ERC) , the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) • Reviewer, Journal of Semitic Studies, Journal of Historical Linguistics , Journal of Language Contact, Diachronica, Studies in Language, Linguistic Typology , Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Journal of Language Evolution, Folia Linguistics Historica , Hebrew Studies, Orientalia Suecana, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Aramaic Studies, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory Service to the College and University • member, Dean’s Global Languages Taskforce • member, Provost’s Library Taskforce • member, College of Liberal Arts, Faculty Council (elected office) • member, the Faculty Rules and Governance Committee 2019 2018-2019 2015-2017 2015-2017 • co-organizer, the Ancient Near Eastern Lecture Series 2015-present • member, the advisory board, the Linguistics Research Center 2012-present • co-organizer, Historical Linguistics round table • chair, UT proposal committee for the International Conference on Historical Linguistics • co-organizer, the Late Antiquity Workshop 2014-present 2011-2013 2009-2015 Service to the Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies • Director, The Arabic Flagship Program 2018-present • Department chair • member, search committee for Assistant Professor in Hebrew Bible 2017-present 2021-2022 • Graduate advisor, DMES 2017-2019 • member, search committee for Associate Professor in Hebrew Bible 2016-2017 • member, MES Executive Committee (elected office) 2009-2018 • member, search committee for Assistant Professor in Hebrew Bible 2012-2013 • Assistant Department Chair • Assistant graduate advisor, CMES • Assistant graduate advisor, DMES 2014-2017 2016-2017 2013-2015 • member, the Graduate Curriculum and Planning Committee • chair, Undergraduate Curriculum and Planning Committee • member, search committee for Visiting Scholar in Israel Studies Professional Affiliation 2010-2012 2009 • member, Dan C. Danciger Scholarship committee 2008-2010 • The American Oriental Society since 2003 • National Association for Professors of Hebrew since 2009 • The Society of Biblical Literature • The International Association for Comparative Semitics since 2008 since 2010 • Societas Linguistica Europaea since 2012 • The Association for Linguistic Typology since 2009 • The International Society for Historical Linguistics • The Linguistic Society of America References 2012-2013 • Professor Geoffrey Khan, Cambridge University, England; gk101@cam.ac.uk since 2011 since 2003 • Professor Steven Fassberg, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem; steven.fassberg@mail.huji.ac.il • Professor Brian Joseph, Ohio State; bjoseph@ling.ohio-state.edu • Professor Joshua Katz, Princeton University; jtkatz@Princeton.edu