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This study’s primary purpose was to determine the relationship between leadership and the dependent variable organizational learning readiness at three locations of a small-size business enterprise in the MidWestern United States. Surveys were acquired within an exploratory correlational research design and the results indicated leadership explained a large degree of the variance in the dependent variable. The results offer HRD practitioners targets for deficiency interventions within the systems and structures of small-size businesses.
Abstract: CEO's leadership is an organizational dimension that has not been carefully studied in the literature on small firms. Particularly, as organizational learning is now anchored as an important part of the building and sustaining of the small and medium firm's competitive advantage, how leadership characteristics may moderate the positive link between organizational learning and performance is important for managers and researchers.
Executive Summary Small organizations face many challenges not shared by their larger peers. One crucial challenge is the inability to offer leadership development opportunities to their employees. Addressing this challenge was the goal of this paper for which a small organization was characterized as having fewer than fifty employees. Small organizations lack the finances, sophisticated human resources planning, a strategic emphasis on leadership development, and resources in general to offer leadership development (Santora, 2010). Larger organizations have greater resources, advancement opportunities, the ability to create projects to develop skills, and they have a higher level of sophistication which creates awareness about the need to offer those opportunities. The purpose of this paper was to surface leadership development opportunities in small organizations and leadership development opportunities in large organizations which can be scaled for use in small organizations. If successful, the plan will provide leadership development opportunities for those employees of small organizations which will then benefit the organization in productivity gain and job satisfaction. Although leadership and leadership development were still relatively new topics, considerable research had been done over the past century. Scholarly literature fell into four large areas: history of the study of leadership and leadership development; leadership development in large organizations; leadership development in small organizations; and a review of general leadership development tools. The four areas offered a solid background from which to begin to identify successful leadership development practices for small organizations. As popular as this topic was in recent decades, there remains a dearth of guidance directly applicable to small organizations. Having found some possible solutions in literature, a survey was the second step in the process. 128 individuals from a large variety of organizations were sent a survey on their leadership development experience, to which 30 responded. In stark contrast to anecdotal information and the literature reviewed, subjects from organizations of all sizes showed a broad background in leadership development training. The majority of the subjects had received significant levels of training. As a subset, the subjects from small organizations had as many leadership development opportunities as their peers form larger organizations. The survey was informative but did not yield information for offering a solution to small organizations. After analyzing the survey results and their implications, what was apparent was that small organizations have the same ability to offer leadership development training to their employees as do larger organizations. This, then became the solution for small organizations. While smaller organizations could not spend tremendous amounts of time and money on customized leadership development training solutions, there were many options available that are appropriate for use by small organizations. With top management’s support, a strategic effort led by top management and human resources, should create a defined program with solid boundaries and goals, taking advantage of local training options, which receives constant evaluation for effectiveness. Small organizations can ensure their employees receive leadership development training as long as top management understands the value to the organization. While informative, the survey results were incongruous with previous findings. Similar questions could be administered to a much larger group of individuals and may have much different results. Gathering specific cost and time investments required for each training opportunity would also be informative. Additionally, the survey could be conducted as an interview which would eliminate some of the challenges found in imprecise responses.
Journal of European Industrial Training, 2009
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Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, 2020
Small and medium-sized business (SMB) as a special type of economic activity and one of the levers of the national economy functioning is being recognized by leading economies as a key form of business. However, in most cases, the development of SMB depends on the features of government support and tax preferences. At the same time, human resources are considered to be the most valuable assets in meeting the economic challenges. Therefore, the current study dwells on the ways for SMB to overcome the challenges utilizing human resources leadership potential development since human resources determine either integral or inconsistent nature of any business activity. The current paper presents the research results on the leadership potential development and its impact on the performance of SMB.On top of that the authors have determined some indicators to measure leadership potential of the country’s economy and establish the correlation between the SMB development index, the ease of doi...
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Przegląd Zachodniopomorski, 2019
W Gdyni w latach 1933-1939 dzialala placowka polskiego wywiadu wojskowego. Byl to Posterunek Oficerski nr 2 (PO 2), podlegający wiekszej agendzie, Ekspozyturze nr 3 Oddzialu II Sztabu Glownego Wojska Polskiego. Pod kierownictwem oficera pracowalo w nim kilku wojskowych i cywilow. Podlegali im agenci, zbierający wiadomości w terenie. Ich liczba oscylowala miedzy 6 a 13. Ogolem, w latach 1933-1938 dla PO 2 pracowalo w Gdansku i Niemczech co najmniej 37 agentow. PO 2 utworzono kilka miesiecy po objeciu wladzy w Rzeszy przez nazistow i tuz po wystąpieniu Niemiec z Ligi Narodow. Lata 1931-1933 byly okresem wyjątkowego napiecia w stosunkach polsko-gdanskich. Ich widownią bylo glownie forum Ligi Narodow. Prawdopodobnie powolanie posterunku kontrwywiadu ofensywnego (bo taki mial profil dzialalności przez pierwsze dwa lata) spowodowane bylo obawą przed rozwojem sytuacji w Wolnym Mieście. Naziści byli nieobliczalni i groźni. W zakresie kontrwywiadowczym PO 2 byl tarczą oslaniającą port w Gdyni i najblizszy rejon przed penetracją niemiecką idącą. Sąsiedztwo Wolnego Miasta Gdanska bylo glowną przyczyną powolania posterunku. Bylo to miasto cieplarniane dla dzialalności szpiegowskiej i nielegalnej. Przybywali tam dezerterzy, przemytnicy, falszerze, pospolici przestepcy, dzialacze polityczni i uciekinierzy przed prześladowaniami. Do listopada 1935 roku gdynski PO 2 koncentrowal sie na pracach kontrwywiadowczych związanych z Gdanskiem. Do latwych zadan nalezalo namierzanie mieszkan, w ktorych niemieckie sluzby spotykaly sie ze wspolpracownikami. Kilkadziesiąt zadan rocznie dotyczylo sprawdzenia doniesien posterunkow oficerskich, ekspozytury lub innych sluzb polskich w odniesieniu do podejrzanych osob. Szukano szpiegow i zdrajcow. Badano zachowania – zwlaszcza gdanszczan – nietypowe i wystepujące regularnie.Zbierano wiadomości o powiązaniach miedzy przedsiebiorstwami polskimi, gdanskimi i niemieckimi na Wybrzezu. Sprawdzano kontakty towarzyskie oficerow Wojska Polskiego i czlonkow ich rodzin (zwlaszcza zon). Od 1935 roku, w związku z powstaniem niemieckiej armii z poboru powszechnego (Wehrmacht) PO 2 zostal przestawiony na dzialania ofensywne, glownie na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego (czyli wschodniego obszaru Provinz Pommern oraz Grenzmark Posen Westpreussen). Chodzilo o poznanie stanu niemieckich zbrojen, dyslokacji wojsk, budowy lotnisk i umocnien (na poźniejszym tzw. Wale Pomorskim, (Pommern stellung – d 1).I przewidzenie szybkości mobilizacji.
History of aviation, early development of airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes, history of spaceflight, development of space vehicle, classification of duct jet propulsion, rocket propulsion, advance propulsion and applications
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 22, No. 4, July-August , 2024
Food is fuel of our body able to perform work physically. Nowadays, People want to maintain their healthy diet and away from the obesity, so it increases the need of the nutrition analyzer tools enable to easily extract the nutrient content. A healthy diet has been a concern for many health conventions. We have proposed a system of healthy food consumption. The main objective is to build a CNN model used to train and classify fruit images based on different characteristics like texture, shape, color etc. Using AI Driven Analysis of fruits to determine their nutritional content. The Model analyses the image using CNN and detect the nutrition such as calorie, sugar, fiber, protein etc. Its purpose is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by tracking diet and eating healthy items and it is useful to the diabetes, obesity patients and so healthy people, who also help to maintain nutrition in daily life. Algorithms using AI analyses the nutrition interaction-related data & health outcomes. Dataset with 573 food items are classified and trained with proposed deep learning model and achieved the overall accuracy of 84.9%. For your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, you must use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text. If your paper does not conform to the required format, you will be asked to fix it.
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Acta Militaria Mediaevalia, vol. 14, 2018
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