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ESSSAT Prizes 2022, Press Release (25.02.2022) The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology (ESSSAT) is pleased to announce that the ESSSAT Research Prize 2022 has been awarded to Dr Mateusz Jarmuzewski, for his PhD thesis “Neurobiology and the free Will. Implications for catholic theological ethics”, that earned him in 2021 the doctorate at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). Mateusz Jarmuzewski is currently teaching theology and philosophy of life at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in Zwolle (The Netherlands). His thesis deals with a question which is located in the center of the dialogue between science and religion: What are the consequences of scientific findings on agency, free will, determinism and alternative possibilities for moral theology? The study argues that in light of empirical findings, virtue theory is philosophically preferable, as it presents free will as the ability to influence future actions by building up agential dispositions. The research prize jury appreciated the extensive knowledge of the scientific arguments, the comprehensiveness and originality of the study and its clear way of relating scientific findings to a theologically relevant ethics and anthropology. The prize consists of €2500, and the conference fee for the next European Conference on Science and Theology. This conference is to be held in Ålesund, Norway, 4‐8 May 2022, where the prizes will be presented to the winners. The ESSSAT Student Prize 2022 has been awarded to Dr Tim Middleton, PhD student in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford and Research Assistant at the Laudato Si’ Research Institute, Campion Hall, Oxford, for his essay “Christology and the Temporal Trauma of the Anthropocene”. In his essay, Middleton suggests that the irreversible scarring of our current Anthropocene epoch constitutes a temporal trauma for the earth. He proposes that a consideration of Christ’s role in deep time might be fruitful for articulating Christian theology’s response to its ongoing and unavoidable repercussions. Christ’s permanently scarred body then bears witness to our permanently scarred earth. The student prize jury found this essay of highest quality and originality and most relevant in our time. The ESSSAT Student Prize 2022 consists of €1500, and again the conference fee for the next ESSSAT Conference will be covered, to be held in Norway in Spring 2022. ESSSAT, the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology, usually organizes a conference every other year. The 2022 prizes will be presented at the Nineteenth European Conference on Science and Theology, which will be held in Ålesund, Norway, 4‐8 May 2022. The theme of the conference is “Global Sustainability: Science and Religion in Dialogue”. Participants and contributors include scientists, theologians, scholars of religion, philosophers, and historians, with scholars from a range of religious and non‐religious persuasions. Almost all European countries are represented, alongside other continents. Additional Information: www.ESSSAT.net; ESSSAT Prizes, Dr. Andreas Losch responsible: andreas.losch@uzh.ch On Mateusz Jarmuzewski and his work contact: m.jarmuzewski@windesheim.nl To contact Tim Middleton: tim.middleton@theology.ox.ac.uk