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Während auf Deutsch mit „Implizites Wissen“ ein einziges Werk Polanyis vollständig erschienen ist, und Polanyi daran anschließend hauptsächlich lerntheoretisch rezipiert wurde, haben seine Arbeiten in Originalsprache von Anfang an reiche... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionTheology and ScienceMichael Polanyi
This was a talk at "Theology in Mathematics?" (Kraków, Poland, June 8-10, 2014). Abstract: A deep conviction of the majority of mathematicians on the brink of the 20th century was that mathematics is or at least must be infallible,... more
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsScience and ReligionTheology and Science
It is hard to think of an area of Christian theology that provides more scope for interdisciplinary conversation than the doctrine of creation. This doctrine not only invites reflection on an intellectual concept: it calls for... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyAristotle
When popular physicist Stephen Hawking dreams at the end of his best-selling Brief History of Time of a Great Unifying Theory (GUT) which would be able to merge the major physical theories describing the laws of nature, he goes on to say:... more
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      Systematic TheologyScience and ReligionDogmatic theologyTheology and Science
La foi s’oppose-t-elle à la science ? Peut-on être scientifique et croyant ? Que dit la Bible en matière de science ? En quoi la science s’éloigne-t-elle de la Bible ? L’auteur répond sans concession à ces questions par une analyse... more
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      Theology and ScienceScience and Theology
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheologyScience and ReligionTheology and Science
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionTheology and Science
Here a preprint has been uploaded.
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      Philosophy Of MathematicsScience and ReligionTheology and Science
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      Theology and ScienceScience and Theology
The fourth edition of The Christian Theological Tradition provides students with essential theological knowledge of key persons and events of the Bible and the Christian faith, and of Christianity’s multifaceted encounter with Western... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentHistorical TheologyHistory of Christianity
Book Discussion - Elizabeth Johnson, Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love
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      Theology and ScienceEschatologyTheology of Suffering and Evil
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      Theology and ScienceLaw and TheologyPublic policy and theology
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      Philosophy of ScienceTheology and Science
The theories of Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design appear to be locked in an intractable debate, partly because they offer rival scientific explanations for the phenomenon of descent with modification in biology. This paper... more
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      Theology and ScienceDoctrine of Creation
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience and ReligionTheology and Science
In this monograph, Steffen Ducheyne provides a historically detailed and systematically rich explication of Newton’s methodology. Throughout the pages of this book, it will be shown that Newton developed a complex natural-philosophical... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceResearch Methods and MethodologyMethodologyHistory of Science
William Dilthey differentiated between the method for social science and natural science as understanding (verstehen) versus explanation (erklaren). Understanding implied a participatory first-person perspective rooted in life... more
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      Book of GenesisTheology and ScienceScientific methodologyAbraham
Augustine is considered a leading figure in the history of the book of nature. But what exactly did he say about it? This article examines all the metaphors with which Augustine refers, or seems to refer, to the visible world as a divine... more
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      Natural TheologyTheology and ScienceMetaphorsFaith and Reason
Viewing the imago Dei as an act of God’s historical election whereby the human lineage is functionally designated as priests of creation, I propose that the neurobiological capacities for mirroring and mental simulation—if and when such... more
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      Mirror NeuronsScience and ReligionTheological AnthropologyTheology and Science
In der Beziehung von Glaube und Theologie sind drei Ebenen bzw. drei konzentrische Kreise zu unterscheiden: zuerst die Ebene des Glaubens, der Glaubenspraxis, in der sich der Glaube selbst äußert und handelt. Dann die Ebene der... more
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    • Theology and Science
Traditionnellement la théologie s'est intéressé essentiellement à la vie humaine dans prendre vraiment en compte le nature. La compréhension scientifique de la nature implique la nécessité de développer une théologie qui soit en phase... more
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    • Theology and Science
We are all haunted by histories. They shape our presuppositions and ballast our judgments. In terms of science and religion this means most of us walk about haunted by rumors of a long war. However, there is no such thing as the “history... more
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      TheologyHistory of ReligionHistoriographyHistory of Science
Bokrapporter och frågeställningar som rör förhållandet mellan naturvetenskap och kristen tro/teologi.
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      Cosmology (Physics)AtheismScience and ReligionTheology and Science
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      ChristianityPopular Culture and Religious StudiesRelics (Religion)Theology and Science
Is the relationship between science and religion characterized by conflict or harmony? There are innumerable models for this relationship, but they basically fall into two camps. They either assert that science and religion are in... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyScience and ReligionGalileo Galilei
Some pretty important people believe we will soon upload our minds into robots or virtual reality and then live forever. This is a book about that idea and, more importantly, about how it operates in our scientific, religious, and media... more
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      RoboticsReligionArtificial IntelligenceAnthropology
Die Wissenschaft schreitet voran. Mit der Kartographierung der kosmischen Hintergrundstrahlung wurden Signale aus der ganz frühen Zeit des Universums sichtbar gemacht. Die Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons im Jahr 2012 hat unsere Kenntnis der... more
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      History of ScienceScience and ReligionJohannes KeplerTheology and Science
Fragment monografii zawierajacej interpretacje oraz tlumaczenie tzw. listow kopernikanski (teologicznych) Galileusza.
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceTheology and Science
Does Jesus save the Neanderthals? Do the Neanderthals need saving? Are they worth saving? And what about other non-human animals? What theological sense can be made of the boundaries of human nature when considered in light of... more
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      PaleoanthropologyPaleontologyTheological AnthropologyTheology and Science
Here we propose a Trinitarian Theology of Nature that seeks to overcome the aporia intrinsic in previous incarnations of Natural Theology. This view failed on the grounds of creating a disconnection between Creator and the creation,... more
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      International RelationsSystematic TheologyScience and ReligionTheology and Science
Au dire de Jean-Paul II, les chrétiens sont porteurs d’une « diaconie » de la vérité. Cela pose la question de savoir si la Parole dont vit la foi est pertinente pour la discussion dans l’espace public. Nous nous poserons deux questions :... more
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      Theology and ScienceRationalityTheological MethodScientificity
This paper analyzes the work of Christopher Southgate with a view toward interpreting his insights into the integrity of creation, redemption and theodicy in light of Saint Augustine’s theology. Drawing on various contributions that... more
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      Systematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyTheodicyTheological Anthropology
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesScience and ReligionBiblical Theology
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      EthicsAtheismScience and ReligionTheology and Science
A part of a symposium on Hud Hudson's The Fall and Hypertime
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      ChristianityMetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of Religion
Acknowledgments, Introduction, and Conclusions

Finalist of the 2023 ANZATS Inaugural Established Scholar Book Prize for Humankind and the Cosmos (Brill, 2021)
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityGregory of NazianzusGregory of Nyssa
A cosmologia é a ciência que investiga a origem, a estrutura e a dinâmica do universo. A cosmologia moderna surgiu como área da física no início do século XX. Em 1915, Einstein publicou sua Teoria da Relatividade Geral (TRG), de acordo... more
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      HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceScience and Religion
Urmăresc în materialul de față, câteva chestiuni-limită din câmpul cercetării științifice, care în ultimele decenii au generat dezbateri aprinse, menționând poziții care sugerează că ele ar ascunde discontinuități de fond, ce fragmentează... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Biology
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      New TestamentTheological HermeneuticsScience and ReligionChristology
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      Theology and ScienceWorldview.WorldviewsWorldview Theory
Modern mathematics has been shaped by the process of secularization of science. Yet even some present-day mathematicians use religious terms behind the (mathematical) scenes. How essential this is remains debatable. Before modernity,... more
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      Cultural HistoryLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
Reviews in Science and Religion Journal (November, 2015)
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      Theology and ScienceDoctrine of CreationScience and TheologyHistorical Adam and Eve
Conference paper Anthropology at the Crossroads: The Contribution of Panayiotis Nellas. The Science and Orthodox Christianity Relationship: Past-Present-Future. Institute of Historical Research. National Hellenic Research Foundation,... more
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      Orthodox TheologyTheology and SciencePanayiotis Nellas
Review essay, in Romanian, on Haught's Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation. Published as a postface to the Romanian version of the book
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      Science and ReligionTheology and ScienceChristian ApologeticsScience and Theology
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyFranciscan Studies
Σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης εργασίας είναι να δείξει τη θεωρία της εξέλιξης του Δαρβίνου και τις αντιδράσεις από τη θρησκευτική κοινότητα. Κατά τον 17ο αιώνα οι διανοούμενοι της εποχής εισάγουν την φυσική θεολογία. Η μελέτη της φύσης και η... more
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      EvolutionTheology and ScienceCharles Darwin
La théologie a traditionnellement enseigné la dualité de l'homme, composé d'un corps matériel et d'une âme immatérielle qui survit à la destruction du corps. Dans une telle perspective, les ressorts intimes de la vie personnelle résident... more
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      Theology and ScienceReligion and NeuroscienceMind, Brain, and soulSoul and neuroscience
The empirical study of the universe in the 20th and 21st centuries has revealed key areas of both consonance and dissonance between core concepts in scientific understandings of cosmology and central affirmations of classic Christian... more
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      Theology and ScienceEschatologyResurrectionThe Big Bang Theory
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      VolcanologyBiblical StudiesScience and ReligionTheology and Science
La question de l’origine de l’humanité est l’une des plus délicates du dialogue entre science et théologie. Pour la biologie, l’émergence de l’homme moderne dans la lignée des hominidés n’est rien de plus qu’un exemple de l’évolution... more
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      Theology and ScienceDoctrine of CreationScience and Theology