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Biometry, Modeling & Statistics Two-Year Growth Cycle Sugarcane Crop Parameter Attributes and Their Application in Modeling Manyowa N. Meki,* Jim R. Kiniry, Adel H. Youkhana, Susan E. Crow, Richard M. Ogoshi, Mae H. Nakahata, Rebecca Tirado-Corbalá, Ray G. Anderson, Javier Osorio, and Jaehak Jeong ABSTRACT The renewed interest in the use of sugarcane (Saccharin officinarum L.) for biofuel could provide a viable market for potential Hawaiian sugarcane feedstock producers. In Hawaii, sugarcane is grown as an irrigated 2-yr cycle crop. There is however little information on crop parameter attributes of 2-yr cycle sugarcane. This field study on Maui, Hawaii, analyzed the relationship between sugarcane biomass accumulation and specific crop parameters. Overall, the high dry biomass yield (80.20 Mg ha–1) was the result of a high leaf area index (LAI, 7.50) and radiation use efficiency (RUE, 2.06 g MJ–1. The crop growth rate was highly correlated to LAI (R 2 , 0.86), and a light extinction coefficient (k) of 0.53 was estimated. Stalk density was estimated at 18 stalks m–2 , with a maximum plant height of 3.6 m, and a rooting depth exceeding 2.0 m. When the crop parameters were incorporated into a biological model of Agricultural Land Management Alternatives with Numerical Assessment Criteria (ALMANAC) the model accurately simulated sugarcane yields across seven different soil types and multiple management scenarios of applied irrigation water, N and P fertilizer inputs and various planting and harvest dates. The mean simulation percent (%) errors ranged from –6.4% to 1.8%, while the calculated Fisher’s paired t test of 1.41 with 39 degrees of freedom, showed no significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between measured and simulated yields. The ALMANAC model should be useful as a decision support tool for evaluating sugarcane management alternatives that maximize yields while optimizing water, N and P inputs. Sugarcane production in Hawaii has declined since the 1970s due to a number of factors that include low prices, high labor costs, competition from artificial sweeteners, and low cost production from such countries as Mexico, Brazil, India, and China. Despite these challenges, the Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) continues to produce approximately 181,400 Mg yr–1 of raw sugar on 14,164 ha of land. This company is the last remaining sugarcane plantation in Hawaii and is based on Maui Island. Sugarcane production plays a major role in the island’s economy, employing more than 800 people. In addition, the company generates its own electricity and enough energy to meet up to 8% of Maui’s total electricity needs through the burning of the residual biomass (bagasse), which is used internally or sold to the county’s electricity grid, (HC&S, 2011). Recently, competition for scarce water resources coupled with declining precipitation have become the major constraints to sugarcane productivity and profitability at HC&S. Sugarcane needs 1500 to 2500 mm of water evenly distributed over the growing season (FAO, 2013). Faced with these multiple challenges, HC&S in collaboration with USDA-ARS implemented a joint project plan to explore the feasibility and sustainability of producing advanced Published in Agron. J. 107:1310–1320 (2015) doi:10.2134/agronj14.0588 Copyright © 2015 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. 1310 biofuel feedstocks as alternatives to raw sugar production in Hawaii. Among other candidate biofuel crops, sugarcane is an ideal feedstock crop for ethanol production in Hawaii due to its rapid growth, moisture stress tolerance, and high yields (Kinoshita and Zhou, 1999; Grantz and Vu, 2009; Laclau and Laclau, 2009). Furthermore, sugarcane has advantages M.N. Meki, J. Osorio, and J. Jeong,Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Blackland Research and Extension Center, 720 E. Blackland Rd, Temple, TX 76502; J.R. Kiniry, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory, 808 E. Blackland Rd, Temple, TX 76502; A.H. Youkhana, and S.E. Crow, Dep. of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 1910 East-West Rd., Honolulu, HI 96822; R.M. Ogoshi, Dep. of Tropical Plants and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa, 563 Kaumakani Street, Honolulu, HI 96825; M.H. Nakahata, Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company, 1 Hansen Rd, Puunene, HI 96784; R. Tirado-Corbalá, Crops and Agro-Environmental Science Dep., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico; and R.G. Anderson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Contaminant Fate and Transport Unit, George E. Brown Jr. Salinity Lab., 450 W. Big Springs Rd., Riverside, CA 92507-4617. Received 18 Nov. 2014. Accepted 4 Feb. 2015. *Corresponding author (nmeki@brc.tamus.edu). Abbreviations: ALMANAC, Agricultural Land Management Alternatives with Numerical Assessment Criteria; APEX, The Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender; DM, dry matter; EPIC, Environmental Policy Integrated Climate; FIPAR, fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation; HC&S, Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company; k, light extinction coefficient; LAI, leaf area index; PAR, photosynthetically active radiation; PHU, potential heat units; RUE, radiation use efficiency; SWAT, Soil and Water Assessment Tool. A g ro n o my J o u r n a l • Vo l u m e 107, I s s u e 4 • 2 015 over other potential biofuel feedstock crops because (i) it is a well-established crop known by both current and previous producers, (ii) it already has an existing sound production and agricultural marketing infrastructure, and (iii) it has a wellestablished greenhouse gas reduction potential (Goldemberg, 2008; Wang et al., 2012). This renewed interest in the use of sugarcane for biofuel could provide a viable market for potential Hawaiian sugarcane feedstock producers. At HC&S, and previously elsewhere in Hawaii, sugarcane is grown as an irrigated 2-yr cycle crop. The 2-yr cycle cane and sugar yields (160 Mg ha–1 cane yield and 16% sugar yield) are above the national average (79 Mg ha–1 cane yield and 12% sugar yield) (NASS, 2013). A recent study by Anderson et al. (2015) also confirmed that Hawaiian sugarcane has a higher net productivity and overall biomass yield than sugarcane grown in other regions of the world. There is however little quantitative information describing the relationship between 2-yr cycle sugarcane biomass yield to important crop parameter attributes that can be utilized in dynamic crop modeling decision support tools to optimize crop management practices and to explore more complex issues of sustainability and long-term environmental impacts of management alternatives. Most studies have tended to focus mainly on the relationship between sugarcane biomass yield and LAI, light interception and radiation use efficiency (RUE) (Bull and Tovey, 1974; Donaldson et al., 2008; Muchow et al., 1994; Robertson et al., 1996; Anderson et al., 2015). With this in mind, we conducted a field study at the HC&S plantation to (i) collect data for analyzing the relationship between sugarcane biomass accumulation and specific crop parameter attributes, such as LAI, light extinction coefficient (k), fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (FIPAR), RUE, maximum plant height and rooting depth, and stalk density, and (ii) evaluate the accuracy of the developed crop parameters in calibrating the biological model of ALMANAC (Kiniry et al., 1992) for simulating 2-yr cycle sugarcane management practices and yields. The model has been extensively validated and applied to analyze crop grain and bioenergy feedstock yields, plant community dynamics, phenology, water, nutrient and RUEs, hydrology, erosion, soil organic carbon, and nutrient cycling (Behrman et al., 2013; Engel et al., 2010; King et al., 1998; Kiniry et al., 1996, 2005, 2008, 2012; Meki et al., 2013; Persson et al., 2011). MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Site and Cultural Practices Sugarcane crop data was collected from a field experiment conducted at HC&S plantation, Field no. 609 (20.89° N, –156.41° W; elevation ~ 100 m asl). The field soil belongs to the Molokai series, and is a kaolinitic, isohyperthermic Typic Eutrotorox (USDA NRCS, 2011). The soil is very-fine, well drained and has deep, well-defined horizons below the plow layer. Field plots were established on 26 June 2011 for the 24 mo cropping cycle ending May 2013. The field had been continuously cropped with sugarcane for well over 100 yr. A repeated measures design with three replicates was used. Overall plot sizes were approximately 15 by 10 m. The space between plots was 3 m. The sugarcane plots were planted with seed cane variety H65-7052 (Heinz et al., 1981). Seed billets Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 were planted by a machine that in one pass digs the furrow, drops the cane pieces, injects the irrigation tubing, and covers the furrows. Each plot was made up of six rows with a row planting scheme consisting of two narrow rows at 0.91 m apart and an interval row spacing between each two narrow rows of 1.82 m. Drip irrigation lines were laid out in the middle of each of the two narrow rows (Fig. 1). All plots were adequately fertigated with urea (46–0–0) at a rate of 345 kg N ha–1. At HC&S fertilizers are applied only during the first year of growth. In total 3520 mm of water was drip-applied during the 2-yr growth cycle. A pre-emergence herbicide mix containing atrazine (1-Chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2, 4, 6-triazine), 2, 4-D (2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), Prowl ((N-1ethylpropyl)-3, 4-dimethyl-2, 6-dinitrobenzenamine), Rifle (3, 6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid), and Velpar (3-cyclohexyl6-dimethylamino-1-methyl-1, 3, 5-triazine-2, 4(1H,3H)-dione) was applied to control weeds during the early establishment stage. Crop parameter data was collected from the two middle narrow rows with the two narrow outer rows acting as borders. No water or N stress conditions were observed throughout the crop growth cycle and hence the plants were able to express their full genetic potential. Soil moisture was monitored with a Stevens Hydra Probe II soil sensor (Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc., Portland, OR).Weather data was collected at the field site by a portable automatic weather station (HOBO logger model H-21, Onset Computer, Bourne, MA). For model simulations the length of the growing season at the study site was calculated in accumulated potential heat units (PHU) (sometimes referred to as growing degree days) using the equation: PHU = S [(Tmax. + Tmin.)/2 – T base] [1] where Tmax. and Tmin. are the averages of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures compared to a base temperature, T base, in °C (10°C for sugarcane and many other tropical crops). Field Measurements Sugarcane cultivars grown in Hawaii over a 24 mo growth cycle have two distinct growth patterns. During the first 12 mo the cultivars exhibit a growth pattern similar to that of 12 to 18 mo cultivars grown on the U.S. mainland and elsewhere in the world. Plants grow tall and straight with little or no lodging (Fig. 2a). After 12 mo the plants start to lodge due to the high biomass accumulation and in some cases lodging is exacerbated by high winds (Fig. 2b). Lodging seems to have the positive benefit of exposing the sugarcane plants to more sunlight and hence allowing for more biomass and sugar accumulation (Mae Nakahata, HC&S agronomist, personal communication, 2011). Biomass sampling of the lodged crop does however present some challenges when matching harvested biomass to corresponding LAI and intercepted light measurements. To overcome this challenge we devised two protocols for biomass sampling, LAI determination and taking light interception measurements during the first 12 mo (Protocol I), and thereafter from 12 to 24 mo (Protocol II). Protocol I (0–12 mo). Monthly biomass samplings were made during the first 12 mo of the growth cycle. We used a rectangular PVC pipe frame open on one end (1.25 by 0.8 m = 1.0 m2) 1311 canopy PAR measurements were taken 10 cm above the ground while moving the ceptometer across the plant row and along the 1.25 m length of the frame. Sampled row areas were chosen at random but making sure they were not next to any previously sampled area. The FIPAR was calculated with the mean of at least five PAR measurements above and below the canopy. A representative subsample of three to five cane stalks (based on visual observations of plant height) was harvested from within the frame for LAI determination in the laboratory. The rest of the plant material within the frame was harvested and weighed in the field to get the total weight. In the laboratory, the subsample was weighed and then separated into green leaves, dead leaves, green photosynthetic stalks and brown non-photosynthetic stalks. The leaf area was determined with a LiCor LI-3100 leaf area meter (LiCor Inc., Lincoln, NE). The LAI was calculated as the area of the subsample multiplied by the ratio of the total fresh weight/subsample fresh weight divided by sampled ground area. An important model parameter associated to LAI is the rate of LAI decline between the maximum LAI and harvest time–between 15 to 24 mo. This parameter was determined by systematically adjusting model pre-set values; 1.0 is linear; >1 accelerates decline; <1 retards the decline rate, until the simulated decline rate matched the measured LAI data values. The k values for each biomass harvest stage were calculated by changing Beer’s law, as originally described by Monsi and Saeki’s (1953): Fig. 1. Plot layout showing sugarcane row spacing in relation to drip line placement. (Fig. 1 and also see pointed arrow in Fig. 2a) to demarcate the sampling area. The frame was placed on the ground with the long edge (1.25 m) onto and parallel to the drip line and plant rows as shown in Fig. 1 and 2. The plant height was measured from the base of the stool (i.e., sugarcane shoots growing out of buds on the joints of the billets) to the top of the longest leaf. The stalks within the frame area that were greater than one-fourth of the maximum plant height were recorded for estimation of stalk density. The PAR interception was measured with a 0.8 m AccuPAR LP-80 Ceptometer (Decagon, Pullman, WA) between 1000 and 1300 h–the times when incident solar radiation was usually relatively stable. Two ceptometers were used to take concurrent above and below canopy PAR readings after “test matching” PAR readings from both ceptometers on an open space. These readings should match or have a difference of <100 µmol m–2 s–1. When they differed by more, we recalibrated the sensors and took the measurements again. The open space PAR readings represent the above canopy PAR readings. Below Fig. 2(a) Eight-month sugarcane showing no signs of lodging, and (b) Lodged sugarcane at 23 mo lodging can be exacerbated by high winds. 1312 FIPAR = 1– exp(–k ×LAI) [2] Into: k = [Ln (1.0 – FIPAR)]/LAI [3] Subsample total dry matter was measured after drying all harvested plant materials in a forced-air drying oven at 70°C to constant weight. Protocol II (12–24 mo). In 2-yr growth cycle sugarcane biomass accumulation slows down (reduced growth phenomena) in the second year even though growth conditions such as water availability, nutrient status, and temperature are all favorable (Muchow et al., 1997; Park et al., 2005). Hence biomass samplings after the first year of growth were only made every 2 mo. As pointed out earlier, this growth period presents many challenges in accounting for all the trash (crop residues composed of plant tops and dry leaves that are left above the ground; these residues form a mat known in the sugarcane industry as trash) biomass from senesced leaves and stalks for inclusion in the calculation of the total aboveground biomass and accurately estimating RUE. Furthermore, lodging of the cane (Fig. 2b) makes relating this biomass to the corresponding LAI and FIPAR difficult. To this end, we applied the following modification to Protocol I; The rectangular frame was used to demarcate the sampling area as in Protocol I. The plant height was measured and below canopy PAR interception measurements taken at a height just below the green leaves (~1 m above the ground). A representative subsample of three to five cane stalks was harvested from within the frame for LAI determination as detailed in Protocol 1. However, and unlike in Protocol I, the corners of the frame were pinned off using Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 four 30-cm metal pins. To accurately estimate stalk density, sugarcane stalks originating from outside the pinned area were slashed and cleared to enable easy recording of only those stalks originating from within the pinned area. All the plant material within the frame–stalks and cane trash mat was cut, collected, and weighed in the field. A representative subsample of the stalks and cane trash mat were collected, weighed in the lab, and oven-dried to constant weight at 70°C. This subsample dry matter weight was used to estimate the total dry biomass yield. The RUE was calculated as the slope of the regression equation of the sugarcane aboveground dry matter (including the trash cane mat) and accumulated intercepted PAR. ALMANAC Model Description For a more detailed description of the ALMANAC model, refer to Kiniry et al. (1992). The model was developed for use in field management; several fields may be simulated to comprise a whole farm up to about 100 ha. The model can be used to compare management systems and their effects on yields, N, P, C, pesticides, and sediment. The management components that can be changed include irrigation scheduling, crop rotations, tillage operations etc. In summary, the model uses a daily time step to simulate various biophysical processes including plant growth. Radiation interception and RUE are the drivers of plant growth or biomass accumulation which are in turn a function of the LAI and k for FIPAR as described by Monsi and Saeki’s (1953) Beer’s law in Eq. [2] above. RUE is a function of the vapor pressure deficit and atmospheric CO2 (Kemanian et al., 2004; Stöckle and Kiniry, 1990), while LAI evolution is simulated with a daily heat unit system that correlates plant growth with temperature. To accurately estimate total plant biomass the model takes into account the contribution of root biomass in calculations of RUE. According to Jones (1985) the fraction of total biomass partitioned to the root system of most crops normally decreases from 0.30 to 0.50 in the seedling to 0.05 to 0.20 at maturity. The model simulates this partitioning by decreasing the fraction linearly from emergence to maturity. We applied the maximum root biomass fraction at maturity of 0.20. Daily incident PAR values were taken as 45% of the total solar radiation (Meek et al., 1984; Monteith, 1965) which was measured on-site with the portable automatic weather station. Other important model parameters included maximum plant height and rooting depth, percent moisture content in biomass at harvest, N and P nutrient contents at early, mid- and late crop growth stages. Various stresses that include temperature, soil moisture, plant nutrients (N and P), aeration, salinity, pH, and soil compaction limit plant growth (Kiniry et al., 1992; Meki et al., 2013). Model Calibration and Crop Parameter Fine-tuning A new crop for 2-yr growth cycle sugarcane was created in the ALMANAC Crops database by modifying crop parameter data for a 1-yr growth cycle sugarcane crop from the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model (Williams, 1995) with our field gathered data. The ALMANAC and EPIC models have similar crop growth models but each also has subroutines describing different biophysical processes: both models contain Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 Table 1. Actual sugarcane field management operations and inputs for field 609 that were simulated with the ALMANAC model. Date of Field operations Irrigation Fertilizer† operation mm ha–1 kg N ha–1 Subsoiler, deep ripper, 1 June 2011 depth: 40 cm Harrow, finisher, 5 June 2011 depth: 8–15 cm –2 Planting, 18 stalks m 26 June 2011 150 22 17 July 2011 210 79 4 Aug. 2011 250 55 23 Sept. 2011 216 45 28 Oct. 2011 128 2 Nov. 2011 148 34 5 Dec. 2011 128 11 4 Jan. 2012 198 11 8 Feb. 2012 149 7 Mar. 2012 170 88 27 Apr. 2012 183 9 May 2012 287 13 June 2012 216 4 July 2012 126 15 Aug. 2012 265 8 Sept. 2012 293 3 Oct. 2012 197 7 Nov. 2012 207 2 Dec. 2012 Harvesting (Harvest 21 May 2013 Index = 0.90) † Fertilizer was applied as liquid urea (46–00–00) through the drip irrigation lines. Fertilizer amounts shown in table represent the elemental N equivalent. detailed functions for water balance, nutrient cycling, and plant growth, but with ALMANAC having additional detail for light competition, population density effects, and vapor pressure deficit effects which enable it to simulate the growth and seed yield of two competing plant species in a wide range of environments (Kiniry et al., 1992). On the other hand, the EPIC model has since evolved into a comprehensive agro-ecosystem model with a soil organic carbon (SOC) module adapted from the CENTURY model (Parton, 1996) capable of simulating SOC dynamics in a wide range of plant species, including crops, native grasses, and trees (Izaurralde et al., 2006). Using the new 2-yr growth cycle sugarcane crop we then compiled a simulation budget (Table 1) to model sugarcane growth in the experiment from which we gathered the crop parameters (Field no. 609). We ran the model simulation using actual 2011 to 2013 weather summarized in Fig. 3 and the NRCS USDA Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) soils data for a Molokai soil series (Table 2). To refine the crop parameters, we systematically adjusted the new crop parameters iteratively by running the ALMANAC model, comparing the simulated LAI and aboveground dry biomass yields to actual data, and then altering crop parameter values until there was a good match between predicted and measured LAI and dry matter yield values. 1313 Fig. 3. Mean monthly temperature and precipitation for Field no. 609: June 2011 to May 2013. Crop Parameter and Model Evaluation To evaluate the developed crop parameters and test the calibrated ALMANAC model’s ability to accurately simulate 2-yr cycle sugarcane management practices and yields, we applied the model to simulate historical sugarcane yields across 7 HC&S fields; F no. 202, 308, 312, 416, 601, 719, and 905 over five to six 2-yr growth cycles. These fields were chosen primarily based on different soil types and the availability of the nearest weather station data (Table 3). Before conducting the simulations, historical management information and data on field preparations, applied N and P fertilizer (N and P fertigation), and drip irrigation amounts for each of the seven fields were processed into monthly formats for input into the ALMANAC management database. The simulated crop budgets for the seven fields are summarized in Table 3. For most simulated 2-yr growth cycles we noted that the model often required supplemental P additions to attain actual measured sugarcane yields. As a result we opted to use the automatic P fertilizer trigger option in the model, instead of the actual applied P. When the plant suffers any P stress, the automatic option triggers P fertilization to achieve an optimum soil P level. Customized weather data from the HC&S weather station nearest each field and the corresponding SSURGO soils data were used for the simulations. We applied the Penman– Monteith method option in the model as it best accounts for proper water balance and evapotranspiration rates under the windy conditions of the island and is critical for estimation of actual ET in such environments (Osorio et al., 2014). Data Analysis The REG procedure in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, 2007) was used to conduct regression analyses to describe the relationship between FIPAR vs. LAI, aboveground dry biomass vs. accumulated intercepted PAR, crop growth rate vs. LAI, and simulated vs. measured yields. Differences between measured and simulated dry biomass yields were assessed using Fisher’s Paired t test. We applied mean separation statistics– standard errors for the mean at P ≤ 0.05 probability levels (Snedecor and Cochran, 1989) to determine any significant differences between measured variables. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Recorded Meteorological Data for Field Number 609 Mean monthly temperature and precipitation for Field no. 609 showed normal trends for this site for June 2011 to May 2013 (Fig. 3). Mean annual air temperature and precipitation 1314 Table 2. Initial soil conditions for a few selected soil variables for the simulated Molokai (MUA) silty clay loam, slope: 0 to 3% (Field no. 609). The soil properties were compiled from the USDA NRCS SSURGO database: http://sdmdataaccess.nrcs. usda.gov/ (accessed March 2014). Soil layer number Soil property 1 2 Depth, m 0.00–0.32 0.32–1.58 0.54 0.50 Porosity, m m–1 0.47 0.45 Field capacity, m m–1 0.30 0.29 Wilting point, m m–1 32.40 32.40 Saturated conductivity, mm h–1 1.23 1.33 Bulk density 33kpa, T m–3 1.29 1.29 Bulk density (Oven dry soil), T m–3 Sand, % 6 6 Silt, % 44 44 Clay, % 50 50 pH 7.20 7.80 10.50 10.50 CEC, cmol kg–1 Soil organic carbon, % 1.62 0.77 during the study period were 23.4°C (range 19.7–29.0°C) and 241 mm, respectively. Mean daily relative humidity was 76% (range 67–91%), while the average daily incident solar radiation was 21.5 MJ m–2 d–1 (range 10–27 MJ m–2 d–1). Wind speed ranged from 0 to 37 km h–1 with a daily mean of 6.8 km h–1. Measured and Derived Crop Parameters The full suite of measured and derived parameters that were incorporated into the ALMANAC model crops parameter database to represent the growth and development of the 2-yr cycle sugarcane are presented in Table 4. Leaf Area Index. Measured LAI increased from 0.40 at 2 mo after planting to a peak value of 7.5 at 13 mo (Fig. 4). This LAI value is similar to the 8.0 reported by Muchow et al. (1997) on a study conducted in Kunia, HI. The sugarcane crop maintained this LAI for 3 mo, after which it started to decline. According to Williams and Izaurralde (2013) the LAI of vegetative crops such as sugarcane and some forage crops reaches a plateau at which time the rates of senescence and growth of leaf are approximately equal. The LAI started to decline when the calculated fraction of the growing season was 0.65 The LAI and FIPAR were used to derive k (Fig. 5). The fitted exponential curve indicated a value of 0.53 and a coefficient of determination of 0.88. According to Thornley (1976), k varies with foliage characteristics, sun angle, row spacing, row direction, and latitude. A somewhat smaller value (0.40–0.60) might be appropriate for tropical areas in which average sun angle is higher and for cropping systems with wide row spacing (Begg et al., 1964; Bonhomme et al., 1982; Muchow et al., 1982). Our estimated value compares well with the value of 0.58 derived by Inman-Bamber (1994) for irrigated sugarcane. Dry Matter Accumulation. The dry matter (DM) accumulation closely resembled the LAI evolution. As pointed out earlier, sugarcane cultivars grown in Hawaii over a 2-yr growth cycle have two distinct growth patterns (Fig. 6). During the first 5 to15 mo after planting, the cultivars exhibit a rapid and almost linear growth pattern. Thereafter, DM plateaus at the maximum measured yield of 80.20 Mg ha–1and then starts Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 Table 3. Summary of historical management and cane yield data for seven Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) fields used to test ALMANAC’s capability to accurately simulate sugarcane yields. All lands were subsoiled with a deep ripper (40 cm) and harrowed (8–15 cm) before mechanized planting. Field F no. 202 F no. 308 F no. 312 F no. 416 F no. 601 F no. 719 F no. 905 HC&S Weather station 201 501 201 414 501 711 906 Latitude 20.88 20.87 20.88 20.80 20.87 20.86 20.81 Longitude –156.35 –156.39 –156.35 –156.41 –156.39 –156.46 –156.50 Elevation, m 255 131 255 189 131 30 30 Soil series Paia (PcC) Keahua (KnB) Haliimaile (HgB) Waiakoa (Wh) Molokai (MuA) Jaucas (JL) Pulehu (PrA) Soil texture silty clay silty clay loam silty clay loam silty clay loam silty clay loam loamy sand cobbly silty loam Slope, % 7–15 3–7 3–7 3–7 0–3 0–15 0–3 Years of simulation 1998–2011 1997–2010 1999–2012 1999–2012 1998–2011 1999–2011 1998–2011 Number of 2-yr 6 6 5† 5† 6 6 6 growth cycles (GC) GC precipitation, mm Average 1533 925 1667 559 990 831 721 Range 1125–2173 517–1236 1316–2544 312–763 712–1314 283–1412 342–1481 GC irrigation, mm Average 1897 2633 2015 2895 2579 3191 2734 Range 1433–2305 1941–3272 1750–2423 1892–4177 1952–3277 2290–3849 1139–3665 GC applied N, kg ha–1 Average 375 424 358 348 344 331 351 Range 327–512 384–492 339–366 197–404 303–377 241–375 323–383 GC applied P, kg ha–1 Average 71 93 75 77 9 0 0 Range 0–308 0–205 0–256 0–212 0–55 0 0 Cane yield, Mg ha–1 Average 84 86 88 83 88 101 85 Range 55–115 57–114 64–108 62–115 61–103 86–118 68–107 † Only five 2-yr growth cycles were simulated for fields F no. 312 and F no. 416 because of errors in data records for the sixth cycle. Table 4. Determined crop parameters for 2-yr cycle sugarcane used to calibrate the ALMANAC model. The biomass-energy ratio (WA) value includes cane mat and root dry matter. Nitrogen and P nutrient contents are from Williams et al. (1989). Category Crop parameter definition Symbol Determined value WA 3.37 Plant growth Biomass-energy ratio, g MJ–1 m–2 Max. leaf area index (LAI) DMLA 7.50 Fraction of season when LAI starts to decline DLAI 0.65 Leaf area decline rate index RLAD 0.30 Light extinction coefficient for Beer’s Law k 0.53 First point on optimal LAI curve DLAP1 15.10 Second point on optimal LAI curve DLAP2 55.99 Maximum crop height, m HMX 3.60 Maximum root depth, m RDMX 2.00 Potential heat units, °C PHU 9250 Yield components Plant population (stalk number), m–2 Dry matter decline rate index Fraction of water in forage yield Harvest index Nutrient content (kg nutrient/kg of biomass) Nitrogen content at early establishment Nitrogen content at mid-season Nitrogen content at maturity Phosphorus content at early establishment Phosphorus content at mid-season Phosphorus content at maturity Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 PLANTPO RBMD WCY HI BN1 BN2 BN3 BP1 BP2 BP3 18.00 1.00 0.75 0.90 0.0100 0.0040 0.0025 0.0075 0.0030 0.0019 1315 Fig. 4. Measured and ALMANAC model simulated leaf area index (LAI) evolution of 2-yr cycle sugarcane at Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) plantation, Maui Island, Hawaii. The crop growth and simulation period started on June 2011 to May 2013. Each data point is the average of three replicates. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the means of the measured data. Fig. 6. Measured and ALMANAC model simulated 2-yr cycle sugarcane dry matter accumulation at the Hawaii Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) plantation, Maui Island, Hawaii. The crop growth and simulation period started from June 2011 to May 2013. Each data point is the average of three replicates. Vertical bars represent the standard error of the means of the measured data. to decline at about 21 mo. At HC&S no fertilizer is applied in the last 12 mo before harvesting of the commercial crop, while irrigation is progressively withdrawn during the last 6 mo. The induced water and nutrient stresses decrease vegetative growth, thus pushing photosynthates toward sucrose storage (Humbert, 1968; Gascho, 1985). Furthermore, the induced dry weather conditions also help concentrate the sucrose through increased evaporation from the leaf surface. The high sucrose concentration is attractive to both growers and millers because of reduced costs for harvesting, hauling, and milling. According to Rostron (1972), as DM increases with crop age, the proportion of respiring to photosynthesizing tissue increases, causing a gradual decline in net productivity. Muchow et al. (1997) also attribute the reduced DM to stalk death. The estimated harvest index (HI) for total harvested biomass yield and cane moisture content at the last biomass harvest sample (23 mo) were 0.90 and 75%, respectively. Commercial harvesting of sugarcane occurs between 20 and 24 mo. Compared to sugarcane grown in other regions of the world, the high DM accumulation in 2-yr cycle sugarcane is a result of the longer growing season, higher LAI, light interception, and RUE. Sugarcane growth rate is a function of the LAI (Fig. 7). For the 2-yr growth cycle sugarcane in this study, the relationship is linear. According to Evans (1993), LAI is a key driving variable for biomass accumulation in most crops, especially before full crop canopy closure when light interception by individual leaves is at its maximum. The tillering plant population was estimated at 18 stalks m–2 (Table 4). Sugarcane has the capacity to tiller rapidly. Under favorable conditions, stalk numbers increase exponentially with time until a maximum of 20 to 30 stalks m–2 is reached at 4 to 6 mo (Bull and Glasziou, 1975). Over time many younger tillers begin to die due to shading by older tillers, and tiller number normally stabilizes at 10 to 20 stalks m–2 . In crops such as sugarcane which produce a high number of yielding tillers compared to the number of seeds or shoots planted, the modeled plant population is estimated based on the final yield producing tiller number. The crop grew to a maximum height (HMX) of 3.6 m. Root studies by Youkhana et al. (2013) showed sugarcane roots reaching to more than 2.0 m. Radiation Use Efficiency. The relationship between DM and accumulated intercepted PAR from early establishment to final harvest is sigmoid due to DM leveling off at between 15 and 21 mo after planting (Fig. 6 and 8a). This leveling off of DM is commonly referred to as the reduced growth phenomena (van Heerden et al., 2010) and is widely reported in the literature (Donaldson et al., 2008; Muchow et al., 1994; Park et al., 2005; Robertson et al., 1996; Rostron, 1972; Wood et al., 1996). The leveling off of DM resulted in an overall crop cycle RUE of 2.06 g MJ–1. This RUE value is close to values reported for sugarcane elsewhere in the literature; 1.70 g MJ–1 (Robertson et al., 1996), 1.75 and 2.00 g MJ–1 (Muchow et al., 1994; 1997) for irrigated sugarcane under tropical conditions. The relationship between DM and accumulated intercepted PAR during the rapid growth phase can however be viewed as being linear (Fig. 8b). Sugarcane growth is generally Fig. 5. Relationship between the fraction of intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (FIPAR) and leaf area index (LAI). Each data point is the average of three replicates. The light extinction coefficient (k) derived from the fitted exponential curve indicates a value of 0.53 and a coefficient of determination of 0.88. 1316 Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 characterized by a period of rapid biomass accumulation which corresponds to the near-linear portion of a sigmoidal growth curve (Coale et al., 1993). According to Muchow et al. (1994), the linear relationship is more useful as an estimation of RUE for crop modeling purposes. The RUE during this rapid growth phase hereby referred to in the model as the Biomass-energy ratio (WA-Table 4) is approximately 3.37 g MJ–1. This relatively high RUE value is most certainly due to the inclusion of trash cane mat. Failure to account for trash biomass results in an underestimation of aboveground biomass (Muchow et al., 1997). Several studies showed that trash cane mat can contribute as much as 10 to 34 Mg ha–1 yr–1 of total sugarcane DM (Evensen et al., 1997; Trivelin et al., 1995; Vitti et al., 2011; Fortes et al., 2012). The computation of RUE can vary with the experimental assumptions and methodologies which can result in a wide range of RUEs for the same crop (Gallo et al., 1993; Sinclair and Muchow, 1999). Demetriades-Shah et al. (1992) stressed that comparisons of RUE should only be made when measurements are made under similar conditions. Fig. 7. Sugarcane growth rate is a function of the leaf area index (LAI). Each data point is the average of three replicates. For the 2-yr growth cycle sugarcane in this study, the relationship is linear. Fig. 8. (a) Relationship between aboveground (AB) dry matter accumulation and cumulative intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) during the 2-yr growth cycle, and (b) The linear relationship between dry matter accumulation and cumulative intercepted PAR during the period of rapid growth. Each data point is the average of three replicates. Table 5. Measured and ALMANAC simulated sugarcane yields of seven HC&S plantation fields, Maui, Hawaii. The Mean Error % = [(Measured – Simulated)/Mean Measured] × 100. Two-year growth cycle number Field Yield 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean Mean error % no. Mg ha–1 202 Measured 111.1 114.6 68.4 73.8 55.4 78.8 83.7 Simulated 110.2 101.3 69.1 78.9 53.2 80.6 82.2 1.8 308 Measured 114.5 89.8 92.7 71.4 56.7 90.2 85.9 Simulated 105.6 88.5 92.8 71.3 58.4 91.5 84.7 1.4 312 Measured 89.0 108.0 96.1 63.7 84.8 † 88.3 Simulated 88.3 106.8 94.1 92.8 70.0 † 90.4 –2.4 416 Measured 90.6 114.6 77.4 61.6 76.9 † 84.2 Simulated 91.2 115.3 102.5 61.8 77.1 † 89.6 –6.4 601 Measured 92.4 103.3 79.2 89.6 61.4 102.2 88.0 Simulated 113.1 105.6 79.2 96.2 60.4 100.8 92.6 –5.2 719 Measured 118.2 110.8 95.2 93.4 86.2 103.4 101.2 Simulated 112.7 109.6 115.3 100.1 85.7 103.4 104.5 –3.2 905 Measured 93.4 107.1 91.3 68.0 75.6 73.9 84.9 Simulated 93.1 106.8 91.0 74.6 77.0 75.4 86.3 –1.7 † Only five 2-yr growth cycles were simulated for fields Fno.312 and Fno.416 because of errors in data records for the sixth cycle. Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 1317 Supplementary Parameters. The fraction of the growing season when the LAI starts to decline (DLAI) was derived from data in Fig. 4, while the LAI decline rate index (RLAD) defines the shape of the LAI curve after DLAI (Fig. 4). We used the data presented in Fig. 4 in conjunction with the ALMANAC LAI simulation data to estimate DLAP1 and DLAP2, which are two points on the optimal (non-stress) leaf area development curve. In both DLAP1 and DLAP2 (Table 4), numbers before the decimal are percent of growing season, while numbers after the decimal are fractions of maximum potential LAI (DMLA). The DM decline rate index (RBMD) functions like the RLAD for LAI and reduces the efficiency of conversion of intercepted PAR to biomass toward the end of the growing season. As with RLAD the RBMD decline rate index was determined by adjusting pre-set values (range 1–10) until the simulated decline rate approximates that of measured DM data values. The model estimated PHUs for the 2-yr cycle sugarcane at approximately 9250°C. Even though root studies by Youkhana et al. (2013) showed sugarcane roots exceeding 2 m, we applied the model maximum default rooting depth of 2.00 m. This depth is adequate for simulating water and nutrient uptake with the ALMANAC model in most cases. The N and P nutrient contents decline from early seedling emergence (BN1; BP1), midseason (BN2; BP2) and at maturity (BN3; BP3) (Table 4) (Williams et al., 1989). These crop parameters represent the optimal N and P concentrations at key growth stages and decline with increasing growth (Jones, 1983). Except for the plateauing of DM accumulation in the second year of growth, the 2-yr cycle sugarcane’s growth pattern is similar to that of 12 to 18 mo sugarcane systems on the U.S. mainland and other regions of the world. Modelers applying the crop parameters determined in this study in these regions should however be aware of the need to pay attention to specific parameters whose values are dependent on local conditions, such as climate, soil type, and rooting depth, crop management practice etc. For example, the growth cycle PHUs will have to be adjusted for local climatic conditions, while as pointed out earlier, k varies with foliage characteristics, sun angle, row spacing, row direction, and latitude. Overall, our results on DM accumulation and RUE confirm the recent findings of Anderson et al. (2015) which showed that 2-yr cycle sugarcane has higher overall biomass and net productivity compared to sugarcane systems in other regions of the world. Table 6. Paired t test statistics to assess differences between measured and simulated sugarcane yields. Data variable Measured yield Simulated yield Mean 88.12 90.03 Variance 303.31 289.44 Observations 40 40 Pearson Correlation 0.88 Degrees of freedom 39 t Statistic 1.41 P (T £ t) two-tail t Critical two-tail 1318 0.17 2.02 ALMANAC Model Evaluation The calibrated model satisfactorily simulated historical sugarcane yields harvested from seven HC&S fields; F no. 202, 308, 312, 416, 601, 719, and 905, over five to six 2-yr growth cycles (Tables 5 and 6 and Fig. 9). The mean simulation percent (%) errors ranged from –6.4 to 1.8%. The small negative mean simulation percent errors indicate that the model slightly overpredicted sugarcane yields (fields 312, 416, 601, 719, and 905), while the positive errors indicated that sugarcane yields were slightly underpredicted (fields 202 and 308). The slope and intercept of the regression line shown in Fig. 9 were not significantly different from 1 and zero, respectively. In addition, the calculated Paired t test of 1.41 with 39 degrees of freedom, and the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.88 (Table 6) show that there were no significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) between measured and simulated yields. The coefficients of variation of the measured and simulated yields were 3.05 and 2.99%, respectively. Although the model managed to capture various sugarcane production stresses on water, nutrient (N and P), and temperature across the fields and over years, the model simulated N and irrigation water inputs were in general adequate to meet historical yields, though additional P fertilizer was required across fields and growth cycles (Table 3). Field-applied irrigation water and N averaged 2563 mm (1433–4177 mm), and 362 kg N ha–1 (197–512 kg N ha–1), respectively. ALMANAC additional auto P fertilizer applications averaged 80 kg P ha–1 (0–168 kg P ha–1). The higher P additions by the model could be attributable to either low P levels in the NRCS SSURGO soils database used in the model or the ALMANAC model’s incapability to accurately model P dynamics of various soils. There was no sufficient soil P analysis data for the modeled fields that could be used to update the soil available P for each soil type (field) as impacted by various management practices over time. As the soil survey for NRSC SSURGO soils characterization was conducted several years before the simulated years, this discrepancy in soil P and modeled P inputs could somewhat be expected. While P fixation is predominant in Fig. 9. Measured and ALMANAC model simulated historical sugarcane yields for fields 202, 308, 312, 416, 601, 719, and 905 over five to six growth cycles (see Table 3 for the actual years that were simulated for each field). The dashed line is the 1:1 line through the origin. Agronomy Journal • Volume 107, Issue 4 • 2015 oxidic tropical soils and P deficiency is a major limitation to crop production (Grierson et al., 2004), measuring plantavailable P in these soils is challenging (Gama-Rodrigues et al., 2014). According to FAO (2013), sugarcane requires 20 to 90 kg P ha–1 with the actual amounts varying depending on several factors such as soil type, management history etc. CONCLUSIONS When compared to sugarcane grown in other regions of the world, the results of this study indicate that the high biomass yield of 2-yr cycle sugarcane is due to multiple factors that include the long growing season, high LAI, light interception, and RUE. When the crop parameters were incorporated into the ALMANAC biophysical model, the model was able to accurately simulate sugarcane yields across five to six 2-yr growth cycles, different soil types and multiple management scenarios of applied irrigation water, N fertilizer inputs, and various planting and harvest dates. Not only did the model give a good representation of final biomass yields, but also a good simulation of crop growth and development throughout the growth cycle. It is apparent that when fully calibrated and tested, the model can be used by researchers to evaluate growers’ management alternatives that can potentially maximize biomass yields while optimizing water, N and P nutrient inputs. Furthermore, the crop parameters developed in this study can also be used in watershed scale models such as the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) and Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (both of which share the same crop growth model with ALMANAC) for simulating crop growth at a much larger scale. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Preparation of this manuscript is supported by the USDA-ARS, Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory, and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Temple, TX, through Specific Cooperative Agreement: 58-6206-1-053, and was funded by the U.S. Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR). 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