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Business Review, 2013
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
harvard business review, 2007
We don't know precisely how climate change will alter the planet, but two things are certain: Its complex environmental impact will directly affect business, society, and ecosystems; and governments will seek to mitigate its effects with farreaching regulations. Until recently, companies have for the most part freely emitted carbon, but they will increasingly find that those emissions have a steep price, both monetary and social. As a result, businesses that continue to sit on the sidelines will be badly handicapped relative to those that are now ...
SpringerBriefs in business, 2023
Crossing the Border: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2014
Demands are increasing on businesses to do their part to respond to the threat of climate change based on their influential position within the global community. If companies can effectively integrate strategy, people, processes and technology in the pursuit of initiatives that respond to climate change, the result can be a powerful tool of long-term value creation. But what exactly are the impacts of climate change on businesses is the focus of the study? Varying levels of appreciation of the effects of climate change on business operations are rooted in the difference between direct and indirect impacts of climate change. So, the question is how business gets impacted by direct and indirect differences? Some of these effects are potentially threatening to sustainable high performance changing climatic conditions. What are some specific steps businesses can take to respond to both the threats and opportunities presented by climate change? To support a fact-based discussion of the b...
Journal of International Business Studies, 2011
The relevance of the circular economy for climate change is still a developing area of research that needs to be explored. This paper aims to provide an overview of the relevance of the circular economy for climate change through the theory of change approach framework. For this purpose, we analysed 96 articles from the Scopus and WoS databases in the “Arts and Humanities, Business, Management and Accounting, Economics, Econometrics and Finance and Social Sciences,” with the keywords “Circular economy” and “Climate Change”. Our analysis shows that 87% of the reviewed articles showed a strong relevance of the circular economy for climate change. However, most of the articles focused on the mitigation aspect of climate change. The circular economy is widely practised in countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, and China. Our main theoretical contribution is in developing a logical framework through the theory of change, which is a novel approach in social science research...
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Научна конференция "Защитата на личните данни в контекста на националната сигурност", 2013
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2019
XII. Medzinárodnej Konferencie, 2012
Српска Православна Црква изазови и искушења кроз историја, 2023
Language and Linguistics, 2023
Saúde em Redes, 2020
2008 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking Symposia, 2008
Research Square (Research Square), 2022
Cuad. med. forense, 2007
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2009
Andrologia, 2014
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 1990