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Analysis of an E

Citi bank Analysis of an E-financial services company Dileep Maddukuri (I144048) Table of contents Introduction ………...……………………………………………………….…3 Intoduction about citi bank ……………………………………………………..3 E business and its Strategy ………………………………………………………4 Citi bank Architecture …………………………………………………………..5 Valuation of Citi bank ……………………………………………………………8 Trends in online Trading …………………………………………………………9 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………...9 Refrences ……………………………………………………………......................9 1 Introduction: Banks in today`s world are totally aware of the Uptrend requirements of business due to the Opportunities and Threats driven by The information technology offered to consumers, That is the motivation behind why each one bank today esteems a web method fundamental for its development and survival. Observed that customers now are more educated and oblige "individual consideration and exceptionally modified item and administrations". Hence, a bank's association technique definition need to focus on decisively what customers needs, so as to contend in the E business Environment. 1.1 E-business and its importance in Financial services industry: E-business essentially means making money electronically. As Russell and Taylor (2003) watch that, "E-business refers to the replacement of physical process with electronic ones". Such a business need to focus on inward components as well as outer ones. That is the reason a concentrate on customers and contenders is essential to make an e-business, alongside adequately utilizing its interior help supportive network. Therefore, the association techniques for an e-business are not quite the same as the methodologies for whatever possible business. Suggested that the execution of e-obtainment is incorporated with the change in hierarchical administration techniques. E-business achievement is occupant on an exhaustive understanding of the interweaved role. 2 Introductions about Citi Bank: Citi group Inc. is a one of the big financial services organization in U.S.A situated in New York City. Listed As “C” in N.Y.S.E It offers financial products and services, including consumer banking, credit cards, corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage and wealth management, Citi bank wish to enter e-business with the intend to present Technology based products and services to get significant hold of the virtual banking services marvel subsequently taking a heading edge among its rivals. It was among one of the first banks to Debut (ATMS). It’s a joint venture of Citigroup, established in 1812 in New York City. These banks offering its baking services network organize in more than hundred nations around the globe. 2.1Aim: The Analysis was undertaken to study the environment of Citi Bank, with a special focus on Citi Group, how the Citi Bank Retained its Clients, and created new Business opportunities in Banking through the use of E –Finance Tools. 2.2 Scope: Finding out the Growth of the online trading system, and trends and how Citi bank Utilized the opportunities to attract its client, and growth in revenue by using of E finance technology. 2.3 FINDINGS To start with financial service unique Products & ways of dealing with the clients, adopted a Cash flow to equity discount model, The second is that most financial service firms work under an Regulatory system that oversees how they are capitalized, where they contribute and how quick they can develop. Changes in the Regulatory environment can make extensive movements in worth. 3 Adoption of E business in Citi bank & its different Strategy: Formation Internet Operation Group: committee charged with spreading responsibility for internet activities 2 unites created (2000): E-consumer and E-Business (aim to infuse internet into all consumer and corporate banking activities) In May 2000 – E-capital markets and E-asset management units Created as division of Citi’s Markets & Banking. Global Transaction services Over 95% Fortune companies tapped GTS. Main Job-integrated cash management, fund services, securities services, trade services Aim-Customers have control over financial position, increase efficiency and reduce cost. CERN labs composed another convention for information dispersion over web, which got to be known as the World Wide Web in 1991 (Howe, 2010). During 2000 dot com boom, due to intense competition and Internet technology played a major role to launch Citi bank in e –business & its rivals to convert their business. The technique was "Interface, Transform and Extend". There were diverse requirements for distinctive clients how could Citibank incorporate the Internet into its procedure and make advantages to growth in revenues. In words of Citibank’s management, e-business strategy for us is to CONNECT the customers to our services available on the web, TRANSFORM our capabilities to the new internet offerings and EXTEND our approach to the new markets through integrated infrastructure solutions and alliance with technological and E-commerce market makers. This strategic statement clearly reflects the subsequent efforts made by Citi management to join the competition of global e-banking phenomena (Citigroup, 2011). 3.1 Services and products provide by Citi bank: Citi bank provides various range of Financial products and services like, consumer banking, credit cards, debit & global cards corporate and investment banking, securities brokerage and wealth management, institutional Client Group etc, it has expanded its internet scheme by adding to new units; E– capital markets, E –business, E – assetmanagement, E – consumer, to start the internet To all banking services, These units helped amalgamate the convention keeping money staff with the new mechanical side of operations (Citigroup, 2011). The e-business items that Citibank offers include Citi bank online (Retail internet banking service with Investing ) Citi Direct–corpotate services. Citi online trading Citi Phone banking services 24/7. Citi mobile app. Citi Digital services (shopping e –card) Citi alerts. 4. Citi bank Architecture and Security: Citi Architecture & Technology Engineering and Cloud Integration & IT Transformation/Optimization of distributed servers. And a strong background in N-tier architecture, Server & web-based technologies using CMS is managed by Citi group center, To maintain the secrecy for company profits, productivity and efficiency and its client KYC details, Citibank has launched numerous online coordinated security frameworks and "multi-layered security structural planning" additionally designing private and community codes, client credible passwords and protection controls (2002, p.9). The administrations offered by Citibank are esteemed by Fortune 500 organizations over other worldwide fund industry contenders (Mccauley and Khan, 2002). Citi bank Security Architecture" was the IT security programming acquainted by Citibank with advertise web managing an account. Such programming advancement exertions headed the organization to enhance its customer impart by moderating expenses and time requirements. For further advancement, "article turned writing computer programs" was launched to addition the "zero-deformity reusable code" (Dodgeson, 2000, p.101). 4.1 Citi bank E -Business –A key – To Effective Database system: Information technology is characterized as the situated of interrelated frameworks and segments that assemble, store, transform and disperse data in a request as indicated by the offered guidelines to help and upgrade the choice making process in all levels of the association (Laudon and Laudon, 2007, p. 48). The term Information framework is not restricted to workstations just rather it is utilized within a more extensive setting. Utilization of web and Internet engineering for making worth for the shareholders of the organization is a piece of that more extensive picture. Notwithstanding helping an organization running an e-business, data framework additionally helps running practical business procedures like deals and showcasing, HRM, records and back and assembling and creation (Laudon and Laudon, 2007, p.76) Citibank presented its online services in year 1997. This helped Citibank with its change and prepared for it to be perceived to turn into one of the heading brands on the planet as the bank that kept on putting resources into Technology for its wide variety of customer’s. 4.2 Association with I.T firms: Citibank aim was to become “the world’s leading e Business” it needs a new business model for its self, in order to reach the goal, and swap from Traditional banking, It has developed a new e business structure, it has Shifted all its Traditional assets, into digital assets, by creating Alliances with Big Giant’s Like oracle, Sap, ag and commerce one Inc. 4.3 Technology & Strategy by Citi bank for E -business, C has a leading position in adopting technology, and invested in fresh technology applications in financial services, it made a hard work to reach itself as leading online banking services in world in year 2000, Citi bank has made a association with 4 companies to develop Financial settlement matrix.it is a web based company which aimed at bringing buyers and sellers into the electronic market place The Citigroup formed an “Internet Operation Group” in 2000 under its e-business strategy. This group was the initial setup for the bank to establish internet projects under the “e-Citi” unit, in collaboration with the already existing business unit (CABC, 2002). The online value propostion offered by Citibank favours the internet banking facility on the go, thus, offering flexibility to make transactions anytime within 24/7 also ensuring that the security concerns of clients are fully catered (Rayport and Jaworski, 2004). The e-banking method helps in mechanizing the business transactions of corporate clients. This service is both time and cost effective for both the company and customers (Ward, 2001). The strategies that Citibank has adopted to achieve its brand name can be categorized as following: Solutions for internet banking Strategy Diffrenantion Pricing Strategy Personal Financial Portal Alliance Strategy Universal Banking Strategy From its normal business strategy in compliance with fresh emerging E –business strategies, Citi bank formed Global Technology group that provides a good organizational culture 4.4 Citi bank personal financial web portal: Citibank makes up as a Dynamic web space for the customers, where they can uninhibitedly recover their records, because Citi bank gives single portal to customers to increase data, for example, personalized solutions alongside Market trends. 4.5 Opportunities in E-finance for Citi bank: Here were a few explanations behind Citibank to decide on e-business methods. E-business around then was growing quickly, and Citi needed to repeat Traditional-banking It needed to turn into one of the heading banks to give online banking services. The explanations behind trying for online banking service are about underneath: For increasing the client base To surmount the issues connected with securing the physical branches and their limits . Satisfying the expanding customer desires with Financial products. Improving the brand image through new technology Enhancing Client relationship managements. 5. Valuation of Citi bank:(Morning star 2014) Banks, and other financial service firms represent a specific challenge for an expert endeavoring to esteem them for two reasons. The main is the way of their organizations makes it hard to characterize both debt and reinvestments, A financial service firm, A bank profits on the spread between the premium it pays to the individuals who get from it, and from different services, Banks introduced online trading system, to make money, and offer Diversification of products.so looked at discounted cash flows, which is listed in Appendix. 5.1 Citi bank operations income and return on assets: The income numbers of the company are far surpassing in spite of the wide scale operations that are a piece of the Citibank's business sector methodology i.e. amplifying business by appropriately using assets and considering the essentialness of economies of scale. Worldwide development of Citibank was continuous as residential managing an account needs was being indulged an incredible degree. 5.2 C comparative analysis: Major players BOA, and jp Morgan gives a tough competition in all the functional sector of financial services, c group is trying to offer different products and services, by focusing on E-business strategy, investment banking together to reach with consumer and commercial banking provision being offered to the clients. 6 Trends in online trading and banking services in Citi bank: Citi has a legacy of in excess of 100 years in the FX markets. Amid this period, we have served heading organizations, flexible investments and different speculators, banks and governments. Citifx Pro turn into one of the more tenable online monetary exchanging stages to the worldwide retail-exchanging group. Today, aside from offering Desktop trading, customers of Citifx Pro additionally offer their customers the chance to trade on Mobile and apps. And valuable metals. Through their association with the Citi Group, Citifx Pro is likewise equipped to offer their customers more 130 coin sets including extraordinary sets for trading. This is a great deal more than any of what the other online trading stages are putting forth today. 6.1 Online Trading platforms offered by Citi bank: CitiFx Mt4 CitiFx Mobile trader CitiFx Pro Desktop CitiFx web trader 6.1.1 Main Features: Trading online using various platforms, like Phone trading and Citi mobile, and Citi bank online, manage various investments with a single login managing your trades & markets effortlessly with email and sms alerts. Many Technical analysis purposes with analysis. Conclusion : The Citi bank is largest financial services, it has adopted the First e business, and introduced the new technolgy for e banking and online trading, so it has seen success in the Intital days,to its business model it has diversifed the products into online, in the digital world.it has large resources to invest in technology & ubiquity , security & compliance is the main role for success in business,Like digital certificate from verisign.all the finacnial products & services, under one web portal it has ranked as one By forrester. Main future challenges are huge legacy systems to be forward, partenship with new more technology , and alliance with corporate industries and Government Encouragement to priority sector and credit gaureentee finally with convergance in e –soulutions and value added propostions. Refrences : Russell and Taylor 2003 World'sE-business and its importance in Financial services industry, retrieved<http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090324/bs_nm/us_financial_services>. Dodgeson, 2000, p.101 Architecture retrieved<page no 101>. Citigroup, 2011 services and products in Citi bank , retrieved<http://citigroup.com/s/nm/2014424/bs_nm/products_services > Valuation .2014 Retrieved from< http://Morningstar.com> Report based from <www.uniassinment .com> 9 Analysis of an E-financial services company Analysis of an E-financial services company 8