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Coordination-Aware Elasticity

2014, 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing

2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Coordination-aware Elasticity Stefano Mariani⋆ , Hong-Linh Truong⋄ , Georgiana Copil⋄ , Andrea Omicini⋆ , Schahram Dustdar⋄ ⋆ DISI, A LMA M ATER S TUDIORUM–Università di Bologna, 47521 Cesena, Italy Email: {s.mariani, andrea.omicini}@unibo.it ⋄ Distributed Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology Email: {truong, e.copil, dustdar}@dsg.tuwien.ac.at so, the former relies on elasticity enforcement mechanisms to influence the way in which cloud application and infrastructure’s components/services/resources behave and interact as well as their properties, while the latter exploits coordination primitives to influence the way in which agents interact as well as the outcome of such interactions. Furthermore, for composing, respectively, mechanisms and primitives into complex elasticity and coordination “procedures”, elasticity and coordination exploit similar concepts: elasticity programming directives and coordination laws. In this paper, we take a first step toward the notion of coordination-aware elasticity, by integrating elasticity control with coordination support. Abstract—Enabling and controlling elasticity of cloud computing applications is a challenging issue. Elasticity programming directives have been introduced to delegate elasticity control to infrastructures and to separate elasticity control from application logic. Since coordination models provide a general approach to manage interaction and elasticity control entails interactions among cloud infrastructure components, we present a coordination-based approach to elasticity control, supporting delegation and separation of concerns at design and run-time, paving the way towards coordination-aware elasticity. I. I NTRODUCTION Elasticity is a fundamental concept in cloud computing, enabling different kinds of run-time changes w.r.t. cost, quality and resource dimensions associated with cloud applications while managing their dependencies [1]. To support elasticity, existing cloud infrastructures provide developers with lowlevel APIs to monitor and control system’s properties/components/services (e.g., JClouds1 , SlipStream2 , Google Cloud Deployment Manager3 ). Implementing complex elasticity tradeoffs requires great effort in dealing with such APIs. To simplify the task, rules have been introduced, mostly to deal with innovations of elasticity APIs [2], [3]. Still, such rules are difficult to program and change at run-time. Thus, elasticity programming directives are introduced in [1] as a means to (i) delegate elasticity control to infrastructures and (ii) separate elasticity control from application logic. A. Motivation Elasticity controllers, in charge of executing elasticity programming directives, are directly responsible for supporting and enforcing elasticity in the cloud, by carefully monitoring and controlling changes in cost, quality and resource dimensions of cloud applications, as well as their dependencies— through enforcement of elasticity mechanisms. Elasticity controllers usually rely on a plugin mechanism to support multicloud deployments and/or application/cloud-specific controls [9], [10], allowing stakeholders to develop their own customizations: thus, they have to efficiently and correctly manage interactions among such plugins. In other words, elasticity controllers need to deal with coordination-related aspects to successfully support elasticity. Such coordination, if implemented by elasticity controllers, is a cumbersome process prone to errors–both for the developer and for the software component: Coordination is a fundamental concept in agent-oriented computing, enabling management of dependencies among agents’ activities so as to ensure they all behave according to the goals of the system as a whole [4]. Coordination models and languages are provided to multi-agent systems engineers so as to enable and constraint interactions of agents [5]–[7]. Any coordination model is built out of three ingredients: a coordination medium, a set of coordination primitives and a set of coordination laws [8]. Coordination laws are meant to enable both delegation of interaction management to middleware and separation of interactive behaviour from computational one. • enforcement mechanisms need parameters (waiting times, number of tries, targets of operations, etc.) often hardcoded—at most, configurable at design-time • synchronization between enforcement mechanisms is poor (hard-coded or undefined waiting times, missing knowledge about operations success/failure, etc.) • control flow “escapes” elasticity controller down to lowlevel cloud APIs, exposing to failures/bugs and hindering portability as well as code reuse Although elasticity and coordination theories were born in different contexts and evolved independently, a fundamental similarity motivates our contribution. Both are concerned with managing run-time dependencies: the former, between elasticity dimensions of cloud applications, the latter, between activities of agents in a multi-agents system. In order to do This way, not only flexibility, safety and encapsulation, but also separation and delegation of concerns are hindered, because elasticity controllers must deal with coordination issues. Thus integration of elasticity and coordination is needed, to be done at three levels of abstraction: This work was partially supported by the European Commission in terms of the CELAR FP7 project (FP7-ICT-2011-8 #317790) 1 https://jclouds.apache.org/ 2 http://sixsq.com/products/slipstream.html 3 http://goo.gl/vksPCP 978-1-4799-7881-6/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE DOI • the meta-model (conceptual) level: defining the abstractions to be used while thinking about the solution of the problem at hand—enforcing coordination-aware elasticity 465 • the model (language) level, defining how languages can be designed to express the solution, given meta-model abstractions—through elastic directives and coordination laws • the technology (infrastructure) level: defining how both the abstractions and the language can be supported by a suitable architecture and runtime—by the elasticity runtime integrated with the coordination infrastructure medium using given coordination primitives [8]: a coordination medium is the component enacting coordination laws ruling interaction among coordinables—which are, e.g., processes, application services, agents, human users. Examples of coordination media are concurrency-related abstractions such as semaphores and monitors, distributed systems abstractions such as channels and pipelines, and more advanced abstractions such as tuple spaces [11]. Examples of coordination primitives are thus acquiring/releasing a lock, sending/receiving messages, and L INDA primitives such as out, rd, in [11]. B. Contribution and paper structure To address the challenges discussed above, in this paper, we (i) study relationships between elasticity and coordination, (ii) present patterns in elasticity control and coordination supporting coordination-aware elasticity, and (iii) provide a prototype based on rSYBL4 elasticity controller and ReSpecT5 coordination framework, showing how different stakeholders can use the coordination-driven control mechanisms for elasticity control. Accordingly, in Section III we incrementally narrow the context in which integration is performed, starting from the more abstract concepts behind elasticity and coordination, down to the concrete languages and runtimes used, respectively, for coding elasticity programming directive and coordination laws. Besides solving the aforementioned issues, benefits of integrating elasticity with coordination are: B. Elasticity & Coordination: Languages Elasticity Control: Following the directive programming model, the SYBL language is introduced in [3] as the concrete language to program elastic directives with. SYBL directives begin with keyword #SYBL, followed by specification of the category they belong to – either MONITORING, CONSTRAINT or STRATEGY – and by clauses, composing runtime functions, user-defined functions and variables to express the specific directive. Elasticity programming directives are composed of elasticity primitives, whose main types are: • support run-time delegation and separation of concerns, by letting independent infrastructural components handle one aspect of computation (elasticity or coordination), while delegating the other to whom is responsible for it • guarantee safety of interactions between elasticity controllers and cloud components/services/plugins, by relying on well-defined coordination primitives and laws • improve availability of elasticity controllers, by distributing coordination-related computations to dedicated components, thus reducing computational load on the formers • ease development process, by enabling and supporting separation of duties and responsibilities between “elasticity developers” and “coordination developers” • Monitoring primitives — enable gathering of information regarding the three main dimensions of elasticity – QoS, resources and costs – both from application services and from the underlying infrastructure. • Constraint primitives — enable definition of conditions over system state, which are continuously tested using monitoring primitives and whose violation/compliance triggers execution of strategies. • Strategy primitives — enable definition of actions to be taken to modify system state in response to monitored constraints violation/compliance or elasticity-related events happening. While Section II overviews background for our work, Section III presents the core concepts for integrating coordination aware elasticity. Section IV shows a case study depicting coordination-aware elasticity control for cloud services, Section V describes related work, and finally Section VI concludes the paper. Coordination: Once a coordination model has been defined in terms of coordinables, coordination media and laws, it has to be reified as a language, an architecture, or both [8]. The ReSpecT coordination language was originally introduced in [12] and later extended to support a growing number of application scenarios [13]. ReSpecT supports: (i) implementation of new primitives, (ii) modification of existing primitive semantics and (iii) change of coordination laws—everything at run-time. A ReSpecT program is a collection of reaction specification tuples of the form reaction(Event,Guards,Body): II. BACKGROUND A. Elasticity & Coordination: Concepts Elasticity Control: Elasticity programming directives [1] are special statements (e.g., Java annotations in the case of SYBL [3]) enriching cloud applications’ code to define how application’s and infrastructure’s elastic components should behave in response to elasticity-related events. Elasticity directives must enable different stakeholders to specify elasticity requirements at different levels of abstraction (e.g., for components, or for groups of components), describing their goals in terms of desirable application state, or strategies/rules to be triggered under specific conditions. • Event: the representation of anything could happen within the coordinated system, e.g., coordinable interactions, flow of time, motion in space, environment change. • Guards: the conditions about the Event that should hold when the reaction is triggered to actually schedule it for execution, e.g., the event is due to an agent, it has been raised after time T, it refers to a coordination operation failure, etc. • Body : the computations to undertake in response to Event if and only if Guards hold, e.g., remove that tuple, replace this coordination law, spawn that process, perform this computation, etc. Coordination: Coordination laws describe how agents (or, coordinables) coordinate through a given coordination 4 Available 5 Available at https://github.com/tuwiendsg/rSYBL within TuCSoN: http://tucson.unibo.it 466 Notice this does not mean we should always consider elastic systems in terms of coordination abstractions: it means elastic systems have the necessary traits to include coordinationrelated techniques to better support elasticity control. C. Elasticity & Coordination: Runtimes Elasticity Control: Most of runtime features are mapped to functions provided by the underlying cloud systems. They are used within clauses to observe and control properties belonging to quality, resources and costs dimensions of elastic systems, e.g.: balance([time]) may be used to check a service’s cost balance at a given time; set/get_env([prop]) may be used to (respectively) control/observe servicespecific and infrastructure-specific properties—e.g., to get the bid price for a resource we could write r_bid = get_env(‘‘R_BID’’); runscript([script_file]) executes user-defined functions and procedures. B. Languages: Interoperability Once our conceptual mapping is accepted, a linguistic mapping between elastic programming directives and coordination laws becomes feasible and natural. In fact, elasticity programming directives are composed of monitoring primitives, constraints and strategies, describing how services and resources should behave within the system according to its observable state and dynamics (events happening), through the usage of well-defined elastic primitives [1]. Coordination laws, in turn, describe how coordinables should behave according to the state of the interaction space and their observable interactions (generating events), through the usage of welldefined coordination primitives [8]. It is thus necessary for coordination laws to be capable of observing the interaction space and computing over it—to change its state and dynamics. Coordination: The execution model of coordination laws varies depending on the coordination model adopted, and according to its specific implementation too. Anyway, to give the reader a flavour of it, we briefly examine the case of ReSpecT—refer to [12]. ReSpecT reactions are “triggered” by events happening within the coordinated system (matching their Event description) and executed atomically, in a nondeterministic order, according to a transactional semantics. Thus: (i) nothing can interfere with a reaction execution, (ii) no assumptions can be made upon execution order if multiple reactions are triggered, (iii) if any computation within a reaction body fails, the whole reaction is aborted and any change made reverted. This ensures fundamental safety and liveness properties for a coordination model [12]. III. Accordingly, the following mapping can be established: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I NTEGRATING E LASTICITY AND C OORDINATION A. Concepts: System View Coordination Laws Law Primitives Events Observation Computation Monitoring: Monitoring primitives are meant to perceive the state and dynamics of an elastic system, based on properties made observable by the supporting infrastructure, the hosted services, and the computational resources available. Thus, they are likely to assume a continuous monitoring process undertook by a dedicated monitoring component, either belonging to the infrastructure or to the application level [3]. On the contrary, coordination events are singular, point-wise occurrences in system dynamics and/or changes in system state, which are captured by the coordination medium and therein stored to be matched against laws [12]—thus, the monitor is the coordination medium itself. However, goal of both monitoring primitives and coordination events is the same: enabling the system to react to changes in its state. Therefore, the following conceptual mapping between elasticity and coordination abstractions can be established: ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ Whereas mapping 1 and 2 are quite straightforward, the others need further discussion. In order to enforce elasticity, cloud systems are likely to be: (i) composed by services subjects of elasticity control, (ii) supported by an infrastructure having monitoring and control capabilities over both the hosted services and the computational resources, (iii) equipped with a suitable language to program the elasticity directives to be enforced at run-time. A coordinated system, in turn, to enforce coordination is likely to be: (i) composed by agents subject of coordination policies, (ii) supported by an infrastructure hosting the chosen coordination media, (iii) equipped with a language able to specify the coordination laws to be enforced at runtime. Elasticity Elastic Service/Resource Elastic Infrastructure Programming Directives Elasticity Directives Directive Runtime Functions Monitoring Constraint Strategy Coordination Agent (Coordinable) Coordination Media Coordination Laws Constraint: Constraint primitives are meant to check whether some given conditions about state of the elastic system hold. Such conditions are based on properties observed by the monitoring primitives and exploited by strategy primitives to control their own execution [3]. Their semantics is thus quite similar to that of coordination observation capabilities, which are meant to control whether triggered laws can be scheduled, mostly based on properties belonging to the triggering event or to system state [12]. Therefore, even if their execution model can be different – e.g., as in the case of SYBL and ReSpecT, where elasticity constraints are used within strategies and continuously monitored, whereas guards are checked upon triggering of the reaction and outside its body – their purpose is exactly the same: controlling execution of (elastic/coordination) computations in response to (elastic/coordination) events. In particular, an elastic system may be interpreted as a coordinated system within which: • elastic services and computational resources are the entities subject of the coordination process (the coordinables) • such a process is supported by a suitable elastic coordination infrastructure composed by a network of distributed coordination media and elastic components • such components are responsible for the run-time enforcement and programmability of the desired elastic coordination directives 467 468 469 470 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Pseudocode 1 Coordination-unaware Elasticity Control // how many scaling out tries? ITucsonOperation op = this.acc.in( this.tid, new LogicTuple("scaleOutTries", new Var("Tries")), Long.MAX_VALUE); tries = op.getLogicTupleResult().getArg(0).intValue(); // what time step between re-tries? op = this.acc.in( this.tid, new LogicTuple("scaleOutTime", new Var("Time")), Long.MAX_VALUE); step = op.getLogicTupleResult().getArg(0).intValue(); ... // delegate rSYBL scaling then check success/failure // put outcome in shared ReSpecT tuple centre this.acc.out( this.tid, new LogicTuple("scaleOut", new Value( this.node.getId(), new Value("done", new Value(res)) ) ), Long.MAX_VALUE); 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: calls accordingly, but in case of a semantics change, the whole elasticity enforcement process may require a fix. • lines 4-8: if cloud API call is synchronous, elasticity controllers lose their control flow, being obliged to wait until the call returns. Thus: what if cloud API waits indefinitely for scale out to succeed? What if multiple tries are done in case of failure, preventing elasticity controllers to reply to new requests in the meanwhile? If cloud API call is asynchronous: how do elasticity controllers know if scale out was successful? Are they obliged to perform busy-waits, continuously monitoring the process? Safety, availability and efficiency are anyway compromised. • line 12: in case something bad happens, elasticity controllers are responsible for recovery, fail-over, retry, etc., whichever is the failure-handling mechanism chosen. E.g., in case it retries, time in which control flow remains blocked, keeping elasticity controllers insensitive to new requests, keeps increasing. Fig. 6: Run-time adaptation of elasticity control through coordination. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 procedure SCALEOUT(node1) ⊲ elasticity control node2 ← cloudAPI.doScaleOut(node1) ⊲ API lock-in if [was synch call] then ⊲ loss of control flow else if [was asynch call] then ⊲ undefined/busy wait end if if checkHealth(node2) then ⊲ scale out successful? startMonitoring(node2) else SCALEOUT(node1) ⊲ retry end if end procedure if (actionName.contains("scaleout")) { // coordinated scale out requested ... // parse arguments this.doCoordinatedScaleOut(args, e); } else if (actionName.startsWith("scalein")) { // coordinated scale in requested ... // parse arguments this.doCoordinatedScaleIn(args, e); } else if (actionName.startsWith("monitorMetrics")) { // coordinated monitoring requested ... // parse arguments this.doCoordinatedMonitorMetrics(args, e); } else { this.respect.delegate( // basic ReSpecT operation actionName, RespectEnforcementAPI.OP_TIMEOUT, e); } // [scaleout case] // read outcome from shared ReSpecT tuple centre op = this.respect.delegate( "in(scaleOut(" + node.getId() + "), done(B))", RespectEnforcementAPI.OP_TIMEOUT, node); this.executingControlAction = false; if (op.isResultSuccess()) { // scale out successful } else { // scale out failed } In Pseudocode 2, above issues are solved: • lines 3-4: scaling out is delegated to coordination services. Control flow is retained by elasticity controllers, now free from cloud API issues (e.g. invocation semantics) and no longer tied to the specific cloud provider. Coordination services are now locked-in, but this is fine, since in case of semantics change to cloud API the elasticity control process should not be affected, whereas lower-level mechanisms (e.g. coordination services) may be—e.g., synchronous vs. asynchronous calls should not influence elasticity control but coordination only. • lines 6-14: scaling out call is now asynchronous by default. Furthermore, coordination guarantees replies in finite time (which can be set even at run-time). Availability as well as efficiency are increased, since elasticity control is free to process other incoming requests while waiting previous ones results, and safety is improved thanks to failures being confined to coordination services. • lines 16-18: run-time configuration of parameters (e.g. waiting time, number of re-tries, etc.), some cloud API calls, coordination with monitoring services, synchronization issues and handling of operations outcome are all delegate to coordination services—because they are coordination issues. Fig. 7: Coordination-aware elasticity primitives. The bridge component is responsible for decoupling elasticity controllers from controlled resources. Notice the synchronization point with listing Fig. 6: in lines 24-28 we consume the tuple put in lines 17-25 of Fig. 6. process, being able to adjust the way in which elasticity mechanisms interact with coordination services. C. Runtime Benefits We now compare a coordination-aware elasticity controller (Pseudocode 2) to a coordination-unaware one (Pseudocode 1) in the case of a scale out process. Pseudocode 1 exhibits issues mentioned in Subsection I-A: • line 3: elasticity controllers invoke the underlying cloud API through a number of chained calls (abstracted away to ease understanding). Thus, they are “locked-in” to such API: in case their syntax changes, it is sufficient to update As stated in Section I, delegation of duties between elasticity and coordination supports separation of concerns while enabling better design and management of elasticity control. 471 R EFERENCES Pseudocode 2 Coordination-aware Elasticity Control [1] S. Dustdar, Y. Guo, R. Han, B. Satzger, and H.-L. Truong, “Programming directives for elastic computing,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 16, no. 6, 2012. [2] D. Hassan and R. 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[16] coordinate resources provisioning and exploitation across multiple workflows, proposing an agent-based, message-based decentralized algorithm matching resource supply and demand. Besides goals of the works, differently from our approach no welldefined coordination model in the sense of [8] is adopted, thus solutions are ad-hoc tailored to the specific domain. Distler et al. [17] propose extendable coordination services, which enable users to dynamically register composite operations exploiting low-level coordination services API, as the means to achieve run-time adaptation of cloud-related coordination issues—e.g., storage quota management. Based on CometCloud tuple space -based coordination mechanism, Beach et al. [18] propose a broker-based matchmaking engine for integrating heterogeneous devices within a single (cloud) computing environment. Besides goals being different again, our focus is more on supporting service-level, general purpose, coordination-aware elasticity, providing service stakeholders (e.g., application and cloud-based infrastructures developers) with better experience in controlling their cloud services. VI. C ONCLUSIONS & O NGOING W ORK While elasticity primitives simplify developers task in dealing with elasticity tradeoffs, elasticity languages and runtime systems should leverage coordination capabilities of cloud infrastructures to deal with complex scenarios by means of delegation and separation of concerns. In this paper, we analyzed elasticity and coordination models to propose a novel approach we called coordination-aware elasticity. We have shown how elasticity and coordination could be integrated w.r.t. concepts, languages and runtime systems. We also provided a prototype to demonstrate feasibility and benefits of our approach, based on SYBL and ReSpecT. Currently, we are working on the prototype to both expand its features set and carry out novel experiments across multiple cloud environments. 472