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Rf sraRcH MtTll0Ds t0R BUS ]\It . conpktins Chlpri tiss 3 rctr sl'ould b. .blc to: Idorify psblen aEs rh* aE lilcly b b. stldid in oreant'snns z DisN how prcblfl aGs on b€ idmdned in sor* sings 3. Sbk :@rd1 problm clefly aid pFisely r. Expljin how prih*y and Knlary dab h.lP dE Eemher ro da€loP I-t 1- a Pmblem rllv r rnd (1npthdsive bibli%aPhi6 lor any or3rni,arionii l€sd.h the E emc6 in th€ 6, Wdb a li6F,e Firy d dy Stl6 roP,., dMdig t, z t D.wlop DcveloP a leaKh PbPosL Apply,u you have l€n€d ro a sroup pmjRt th.r hi+r b€ a$j8n€d. Broad probtem atea Itlq 'ri.rlorofrl,rbnrd trobldm roch:f.rI "rrcbl.n ^ \fnsly nron ,mned,.r.ly A trobr.m ..uL,i i flghr trn$rrs n,Hl,r hdlp t, mpro\e e!{t,8 siruarion dDr {m.rhing F d Fn,bleu is rv ingrnd lo.usnsor doesn eells to be rt.niied u. L!hd! tindir8 the ituiho rh.r. E\iDfL(\orblftr p'.rrlcm ir.rs th i frrdagd muld otr*n e it tM K'rPl,( ir! :t r. Trai n! rtuHrani re 2. The $l$ k'lun or |.rhts i rn;ud,! ifr Pi.k'n! uF 'vnemFnoth,ng ofnlllr.Ll.nri{ialftsrrnDJ| nift \ uscd br rhe manaleF nnr hon down (, trro.nDhor bsithdlal bYrh J it s?! 5P!uh. IHf PROBIIM ARIA AIIO Il]I PROBIIM SIATIMINT Preliminary information gatherirg llalure 0linlormalion lo be galhered ugh d infDihor \rl plt u\ ir ni omar.i 2 rr.1rl,r* kno(leJgr dn ihr ohhD.Ll f'oD r.rlnne pubinhrd ,.rords, bN rhiris,rLcu tr {!r$ oil'.rr!pc5or\rr.nn(inn .in I b€ .bbrnli jrom rhc orsinLdnDa e!{;s \ourres d r) ddrnc r sp!!tu ieeLlRr nr rhr'purp6r hrdi:rss fron ,\ rhe b..ksround deh, s ot rh rh. trtlinF ot lll! rinrp.rfr. L,r, r u.h .! omF.rnv p.l,.i.r, rrcrpd r({ds d tr rer, ,unt n e., do.ufror\ D i g.rhud rhursh $rh '"'...,.,1h'd' !r,r c'(l. rheorgrnr. r,n, d .r r !ira, .rr1 ihc rnr{ncr inganertt rn iepd\ ot DtmDhor rc b.n lbr.nneLl bv obs$\i\ e\lntr,lEr ,nrm ond ns qdeni'uu(s b ind !ei(h rron rh. led fd[:4 dib.lt n oftPn bencf nLirt.i rteri ,. ,. ts. :nuil p,", .". isp€d! f.un(t n) F{.nnton.fr D ;. rhe Eadqr ndiilo'malmoth€ ganzatior o c5F€.a[v an our\ide ig.n.! r, bl wctL iquainred arh ihe bi.kgbund of rho.ompanr .r o4anrar.n *udied su.h bi.kgh i.h Dir bf obr.nn.d fion \i.u\ tnlitGtpd \D!.s x i5 iDpomni nr rhr kseaidrr nPan! r4Fn n (dn. g^r*h,8n{trnr Dd.onr.l, i.d {, on Dto LEirg, b RtstaRcI MtTH0Ds 6. 0R BUsllltss Jnnrq*nddi islarioNl'4E n nunbq s f or $FL.r€s rr hr!trm*Dn o the r aad\ lori I igrn'.nrfhilosophy lith,ninil]c6d orlHcnpLov.c tr, rlr prcbl.m Alons ih.!d lins amvrgaii Fr{ise probl!.n nrDuliiin DepenJn'g.i , .'nc, r 'r3.i. F!,Fo*r,!!u!\ lllaid th! slt!^rlotr, rheitP.ot Problem e\torc,l i', gr.itci d.prh thii oihcs Prqa {ig liowhd!e m lhe lop c A re'atur rt{v ilmld h.lp tl[ i.s.a(hr (o idlnnh ind hrthrigh he imaoftnt ii rhr p r'len IhE is i'npoflitrr Lrssrs€ n eNures drat Lhs rriabhs rhat ar '.LittJ rr.. r- Jooe io,l Llr.n h0l.l5 , frev lrtrs kr.\l.dge ih ha'nr$pa$beenlourdr.prirull!nihavehad3ninpadonrhe ofrpl.\les.annota i.urir. ihcm or rrd tn:sard ol rhdr imPrd sppnsoobriou!brhrnt.rrid}!r!ilmirl,ryaRnorsFeri6rilhn e.l llrherei.rvindUrs rlDr i's n.i d!.n!rrJ duors tll.inrnlaNs L,ur x'nuenr rhe ProLrleN..h.illy, tlNl rtsi ,,lore $itho( ronsiderin tr rtriddr f)|(l r\.n, rh..nLr.l rr. rNfch r..ir rud, po5\iLrilih.s(h. rese .i{n( Iileralure revtetY d i(N(c\!nrh.ropno{niaren howi l drtunrurien helFl tl,trc!!rh{n,devdopi l.d nr rhonorpublLshRrin,l 3@d t)n,bl.m p rlrlFrF.$ordehnhsrhe I L IIII r<e.{.h.J rh.rouSrirv t ^ eiarura rnth rhc'nvcn'3irid' A 8!oLr i mn'pruh.inlc rhcorcrnat r,r sun,, i gdd rncr. ua PROEItM ARfA AIlD T11I PROBIIM hrui STAIIMIIIT I' rt\isv sould ttuvs .rJ5, I sn..sa 3.od b.*r rinrswo rridrs\ql fom \hi.h hvFnh$.s . r!r.\ .tr{r.s|rr r. Imponint!in.rbtArh.naral&ptvrirnnu$.crhc$,blo\iruinn dnorbn.u.ottM 2. ;\dcxodcr.n +csasb$l[rvJr.rbl$willbcmo{inFon nro tlrv irs.onsiddldd ,mponrnr,.xrd h.r rrry \h.ut! bd rren,gdld \'fl e hdlFr Ddc! rhcLl.v.topn.nr rn dr io sol\t rtF rhn tr{j5!r dat nirirv ire hs rh. !h*r" rh.r N, rin he 6. rh. prchrem Lnv.nrgatsd Conduclinq lh" lihralure i! fi tilt] rF.r r arrNr.+&hir.efhrred psr.erdd bv tir. d.rha,. !.m review (vot!.s rtr. nldnft.*rn ot ih. rr..u5 prhtidkl .rnl trrprbhshln n'atpnrl\ rhd iru ivailable on rl\, (rpj. ot rnr?rd(,aiJ s.rinilE a...$ b rhek i tit.nrtre rc\id! JepsJs on i.arbo!5 set(h a i$d.,nn .r pnia\iDir rolmils, r.p.'!, rlr5.\. (Dreren.e pi,r(edmes, rnprbl,5hd Th! quirnv ol nr$eiP6. dnLr r lrke mrcsbral ble bp.iu\e ihev e5,or.omPini.r Niurp rid \our rsunlr proie.' T.\rbo.[5.]ei orh,r lnfce oI Eory in i 'hd rhd!lin.ov obj(hv6 .r or brciLlntrtse!f r,P spc.if,. reFns, iir pr{1r vou \rh splrir ., rrl 'duhrtt, meftr.rc, inr wond irr /\f r an iJvdnrase or rex{isl.\ rh RISIARCH MfTllODS IOR BUSIIlISS nore deb,ren Doth {tr.e! iod.mi. 5u.h as io r tlolsroml lourmls Arhdas in a.adamn rouhals t)lbl'!rriLrn F,d i, hr! be re$ ir uf hJtu thD in,p.nirn nN!!5,n iounars u g R.ri.'/rrr.s(rMrNv rRi(h R.ri& anid.s.ic i dinh;r\prdn.r pr\mc\.i.on'P.'.r.\r.i.rv.f n crrnirB inpo r.ry n{rul r{aN{ rhN frofrd. I cmNi.al r.{:nh r$ rrovd. r.d of f.rds r|d riSu!-s wlfrr for., rhd NI .sft devslotnsE i d?bit&l m rh! 6cLd pnrvjde y s rres Norrihitnoterenenpnnal.h'p8.f conrrreir. FrorRnnss.r, 1)d) blcn publ '.d br use cDNcr.fr pnr.erings 1.! r. up r,d e, and ror thn i rhensF rpi{i Lhn )nfs.N.F $.ntmlly Plbli5hsd,trii rcd.nr'oun Th€ArAd$n.!inunNbhstud m rtlei\etl br a ndryiduil puLli5l'idA hdu5e or odE n \t!rv minurnpb nN mnud. FarE6 i..epreJ fo pubr,Grion bur n l -in .orPonhons.ommission or ; I pb\" d. ronai rinv .Lr a la+c ir(Dni ol -E -I TI]I NssprF!( pro!fic rFb h rnrr rhcy ar. !].rte o.(kd. hdn{rr, or.ohpsnv TllI PR()BIIM STATiMfIII PROBITM ARIA AIiD i lNp u5erul ot spd.iic lapusrt.^{ ;t"n,s s.rr is ror sp..iariz.d d. ., 5qr, dr lonrDJ- pubti.n(fs.rnd icp trr\ I F per, n,arqizin!\, ind jou,n sg sn! ripnnv ddernininsihc!!.tu ncsald i5!es d'e qurLi! ot rcl nbdihon is c..k. vcnt nnireFlin of rl( rnrerner ;6m ion found 1 rrebfut $ur( rhri nav h.tp vr c00r) hi{ d.r.totd u (.h!rl fo' ftrin(, hdl,//!s,n Yituir ..nhelF you to fi rd r.lerir NbNe, c..al.s.horir, shi.h !:'r b.:nesnt nom rru co!rgl!, [!nr|i$ tr\ F{r rN,.(all PrP{s, rheses, b rtkl.s fr.fr i..,dem( pDbrnhss, .an he]F v.u h Lo l'nv6t1!,onehid ro u t3!irl}oufr'$v{irbibliosraphraLindo6rtrariry!,mra,hd 'r aenodni f; LninSrh.l.triirs.bo()l5,indother$!icsin\+rnr|ublls I rcrhtul(rv. L.{ nrs$unsfhfert[bpn5ofn ern hiF heo pnblish.d hi\ be.oN nu.h ii\io N sy l,bnft rRriv h.E.;pu o on[ic ^hNr srneDs ro lorar. puhh<he! h,onn m corpuielr(i v.rdaSa FiBt, ihev a enorm rconprehln,ve nl th.n. reaso|' lh? ie{Jnhcl .di fu drimcon hcomnrs raniti{ $nh th hik rl\e ntlNnn! elenn thit rour libmry tidide5. Mon l$rinrs . til(roft. iirnir\ Yq( r nry \ fn)hibrv lub{rbar r)loumits rh.n oumals an . ruLLre\td re phl$h.Ll or FhnJ.d onhtu r,! itRs BibtirgriFhi. d irras.edt+rtir fidPot theannb l[ onl1, bo.k), rhrhuiog$phtr ohhons, nu(e t,, RtstARcl] MtTl]0DS f 0R EUSllttSS ies, rlh'd' aie |EriDdnanv upJ.r( d, 'nd includ. di.Lr basesrlsoproridarnrb*nddlumniryof inrl3s ThN i,nponint re*irrr, ! ibi\.\ J in ihc iPFdndir * rhr lnJ of ?irihL. on rh. !!ond !!iie r!.h i( lin Us 01 oumlrni.l.s, 'Borh.F prper,:nJ n.wsF|!r ab*r drti, drariiion ibno.6, cirerend r b.drs ti,n ensur Dbrn wil fnNite,r , Ditutu{,r6, A 8ran.c rr [{ voL $i[ hiv. b. !llLr or thr ir]r.sorLrookr airrhd,ritu ahi.h oI ind\hnh.rh.I!irelildhloh€FriPhelilturh.ftNdnPl.]Mnud ani.brnrlrprosd6ino\enie! r ( rlulois ,\ !tud abnnd I e.r hy rhe a.eiEh ld 5pe.ri. rhpDr mrv b. t{ni,rn nh i. rsr,irninSs, ,efirh obrenives Th. rgu .thenudv lh. P!)hlcfr*trtr''L,nl,.adl!.hjoEtj.N,a/orthaecannobi{'ivnA F.irh$ndrd,rnEr ihus ror'he relevin.eofrlea (rerovo fi<hNr.{rn.rrr,rIft.rtrrJridrheti,n./ fn!ri&a rna!r,elpvouroa rra A soor LrtenruFreviel ne,r5 b i,nutr.,ereren.es b shou ld il$ & m.o,F.raiRl i h(rdd:nd d.r! rFt Drn k.nr huk build on dlaiii\:5)tr idu(t . of lh. k* nudies iln'h.rLr Fl, rhir iu!.r qu tuhLen Ln m your lirerantre suryey *rFhe fradnFd dr Rldif.ror rlt r.s.arh q . l)rs rhb {u!lybu,U dtrdlv utotr frarjo$ rsearchl 15 rhe a n, r .l.i rnb{of THT PIOBIII4 ARIA AIID iHI PROBtf M ST,{IfMINr F RtstARcH MtTlr00s t0R Eus llllss +d Lcr u: blli rrror 01.r on rhcAf^ Minuatc00l).rtr on\t.r. .,.,..,,..i,." q' PrlDu. r5ed(h r,lnF. rhe h ,, -\r. !,q-' d h!. orh, Orgenlzational €ffectiveness orsiniatim thNn5b hiv€ ' eltdvscss (oE) in veious way.. .bjetiles (Crcryopolous ..d Tam€nbaom, r95r, (Ebhr rq)), efrciocy (Kaq and Kah4 1966), l€ftrc acqlisibon (yu.hhan Soars ,nd s€ashor, r%r, employe Rtislaction (cunnirys, r9r, inrrdep€n loc€ (r'dfer, 197), rnd oBaniational vibl y (Cou, 199t. As Coulto (20r) pna*ed, rhdto a [tls .mhtus .n hnw r. .on€ptualize, msN, d expLin oE. ThG shtuld, how*r, nd conea a {rpn$ io s sincoE models iF *ntuny vJluebos€d clissiriohoN of the 3nstucr (he valu6 beins !h6e o, the Bearhc6) and the Fbrial nunhs o( nodek rhr ..n b€ aeneokd by GRrheF is viftrany linftls. R€rcheE aF row nDvinS away tum a singlc mod..l and are bring conti$€nry app(Eh(s ro onepbalizing OE lcamlnn, 1996; wcnerrek, rr3; Yeder 2OO1), Howeve, rhey re *in hnib.B rhmslves to cxininins the inpact oI rhe donimnr .otutihmciB sned a.d rhe oryaniaftnfl liL cy.l€ on oE iNbd or brin8, b@der, moF dynrni. aprsch d€fin€d o4anizational (Dahl,2ml,p.25). hrod(p! rh. subj.d ,,t llle ll.r.nur revLe!. o) +ur! (]rItinz riiL erleniv.r.\), 12) hrshhshE rhr problem phnl iianen ork nI und$hndrn rd'dt.p,.inrirn.rrhat.onvnr.asrhrr.rJerih rhc reseiKher h.sind.ed su^eyRl rh the undeE randing of ihe on.epi, t.rkfg o ff oi rhd . ri{onhns.n.vipptu.r.heinrmo( eP, i mor.!!li eind robunnodc nrrfuin maM]ienrtrr ni.nilgv, d(.), rhi.h nLi0! on.? rhr whnh n!,d.v.toP or {hoh, his.\fLi e $ r be w nc\r n.p r! b JNdop r.nirrl. hvto Be\ b fe rr iht TllI IROSLf M ARIA AIID IliI PROBIIM STAIIMINI ,\ld t herh! pftlFinary idnr .Pn,h, ".. P.o", .h..J "o Delining the problem slatement .ton nsoriSinalb(Ed har :" l-,1 the pnnten, . -fisl Gi€ .r rhcProblen d d.lim rh.i5{$ .ome ..d" b.e,.,.h r,bcs lvhal males a q0od probtem slalement? m.',,p q' trG,,. h,!r.fuht. fl!p.\l . br i , , I i f nrnftr-. ,,Jp.,.1. f, ,4, r., : - h '1." 'r" nf" r.' ti.Pd,. 1".,..Tt, F.-d'-,"; ' h.b":. . ,, r' r,,. tl r n ob\ nnF rlhe pl.rs dlfunr]lihcol!]n.|ninn[.d ieJ b b€ i.J.nn.d de ahbrsuoas d rtnvs/inpotunlrh synpbs a ,,r , of pdblms aE nor d€rined as rhc €l pi.btm. ioi in\rc.d i"n.B4 miah hive h* r in.'* p lu*.q o) -*.ing u. p* -db b fr'hutslc.uri63 HerrhcF,tproblcnfdyb.rh.townoi,ledndmdvdtion .n Rrs rr R r MrT[0Ds t0R 8 us lll tss nployr* *ho tu€l they d nd being NAniz€d as valuble snhlbutoF ro the str€n and slt no '?Gj*' 60r the 361 wolk rhar tf,€y do. tn€ low poducriviiy y ot serely b. i synprom ol $e .lePrmLn ddale and notilation Piobld. Undd $* conditioro, r high6 piRe nh wiu nd impmvc pmdu.hvity! Thc, ffndi* ihe'nghr a6wen b the "}mng' probln delinitids ,ill nor h.lp. Hcn q ir should 6€ Kognizrl ih:r odd poblem idenhliarion is xlrmdy f,hBl ror finding $luhons b rern8 i$us.lrequsrl, @mgd tad b dwib€ the pro6ld in tu ottyhPlN. R;rhd thr aNprins ii as su.h, the r€adr nc€ds ro idoiify rhe probld nop a.oEtely o:re way of dehinlng rh.. the pobld, ra&6 d'm rhe slmpb, is b€ina addcs{d is b ast the ql6don (afte Saihenng sulticioi intomation thrdgh inter ryr ubruF ear.h6). "k rhis latur I have idenm€d an de.! b\e ral 'nd pmblem, or th€ one€qusef'The effi m b€ dnc!$.\d in the.mdt of ihe dlier exanpl€ .t low prcdudivity ftc r$l isrc d Problen h{t is low mocle and noiiyaiion Tlr. .orequen.€ of rhe pn$lm i5 lor prc\duct,v r. Nd. tnt lh€ c('equdc (or effat) of low mdvation ..n ais. mnilet iklr in ab!6@im, ebd8e, or any mnb€r ol oths.dre dffeb for rhe 6m. Th€ real preblm ihar ne€ds to b€ addred in ihb l:&, hmcq i3 ret produdinty, blt 6orivati.n. The andmr of the prblm (i.e., rhe onhibunn8 racror) in ft€ Srwn sitoatid sde b b. norar3nibon of the dploys' conbibuhons Until st.h tine as th€ mplot€ ar€ ll€gnizrl fr their mrlr rhor notivatioh and morale will .ot inPlove, nor will thor Prod!.lrvi9, ts istre if n@ noney is 8ivd, oi b4b a .mr.qtd.e. withour addftsins rhe st'l equiphent insbll.d b hcre prcdu.tiriiy, rhe deired Hdb wJl not mue bdu* the rhht probld hr nd b€a addased Frcn rn nd,r.r,. p€Bp{rivr, r$.:th s &r iri(l)fothDgLkno$nib.uiirot(,12) r ih. knortn$ b fdEreJ .nd n([,nr.Er.t.d, (]) mu.h ihr bpic nivrLible, bur rhd tu{Llb arc lFnly) .ontr!l(G!, or (4)&ibl\tud reLirnD5hrF do not hold i, ( i '',rorlusiskn.wn" r+uNnt,t.L $ Ehr Thd.b{^.!on nd nd Di!3liieJ al$ ihi n,u.h n knoLrn ibout i bPt, b pro\d6 i g&l bais lora r$r,rch tuF.fr Ydurblr is,ho\'.\.r,i d .ipeded th lou $illPre*N atr ini$rardl ok^ra or the bPrc A re5drth Pnrjdd rhl iims d.N hNlinss or b sbblGh boundary.ondihor! l to (on.ild .'tid A g.ar probLen lit.mant is relemnt bui il$ tulil,r. AP..bl.D {,ne you rtu abls to an$.r ihc pobldn shGD,.nr sirhm the rcnri.hon5 or th. rscirth Pnrdd rhN. r$h(tnN . to$ibLv rei r.Tondrnc, th. crF€flise ol rln r.sr .he! (a ptublen n on.trt miy b. tm ditfi.ul( ro ri$en,aNih. rik A rHtuenr pn'bl.m in i.rms of fe'sib,L$ nrh*thcProblen$remant tu\.:nh otr is(rbr)rdin{o|E hrllid. c,f (i inlcn,c ed $ it is m h,n a ruaso Frcble'n sht.mcnt Hos do.onnme6 b.hiver" F fir Tl]I A rhird PROSLtM .hriidcnnn oi: nui Pob IRIA AIID T11I PROBIIM SIAIIMIIII ,,. ,\ ,n .dtt . .,i.,,.,o,r,,..1. . . . i .dau,.rior1r.,Bi{i @D Er'mttes of well-d.ff n€d pobtem staten€nts t TowndAlhrduthe\nttunu {h* 2, To hlen exed h.s rie ns heorS.n?,rionandh?eddumrlon3)nle h d. P€rn.d ffi tn4i d mnaSe,El adledising canpaign bRn suGshd tn .Erin8 &. guahh. romashrpd mrpn,F Tasc rn w6dknd.dbphduer Hd n# r\e tw pa! kSrng da b"d rle si6 or rh. prcdu.p '. Has rhe tuw rd€nising neege Eukn in enhan cd e ? d t Hd do p.ie and qulity ne d osubm, waluarion or prducb? 6. Is the dre.rotp.dicipativebrdgdingo lElolmne modmEl byo.bl6)4rrms? 7 D4 b€tu auro@tion led b ar€are as jnvBrment Fr do ir Dl drplt? a, Dxs dpaEim ot inh.tioml operatioN cun in M enh.nehmt or rhe nm s e. l{l'ai 4lhe effeh ofdo*tuizin8 on thc lory 6.geso01h patu of comprnlx? 3pRfic taeB ro b€ @nsidq€d in c€ting n dab w@h.u; fo. i nhuracl'rb3 onPany? 10. Wlrar aR ttu wh.n yor have&fin.d i5p66 of rtu studrr trim.,.ind rhr budg{ rhe bil pbbt. ihepaniesirctven lhe research proposal b bp usad, rhc dur. ThF c'sutu5 ih.n ihere .r. turni$ efhnJrr+ d frunradons |der lor.ithd padv rhisisu :IyacconplisheJ h''i3l'''r'hP''f.'''n'Fl'"'/'trA'lTl.od rPrile<d \ hrhe,tuJl frdhqrorr)sv RtstaRctl MtTll0 Ds I0R 1. Thc purpGc ot th. stu\rv 2. The rpe.ifi. psbren, b rie 4' Thc L rhc 7. Th. budgci, drh,l,ns ddra sod incruli rhc.o!s rel(rt willbe hand&r rth rctetun.e t. \Fdd6. itds .r .rptrd,tu( ibord {drtures s pr€senEd b $d n'os he pmtoln bbemodihRl in.cniin bplrc, d a&rpr tr A d.dpr of a rin'pr. rc{ir.h pmp.sJ io nldy rtu frugug ft(\'er or newlv s!.h , ptupdil aihininS ri r.b lll tSS iNe{gried fu|.\Jt. oI llt d|dy r6rinh d.ngn.ifdnnE 6. Timd frimcofdrcshdy, B US od€l3i rhd Reseerch gropo5al to study To 6nd a soluhon io rhc Ecuning rdentlon prcbl.n lhcy6soflheiriRihent,andmde dploye who guir; y sF.iar ne€ds ol the nM !€flib rhat ftWne b b€ nd; and Dehmine the Ersn. toi chPloys lsv'n8 the.€anizahon in the 66r the a. Daw up b. Ass .- a pm61e of the ir the& are yd:. HN c.n snall b n€diur Thi3 ffih mlyz6 sized the ri@ indsse the dgai2:iilDl .mfrihdt ptublm of high tubovd or dployG ol their wirhin 5ro1 ro I .l]I fte ct of employe PEOBIIM ARIA AiID THt PROBLIM S IAIIMIliI tuovd b tum hs h..n 6hhared ro be up 6D r5o9i ot rhe pqcki8e (s.hresiqer and H6re( l99l ). Thse.c bo$ dind and indiEd involved. FIii. ro leaving m6, ruplalbenr sre, and bansition cca, whlle indiEt osb relare b the lo$ o, produdioD rt&ed p€.td1ane lftls, unnsery ovdinq &d low hmle. l1E 6utts of rhis sbtly Fovide mna8e6 vith rhe m.ans ro rhe cos6 of €nploye hhorer. dploys'EauneErion cb Dd cs ds6e Tll. r*rh d6ien li,e., d.t its of in. rhdy) s!tuliaru,?,rs.Fi6r,wewilintrfli a snan nmber of mployG who harejoinetr ihe.mprny n ttulasr rhpyes Bapd on th*qplorarory findinSs, we witt adninnhr a qudimMiP io tne dplaF€ who hav€ pined rhe mprny in rhe lGr thR t€s. &k oreld The in@icws willb€ odu.Gl duinsdn@hffi in ihe cq emc Hdr or the osrniario. at a pPam$ed rine qvoi tbtheinrdisG Tneqrrion Min wiu be 8ilm b &e mploy€ b be cmplehd by L\o in rheir hm6 and tued almF@dy b the box d up fo the purpc€ by rhe spRided dak. Trey win an tt e. d,F b€foE rhe tlre dab b Fnrm deir qu6hlljmiE, ir mr atpady dde minded 'Ite riru rrrcnlerytorohpldimof ihblE€rch pnFnaFpMimidt fir mnds Du4 th* nrc ro[E, Fiodic E?orb win be prc\id€d on ihe pr%js behg tude The budspt for dis proFd is in App€ndii A. T.S. and sira$f, S (1934! A L.nsitudinal An.tysis of rhe Anr€.€dob of oqaniatiofrr commihor m.,audnr rf MdMs dt lout"'t,27, rr,et-112. bchrun, L. and Aranya, N. 0936). Evaluidon ol arkmlir modets ol .ommihmb d job atrituda of p.ofsionars, /owutalo.tup ianal tsdtu 4t,/,227 213. Me_vei I and Allen, N. (1997). cm itut in ttu wa*tnm: Thnry, nnrch otu1 oprlierro,. rlDGand oaki saEe. Meys,1., Sbnl€y, D., Helsvitch, L and Topolnytrt r Q002). ArIRriv., onbnu ce and nmahve lffiibmL a m.ra anarysis oI ant€edenb, ofttaG .nd coR qljae. Iarmat ,f vanti,Jtul B,hatu . 63. 20-52. schlain8ei, L, & H6L.{, J o91) np seni.cDiven s.ri€ company. satu7d Baremq vandab€l*hq c., B€niein, x and shnslhanber, F. cm2). Ajle. the o.s iztion, suprisr and wolr grolp: anredmb dd orbnes. /orel ol RtstaRcll MtT[00s I0R BUsllltss (h( the pioposr is & ePreJ, rlt OEI ManageriaI imptications durlq rPhmsinPrcbldhati.s ,!d Ihe idil prcbkmr, g.{ins th! rns orr&r.,is lrorlotr<o,nadi 3 u rDsinditdrhena5ilrhcy a.rk UndcFtinding *ay rolird! Pinponnin! it lrtiJ Foblen !iand.onlimthdro$n Manage6 who r.iltr rnQl b ulrim cP bl€m soluftnr do nor besruJse dt htu spefr n sukhs do{lv nih r$.ai.lleB, P:tnuhny * th sbBd. A Lldlneelopd rsrir.h PrFnal all{Nr mrnageB io ruds. rh ud! ireaduillyberiS propos.d study. Hor.!.L b mik Mmaasi mpdt hdp G€rh.B to denna ilr€ b{rc.n th. ninr8er a'd (h. rer.(hd duine rhcirh pre$! $iI definit.l' en d.hanse all rh. inFoni {age ol rhd nd thc quaLr$ of rhe Ethhat tssues in the preliminary stages 0l investiqation rr.Ini.a ,nflmndf i\ gather.il hy rhc rsea(h.r tu nrn.s thP brMd Pnrbl.m (, dJina i +rNiri. probLdn (arenent rn natrv cN!s, the research{ nrke6, nina8eB, iid oihE anP undeEhnd thd probldm On.e i Frobl.nhsPs6.\l ind i prdbld'" r irea and n.!ns to i$({s his or her a5or.h !:Pibiliti6; il the re5ear ^\qtr.h.i 5kilhorresoutusto.arryourrhepidj{t,hcorshe5houlddedinethePtuj{' rlihe!!aaidtr de.Js ro.an oui ihd projlrt, ir F ne.ei{ry b nrloD ill ihl d'4novec5 Pa i.nlidvthose nho\',1Lbeunerri.$.d brpr.liminaryditi g*heii*ihrough nructo inrani!.\s otth.FopGedstuLll(rhouglr itnnoinec5$rr" toalalFi' nshi bbs rsPonss) The elentnt lt unPlersanr surPn:e I thu5 be elinimrei n' th'emP :.. dmplo]'ees '.-r",-r.wirh rtu;*a[h ufdcnaLen tid $uie thcn operdbn ,Enit.p, ri ,+. .,..-'h rhr npr,),r oi,o,r EmPLv€s should ''InPrctr'nAI' hr' e"1_r1- i.t rren br. b. ror.&t ro 11L ip' '1 r_ THI PROBIIM ARtA,{IIO Tl]I PROBIIM STATIMIIiT ::*Tii:li:li. ^""'"""'"bhh h'o'inab'n ih.ush d*p, k F 4hec*rist for dealingrvith ethical conslderations and dil€mmas during the firsi steges ofthe research procesi . whv is rhis re*inh ptur{r !r.nh doin8l ii from rhF Prjc i -, ^ru p.d opan s qrpn rheripp!duni'\ r nn r':tir'' Liqln. frdtrfrhon. ''r"'l'"+. llo$ ,!,r vou ensu( ,nJiv u.rr rusfl)nd{ts snnot ll . " Fh*n"r identihNt tbij d,v G.r.h il(! .r !hd* i.rm) or y.rr F n,l)l * Dwd-'"F-r h";,rl i,. Ars rr'ere inv B)>rrrh naSiii'r etfcdr h.dd-a.s be loL ,p.., .,. s , .;.. fstigation -' I"n: h'tutr p,'"bq, J4 ,om.n , , o.,, ..,-mA r,.t.r . , J. A ;.r s l,"j.bl. or ihf ($airh pNFoln hF rirulr!, \,p dis.u$eJ h.Lr nrnasca.an iJenhtr l- ro. t o,r , ,'o,er E.1 r.nr ptubl.'n..h ioned The ipFtndi: ro rhs.hiptar oftc6 infornrh.n or (lr.nLme dnibiset (2) biblio8rdFh(at Ldeis, (3) rhe pA niD ror ftrsencs, atrd (4) notes on r.reren.iq prvious nudies an'i quori$.nsrnal tr.e5 r ihe lleritur. r.\iew