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Student’s name Professor’s name Course Date Interpretations of American History Introduction The interpretation of American History incorporates four distinct stages that pose significant outcomes on history writing. The phases entail but are not limited to providential, rational, nationalist, professional or progressive stages that have immensely contributed to the American History writing over the previous four hundred years. The American historical perspectives vary significantly based on various factors including ethnicity, class, race and gender. The wide range of the historian authors’ viewpoints priorities and prejudices have resulted to a collective output thus gaining a balanced totality. The paper lays its emphasis on historiography and ethnography concepts that offer insights on the commencement and progress regarding America’s historical foundations and development. Historiography and Ethnography Historiography entails the study of theories, methods and historical research and presentations’ principles incorporating detailed evaluation of primary and secondary sources. The study enables modern historians in reconstructing the human practices’ records while attaining their significant understanding. Historiography thus aims at studying the ways utilized in history writing, the authors who took part, and reasons for historical recording in particular forms. There are various benefits attributed to historiography. These include enhancing the individuals understanding the reasons behind the varying interpretation of historical incidences. Embracing historiography in this paper also enables humans’ critical studying of history thus enhancing their understanding of the role of biases in shaping historical periods. Historiographical perspectives enable historians to analyze deeply and gain factual information behind particular historical myths. Ethnography entails detailed examination of varied cultures to understand the lives of ordinary individuals. It is a form of qualitative research approach that entails individuals immersing themselves in particular organizations and groups for purposes of examining behavioral changes and interactions amongst individuals within societal settings. Ethnography offers researchers a chance to gain first-hand information regarding behavioral practices and individuals’ socialization within particular contexts. Providential Stage The paper is organized into four major sections commencing with providential history from Soli Gloria’s article, “What is the Providential View of History?” According to the article, the providential historical view incorporates the Christianity perception regarding historical foundations and attributes God as the sole historical control who is responsible for ensuring its guidance. The article explains providence as the care God offers humans as He controls the past, present and future. The providential historical perspectives thus reveal to humans that God’s ordained works are practiced to facilitate human’s understanding of the universe around them Soli, para 2). The historical perspective embraces the fact that God appointed leaders to spread His message to individuals and nations who failed to recognize his presence. For instance, the providential perspectives emphasize that Pilgrims were responsible for spreading the gospel to new world thus sowing seeds for new government forms, the Christian self-government. The Pilgrims’ efforts bored fruits as they remained united towards a unified purpose and fought against all the odds that would separate them. The Christian self-government proved desirable that resulted to Americans’ founding with individuals’ reasoning founded on the gospel’s principles. The principles resulted to the establishment of America’s educational methodologies, curriculum and philosophy that was founded around Christianity foundations. Rationalists Stage The second section offers insights on American history based on rational perspectives. The section draws concepts from Continental Rationalism by James Fieser. The author explains that rationalism forms part of philosophical view explaining that knowledge is deduced from reasoning without utilizing senses. The article explains various rationalists such as Rene Descartes and Nicholas Malebranche. Descartes argues that education attained by humans through life experiences and education incorporate truths and falsehoods making it ambiguous to differentiate the truth from lies (James, para 4). Descartes in his studies discovered the natural world’s new vision that continues to shape the modern American societies. Malebranche’s rational ideologies also helped in changing the Americans’ perspectives. He argues that God is responsible for causing individuals’ motions through explaining that all physical objects are incapable of controlling and moving themselves. He further emphasizes that humans should involve both their bodies and spirits in accomplishing their everyday activities. The rationalist also attributes God to the natural world imperfections that result to human suffering in efforts deemed at establishing a better universe. Nationalists Stage The third section elaborates American history on nationalist basis using the article Revisiting Global America: Nationalism in History and Politics by the Di Tomaso and Benvenuti. The article explains that nationalism concerns have contributed immensely to the America’s foundation on common principles. The article however, explains that the United States’ nationalism concerns portray distinct and opposing perspectives regarding governance other than serving as a unifying ideology. The author further emphasizes on the American nationalism’s interpretation as the detailed conceptualization of the ideological and economic principles on the fundamental basis of America’s national community (Di Tommaso and Alberto Benvenuti, para 3). Additionally, the author discusses the Montreal Protocol of 1987, that initiated the banning of fluorocarbons. The America’s government supported the initiative thus forming a global landmark necessary for environmental legislation. Progressive Stage Professional and progressive phases also contributed to America’s history. The article utilized in this section is The Progressive Era by Khan Academy. Progressive era incorporates social and political changes that helped United States in establishing a better society. The progressive reformers worked towards harnessing the federal government’s powers towards eliminating unfair and unethical business activities, combat corruption incidences and address the detrimental social impacts resulting from industrialization (Khan Academy, para 2). The progressive era brought forth immense contributions including the strengthening of workers and consumers’ protection and granting women voting rights. Conclusion The four phases played crucial roles in the foundation and progress of American history. The phases are based on historiography and ethnography concepts by reconstructing human practices and interpreting human behaviors for understanding the underlying cultures. The wide range of the historian authors’ viewpoints priorities and prejudices have resulted to a collective output thus gaining a detailed knowledge on the processes involved in transforming the American history into its modern forms. Works Cited Di Tommaso, Gaetano, and Alberto Benvenuti. "Revisiting Global America: Nationalism in History and Politics." USAbroad–Journal of American History and Politics 2 (2019). https://usabroad.unibo.it/article/view/9073/8969 James Fiesa, CONTINENTAL RATIONALISM from The History of Philosophy: A Short Survey, 2020. https://www.utm.edu/staff/jfieser/class/110/7-rationalism.htm Khan Academy, The Progressive Era, 2013. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/age-of-empire/a/the-progressive-era Soli Gloria “What is the Providential View of History?” 2017. https://www.gracedupage.org/sermons/2017/10/29/soli-deo-gloria Emma6