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Hard copy available via: The volume “New Aspects of Viking-age Urbanism, c. AD 750-1000”, published in the series Theses and Papers in Archaeology of the Archaeological Research Laboratory at Stockholm university, gather the proceedings of the eponymous conference held at the Historiska museet in Stockholm in 2013. The idea to a joint conference arose from the need for a contemporary comparison between the Viking-age sites of Birka and Hedeby in a larger context. Hereby, such an attempt to relate and compare just these two sites is not novel at all: As early as in 1926 Sune Lindqvist pointed to the close connections between the two maritime trading centres in his article “Hedeby och Birka“, published in the periodical Fornvännen. Still in 1941 Herbert Jankuhn penned an article on “Birka und Haithabu” in the Ahnenerbe-periodical Germanien on the sites’ different nature in trade. Thereafter, and essentially until now, the long shadow of World War II had put an end to any further efforts. The aim of the conference was particularly the discussion of structural aspects of Viking age urbanism at two specific regions in lake Mälaren in Eastern Sweden and at the Schlei fjord at the margin between the North and Continental Europe. The problem of Viking age urbanism has not yet found a simple explanation and, while more recent attempts tend tackle the problem via connectivity and network theory, even rather aged theoretical models by renown authors such as e.g. H. Pirenne, K. Polanyi or W. Christaller are still being influential. However, due to modern field research important progress has been done regarding questions of structural details, creating a new basis for the aspired discussion. In order to assure the thematic frame of the conference colleagues were directly requested and asked to give a paper on predefined topics according to the problem. The symposium itself was laid-out in two main sections: “Viking-age Urbanism at Lake Mälaren and the Schlei Fjord” and “Early Medieval Urbanism. Town Layouts and Central-Site Functions of Contemporaneous Superregional Centres”. While the first part of the conference was entirely focusing on Birka and Hedeby, their broader hinterland and declared successors, in a second part the emphasised developments in the presented regions were confronted with examples from one of the most important centres of the world at that time in order to put the gained results into a perspective. Here speakers on Anglo-Saxon England, the Carolingian Realm, Bohemia, the Rus’, the Byzantine Empire and even the Muslim Caliphate could become enlisted. With the examples of Constantinople and Baghdad/Samarra especially the latter two as major capitals of the then known world were recognised as an uttermost important thematic opening. The international symposium as a cooperation between the Swedish History Museum, Stockholm university and the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology was well received and attended by more than 100 auditors. Its realisation was kindly supported by the Letterstedtska föreningen.
i KATA PENGANTAR Buku ini memuat pengenalan dan panduan teknis Aplikasi Dapodikdasmen versi 2020 mulai dari persiapan, proses instalasi, proses entri per entitas data, validasi, sinkronisasi, hingga verifikasi. Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada petugas pendataan dan warga sekolah yang hendak mengimplementasikan Aplikasi Dapodikdasmen versi 2020 secara mandiri di sekolah. Melalui buku ini, diharapkan hal-hal yang terkait dengan materi seputar implementasi Aplikasi Dapodikdasmen versi 2020 dapat dipahami dan dimaknai dengan mudah. Penyusunan buku ini merupakan upaya strategis untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam memberikan informasi yang luas kepada petugas pendataan tentang penggunaan Aplikasi Dapodikdasmen versi 2020 dalam bentuk panduan. Panduan Aplikasi Dapodikdasmen versi 2020 dibuat untuk menyamakan persepsi dan pemahaman serta memberikan pedoman penginputan yang jelas dalam pembaruan yang terdapat pada aplikasi.
Actes du XXXIe colloque international de l’Association Française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer. Tome I - Les Gaulois entre Loire et Dordogne, 2009
Cette contribution collective se propose de rassembler les informations concernant les habitats fortifiés des Âges du Fer dans le Centre-Ouest de la France (région Poitou-Charentes et département de la Vendée) et ses marges (Dordogne, Gironde, Creuse, Haute-Vienne, Indre-et-Loire, Loire-Atlantique). À la lumière des travaux récents (fouilles préventives et programmées), il est possible de présenter un bilan mettant en valeur la diversité des types d’occupation et des architectures des remparts. La multiplication des coupes transversales illustre nettement la complexité de ces constructions et la variabilité des techniques et des matériaux employés. Les informations relatives à la fonction de ces sites sont dispersées et ténues, mais permettent néanmoins d’affirmer que ces occupations ne peuvent être considérées comme strictement défensives. Si la présence de fortifications monumentales est récurrente, d’autres vestiges témoignent d’activités artisanales, économiques, sociales, voire religieuses. À la fin de cette étude, les données concernant chaque site (type de site, de fortification, fonctions reconnues, mobilier datant…) sont regroupées sous forme de notices synthétiques. This collective contribution proposes to bring together information relating to Iron Age fortified settlements in West Central France and in the Limousin region. In light of recent work (preventive and planned excavations), it is possible to present a report highlighting the diversity of occupation and architecture of the ramparts. The proliferation of cross sections clearly illustrates the complexity of these constructions and the variability of techniques and materials used. Information as to the function of these sites is scattered and tenuous, but nevertheless confirms that those concerns cannot be regarded as strictly defensive. If the presence of monumental fortifications is recurrent, other remains indicate craft, economic, social or religious activities. At the end of the study, data on each site (type of site, fortification, functions recognized, furniture dating, etc) are grouped together in the form of synthetic references.
Revista De Artes Marciales Asiaticas, 2012
International Journal of Cultural Property, 2022
Mind, Culture, and Activity, 2019
Ελευθερία Παπαμανώλη, 2019
Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2009
Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 2019
International journal of business and social research, 2015
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004