A Hydropedological Approach to Describing Runoff Generation, Lateral Podzolization,
and Spatial and Temporal Patterns of DOC in a Headwater Catchment
John Patrick Gannon II
Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
Kevin J. McGuire, Chair
Scott W. Bailey
Brian D. Strahm
Madeline E. Schreiber
Stephen H. Schoenholtz
April 28, 2014
Blacksburg, VA
Keywords: hydrology, hydropedology, soil science, forest soils, DOC, headwater
A Hydropedological Approach to Describing Runoff Generation, Lateral
Podzolization, and Spatial and Temporal Patterns of DOC in a Headwater
John Patrick Gannon II
The variations in discharge and water chemistry among and within headwater catchments
are not well understood. Developing a better understanding of the processes that control
these variations is crucial to determining how headwater catchments will respond to
changes in climate and land use. This dissertation explores how hydrologic processes in
headwater catchments may be better understood by utilizing a hydropedological
framework, where similar soils are grouped together and considered to be representative
of and developed by similar hydrologic and biogeochemical processes. In the first
chapter, soil groups, called hydropedological units (HPUs) are found to be indicative of
distinct water table regimes characterized by the interquartile range and median of
shallow groundwater levels, the percent time water table exists in the soil, and the level
of catchment storage at which groundwater responds. The second chapter explores the
hydrological processes that may lead to the formation of HPUs in the catchment. By
examining water table records and unsaturated water potential from tensiometers we
found that lateral unsaturated flow regimes may be partially responsible for the patterns
of lateral translocation observed in HPUs. Finally, the third chapter identifies two HPUs
in the catchment as sources of streamwater dissolved organic carbon (DOC). While nearstream areas have typically been found to be DOC sources in headwater catchments, the
HPUs identified as sources occur at high elevations in the catchment, near channel heads.
Overall, these findings will be useful to better explain runoff generation, soil formation,
and DOC export from headwater catchments. Headwater streams source water to larger
bodies of water that are valuable natural resources. Therefore, explaining these processes
is critical to predicting and responding to changes in climate and land use that may affect
important water supplies.
To Frank McCulley.
Thanks for the spark.
First I would like to thank Kevin McGuire and Scott Bailey. Their guidance,
friendship, and support have been unparalleled through the duration of the development
of this dissertation. A student could not ask for better mentors.
I would also like to thank the rest of the watershed 3 hydropedology team:
Rebecca Bourgault, Don Ross, Tom Bullen, and Cody Gillin for all their help, insight,
and moral support.
I also thank all of the staff at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. The
specific ways they helped the development of this dissertation are far too numerous to
list. But whether I needed help analyzing data, building field equipment, or just getting to
my site, someone was always there to help. I would specifically like to thank Tammy
Wooster, Don Buso, Ian Halm, Amey Bailey, and Nick Grant. Furthermore, I thank
Geoff Wilson for providing me with three unforgettable summers living at Pleasant View
Farm with other student researchers. And thanks to all my friends from those summers at
Pleasant View. I also thank Geoff and Jackie Wilson for being indispensable friends
through this work and my time at Hubbard Brook. Finally, I would like to thank Margaret
Burns, Erik Thatcher, Bridget O’Neil, Russell Callahan, Timothy Campbell, Suzanne
Kok, Paolo Benettin, and everyone else who helped with fieldwork on this project over
many field seasons.
There are also many people to thank in Blacksburg, VA. The rest of my
committee, Brian Strahm, Madeline Schreiber, and Stephen Schoenholtz, have been
wonderful to work with and provided invaluable help and guidance.
A special thanks goes out to my friends in Blacksburg. You are too many to
name. Thank you for being there through thick and thin, going on adventures, and
making this all an unforgettable experience. It is going to be tough to leave this place,
primarily because of you. Jennie, thanks for putting up with me through all of this, you
have been far more understanding and supportive than anyone could ever ask for.
Finally, and most of all, thanks John and Laura Gannon. You have always
supported me in any way you could. You have always encouraged me to give 100% to
anything I do and instilled strongly in me the value of an education. I definitely took that
last part and ran with it. You are the best.
This study was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No.
EAR 1014507, DBI/EAR 0754678, and LTER DEB 1114804. Additional support was
provided by a William R. Walker graduate fellowship, an Edna Bailey Sussman
Foundation environmental internship, and an INTERFACE collaborative exchange grant
from Purdue University.
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 is in revision at the journal Water Resources Research, it was originally
submitted on 23 February 2014.
Kevin J. McGuire, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech, Forest Resources and Environmental
Conservation and Virginia Water Resources Research Center) helped with the design of
the sensor network, data analysis, and editing of the manuscript.
Scott W. Bailey, Ph.D. (United States Forest Service Northern Research Station) helped
with the design and installation of the sensor network, data analysis, and editing of the
Chapter 3
Kevin J. McGuire, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech, Forest Resources and Environmental
Conservation and Virginia Water Resources Research Center) helped with the design of
the sensor network, data analysis, and editing of the manuscript.
Scott W. Bailey, Ph.D. (United States Forest Service Northern Research Station) helped
with the design and installation of the sensor network, data analysis, and editing of the
Rebecca R. Bourgault, Ph.D. (University of Vermont) helped with the installation of the
sensor network and provided valuable input on the synthesis of soil chemistry results
from a companion study for this chapter.
Donald S. Ross, Ph.D. (University of Vermont) provided valuable input on the synthesis
of soil chemistry results from a companion study for this chapter.
Chapter 4
Kevin J. McGuire, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech, Forest Resources and Environmental
Conservation and Virginia Water Resources Research Center) helped with the design of
the sensor and sampling network, data analysis, and editing of the manuscript.
Scott W. Bailey, Ph.D. (United States Forest Service Northern Research Station) helped
with the design and installation of the sensor network, data analysis, editing of the
manuscript, and provided spatial stream and groundwater chemistry data.
James B. Shanley, Ph.D. (United States Geological Survey) provided high resolution
fluorescent dissolved organic matter data from the outlet of watershed 3, provided
valuable input on the interpretation of the data, and helped edit the manuscript.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iv
Attribution ........................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables .................................................................................................................... xii
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Literature review ............................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: Organizing groundwater regimes and response thresholds by soils: a
framework for understanding runoff generation in a headwater catchment. .................... 24
Chapter 3: Non-vertical water flux in the unsaturated zone: a mechanism for the
formation of spatial soil heterogeneity in a headwater catchment. ................................... 63
Chapter 4: DOC sources in upland soils in a headwater catchment. ................................ 88
Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 116
List of Figures
Chapter 2:
Figure 1. Map of WS 3. Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by
solid, dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. Shallow groundwater wells are
indicated by symbols on the map. Soil morphological units are indicated by different
shaped symbols. Transect 1 (Figure 8) and transect 2 (Figure 9) are shown by bold,
dashed lines. The inset map indicates the location of HBEF in northern New
England. .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 2. Schematic conceptual diagram showing soil horizonation along a typical soil
unit sequence [Bailey et al., 2014]. Mean depth to C horizon is 70 cm. Vertical
scale is exaggerated. E, Bhs, Bh podzols, and the Bh horizon of Bimodal podzols
were hypothesized to be indicative of frequent lateral flux in the solum. Typical
podzols and the portion of bimodal podzols above the Bh horizon were hypothesized
to be indicative of primarily vertical flux. ................................................................ 48
Figure 3. Example time series of precipitation and water table recordings within the
solum for one characteristic well in each soil unit. The y-axis of each plot extends
from the C horizon to the ground surface. Periods without data indicate a lack of
water table in the solum at the site. Modified from Bailey et al. [2014]. ................. 49
Figure 4. Empirical cumulative density functions (ECDFs) show the probability a water
table exists at a given percentage of the total depth of a soil profile. Soil profiles in
this figure are considered to begin at the C horizon and extend to the
surface. ECDFs were constructed from 1 year of 10-minute water level data from
all wells in each of the soil units used in this analysis. Each line in each plot
represents the water level time series from a well in that soil unit. (n = 5 wells per
soil unit) .................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 5. Box plots showing the separation of soil unit water table regimes for different
dataset measures. Letters above groups indicate statistically significant differences
according to a Wilcoxon rank sum test (significance level 0.10). The fraction of total
time a water table was detected in the solum is presented in panel a. Water table
records were normalized from 0 (ground surface) to 100 (relatively unaltered parent
material (top of C Horizon)) for comparison of interquartile range (b) and median
depth to water table (c). The middle line in each box corresponds to the median of
the data, the upper and lower bounds of the boxes are of the interquartile range
(IQR), the whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR,
and points are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers. The soil types shown are E
podzols (E), Bhs podzols (Bhs), typical podzols (Typical), hillslope Bh podzols (HSBh), and near-stream Bh podzols (NS-Bh). .............................................................. 50
Figure 6. Interquartile range of water table fluctuations in each well plotted against the
distance from stream and log upslope accumulated area (UAA). Different symbols
indicate the soil unit of each well. With the exception of E and Bhs podzols, soil
units separate in this space, illustrating that water table regime is in part related to
topographic position.................................................................................................. 51
Figure 7. Threshold water table responses for wells in each soil unit. Mean specific
discharge (qssf) is plotted on the y axis in cm2/min and binned effective storage in
mm is plotted on the x axis. Circled symbols denote a statistically significant
difference from zero according to a Wilcoxon rank sum test (significance level
0.05). The dashed lines indicate the response threshold for each soil unit, defined as
the mean threshold value for all wells in the group. The threshold value for each
well was defined as the first storage bin where discharge significantly deviated from
zero. The arrow in the typical podzol plot indicates that the mean response threshold
for this group is higher than what is plotted because no statistically significant
response was detected for two wells in the typical podzol group. ............................ 52
Figure 8. Transect 1 on Figure 1. A transect of wells in soil units along a hillslope
beginning at a bedrock outcrop transect in WS3. The top figure shows the ground
surface and C horizon as well as the location of the wells. The C horizon depth was
interpolated and is dashed where the depth is relatively less certain. The bottom four
figures are ECDFs for the wells in the transect with soil horizons shown to the right.
The threshold catchment storage for the initiation of water table (corresponding to
the beginning of the ECDF line on plot) are shown on each plot. ............................ 53
Figure 9. Transect 2 on Figure 1. A near-stream transect of wells in soil units along a
hillslope transect in WS3. The top figure shows the ground surface and C horizon as
well as the location of the wells. The C horizon depth was interpolated and is dashed
where the depth is relatively less certain. The bottom four figures are ECDFs for the
wells in the transect with soil horizons shown to the right. The threshold catchment
storage for the initiation of water table (corresponding to the beginning of the ECDF
line on plot) are shown on each plot. ........................................................................ 54
Figure 10. Water table response thresholds plotted against three topographic metrics for
the each well. Panel a is log UAA (m2), panel b is distance from the nearest stream
(m) and panel c is slope. Different symbols indicate the soil unit of each well. ...... 55
Chapter 3:
Figure 1. Map of Watershed 3 (WS3), maps of study sites, study well empirical
cumulative density functions (ECDFs), and soil horizons at study sites. An inset map
of the location of Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in northern New England is
also included. In WS3 perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by
solid, dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. Areas with bedrock outcrops or shallow
to bedrock areas are indicated by shaded grey areas. Study sites are indicated by
circles on the map. Each of the study areas is shown in detail to the right of the WS3
map. The detailed maps include 5 m contour intervals and topographic wetness
index (TWId). Below each of the detailed maps are ECDFs for the water level
measurements at each site showing the exceedance probability of water levels at the
site. The grey shaded portion of the ECDF corresponds with the horizon
hypothesized by Bailey et al. [2014] to be indicative of lateral translocation.
Attached to the right of each of the ECDFs is the soil horizonation at the
corresponding site. .................................................................................................... 78
Figure 2. Boxplots of vertical hydraulic gradient measurements from the duration of the
study period (29 July 2011 to 1 April 2012). Negative gradients are downward and
positive gradients are upward. Each boxplot is the data from one pit (named on the x
axis) and the grouped boxes are the three study sites. The middle line in each box
corresponds to the median of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the
interquartile range (IQR), the whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus
1.5 times the IQR, and points are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers. Vertical
lines divide study sites, which are labeled at the top of the plot. .............................. 79
Figure 3. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table are shown for the E (N3) – Bhs (N4)
transition site for 4 events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a
winter storm (12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that
the upper tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D
and I-L) the shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red,
respectively. In the plots showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P)
the blue line is water table and the black line is vertical gradient. ........................... 80
Figure 4. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table are shown for the Typical (K9) to Bh (K10)
transition site for 4 events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a
winter storm (12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that
the upper tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D
and I-L) the shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red,
respectively. In the plots showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P)
the blue line is water table and the black line is vertical gradient. ........................... 81
Figure 5. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table (calculated from positive pressure head at
tensiometers at this site) are shown for the Bimodal (H5) to Bh (H6) transition site
for 4 events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a winter storm
(12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that the upper
tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D and I-L)
the shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red, respectively. In
the plots showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P) the blue line is
water table and the black line is vertical gradient. .................................................... 82
Figure 6. Soil schematic conceptual diagram from Bailey et al. [2014] showing soil
horizonation along a typical HPU sequence in WS3. Theoretical unsaturated flow
equipotential lines are shown by blue, dashed lines. Moving down the slope the lines
of equipotential move from a condition with entirely lateral flow in the E and Bhs
podzols to a primarily vertical flow in the typical podzol and then back to entirely
lateral flow in the Bh podzol. .................................................................................... 83
Chapter 4:
Figure 1. Map of Watershed 3. The inset map indicates the location of HBEF in northern
New England. Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by solid,
dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. Shallow groundwater wells are indicated by
symbols on the map. Soil morphological units are indicated by different shaped
symbols. Tributaries to the main stem in watershed 3 (Paradise Brook, PB) are
labeled at their channel heads (E0-4 and W1-5). .................................................... 104
Figure 2. Percent time in 2 years that wells in each HPU recorded water table above 10
cm below the O horizon or A horizon if present (n = 5 per group). HPUs shown are
Bhs podzols (Bhs), E podzols (E), hillslope Bh podzols (HSBh), near-stream Bh
podzols (NSBh) and typical podzols (Typ). The middle line in each box corresponds
to the median of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the interquartile range
(IQR), the whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR,
and points are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers. ...................................... 105
Figure 3. DOC (mg/L) of groundwater and lysimeter samples in HPUs (A) and at the
outlets of WS3 and 8 tributaries within WS3. Panel A shows groundwater and
lysimeter water for each HPU except near-stream Bh podzols (NSBh), as no
lysimeter samples were available. For Bhs podzols (Bhs) n = 66 for groundwater (6
wells) and 28 for lysimeter samples (3 sites: 5 lysimeters total). For E podzols (E) n
= 45 for groundwater (5 wells) and 12 for lysimeter samples (2 sites: 2 lysimeters
total). For hillslope Bh podzols (HSBh) n = 77 for groundwater (6 wells) and 31 for
lysimeter samples (3 sites: 8 lysimeters total). For near-stream Bh podzols n = 11 for
groundwater (3 wells). Finally, for typical podzols (Typ) n = 17 for groundwater (3
wells) and 16 for soil water (3 sites: 4 lysimeters total). Panel B shows DOC in
streamwater at the outlet of WS3 (Paradise Brook, PB), 4 tributaries on the western
side of the catchment (W1, W2, W3, W4) and 4 tributaries on the eastern side of the
catchment (E1, E2, E3, E4). The middle line in each box corresponds to the median
of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the interquartile range (IQR), the
whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR, and points
are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers. ........................................................ 106
Figure 4. Map of HPUs with water table in their solum according to the modeled storage
value and threshold of water table response from Gannon et al. [in review] and
predicted HPU locations from Gillin et al. [in review] and spatial streamwater DOC
(mg/L) from 9 July 2010 and 6 August 2010 from Zimmer et al. [2013]. Grey areas
on the maps denote areas with exposed or shallow bedrock as mapped by Gillin et
al. [in review]. Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by solid,
dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. The contour interval is 5 m. ...................... 107
Figure 5. FDOM at the catchment outlet and water table at an example well in each HPU
are shown for an event starting on 2 October 2010. FDOM is indicated by a dashed
line in the plots on the left, water table is indicated by the solid line, the color of
each line corresponds to the well name of the same color in the plots on the right.
Plots on the right are water table (y axis) plotted against FDOM (x axis), the color of
the plots goes from red at start to beige at the end of the event shown in the plots on
the right. Points on the rising limb of the FDOM timeseries are shown as upward
facing, open triangles and points on the falling limb are shown as smaller, filled
diamonds. The filled grey area at the bottom of the plots on the right denotes the C
horizon at each well. A horizontal line at the ground surface (0 depth) is shown for
each plot on the right............................................................................................... 108
Figure 6. FDOM at the catchment outlet and water table at an example well in each HPU
are shown for an event starting on 20 April 2010. FDOM is indicated by a dashed
line in the plots on the left, water table is indicated by the solid line, the color of
each line corresponds to the well name of the same color in the plots on the right.
Plots on the right are water table (y axis) plotted against FDOM (x axis), the color of
the plots goes from red at the start to beige at the end of the event shown in the plots
on the right. Points on the rising limb of the FDOM timeseries are shown as upward
facing, open triangles and points on the falling limb are shown as smaller, filled
diamonds. The filled grey area at the bottom of the plots on the right denotes the C
horizon at each well. A horizontal line at the ground surface (0 depth) is shown for
each plot on the right............................................................................................... 109
Figure 7. Conceptual model of DOC delivery to shallow groundwater in E and Bhs
podzols. Precipitation is shown to flow down the impervious bedrock surface
through a shallow forest floor layer, obtaining high DOC. This bedrock runoff then
flows directly into the shallow soils immediately below ........................................ 110
List of Tables
Chapter 2:
Table 1. Qualitative descriptions of the water table regimes for each soil unit (HPU)
based on the findings of this study............................................................................ 46
Chapter 3:
Table 1. Topographic metrics for each of the profiles at the focus sites. Pairs of sites are
alternately shaded and unshaded. UAA is upslope accumulated area, TWId is
downslope topographic wetness index, and HPU stands for hydropedological unit. 77
J. P. Gannon
Headwater streams make up over 50% of total stream length in the contiguous United
States [Nadeau and Rains, 2007]. However, the processes controlling the generation of
streamflow and water chemistry in headwater catchments are not well understood
[Bishop et al., 2008]. This lack of understanding of a large percentage of stream networks
results in difficulties explaining trends and variability in catchment output, such as those
observed in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations [Evans et al., 2005; Roulet
and Moore, 2006]. This, in turn, makes it challenging to make accurate predictions about
the behavior of headwater catchments in a changing climate or with changes in land use.
For these reasons, it is critical to continue building understanding of the controls on
headwater catchment streamflow and water chemistry generation.
This dissertation explores the questions of how streamflow and stream chemistry are
generated in watershed 3 (WS3) of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in
Woodstock, New Hampshire, USA. These questions were addressed by examining
common hydrologic and biogeochemical characteristics of similar soils throughout the
catchment, then examining how they may affect streamflow generation and water
chemistry at the catchment outlet. This combination of hydrology and soil science, called
hydropedology [Lin et al., 2006], offers a unique perspective on catchment patterns and
processes, as utilizes the spatial variation in soils as a metric for describing catchment
hydrological and biogeochemical processes. This dissertation is ivided into 3 chapters
exploring catchment processes using the concept of hydropedology, as well as a literature
review to provide context for the work within the fields of hydrology and soil science.
Chapter 1 identifies similarities in shallow groundwater responses among similar soils,
called hydropedological units (HPUs). Shallow groundwater responses were monitored
using recording wells installed in the solum of HPUs throughout watershed 3. HPUs were
found to have different water table regimes, as characterized by percent time water table
was detected in the soil, the interquartile range and median of their water table response
time series, and the level of overall catchment storage at which water table developed.
J. P. Gannon
Following these findings, a view of the catchment as a spatial patchwork of areas with
water table in the shallow soil emerges, where areas with water tables are sometimes
isolated and sometimes connected, contributing flow to the stream network.
Chapter 2 examines saturated and unsaturated water flux in HPUs in WS3 in order to
present hydrologic explanations of how the patterns of soil horizon thickness and
presence/absence arise. Several HPUs showed evidence of lateral podzolization, where
soil-forming processes occur downslope instead of vertically in a profile. It was
hypothesized that this is the result, in part, of lateral unsaturated water flow downslope.
In order to investigate this hypothesis, measurements of saturated and unsaturated
hydraulic head were made using tensiometers and shallow groundwater wells in HPUs.
Lateral unsaturated flow was detected in the HPUs showing evidence of lateral
podzolization. These findings provide a mechanism by which elements may be moved
and/or concentrated in the landscape. This helps explain some of the spatial patterns in
stream water chemistry observed in WS3 [Zimmer et al., 2013].
In chapter 3, the implications of some of the findings in chapter 1 and 2 are used to
explain the variation in DOC concentrations in streamwater in WS3 observed in Zimmer
et al. [2013]. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in soil water and
groundwater in HPUs are compared to those in stream water samples throughout the
stream network and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) at the outlet of WS3.
Soil water was sampled using suction lysimeters and groundwater using a network of
shallow wells. FDOM was measured every 30 minutes at the outlet of WS3. Two HPUs,
occurring near channel heads at high elevations in the catchment, were found to be
sources of DOC for the stream network. Furthermore, near-stream soils, commonly
considered to be DOC sources [Boyer et al., 2000; Laudon et al., 2011; McGlynn and
McDonnell, 2003], were not found to contribute more DOC to the stream than other
hillslope soils.
J. P. Gannon
Bishop, K., I. Buffam, M. Erlandsson, J. Fölster, H. Laudon, J. Seibert, and J. Temnerud
(2008), Aqua Incognita: the unknown headwaters, Hydrol Process, 22(8), 1239-1242,
doi: 10.1002/hyp.7049.
Boyer, E., G. Hornberger, K. Bencala, and D. McKnight (2000), Effects of asynchronous
snowmelt on flushing of dissolved organic carbon: a mixing model approach, Hydrol
Process, 14(18), 3291-3308, doi: 10.1002/1099-1085(20001230)14:18<3291::AIDHYP202>3.0.CO;2-2.
Evans, C., D. Monteith, and D. Cooper (2005), Long-term increases in surface water
dissolved organic carbon: observations, possible causes and environmental impacts,
Environ Pollut, 137(1), 55-71, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2004.12.031.
Laudon, H., M. Berggren, A. Agren, I. Buffam, K. Bishop, T. Grabs, M. Jansson, and S.
Kohler (2011), Patterns and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Boreal
Streams: The Role of Processes, Connectivity, and Scaling, Ecosystems, 14(6), 880-893,
doi: 10.1007/S10021-011-9452-8.
Lin, H., J. Bouma, Y. Pachepsky, A. Western, J. Thompson, R. V., H. J. Vogel, and A.
Lilly (2006), Hydropedology: synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology, Water
Resour Res, 42, W05301, doi:05310.01029/02005WR004085.
McGlynn, B. L., and J. J. McDonnell (2003), Role of discrete landscape units in
controlling catchment dissolved organic carbon dynamics, Water Resour Res, 39(4),
1090, doi: 10.1029/2002wr001525.
Nadeau, T.-L., and M. C. Rains (2007), Hydrological Connectivity Between Headwater
Streams and Downstream Waters: How Science Can Inform Policy1, JAWRA Journal of
the American Water Resources Association, 43(1), 118-133, doi: 10.1111/j.17521688.2007.00010.x.
Roulet, N., and T. R. Moore (2006), Environmental chemistry: Browning the waters,
Nature, 444(7117), 283-284, doi: 10.1038/444283a.
Zimmer, M. A., S. W. Bailey, K. J. McGuire, and T. D. Bullen (2013), Fine scale
variations of surface water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network,
Hydrol Process, 27(24), 3438-3451, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9449.
J. P. Gannon
Chapter 1: Literature review
1.0 Introduction
Deciphering how runoff is generated and spatial and temporal water chemistry varies in
headwater streams is essential to understanding and protecting the water bodies that
provide vital resources to people and ecosystems around the world. Currently, most
environmental regulation aimed at protecting water quality is directed toward the much
more visible, larger water bodies [Nadeau and Rains, 2007]. However, downstream water
quality has been shown to be influenced by small but numerous and spatially dominant
headwater catchments [Alexander et al., 2007; Freeman et al., 2007; Peterson et al.,
2001]. In addition to water quality, the biodiversity and ecological health of fresh water
systems are largely governed by processes occurring in headwater streams [Lowe and
Likens, 2005; Meyer et al., 2007].
These important headwater systems are diverse and complex. Even within the same
watershed, headwater catchments have variable geochemical output [McGuire et al.,
2014; Wolock et al., 1997; Zimmer et al., 2013]. Catchment geochemical output not only
varies spatially, but temporally over a range of flow conditions [Gomi et al., 2002].
Explanations of these variations range from differences in catchment size [Wolock et al.,
1997] to differences in contributing area primarily driven by riparian characteristics
[Dodds and Oakes, 2008; Sanford et al., 2007]. However, others have found that the
processes driving runoff generation are more complex than can be captured by simple
metrics of catchment characteristics [Sidle et al., 2000].
The lack of concise explanations for variability among catchments illustrates how little is
known about the generation of stream chemistry and runoff in headwater catchments
[Bishop et al., 2008]. Describing how these catchments function and developing
descriptions of processes that are relevant across scales is an important step in
understanding not only the variability in headwater catchment output but also variability
at larger scales [McGuire et al., 2014; Tetzlaff et al., 2008]. This may be accomplished by
focusing on first-order controls of runoff generation and stream water chemistry, such as
J. P. Gannon
the connection and disconnection of different catchment reservoirs governed by threshold
responses to precipitation [McDonnell, 2003]. To do this, dominant landscape units must
be identified and monitored [McGlynn et al., 2004]. By focusing on common patterns
and processes of these landscape units at the hillslope scale, fundamental relationships
may be identified, offering insight into processes that transcend spatial scales [Sivapalan,
2003; Uchida et al., 2005]. However, controls on the landscape heterogeneity governing
these patterns and processes are complex, therefore, expertise from multiple disciplines
must be integrated in order to move toward a more complete understanding of headwater
catchments [Troch et al., 2009].
2.0 Catchment structure as a predictor of hydrologic/biogeochemical output
2.1 The variable source area concept
Since the early descriptions of runoff generation from Horton [1933], the likelihood of
specific areas to contribute more or less runoff to a stream have been considered. Later,
others would discuss explicitly the tendency of contributing areas to change throughout
the duration of a storm, defining contributing areas as those where saturated overland
flow occurs [Betson, 1964; Dunne and Black, 1970; Ragan, 1968]. Descriptions of the
dominance of subsurface processes in generating streamflow [Harr, 1977; Hewlett, 1961;
Hewlett and Nutter, 1970; Hursh, 1944; Hursh and Brater, 1941; Kirkby and Chorley,
1967; Sklash and Farvolden, 1979; Whipkey, 1965] further complicate the description of
contributing area as it was recognized that infiltration [Horton, 1933; Ragan, 1968] or
saturation [Dunne and Black, 1970] excess are not a requisite condition for stormflow
The variable source area concept, presented in Hewlett and Hibbert [1967], offered a
conceptual model of the processes producing streamflow via subsurface flow, and how
contributing area changes throughout a precipitation event. They recognized that
variations in flow pathways throughout the catchment are likely dependent on hillslope
morphology and soil type [Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967; Hoover, 1943]. Indeed Sklash et
al. [1986] showed variations in deuterium concentrations in a small catchment to further
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confirm that water was traveling at different rates through hillslopes of varying
Determining what governs this variability is a persistent question in the field of
hydrology. Authors have posited several controls governing the spatial and temporal
distribution of contributing areas, including riparian morphology and hydrologic
characteristics [Burt et al., 2002; Buttle et al., 2004; McGlynn et al., 2004], hillslope
topography [Anderson and Burt, 1978; Aryal et al., 2002; Beven and Kirkby, 1979; Detty
and McGuire, 2010b; Fujimoto et al., 2008], and/or the subsurface topography of
confining layers such as bedrock [Ali et al., 2011; Freer et al., 2002; Tromp-van
Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006], dense glacial till [Hutchinson and Moore, 2000], or
fragipans [Gburek et al., 2006; McDaniel et al., 2008]. Notwithstanding, the viability
describing runoff generation through the lens of variable source areas has been called into
question. For instance, McDonnell [2003] proposed a framework of networked
threshold-governed reservoirs as a more effective way of describing runoff generation in
catchments. This approach allows for more spatially variably contributing areas, rather
than a saturated area extending up the hillslope from the stream.
2.2 Hillslope-riparian connectivity
One control on variable source area, and thus the chemical output and discharge of a
catchment is the composition and morphology of the riparian zone. At the scale of small
catchments, hillslopes and riparian areas have been described as dominant landscape
units [Hooper, 1998; McGlynn et al., 2004; Seibert and McDonnell, 2002]. The degree
to which riparian zones connect with hillslopes has been identified as a control on
catchment output [Buttle et al., 2004; Cirmo and McDonnell, 1997; McGlynn et al., 2004;
Vidon and Hill, 2004]. This connectivity is controlled by the size and hydrologic
characteristics of riparian areas [Burt et al., 2002] and hillslope shape [Jencso et al.,
It is not only hillslope-riparian connectivity that governs streamflow generation but also
the ability of riparian areas to buffer discharge from upland regions in the catchment.
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Both the overall volume of riparian zones [McGlynn and McDonnell, 2003b] as well as
the ratio of their size with that of hillslopes [McGlynn and Seibert, 2003] have been
shown to control how they buffer discharge in small catchments.
Not only do riparian zones play a role in governing discharge, they also play a role in
determining catchment chemical output. Hooper, et al. [1998] identified the importance
of riparian zones to stream chemistry by finding a mixing model with hillslope endmembers failed to describe the sources of stream water, due to the overarching effects of
the riparian zone on the chemistry of runoff. Likewise, Burns et al. [2001] also
concluded riparian areas were resetting hillslope water signatures, adding that this was
likely the result of the magnitude of riparian storage related to that of the hillslope.
Riparian zones and their changing connections with hillslopes have also been found to
explain changing solute concentrations throughout events in a variety of systems [Burt,
2005; Inamdar and Mitchell, 2007; Katsuyama et al., 2009; Kendall et al., 1999;
McGlynn and McDonnell, 2003a]. These effects are evident even beyond the headwater
catchment scale, as Sanford [2007] proposed that the chemical variations seen in
catchments over 10 km2 can also be explained by variations in riparian size and buffering
While the riparian zone has been shown to exert control over catchment discharge and
chemical output, the effects of upslope areas cannot be ignored. As illustrated above,
riparian zone functioning is determined by morphology and hydrologic properties.
However, the form and function of these zones has been shown to be partially controlled
by upland characteristics [Ocampo et al., 2006; Vidon and Hill, 2004]. This suggests the
characteristics of hillslopes in headwater catchments must be considered even when
considering riparian zones as dominant catchment landforms.
2.3 Hillslope topography
Although the variable source area concept put forth by Hewlett and Hibbert [1967]
identifies soil mantle thickness as a control on source area development, the effect of
hillslope topography was not explicitly addressed. Later studies describing controls on
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water table development identified hillslope concavity as a control on water table
development, along with soil thickness and hydraulic properties [Beven, 1978; Dunne et
al., 1975; Freeze, 1972]. Anderson and Burt [1978] found water table development to be
more prevalent in convergent slopes where event water was funneled into hillslope
hollows, as opposed to divergent slopes where flow concentration did not occur.
In addition to hillslope concavity, the role of slope in water table development also
became apparent. Dunne et al. [1975] observed that steeper hillslopes experienced less
water table development than gentler slopes. Indeed in modeling variable source areas in
catchments, TOPMODEL [Beven and Kirkby, 1979] predicts water table development
using a topographic wetness index (TWI) calculated from local slope and area drained
per unit contour length [Kirkby, 1975].
The inclusion of drainage area, or upslope accumulated area, to TWI to predict depth to
water table in TOPMODEL [Beven and Kirkby, 1979] illustrates the importance of
hillslope morphology, in predicting water tables. Several authors have identified digitally
derived topographic attributes, e.g., the three-dimensional shape of a hillslope, as a driver
of hydrological functioning, including water table development [Aryal et al., 2002; Detty
and McGuire, 2010b; Fujimoto et al., 2008]. In fact, Jencso [2009] found a strong
correlation between upslope accumulated area alone and hydrologic connection to the
stream. As upslope accumulated area is an integrator of topographic characteristics
[Jencso et al., 2009], this reinforces previous findings identifying terrain attributes as a
control on water table development and streamflow generation.
The predictive ability of terrain attributes and TWI with regard to water table occurrence
is important not only in determining catchment or hillslope discharge, but also water
chemistry. For instance, discrete saturated areas have been shown to be important to
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export during precipitation events in headwater
catchments [Inamdar and Mitchell, 2006]. Predictors of water table development such as
landform or TWI are therefore correlated with DOC [Creed and Beall, 2009; Hornberger
et al., 1994; Ogawa et al., 2006]. Other chemical constituents in soil water throughflow
J. P. Gannon
are also dependent on discrete saturated areas. TWI has been demonstrated to be a
predictor of nitrate [Ogawa et al., 2006; Welsch et al., 2001] and dissolved organic
nitrogen [Creed et al., 2008; Ogawa et al., 2006] in hillslope throughflow.
2.4 Impeding layer topography
Yet another important aspect controlling water table development and streamflow
generation is the topography of subsurface impeding layers. In some catchments, surface
topography alone is not an accurate predictor of water table development; instead the
topography of the underlying bedrock [Ali et al., 2011; Freer et al., 2002; Tromp-van
Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006], dense glacial till [Hutchinson and Moore, 2000] or
fragipans [Gburek et al., 2006; McDaniel et al., 2008] dominates saturation patterns. As
with the development of saturated areas, the same impeding layer control of soil moisture
on hillslopes has also been observed [Chaplot and Walter, 2003; McNamara et al., 2005].
Tromp-van Meerveld and McDonnell [2006] described the process governing this control
over saturation as depressions in low permeability bedrock filling with water (reaching
saturation) and then spilling, thereby generating downslope water flow. This process
produces a threshold response to precipitation, as there is a requisite amount of
precipitation that must be exceeded in order to produce runoff. Precipitation amounts
below this will only partially fill storage reservoirs, generating no runoff. Depressions of
many different magnitudes exist in these catchments, resulting in a spatial patchwork of
areas with different thresholds of precipitation governing their response [Ali et al., 2011;
Lehmann et al., 2007].
2.5 Hot spots and thresholds
As discussed previously, frequently saturated areas in catchments can have unique water
chemistry, leading to stream chemistry that is dependent on the chemical output and
structure contributing areas. Saturated areas in this context may be considered ‘hot
spots’, as biogeochemical reactions create unique solute chemistry with the addition of a
missing ingredient: water [McClain et al., 2003]. Changes stream chemistry, not
consistent with typical patterns, have been associated with different ‘hot spots’ in
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catchments, such as elevated base cations from springs near streams at Hubbard Brook
[Likens and Buso, 2006]. Additionally, hillslope saturation has been shown to play an
important role in delivery of solutes to streams [Creed and Beall, 2009; Inamdar and
Mitchell, 2006; van Verseveld et al., 2009] and riparian zone characteristics [McGlynn
and McDonnell, 2003a] and hydrologic connection with hillslopes [Pacific et al., 2010]
influence the timing and concentrations of solute export from catchments. This
dependence of stream chemistry on zones of saturation or ‘hot spots’ in catchments
illustrates the need to better understand not only the processes occurring in these zones,
but also where and when these ‘hot spots’ occur spatially and temporally [Burt and
Pinay, 2005; Uhlenbrook, 2006].
A potential tool in predicting the spatial and temporal dynamics of catchment hot spots is
to group them in terms of response thresholds. Sidle [2000], among others [Detty and
McGuire, 2010a; McDonnell, 2003; Spence, 2010; Tromp-van Meerveld and McDonnell,
2006], observed that runoff generation in small catchments occurs when a threshold of
antecedent wetness and precipitation is exceeded. These threshold responses are
observable at the catchment outlet, where discharge will only increase after a threshold
amount of precipitation has been added to existing catchment storage [Detty and
McGuire, 2010a]. Furthermore, McDonnell [2003] explained that threshold inputs are
necessary to activate lateral throughflow, whether dependent on macropores or bedrock
topography. Indeed threshold responses at the hillslope scale have been reported,
whether dependent on bedrock topography [Ali et al., 2011; Tromp-van Meerveld and
McDonnell, 2006], the self organization of macropore flowpaths [Nieber and Sidle, 2010]
or other factors such as soil depth [Buttle et al., 2004]. It is the organization of these
different threshold responses and the connection of flow pathways that produces stream
runoff [Ali et al., 2011; Sidle et al., 2000; Spence, 2010].
A description of what thresholds for runoff production exist spatially in a catchment
would therefore explain where and after how much precipitation ‘hot spots’ would
activate. The biogeochemical functioning of soils in these ‘hot spots’ would then help
predict the catchment chemical output resultant from a given amount of precipitation.
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Likewise the hydrological functioning of ‘activated’ zones, including whether or not they
are contributing to runoff [Ambroise, 2004], would aid in predicting catchment discharge.
3.0 Soils predictors of catchment behavior
3.1 Topography as a predictor of soil attributes and morphology
Just as metrics describing the topography of a hillslope can be predictive of hydrologic
behavior, they are also related to soil properties. For instance, simple topographic
descriptors, such as slope, elevation, and TWI have been shown to be correlated with
organic matter content in soil [Guo et al., 2009] as well as various soil chemical
properties [Gessler et al., 1995; Moore et al., 1993; Seibert et al., 2007; Tsui et al.,
2004]. Additionally, soil morphological attributes may also be predicted by terrain
[Gessler et al., 1995; Moore et al., 1993; Odeh et al., 1994]. While many single
topographic metrics may be predictive of specific soil attributes, a combination of many
metrics is necessary for a more complete predictive model of spatial soil occurrence
[Pennock et al., 1987]. Indeed, Park and Burt [2002] found correlations between soil
chemistry and several combined terrain attributes, suggesting a more descriptive metric
of hillslope morphology was necessary to predict the occurrence of soil properties.
A useful metric describing hillslope topography may be landform. Pennock [1987]
described how nine distinct landform types [Dalrymple, 1968] could be indicative of
different soil morphologies. Similarly, Young and Hammer [2000] related several soil
morphological features to specific landforms. As a computer model using digital
elevation data can determine the locations of these landforms throughout a catchment, it
is possible to predict the distribution of soils throughout a catchment [MacMillan et al.,
2000; Schmidt and Hewitt, 2004]. Although at a scale larger than would be necessary for
a headwater catchment, the feasibility of this approach was demonstrated in Schmidt et
al. [2005].
3.2 Hydrology as the driving factor in soil spatial distribution
As discussed in section 2.0, topographic attributes of a hillslope can be predictors of
hydrologic behavior, just as they can be predictors of soil chemistry and morphology.
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The dependence of hydrology and soil chemistry/morphology on topography is not a
coincidence. Although Jenny [1941] did not explicitly identify hydrology as a control on
soil development, it was included implicitly through the factors of climate and
topography. More recent work, however, has specifically identified hydrology as a
control on the development and distribution of soils in a watershed.
Hydrology has been identified as a control on soil composition and morphology [Schaetzl
and Anderson, 2005], perhaps the primary control [Daniels and Hammer, 1992]. For
instance, the amount of time a soil is saturated has been shown to control soil color
[Dunne et al., 1975; Franzmeier et al., 1983; Reuter and Bell, 2003]. Additionally,
Moore et al. [1993] related several soil characteristics to a topographic wetness index,
additionally hypothesizing that subsurface flow paths are a control on soil spatial
variability. As hypothesized by Moore et al. [1993], controls beyond saturation have also
been identified. Several studies have identified lateral throughflow as a control on soil
development, identifying patterns of Fe and Mn depletion and deposition indicative of
translocation downslope, not only vertically in a profile [Jankowski, 2013; McDaniel,
1992; Park and Burt, 1999; 2002; Sommer and Schlichting, 1997; Sommer et al., 2000].
Furthermore, these lateral flow processes have been linked to identifiable soil
morphological characteristics, such as changes in horizon thickness due to horizontal
translocation [Bailey et al., 2014; Jankowski, 2013; Sommer et al., 2000].
3.3 Soil characteristics as indicators of hydrologic regimes
As discussed above, soil morphology and chemical composition can be indicative of the
hydrology that influenced their formation. Therefore, just as terrain can be used to predict
soil characteristics, soil characteristics may also be used to predict hydrologic function.
Indeed, Park and Burt [1999] suggested a detailed analysis of soil chemistry could
predict hydrologic functioning. In a later study, Park and van de Giesen [2004]
associated landforms with different soil development and thereby soil moisture regimes.
By mapping landform occurrence they were able to identify areas of similar soil moisture
regimes in a catchment. Pedotransfer functions, where soil characteristics indicative of
hydrologic characteristics are indexed and used to predict hydrologic functioning, are
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another example of a method for relating soil properties to hydrologic functioning
[Pachepsky et al., 2006].
4.0 Integration
As proposed by Sivapalan [2003] and Uchida [2005], an examination of common
patterns and processes in headwater catchments has revealed relationships between soil
properties, hydrologic function, and topographic position. Following the recent call for a
more transdisciplinary approach to catchment hydrology [Troch et al., 2009], these
relationships integrate the fields of soil science and hydrology.
Because these relationships between soil, landform, and hydrology exist, it is
hypothesized that a catchment may be divided into similarly functioning areas based on
the predicted topographic location of soils [Lin et al., 2006]. These similarly functioning
areas may act as dominant landscape units, whose identification and description was
called for by McGlynn, et al. [2004]. If the hydrologic responses of these areas are
classified, and their response thresholds identified, they may be treated as the threshold
governed storage areas described by McDonnell [2003]. Furthermore, during a
precipitation event, above threshold areas may be treated as ‘hot spots’. If the chemical
transformations taking place in these ‘hot spots’ can be described, they may be linked to
the development of spatial and temporal patterns in stream chemistry. Likewise,
knowledge of the hydrologic behavior of these areas may lead to a more thorough
understanding of catchment discharge, potentially helping physically based models move
toward getting the right answers for the right reasons [Kirchner, 2006]. Moving forward
in this manner may therefore foster a better understanding of how our vital and relatively
unknown headwaters function.
J. P. Gannon
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J. P. Gannon
Chapter 2: Organizing groundwater regimes and response thresholds by soils: a
framework for understanding runoff generation in a headwater catchment.
John P. Gannon
Scott W. Bailey
Kevin J. McGuire
A network of shallow groundwater wells in a headwater catchment at the Hubbard Brook
Experimental Forest in New Hampshire was used to investigate the hydrologic behavior
of five distinct soil morphological units. The soil morphological units were hypothesized
to be indicative of distinct water table regimes. Water table fluctuations in the wells were
characterized by their median and interquartile range of depth; proportion of time water
table was present in the solum, and storage-discharge behavior of subsurface flow.
Statistically significant differences in median, interquartile range, and presence of water
table were detected among soil units. Threshold responses were identified in storagedischarge relationships of subsurface flow, with thresholds varying among soil units.
These results suggest that soil horizonation is indicative of distinct groundwater flow
regimes. The spatial distribution of water table across the catchment showed variably
connected/disconnected active areas of runoff generation in the solum. The spatial
distribution of water table and therefore areas contributing to stormflow is complex and
changes depending on catchment storage.
J. P. Gannon
1.0 Introduction
The spatial distribution of soil moisture and depth to water table throughout a catchment
are critical components in any attempt to understand streamflow generation [Freeze,
1972; Sidle et al., 2000; Western et al., 1999]. Water table fluctuations are often studied
in order to describe runoff generation processes [Bachmair and Weiler, 2012; Sklash and
Farvolden, 1979; Tromp-van Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006]. An improved
understanding of where and when water tables develop in a headwater catchment would
therefore be a valuable tool to help understand runoff generation and transport at the
catchment scale.
Authors have posited several controls governing the spatial and temporal distribution of
water tables, including riparian morphology and soil hydrologic characteristics [Burt et
al., 2002; Buttle et al., 2004; McGlynn et al., 2004], hillslope topography [Anderson and
Burt, 1978; Beven and Kirkby, 1979; Detty and McGuire, 2010a; Dhakal and Sullivan,
2014; Penna et al., 2014], and/or the subsurface topography of confining layers such as
bedrock [Ali et al., 2011; Freer et al., 2002; Tromp-van Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006],
dense glacial till [Hutchinson and Moore, 2000; Rodhe and Seibert, 2011], fragipans
[Gburek et al., 2006; McDaniel et al., 2008], or other layers of contrasting conductivities
[Rulon et al., 1985]. Mapping the extent of these features may assist in the prediction of
potential saturation regions in the subsurface given an amount of antecedent moisture and
precipitation. However, bedrock, till, or fragipan hydrogeologic characteristics and
topographies are not easily mapped or predicted, making understanding their importance
to spatial runoff generation processes challenging.
Even when predictions of saturated regions in a catchment are possible, they indicate
little about runoff generation [Bracken and Croke, 2007]. As described in Ambroise
[2004], a distinction must be drawn between active and contributing areas. An active area
may be any saturated area in the catchment. Contributing areas imply hydrologic
connection to the stream with sufficiently high hydraulic conductivity to produce runoff
at the catchment outlet at the timescale of storm events. Hydrologic connectivity and flux
are higher in saturated or near-saturated soil than in soil with lower water content.
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Therefore, while any saturated area may be considered an active area in terms of
subsurface flow, if it is not connected hydraulically to the stream at the event timescale, it
is not considered a contributing area. Threshold responses (defined as the absence of a
response in the dependent variable until a threshold value of the independent variable is
exceeded [Zehe and Sivapalan, 2009]) of water table rise in soil profiles to precipitation
and antecedent wetness describe the function of distinct hydrologic regimes, such as
whether or not areas are likely to be active and/or contributing areas under certain
conditions. Threshold responses in catchment discharge have been identified in a variety
of landscapes and are a promising tool for deciphering catchment hydrological processes
[e.g., Detty and McGuire, 2010b; Penna et al., 2011; Penna et al., 2014]. Additionally,
threshold subsurface flow responses have also been identified [Ali et al., 2013].When
compared spatially throughout a catchment, threshold water table responses may offer
insight into how water tables develop and contribute to streamflow. This may offer
insights into how shallow water tables throughout a catchment relate to discharge and
spatial and temporal variations in streamwater chemistry.
Spatial and temporal variations in the streamwater chemistry of headwater catchments
have been observed at a variety of scales [Likens and Buso, 2006; Zimmer et al., 2013].
Contrasting longitudinal patterns in streamwater chemistry have been observed within
branches of the same stream even in small headwater catchments [Asano et al., 2009;
Palmer et al., 2005; Zimmer et al., 2013]. In scenarios where bedrock, soil parent
material, and vegetation are similar across the stream network, other factors must be the
cause of such variation. One such potential cause of these observed variations is differing
spatial distributions of water tables in subcatchments that suggest distinct active
flowpaths unequally distributed throughout the catchment [O'Loughlin, 1981]. Saturated
areas are thought to be hot spots for biogeochemical activity [McClain et al., 2003],
regardless of their connection to the stream. Distinct chemical signatures developed in
these areas due to variations in redox conditions or water contact time with subsurface
materials, may therefore be relevant to streamwater chemistry at an event timescale
and/or beyond [Zimmer et al., 2013]. Thus identifying response thresholds, characteristic
water table behavior, and the spatial distribution of contributing and non-contributing
J. P. Gannon
areas is vital to understanding streamflow generation and regulation of solute
composition in headwater catchments.
Several studies have identified hydrological controls on soil development [Bailey et al.,
2014; Park and Burt, 2002; Zaslavsky and Rogowski, 1969], expanding the classic soil
formation factors of Jenny [1941], which only indirectly identifies hydrologic influences
by way of climate and topography. For instance, intermittently saturated soils have been
shown to contain redoximorphic features and elevated carbon accumulation [He et al.,
2003; Moore et al., 1993; Rabenhorst and Parikh, 2000]. Likewise, several studies have
identified lateral throughflow as a control on soil development, detecting patterns of Fe
and Mn depletion and deposition indicative of translocation downslope, not only
vertically in a soil profile [McDaniel, 1992; Park and Burt, 2002; Sommer et al., 2000].
In this study we utilized five soil morphological units that have been recognized in
watershed 3 (WS3) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), USA [Bailey et
al., 2014; Zimmer et al., 2013]. Soils were grouped based on the characteristics of the
solum. The solum is the soil to the base of the B horizon. Compared to the C horizon it is
relatively weathered, with greater development of soil structure (i.e., particle
aggregation), a lower bulk density, and varying carbon accumulation depending on
thickness and type of B horizons. Additionally, it is approximately equivalent to the
rooting zone. In contrast, the underlying C horizon is less affected by soil forming
processes, reflecting geologic properties of relatively unaltered parent material. Varying
depths and thicknesses of diagnostic soil horizons in the solum, hypothesized to be the
result of differences in hydrologic flowpaths, have been identified at HBEF and shown to
occur along topographic sequences. Using a well network to monitor groundwater
responses in the solum, we compared the water table dynamics and estimated subsurface
flow rates under different storage regimes across soil units. The primary questions
addressed in this study are: 1. Can soil units defined by morphological differences be
used to indicate specific solum groundwater dynamics and/or the spatial distribution of
solum groundwater in a headwater catchment? 2. Can insights from examining solum
groundwater regimes in different soils provide information about runoff generation and
J. P. Gannon
contributing/recharge areas in a catchment?
2.0 Site Description
This study was carried out at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, in watershed 3, the
hydrologic reference watershed for a series of paired watershed experiments [Hornbeck,
1973; 1975; Hornbeck et al., 1970; Likens et al., 1970] (Figure 1). Hubbard Brook is
located near North Woodstock, NH, USA in the White Mountain National Forest. The
climate is humid continental, with average January and July temperatures of -9°C and
18°C, respectively. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year with about a
quarter to a third of the 1400 mm annual precipitation occurring as snow [Bailey et al.,
Watershed 3 is 42 ha, south facing, steep (average slope of 28%), and ranges in elevation
from 527 to 732 m [Likens, 2013]. The catchment is forested with mature, northern
hardwood species, American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple (Acer saccharum),
yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis). On shallow to bedrock areas balsam fir (Abies
balsamea), red spruce (Picea rubens) and white birch (Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia)
dominate [Likens, 2013].
Watershed 3 is underlain by sillimanite-grade pelitic schist and calc-silicate granulite of
the Silurian Rangeley Formation. The soil parent materials are ablation and basal tills of
varying thickness, texture, and hydraulic conductivity deposited during the late
Wisconsinan glacial period [Bailey et al., 2014]. The major soil type is a podzol with a
sandy loam texture, which has been characterized as a well-drained Haplorthod with 0.5
m average solum thickness [Likens, 2013]. However, distinct variations of soil
horizonation and a broader range of drainage classes have been identified in WS3, and
are hypothesized to be the result of variations in soil forming processes driven by
groundwater regime. These variations have been grouped into soil morphological units
[Bailey et al., 2014] named according to their dominant pedogenic horizon. For example,
the solum of an E podzol is dominated by an E horizon, a leached layer that is highly
weathered and has a low carbon content. Bhs and Bh podzols are similarly dominated by
J. P. Gannon
Bhs and Bh horizons, respectively, with higher carbon content. The exceptions are the
typical podzol, which has horizonation more typical of the classic concept of a Spodosol,
with moderate expression of both E and B horizons, and the bimodal podzol, which is
characterized by an anomalous Bh horizon at the base of the solum in an otherwise
typical podzol. A conceptual model of these soil units along an idealized hillslope is
shown in Figure 2. E, Bhs, and Bh podzols were hypothesized by Bailey et al. [2014] to
be indicative of the lateral translocation of spodic materials downslope (lateral
podzolization), a process similar to that identified by Sommer et al. [2000]. Upon initial
analysis of existing wells in Bh podzols from Detty and McGuire [2010a] and Bailey et
al. [2014], differences were identified in water table fluctuations leading to the separation
of Bh podzols into near-stream Bh podzols and hillslope Bh podzols. Bimodal podzols
were not included in this analysis as they are considered to be a transitional soil unit
between typical podzols and Bh podzols, occupying a small percentage of the catchment
compared to other units.
3.0 Methods
3.1 Well network
This study is based on data from a shallow groundwater well network spatially
distributed throughout WS3 (Figure 1). The network of 25 wells was designed to
monitor water table dynamics across different soil units throughout the catchment and is
a composite of wells established by previous studies and wells installed specifically for
this analysis. Seven wells installed by Detty and McGuire [2010a; b] had soil
morphology characterized in adjacent soil pits by Bailey et al. [2014]. An additional
seven wells with detailed soil characterization were installed by Bailey et al. [2014] in
order to have three wells in each soil unit identified in WS3. In this study, 11 more wells
were installed and soils were characterized, in order to bring the total number of wells in
each soil unit to five, including five wells each in Bh podzols found in near-stream areas
as well as other settings more distant from streams. Wells from previous studies have
associated multi-year datasets that were used to test the representativeness of the time
period of this study (August 2011 – August 2012).
J. P. Gannon
At each well, a small soil pit was hand excavated to ~10 cm into the C horizon (40 to 100
cm; 65 cm average) and pedogenic horizons were described. Each soil profile was
assigned to one of the categories based on horizon presence and thickness. Wells were
constructed of standard dimension ratio (SDR) 21 PVC pipe with a 3.76 cm inner
diameter and a 31 cm screen length consisting of 0.025 cm width lateral slots with 0.32
cm spacing between slots. Wells were either installed with a 10 cm hand auger
immediately upslope of the characterization pit or in the backfilled pit. The auger was
used to bore 10 cm into the C horizon so that the base of the well screen was inserted into
the C horizon. Wells were installed on top of bedrock in the cases where a C horizon was
not present. Local washed sand was used to backfill to a depth just above the screened
interval, and then native soil was backfilled and carefully compacted above the screened
interval to the soil surface. Each well was equipped with a 1.5 m Odyssey Water Level
Logger that used capacitance measured along a Teflon coated wire suspended in the well
to determine water level (Dataflow Systems Pty Ltd) recorded at 10 minute intervals.
Data was available for the 25 wells used in this study for the period of August 2011 –
August 2012; however, several wells had records extending to August 2007. To be sure
this data period was not anomalous, and therefore suitable to use to characterize water
table regimes in soil units, we compared the water table data from year to year where
possible. Because of the large number of water table measurements per year (n > 50,000),
examining statistical tests for differences in the distributions of water table measurements
will always detect differences even when the distributions are very similar [Gardner and
Altman, 1986]. Therefore, similar to the analyses used in this study, the median and
interquartile range (IQR) were used to examine the water table records for multiple years.
The median and IQR were within 1.5 cm of previous years in all 7 of the wells with up to
3 years of water table data. This suggests the period of data used in this analysis was not
Topographic metrics for each well were derived from a low-pass filtered, 5-meter
resolution, LiDAR derived digital elevation model (DEM). This DEM was determined by
Gillin [2013] to produce topographic metrics most similar to field measured values.
Upslope accumulated area (UAA) was calculated using a multiple flow direction
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algorithm defined in Seibert and McGlynn [2007]. The maximum slope algorithm [Travis
et al., 1975] was used to calculate slope. Distance from stream was calculated as the
Euclidean distance to the nearest intermittent or perennial stream channel on a stream
network mapped from observations of streamflow and evidence of fluvial channel
development (Figure 1).
3.2 Water table dynamics
In an effort to quantify differences observed in the water table dynamics of wells in
different soil units, three metrics describing water table fluctuation in the solum were
examined: median water level, interquartile range of water level, and percent time water
table existed above the C horizon.
The distribution of water level measurements was defined as all data where water level
was recorded to be anywhere within the solum. While permanent water tables
undoubtedly existed at depth within the C horizon, Detty and McGuire [2010a] found that
the upper C horizon saturated quickly following events and saturated hydraulic
conductivities above the subsoil were higher. This led to the conclusion that water tables
in the solum may develop on top of the C horizon [Detty and McGuire, 2010a]. We
acknowledge that solum water tables likely rise up from the C horizon in some settings
and develop of top of the C horizon in others, however, because this study focused on
solum water table dynamics, water tables above the C horizon were considered regardless
of their origin. Therefore, percent time of water table existence was defined as the
number of measurements where the record was above the subsoil (i.e., above the top of
the C horizon) divided by the total number of measurements in the record times one
hundred. For calculation of the interquartile range and median of each water table record,
water table measurements were normalized to range from 0 (ground surface) to 100 (base
of solum), in order to more uniformly compare all well records. Records of water level
below the C horizon where categorized as non-detects, therefore a median groundwater
level was more appropriate than a mean. Differences between metrics among soil units
were tested for statistical significance using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance and
Tukey’s honestly significant difference test at a significance level of 0.05.
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3.3 Groundwater flux
Groundwater flow was estimated at each well in order to make comparisons among the
responses of different soil units. We calculated total catchment storage from 20 Feb 2011
to 30 June 2012 and evaluated well response for different levels of storage.
The hydrologic lumped, conceptual rainfall runoff model HBV light [Seibert and Vis,
2012; Steele-Dunne et al., 2008; Uhlenbrook et al., 1999], a version of HBV [Bergström,
1995; Lindström et al., 2005], was adapted to MATLAB and used to calculate storage in
the catchment and snow melt input. Storage was represented for this analysis by the
combination of the soil and groundwater storages from HBV. This combined storage
value was intended to represent variation in the overall storage or wetness state of the
catchment through time. This model was chosen because it has been shown to perform
well in snow-dominated catchments [Bergström, 1995; Seibert, 1997] as well as other
catchments around the world [Lidén and Harlin, 2000; Steele-Dunne et al., 2008] and
represents catchment storage (as presented in Detty and McGuire [2010b]) well. HBV
was calibrated for WS3 by selecting the optimal parameter set from a 100,000 iteration
Monte Carlo simulation using streamflow and snow water equivalent in a multi-objective
calibration using the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) [Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970] and
relative volume error following Lindström [1997] and the NSE of snow water equivalent.
The same parameters were varied as in Seibert et al. [2000] with the exception of
MAXBAS, which is a channel routing parameter that is unnecessary due to the small size
of WS3. The multi-objective calibration efficiency for the optimum parameter set was
0.79. The storage dynamics from the model were considered to be representative of
actual catchment storage based on a linear relationship between storage calculated from a
representative soil moisture transect in Detty and McGuire [2010b]. The calculated
storage from Detty and McGuire [2010b] was used to corroborate the model, and was not
used for calibration. Observed and modeled storage metrics, were highly correlated (r =
0.95). While magnitudes differed in the two calculated metrics, the strong linear
relationship indicated the storage dynamics were captured by the model.
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Following the procedure outlined in Detty and McGuire [2010b] for examining threshold
changes in catchment discharge, the modeled storage was then added to the daily input,
whether it was measured precipitation or model calculated snowmelt input. The resulting
dataset represented the ‘effective storage’ in the catchment: catchment storage from HBV
plus precipitation and snowmelt inputs on a daily time step.
Subsurface flow within the solum was then calculated for the water level record of every
well using Darcy assumptions. The hydraulic gradient at each well was assumed to be
parallel to the local, DEM derived ground surface slope at the well location (i.e., the
kinematic approximation), and transmissivity was calculated based on the hydraulic
conductivity - depth relationship for WS3 presented in Detty and McGuire [2010a].
Subsurface flow (qssf) above the C horizon (L2/T) was calculated as:
qssf = T(z) tanb
where z is the water table height (L) above the subsoil, b is the local slope, and T is
transmissivity (L2/T), calculated as:
T (zi ) =
{exp(! fzi ) ! exp(! fZ )}
where Ko is hydraulic conductivity (L/T) at the ground surface, zi is the initial (highest in
the profile) depth to water table, and Z is the depth to C horizon, and f (L-1) is the slope of
the line fit to the log transformed hydraulic conductivity-depth relationship [Detty and
McGuire, 2010b].
Subsurface flow (qssf) for each well was then examined across all levels of catchment
storage. This was done by binning modeled effective storage into 10 mm bins and
calculating the mean subsurface flow response for each bin at each well. The result was
an estimate of Darcian flow for each effective storage bin, allowing an examination of
subsurface flow as a function of the effective catchment storage.
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For each bin of effective storage for each well, a Wilcoxon rank sum test was performed
to identify bins in which mean discharge was significantly different from zero
(significance level of 0.05). The subsurface flow activation threshold for each soil unit
was identified as the mean storage level for all wells in the group at which the subsurface
flow significantly deviated from zero.
4.0 Results
4.1 Water table dynamics
Water table records from wells in different soil units showed distinct patterns of water
table fluctuation (Figure 3). The consistency of these differences among wells in the same
soil units over the study period is illustrated further in Figure 4. These two figures
exemplify the characteristic differences in water table dynamics among soil units.
Transient water table incursions into the solum were very infrequent in typical podzols
(Figure 3). Also, water tables seldom rose above the bottom 30% of the soil profile in
typical podzols (Figure 4). E and Bhs podzols were shown to have more frequent water
table presence (Figure 3) which was also higher into the soil profile (Figure 4). Hillslope
and near-stream Bh podzols had higher water tables for longer periods of time (Figure 4).
Hillslope Bh podzols, however, had only seasonally persistent water table while nearstream Bh podzols had perennial water table (Figures 3 and 4). Furthermore, hillslope Bh
podzols had higher magnitude fluctuations in water level, whereas near-stream Bh
podzols had relatively smaller magnitude fluctuations (Figures 3 and 4).
When the distributions of percent profile saturation above the subsoil in each soil unit
were compared, statistically significant differences were observed (Figure 5). The
presence or absence of water table in wells yielded statistically significant differences
among soil units (Figure 5a). Wells in soil units hypothesized to receive groundwater
flow from upslope (E, Bhs, hillslope Bh, near-stream Bh) had a significantly higher
percentage of their record where water table was observed above the subsoil. Water
tables were present in these wells ranging from about 25-100% of the time. Wells in the
vertically developed typical podzols detected water table far less frequently, with water
table present about 0-10% of the time, with the exception of one well, which had water
J. P. Gannon
table just under 40% of the time, but only for a small portion of the solum thickness (Fig.
The difference in water table fluctuations of the two subsets of Bh podzols can be
observed in Figure 3, showing a representative time series of water level data for each
soil unit, and Figure 4, showing cumulative density functions of the water table data for
each well in each soil unit. Hillslope Bh podzols had persistent water tables only in the
non-growing season and had higher magnitude water table fluctuations than near-stream
Bh podzols (Figure 3). The lower slope center portion of the ECDF (Empirical
Cumulative Density Function) for near-stream podzols in Figure 4 also shows that water
tables were more persistent and flunctuated less. Differences between near-stream and
hillslope Bh podzols were also related to the topographic position of the well (Figure 6):
Hillslope Bh podzol wells had consistently higher interquartile range of water table
recordings, occurred at distances >10 m from streams, and had upslope accumulated
areas (UAA) <150 m2.
Wells in soil units with horizonation hypothesized to be indicative of lateral
podzolization processes (E, Bhs, and hillslope Bh podzols), had consistently higher water
level than typical podzols. Interquartile ranges of these groups, however, did not differ
from one another, with the exception of near-stream Bh podzols, which were smaller,
indicating less variable water table fluctuations.
Median normalized water level likewise showed differences in well responses (Figure
5c). Hillslope and near-stream Bh podzols were not different from one another as both
exhibit persistent saturation for part of the year. E, Bhs, and typical podzols, despite
having different dynamics, shown by the percent time and interquartile range metrics, had
similar median water levels relative to their respective soil profile depths as their water
tables did not persist beyond event responses (Figure 3).
4.2 Storage – Groundwater flux relationships
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Distinct response thresholds to catchment effective storage, defined in section 3.3, were
observed for estimated groundwater flow in the solum for each of the soil units (Figure
7). With increasing storage in the catchment, water table in wells showed no measurable
response until a storage threshold was exceeded. This storage threshold differed among
wells included in this study. When wells were grouped by soil unit, however, response
thresholds were similar, with differences observed between units. While the podzols
hypothesized to be dominated by lateral flow on the hillslope had similar thresholds (E,
Bhs, and hillslope Bh), typical podzols and near-stream Bh podzols had very different
Saturated flow in the solum of typical podzols, where vertical soil development through
unsaturated percolation was hypothesized to dominate, showed a very high threshold,
requiring over ~90 mm of effective storage before a response was observed. For two
wells, the responses to precipitation in the solum were too brief and infrequent to elicit
any statistically significant response using this analysis. Therefore, the effective storage
needed to elicit a detectable response in these two wells is over 140 mm (Figure 7).
Furthermore, when typical podzols had measurable discharge, it was of a magnitude not
exceeding 0.1 cm2/min.
In wells where lateral processes are hypothesized and water table was more frequent,
thresholds were substantially lower and discharge much higher. In E and Bhs podzols,
the response threshold was in the 70-80 mm storage bin, while in hillslope Bh podzols it
was in the 50-60 mm bin (Figure 7). During the growing season, Figure 3 shows E and
Bhs podzols responding when Bh podzols did not. Later in the same time series, when
vegetation was dormant, hillslope Bh podzols responded with greater magnitude to
smaller events, leading to the lower threshold observed for hillslope Bh podzols (Figure
7). Discharge for these podzols was also higher, nearing 0.4 cm2/min for E, Bhs, and
hillslope Bh podzols.
Near-stream Bh podzols were observed to have persistent discharge that increased
steadily with increased storage, therefore no threshold response was observed.
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Furthermore, these near-stream soils showed low discharge, whose maximum was about
0.1 cm2/min. Differences in response thresholds were not only seen between soil units,
but also along transects of wells in a topographic sequence (Figures 8, 9).
Two common sequences of soil units along transects were examined to serve as examples
of the ways thresholds vary along hillslopes in the catchment. In the sequence from E –
Bhs – typical podzol, thresholds were lowest in the highest elevation wells, the E and Bhs
podzols (Figure 2, Figure 8). Moving closer to the stream, thresholds increased: E and
Bhs podzols had lower thresholds whereas thresholds in typical podzols were higher
(Figures 7, 10b, 8). Conversely, in another common sequence of soil units, typical –
hillslope Bh, thresholds changed in the opposite direction (Figure 8). Typical podzols
further from the stream had the highest response thresholds, whereas hillslope Bh podzols
further downslope required a much lower requisite storage to elicit a response (Figure 8,
10B). The same pattern is observed in the transition between typical podzols and nearstream Bh podzols (Figure 9).
While response thresholds generally increased with smaller UAA and greater distance
from the stream, the relationship was not consistent (Figure 10). For instance E, Bhs,
typical, and hillslope Bh podzols all had overlapping ranges of UAA and distance from
the stream; only near-stream Bh podzols separated entirely, with lower response
thresholds, lower distance to the stream, and higher UAA (Figure 10a, b). While typical
podzols only occurred on greater slope gradients and Bh podzols on lesser slope
gradients, E and Bhs podzols occurred over almost the entirety of the range observed for
wells used in this study (Figure 10c). Finally, the differences between hillslope and nearstream Bh podzols were highlighted when topographic metrics were examined with
thresholds. Near-stream Bh podzols not only had the lowest detectable threshold but also
the highest upslope accumulated area (Figure 10a) and were the closest to the stream
(Figure 10b). Their topographic similarities were in slope, where they occupied the same
range (Figure 10c).
5.0 Discussion
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5.1 Soil horizonation as an indicator of complex water table dynamics
Distinct water table regimes, described by the median and interquartile range of water
levels and percent time water table exists in the solum, were observed in each soil unit
(Table 1). Variations in soil morphology, including the presence of redoximorphic
features [He et al., 2003; Rabenhorst and Parikh, 2000]. and horizonation [Bailey et al.,
2014] have been shown to be indicative of saturation dynamics. Moore et al. [1993]
identified relationships between soil properties and topography, hypothesized to be the
result of different flowpaths and He et al. [2003] and Rabenhorst and Parikh [2000]
identified differences based on time of saturation. However, in this study soil units were
defined by characteristic horizonation throughout the entire profile, rather than discrete
features or horizons within the solum [Bailey et al., 2014]. Furthermore, the differences
observed in water table regimes across soil units in WS3 were compared to water table
dynamics having to do with the fluctuation, flow magnitude, and duration of flow
occurring in a soil unit. This suggests soil units observed in WS3 can be used to
understand solum flow dynamics and water table regimes in a catchment.
E and Bhs podzols have shallow profile depths and a large proportion of shallow or
exposed bedrock in contributing areas (Figure 2). E podzols were characterized by a soil
profile dominated by a thick E horizon and occur in complexes with bare bedrock
outcrops and organic horizons directly on bedrock. Bhs podzols were likewise
characterized by a thick Bhs horizon, and occurred immediately downslope of E podzols.
This sequence of podzols therefore appears to have formed as a result of frequent periods
of downslope saturated water flux, driven by vertical flow constriction due to shallow
bedrock, creating the eluviated E podzols upslope of the depositional Bhs podzols [Bailey
et al., 2014; Sommer et al., 2000]. The result is two pedons in a sequence on a hillslope
that show downslope soil forming properties generally seen vertically within a single
pedon [Sommer et al., 2000]. This is supported by the frequent incursion of water table
into the solum, high interquartile ranges of water levels, and low median water level
(Figure 5). Additionally, the threshold storage required to elicit a response in these soil
units was lower than typical podzols (Figure 7).
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Typical podzols were characterized by a thin E horizon over moderately thick spodic
horizons, indicating vertical leaching and immobilization of spodic (Bhs and Bs)
materials downward through the soil profile [Lundström et al., 2000; Sauer et al., 2007].
The existence of this horizonation in typical podzols would require a relatively inactive
water table regime consisting primarily of unsaturated vertical fluxes, with only brief
periods of water table incursion into the solum during extreme events. Indeed, our
analysis showed these podzols were saturated very infrequently, with low interquartile
ranges of water table measurements, never more than about 1/3 of the profile saturated
(Figure 4), and a median water table that was without exception equal to the depth of the
top of the parent material C horizon (Figure 5). Activation thresholds for these wells
were likewise the highest of all soil units, with the lowest magnitude discharge (Figure
7). These conditions could result from a combination of small contributing area, C
horizon topography steep enough to permit drainage, and/or a more permeable C horizon,
any of which could create the drainage conditions necessary for limited water table
incursion into the solum of typical podzols. Bailey et al. [2014] showed that typical
podzols are the most commonly encountered soils in the catchment. Furthermore, Gillin
[2013] suggested that the typical podzol was the dominant soil unit in the catchment at
approximately 50% of the area, which suggests that no more than 50% of the catchment
is active within the solum in all but the most extreme precipitation events.
Two soil units that were typically found lower on hillslopes and with higher upslope
accumulated areas were also found to be indicative of frequent incursions of groundwater
into the solum: hillslope and near-stream Bh podzols. Both podzols were characterized
based on a profile dominated by a thick Bh horizon, hypothesized to be formed by
frequent saturation leading to lateral transport of spodic materials [Bailey et al., 2014].
This saturation was likely a result of flowpath convergence and/or from water rise
originating in the deeper C horizon. Both podzols had the highest median water levels
and were the most frequently saturated (Figure 5). The difference in hydrologic response
between these soil units was likely related to a combination of topographic variables.
Near-stream Bh podzols were closer to streams and had higher upslope accumulated
areas (Figures 5,8). They also exhibited lower interquartile ranges of water level,
J. P. Gannon
presumably because of higher conductivity soil in the near-stream zone that likely
resulted from glacial lag deposits and alluvial material [Detty and McGuire, 2010b]. The
higher conductivity in near-stream areas provides a transmissivity feedback [Bishop et
al., 2004], limiting water table rise in relation to overall flux magnitude [Detty and
McGuire, 2010b]. This transmissivity feedback is also responsible for the low magnitude
discharge observed in near-stream Bh podzols in Figure 7.
Several authors have proposed that topography is not a suitable predictor of water table
behavior along a hillslope [Devito et al., 2005; Haught and van Meerveld, 2011; Penna et
al., 2014; Tromp-van Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006; Western et al., 1999]. Soil
thickness [Buttle et al., 2004], bedrock topography [Freer et al., 2002; Tromp-van
Meerveld and McDonnell, 2006], and confining layer topography [Hutchinson and
Moore, 2000] are all identified as controls on water table dynamics potentially more
important than surface topography. Furthermore, the need for characteristics that are
capable of acting as surrogates for the integration of these controls has been
acknowledged [Graham et al., 2010; Zehe et al., 2005]. We found no one surface
topographic metric was able to consistently predict soil units (Figure 10). Water table
regimes at well sites in WS3 are controlled by surface and C horizon topography,
hydraulic properties, bedrock topography, portion of upslope area that is bedrock outcrop,
and surface slope. Yet soil horizonation is a robust predictor of water table dynamics.
We therefore propose that soil units in WS3 act as a suitable characteristic describing the
many controls on water table fluctuations, integrating their myriad hydrologic effects.
5.2 Soil units as hydropedological units
Bailey et al. [2014] identified the soil units in WS3 because they observed variations in
soil horizon thickness and presence/absence beyond the ranges of recognized soil series
in the region. These variations occurred at a fine spatial scale and were therefore not
included in medium intensity soil surveys where they would have been excluded by
minimum map unit/polygon area requirements. However, Bailey et al. [2014] found
differences in carbon pools in soil units as well as evidence for varying hydrologic
regimes, hypothesizing that these soil units are indicative of distinct hydrologic and
J. P. Gannon
biogeochemical conditions. Our analysis has shown that these soil units are indicative of
distinct water table regimes and threshold water table responses to catchment storage
consistent with the conditions hypothesized to create individual soil units (Table 1). The
soil units are therefore indicative not only of variations in soil horizonation, but the
coupling of biogeochemical processes and hydrologic regimes. Our work suggests there
are feedbacks between water table regime and soil formation, the understanding of which
may lead to new insights into critical zone processes concerning the structure and
function of ecosystems [Chorover et al., 2011]. The term “hydropedological unit” has
been used to describe similar feedbacks elsewhere [Tetzlaff et al., 2014], but has not been
previously defined. Following our investigation, we propose defining the term
“hydropedological unit” as a grouping of variations in soil morphology that directly relate
influence of water table regime, flowpaths, and saturation to soil development.
A hydropedological unit is therefore a functional grouping of soils by hydrologic
behavior and indicating potential implications for biogeochemical processing, runoff
production, and the structuring of natural communities. This system of grouping soils
may be most useful in catchment or other studies where local differences in water
movement outweigh the role of varying vegetation or other soil forming factors on local
gradients in soil morphology and chemistry. In contrast, the theory of Jenny [1941] only
implicitly considers the role of water as a soil forming factor within the context of
climate, which explains patterns of soil distribution at much broader scales than
considered here, and even less explicitly in the role of parent material, relief, time and
organisms in their influence on water movement.
5.3 Implications for runoff generation
The highest threshold responses observed in this study were in mid-slope positions, while
the lowest occurred near the top and bottom of hillslopes. Typical podzols, which had the
highest response thresholds, dominated the catchment, accounting for an estimated 50%
of the catchment area [Gillin, 2013] and primarily occurred along mid-slope positions.
While E and Bhs podzols almost always occurred together on the landscape, they were
also almost always separated from hillslope Bh podzols by typical podzols (Figure 2).
J. P. Gannon
Hillslope and near-stream Bh podzols were likewise sometimes separated from each
other by typical podzols. This paints a picture of stormflow generation via a spatial
patchwork of water table occurrence within the solum, and therefore lateral subsurface
flow in the solum of the catchment, rather than an uninterrupted saturated area extending
up from streams. A system such as this highlights the importance of the active vs.
contributing areas of Ambroise [2004]. For example, water tables occurred in E and Bhs
podzols far from the stream at frequently exceeded thresholds of catchment storage
necessary for water table occurrence. Furthermore, there are large areas of the catchment
separating E and Bhs podzols from the stream that only had water tables in the solum
during extreme events (typical podzols). While portions of E and Bhs podzol areas may
connect with intermittent or ephemeral channels, in many cases water tables occur
upslope and infiltrate to deeper storage before the areas of saturation reach a stream
channel. When water from these soils does enter stream channels it often flows into
portions of the stream network where the stream is surrounded by typical podzols, likely
indicating the stream is losing water to surrounding soils. During larger events, when
thresholds are exceeded in typical podzols, E and Bhs podzols are more likely to connect
to the stream (Figure 1). Therefore, if water tables connected to the stream channel
generate stormflow, there are active areas in the catchment that are not contributing areas
unless a high threshold of catchment storage is exceeded. However, water in these areas
is moving further downward into the C horizon.
Water in the C horizon may take one of several paths to the stream network. While
generally lower conductivity [Detty and McGuire, 2010b], the C horizon in WS3 has
been shown to be heterogeneous, with lenses of higher conductivity material [Bailey et
al., 2014]. Furthermore, preliminary ground penetrating radar results have shown the C
horizon to be 0-9 m thick. Therefore, most water entering the C horizon will take a
slower flowpath to the stream, recharging the larger C horizon groundwater reservoir.
However, as high conductivity areas of till are present throughout the catchment, there
also exists the possibility of groundwater following such a pathway to the stream. Some
water moving from water tables in E and Bhs podzols into the C horizon may contribute
flow to streams in this way.
J. P. Gannon
Other authors have discussed discontinuous active areas on hillslopes [McNamara et al.,
2005; Spence, 2010; Stieglitz et al., 2003]. Furthermore, as distance from the stream
increases, some authors have found a decreased correlation of groundwater levels with
streamflow [Haught and van Meerveld, 2011; Penna et al., 2014; Seibert et al., 2003].
The spatial patchwork of solum water table occurrence in WS3 is consistent with the
behavior presented in these other studies. However, we have identified an integrative
characteristic (i.e., hydropedological unit) that is consistently indicative of water table
behavior. Looking at the catchment through this lens provides a framework for mapping
continuous/discontinuous water table occurrence in the solum of the catchment through
time. As mentioned above, the role of discontinuous water tables in generating
streamflow is currently unknown, as is their potential influence on stream chemistry.
However, the insights offered in this study may provide an approach to more closely
investigate the effects of patchy regions of subsurface saturation located throughout a
In addition to being a useful tool for examining the role of discontinuous solum water
tables, our findings may be useful for examining the evolution of contributing area
throughout events. Our observations are consistent with others suggesting distinct
hydrologic regimes in near-stream areas [Cirmo and McDonnell, 1997; McGlynn and
Seibert, 2003; Ocampo et al., 2006]. We detected persistent water tables in near-stream
Bh podzols with lower magnitude water fluctuations, presumably the result of higher
saturated hydraulic conductivity in the near-stream zone [Detty and McGuire, 2010b].
Upslope of these soils were almost always typical podzols, which our threshold analysis
has shown to have very infrequent water table incursion into the solum. Therefore, the
observation of persistent water tables in the near-stream zone and typical podzols
immediately upslope is consistent with the majority of event water being mobilized from
the near-stream zone [McGlynn and McDonnell, 2003]. A direct connection between
hillslope groundwater and the stream likely only occurs during large events, where water
tables develop in the lower portion of typical podzol profiles. The discontinuities evident
J. P. Gannon
from our analysis suggest most hillslope water takes longer, deeper flow paths to the
stream, likely through the glacial parent material of the C-horizon.
6.0 Conclusions
We have shown that variations in soil horizonation across the landscape in WS3 at the
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest were indicative of specific water table regimes.
Descriptors of water table regime that can be determined by examining soil horizonation
include percent time a water table exists, median water level, interquartile range of water
level fluctuations, and the threshold storage at which a water table will develop in the
solum. The water table regimes associated with soil units across the landscape were
consistent with the hypothesized flow regimes necessary to create the observed soil
horizonation. As a result, we introduced the term hydropedological unit to describe
variations in soil horizon presence/absence and thickness that correspond to the
hydrologic behavior of a soil.
We used a technique where catchment storage levels were compared to water table
occurrence in the solum to determine storage thresholds for the generation of subsurface
flow above the parent material. This method revealed isolated areas where water table
occurred at lower storage thresholds than areas closer to the stream with larger
contributing areas, painting a picture of a spatially disconnected patchwork of water table
occurrence in the solum of the catchment. Response thresholds were related to soil
horizonation: an integrator of several surface and subsurface properties including
topography, rather than distance from the stream or contributing area.
Soil horizonation is therefore a useful tool for examining water table dynamics
throughout a catchment. Upon characterizing the flow regimes associated with different
soil morphologies in a catchment, different soil groups (hydropedological units) may be
used as an indicator to predict regions of the catchment where water tables are likely to
develop. Additionally, we have shown these hydropedological units to be indicative of
distinct and consistent water table regimes. This framework, where distinct soil units
indicative of hydrologic regimes and biogeochemical processes are identified, may be a
J. P. Gannon
useful tool for examining runoff generation processes and patterns in surface water
chemistry in headwater catchments.
J. P. Gannon
Figures and Tables:
Table 1. Qualitative descriptions of the water table regimes for each soil unit (HPU)
based on the findings of this study.
Soil Unit (HPU)
E Podzol
Bhs Podzol
Typical Podzol
Hillslope Bh
Near-stream Bh
Water table regime summary
frequent, near instantaneous response to
precipitation and short recession period,
nearly entire solum experiences saturation
frequent, near instantaneous response to
precipitation with a longer recession period
than E podzols, nearly entire solum
experiences saturation
brief, infrequent water tables near the base of
the solum, only at high catchment storage
seasonally persistant, lower magnitude event
responses than E and Bhs podzols, nearly
entire solum experiences saturation
perennially persistant, lower magnitude event
responses than hillslope Bh podzol, rarely if
ever experience full solum saturation
J. P. Gannon
! " #
Figure 1. Map of WS 3. Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by
solid, dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. Shallow groundwater wells are indicated by
symbols on the map. Soil morphological units are indicated by different shaped symbols.
Transect 1 (Figure 8) and transect 2 (Figure 9) are shown by bold, dashed lines. The inset
map indicates the location of HBEF in northern New England.
J. P. Gannon
Figure 2. Schematic conceptual diagram showing soil horizonation along a typical soil
unit sequence [Bailey et al., 2014]. Mean depth to C horizon is 70 cm. Vertical scale is
exaggerated. E, Bhs, Bh podzols, and the Bh horizon of Bimodal podzols were
hypothesized to be indicative of frequent lateral flux in the solum. Typical podzols and
the portion of bimodal podzols above the Bh horizon were hypothesized to be indicative
of primarily vertical flux.
0 80
Bh Podzol
0 120
Bh Podzol
Typical Podzol
Water Level (cm)
0 80
Bhs Podzol
0 50
E Podzol
Precip (mm/day)
J. P. Gannon
Figure 3. Example time series of precipitation and water table recordings within the
solum for one characteristic well in each soil unit. The y-axis of each plot extends from
the C horizon to the ground surface. Periods without data indicate a lack of water table in
the solum at the site. Modified from Bailey et al. [2014].
J. P. Gannon
Hillslope Bh Near-Stream
Bh Podzols
Percent of Profile
Saturated Above C
0.8 0.0
0.8 0.0
0.8 0.0
0.8 0.0
Figure 4. Empirical cumulative density functions (ECDFs) show the probability a water
table exists at a given percentage of the total depth of a soil profile. Soil profiles in this
figure are considered to begin at the C horizon and extend to the surface. ECDFs were
constructed from 1 year of 10-minute water level data from all wells in each of the soil
units used in this analysis. Each line in each plot represents the water level time series
from a well in that soil unit. (n = 5 wells per soil unit)
- "
& ' ()
" *
Figure 5. Box plots showing the separation of soil unit water table regimes for different
dataset measures. Letters above groups indicate statistically significant differences
according to a Wilcoxon rank sum test (significance level 0.10). The fraction of total time
a water table was detected in the solum is presented in panel a. Water table records were
normalized from 0 (ground surface) to 100 (relatively unaltered parent material (top of C
J. P. Gannon
Horizon)) for comparison of interquartile range (b) and median depth to water table (c).
The middle line in each box corresponds to the median of the data, the upper and lower
bounds of the boxes are of the interquartile range (IQR), the whiskers are the first and
third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR, and points are outliers beyond the range of
the whiskers. The soil types shown are E podzols (E), Bhs podzols (Bhs), typical podzols
E Podzol
Bhs Podzol
Hillslope Bh
Typ Podzol
Near-Stream Bh
Interquartile Range
(Typical), hillslope Bh podzols (HS-Bh), and near-stream Bh podzols (NS-Bh).
Distance from Stream (m)
Figure 6. Interquartile range of water table fluctuations in each well plotted against the
distance from stream and log upslope accumulated area (UAA). Different symbols
indicate the soil unit of each well. With the exception of E and Bhs podzols, soil units
separate in this space, illustrating that water table regime is in part related to topographic
qssf ( cm2 /min)
E Podzols
Bh Podzols
Bh Podzols Typical Podzols Bhs Podzols
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0
J. P. Gannon
1 Day Input + Storage (mm)
Figure 7. Threshold water table responses for wells in each soil unit. Mean specific
discharge (qssf) is plotted on the y axis in cm2/min and binned effective storage in mm is
plotted on the x axis. Circled symbols denote a statistically significant difference from
zero according to a Wilcoxon rank sum test (significance level 0.05). The dashed lines
indicate the response threshold for each soil unit, defined as the mean threshold value for
all wells in the group. The threshold value for each well was defined as the first storage
bin where discharge significantly deviated from zero. The arrow in the typical podzol plot
indicates that the mean response threshold for this group is higher than what is plotted
because no statistically significant response was detected for two wells in the typical
podzol group.
"# $
% "#
( $ #
J. P. Gannon
) ) )
"+ + !
"+ + !
% %
"+ + !
"+ + !
Figure 8. Transect 1 on Figure 1. A transect of wells in soil units along a hillslope
beginning at a bedrock outcrop transect in WS3. The top figure shows the ground surface
and C horizon as well as the location of the wells. The C horizon depth was interpolated
and is dashed where the depth is relatively less certain. The bottom four figures are
ECDFs for the wells in the transect with soil horizons shown to the right. The threshold
catchment storage for the initiation of water table (corresponding to the beginning of the
ECDF line on plot) are shown on each plot.
% %
% %
% %
% ,
% &
J. P. Gannon
+ +
! , +
' ' ' ') '( '
+ +
Figure 9. Transect 2 on Figure 1. A near-stream transect of wells in soil units along a
hillslope transect in WS3. The top figure shows the ground surface and C horizon as well
as the location of the wells. The C horizon depth was interpolated and is dashed where
the depth is relatively less certain. The bottom four figures are ECDFs for the wells in the
transect with soil horizons shown to the right. The threshold catchment storage for the
initiation of water table (corresponding to the beginning of the ECDF line on plot) are
shown on each plot.
J. P. Gannon
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Response Threshold (mm)
E Podzol
Bhs Podzol
Hillslope Bh
Near-Stream Bh
7 0
log UAA (m )
Distance from Stream (m)
Figure 10. Water table response thresholds plotted against three topographic metrics for
the each well. Panel a is log UAA (m2), panel b is distance from the nearest stream (m)
and panel c is slope. Different symbols indicate the soil unit of each well.
J. P. Gannon
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J. P. Gannon
Chapter 3: Non-vertical water flux in the unsaturated zone: a mechanism for the
formation of spatial soil heterogeneity in a headwater catchment.
John P. Gannon
Kevin J. McGuire
Scott W. Bailey
Rebecca R. Bourgault
Donald S. Ross
Evidence suggests that morphologically distinct variations of podzols in a headwater
catchment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire formed as a
result of variations in saturated and unsaturated hydrologic fluxes in the landscape. While
saturated flow regimes among these soils have been explained, they do not fully account
for the observed variations in soil morphology. Variations in unsaturated fluxes have
been hypothesized to explain variations in soil horizon thickness and presence/absence,
but have not yet been investigated. We examined tensiometer and shallow groundwater
well records to identify differences in unsaturated water fluxes among soils. The lack of
unsaturated vertical hydraulic gradients at the study sites suggests that lateral unsaturated
flow occurs in several of the soil units. We propose that the variations in soil horizon
thickness and presence/absence observed at the site and others are due in part to lateral
water flux in the unsaturated zone. This may have implications for the explanation of the
distribution of elements on the landscape and, as a consequence, the spatial and temporal
variation in water chemistry observed in headwater catchments.
J. P. Gannon
1.0 Introduction
Variations in the thickness and presence/absence of soil horizons along topographic and
wetness gradients have been described in a variety of landscapes. In some cases, changes
along topographic gradients are consistent with the described soil catena in a location
[Dessalegn et al., 2014; Tetzlaff et al., 2014; Vacca et al., 2009]. However, in others the
thickness and sequence of soil horizons vary at a smaller spatial scale than recognized
landscape level variations [Bailey et al., 2014; Jankowski, 2013; Sommer et al., 2000]. In
both cases, specific soils grouped by similar horizon thickness and presence/absence have
been shown to be indicative of distinct hydrologic regimes [Gannon et al., in review;
Tetzlaff et al., 2014] and biogeochemical processing [Bailey et al., 2014; Laudon et al.,
2011; Morse et al., 2014]. These soil groups have been called hydropedological units
(HPUs) [Gannon et al., in review; Tetzlaff et al., 2014], a functional classification that
defines soil groups relevant to runoff production, biogeochemical processing, and the
structure of natural communities.
In some cases, the processes driving the formation of HPUs are not well understood. For
instance, the HPUs identified in Bailey et al. [2014], like the variations in catenas
observed in Sommer et al. [2001], and Jankowski [2013], are podzol variants. They are
the result of the lateral translocation of amorphous organometallic complexes (AOCs)
downslope, instead of only vertically in a profile, which is the usual assumption in
pedology. The hydrologic processes that drive lateral podzolization are not well
understood [Bailey et al., 2014; Jankowski, 2013; Sommer et al., 2000; Sommer et al.,
2001]. Hydropedological units have been shown to be indicative of distinct water table
regimes, defined by threshold response to catchment storage, and frequency and
magnitude of water table response [Gannon et al., in review]. However, soil horizons
described as evidence for lateral translocation occurred higher in the soil profiles than
water table was observed. Furthermore, similar changes in soil horizonation have been
observed where water table is unlikely ever present [Jankowski, 2013]. One potential
explanation of the lateral translocation occurring in these soils is lateral (i.e., slope
parallel) unsaturated flow, which has been detected in soils in the field [Jackson, 1992;
Logsdon, 2007; Torres et al., 1998] and laboratory [Cabral et al., 1992]. Additionally,
J. P. Gannon
lateral unsaturated flow is hypothesized to be responsible for the lateral translocation of
spodic components detected in multiple landscapes [Jankowski, 2013; McDaniel, 1992;
Park and Burt, 2002; Sommer et al., 2000; Sommer et al., 2001]. While it is unlikely that
these downslope unsaturated water fluxes contribute much to stormflow [Anderson and
Burt, 1978], they may be relevant to biogeochemical functions in the catchment if they
are important to soil formation.
The purpose of this study was to examine differences in the direction of unsaturated
fluxes in forest soils in a steep headwater catchment where lateral podzolization is
expected to occur. At three sites representing characteristic transitions between HPUs,
soils were described and tensiometers and water level recorders were installed. Using this
hydropedological framework, with detailed soil descriptions and measurements of
saturated and unsaturated soil water dynamics, we were able to measure vertical
hydraulic gradients and water table fluctuations. We found evidence that HPUs are
indicative of specific fluctuations of lateral unsaturated flux that may be partially
responsible for the formation of HPUs showing signs of lateral podzolization.
2.0 Site Description
This study took place in watershed 3 (WS3) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
(HBEF) near North Woodstock, NH in the White Mountain National Forest. Watershed 3
is the hydrologic reference watershed for a number of paired watershed studies at HBEF
[Hornbeck, 1973; Hornbeck et al., 1970; Likens et al., 1970] and has not been
experimentally manipulated. HBEF has a humid continental climate. The site receives
1400 mm of precipitation annually, a quarter to a third of which falls as snow. Average
temperatures are -9°C and 18°C in January and July, respectively [Bailey et al., 2003].
The bedrock in WS3 is the Silurian Rangeley Formation, a sillimanite-grade pelitic schist
and calc-silicate granulite. The soil parent materials were deposited during the late
Wisconsinan glacial period and are basal and ablation tills of varying thickness,
composition, and hydraulic conductivity [Bailey et al., 2014]. The major soil type present
has been characterized as a well-drained Haplorthod and is a podzol with a sandy loam
J. P. Gannon
texture with 0.5 m average solum thickness [Likens, 2013]. WS3 is steep (20-30%),
south-facing, and ranges in elevation from 527-732 m. The catchment is forested with
mature, northern hardwood species, American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple
(Acer sacharum), and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), with balsam fir (Abies
balsamea), red spruce (Picea rubens) and white birch (Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia)
dominating areas with shallow-to-bedrock soils [Likens, 2013].
Despite the previous catchment-wide characterization of soils in WS3 as well-drained
Spodosols, Bailey et al. [2014] found distinct variations in morphology and a broad range
of drainage classes. These variants were found to be indicative of distinct shallow
groundwater regimes [Gannon et al., in review] and zones of carbon accumulation
[Bailey et al., 2014] in the solum. The solum is defined as the soil from the surface to the
base of the B horizon. It is the approximate rooting zone, has varying carbon
accumulation depending on the type and thickness of B horizon, and has greater
development of soil structure, lower bulk density, and is more weathered than the C
horizon. Due to the functional implications of the distinct hydrologic regimes and carbon
accumulation in the soil variants, they were classified as HPUs. In WS3, HPUs where
named according to their dominant pedogenic horizon [Bailey et al., 2014]. E, Bhs, and
Bh podzols are therefore dominated by an E, Bhs, and Bh horizon, respectively. The
exceptions to this naming convention are the typical podzol and bimodal podzol. The
typical podzol morphology fits the classic concept of a Spodosol, with moderate
expression of the B and E horizon. Finally, the bimodal podzol is characterized by an
anomalous Bh horizon at the base of the solum in an otherwise typical Spodosol. The
anomalous Bh horizon in the bimodal podzol and its location (always between a typical
and Bh podzol) suggest it is a transitional soil type, occurring where the processes
dominating the formation of typical and Bh podzols intersect.
Of the HPUs identified in WS3, E, Bhs, Bh, and bimodal podzols were hypothesized to
be developed at least partly from lateral translocation of AOCs [Bourgault, 2014]. In E
podzols, the E horizon is hypothesized to have formed by extensive leaching due to
frequent lateral water flux. The Bhs horizon in Bhs podzols is hypothesized to be the
J. P. Gannon
result of the immobilization of AOCs that have been leached from E podzols, which
occur directly upslope. Likewise, the Bh horizons in bimodal podzols and Bh podzols are
hypothesized to have formed from the immobilization of AOCs from source areas
upslope. Typical podzols are hypothesized to be the result of primarily vertical fluxes.
3.0 Methods
3.1 Field methods
This study is based on three intensive instrumentation sites in WS3. Sites were chosen to
represent characteristic transitions between soil morphological units in the catchment that
we expected were the result of lateral fluxes of water in the solum. The transitions
instrumented were E-Bhs podzol, typical-hillslope Bh podzol, and typical-bimodal
podzol. At each of the three sites, several small reconnaissance pits were dug in order to
locate characteristic HPUs on either side of the transition. Once the characteristic soils
were located, a pit was excavated to either 10 cm into the C horizon or to bedrock. Pits
were characterized based on pedogenic horizons and assigned a podzol type based on
horizon type and thickness [Bailey et al., 2014].
After soil profile characterization, eight UMS T4e tensiometers (capable of measuring
from -8.7 to 10.2 mH2O) were installed at each site, with four tensiometers in each of the
two pits. In the typical-bimodal and typical-hillslope Bh podzol pits tensiometers were
installed into the upslope pit face, while in the E-Bhs podzol pits tensiometers were
installed into the pit face orthogonal to the slope, due to a lack of space in the shallower
soils. Tensiometers were connected to a Campbell Scientific, Inc. CR1000 datalogger and
programmed to record at 10-minute intervals. Each T4e records and subtracts
atmospheric pressure with a sensor that is kept above the ground surface.
At the E-Bhs and typical-Bh podzol transitions, wells were installed at each soil pit.
Wells were installed 10 cm into the C horizon or on top of bedrock, depending on which
was encountered first. Washed, native sand was packed around the well screen and the
previously excavated soil was used to backfill the remainder of the pit. The installed
wells were constructed of SDR 21 PVC pipe and had a 31 cm screen length with 0.025
J. P. Gannon
cm wide lateral slots spaced 0.32 cm apart. Once installed, the wells were equipped with
a 1.5 m Odyssey Water Level Logger, which used capacitance measured along a Teflon
coated wire suspended in the well to determine water level. Water level loggers recorded
data at 10-minute intervals.
At the bimodal-Bh transition wells were not installed in the soil pits because of proximity
to an existing well between the two sites. However, it was found that groundwater
regimes often varied greatly between closely spaced wells in different HPUs,
necessitating the comparison of water table dynamics at the two pits, not just at the well
between them. Therefore, for the two pits at the bimodal-Bh site, a water level time series
was created using the positive head measurements from the deepest tensiometer at each
site. These water table measurements exclude water table that occurs between that
tensiometer and the C horizon, but that distance was small (20.1 cm in the typical podzol
and 1.85 cm in the Bh podzol).
The data for this study were collected from 29 July 2011 to 1 April 2012. Data after 1
April 2012 were incomplete due to several equipment malfunctions and were therefore
not included in the analysis. Four storms were selected for event-based analysis: a
summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a winter storm (12/26/2011), and a
snowmelt event (3/7/2012). The storms were selected to span a range of antecedent
conditions, precipitation intensities/magnitudes, and rainfall/snowmelt combinations. The
tensiometer data were used to estimate vertical hydraulic gradients. Water table records
were used to compute saturation frequency at different soil depths and to compare water
levels to vertical hydraulic gradients.
3.2 Water table regimes
For the purpose of this analysis, water table was always measured as depth to water table
within the solum, from the soil surface. Semi-permanent to permanent water tables likely
existed deeper in the C horizon in WS3, but for the purposes of examining hydrologic
regimes related to soil development, water tables in the C horizon were ignored.
J. P. Gannon
To examine the frequency with which water table exceeded certain depths in each of the
study soils, empirical cumulative density functions (ECDFs) were calculated for the data
record for each well using R [R Development Core Team, 2013]. ECDFs were plotted
along with soil horizon depths in order to examine the frequency of saturation of each
3.3 Vertical hydraulic gradient
In order to examine the strength and direction of saturated and unsaturated flow through
time, vertical hydraulic gradient at each site was calculated as
! = −
where h is hydraulic head at each tensiometer, calculated as the pressure head plus the
elevation head relative to a survey benchmark used to determine the relative elevations of
the tensiometers. z is the depth of the tensiometers. Positive vertical gradients denote an
upward gradient while negative gradients denote a downward gradient.
3.4 Topography
Several topographic measures were calculated for each of the sites in this study to
examine relationships with fluctuations of vertical gradients and/or changes in soil
chemistry. Topographic measures were calculated from a 5-meter resolution, low-pass
filtered, LiDAR derived digital elevation model (DEM). Gillin [2013] found that the
DEM used for this analysis produced values for topographic measures most similar to
field measurements. Distance from stream was calculated from a stream network mapped
from observations of fluvial channel development and streamflow (Figure 1), and
Euclidean distance was calculated from each point to the nearest channel. Slope was
calculated using the maximum slope algorithm [Travis et al., 1975] and upslope
accumulated area (UAA) was calculated with the multiple flow direction algorithm
presented in Seibert and McGlynn [2007]. Topographic wetness index (TWId) was
calculated using the 5 m downslope index and UAA as described in [Hjerdt et al., 2004].
Site distance was the distance between the two pedons at each of the focus sites and was
measured in the field.
J. P. Gannon
4.0 Results
4.1 Topography and Site Locations
Topographic metrics and distant to streams and bedrock outcrops were examined in order
to determine their potential influence on hydrologic fluxes. Both the E and Bhs podzol
were much closer to exposed bedrock than any other pit in this study, 5 m and 12 m
respectively (Table 1), meaning a majority of their upslope accumulated area (UAA) was
predominantly bedrock outcrop or shallow bedrock. They were also the farthest from a
stream, at 81 m and 74 m, respectively (Table 1). The depth to the C horizon at the site
increased downslope from N3 (65 cm) to N4 (80 cm). Slope at the site was 0.24 and the
pits were 7 m apart.
The typical-Bh podzol site was much farther from exposed bedrock at 74 and 83 m, and
while closer to the stream network at 36 and 31 m, the site was still out of the influence
of the riparian zone. Upslope accumulated area increases from 22 m2 at K9 to 102 m2 at
K10, slope decreased from 0.28 to 0.25, and the pits were 7.8 m apart (Table 1).
The bimodal-Bh podzol site was also far from bedrock at 149 and 146 m and closest to
the stream network at 36 m and 31 m. The UAA increased downslope from 4.3 m2 to 7.6
m2, and the slope decreased from 0.33 to 0.29 (Table 1). The two pits at this site were
also the closest to one another at 3 m.
4.2 Water table regimes
The ECDFs in Figure 1 were used to examine the frequency with which soil horizons
Bailey et al. [2014] hypothesized were indicative of lateral translocation were saturated.
None of these horizons experienced full saturation during the study period. Water tables
were detected within the horizons Bailey et al. [2014] hypothesized to be laterally
developed to some degree in all wells: 32% of the time in the E podzol, 65% in the Bhs
podzol, 73% and 34 % in the two Bh podzols (K10 and H6, respectively), and 10% in the
bimodal podzol (Figure 1). However, water table was not detected at the top of any of
J. P. Gannon
these horizons, with the exception of the thin Bh horizon at the bottom of the bimodal
podzol. Furthermore, water tables were detected close to the top of the analogous
horizons in the E, Bhs, and one of the Bh podzols (H6). However, in the second Bh
podzol (K10), water table was not observed during the study period in the top 33 cm of
this horizon (Bh horizon, Figure 1).
The typical podzol, a soil developed under unsaturated vertical flow, had the least
frequent water table and was dry 60% of the time. The highest recorded water table in the
typical podzol was 40 cm from the surface (Figure 1).
4.3 Vertical Gradients
Figure 2 shows the vertical gradient for each site over the entire study period. The E-Bhs
transition sites, N3 and N4, had the lowest magnitude vertical gradients, with a median
gradient of approximately -0.1 (Figure 2). These two podzols also had gradient values
closest to 0. The typical and bimodal podzols had the strongest negative gradients and the
whiskers of neither boxplot extend above 0, meaning either 0 gradient or upward
gradients were very rare (Figure 2). The Bh podzols in general had less negative
gradients, especially in comparison with their upslope pair. H6, a Bh podzol 3 meters
downslope of the bimodal podzol H5, had a median vertical gradient around 0.3 and had
the widest range of values, with an upper whisker well above 0 and a lower whisker
below -0.7 (Figure 2). In contrast, K10 had the most positive (upward) vertical gradient
of any of the podzols, with an interquartile range that fell entirely above 0 (Figure 2).
Vertical gradients were also observed on an event basis. This was done to examine the
consistency of saturated and unsaturated responses, to characterize the vertical fluxes
during events, and to examine the interplay between water table formation above the C
horizon and vertical fluxes. Four events were chosen to span the study timeseries and
represent a variety of conditions. Events include a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall
storm (9/29/2011), a winter storm (12/26/2011), and snowmelt (3/7/2012) (Figures 3, 4,
and 5).
J. P. Gannon
With the exception of the dry period before snowmelt, all three HPUs hypothesized by
Bailey et al. [2014] to be indicative of lateral translocation had gradients closest to zero.
The E and Bhs podzols had fairly consistent gradients just under zero (Figure 3 E-H, MP), and the two Bh podzols had gradients just below or alternating between under and
over zero (in the case of K10; Figure 4 M-P). The bimodal and typical podzols both had
stronger downward vertical gradients, approximately -0.5.
In all HPUs but the E podzol, vertical gradients were observed during precipitation or
snowmelt events (Figure 3 E-H). At the Bh, typical, and bimodal podzols, the stronger
vertical gradient occurred before the water table increase that was associated with the
event (Figure 4, 5). However, in the Bhs podzol the downward gradient became stronger
concurrently with water table rise at the site (Figure 3M-P).
5.0 Discussion
5.1 Evidence of unsaturated lateral flow
Unsaturated lateral flow has been hypothesized to occur on hillslopes as a result of
anisotropy [Cabral et al., 1992; McCord et al., 1991; Zaslavsky and Rogowski, 1969],
preferential flow pathways [Beven and Germann, 1982; Bonell, 1993; Mosley, 1979], or
from the short term hydrologic effects of decreasing rainfall intensity on steep slopes at
the end of a storm [Jackson, 1992; Sinai and Dirksen, 2006]. As presented by Weyman
[1973], on a hillslope where unsaturated lateral flow was dominant, equipotential
contours would be oriented perpendicular to the ground surface. In this scenario, if one
were to measure total potential at two depths at the same slope position, there would be a
hydraulic gradient of zero. If measuring total potential from tensiometers installed into a
vertical pit face, a hydraulic gradient of zero would indicate a lateral and slightly upward
flow direction. Therefore, we considered times when vertical hydraulic gradients were
close or equal to zero and the upper tensiometer position was not saturated to be
indicative of lateral unsaturated flow downslope through the soil matrix. In other words,
these periods suggest that vertical unsaturated flow is less likely. Following this
reasoning, the near-zero vertical hydraulic gradients measured in our study (section 4.2)
are indicative of periods of lateral unsaturated flow. Therefore, lateral unsaturated flow
J. P. Gannon
frequently occurred in the E-Bhs podzol pair (Figure 2 and 3), the Bh podzol in the
typical-Bh pair (Figure 2 and 4) and the Bh podzol in the bimodal-Bh pair (Figure 2 and
5). A conceptual model of lateral unsaturated flow in HPUs on a hillslope is presented in
Figure 6.
Other observations from this study are also potentially indicative of unsaturated lateral
fluxes in the soil matrix. Soil horizons that are indicative of lateral flow regimes, such as
unusually thick E, Bhs, [Bailey et al., 2014; Sommer et al., 2000], and Bh horizons
[Bailey et al., 2014; Jankowski, 2013], occur above the extent of water table most of the
time at these sites (Figure 1). While infrequent events larger than those observed in this
study may saturate these horizons, the lack of frequent lateral saturated fluxes suggests
saturated flow regimes are not the only driving force in in the formation of these
Furthermore, in a companion study by Bourgault [2014], scanning electron microscope
(SEM) images of soil thin sections and soil extract chemistry were examined for evidence
of vertical and lateral translocation within and between HPUs. Soil thin sections revealed
that vertically developed horizons had a crumb-like morphology, with AOCs forming
pellet-like masses, resulting in higher pore space and higher AOC to mineral ratios.
Laterally developed horizons, however, had microstructure that was less defined and
more in-filled, with less pore space and lower AOC to mineral ratios. Laterally developed
horizons were also found to have lower iron and carbon concentrations but higher
concentrations of the more mobile aluminum and manganese than the vertically
developed horizons. Bourgault [2014] hypothesized that in the E-Bhs podzol transition,
these differences are caused by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water solution moving
elements downslope in solution. In the typical-bimodal-Bh podzols transition, however,
they proposed that either solutional transport or the physical movement of colloidal
AOCs was responsible for the changes in soil chemistry and micro-scale morphology.
This evidence of lateral translocation provides further support for the occurrence of
lateral unsaturated flow, especially in horizons where water table was not detected.
J. P. Gannon
It is important to recognize the possibility that morphological differences in soils that
correlate well with our unsaturated lateral flow hypotheses do not necessarily confirm
lateral soil development is currently taking place. It is possible that the soil
morphological patterns we observed are relicts of previous conditions where differences
in hydrologic flow regime and/or other factors such as vegetation differences may have
led to their development. Despite this possibility, even the correlation of current flow
regimes and dominant flux directions with HPUs may prove useful to examining runoff
generation processes and patterns in spatial and temporal stream chemistry.
5.2 Implications of unsaturated lateral flow: Soil development
Unsaturated lateral flow provides a mechanism for the variations in soil formation
observed in WS3. Sommer et al. [2000] identified similar patterns in soil formation,
where podzol formation occurs laterally along a hillslope instead of vertically, calling it
lateral podzolization. The proposed mechanism for this was mobilization of spodic
material by unsaturated water flux, and subsequent downslope immobilization [Sommer
et al., 2000]. However, Sommer et al. [2000] did not measure this lateral movement of
water in the unsaturated zone. Bailey et al. [2014] identified the same patterns in WS3
and identified differences in water table regime that were consistent with some HPUs
experiencing greater and more frequent water flux. These differences were also found to
be consistent among podzols in Gannon et al. [in review]. However, as shown in Figure
1, water tables did not occur high enough in soil profiles during this study to explain all
observed variations. Observations of unsaturated lateral flow provide a way to link the
hypotheses of Sommer et al. [2000] with the observations of Bailey et al. [2014] and
Bourgault [2014] to describe the process by which AOCs may be mobilized throughout
the profile and translocated downslope.
In the E-Bhs podzol pair, lateral unsaturated fluxes may be responsible for mobilizing
AOCs from the O horizon and upslope of the E podzol in bedrock areas overlain by thin
organic horizons in solution as DOC and translocating it downslope to the Bhs podzol.
Amorphous organometallic complexes (AOCs) may then be immobilized in the Bhs
podzol as the intensity of water flux drops due to the increasing thickness of the solum
J. P. Gannon
and C horizon (Figure 1). In the bimodal-Bh and typical-Bh podzol pair, lateral
unsaturated flow from water draining from upslope typical or bimodal podzols may
translocate soluble or solid phase AOCs to Bh podzols (Figure 1, Table 1).
As mentioned in section 5.1, it is possible that the current water table regime in WS3 is
different from that which formed the HPUs. A previous climate in which higher, more
frequent water tables dominated may offer one alternative explanation. However, similar
downslope translocation of AOCs was observed by Jankowski [2013] in a sand dune
landscape where water table was even less likely to have played a role, providing further
evidence that these processes can occur in the absence of saturation. Therefore, if these
soil-forming processes can occur without the presence of water table, it is possible that
they are occurring above the periodic water tables we observed in the current hydrologic
regimes of HPUs in WS3.
5.3 Implications of unsaturated lateral flow: stream water chemistry
Unsaturated lateral flow is not identified as contributing to stormflow generation due to
the much lower hydraulic conductivities of soils during unsaturated conditions [Anderson
and Burt, 1978]. While these flow rates may be unimportant to water transport to the
stream network, they may be critical in explaining the spatial distribution of stream water
chemistry. Bishop et al. [2004] described how solutes can be quickly mobilized to the
stream network by water tables rising into the unsaturated zone, mobilizing the water and
solutes therein. If unsaturated lateral flows are translocating AOCs downslope to zones of
accumulation, they may be translocating material to regions that become source areas
with the addition of water from event-timescale water table rise. Furthermore, if lateral
translocation moves solutes downslope to pedons or horizons that infrequently experience
water table, it may be an important mechanism for the storage of elements in the
These soil-forming processes may offer an explanation for the patterns in stream water
chemistry observed in Zimmer et al. [2013]. Unsaturated fluxes may contribute to the
translocation of AOCs into zones of accumulation: Bhs and Bh podzols. Once catchment
J. P. Gannon
storage exceeds the threshold necessary to create water table in these podzols, the areas
close enough to stream channels or in connection with streams through preferential
flowpaths in the C horizon will contribute to streamflow while mobilizing unsaturated
zone solutes. The contribution of HPUs that are zones of accumulation could then aid in
explaining the varying longitudinal patterns in stream water chemistry in WS3 and sites
where such gradients in soils are present.
6.0 Conclusions
In this study, we examined pressure head records for three sites containing five different
hydropedological units (HPUs) in watershed 3 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental
Forest. We detected both persistent and event-based unsaturated lateral flow in four of
five HPUs. We propose that these unsaturated lateral flows are at least partially
responsible for soil development above the highest detected water tables in these HPUs,
potentially in conjunction with infrequent high water tables. Furthermore, we propose
that these unsaturated lateral flows may be responsible for concentrating elements in
HPUs that act as zones of accumulation. Saturation of these zones may create hotspots
that deliver water with unique chemistry to the stream, whereas lack of saturation of these
zones may result in long-term storage of elements in some HPUs.
J. P. Gannon
Figures and Tables
Table 1. Topographic metrics for each of the profiles at the focus sites. Pairs of sites are
alternately shaded and unshaded. UAA is upslope accumulated area, TWId is downslope
topographic wetness index, and HPU stands for hydropedological unit.
'K <";48:3
NHL 6M/"=:3
)22+0! "1
!34/$+ 67%8+
#$%! " & !#9$:;+0!1 <$894=>+0!1
J. P. Gannon
10 m
Depth to Water Table (cm)
700 m
650 m
Depth to Water Table (cm)
600 m
Exceedance Probability
550 m
100 m
Contour Interval
5 m
Weir 3
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Figure 1. Map of Watershed 3 (WS3), maps of study sites, study well empirical
cumulative density functions (ECDFs), and soil horizons at study sites. An inset map of
the location of Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in northern New England is also
included. In WS3 perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by solid,
dashed, and dotted lines, respectively. Areas with bedrock outcrops or shallow to bedrock
areas are indicated by shaded grey areas. Study sites are indicated by circles on the map.
Each of the study areas is shown in detail to the right of the WS3 map. The detailed maps
include 5 m contour intervals and topographic wetness index (TWId). Below each of the
detailed maps are ECDFs for the water level measurements at each site showing the
J. P. Gannon
exceedance probability of water levels at the site. The grey shaded portion of the ECDF
corresponds with the horizon hypothesized by Bailey et al. [2014] to be indicative of
lateral translocation. Attached to the right of each of the ECDFs is the soil horizonation at
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
Vertical Hydraulic Gradient
the corresponding site.
Figure 2. Boxplots of vertical hydraulic gradient measurements from the duration of the
study period (29 July 2011 to 1 April 2012). Negative gradients are downward and
positive gradients are upward. Each boxplot is the data from one pit (named on the x
axis) and the grouped boxes are the three study sites. The middle line in each box
corresponds to the median of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the interquartile
range (IQR), the whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR,
and points are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers. Vertical lines divide study sites,
which are labeled at the top of the plot.
0.5 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 0 10
Snow melt
0.5 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 -2.5
Vertical Gradient
Winter storm
Vertical Gradient
N4 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Fall storm
Bhs podzol
Summer storm
E podzol
N3 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
J. P. Gannon
Figure 3. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table are shown for the E (N3) – Bhs (N4) transition site
for 4 events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a winter storm
(12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that the upper
tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D and I-L) the
shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red, respectively. In the plots
showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P) the blue line is water table
and the black line is vertical gradient.
0.5 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 0 10
Snow melt
0.5 -0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 -2.5
Winter storm
Vertical Gradient
Depth to Water Table (cm)
K10 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
Vertical Gradient
60 40 20
Fall storm
Bh podzol
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Summer storm
Typical podzol
K9 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
J. P. Gannon
Figure 4. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table are shown for the Typical (K9) to Bh (K10)
transition site for 4 events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a
winter storm (12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that the
upper tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D and I-L)
the shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red, respectively. In the
plots showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P) the blue line is water
table and the black line is vertical gradient.
0 10
Snow melt
2.75 -1.5
Vertical Gradient
Winter storm
Vertical Gradient
20 0
H6 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Fall storm
Bh podzol
Depth to Water Table (cm)
Summer storm
Bimodal podzol
H5 Hydraulic Head (mH2O)
J. P. Gannon
Figure 5. Precipitation, total head from tensiometers, vertical hydraulic gradient from
tensiometers, and depth to water table (calculated from positive pressure head at
tensiometers at this site) are shown for the Bimodal (H5) to Bh (H6) transition site for 4
events: a summer storm (8/26/2011), a fall storm (9/29/2011), a winter storm
(12/26/2011) and snow melt (3/7/2012). The shaded times indicate that the upper
tensiometer recorded saturation. In plots showing hydraulic gradient (A-D and I-L) the
shallow and deep tensiometer records are colored black and red, respectively. In the plots
showing water table and hydraulic gradient (E-H and M-P) the blue line is water table
and the black line is vertical gradient.
J. P. Gannon
Figure 6. Soil schematic conceptual diagram from Bailey et al. [2014] showing soil
horizonation along a typical HPU sequence in WS3. Theoretical unsaturated flow
equipotential lines are shown by blue, dashed lines. Moving down the slope the lines of
equipotential move from a condition with entirely lateral flow in the E and Bhs podzols
to a primarily vertical flow in the typical podzol and then back to entirely lateral flow in
the Bh podzol.
J. P. Gannon
Anderson, M. G., and T. P. Burt (1978), The role of topography in controlling
throughflow generation, Earth Surf Proc Land, 3, 331-334, doi:
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Chapter 4: DOC sources in upland soils in a headwater catchment.
John P. Gannon
Kevin J. McGuire
Scott W. Bailey
James B. Shanley
In order to investigate potential source areas to help explain patterns of dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) in streamwater in watershed 3 (WS3) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental
Forest (HBEF), we examined shallow groundwater level records, in-situ fluorescent
dissolved organic matter (FDOM) concentrations at the catchment outlet, and DOC
concentrations in soil water, groundwater, and streamwater sampled throughout the
catchment. While near-stream soils are generally considered a DOC source in forested
catchments, we found DOC concentrations in near-stream groundwater were no higher
than other hillslope wells and water tables in near-stream soils did not rise into the
shallow B or O horizons even during events. In contrast, DOC concentrations in
groundwater in shallow upland soils derived from runoff from bedrock outcrops covered
by leaf litter and shallow organic matter had elevated DOC concentrations (5-15 mg/L).
Streamwater samples in channel heads sourced in part by these soils had the highest DOC
concentrations in the catchment. Finally, FDOM fluctuations at the catchment outlet
followed groundwater fluctuations in these shallow upland soils. We show that shallow
upland soils receiving runoff from organic matter-covered bedrock outcrops and
hydrologically connected to the stream may be source for DOC in WS3. The patterns of
groundwater and streamwater chemistry observed in this study may aid in describing
event-scale as well as long-term patterns in DOC export from headwater catchments.
J. P. Gannon
1.0 Introduction
One of the ways carbon is moved through the landscape in headwater catchments is as
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil water, groundwater, and streamwater. In addition
to the role of DOC as a component of carbon export from ecosystems, DOC in surface
water is ecologically important [Laudon et al., 2005], is a key component to nutrient
cycling [Brookshire et al., 2005; Neff et al., 2003; Perakis and Hedin, 2002] and
facilitates the transport of metals in the environment [Driscoll et al., 1994; Shafer et al.,
1997]. Understanding how DOC moves through the landscape is therefore important for
understanding carbon fluxes/export and ecosystem and biogeochemical processes in
catchments [Roulet and Moore, 2006]. Additionally, trends of increasing DOC export
have been observed in catchments around the world and are poorly understood [Evans et
al., 2006; Hudson et al., 2003; Oni et al., 2013]. A better understanding of DOC source
areas in headwater catchments may help explain variations in catchment carbon output as
well as the spatial distribution of carbon in headwater catchments.
The primary source for DOC in streamwater in catchments without wetlands has been
identified as near-stream areas [Bishop et al., 2004; Laudon et al., 2011; Palmer et al.,
2005]. Using observations from water levels and soil water DOC concentrations, several
authors have suggested that high near-stream water tables mobilize DOC from shallow
organic soil horizons, thereby delivering water with elevated DOC concentrations to
streams [Boyer et al., 1997; Easthouse et al., 1992; Inamdar et al., 2004; Winterdahl et
al., 2011]. Upland soils have also been identified as DOC sources in cases where water
tables extend into their organic horizons, albeit to a lesser extent than more frequently
saturated near-stream soils [Ågren et al., 2014; McGlynn and McDonnell, 2003; Terajima
and Moriizumi, 2013].
The delivery of DOC from near-stream soils is consistent with the variable source area
(VSA) concept of runoff generation [Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967], where stream
contributing area extends from the near-stream area up the hillslope to varying degrees
depending on the size of an event, antecedent conditions, soil properties, and topography.
In this scenario, it is reasonable that hillslope groundwater with low DOC would acquire
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DOC as it passes through the shallow soil horizons in the near-stream zone, where soil
organic matter content is high [Laudon et al., 2011]. However, several studies have
identified frequent water table occurrence in areas outside the near-stream zone that were
not simply continuations of a saturated area extending up a hillslope [Dhakal and
Sullivan, 2014; Gannon et al., in review; Penna et al., 2014]. In cases where the spatial
extent of these water tables intersects a stream, they may be actively contributing to
streamflow. These observations suggest that if frequent water table fluctuations in areas
outside the near-stream zone intersect organic horizons, they could be sources of DOC to
Furthermore, it has been shown that near-stream soils are not always DOC sources.
Grabs et al. [2012] observed near-stream groundwater levels and soil water chemistry at
the Krycklan catchment in Sweden and found that in some near-stream soils where water
tables did not rise close to the surface, total organic carbon (TOC) in soil water did not
increase during events. These soils were therefore found to not be sources of TOC to the
stream. Additionally, in a study of network spatial patterns in streamwater chemistry at
the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), DOC concentrations decreased moving
downstream and zones of higher concentrations occurred in patches along the stream
network [McGuire et al., 2014; Zimmer et al., 2013]. The observation of decreasing DOC
concentrations downstream has been made at other sites [Laudon et al., 2011; Temnerud
and Bishop, 2005], and is not consistent with a uniform near-stream DOC source. Zimmer
et al. [2013] also found DOC concentrations in groundwater were no higher in nearstream soils than any other hillslope soil. In fact, the highest DOC concentrations
observed in groundwater were from shallow soils near channel heads [Zimmer et al.,
Several authors have identified the importance of understanding the spatial distribution
and hydrologic connectivity of DOC sources in order to understand DOC output from
headwater catchments [Ågren et al., 2014; Laudon et al., 2011; McGlynn and McDonnell,
2003]. Previously observed DOC patterns in groundwater and the stream network in WS3
[McGuire et al., 2014; Zimmer et al., 2013] suggest that developing a conceptual model
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of DOC generation at this site may be useful in providing further insights into DOC
source areas in headwater catchments in general. Therefore, we investigated spatial
patterns observed in streamwater DOC in WS3 at HBEF using shallow groundwater
fluctuations, the spatial distribution of soils in the catchment as modeled by Gillin et al.
[in review], DOC in groundwater and soil water, and in-stream fluorescent dissolved
organic matter (FDOM) [Pellerin et al., 2012] records at the catchment outlet. To do this
we characterized DOC concentrations in soil and groundwater in different soils in the
catchment. We then mapped the probable spatial extent of water table in these soils
throughout the catchment along with DOC concentrations throughout the stream network
from Zimmer et al. [2013]. Finally, we compared FDOM fluctuations at the outlet of
WS3 to water level fluctuations in different soils in the catchment. Through this
combination of analyses at varying spatial and temporal scales, we addressed the
following two primary research questions:
1. What source areas in the catchment drive patterns of DOC concentrations
observed in the WS3 stream network?
2. Can the patterns in DOC concentrations in the WS3 stream network help explain
DOC concentrations at the catchment outlet?
2.0 Site Description
This study was carried out at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) near North
Woodstock, NH in the White Mountain National Forest. We focused on watershed 3
(WS3) (Figure 1), which acted as the hydrologic reference watershed for several paired
watershed studies [Hornbeck, 1973; Hornbeck et al., 1970; Likens et al., 1970] and thus
has not been experimentally manipulated. HBEF has a humid continental climate, with
average temperatures of -9°C and 18°C in January and July, respectively [Bailey et al.,
2003]. It receives 1400 mm of precipitation a year, of which a quarter to a third falls as
The bedrock in WS3 is a Silurian sillimanite-grade pelitic schist and calc-silicate
granulite called the Rangeley formation. The soil parent materials are basal and ablation
J. P. Gannon
tills of varying thickness, composition, and hydraulic conductivity and were deposited
during the late Wisconsinan glacial period [Bailey et al., 2014]. The range of slopes in
WS3 is about 20-30%, it is south facing, and ranges in elevation from 527-732 m. The
catchment is forested with mature American beech (Fagus grandifolia), sugar maple
(Acer saccharum), and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), with balsam fir (Abies
balsamea), red spruce (Picea rubens) and white birch (Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia)
dominating areas with shallow soils [Likens, 2013].
While soils in the WS3 have been broadly characterized as podzols, Bailey et al. [2014]
found distinct variations in the characteristic morphology and a broader range of drainage
classes. These variants were found to be indicative of distinct zones of carbon
accumulation [Bailey et al., 2014] and shallow groundwater regimes [Gannon et al., in
review] in the solum. The solum is defined as the more weathered soil from the surface to
the base of the B horizon. It is the approximate rooting zone and with respect to the
parent material it is a zone with greater development of soil structure, lower bulk density,
and varying carbon accumulation depending on the type and thickness of B horizon.
These soil variants were classified as hydropedological units (HPUs) [Gannon et al., in
review] due to the functional implications of the distinct hydrologic regimes and zones of
carbon accumulation. Each HPU was named after the dominant pedogenic horizon in the
profile [Bailey et al., 2014]. Therefore, E, Bhs, and Bh podzols are dominated by an E,
Bhs, and Bh horizon, respectively. The bimodal and typical podzols are the exceptions to
this naming convention. The horizonation in typical podzols is like that of the classic
concept of a Spodosol, with moderate expression of the B and E horizon. Bimodal
podzols are characterized by an anomalous Bh horizon at the base of the solum. Bimodal
podzols were always found in small transitional zones between typical and Bh podzols.
Because these soils were not always present as a transition between typical and Bh
podzols, occurred over a range of topographic variables, and have a small spatial
footprint, they were not included in the predictive soil model from Gillin et al. [in
review] or water table characterizations in Gannon et al. [in review], and were therefore
excluded from this analysis as well.
J. P. Gannon
3.0 Methods
3.1 Well Records and Samples
Water table data for this study is from a spatially distributed shallow groundwater well
network throughout WS3. The well network was designed to monitor water table
dynamics across different HPUs throughout the catchment, and was established by three
different studies. Detty and McGuire [2010a; b] installed 28 wells, seven of which were
used for this study. These wells had soil morphology characterized in adjacent soil pits by
Bailey et al. [2014]. In order to have three wells in each HPU identified in WS3, an
additional seven wells with detailed soil characterization were installed by Bailey et al.
[2014]. Finally, 11 more wells were installed and soils were characterized by Gannon et
al. [in review], to bring the total number of wells in each HPU considered in this study to
five (25 total wells).
Wells were either installed with a 10 cm hand auger or in a backfilled soil pit and were
constructed of (standard dimension ratio) SDR 21 PVC pipe with a 3.76 cm inner
diameter and a 31 cm screen length consisting of 0.025 cm width lateral slots with 0.32
cm spacing between slots. In order to get the base of the well screen into the C horizon,
the auger was used to bore 10 cm beyond the solum. In cases where a C horizon was not
present, wells were installed on top of bedrock. Augured holes were backfilled with local
washed sand to a depth just above the screened interval, and then native soil was
backfilled and carefully compacted above the screened interval to the soil surface. Water
level was logged at each well with a 1.5 m Odyssey Water Level Logger that used
capacitance measured along a Teflon coated wire suspended in the well to determine
water level (Dataflow Systems Pty Ltd). Data were recorded at 10-minute intervals.
Water table was measured as height of water table within the solum relative to the C
horizon for the purpose of this analysis. Semi-permanent to permanent water tables likely
exist deeper in the C horizon in WS3, but for the purposes of examining hydrologic
regimes related to DOC movement these were ignored.
J. P. Gannon
Several wells and Prenart soil suction lysimeters were also sampled to measure DOC
concentrations. Lysimeters were installed by boring a hole from the surface to the desired
depth and then pushing the lysimeter to the end of the bored hole. Lysimeters were
installed at 2-3 sites for each HPU. They were all installed adjacent to the characterized
pit. Lysimeters were installed near the top and bottom of the dominant pedogenic horizon
in Bhs (3 sites, 5 lysimeters total) and hillslope Bh podzols (3 sites, 8 lysimeters total)
and near the top and bottom of the B horizon in typical podzols (3 sites, 4 lysimeters
total). Due to the thin solum of E podzols only one lysimeter was installed in the middle
of the E horizon (2 sites, 2 lysimeters total). To sample the lysimeters, 50 kPa of suction
was placed on a sample bottle attached to the lysimeter. The bottle was allowed to collect
water for 24 hours or 12 hours if predicted nighttime temperatures would freeze the
collected water. Samples were collected at the end of this period. The wells recording
water level were also sampled for DOC concentrations. Wells were purged to remove at
least one borehole volume of water and then sampled using a peristaltic pump. Included
in this analysis are 45 samples from 5 wells in E podzols, 66 samples from 6 wells in Bhs
podzols, 77 samples from 6 wells in hillslope Bh podzols, 11 samples from 3 wells in
near-stream Bh podzols, and 17 samples from 3 wells in typical podzols. Groundwater
and soil solution samples were not filtered prior to analysis. Analysis of the samples for
DOC concentrations was carried out at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Durham, NH,
USA with a Shimadzu TOC-5000A. The groundwater samples used in this analysis were
taken on 55 dates from 5 March 2010 to 28 June 2013, including samples from Zimmer et
al. [2013]. Lysimeter samples were taken on 6 days during snowmelt, from 11 March
2013 to 11 April 2013, and on 3 days spanning a summer storm, from 25 June 2013 to 28
June 2013. Not all wells and lysimeters were sampled on each date, as some did not yield
sufficient sample volume.
3.2 Spatial extent of water table development
In order to examine the potential contributing area to streamflow, the probable extent of
water table in the catchment was mapped for two dates where spatial stream chemistry
was available from Zimmer et al. [2013], 9 July 2010 and 6 August 2010. 9 July 2010
was chosen to be representative of a higher flow in the stream: streamflow on that date
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had a 14% exceedance probability [Zimmer et al., 2013]. A low flow date was also
examined, on 6 August 2010 streamflow had a 77% exceedance probability [Zimmer et
al., 2013], indicating conditions were near baseflow. The spatial extent of each HPU was
derived from the soil predictive model in Gillin et al. [in review]. For each cell in a 5 m
grid of WS3, the HPU with a probability of 0.5 or higher according to the model was
considered to be the HPU in that cell. This approach left 5% of cells in the catchment
uncategorized. Water table was then mapped in HPUs throughout the catchment based on
an analysis from Gannon et al. [in review] where it was shown that water table occurred
at different threshold values of combined catchment storage and precipitation in different
HPUs. The modeled area of each HPU was therefore shown on the map as having a water
table if modeled catchment storage from Gannon et al. [in review] plus measured rainfall
on the sampling date was over the threshold needed to elicit a water table response in that
HPU according to Gannon et al. [in review].
3.3 FDOM
A flow through FDOM flourometer (WETLabs, Philomath, OR) was installed in WS3
just upstream of the v-notch weir. The flourometer estimated the quantity of fluorescent,
humic-like DOM using a single excitation/emission pair (370/460 nm; with 10 and 120
cm full width at half maximum excitation/emission bandpass filters, respectively).
Every 30 minutes a sample was pumped into the flourometer after a 2-minute sample
flush and warm up period. Data were collected for 30 seconds at 1Hz to a Campbell
Scientific CR1000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT). The last 10 seconds of
each sampling period was then averaged to one mean and standard deviation value. The
blank corrected output sample voltage was then multiplied by an instrument-specific
conversion factor supplied by the manufacturer to convert from to ppb quinine sulfate
equivalents (QSE, fluorescence of 1 ppb quinine sulfate dehydrate in 0.1 N H2SO4). The
sensor had a confirmed linear response (r2 > 0.99) up to 167 ppb QSE.
4.0 Results
4.1 Groundwater
J. P. Gannon
The percent time water table occurred in the upper part of the soil profile was examined
by comparing the percent time water table was in the O horizon, A horizon (if present),
and top 10 cm of the solum below the O and/or A horizon (Figure 2). Figure 2 shows that
wells in E and hillslope Bh podzols recorded the most frequent incursions into the upper
portions of the soil profile where soil organic matter is generally higher. Wells in Bhs
podzols recorded incursions into these horizons, but less than 5% of the time. Wells in
near-stream Bh podzols and typical podzols did not record water tables in upper portions
of the soil profile as defined here.
DOC in the groundwater of E and Bhs podzols was highest, with a mean of 14.5 mg/L in
E podzols and 5.5 mg/L in Bhs podzols (Figure 3A). DOC concentrations in near-stream
soils were no higher than hillslope Bh podzols or typical podzols. Mean DOC
concentration in groundwater in typical, hillslope Bh, and near-stream Bh podzols were
all less than 3 mg/L (Figure 3A).
In typical and hillslope Bh podzols water sampled from suction lysimeters had higher
DOC than that in the groundwater (Figure 3). However, in E and Bhs podzols an opposite
contrast was observed; groundwater in these soils had higher DOC than water sampled
from suction lysimeters (Figure 3A).
4.2 Spatial patterns in DOC
Potential area contributing to streamflow was examined by producing maps of the
probable extent of water table in the catchment for high and low flow: 9 July 2010 and 6
August 2010, respectively. On 9 July, the date with higher flow, the storage plus
precipitation level according to modeled storage from Gannon et al. [in review] was 85
mm. This meant E, Bhs, hillslope Bh, and near-stream Bh podzols would be expected to
have water table in their solum (Figure 4). While two of five typical podzols responded in
the 80-90 mm storage range in Gannon et al. [in review], the mean response threshold for
the group was over 85 mm and therefore they were not mapped as having water table. On
6 August 2010, near baseflow conditions, the storage plus precipitation level was 55.7
mm [Gannon et al., in review], meaning only Bh podzols would be expected to have
J. P. Gannon
water table in their solum based on the model. Therefore, only Bh podzols were mapped
for this date in Figure 4.
Stream samples on 9 July 2010 from Zimmer et al. [2013] with the highest DOC
generally occurred at channel heads (Figure 4). Furthermore, on a reach basis, DOC
decreased downstream as the source area made up of near-stream Bh and hillslope Bh
podzols increased (Figure 4). Finally, spatially expansive water tables were observed near
channel heads in the catchment in E and Bhs soils (Figure 4). While only a portion of this
area was likely contributing directly to stormflow, there were several sampling sites on
the stream network where most of the soils in their catchment area were E and Bhs
podzols (Figure 4). It should be noted, however, that this soil predictive map should not
be treated as a completely accurate representation of soil spatial distribution in the
catchment. There are several places in the catchment, specifically near channel heads in
the western tributaries to WS3, that E and Bhs podzols may have been over predicted
because of the limited accuracy of the shallow bedrock area map used in the model
[Gillin et al., in review].
On 6 August 2010, under lower flow and with water table only in Bh podzols, stream
DOC concentrations were consistently low. The only exceptions were the two sampling
points high on a western tributary (W3) with primarily bedrock contributing area. These
two points had higher streamwater DOC concentrations than anywhere else in the
catchment on that sampling date.
Streamwater DOC concentrations at the outlets of western tributaries W1, W2, W3, and
W4 and eastern tributaries E1, E2, E3, and E4, and the main stem (Paradise brook, PB)
from all 6 sampling dates in Zimmer et al. [2013] are also shown in Figure 3B. Paradise
Brook had slightly higher DOC than near-stream Bh, hillslope Bh, and typical podzols.
Similarly, the western tributary outlets all had similar DOC concentrations compared to
near-stream Bh, hillslope Bh, and typical podzols. The eastern tributary outlets, however,
had streamwater DOC concentrations that were consistently higher than hillslope Bh,
J. P. Gannon
near-stream Bh, and typical podzols. Only E and Bhs podzols had higher DOC
concentrations than the outlets of the eastern tributaries.
4.3 Temporal patterns in DOC
The timing of the FDOM response at the outlet of WS3 was compared to water table
fluctuations in HPUs to examine how outlet FDOM varied with potential source areas as
suggested by water table records in the solum of soils distributed throughout the
catchment (Figures 5, 6). Recorded water tables in all wells that responded to the events
on 2 October 2011 and 20 April 2012 (Figures 5, 6) peaked before FDOM at the outlet.
The primary observable contrast in the response of HPUs in relation to outlet FDOM was
on the recession limb of the FDOM and water table responses. Water tables in E and Bhs
podzols continued receding throughout the FDOM recession during both events (Figures
5, 6). Water tables in hillslope Bh podzols receded with FDOM during the October storm
(Figure 5) but during the April storm water tables stayed high throughout the FDOM
recession (Figure 6). Very little water table fluctuation was observed in near-stream Bh
podzols during either event, resulting in generally flat relationships between FDOM and
water table levels (Figures 5, 6). The minimal response of near-stream Bh podzols was
especially evident during the April event. Figure 6 shows FDOM at the outlet had a
defined peak while water table in the near-stream Bh podzols increased no more than 10
cm and in one case was not observed. Therefore, wells in the HPUs with the highest DOC
concentrations in groundwater, E and Bhs podzols, had water table responses that were
most closely correlated with FDOM fluctuations at the outlet.
5.0 Discussion
5.1 DOC sources
DOC concentrations in streamwater in WS3 decreased down the stream network toward
the outlet on 9 July 2010 (Figure 4). The same pattern has been observed in other
watersheds at Hubbard Brook [Likens and Buso, 2006; McGuire et al., 2014] and in the
Krycklan catchment in Sweden [Laudon et al., 2011]. The pattern is likely not
uncommon; however, as noted by Laudon et al. [2011], few studies have the spatial
resolution of stream chemistry to observe longitudinal patterns. The pattern observed at
J. P. Gannon
Hubbard Brook has been attributed primarily to areas with shallower soils and thicker
organic horizons in higher elevation coniferous zones contributing more DOC to
streamwater [Johnson et al., 2010; Lawrence et al., 1986; Likens and Buso, 2006]. Water
in O horizons at Hubbard Brook has indeed been shown to have much higher DOC than
in B horizons in studies using suction lysimeters [McDowell and Wood, 1984; McDowell
and Likens, 1988] and zero-tension lysimeters [Dittman et al., 2007], but a flowpath for
the delivery of this water to the stream has not been identified. Furthermore, McDowell
and Wood [1984] suggested specifically that streamflow is generated from B horizons
due to the similarity of streamwater and B horizon DOC concentrations.
Our results reaffirm that high elevation coniferous zones are DOC sources to streamflow.
The HPUs with high DOC (Figure 3) in groundwater, E and Bhs podzols, coincided with
the coniferous zones at higher elevation in the catchment. Furthermore, the probable
extent of water table predicted in the catchment suggests there were expansive event
water tables in the channel heads of WS3 on the high flow date (Figure 4, 9 July 2010).
These channel head areas, with the highest percentage of E/Bhs podzol contributing area,
also had the highest streamwater DOC concentrations according to the spatial
streamwater chemistry from Zimmer et al. [2013] (Figure 4). Additionally, DOC at the
outlets of eastern tributaries, which have more E and Bhs podzol area in their channel
heads, was higher than at the outlets of western tributaries. The contribution of water
from E and Bhs podzols was also consistent with the FDOM fluctuations observed at the
catchment outlet (Figure 5, 6). FDOM fluctuations at the outlet matched well with the
water table fluctuations in E and Bhs podzols. This was especially the case on the
recession limb, where FDOM decreased until E and Bhs water tables subsided. While the
rapid rate of in-stream DOC removal at HBEF may cast doubt on how DOC from
channel heads could be responsible for fluctuations at the catchment outlet, these removal
rates were determined during low flow conditions [McDowell, 1985]. Therefore, while
still a factor in determining longitudinal patterns in DOC, removal rates are likely less of
a factor during higher flow conditions when landscape factors more strongly influence
DOC patterns [Tiwari et al., 2014].
J. P. Gannon
E and Bhs podzols appear to be sourcing DOC to channel heads in WS3; however, the
high DOC in groundwater in these soils may not be completely explained by groundwater
rising into shallow soil horizons. While water tables in these soils responded quickly to
events, rising high into the soil profile, they were infrequently in the very top of the
solum, where DOC is highest (Figure 2). Furthermore, Figure 2 shows that water tables
were in the upper portion of the solum just as often in hillslope Bh podzols as E podzols
and more often than Bhs podzols, and yet groundwater in both E and Bhs podzols was
higher than that of hillslope Bh podzols. This is especially unexpected for E podzols
because E horizons typically have much lower carbon content than the B horizons that
dominate Bh and Bhs podzols [Bailey et al., 2014]. A process that may explain these
differences is illustrated in Figure 7. The upslope area of E and Bhs podzols is mostly
bedrock covered with a thin layer of organic material [Bailey et al., 2014]. Furthermore,
evidence suggests the frequent water tables observed in E and Bhs podzols were due to
rainwater flushing directly off the bedrock into these shallow soils [Gannon et al., in
review]. This offers an explanation for the high DOC concentrations in groundwater in E
and Bhs podzols. As shown in Figure 7, water falls on bedrock contributing areas,
possibly obtaining high DOC concentrations from the thin forest floor material that
covers most of these areas. It is therefore likely that the DOC in E and Bhs podzol
groundwater is coming from runoff delivered directly to the water table from generally
impervious and low storage capacity upslope bedrock contributing areas covered in a thin
layer of organic material.
We did not observe evidence that water flow through near-stream soils increased DOC
concentrations. Water tables were not observed in the O horizon or shallow B horizon in
near-stream soils (Figure 2). Furthermore, DOC concentrations in the groundwater of
near-stream soils in WS3 were no higher than those of hillslope soils, apart from E and
Bhs podzols (Figure 3A). Finally, DOC concentrations at several tributary outlets in the
catchment were higher than that of groundwater in near-stream soils (Figure 3B). DOC
concentrations that are higher in streamwater than in near-stream soils suggests this DOC
is coming from elsewhere in the catchment. This is consistent with the findings of Grabs
et al. [2012], who observed that fluctuations of water table in near-stream soils in a drier,
J. P. Gannon
till derived portion of their study site at the Krycklan catchment did not result in much
change in total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations in soil water.
It is difficult to say how applicable these findings are to other sites, partially due to the
lack of high spatial resolution stream chemistry at most sites. However, at sites with
similarly well-drained, post-glacial soils and bedrock outcrops, the same bedrock-area
DOC generation and limited near-stream water table rise are likely present. Additionally,
the DOC concentrations at the outlet of WS3 were much lower than those observed in
catchments where high near-stream water tables and/or wetlands have been shown to
contribute DOC to the stream [Boyer et al., 2000; Laudon et al., 2011; McGlynn and
McDonnell, 2003]. Low background concentrations, due to the lack of contribution from
wetlands or near-stream soils, allowed detection of the signal from shallow upland
bedrock sourced soils. In catchments with more prolific sources of DOC it may be
difficult to detect the contributions of these soils. The identification of this DOC source,
however, offers an additional tool for explaining spatial extent of DOC source areas and
catchment outlet DOC fluctuations in WS3 at Hubbard Brook.
5.2 Implications for carbon storage
While near-stream soils did not contribute high levels of DOC to the stream network in
WS3, Bailey et al. [2014] identified higher carbon concentrations in Bh podzols than
other soils in WS3. This suggests that these soils are not atypical near-stream soils with
regard to carbon content. Therefore, the primary reason they were not large DOC sources
is most likely that they did not experience the necessary high water tables observed in
other studies [Boyer et al., 2000; McGlynn and McDonnell, 2003], not because of a lack
of carbon in the soil. If these soils are not exporting this carbon as DOC, they may be
storing carbon in the catchment in more recalcitrant form. The amount of precipitation in
the northeastern United States, however, has been increasing and is predicted to continue
to increase with changing climate [Campbell et al., 2011; Hayhoe et al., 2007]. These
increases in precipitation, as well as a shift in seasonality to more winter storms [Hayhoe
et al., 2007] may lead to higher near-stream water tables, which could mobilized carbon
that is currently being stored.
J. P. Gannon
5.3 Implications for runoff generation
The identification of upland soils in the channel head region of the catchment (i.e., E and
Bhs podzols) as a source of streamwater DOC also implies they are important to
streamflow generation. If contributing areas are considered to be some portion of the
spatial extent of water table in the catchment, water table mapped in Figure 4 indicates
that E and Bhs podzols contribute to streamflow when the catchment is wet. The presence
of frequent water tables in the solum in these areas is corroborated by Gannon et al. [in
review], who examined water level records from several wells in each HPU in WS3 and
found frequent water tables in E and Bhs podzols that rose nearly to the ground surface.
Furthermore, the water table in near-stream areas does not extend very far up the
hillslope (Figure 4) as near-stream areas are very efficient at transmitting hillslope water
to the stream due to their higher hydraulic conductivities [Detty and McGuire, 2010].
This suggests a different conceptual model of streamflow generation than the classic idea
of a variable source area [Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967]. While water tables expand and
contract in the near-stream zone, they are limited by topography and high hydraulic
conductivity. However, spatially expansive water tables that occur in shallow soils near
channel heads may also contribute to streamflow during events while imparting different
chemical signatures to streamwater.
6.0 Conclusions
In this study we presented evidence from shallow groundwater level fluctuations;
groundwater, soil water, and streamwater dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
concentrations; spatial patterns in streamwater DOC concentrations; and fluorescent
dissolved organic matter (FDOM) fluctuations at the catchment outlet that help explain
the general pattern of DOC sources in watershed 3 (WS3) at the Hubbard Brook
Experimental Forest (HBEF). We presented a new conceptual model where DOC was
delivered to the stream in channel head areas where bedrock outcrops covered in a thin
layer of organic material were sources of DOC to groundwater in the soils downslope.
We found that the process generally described as responsible for DOC generation in
headwater streams, where near-stream water tables intersect shallow, high DOC soil
J. P. Gannon
horizons, transmitting that DOC to the stream, was not a major driver in WS3. DOC
concentrations in near-stream groundwater were not higher than other hillslope soils and
water tables were not observed in the upper horizons of these soils. Rather, soils in
channel head areas with primarily bedrock contributing areas had the highest DOC
concentrations in soil water and groundwater. These soils were found to have spatially
expansive water tables during events, likely indicating they contribute water to channel
heads, where the highest DOC in streamwater was observed. Furthermore, water table
fluctuations in these soils matched fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM)
observations at the outlet of WS3 better than any soil type in the catchment. Finally, our
predictions of probable water table extent by way of mapping water table in soils in the
catchment suggests that the variable source area in WS3 is both an expansion of water
table from the near-stream zone and in channel head areas.
J. P. Gannon
"#$ %# &
Figure 1. Map of Watershed 3. The inset map indicates the location of HBEF in northern
New England. Perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by solid, dashed,
and dotted lines, respectively. Shallow groundwater wells are indicated by symbols on
the map. Soil morphological units are indicated by different shaped symbols. Tributaries
to the main stem in watershed 3 (Paradise Brook, PB) are labeled at their channel heads
(E0-4 and W1-5).
% time water table is above 10 cm below
the base of the O or A horizon
J. P. Gannon
Figure 2. Percent time in 2 years that wells in each HPU recorded water table above 10
cm below the O horizon or A horizon if present (n = 5 per group). HPUs shown are Bhs
podzols (Bhs), E podzols (E), hillslope Bh podzols (HSBh), near-stream Bh podzols
(NSBh) and typical podzols (Typ). The middle line in each box corresponds to the
median of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the interquartile range (IQR), the
whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5 times the IQR, and points are
outliers beyond the range of the whiskers.
J. P. Gannon
DOC (mg/L)
DOC (mg/L)
Well samples
Lysimeter samples
Figure 3. DOC (mg/L) of groundwater and lysimeter samples in HPUs (A) and at the
outlets of WS3 and 8 tributaries within WS3. Panel A shows groundwater and lysimeter
water for each HPU except near-stream Bh podzols (NSBh), as no lysimeter samples
were available. For Bhs podzols (Bhs) n = 66 for groundwater (6 wells) and 28 for
lysimeter samples (3 sites: 5 lysimeters total). For E podzols (E) n = 45 for groundwater
(5 wells) and 12 for lysimeter samples (2 sites: 2 lysimeters total). For hillslope Bh
podzols (HSBh) n = 77 for groundwater (6 wells) and 31 for lysimeter samples (3 sites: 8
lysimeters total). For near-stream Bh podzols n = 11 for groundwater (3 wells). Finally,
for typical podzols (Typ) n = 17 for groundwater (3 wells) and 16 for soil water (3 sites:
4 lysimeters total). Panel B shows DOC in streamwater at the outlet of WS3 (Paradise
Brook, PB), 4 tributaries on the western side of the catchment (W1, W2, W3, W4) and 4
tributaries on the eastern side of the catchment (E1, E2, E3, E4). The middle line in each
box corresponds to the median of the data, the hinges are the boundaries of the
interquartile range (IQR), the whiskers are the first and third quantile plus or minus 1.5
times the IQR, and points are outliers beyond the range of the whiskers.
J. P. Gannon
WS3 9-July-2010
HPUs with water table in solum
E podzols
Bhs podzols
Typical podzols
Hillslope Bh podzols
Near-stream Bh podzols
700 m
700 m
650 m
650 m
600 m
DOC (mg/L)
550 m
0 - 1.5
1.51 - 2.5
2.51 - 3.5
3.51 - 4.5
4.51 - 5.5
5.51 - 9.5
9.51 - 28.5
600 m
550 m
100 m
Weir 3
Figure 4. Map of HPUs with water table in their solum according to the modeled storage
value and threshold of water table response from Gannon et al. [in review] and predicted
HPU locations from Gillin et al. [in review] and spatial streamwater DOC (mg/L) from 9
July 2010 and 6 August 2010 from Zimmer et al. [2013]. Grey areas on the maps denote
areas with exposed or shallow bedrock as mapped by Gillin et al. [in review]. Perennial,
intermittent, and ephemeral streams are shown by solid, dashed, and dotted lines,
respectively. The contour interval is 5 m.
J. P. Gannon
!" #
$ % &
) !" #
*+" !" , (
/0) !" 1
'0) !" , .
Figure 5. FDOM at the catchment outlet and water table at an example well in each HPU
are shown for an event starting on 2 October 2010. FDOM is indicated by a dashed line
in the plots on the left, water table is indicated by the solid line, the color of each line
corresponds to the well name of the same color in the plots on the right. Plots on the right
are water table (y axis) plotted against FDOM (x axis), the color of the plots goes from
red at start to beige at the end of the event shown in the plots on the right. Points on the
rising limb of the FDOM timeseries are shown as upward facing, open triangles and
points on the falling limb are shown as smaller, filled diamonds. The filled grey area at
the bottom of the plots on the right denotes the C horizon at each well. A horizontal line
at the ground surface (0 depth) is shown for each plot on the right.
J. P. Gannon
( ! "
)*! ! + '
./( ! 01
&/( ! + -
+ 1
! "
# $ %
Figure 6. FDOM at the catchment outlet and water table at an example well in each HPU
are shown for an event starting on 20 April 2010. FDOM is indicated by a dashed line in
the plots on the left, water table is indicated by the solid line, the color of each line
corresponds to the well name of the same color in the plots on the right. Plots on the right
are water table (y axis) plotted against FDOM (x axis), the color of the plots goes from
red at the start to beige at the end of the event shown in the plots on the right. Points on
the rising limb of the FDOM timeseries are shown as upward facing, open triangles and
points on the falling limb are shown as smaller, filled diamonds. The filled grey area at
the bottom of the plots on the right denotes the C horizon at each well. A horizontal line
at the ground surface (0 depth) is shown for each plot on the right.
J. P. Gannon
Figure 7. Conceptual model of DOC delivery to shallow groundwater in E and Bhs
podzols. Precipitation is shown to flow down the impervious bedrock surface through a
shallow forest floor layer, obtaining high DOC. This bedrock runoff then flows directly
into the shallow soils immediately below
J. P. Gannon
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Riparian soil temperature modification of the relationship between flow and dissolved
organic carbon concentration in a boreal stream, Water Resour Res, 47, doi:
Zimmer, M. A., S. W. Bailey, K. J. McGuire, and T. D. Bullen (2013), Fine scale
variations of surface water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network,
Hydrol Process, 27(24), 3438-3451, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9449.
J. P. Gannon
Headwater streams are important natural resources to understand and protect. While
larger rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are generally used as municipal water supplies, over
50% of total stream length in the contiguous United States is made up of headwater
streams [Nadeau and Rains, 2007]. Despite the importance of these small streams, they
are still largely unknown in terms of understanding the processes that lead to their
streamflow generation and water quality [Bishop et al., 2008]. It is crucial to understand
how headwater streams work if we are to begin to understand how water supplies will be
affected by land use changes and/or changes in climate. One potential way to expand our
understanding of headwater catchments is to examine soils in tandem with hydrology to
identify the flow paths and soil forming processes that cause patterns in soil
heterogeneity. This could provide valuable insights into the spatial distribution of the
processes that control streamflow generation and water quality in headwater catchments.
For these reasons, this dissertation focused on better explaining runoff generation
mechanisms, soil formation, and spatial and temporal patterns in streamwater chemistry
in a headwater catchment. In order to address these questions in a novel way, a
hydropedological approach was taken, where soil development and hydrological
processes are inextricably linked and must be considered holistically. At Hubbard Brook
Experimental Forest (HBEF), soils are generally podzolic and illustrate this linkage well
because changes in horizonation as a result of hydrologic flowpaths are easily detected.
The first study in this dissertation aimed to explore the relationship between soil
horizonation and hydrologic flowpaths by examining water table fluctuations in different
morphologically defined soil units, called hydropedological units (HPUs), in watershed 3
(WS3) of the HBEF. The principle hypothesis of this study was that HPUs had distinct,
quantifiable water table regimes.
Next, measurements of the vertical flux of water in HPUs were used to detect differences
in unsaturated flow directions to explain patterns in soil development in the catchment.
J. P. Gannon
The primary objective of this study was to determine if variations in soil horizonation
above the maximum height of observed water table fluctuations could have been caused
by lateral unsaturated flow.
Finally, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in soil water, groundwater, and
streamwater were used to investigate whether or not the spatial distribution of HPUs in
the catchment could be used to interpret spatial and temporal patterns of DOC in
streamwater in headwater catchments.
These investigations yielded the following conclusions:
1. Hydropedological
2. Water
3. Lateral
4. E
These conclusions illustrate the usefulness of a hydropedological approach to
characterizing processes that generate streamflow and affect streamwater chemistry in
headwater catchments. The findings of this work also implicitly bring up a host of
J. P. Gannon
continuing research questions related to the applicability of these findings across spatial
scales and at sites with different soils. For example, future work should examine whether
or not similar spatial patterns in soil morphology related to the magnitude and direction
of water flux can be detected in landscapes where the primary soil type is not a Spodosol.
Furthermore, spatial patterns in streamwater chemistry should be investigated further.
First, the process that leads to high DOC concentrations in E and Bhs podzols should be
investigated along with where and how these HPUs contribute water to streams, whether
on event or longer timescales. Additionally, the spatial distribution of HPUs should be
examined in relation to the spatial patterns of solutes other than DOC in WS3. This
would be very useful in determining which patterns in water chemistry are related to
different shallow flow paths through HPUs and which are more dependent on a deeper
flow system or variations in deeper flowpaths in the catchment.
Additionally, water table fluctuations in the solum of HPUs were found to be consistent
among HPUs and related to overall catchment wetness. These findings were used to
hypothesize the relationship of certain HPUs to runoff generation, but these hypotheses
have not been tested. If the role of HPUs in runoff generation can be better understood in
terms of when and how they contribute to streamflow, it may be of great utility to
catchment hydrologic modeling efforts, e.g., developing process-based spatially explicit
models or better parameterization of soils in models. It is therefore an important area of
future research to begin investigating the relationship between transient water tables in
channel heads and disparate hillslopes and runoff generation. If this relationship can be
substantiated, it would offer a valuable tool for investigating the effects of climate change
to catchment runoff generation by highlighting catchment areas that are simultaneously
the most relevant to runoff generation and sensitive to changes in precipitation regimes.
This study may therefore be very useful to investigations of how headwater catchments
will respond to land use and climate change. A framework was presented in this
dissertation where catchment runoff generation and biogeochemical processes can be
grouped by similar, predictable soil units. The hope is that this can be utilized in the
future to make better predictions about how catchment discharge and chemical output
J. P. Gannon
will change due to changes in land use or climate and that it may be of great utility to
managers dealing with complex systems and multiple management objectives.
J. P. Gannon
Bishop, K., I. Buffam, M. Erlandsson, J. Fölster, H. Laudon, J. Seibert, and J. Temnerud
(2008), Aqua Incognita: the unknown headwaters, Hydrol Process, 22(8), 1239-1242,
doi: 10.1002/hyp.7049.
Nadeau, T.-L., and M. C. Rains (2007), Hydrological connectivity between headwater
streams and downstream waters: how science can inform policy, JAWRA Journal of the
American Water Resources Association, 43(1), 118-133, doi: 10.1111/j.17521688.2007.00010.x.