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Exploring the Evolution of NoC-Based Spiking Neural Networks on FPGAs F Morgan 1, S Cawley 1, B Mc Ginley 1, S Pande 1, LJ Mc Daid2, B Glackin2, J Maher1, J Harkin2 1 Bio-Inspired Electronics and Reconfigurable Computing Research Group (BIRC), National University of Ireland, Galway. 2 Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, Magee Campus, Derry, Northern Ireland, fearghal.morgan@nuigalway.ie, jg.harkin@ulster.ac.uk Abstract—Bio-inspired paradigms such as Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer the potential to emulate the repairing and adaptive ability of the brain. This paper presents EMBRACEFPGA, a scalable, configurable Network on Chip (NoC)-based SNN architecture, implemented on Xilinx Virtex II-Pro FPGA hardware. In association with a Genetic Algorithm-based hardware evolution platform, EMBRACE-FPGA provides a computing platform for intrinsic hardware evolution, which can be used to explore the evolution and adaptive capabilities of hardware SNNs. Results demonstrate the application of the hardware SNN evolution platform to solve the XOR benchmark problem. Keywords: Evolvable Hardware, Spiking Neural Networks, Network on Chip, FPGA. I. INTRODUCTION Bio-inspired concepts such as neural networks, evolution and learning have attracted much attention recently because of a growing interest in the automatic design of complex and intelligent systems, capable of adaptation and fault tolerance. Engineers and computer scientists have studied these biological concepts in an effort to replicate their desired qualities [1, 2] in computing systems. The basic processing units in organic central nervous systems are neurons which are interconnected in a complex pattern using synapses. The current understanding of biological neurons is that they communicate through pulses and employ the relative timing of pulses to transmit information and perform computations. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) [2-4] emulate real biological neurons, conveying information through the transmission of short transient spikes between neurons, via their synaptic connections. A neuron fires when the sum of its weighted input spikes exceeds a certain threshold. Figure 1 illustrates a two-layer, fully-connected, feed-forward SNN topology and a typical spike train between two neurons, the potential resulting in the destination neuron, and the firing of the neuron output spike. By representing spikes as either ‘high’ or ‘low’ values, i.e. as single bits, hardware and memory requirements are reduced dramatically compared to those of traditional multi-layer perceptron neural networks [35]. The authors have investigated and proposed a mixed-signal hardware architecture (EMBRACE) [7], still to be realised as a low power, scalable, NoC-based, embedded computing element which supports the implementation of large scale SNNs. The EMBRACE architecture incorporates a compact, low power, CMOS-compatible analogue SNN neuron cell architecture which offers synaptic Fig 1. SNN connection topology, spike train, neuron potential and output spike firing event densities significantly in excess of that currently achievable in other hardware SNNs [8-11, 33]. In addition, a packet-based NoC topology [5, 15, 17-20] is used to provide flexible, timemultiplexed inter-neuron communication channels, scalable interconnect and reconfigurability. This paper presents EMBRACE-FPGA, a scalable, configurable NoC-based SNN architecture, implemented on FPGA hardware. EMBRACE-FPGA is integrated within a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based intrinsic hardware Evolution Platform (Evo Platform) to provide an adaptive computing platform for exploration of the evolution capabilities of hardware SNNs for a range of applications. Results are presented which demonstrate the evolution and reconfigurability capabilities of the hardware SNN architecture running on a Xilinx Virtex II-Pro FPGA and solving the XOR [22] problem. The paper describes the EMBRACE-FPGA architecture and the role of NoCs in supporting hardware evolution by providing flexible communication for spike transmission and runtime reconfiguration of SNN parameters. This work provides an FPGA hardware SNN proto-type implementation incorporating the proposed EMBRACE NoC architecture. The paper demonstrates how EMBRACE-FPGA supports the evolution and configuration of SNN connection topologies, synaptic weights and neuron firing thresholds. EMBRACEFPGA can support re-evolution and re-configuration to adapt to situations where faults or a changing environment occur. The structure of the paper is as follows: section II highlights related work in the hardware implementation of SNNs. Section III describes the EMBRACE-FPGA SNN NoC-based tile architecture and section IV describes the GAbased hardware SNN evolution system. Section V describes the XOR hardware SNN benchmark implementation and results. Section VI concludes the paper and proposes future work. II. RELATED WORK Inspired by biology, researchers aim to implement reconfigurable and highly interconnected arrays of neural network elements in hardware to produce powerful signal processing units [5-11, 32, 33]. Execution architectures for SNN neural computing platforms can be broadly categorised as software-based (multi-processor) [5, 34], FPGA [9, 10, 24, 33] or analogue/mixed-signal [6, 7, 11, 22, 31]. The SpiNNaker project [5] aims to develop a massively parallel computer capable of simulating SNNs of various sizes and topology, and with programmable neuron models. Software implementation of the neuron model provides flexibility for the SNN computation model. SpiNNaker is aimed at exploring the potential of the spiking neuron as a component from which useful systems may be engineered. The SpinNNaker SNN architecture does not target embedded systems applications due to its size, cost and power requirements. FPGA-based architectures offer high flexibility system design. Pearson et al. [9] describe an FPGA-based array processor architecture, which can simulate large networks (>1k neurons). The processor architecture is a single instruction path, multiple data path (SIMD) array processor and uses a bus-based communication protocol which limits its scalability. Ros et al. [10] present an FPGA-based hybrid computing platform. The neuron model is implemented in hardware and the network model and learning are implemented in software. Glackin et al. [24] use a time multiplexing technique to implement large SNN models (with >1.9M synapses and 4.2K neurons), implemented in software, where speed-acceleration is the key motivation, and parallel capability of SNNs is not exploited. Analogue design approaches benefit from compact area implementations due to the inherent similarity with the way electrical charge flows in the brain [6, 11]. Efficient, low area and low power implementations of neuron interconnect and synaptic junctions are key to scalable hardware SNN implementations [6]. These architectures rely on digital components for a flexible communication infrastructure. Ehrlich et al. [23] and Schemmel [31] present FACETS, a configurable wafer-scale mixed-signal neural ASIC system, targeting neuron densities of 105 neurons. The work proposes a hierarchical neural network and the use of analogue floating gate memory for synaptic weights. The synaptic ion channel circuit comprises op-amp and operational transconductance amplifiers along with passive RC components. It remains to be seen how this approach scales in relation to the size of SNNs that can be realised in hardware. Similarly, Vogelstein at al. [11] present a mixed-signal SNN architecture of 2,400 analogue neurons, implemented using switched capacitor technology and communicating via an asynchronous eventdriven bus. For large scale SNNs, hardware interconnect introduces problems due to high levels of inter-neuron connectivity. Often the numbers of neurons that can be realised in hardware are limited by high fan in/out requirements [16]. Direct neuron-to-neuron interconnection exhibits switching requirements that grow non-linearly with the network mesh size. III. EMBRACE-FPGA SNN ARCHITECTURE This section describes the EMBRACE-FPGA SNN architecture and operation. Figure 2 illustrates the EMBRACE-FPGA Evo Platform, which includes a 2dimensional NxM neural tile array of interconnected SNN neural tiles. Each neural tile is connected in North, East, South and West directions. Fig 2. EMBRACE-FPGA Evolvable Hardware SNN block diagram Figure 3 illustrates the EMBRACE-FPGA NoC-based SNN hardware neural tile block diagram which includes NoC router and neural cell (neuron/synapse elements). Each neural tile can be programmed to realise neuron-level functions. Communication between neural tiles is achieved by routing data packets through round robin-based *InRq and *OutRq neural tile ports, where * represents North (N), S, E and W. A rq/ack packet handshake protocol is used. Fig 3. SNN neural tile block diagram, including neural cell and main elements of the NoC router. n is the maximum number of synapses per tile. The network of routers within EMBRACE-FPGA allows spike signals to be propagated from source tile to destination tile using time-multiplexing of the connecting lines between NoC routers. Generation of spikes is dependent on temporal spike behaviour and active synapse weights. Neuron fire requests are buffered allowing spike packets to be queued for processing for transmissions to the connected synapses. Figure 4 illustrates the variation in membrane neuron potential in one neuron, obtained using read back of the neuron potential from the EMBRACE-FPGA hardware platform. The neuron fires at the point where the potential decreases sharply. The irregular step pattern of Figure 4 illustrates the asynchronous nature of incoming spikes, received via the NoC. monitor provides SNN output values to the host for performance (fitness) evaluation. This evolutionary process continues until high fitness convergence is achieved. The host controls configuration and spike packets generated into the EMBRACE-FPGA SNN. V. XOR HARDWARE SNN This section presents the EMBRACE-FPGA hardware SNN application to a 3-neuron XOR benchmark problem. The EMBRACE-FPGA Virtex II-Pro SNN implementation contains a 32 neuron, 32 synapses/neuron SNN. The system supports evolution of SNN connection topology, synaptic weights and neuron threshold potentials. Figure 5 illustrates the Evo platform used for evolution of the SNN-based XOR benchmark function. Fig 4. Neuron membrane potential obtained using read back of neuron potential from the EMBRACE-FPGA hardware platform. The SNN router finite state machine (Figure 3) manages router activity using a round robin policy. The state machine also handles incoming NoC packet requests received by the router. Neural tile configuration data is stored in neural tile configuration memory (cfgMem). NoC configuration packets contain the destination neural tile address along with configuration parameter address and data. Training algorithms such as GAs [29] (used in this work) can be used to strengthen or weaken neuron synapse weight values to reflect a mapping between the SNN input and desired output data. The EMBRACE-FPGA NoC routers allow new synaptic weight values to be passed to the appropriate synapse within configuration data packets. The NoC enables the adaptability of SNNs in hardware to be exploited, as synapses can be easily accessed for reconfiguration or even relocated to different tiles, without the complex issue of online physical re-routing between newly relocated synapses and neurons. EMBRACE-FPGA provides a platform that can take full advantage of the inherent parallelism of SNNs and also explore the potential of evolving SNNs to meet the adaptability required for fault tolerant embedded computing. IV. GA -BASED HARDWARE SNN EVOLUTION SYSTEM This section presents the GA–based intrinsic evolution platform, used to train the NoC-based EMBRACE-FPGA hardware SNN and to demonstrate a solution to the XOR benchmark application. Intrinsic evolution involves implementing and evaluating each evolved individual (from a GA’s population) in hardware. This differs from extrinsic evolution which evaluates each individual using simulation, prior to selecting the best individual for implementation in hardware. The GA evolves the SNN population parameters for each tile (synaptic weights and neuron firing threshold). SNN input signal spike trains representing current SNN input values are generated on-chip (controlled by host, Figure 2). SNN output spikes are routed to the spike monitor block (Figure 2) which measures the output spike frequency. The Fig 5. Evo platform for evolution of an SNN-based XOR benchmark function The XOR problem has been used as a standard benchmark to verify the operation or evaluate the performance of ANN [14, 22] and SNN [27] frameworks. XOR is a sub-problem of more complicated ones [25] and is an example of a linearly non-separable task, for which classical perceptrons fail to realise a solution. The ability to solve the XOR (and other non-linear tasks) is overcome by employing multiple layers of neurons. Three interconnected and configured neural tiles provide the two-neuron hidden SNN layer and the single SNN output neuron for the XOR implementation. GA parameters are listed in Table I. Mutation Probability 0.01 Crossover Probability 0.9 Roulette-wheel selection with Selection a single elite individual Population Size 50 Maximum no. of 50 generations Table I. GA parameters for EMBRACE-FPGA evolution Table II illustrates the fitness score assignment used for the two input XOR benchmark, for a sequence of four 2-bit binary inputs. Number of correct outputs 0 1 2 3 4 Fitness Score assignment value 0 1 4 9 16 TABLE II. XOR FITNESS SCORE ASSIGNMENT The Evo platform GA uses a population size of 25 individuals. Each individual consists of 3 genes, one for each neuron. For the XOR SNN, the gene is comprised of three values for each neuron, i.e, 2 synapse weights and 1 neuron firing threshold. Figure 6 plots the average and best fitness of the evolved EMBRACE-FPGA hardware SNN XOR function using the GA parameters of Table I (averaged over 20 generations). [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] Fig 6. Average and best fitness of the evolved EMBRACE-FPGA hardware SNN XOR function VI. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK This paper presents the EMBRACE-FPGA hardware NoCbased SNN architecture and FPGA proto-type implementation. The scalable EMBRACE-FPGA SNN architecture and NoC operation have been described. The GAbased intrinsic evolution platform incorporating EMBRACEFPGA on Virtex II-Pro has been presented and used to evolve a hardware SNN solution to the XOR problem. The paper proposes the EMBRACE-FPGA system as an adaptive hardware SNN computing platform which can be used to explore the evolution capabilities of NoC-based hardware SNNs. Future work will include evolution of larger hardware SNNs and various SNN connection topologies, weights and firing thresholds for more complex applications. The EMBRACE-FPGA architecture will be applied in fault-tolerant applications and adaptive, changing environment applications. The EMBRACE-FPGA research contributes to the EMBRACE project which is researching the use of a compact, CMOS-compatible analogue SNN neural cell within a hierarchical SNN NoC-based topology. 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