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2001, Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju
The Croatian National Institute of Public Health Implements the statistical food safety monitoring programme for foods marketed in Croatia in accordance with effective laws and regulations. Laboratories for food safety control, certified by the Ministry of Health, report their findings in quarterly notifications, using the standard forms and issue statements of compliance or non-compliance with current regulations, specifying the cause in case of the latter. This paper brings the results for the period 1993-99 as an illustration of the monitoring programme.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2012
Food Control, 2008
Food Control, 2011
Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju, 2001
The Republic of Macedonia has 662,000 ha of cultivated land with well-organised agricultural production. It is a well known producer of agricultural products. From 1991 to 1999, authorized laboratories conducted systematic control of about 6,500 food samples in 1991 to 36,000 by 1999 which included a whole range of hygienic quality parameters including microbiological and chemical. Microbiological contamination of food was reported to have caused disease outbreaks in 1,578 people in 1995, which dropped to 126 people in 1999. The decreasing trend of samples unfit for human consumption was observed for all food groups. As for the chemical parameters, an increasing trend of contaminated samples was noted only for additives, with peaks reaching 6.9% in 1998 and 4.9% in 1999 of the total number of analysed samples.
Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2017
This study aim is microbiological safety evaluation of food stuff s which were imported, produced or distributed to the consumers in Macedonia. Evaluation was performed according retrospective analysis of data for microbiological food safety from the annual reports for food safety in Macedonia, for the period from 2001 to 2009. Laboratories are using accredited methods and assessment was made according national legislation for microbiological criteria for food products. Data analysis was performed according origin and groups of the food products. In 2001 8% of tested samples from domestic origin and market were microbiological unsafe, in 2005 5% were unsafe, and in 2009 the number of unsafe samples decreased to 3%. Percentage of unsafe samples from imported food products was in range from 0.3% to 1%. Most frequently isolated microorganisms were E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive, Salmonella, and most frequently contaminated products were milk and meat products, sweets...
Уральский исторический вестник // Ural Historical Journal,, 2024
Прародиной тюрок, согласно китайским источникам, являются Золотые горы / Цзинь-шань, однако мнения об их точной локализации разделились. В середине XVIII в. француз-ский востоковед Ж. де Гинь первым высказал мнение об алтайской прародине тюрок-тугю. В XIX–XX столетиях его мнение поддержали западноевропейские синологи Ст. Жюльен и Лю Мао-цай. Основоположник отечественной китаистики Н. Я. Бичурин связывал Цзинь-шань с югом Российского Алтая, обосновывая это наличием высочайших гор в этом райо-не и своим переводом и комментарием об абрисе гор Цзиньшань в форме шлема, который якобы соответствует очертаниям гор на юге Российского Алтая. Исследователи А. Г. Малявкин и Л. А. Боровкова пришли к выводу об ошибочности отождествления Н. Я. Бичуриным Цзиньшаня с Российским Алтаем. По их мнению, Золотые горы тюрок должны быть ото-ждествлены с восточным Тянь-Шанем. В хрониках династий Цзинь и Вэй неоднократно упоминаются Золотые горы/гора — Цзиньшань применительно к истории сюнну и сяньби III–V вв. в Северном Китае. Контекст упоминания этих гор/горы не вызывает сомнений в том, что они располагались в провинции Ганьсу, округе Чжанъе. Этими горами выступает хребет Циляньшань. Сопоставление этих данных с ранними историческими свидетельства-ми о тюрках позволяет автору утверждать, что это и есть Золотые горы тюрок. Алтайские горы китайские хронисты также называли Цзиньшанем, что нашло отражение в хрониках и на исторических картах. Однако они не имели отношения к ранней истории тюрок. Cведе-ния Суй-шу, Чжоу-шу и Тан-шу о предках тюрок-тугю — «смешанных варварах ху из Пинляна» — самым наилучшим образом соотносятся с письменными данными более ранних китайских хроник (Цзинь-шу, Вэй-шу) о проживании смешанных групп тюрко- и монголо-язычных кочевников на территории Северного Китая в III–V вв. According to the Chinese sources, the Turks’ ancestral home is the Golden Mountains/Jinshan, but opinions on their exact localization are divided. In the mid-18th century, French orientalist J. De-guignes was the first to express an opinion about Altai ancestral home of the Tugu Turks. In the 19th–20th centuries, his opinion was supported by Western European sinologists St. Julien and Liu-Mao-tsai. The founder of Russian Chinese studies N. Ya. Bichurin associated Jinshan with the south of the Russian Altai due to the presence of the highest mountains in this area and his translation and commentary on the outline of the mountains of Jinshan in the form of a helmet, which allegedly corresponds to the outlines of the mountains in the south of the Russian Altai. A. G. Malyavkin and L. A. Borovkova came to a conclusion about the mistaken identification by N. Ya. Bichurin of the Jinshan with the Russian Altai. In their opinion, the Turks’ Golden Mountains must be identified with the eastern Tianshan. In the chronicles of the Jin and Wei Dynasties the Golden Mountains/Mountain — Jinshan are repeatedly mentioned in relation to the history of the Xiongnu and Xianbi of the 3rd–5th centuries in the Northern China. The context of the mentioning of these mountains or mountain does not cause any doubts that they were located in the Gansu province, Zhangye district. These mountains are the Qiliangshan mountain range. Comparison of these data with early historical evidence about the Turks allows the author to argue that these are the Golden Mountains of the Turks. The Chinese chroniclers also referred to the Altai Mountains as Jinshan, which is reflected in the chronicles and on the historical maps. However, they had no relation to the early history of the Turks. The information of Sui-shu, Zhou-shu and Tang-shu about the ancestors of the Tugu Turks — “mixed barbarians Hu from Pingliang” — best corresponds with the written data of earlier Chinese chronicles (Jin-shu, Wei-shu) about the residence of mixed groups of Turkic and Mongolian-speaking nomads on the territory of Northern China in the 3rd–5th centuries.
Pensamiento palabra y obra
La cultura contra el Arte El vínculo entre educación artística y cultura parece obvio, pero en realidad esconde relaciones sembradas de múltiples paradojas. Aún los países que tienen una tradición cultural histórica y contemporánea de mucho reconocimiento mundial necesitan impulsar un profundo replanteamientodel lugar del arte no sólo en la escuela, sino en la vida cotidiana. En términos generales necesitan repensar el vínculo arte y sociedad.La cultura ha sido vista como el continente natural de los lenguajes artísticos y efectivamente, su peso es tan grande dentro de la cultura que incluso ésta ha tendido a verse como sinónimo de artes, sobre todo en las políticas públicas. Ya sabemos que la cultura es mucho más que artes y también que el arte tiene una especificidad que nos obliga a pensarlo dentro, pero al mismo tiempo separado de la cultura.
Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik, 2022
Women, Rites, and Ritual Objects in Premodern Japan, 2018
Tayo R.E. Eegunlusi, 2023
Petroleum Science and Technology, 2019
Journal of Surgical Education, 2017
Philosophy of Science, 2005
Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2015