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This paper presents a publisher ranking study based on data granted to us by Elsevier, specifically, citations to book titles from 604 Scopus History journals (2007-2011), and matching metadata from WorldCat® (i.e., titles with OCLC numbers, ISBN codes, publisher records, and library holding counts). With both resources we created a unique relational database, which enabled us to examine citation counts to books and compare these to international library holdings or 'libcitations' for scholarly book publishers. First, we developed a ranking of the top 500 publishers and explored descriptive statistics at the level of publisher type (university; commercial; other) and country of origin. In our second analysis, we identified the top 50 university presses and commercial houses based on total citations and mean citations per book (CPB). For the third analysis we employed a mapping approach using directed citation links between journals and publishers. American and British presses/publishing houses receive the most attention from library collection managers and citing scholars; however, a number of specialist publishers from European countries are keeping pace. Distinct clusters from our directed citation map indicate regionalism and subject specialization, where international journals (i.e., some produced in languages other than English) are citing books published by the same parent publisher. Bibliometric rankings convey half the truth of how the actual structure of the publishing field has evolved. Many challenges lie ahead for developers of new citation indices for books, scholars aiming to publish with high-ranking presses, and bibliometricians interested in measuring book and publisher impacts.
Küreselleşme çağımızın en çok konuşulan konularından biridir. Dünya artık Sanayi Devrimi sonrasında teknolojinin de ilerlemesiyle beraber küçük bir kasaba haline gelmiştir. Bugün dünyanın bir ucunda yaşanan bir gelişme dünyanın diğer bir ucunda da etkisini göstermekte ve sonuçlar tüm dünyayı etkilemektedir. Küreselleşmenin ve kapitalizmin amacı dünyada tek tip bir insan modeli oluşturmaktır. Bu doğrultuda birçok alan kullanılarak insanların tek tip haline gelmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sinema ise günümüzde küreselleşmenin en büyük araçlarından biri olmuştur. Çünkü sinema insanın duygularına hitap eden, insanların duygu ve düşüncelerini derinden etkileyen ve bunların değişmesine aracılık eden en önemli araçlardan biridir. Günümüzde sinema hem küreselleşmeyi etkileyen bir sektör, hem de küreselleşmeden etkilenen bir sektördür. Bu çalışmada ise sinemanın dününden ve bugününden bahsedilmiş, gelecekte ise nasıl bir sektör haline geleceği ile ilgili varsayımlarda bulunulmuş ve küreselleşmenin de tanımı ile beraber sinemanın küreselleşme ile ilgisi irdelenmiştir. ABSTRACT Globalization has become one of the most talked about topics of our time. The world has become a small town with the advancement of technology after the Industrial Revolution. Today, a development that is happening on one side of the world is also affecting the other side of the world and the results are affecting the whole world. The mission of globalization and capitalism are the creation of a uniform human model in the world. In this direction, it is aimed to become a uniform type of people by using many fields. Today, cinema has become one of the most tools of globalization. Because cinema is one of the most important means of appealing to human emotions and deeply affecting people's feelings and thoughts and mediating their change. Today, cinema has become a sector that both affects globalization a sector that both is affected by globalization. In this work, the cinema is mentioned in the past and today, it is hypothesized about the future of cinema and the relation between cinema and globalization was examined with the definition of globalization.
Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) Tersangka
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Донецк, Москва: Издательство «Перо», 2023
This translation is unpublished
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