Liquid Crystals,
Vol. 37, No. 11, November 2010, 1419–1426
Blue phase III widening in CE6-dispersed surface-functionalised CdSe nanoparticles
George Cordoyiannisa,b∗ , Patricia Losada-Péreza , Chandra Shekhar Pati Tripathia , Brigita Rožičb , Uroš Tkalecb ,
Vassilios Tzitziosc , Eva Karatairic,d , George Nounesisc , Zdravko Kutnjakb , Igor Muševičb , Christ Glorieuxa ,
Samo Kraljb,e and Jan Thoena
Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Thermische Fysica, Departement Natuurkunde en Sterrenkunde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium; b Condensed Matter Physics Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia; c National Centre for
Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’, Aghia Paraskevi, Greece; d Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Patras,
Greece; e Department of Physics, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
(Received 28 May 2010; final version received 24 August 2010)
The phase transition behaviour of the chiral liquid crystal CE6 doped with spherical surface-functionalised CdSe
nanoparticles has been examined by means of high-resolution adiabatic scanning calorimetry and polarising
microscopy. The addition of nanoparticles results in an essentially stabilised blue phase III. The phase diagram is
displayed upon heating and cooling and the enthalpy changes involved in the conversion between the blue phases
are determined. The dispersion of functionalised nanoparticles is prominent for the stabilisation of blue phase III,
which is potentially useful for applications, especially if applied on liquid crystals that exhibit blue phases close to
room temperature.
Keywords: adiabatic scanning calorimetry; polarising microscopy; liquid crystals; blue phases; nanoparticles
1. Introduction
More than one century ago, in his famous article on the properties of cholesterol, F. Reinitzer
reported splendid colour phenomena occurring before
the solidification of cholesteryl acetate and other
cholesterol derivatives [1]. What Reinitzer observed
as reflections of green, changing to blue in a sample sandwiched between glass plates was the presence
of the, unknown at that time, blue phases (BPs). BPs
exist within a narrow temperature range between the
isotropic (I) and the cholesteric or chiral nematic
(N∗ ) phase of some chiral liquid crystals [2]. In order
of decreasing temperature, three distinct BPs appear,
which are classified as blue phase III (BPIII), blue
phase II (BPII) and blue phase I (BPI). The BPIII is
amorphous, while the BPII and BPI possess simple
cubic and body-centred cubic symmetry, respectively
[3–6]. These phases have been extensively studied both
experimentally, by means of optical [7, 8] and calorimetric techniques [9, 10], and theoretically [11–15].
In addition, phase diagrams have been proposed as a
function of chirality. The strength of chirality holds
a key role for the existence of a critical point of
liquid-gas type in the I–BPIII phase transition [16–18].
Besides the fundamental aspects and critical phenomena, BPs exhibit an exceptional potential for applications in photonics and the display industry [19–21].
Nevertheless, their use is hampered due to the narrow
temperature range in which they usually appear. As
∗ Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN 0267-8292 print/ISSN 1366-5855 online
© 2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2010.519057
a consequence, the stabilisation of BPs has been the
subject of a broad research interest for several years,
in terms of both experimental and theoretical studies
Very recently, a pure compound with a wide-range
BPIII has been reported, albeit only on cooling [33,
34]. Simultaneously, various efforts have been made
to stabilise the BPs in mixtures of liquid crystals and
various types of nanoparticles, such as Au, CdSe and
aerosils [35, 36]. In this paper we report on the experimental results of several mixtures composed of a
chiral liquid crystal and CdSe nanoparticles. Highresolution adiabatic scanning calorimetry (ASC) and
optical polarising microscopy have been applied for a
systematic study of these mixtures. It is demonstrated
that the BPIII is greatly stabilised by the presence of
nanoparticles, while the BPII gradually disappears and
the BPI is rather weakly affected.
Materials and methods
The liquid crystal S-(+)-4-(2-methylbutyl)phenyl-4decyloxybenzoate (CE6) was supplied by BDH, UK,
stored carefully and used without any further treatment. It exhibits all three BPs and, moreover, a smectic
A (SmA) phase prior to crystallisation. The chemical
formula of CE6 is shown in the top part of Figure 1.
As a guide for its transition temperatures we have
used the data of previous pure CE6 measurements by
G. Cordoyiannis et al.
CE6 liquid crystal
oleyl amine
tri-octyl phosphine
2R ~ 4.5 nm
CdSe nanoparticles
Figure 1. The chemical formula of the liquid crystal CE6
is presented in the top part. In the bottom part, a simple
schematic representation of the CdSe nanoparticles surfacetreated with oleyl amine and tri-octyl phosphine is shown.
The diameter of the nanoparticles core is 2R ∼ 4.5 nm.
means of optical microscopy [37] and ASC [38]. The
CdSe nanoparticles were synthesised at the National
Centre for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’. They are
of spherical shape and have an average diameter 2R ∼
4.5 nm. Their surface was treated with hydrophobic oleyl amine and tri-octyl phosphine. A simple
schematic representation of these particles is given in
the bottom part of Figure 1, while details on their
synthesis can be found elsewhere [39]. They are well
dispersed in non-polar solvents such us toluene and
they exhibit a narrow size distribution as has been
confirmed by transmission electron microscopy measurements [36, 39].
Apart from the pure CE6, several mixtures with
CdSe nanoparticles were prepared, namely x = 0.0005,
0.005 and 0.02, where x is the ratio of the mass of
nanoparticles to the mass of CE6. Prior to preparation
of the mixture, the solution (in toluene) of the CdSe
nanoparticles was inserted in an ultrasonic bath for 1 h
to eliminate any possible aggregation. Afterwards, the
liquid crystal and the nanoparticles were thoroughly
mixed for at least 3 days in highly pure toluene, by
continuous stirring and periodical sonification of the
solution. After the toluene had fully evaporated, the
samples were placed in the calorimetric cells.
Heating and cooling runs on pure CE6 and on
all mixtures were carried out using high-resolution
ASC. The ASC apparatus was fully computerised
and consisted of four stages, the first being the sample cell and the other three the surrounding shields.
For the current measurements the inner stage was a
22 g tantalum cell, which contained approximately
1.7 g of sample. The heat capacity of the empty cell
was measured in a separate control experiment. It
was then subtracted from the total heat capacity (of
the sample and cell) and the result was divided by
the sample mass in order to derive the net specific
heat capacity of the sample. Apart from the sample, the cell also contained a stirring ball made of
stainless steel. By continuously changing the inclination of the apparatus during the experiment, the
stirring ball moved back and forth in order to maintain the homogeneity of the mixture and to eliminate
any temperature gradients within the sample. In order
to reduce the thermal coupling between the various
stages and attain optimal thermal insulation, the space
between the cell and the three surrounding shields was
In ASC, very slow scanning rates can be achieved.
In the principal mode of operation (heating or cooling), each run yields the temperature dependence of
both the heat capacity Cp and the enthalpy H. ASC
can easily distinguish between continuous (secondorder) and discontinuous (first-order) transitions. One
important feature of this technique is that in its principal mode of operation it applies a constant heating
or cooling power instead of a constant scanning rate.
This leads to a substantial decrease of the scanning
rate in the coexistence region of a first-order transition, since the applied power is dissipated not only
for the temperature change of the sample but also for
the change between the two coexisting phases. The
decrease of the scanning rate provides excellent resolution data and the latent heat can be accurately
determined when present. The precision of the technique is better than 2 mJ g−1 ; hence, it is ideal for
studies of BPs that involve small heat transitions and
the reproduction of the respective phase diagrams.
A more detailed description of ASC can be found
elsewhere [40, 41].
Complementary microscopic observations were
performed in order to obtain images of the BPs of
pure CE6 and one of the larger CdSe concentration.
A Nikon Eclipse E600 polarising microscope and a
Pixelink PL-A741 camera were used. For these measurements the samples were sandwiched between glass
plates, and then placed on an Instec model STC-200
heating stage with a temperature stability of 0.1 K and,
subsequently, examined under crossed polarisers.
3. Results and discussion
A bulk CE6 sample has previously been studied in a
similar calorimeter [38, 42]. In order to confirm the
good condition of the present sample, a slow heating run was performed in the vicinity of BPs, yielding
data that demonstrate very sharp first-order transitions occurring at the same temperatures as previously
recorded. The heat capacity temperature profile Cp (T)
in the vicinity of the BPs of the bulk CE6 is presented
in Figure 2. The N*–BPI, BPI–BPII, BPII–BPIII and
BPIII–I transition peaks can be clearly distinguished
Liquid Crystals
T (K)
Figure 2. The heat capacity temperature profile Cp (T) for a
heating run of pure CE6 in the vicinity of BPs. From left to
right (i.e. on increasing the temperature) the N∗ –BPI, BPI–
BPII, BPII–BPIII and BPIII–I phase transitions can be seen.
A slow scanning rate of 0.019 K h−1 was used.
upon raising the temperature. Due to the first-order
character of these transitions, very high effective heat
capacity values are observed in this figure. Afterwards,
the mixtures of the above-mentioned concentrations
were measured on cooling and heating. First, a cooling
run was performed down to the SmA phase and then
a slower heating run was carried out in a short temperature range to obtain high-resolution data allowing
for a precise determination of the enthalpy changes
related to BPs. In Table 1 information on the type
of run and the scanning rate is given for the measurements of pure CE6 and its mixtures with CdSe
In Figure 3 the Cp (T) profiles are shown for the
cooling runs of the mixtures x = 0.0005, 0.005 and
0.02. In this figure all the data are plotted in the same
scale in order to compare the effect of various CdSe
concentrations on the phase transitions. The insets
show a ‘blow up’ of the heat capacity profiles in the
vicinity of the BPs, illustrating the details that cannot
Table 1. The features of all runs performed on pure CE6
and on mixtures with CdSe nanoparticles.
x = 0.0005
x = 0.005
Type of run
Scanning ratea (K h−1 )
Note: a Scanning rate refers to the average rate, since in the phasecoexistence region the scanning rate slows down.
x = 0.02
Cp (Jkg–1K–1)
Cp (Jkg–1K–1)
T (K)
Figure 3. The Cp (T) profiles for all of the cooling runs performed on CE6 and CdSe mixtures, with (a) x = 0.0005,
(b) x = 0.005 and (c) x = 0.02 on the same scale. The inset
in each plot shows a ‘close up’ of the data in the vicinity of
be clearly seen in a full-range plot. When increasing the nanoparticle concentration in the mixtures, all
the transitions are shifted to lower temperatures and
they gradually become more smeared and broadened
(apart from the BPI–N∗ transition as we will discuss
below). The range of BPIII is systematically widened
as a function of CdSe concentration. BPII is present
and weakly affected for x = 0.0005 and 0.005, while
it is not observed for the x = 0.02 sample (i.e. it disappears somewhere between x = 0.005 and 0.02). The
range of BPI is widened even by the presence of a small
number of nanoparticles (x ≤ 0.005), but this influence weakens for the higher concentration (x = 0.02).
Nevertheless, as will be explained later, by comparing
the cooling with the heating runs, this widening can be
attributed to supercooling effects.
The BPI–N∗ phase transition is an exception to
the general trend for all the other transitions, since it
appears very broad for x = 0.0005 and it progressively
becomes steeper for x = 0.005 and 0.02. This trend can
be attributed to its proximity to the lower temperature N∗ –SmA transition. In Figure 3 it is illustrated
that by increasing the concentration of CdSe nanoparticles the BPI–N∗ transition gradually approaches the
G. Cordoyiannis et al.
N∗ –SmA anomaly. For the x = 0.02 mixture, in particular, the BPI–N∗ transition is already superimposed
on the pretransitional wing of the N∗ –SmA transition.
Hence, the supercooled BP ordering undergoes a transition into an N∗ phase with substantial SmA order,
resulting in a much steeper BPI–N∗ peak compared to
the x ≤ 0.005 mixtures.
The heating runs for the CdSe mixtures of
x = 0.005 and 0.02 are shown in Figure 4. No heating run was performed for the x = 0.0005 mixture,
since the impact of nanoparticles on the transitions
in such a low concentration was still mild. The heating runs reveal two interesting features. The first is
the extended and fully reproducible BPIII broadening,
which exhibits the same range among the heating and
the cooling runs within a few millikelvin. The small
hysteresis in the transition temperatures is due to the
first-order character of the transitions. The second feature is the difference in the range of BPI as well as its
stabilisation in the presence of nanoparticles. The former is shortened and the latter is weaker upon heating.
This leads to the conclusion that BPI is supercooled
less for the pure CE6 and more in the presence of CdSe
T (K)
Figure 5. The T–x phase diagram upon heating (a) and
cooling (b), for CE6 and its mixtures with CdSe nanoparticles. Break points have been used along the y-axis at
the bottom layer in order to create the same scale for the
BPIII region between the two layers and demonstrate the
reproducible effect on BPIII upon heating and cooling.
Cp (Jkg–1K–1)
Cp (Jkg–1K–1)
T (K)
Figure 4. The Cp (T) profile for the very slow heating runs
performed on CE6 and CdSe mixtures: (a) x = 0.005; (b)
x = 0.02.
The extended versus the mild broadening of BPIII
and BPI phases, respectively, as well as the gradual
disappearance of BPII can be pictured in the T–x
phase diagrams of Figure 5 corresponding to heating (a) and cooling (b). For clarity, TI−BPIII , which is
defined as the temperature of the onset of BPIII, i.e. at
the beginning of the coexistence region on the I side,
has been subtracted from all of the transition temperatures. The dashed lines indicate the approximate
area where BPII disappears, since it is visible for the
x ≤ 0.005 and it vanishes for x = 0.02. For the phase
diagram based on the cooling runs we have used the
transition temperatures of bulk CE6 reported in [42]
as well as our microscopic observations, since only
one control heating run was performed by calorimetry in the present work. Break points have been used
along the y-axis of Figure 5(b) in order to achieve
a common scale in the vicinity of BPIII between the
upper and lower plot. In this way the full reproducibility (within a few millikelvin) of the stabilisation of
BPIII upon heating and cooling is clear to the reader.
This is of particular importance because it rules out
the possibility of supercooling effects and refers to a
Liquid Crystals
Table 2. The enthalpy changes involved at the transitions of CE6 and its mixtures with CdSe
nanoparticles. From left to right the enthalpies of the BPIII–BPII (or direct BPIII–BPI), BPII–
BPI and BPI–N∗ transitions are given in units of J g−1 .
0.026 ± 0.003
0.023 ± 0.003
0.022 ± 0.003
0.045 ± 0.003
0.045 ± 0.003
0.041 ± 0.006
0.075 ± 0.004
0.067 ± 0.006
0.066 ± 0.004
0.063 ± 0.004
0.051 ± 0.003
10 mK
15 mK
60 mK
T (K)
Figure 6. The enthalpy curve in the vicinity of BPs for pure
CE6. The insets provide ‘close ups’ of the curve in the narrow temperature ranges close to each transition of 60 mK for
BPI–N∗ , 15 mK for BPII–BPI and 10 mK for BPIII–BPII.
∆HBPs (Jg−1)
thermodynamically stable state. For x = 0.02 the BPIII
range (∼0.48 K on heating and ∼0.50 K on cooling) is
extended by almost an order of magnitude compared
to the bulk CE6 (∼0.057 K). Although the absolute
value of the BPIII range is still small, the stabilisation effect is striking. Hence, if applied on compounds
with wider BP range close to room temperature, this
method can provide wide-range BPIII which would be
potentially useful for applications.
The enthalpy changes related to the conversions
between the BPs are given in Table 2. For the pure
sample and the smaller concentrations of nanoparticles (x ≤ 0.005) there are two distinct transitions,
BPIII–BPII and BPII–BPI, while for the larger concentration (x = 0.02) BPII disappears and a direct
BPIII–BPI transition occurs. There exists a very good
agreement between the enthalpy change values H
derived from the heating and cooling runs of the same
sample, since the applied scanning rates were slow
in both cases. Nevertheless, the (slower) heating runs
were used for the determination of H, apart from
the concentration x = 0.0005 for which no heating run
was performed. The determination of H was derived
from the enthalpy–temperature H(T) curve. Such a
curve is shown in Figure 6 for pure CE6 in the vicinity
of BPs. The three insets in Figure 6 show ‘close ups’
of the enthalpy curve in a narrow temperature range
around the BP conversions, since in the full-range plot
these very narrow and sharp transitions cannot be so
easily distinguished.
The enthalpy changes related to each of the BPIII–
BPII (or direct BPIII–BPI), BPII–BPI and BPI–N∗
transitions are given in Table 2 for CE6 and all of
the mixtures. It is not possible to reliably distinguish between the enthalpy changes related to the
I–BPIII and the N∗ –SmA phase transition, owing
to their proximity and the rather large pretransitional effects. Instead, the total enthalpy H total
related to all of the phase transitions occurring
between the I and the SmA phase determined from
the cooling runs is given for all of the mixtures
in Table 3. In the same table, the enthalpy change
N∗ for x ≤ 0.005) or HBPIII−BPI−N* (phase sequence
H (Jg−1)
CE6 (x = 0)
x = 0.0005
x = 0.005
x = 0.02
∆HTotal (Jg−1)
Figure 7. The evolution of the total enthalpy change
HTotal due to all of the phase transitions between the I
and the SmA phase (solid symbols and the dashed line as a
guide to the eye). In addition, the evolution of the enthalpy
changes H BPs related to the conversions between the BPs
is shown (open symbols and the dotted line as a guide to the
eye). H BPs refers to either HBPIII−BPII−BPI−N* (for x ≤ 0.005)
or to HBPIII−BPI−N* (for x = 0.02).
BPIII–BPI–N∗ for x = 0.02) is presented. The quantities H Total , HBPIII−BPII−BPI−N* (or HBPIII−BPI−N* )
monotonously decrease with the addition of CdSe
G. Cordoyiannis et al.
Table 3. The total enthalpy change related to all BP conversions and the total enthalpy
change from I down to the SmA phase in units of J g−1 for all CE6 and CdSe mixtures.
x = 0.0005
x = 0.005
x = 0.02
0.114 ± 0.005
6.24 ± 0.05
6.15 ± 0.05
5.55 ± 0.05
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
Figure 8. Polarising microscopy images in the range of the
BPs of pure CE6 upon cooling of the sample (A, B, C, D in
order of decreasing temperature).
nanoparticles in the mixture. Their evolution, which
is graphically represented in Figure 7, is close to linear.
Complementary microscopic observations have
been performed in the vicinity of BPs for the pure CE6.
Owing to the very small range of BPs in the pure CE6,
which is of the order of the temperature stability of the
heating stage (i.e. ± 0.1 K) it was practically impossible to stabilise the sample at temperatures within the
BPs. Instead, the sample was cooled rather fast from
the I phase and then a sequence of images was collected. In Figure 8 four microscopic images (A, B, C
and D, in order of decreasing temperature) for pure
CE6 can be seen at the three BPs. The gradual change
of colour, corresponding to the different BPs, can be
nicely observed.
Microscopic observations were also performed for
the x = 0.02 mixture. Since the BPs of this mixture
exhibit a significantly wider temperature range compared to pure CE6, it was easier to probe the evolution
of phases. Nevertheless, the images were darker compared to those of pure CE6 due to the presence of
the CdSe nanoparticles. In the top panel of Figure 9
(images A and B, in order of decreasing temperature)
the gradual growth of BPIII inside the dark regions of
the I phase can be clearly observed. Likewise, in the
100 µm
H Total
0.143 ± 0.006
0.129 ± 0.006
100 µm
100 µm
100 µm
Figure 9. Polarising microscopy images of the x = 0.02 sample upon cooling. The top part (images A and B in order of
decreasing temperature) corresponds to the gradual growth
of BPIII inside the I phase. The bottom part (images C
and D in order of decreasing temperature) corresponds to
the evolution of the texture along the BPIII–BPI phase
bottom panel of Figure 9 (images C and D, in order of
decreasing temperature) the gradual change of the texture colour between BPIII and BPI of the same sample
can be followed.
As demonstrated in the present work, the addition of surface-functionalised CdSe nanoparticles to
CE6 affects strongly BPIII and weakly BPI. In contrast, other means of stabilisation have been reported
to affect mostly BPI [23, 25]. The apparent widening of BPI observed in our measurements is attributed
to supercooling. This implies that particular attention
must be paid to exclude supercooling phenomena in
the studies of BPs. The combination of various experimental techniques in studies of BPs as well as the
performance of heating and cooling runs are valuable
tools in this direction.
Our experimental findings suggest that the addition of CdSe nanoparticles produces a qualitatively
similar phase diagram to that for an increasing chirality strength [15]. Moreover, a plausible scenario
dealing with the trapping of the CdSe nanoparticles in
the disclination lines has been proposed recently [36] in
Liquid Crystals
order to account for the widening of BPIII. Note that
these two mechanisms could be related. Namely, the
dimensionless chirality strength is expressed as a ratio
of the representative elastic and condensation free
energy density terms. It is assumed that the nanoparticles assemble at the disclination cores and, consequently, they reduce the condensation free energy
penalty (i.e. the costs to melt the liquid crystal orientational ordering). Therefore, the effective condensation
free energy of the system is reduced, the elastic penalty
remains roughly the same and the chirality strength is
increased [36].
Other issues that might play an important role
in the stabilisation of BPs, which have so far been
inadequately explored, are the size, the shape and
the self-organisation of the nanoparticles [43]. In a
recent work it was reported that silica aerosil type
300 nanoparticles do not have a comparable effect to
nanoparticles of CdSe for BPs of the chiral liquid crystal CE8. Yet, it is not clear whether this is related
to the different surface treatment of the nanoparticles (hydrophilic for aerosil 300 versus hydrophobic
for the CdSe), to the different size (7.0 nm for aerosil
300 versus 4.5 nm for CdSe), to the fact that aerosils
form adaptive networks while CdSe does not or to
some interplay of all the above. We believe that further experimental and theoretical studies are needed
to gain a profound understanding of the mechanisms
behind BP stabilisation.
4. Conclusions
Various homogeneous mixtures of liquid crystal CE6
with CdSe nanoparticles (2R ∼ 4.5 nm) bearing
a hydrophobic coating have been investigated by
high-resolution calorimetry and optical polarising
microscopy. It has been demonstrated that with an
increase of the concentration of nanoparticles, BPIII is
greatly stabilised, BPII gradually vanishes and BPI is
weakly affected. In particular, the BPIII range appears
at the same temperature interval upon heating and
cooling, within a few millikelvin. The width of its
range appears impressively stable among heating and
cooling runs, although the absolute temperatures are
slightly shifted due to hysteresis. The limited widening of BPI, more pronounced on cooling, is mainly
attributed to supercooling effects which are enhanced
by the presence of nanoparticles.
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency
(program P1-0125 and projects J1-9368 and J1-2015). GC
acknowledges the support of the FWO (Project ‘AVISCO’
nr. G.0230.07) and the Research Fund of K. U. Leuven for
2009, and the EN FIST Centre of Excellence (Dunajska
156, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia) for finance during 2010.
EK acknowledges the Graduate Fellowship Program of
N.C.S.R. ‘Demokritos’.
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