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IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 5, MAY 2007 321 A New OFDM Synchronization Symbol for Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Amine Laourine, Student Member, IEEE, Alex Stéphenne, Senior Member, IEEE, and Sofiène Affes, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—This letter proposes a new data-aided carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communications suitable for frequency-selective channels. The proposed method is based on the transmission of a specially designed synchronization symbol that generates a particular signal structure between the received observation samples at the receiver. This structure is exploited to derive a closed-form expression of the CFO. The proposed solution offers a wide acquisition range with reduced computational load. Simulations over frequency-selective channels confirm the superiority of the proposed method compared to recent data-aided synchronization algorithms. Index Terms—Frequency-division multiplexing, synchronization. I. INTRODUCTION RTHOGONAL frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) performance suffers from a pronounced sensitivity against carrier frequency offsets (CFOs) [1]. The CFO should therefore be estimated and compensated before any further processing in the receiver. Different data-aided schemes of CFO estimation in OFDM systems have been appraised. These methods hinge on the periodic transmission of known data blocks that allows for the estimation of the CFO from the estimation of the phase rotation between these blocks at the receiver. The most known of these methods is the M&M method [3], which constitutes an improvement to Schmidl’s [2]. The M&M method was also selected by [4] to provide a joint robust estimation of the timing and the frequency offset. More recently, a new synchronization symbol proposed in [5] allowed for performance gains over Schmidl’s algorithm. In this letter, we propose a new synchronization symbol structure and a new CFO estimator that offer a wide acquisition range and a high accuracy at a very reduced computational cost. Based on the original shape of the new synchronization symbol, a closed-form CFO estimator is derived. Our method has an acthe subcarrier spacing, quisition range that can reach where is a user-selected parameter characterizing our synchronization symbol, and is the number of OFDM subcarriers. As O Manuscript received July 4, 2006; revised September 21, 2006. This work was supported by a Canada Research Chair in High-Speed Wireless Communications. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Gerald Matz. A. Laourine and S. Affes are with the INRS-EMT, Montréal, QC H5A 1K6, Canada (e-mail: laourine@emt.inrs.ca; affes@emt.inrs.ca). A. Stéphenne is with Ericsson Canada, Montreal, QC H4P 2N2, Canada (e-mail: stephenne@ieee.org). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2006.888353 supported by simulations, our algorithm provides higher accuracy compared to the well-known M&M method [3] as well as the method in [5]. More specifically, our estimator proved to be robust against low SNRs (below 0 dB). Such low SNR values are of great practical interest since next-generation wireless systems attempt to operate in MIMO multi-access multi-cell environments, which are characterized by low operating SNRs. In this regard, OFDM needs reliable synchronization techniques that operate well in a low SNR regime. This letter is organized as follows. In Section II, the OFDM system model is described. The designed synchronization symbol and the resulting structure in the received samples are described in Section III. The CFO estimator and the different derivations are presented in Section IV. Section V analyzes the performance of the proposed estimator. Numerical examples are illustrated in Section VI. Conclusions are given in Section VII. II. SYSTEM MODEL subcarWe consider a discrete-time OFDM system with riers. At the transmitter, complex-valued symbols , which belong to a QAM or PSK constellation, modulate orthogonal subcarriers using the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT). Before transmission, a cyclic prefix is appended at the beginning of the signal, yielding if if where . At the receiver, the cyclic prefix is discarded, leading to the following received samples: (1) (2) (3) where is the transfer function of the channel at the frequency of the th subcarrier, corresponds to the channel length, is the relative carrier frequency offset (the ratio of the actual frequency offset to the intercarrier spacing), and is an additive complex white Gaussian noise (with variance ) independent of . III. SYNCHRONIZATION SYMBOL DESIGN To estimate the CFO, we propose to transmit the following synchronization symbol: 1070-9908/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE (4) 322 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 5, MAY 2007 or equivalently, for ), we may neglect the , and by using (13), we have that For high SNR ( term (5) (18) where is a user-selected even integer such that . The choice of has to be taken under certain considerations such as the desired acquisition range, the desired accuracy, and the PAPR that can be tolerated by the system. Based on the special structure of this synchronization symbol, we will prove that there is a useful relationship between and that will allow us to easily derive a closed-form estimator of the CFO. First, let us consider the noiseless part of in the following: (6) where CFO estimator: . We therefore propose the following (19) is a window of real weights where designed to minimize the estimation variance and such that . One can notice that this estimator will induce a very small computational load. Indeed, it involves a unique phase angle calculation, and its very form indicates that it can be implemented efficiently using an FFT, a component that already exists in the OFDM receiver. Moreover, the acqui, which can be large if one sition range of this estimator is chooses a low value of . In the section that follows, we will derive closed-form expressions of both the window and the theoretical variance bounds of our estimator. (8) V. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Inserting (18) in (19), we obtain that (10) is alIn a system with many subcarriers, the inequality ways fulfilled. In this case, for , which is equivalent to saying that adjacent subcarriers experience approximately the same channel. Moreover, due to the very form of and since , it can be easily shown that . Therefore or in other words, if , we have that (20) where (21) (11) The second term oped [using (5)] could be further devel- . , we may approximate and Since by (12) Since is even, then this last equation in (11), we obtain: . Substituting (13) (22) Therefore, we have Based on this last equation, we can now state that (23) (14) Since IV. PROPOSED CFO ESTIMATOR The proposed CFO estimator is based on the correlation between the received samples spaced by lags. Let us consider the following correlation product: where it is easy to see that (16) is the Kronecker function and that (24) LAOURINE et al.: NEW OFDM SYNCHRONIZATION SYMBOL FOR CFO ESTIMATION 323 2) For where , the inverse of is such as (32) (25) Similarly, , where The corresponding optimal window is given by (26) From the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), we have that and . For high SNR, we may consequently state that [6] for for for . The corresponding variance is such that . A. Averaging (27) Since the acquisition range of the proposed estimator is , then it is desirable to select small values of in order to have the widest range. Therefore, we propose here a method to improve the accuracy for values of . Indeed, from (13), we have the following recursion formula: Consequently, we have (33) (28) is an integer such that where suggests forming the following estimator: . This equation Therefore i.e., the estimator is unbiased for high SNR The variance of the proposed CFO estimator can be rewritten as (34) (29) where where , and is an matrix with entries equal to . Following [7], the window that minimizes the variance is such that (30) where stands for an -dimensional row vector consisting of only ones. The corresponding estimation variance is (31) Explicit forms of the variance and the optimal window were discussed extensively in [7]. Here, we just briefly cite some important results. 1) For , we have that , and therefore (35) and is an matrix with entries equal to . Notice that here again this estimator lends itself well to an efficient implementation via the FFT. The acquisition range of the estimator given by (34) is the subcarrier spacing. Therefore, an initial acquisition of the CFO has to be performed by , and then, we compensate this value by multiplying the received signal by . Finally, the CFO estimate will be given by averaging in an effective way over all the possible values of , i.e., (36) where and ( returns the integer part of ), SNR 324 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, VOL. 14, NO. 5, MAY 2007 Fig. 1. Mean square error versus SNR over an AWGN channel. [Theoretical variance is given by (29).] VI. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES We consider an OFDM system with 64 subcarriers fed by 16-QAM constellations and a cyclic prefix of 16 samples in ). These are the settings of a typical OFDM-based length ( WLAN. The CFO was fixed to 0.3 (so that it falls within the range of all the estimators, i.e., no acquisition is required), and 2000 independent trials were performed to obtain the meansquare error estimates. Fig. 1 shows the results obtained over an AWGN channel. First, we notice that averaging increases accuracy by as much as 8 dB for an MSE of 8 , with this improvement being much higher at low SNR (results are not shown at very low SNR for the sake of clarity). Another important remark is that the proposed estimators achieve the CRB even for a moderate SNR (the CRB formula can be found in [3]). In particular, the averaged version of the estimator will achieve the CRB at a small SNR (around 5 dB). This figure shows also that if a smaller acquisition range is allowed, choosing will give accurate results without the use of averaging. In order to show the reliability of our estimation, we made a comparison with the well-known M&M scheme and the recent method developed in [5] (the last method is tuned to its best performance, i.e., ). These simulations were conducted in a multipath environment having four paths with path delays of 0, 8, 10, and 12 samples (the CP length was set to be superior to the channel length in order to avoid intersymbol interference). The amplitude of the th path is a Rayleigh random variable and varies independently of the others according to an exponential power delay profile, i.e., , where is the delay of the th path. The power of each channel realization is then normalized, which corresponds to a perfect power control situation. The obtained results are depicted in Fig. 2 (the CRB in the AWGN channel is also plotted as a benchmark of the performance). When the acquisition range of our method and the M&M one is equal to 16 times the subcarrier spacing, i.e., for the proposed scheme and for the M&M method, our estimator clearly outperforms the M&M, especially in the low SNR region—so crucial for multi-antenna transceivers in Fig. 2. Mean square error versus SNR over a multipath channel. multi-cellular and multi-access environments—where the gap is remarkable. Indeed, for an MSE equal to 7 , the SNR gain is about 6 dB. For an acquisition range of eight times the and , the gap is still huge subcarrier spacing, i.e., for low SNR, up to 5 dB in some regions. The superiority of our method compared to the scheme in [5] is also obvious, for inor at an MSE equal to 4 , where stance, for the SNR gain is around 3 dB. VII. CONCLUSION In this letter, a new CFO estimation scheme for OFDM has been presented. The estimation is based on the transmission of a specially designed synchronization symbol. The particular structure in the received samples of our synchronization symbol allows us to derive a closed-form expression for the CFO. This estimator can provide very high accuracy over a wide acquisition range while keeping a very low computational complexity. Simulations have also proved that this new technique gives higher accuracy than recent methods developed in the literature. REFERENCES [1] T. Pollet, M. Van Bladel, and M. Moeneclaey, “BER sensitivity of OFDM systems to carrier frequency offset and Wiener phase noise,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 43, no. 234, pp. 191–193, Feb./Mar./Apr. 1995. [2] T. M. Schmidl and D. C. Fox, “Robust frequency and timing synchronization for OFDM,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 1613–1621, Dec. 1997. [3] M. Morelli and U. Mengali, “An improved frequency offset estimator for OFDM applications,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 75–77, Mar. 1999. [4] H. Minn, V. K. Bhargava, and K. B. 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