Business"i n Space
The New Frontier?
Jonathan N. Goodrich, Gary H. Kitmacher, and Sharad R. Amtey
Formerly at Indiana University and the
Universi'ty of Houston's Clear Lake campus, Jonathan N. Goodrich is ct, rrently
associate }lO[essor o1 marketing on tim
Tamiami campt,s ot Florida International
University. His "Warehot,se Retailing: The
Trend of the Futt, re?'" appeared in Busim'ss H o r i z o , s in April 1979. Gary H. Kitmacher is an aerospace llight systems
engineer Ira" NASA at Ioh'nso,1 Space
(;t~lter, Houston. He wm'l~.sin the area of
sl)ace .station crew. COlllI}artnlent desigrll.
Sharad R. Amtey IS an expert systems engineer lot Abact, s Programming Corporation/Rockwell Space O 9erations Companv in HoustotL His resea,ch interest is
the 'marketing of high technology in tim
health care a~ld space industries.'
Space exploration and development may be
for the twenty-first century what aviation,
electronics, and computers, taken together,
represent for the century nearing comple"tion. What are the opportunities and obstacles in space commercialization? And
what are the marketing implications of this
new frontier?
ack in the 1960s, in the early
days of space exploration,
m a n y scientists and visionaries saw a bonanza in the commercial
d e v e l o p m e n t of o u t e r space. But 25
years latex" tim bonanza still has not
m a t e r i a l i z e d I e x c e p t for a handful o f
well-known c o r p o r a t i o n s that h a v e
space-related g o v e r n m e n t contracts
(for example, IBM, General D y n a m ics, Rockwell International, and Martin Marietta). F u r t h e r m o r e , unforeseen problems now plague the space
industry. T h e y have r e t a r d e d progress in tim commercialization o f o u t e r
space and may do so for years to come.
T h e p u r p o s e o f this article is twofold:
• T o provide a brief overview o f
what m o d e r n space commercialization is really all about; and
• T o shed some light on why the
commercial development of outer
space has been retarded.
O p p o r t u n i t i e s in space business are
also explored, and the m a r k e t i n g implications o f the obstacles and o p p o r -
tunities are examined. We also look
into o u r crystal ball to see possibilities
tot future research.
n October 1957, the USSR successfully launched Sputnik 1, the
first artificial satellite of the earth.
T h e space age was born. Since then,
outer space---generally regarded as 50
miles above earth and b e y o n d - - h a s
been explored, primarily by the U.S.
and USSR. In the 1981)s, however,
m o r e and m o r e countries are engaging in space research and exploration: F r a n c e , West G e r m a n y , the
United Kingdom, o t h e r m e m b e r s o f
the E u r o p e a n Space Agency (ESA),'
Japan, India, China, Canada, and
I. ESA, Iorlued ill 1975. consists o1"1I nwmher countries: Belgium, Demnark. ~v~,'eSl(;er-,
many, France. hel:md, hair. the Nctherl:mds.
Spain. Sweden. Switzerland, and the Ltnilcd
Business Horizons/.]ammry-lrel)ruary 1987
"Companies are
experimenting with ways
to make better and less expensive products
(some in the microgravity environment of space)
for sale on earth as well as
for use in space."
Many firms are involved in space
research. In the U.S., for example, an
estimated 350 firms--aerospace as
well as non-aerospace--have invested
money in space research, and some
50 companies are negotiating space
research joint ventures with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).'-' Ventures involve
metal formation, glass alloys, electroplating, catalysts, c o m p u t e r chips,
long-term storage of blood, manufacture of pharmaceuticals in space,
commercially operated launch systems, and military and scientific experiments. Some of" these companies
(and their space research efforts) include:
• AI.L;OA (aluminum);
• Eastman Kodak (films, glass alloys);
• John Deere & Co. (metal alloys);
• Bethlehem Steel (metal alloys);
• Rockwell International (materials processing);
• General Dynamics (satellite
launch systems);
• Ball Aerospace (remote-sensing
satellites); and
• Honeywell (computer parts, remote sensing).
These companies are experimenting with ways to make better and less
expensive products (some in the nilcrogravity environment of space) for
sale on earth as well as for use in space.
In terms of revenues generated,
Jerry Grey, the publisher of the magazine AerospaceAmerica, states that the
space industry in the U.S. is today a
$22-$23 billion industry. :~ The satellite-communications business, for instance, takes in $3 billion a year, NASA
spends $7.5 billion, the military spends
more than $10 billion annually, and
another billion or two comes each year
fi-om peripheral businesses such as
remote sensing, publishing, groundbased support, and so on. Grey foresees a $100 billion to $200 billion space
industry by the year 2000:$40 billion
to $100 billion in annual gross revenues for the satellite-communications
industry; $10 billion to $20 billion in
materials processing; $5 billion in
launch services; $8 billion for NASA;
and perhaps $25 billion for the military, unless there is a major arms
treaty limiting space weapons.
Is Grey overly optinaistic? As points
of reference, the aviation industry,
which includes aircraft construction,
airline revenues, and airport operations, is a $100 billion business today,
and electronics naanu facturers took in
$125 billion in 1982.
Space commercialization can be divided into seven major components:
1. Transportation and launch services;
2. Communications satellites;
3. Remote-sensing satellites;
4. M a n u f a c t u r i n g and materials
processing in space;
5. Proposed space stations and
space platforms;
6. Defense; and
7. Ground-based support.
2. Lad Kuzela, "Who Will Win the Race fi)r
I)rolit-s in Space?" IndlL~try Week, August 6, 19~4:
28-3 I.
The Atlantic, May 1985: 51. This is the source
1. Transportation and
Launch Services
Transportation is the most capital-intensive and politically visible category
of space commercialization. It is also
the most mature o1"space ventures. It
consists of t r a n s p o r t i n g payload
(cargo) into space for telecommunications, meteorology and earth observations, and space experimentation. NASA's space shuttles
(Challenger, Discovery, Columbia,
Atlantis) have been in the forefront
o[ transporting and launching payloads into space. ESA's space efforts
(Spacelab, Ariane) are similarly engaged. In October 1985, for example,
the West German government chartered NASA's space shuttle, Challenger, for a space journey at a cost
of $65 million. Challenger carried a
crew of eight people, the largest crew
so tar to fly in space, and a $1 billion
laboratory buih by ESA. The scientists aboard, from the U.S., Holland,
and West Germany, ran several experiments. These included studies of
space sickness, growth of crystals, and
materials processing in the microgravity of space.
But on Challenger's next mission,
on January 28, 1986, disaster struck,
killing all seven members aboard and
"interrupting for a time one of the
most productive engineering, scientific, and exploratory programs in history.'"' Space manufacturing in the
Western world was set back perhaps
five years. The next shuttle will not
3. See David t)sborne, "Business in Space,"
liw the ligures in this and the following paragraph.
4. Report of tile Presidential Commission on
the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Business in Space: The New Frontier?
t payand
~ILIUVE' LIIC {.7.~IILII, ?.11113 IL [S~l.II ~it~:ly i I I space
be launched until design changes are for about a week and a half. Huncomplete, probably not before Feb- dreds of companies, including aeroruary of 1988.
space giants McDonnell Douglas,
Coming as it did during a phase- Rockwell International, Morton
out of unmanned expendable booster -Thiokol, and Martin Marietta, prorockets in the U.S., the accident caused vide parts, engineering analysis, and
a major upheaval in the space launch integration services for the space
industry as well. The nation's space sh u tries.
program has been redirected toward
On an international scale, space
less reliance on the shuttle and a rein- transportation and utilization will soon
statement of the expendable rocket enjoy a resurgence in activity. In its
most recent Soviet Military Power re. . . . . .
fense reported that the Soviet Union
soon will have a launch vehicle capable of placing as much as 300,000
pounds of payload into a low-earth
orbit, as well as a space shuttle with
capabilities equivalent to that of the
Japan, the People's Republic of
China, India, and Brazil are all developing commercial satellite launch
capabilities. The British are developing an advanced rocket plane called
Hotol, an acronym for "horizontal
take-offand landing." The French, in
conjunction with ESA, are developing
a minishuttle called Hermes, which
could be operational in the mid-1990s.
Funding for the initial phases of development of a U.S. aerospaceplane
has been approved. By early in the
next century, it could be flying cargo
and passengers from runways directly
into earth orbit. The international
space station, led by the U.S. and
funded by the U.S., ESA, Japan, and
Canada, will become operational in the
mid-1990s and is expected to develop
Business Horizons l.]anuary-February 1987
"The environment of space
the absence of vibration, the near-perfect vacuum, the
sterile environment, unfiltered sunlight, and microgravity
provides a potentially valuable laboratory for the
manufacture of certain chemicals, pharmaceuticals,
and alloys that may be produced more efficiently
and in higher quality in space than on earth."
more fully in the course of tile |ollowing three decades.
Today, communications satellites
are the most lucrative commercial
cargo being transported into space-for countries (for example, West Germany, Australia, Mexico), for commercial firms (for example, Ht, ghes
and RCA), and for the U.S. government (for example, the DOD's Fitsamcom or NASA's Advanced Communications Technology Satellite).
Such satellites are typically worth anywhere from $50 million to $150 million each, depending on size, use of
advanced technology, and tile number of communications channels provided.
NASA typically charges a r o u n d
$I00 million (about half the actual
cost) for transporting a full cargo-bay
(equivalent to four communications
satellites on average) of payloads into
space. This charge is roughly equal to
the cost of a launch o11 ESA's tinmanned Ariane rocket, which is also
subsidized by the European nations.
The subsidies for the shuttle and Ariane have prevented true competition
in the space launch market until now.
International discussions in the wake
of the Challenger accident may bring
an end--or at least a serious reduct i o n - t o subsidies in the future.
2. Communications Satellites
Communications satellites are probably the most mature of the industries
currently involved in space commercialization. Since the Soviet launch of
Sputnik in 1957, about 3,000 satellites
have been orbited by various coun-
tries and firms. Ninety percent of these
satellites belong to the U.S. and the
USSR. Two-thirds of them are for
military communication purposes, and
the other third primarily transmit television and radio broadcasts, telephone conversations, electronic mail,
and other data.
Annual gross revenues for tile commtmications satellites segment could
be as high as $40 billion to $100 billion by the year 2000? Leading competitors in tile field (manufactttring,
servicing) include AT&T, RCA,
Hughes Aircraft, Western Union and
Telegraph Co., G'FE, MCI, and Satellite Business Systems (SBS). RCA
(Satcom series), Western Union (Westar series), and SBS, for example, have
already launched domestic commercial communications satellites. So have
Australia, Great Britian, Canada,
France, India, Indonesia, Japan, the
U.S., the USSR, a group of Arab nations, and a group of ESA nations.
ditions (for weather forecasting and
airline flights). Remote-sensing satellites have also been used to spot forest
fires, monitor changes in the polar ice
caps, track oil spills, study migrating
deserts in North and South America,
Afi'ica, and Asia, map routes for railroads and pipelines, reveal unknown
lakes, and detect air pollution and
natural resources. "File data fi'om remote-sensing satellites are processed
at ground stations, stored on tape, and
sold to (and by) governments and
Annual gross revenues from the sale
of remotely sensed data could reach
$2 billion by the year 2000: Hughes
Aircraft, RCA, and Ford Aerospace
& Communications Corporation are
major manufacturers of remote-sensing satellites. The French, Japanese,
and Russians also have sophisticated
remote-sensing satellites.
4. Manufacturing and
Materials Processing
3. Remote-Sensing Satellites
Remote-sensing satellites are often
called "spies in the sky" because they
are used extensively by the military.
However, these satellites also have
many civilian applications.
For example, they photograph areas
of the earth and transmit data used
to evaluate geological formations (for
oil and gas exploration), oceans (for
currents, fish movement, and maritime activities), land (for earthquake
and volcanic activity), crop conditions
(for yield forecast), and weather con5. See Osborne (note 3).
Manufacturing and materials processing is the fourth component of
space commercialization. Most flights
of the U.S. space shuttles, for example, have had on board some experiments in m a n u f a c t u r i n g and
materials processing in space.
The environment of Space--the absence of vibration, the near-perfect
vacuum, the sterile environment, unfiltered sunlight, and microgravity-provides a potentially valuable labo6. "Space f2ommercialization (;roup Includes Non-AerospaceFirms,"Aviation Week &
Space Technolo,o,, March 4, 1985: 20.
Business in Space: The New Frontier?
ratory tor the manufacture of certain
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and alloys that may be produced more efficiently and in higher quality in space
than on earth. For example, John
Deere is studying zero-g iron processing; ~ 3M is studying organic and
polymer chemistry ill zero-g to improve its plastics and adhesive products; and McDonnell Douglas
Corporation is experimenting with the
production in space of erythropoietin, a medicine for stimulating red
blood cell production. McDonnell
Douglas hopes to produce this product in space. Deere expects that its
space experimentation will serve as a
model for terrestrial process improvements. 3M is engaged in a basic
research program due to continue well
into the next decade.
The Center for Space Policy, a colasuiting firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts, forecasts that, if given a suitable
environment for development, by the
year 2000 space industries could be
producing $27 billion annually in
pharmaceuticals to battle cancer and
The U.S./international space station
now being developed and its component modules are potential products for space commercialization.
NASA, ESA, Canada, and the Japanese are collaborating in the develo p m e n t of a large orbiting space
station the size of a football field. It
is being designed as a permanent re-
7. (;ravity on earth pulls sediment a n d other
materials to thc bottom during materials processing. The microgravity of outer space allows
Ior more unilorm manufacture of products,
often with increased strength and pu,'ity.
8. As cited by Gary H. Kitmachcr, "Space
Commercialization: Its Development," Working Paper, NASA/.lohnson Space C e n t e r ,
Houston, Texas, May Iq85. See especially p.
empllysenaa, $3.1 billion in gallium
arsenide semiconductors for electronics, and $11.5 billion of pure optical glass. ~
Scientists loresee the manufacture
of these products on space stations and
on free-flying plattorms with compartments leased by industry. Manufacturing would be done by robots.
Basic research would be performed
by scientists who would work on the
international space station for months
at a time. Shuttles could then pick up
both the scientists and the processed
products and return them to earth.
5. Space Stations and
Space Platforms
search, manufacturing/processing,
satellite-repair, and spacecraft refueling facility ill low-earth orbit
(around 250 miles above earth). The
space station will have various modules for power, living quarters, and
work areas interconnected through
tunnels. Initially, it will have living
quarters for six to eight persons. On
earth, the structure would weigh
around 4(1 tons. By tile time the station is built in earth orbit (about 1995),
the cost of the structure is projected
at $8 billion." The foreign partners
are expectecl to contribute $3 billion
of this amount.
Since 1971, the Soviets have had rudimentary space stations (Salyut 1
through 7) in orbit. R. Z. Sagdeyev,
the director of the Soviet Space Research Institute, is coorc[inating the
development of a complex Soviet
space station. Its core may be the
modified Salyut, renamed Mir (Peace),
which was launched in February 1986.
The station is expected to be a center
of industrial activity in space, housing
as many as 12 cosmonauts.
Other unmanned and man-tended
space platforms are being developed
by various firms and countries. They
include the European Retrievable
Carrier (EURECA), the Shuttle Pallet
Satellites (SPAS, built ill Germany),
Fairchild Industries' Leasecraft (U.S.),
and Space 1ndustry's Industrial Space
Facility (U.S.). These space plattbrms
will be used in a variety of microgravity manufacturing, space science,
technology, astronomy, physics, and
earth observation experiments.
Some visionaries see space stations
in tile twenty-first century as:
• Industrial plants in space;
• Intermediate stopover points tor
passengers on their way to the moon,
IVlars, or other planets; and
• Possible strategic defense posts
in space.
6. Defense
Defense weaponry and surveillance
systems in space represent the most
potentially lucrative of all the components of space commercialization.
9. This cost estimate does not include lautlt'h.
Ill~lilltCn~lllC¢2,and opcralillg COSlS.
Bt,siness Hu,'izons/.lanuary-February1987
"Space R&D imposes
burdensome costs on a corporation.
On earth, a few million dollars will get you started;
for space exploration, this paltry sum
doesn't get you anywhere."
Several nations spend billions of dollars each year on a variety of defense
systems in space. In 1985 space weaponry received an additional shot in
the arm with Presiktent Reagan's "Star
Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative
The defense component of space
commercialization is here to stay. The
United States and Soviet governments and their allies represent a
ready market for space weaponry.
Billions of dollars worth of defense
contracts are awarded each year to
General Dynamics (the largest defense contractor in the U.S.), Martin
Marietta, Hughes Aircraft, and Rockwell International.
7. Ground-Based Support
Ground-based support includes the
preparation and processing of payloads for flight, such as that done by
Astrotech International (Cape Canaveral,. Florida); the manufacture of
components for the space shuttle (by
Rockwell International, for example),
space suits, j'' and other products; and
providers of space insurance.
bstacles have plagued and
Iwill continue to plague the
commercial development of
outer space. Among the major obstacles are costs, profit squeeze, technology,
insurance, safety, and earthbound inertia.
ness. Payback periods generally
extend to eight years and beyond, with
uncertainty about future profit levels.
1. Costs
3. Technology
Space R&D imposes burdensome costs
on a corporation. On earth, a few million dollars will get you started; for
space exploration, this paltry sum
doesn't get you anywhere.
Costs include plant and equipment,
salaries for high-tech scientists and
engineers, interest expense on huge
sums of borrowed capital, transportation into space, and so on. ~ It is
estimated, for instance, that space
transportation costs are about $10,000
per kilogram, while costs of manufacturing items in space are between
$100,000 and $1 million per kilogram. v-' As long as these costs remain
high, space business will grow very
2. Profit Squeeze
Given the huge capital outlay required in many space businesses (for
example, communications satellites),
profits are generally small or nonexistent for several years after initial investments.
With the American business culture
emphasizing early profits, most corporations will not invest in space busi-
I I. See Carole A. Shifrin,"InvestorsTaking
Cautious View of Private Programs,"Aviation
Week & Space Technology, .June 25, 1985: 78-80,
12. "Factoriesin Space?"The Econom;~t, August 4, 1984: 16; and "NASA Looksfor Ways
I0. Accurdingto NASA,each spacesuit worn of BoostingBusinessinto Orbit," Tke Economist,
hy a U.S. astronaut costs al)out $2 million. " August 4, 1984: 73, 76.
Some of the foremost barriers in the
commercial development of space are
technological. Generally these are
caused more by unfamiliarity with
hardware design for aerospace use
than by the difficulty in designing the
actual hardware.
These technological barriers will
retard development of space industry, including manufacturing and materials processing in space, space
transportation, and other orbital operations.
4. Markets
The absence of already developed
markets--or at least the uncertainty
about future markets---is probably the
biggest obstacle to space business. For
example, even if some pharmaceuticals can be made purer and better in
the microgravity of space, will the
added cost of making them in space
increase their price to such an extent
that they are priced out of the market? Will pharmaceuticals capable of
being effectively produced in space
find a large market on earth? Or can
e a r t h b o u n d biotechnology techniques perform just as well?
Markets are likely to exist for products with a high value-to-weight ratio---|br example, electronic devices,
specialty glasses, alloys, and space
weaponry. Space weaponry has a
ready market. Many corporations
Busiqess in Space: The New Frontier?
value their contracts with g o v e r n m e n t
anti private industry for" the construction o f space-related products or the
provision o f services. O t h e r corporations, who hope to c o m p e t e in existing markets or to open new markets,
are on a slippery and expensive highway.
5. Competition
Business in space is very competitive.
T h e combatants in the areas o f space
commercialization tend to be large,
well known, weahhy, anti international in scope. T h e y include IBM,
RCA, General Dynamics, and 3M, to
name a few. T h e y have staying power.
T h e y also have the inside track because of their track r'ecord, reputation, and contacts in the f e d e r a l
government. Small firms, which generally fall short on these attributes,
are likely to be outflanked by the
satellite was repaired in space and later
successfully d e p l o y e d anti transferred to geosynchronous orbit. These
and other missions will give birth to
salvage clauses in future insurance
policies, giving full ownership rights
to the underwriters. As the c o m m e r cialization o f o u t e r space develops,
new kinds o f insurance problems will
e m e r g e and will have to be addressed.
7. Safety
Safety c o n c e r n s r e p r e s e n t a n o t h e r
obstacle to business in space. Safety o f
the flight and g r o u n d crew, workers
in space, anti passengers will always
be critical to the success o f space business. So long as there are people and
machines, there will be a potential for
serious accidents--as seen in the explosion o f the Challenger'. Besides
their toll in h u m a n life, such accidents
will retard space exploration.
pose challenges. T h e y are the catalysts tbr technological progress.
he areas o f space c o m m e r cialization o f f e r a weahh o f
business opportunities. New
technologies are on the horizon, and
others we haven't even d r e a m t about.
T h e new technologies have the potential to r e v o l u t i o n i z e m e d i c i n e ,
management methods and styles (how
will space stations be managed from
e a r t h ? In space?), labor r e l a t i o n s
(strikes in space? union activities?),
tourism (space travel and adventure),
global marketing, and life on planet
T o e f f e c t the new t e c h n o l o g i e s ,
education will perhaps be most important. Scientists, researchers, and
engineers will have to be trained in
the utilization o f a new operating environment-space.
8. Earthbound Inertia
Past and Present
6. Insurance
Obtaining insurance coverage for
space business has proven very difficult because o f the failure o f several
Shuttle and Ariane-launched satellites. T h e situation has worsened in
the last year with two failures o f the
Ariane, the loss o f a U.S. Delta rocket,
and the d e s t r u c t i o n o f the Challenger. T h e insurance industry has
temporarily stopped issuing new policies. This has posed a n o t h e r major
obstacle to the commercial development o f space.
In 1984, three satellites were lost
due to failure o f the rocket motors
designed to place the satellites in geosynchronous orbit (22,300 miles above
the earth). T h e failures resulted in a
$282 million loss to the insurance intlustry. ~:~Losses o f similar m a g n i t u d e
occurred in 1985 and 1986.
Because insurance companies were
unable to recoup their losses, the insurance indttstry and NASA pushed
for a satellite retrieval mission in 1985.
'The shuttle mission resulted in two
satellites being rescued and r e t u r n e d
to earth for refurbishment. During a
second shuttle rescue mission, a failed
13. See Kitmacher (note 8), pp. 44-47.
Inertia represents still a n o t h e r obstacle to corporate involvement in space
research and exploration. Many corporate CEOs and shareholders will
ask, "Why get involved in space business when there is so much on earth
to research and explore?"
9. Other Obstacles
T h e r e are other obstacles to space
commercialization. They include
complex g o v e r n m e n t regulations, resultant time delays, inadequate patent
protection, and the complex political,
social, military, monetary, and legal
challenges that must be dealt with on
a national a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l scale.
Many m a n u f a c t u r i n g firms fear that
investments in space R&D may be
wasted if their competitors can achieve
similar advances faster and less expensively using e a r t h b o u n d techniques.
T h e r e are serious obstacles to the
commercialization o f space. T o o often
visionaries have neglected or downplayed the hurdles that must be overcome b~fore we can begin to think o f
outer space as a new business frontier.
But these obstacles do not suggest
that we abandon the commercialization o f space. Instead, the obstacles
Let us look at some past and present
business opportunities that have resuited from space-related technology,
r e s e a r c h , and business. A l t h o u g h
business did not develop them with
the goal of commercialization, these
"spin-offs" from space-developed
technologies have found their way into
the marketplace. Spin-offs inadvertently tie space business to earth business. T h e y have c r e a t e d m a r k e t
opportunities and bonanzas on earth.
What are some o f these spin-offs o f
space-age t e c h n o l o g i e s that have
found their way into the marketplace
and affect o u r lives?
• T h e X-ray inspection systems
that examine luggage at airports were
first developed for astronomical satellites studying celestial X-ray sources.
American Science and Engineering o f
Cambridge, Massachusetts, the company that developed the highly sensitive X-ray detectors for NASA, now
makes the airport detectors.
• NASA asked Black & Decker to
make a rechargeable, cordless drill
that astronauts could use to drill moon
core samples. T h e company thought,
it was such a good idea that it utilized
this new technology to develop an entire line o f cordless power tools.
Business Horizons /January-Febrt, ary 1987
"Whole new industries including computer science,
solid-state electronics, and communication satellites were
advanced as a result of NASA's research and development
in collaboration with some U.S. industrial giants.
New jobs and economic growth have resulted from
space business. Space business has created
new frontiers in business on earth."
These tools are now popular anaong
home builders, construction workers,
and home handymen.
• The technology for quick freezing and keeping ice at a constant temperature, even outdoors in the summer, was developed for rocket fuel
tank insulation. It came out of technology developed at NASA's Marshall
Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
• Sports fans at the Silver Dome in
Pontiac, Michigan, and other facilities
with similar fabric domes owe their
comfort to technology used to make
astronaut space suits. These domes are
made of Teflon-coated fiberglass fabric, which was developed by OwensCornirrg Fiberglas Corporation to
protect astronauts from the hostile
environment of space.
• Rechargeable cardiac pacemakers, which extended the life of
these devices from about two to twenty
years, are an offshoot of satellite solar
cell technology.
• One of the newest medical wonders that has resulted from space-derived miniaturization technology is an
automated implantable defibrillator.
A microcomputer in the device senses
when a heart is about to stop beating
and sends out commands for small
electrical charges to shock it back into
activity,just as paramedics do with big
electric paddles. Surgeons at Johns
Hopkins University have implanted
several of these devices in patients who
had a high risk of heart attacks from
abnormal rhythms. Many heart attacks have thereby been prevented.
• Advanced computer hardware
and computer programs, which IBM
developed for NASA to monitor and
control spacecraft, are now being used
in industrial manufacturing for controlling and monitoring machines and
• Car fenders, bumpers, and many
other products are being made of a
new class of composite materials that
are stronger but lighter than metal.
These composites, made of fiber-reinforced plastics, originally were developed for spacecraft construction.
• New meteorological forecasting
techniques, developed jointly by
NASA and the U.S. Air Force, are
useful in predicting weather conditions.
In addition to these spin-offs, whole
new industries~including computer
science, solid-state electronics, and
communication satellites--were advanced as a result of NASA's research
and development in collaboration with
some U.S. industrial giants. New jobs
and economic growth have resulted
from space business. Space business
has created new frontiers in business
on earth.
The Future
But what about new business frontiers in space? There are many. They
include defense, launch vehicles and
transportation systems, communications satellites, and remote-sensing
satellites, all of which have been commercially active for several years. The
U.S.-led international space station is
now being developed and will be operational in less than a decade.
In m a n u f a c t u r i n g and materials
processing, the environment of space
offers promise for making lighter and
stronger alloys in space and purer and
more potent drugs. For example,
tu'okinase, an enzyme that dissolves
blood clots, is used to treat victims of
ptdmonary embolism and heart attacks caused by blood clots. On earth,
urokinase can be produced only in
minute qt, antities, and at great expense (about $1,000 a close). Urokinase is manufactured by one particular kind of cell in the kidneys. Tests
in the space shuttle have shown that
electrophoresis can separate the productive cell from the other cells, improving the yield of urokinase.
Culturing the high-producing cell,
either in space or on the ground, could
reduce the cost of urokinase by a factor of ten or more. Thus, the drug
could become much more affordable
($100 or less per close) to people-more than 500,000 in the U.S. alone-who either die or suffer from bloodclotting disorders every year. Its manufacture in space could save hundreds of millions of dollars over
present e a r t h b o u n d techniques of
Still another rare and expensive
medicine suitable for space manufacture is "factor 8." Used in treating hemophiliacs, it is currently priced at
$3,000 a dose. ~'~ The beta cell is yet
another; it is a special type of cell (located in the pancreas) that produces
insulin. Beta cells are a good prospect
for application of the electrophoretic
14. See Robert .lastrow, "Why We Need a
Manned Space Station," Schmce Digest, May
1984: 92.
15. Jastrmv (note 14).
Business in Space: The New Fr, mtier?
"As humankind exploits space, new products
will be spawned and new life-styles will emerge.
Space colonies may become a reality. Companies must be
poised to take advantage of these situations by keeping
abreast of NASA, the space commercialization
literature, and government patents that
are spin-offs of space R&D."
separation process ah'eady developecl suits more quickly and inexpensively.
for use aboard the shuttle. Large-scale Almost immediately afterwards, 3M's
production in space and the resulting Riker Laboratories began negotiaprice reductions could help many of tions with McDonnell Douglas for a
joint venture agreement.
the world's diabetics.
Other products may be made purer
NASA has some 50 Joint Endeavor
in space and hence be more effective Agreements (JEAs) with U.S. comon earth. They include crystals for use panies. NASA provides payload prepin computer components, fiber optic aration and transportation into space
glass, and steel, m
at no cost to the client in return for
the knowledge and research gained
by the client in space experimentaMARKETING IMPLICATIONS
Antitrust Laws. The emergence of
joint ventures and collaborative marhat are some of the mar- keting will require modification of anketing implications of the titrust laws in the U.S., and perhaps
obstacles and opportuni- in other parts of the world. These laws
ties that relate to business in space? affect the marketing of goods and serThese implications are both micro and vices internationally and, perhaps in
the near future, extraterrestrially.
macro in nature.
Space Law. National and internaJoint Ventures. Large companies
in the space industry will enter into tional space law will affect marketing.
joint ventures with other firms or with Presently, space law is in its infancy.
the government in order to defray the However, it will evolve as have the
heavy capital outlay that space ven- laws of the sea: slowly, tediously, and
tures entail. These joint efforts will by trial and error. Space laws--patent
spawn new marketing efforts hitherto rights, space rights, labor/manageunheard of among large firms. For ment relations--will fashion the marexample, McDonnell Douglas and keting of products and services for
Johnson & Johnson were collaborat- space use.
N e w Markets. The growth of aviaing on the production of erythropoietin (for the stimulation of red tion technology in the twentieth cenblood cells) and other medicines in tury opened new markets in tourism
space. In mid-1985,Johnson &John- and travel and in international trade
son pulled out of the ef|ort because all over the world. These markets were
of a belief that earthbound processing brought closer together by faster,
techniques could provide similar re- cheaper, and more convenient travel.
Similarly, the twenty-first century
may witness new travel markets as
16. For more fascinating details on product space transportation becomes more
manufacture in space, see .lastrow (note 14),
especially pp. 41-42, 92, and 94, and Osborne commonplace and less expensive, es(note 3).
pecially if the technology being de-
veloped for the aerospaceplane proves
viable. Initially, the travel market may
be limited to the wealthy because of
the expense of space travel, which
could be as high as $50,000 per person for a twelve-hour low-earth-orbit
trip. ~7However, the space travel market will open up to the masses as the
price of space travel falls and/or is
subsidized by governments. The aviation industry evolved in just such a
Other components of the space industry will also flourish, with more
routine manufacture and marketing
of spacecrafts, space foods, space suits,
and so on.
Because of the tremendous obstacles to space commercialization, however, the majority of companies in the
U.S. probably will forget about space
business. They will, instead, concentrate on earth business. But this means
that the few "true believers" today can
become the industry giants of the future.
M u l t i n a t i o n a l Cooperation and
Marketing. In order to meet the complexities of space commercialization-legal, economic, political, and
social--multinational collaboration
and marketing will grow in importance. The collaboration between West
Germany and the U.S. in the chartering of the space shuttle Challenger
in October 1985 is a case in point. The
collaboration between the U.S., the
U.K., and other countries in Presi-
17. See "Lmncher ConqxnW. Tnwel Ageucy
Reach SpaceT o u r Pact," Avialion Week ~ space
TechnoloL% Sel)tember 30, 1985: 24.
Business Horizons / January-February 1987
dent Reagan's "Star Wars" strategic
defense research is another example.
New Products. As humankind exploits space, new products will be
spawned and new life-styles will
emerge. Space colonies may become
a reality. Companies must be poised
to take advantage of these situations
by keeping abreast of NASA, the space
commercialization literature, and
government patents that are spin-offs
of space R&D.
Pollution and Disease. Hand in
hand with the increasing development of the space e n v i r o n m e n t
through satellites and space weaponry goes the increased probability
that pollution and disease will inadvertently be spread .in space. New
markets for space medicine and antipollution equipment will thus arise.
Advertising. To attract customers
of space products, space businesses
will increase their advertisements in
technical journals, such as Space Commerce, Commercial Space, and Space
Business News. They will also advertise
industrial and c o n s u m e r goods in
more traditional media.
The New Risk Takers. Many large,
wealthy corporations will take hitherto unheard of financial and marketing risks. For example, three
communications satellites were successfully launched from the space
shuttle Atlantis in late November
1985, one each for Australia, Mexico,
and RCA. RCA elected to launch its
$45 million satellite without insurance, saying the price was too high.
Insurance companies wanted a premium of 30 percent, or $15 million.
RCA" won its gamble.
On the other hand, risk takers can
lose substantial amounts of money.
Fairchild Industries, for example, was
unable to find insurance or even a single customer for its Leasecraft space
platform after several years of marketing effort. The program, therefore, was halted in November 1985.
NASA. NASA is increasing its market orientation. In 1985 an Office of
Space Commercialization was estalglished at NASA h e a d q u a r t e r s in
Washington, D.C., an office that was
reorganized in the wake of Challenger. More Joint Endeavor Agreements (.IEAs) between NASA and
private corporations are being made,
and more "seed money" is going fi'om
NASA to universities and private industry to help them fund space R&D.
Other government departments,
such as T r a n s p o r t a t i o n and Commerce, are becoming more involved
in space legislation and law en[brcement as well.
Space Management. Finally--and
this is at least tangentially related to
marketing management--space commercialization will spawn new management techniques, st~les, and theories. For example, how can a space
station be managed from earth? How
can it be protected against terrorist
attacks? How are hostage crises in or
from space to be handled? These and
other questions indicate that space
commercialization is fraught with risks
and uncertainties.
iven the fertility of the com.mercial development of outer
space and its untbreseen risks
and challenges, much research concerning space commercialization remains to be done. Such research
covers many fields, including management of space "factories," labor
costs for space work, safety, robots in
space, space medicine, outer-space
travel markets, burial in space, UFOs,
sabotage of (and antisabotage systems
for) business operations physically located in space, and new technologies
that overnight may render obsolete
some of our present awe-inspiring
T h e conlmercialization of o u t e r
space is big business, involving billions of dollars annually. Countries
such as the U.S., the USSR, West Germany, France, and J a p a n are involved. Well-known international
corporate giants such as IBM, Rockwell International, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, 3M, and Eastman
Kodak are spending billions of dollars
annually on space R&D. T o u r i s m
companies, such as Society Expeditions, are beginning to explore space
travel markets.
Obstacles or barriers to entry for
industry include technology requirements and costs, the profit squeeze
and long payback periods, the large
capital outlays required, the perceived risks and uncertain markets,
competition, and safety insurance
concerns. On the other hand, lucrative opportunities in the commercial
development of outer space include
defense, remote sensing, conamunications satellites, and ground-based
support. But these opportunities exist
mainly for powerful, wealthy, and
well-known corporations with proven
track records.
iven the t r e m e n d o u s expenses involved in space exploration, the full commercial
exploitation of space is several decades away. Governments must play a
central role in the economic development of outer space, just as they
did in the development of the aviation, shipping, and railroad industries.
Space business is long-term, risky,
expensive, and not for the [hint of
heart. Space exploration and development in the twenty-first century
may be, however, what aviation, electronics, and computers together are
in this century. Space represents a new
business frontier, several decades away
fl'om maturity. []