Making Sense of Mathematical Reasoning and Proof1
David Tall
University of Warwick
This paper presents a global theoretical framework that complements cognitive and
affective aspects of the increasing sophistication of mathematical thinking and proof,
taking into account the nature of mathematics itself and the way in which learners
mature by building on their previous experiences. It is based on our shared human
facilities of perception, action and reason that mature in very different ways, to
explain and predict how we may develop mathematical thinking in general and
mathematical reasoning and proof in particular.
The sensori-motor language of mathematics
The cognitive development of mathematical thinking and proof is based on
fundamental human aspects that we all share: human perception, action and the use of
language and symbolism that enables us to develop increasingly sophisticated
thinkable concepts within increasingly sophisticated knowledge structures. It is based
on what I term the sensori-motor language of mathematics, (Tall, forthcoming).
Mathematical thinking develops in the child as perceptions are recognised and
described using language and as actions become coherent operations to achieve a
specific mathematical purpose. According to Bruner (1966), these may be
communicated first through enactive gestures, then iconic images, then the use of
symbolism, including not only written and spoken language but also the operational
symbolism of arithmetic and the axiomatic formal symbolism of logical deduction.
The theoretical framework proposed here follows a similar path enriched by the
experience over time, building from conceptual embodiment that combines the
enactive and iconic modes of human perception and action, developing into the
mental world of perceptual and mental thought experiment. Embodied operations,
such as counting, adding, sharing, are symbolised as manipulable concepts in
arithmetic and algebra in a second mental world of operational symbolism. As the
child matures, there is a further shift into a focus on the properties of mental objects
as in Euclidean geometry, or the properties of arithmetic operations that are recast as
‘rules’ that underlie the generalized operations and expressions in algebra. Each of
these leads to different forms of mathematical proof: Euclidean proof in geometry
and symbolic proof, based on the ‘rules of arithmetic’ in arithmetic and algebra.
This article is a product of personal experience, working with colleagues such as Shlomo Vinner who gave me the
insight into the notion of concept image, Eddie Gray, whose experience with young children led me to grasp the
essential ways in which children develop ideas of arithmetic and to build a theoretical framework for the different ways
in which mathematical concepts are conceived, Michael Thomas who helped me understand more about how older
children learn algebra, the advanced mathematical thinking group of PME who broadened my ideas about the different
ways that undergraduates come to understand more formal mathematics, many colleagues and doctoral students who I
celebrate in Tall (2008) and, more recently, the working group of ICMI 19 who focused on the cognitive development
of mathematical proof (Tall, Yevdokimov et al., 2012).
Embodiment and symbolism develop alongside each other and interact with each
other. The early stages of practical mathematics begin with experience of shape and
space, and of operations in arithmetic, in which properties of specific examples are
seen to be generic, such as realising that 2+3=3+2 holds not just for the numbers 2
and 3, but for any pair of whole numbers. This develops into the theoretical
mathematics of definition and deduction in Euclidean and symbolic forms of proof.
Properties in both embodiment and symbolism develop into the formal
mathematics of set-theoretic definition and proof in the axiomatic formal world of
pure mathematics. While theoretical mathematics is based on embodied and symbolic
experiences, formal mathematics guarantees that all the properties proved from given
set-theoretic axioms and definitions will also hold in any new context that satisfies
the given axioms and definitions.
Axiomatic Formalism
Formal Proof
Symbolic Proof
Mathematics Euclidean Proof
Generic Proof
Shape and Space
Operational Symbolism
Conceptual Embodiment
Figure 1: Outline of long-term development of proof
Embodiment and symbolism continue to play their part in axiomatic formalism, not
only in imagining new possibilities that may be defined and proved formally, but also
in an amazing turnaround in which certain theorems (called structure theorems) prove
that axiomatic systems have embodied and symbolic structures established by formal
proof. This reveals mathematical thinking at the highest level, and mathematical
proof in particular, as an intimate blend of embodiment, symbolism and formalism
where individual mathematicians develop a preference for different aspects.
The evolution of theories of mathematical thinking and proof
Pierre van Hiele (1986) focused on structure and insight, seeing a succession of
levels that may be described as recognition and description of figures, leading to
definition and deduction of properties through Euclidean proof.
Ed Dubinsky and others (Asiala et al, 1996) took an apparently different path,
following Piaget’s idea of reflective abstraction to focus on operations that are seen
first as actions, routinized as processes, then encapsulated as mental objects within
knowledge schemas.
Anna Sfard (1991) proposed a framework that alternated between operational and
structural ways of thinking in which operations are condensed as processes, and then
reified as mental objects that now have a certain structure. She suggested at the time
that an operational approach inevitably precedes structural mathematics. However,
the examples given mainly involved operational symbolism becoming reified as
mental objects, and there is a need to take account both of the van Hiele development
of the properties of objects and the process-object encapsulation of operational
This led to a three part analysis in Tall, Thomas et al. (2000) through parallel
developments of conceptual embodiment (broadly following van Hiele) and
operational symbolism (using process-object theories) in school, leading much later
to the axiomatic formal framework of set-theoretic definition and proof in university
pure mathematics (Tall, 2004a, 2004b).
Following the recent death of van Hiele in 2011 at the grand old age of one
hundred, I revisited his ideas of structure and insight, which he asserted applied to
geometry, but not to the symbolism of arithmetic and algebra (van Hiele, 2002). I
realised that the term operation should not be restricted to the symbolic operations in
arithmetic and algebra. Operations occur in the constructions of Euclidean geometry.
For instance, we may operate on an isosceles triangle by joining the vertex to the
midpoint of the base to cut the triangle into two parts that are congruent (with three
corresponding sides). This proves that the base angles must be equal, and various
other properties follow, such as the property that the line from the vertex to the
midpoint of the base is at right angles to the base.
The operations of construction in geometry and the various operations in
arithmetic and algebra have a common definition: they consist of ‘a coherent
sequence of actions and decisions performed to achieve a specific purpose.’ A
geometric operation is a construction that focuses on the object (the figure) and
results in enabling us to see relationships concerning the properties of the object. A
symbolic operation performs a calculation or manipulation, focusing more on the
properties of the operations themselves as the operations lead to a symbolic output.
Furthermore the compression of operation into mental object in symbolism begins
for the child as embodied operations on objects such as counting, adding, sharing,
and is compressed into symbolic operations on whole numbers, fractions, signed
numbers and so on. This reveals two distinct forms of compression from operation to
mental object that I termed embodied compression and symbolic compression (Tall
(forthcoming), chapter 7).
Embodied compression focuses on the effect of the operations on the objects, such
as counting a collection to find the number of objects, such as ‘six’. Focusing on the
way that the objects are placed leads to a realisation of the fundamental properties of
whole number arithmetic. For instance, the set of six objects may be subdivided, say,
into subsets of ‘four’ and ‘two’ and, by rearranging the sets, it may be seen that ‘two’
and ‘four’ is also ‘six’. Reorganizing the subsets as two rows of ‘three’ allows them
to be seen as three columns of ‘two’ so that ‘two threes’ is the same as ‘three twos’.
Embodied compression enables us to see at a glance the flexible properties of
arithmetic. ‘Proof’ at this early stage is a form of reasoning based on our
interpretation of the coherence of our own perceptions and actions. This form of
proof, in which a specific example is seen to be typical of a whole category of
examples, is termed generic proof (Harel & Tall, 1991).
Symbolic compression involves performing a counting operation to obtain a
number concept, for instance, the operation of ‘count-on’ calculates ‘two and eight’
as counting on eight to get ‘three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten’ while ‘eight
and two’ is the short count ‘nine, ten’. Here the two operations are very different, one
is a long count, and the other is short. The general properties of the symbolic
compression are therefore not as self-evident as they are with embodied compression.
A gifted child may grasp the flexible properties of arithmetic as part of a coherent
knowledge structure that may be used as an organising principle to simplify
operations. A child who focuses on procedural operations of counting taking place in
time will find arithmetic operations to be far more difficult to cope with. Eddie Gray
and I called this bifurcation ‘the proceptual divide’ between those fixed in
increasingly complicated counting procedures and those who develop flexible ways
to derive new facts from known facts (Gray & Tall, 1994).
This bifurcation between those who find mathematics ‘easy’ and those who find it
impossibly difficult begins at a very early age. It should be taken into account in
seeking to explain and predict how each individual attempts to make sense of
mathematics by building on personal ways of knowing, operating and proving.
Long-term pleasure and pain
Emotions play a vital role in mathematical thinking and have a profound effect on
how individuals make sense of mathematical proof. As my supervisor, Richard
Skemp used to say: ‘pleasure is a signpost, not a destination.’ His goal-oriented
theory of learning (Skemp 1979) saw children starting out with the goal of seeking to
make sense of the world. Successfully linking together ideas in coherent ways gives
pleasure, success breeds more success, so that a child with a history of success builds
up a positive feed-back loop where an encounter with a problematic situation is often
met with the determination to conquer the difficulty. However, lack of success leads
to an anti-goal, to avoid the feeling of stress. Further encounters with stress may lead
to a negative feed-back loop in which the desire to avoid failure leads to less
engagement with the mathematics and less technical proficiency that causes even
more difficulty and greater mathematical anxiety (Baroody & Costlick, 1998).
An analysis of the development of mathematical thinking reveals the surprising
conclusion that mathematics is not a system that builds logically on previous
experience at each stage, even though every mathematics curriculum in the world is
intent on presenting topics in a coherent sequence, carefully preparing the necessary
pre-requisites at each stage for the more sophisticated stages that follow. On the
contrary, an experience that has been ‘met before’ may be supportive in some new
situations yet problematic in others.
The concept of ‘met-before’ was introduced by Lima & Tall, (2008) and
McGowen & Tall (2010) to describe ‘a structure we have in our brains now as a
result of experiences we have met before.’ Some ideas that work in one situation such
as ‘addition makes bigger’ or ‘take away makes smaller’ in whole number arithmetic
are supportive in the context of fractions yet problematic in the context of signed
numbers. This recalls the concept of ‘epistemological obstacle’ developed by
Bachelard (1938) and Brousseau (1983) and the need for accommodation by Piaget
(see, for example, Baron et al, 1995) or reconstruction by Skemp (1971).
However, the notion of met-before refers to the effect of previous experience on
new learning. A particular met-before is not in itself supportive or problematic, it
becomes supportive or problematic in a new situation when the learner attempts to
make sense of the new ideas. For instance, ‘take away leaves less’ is supportive in
some contexts (e.g. everyday situations where something is removed, in the
postulates of Euclidean geometry, or taking one whole number from another) but it is
problematic in others (such as taking away a negative number or in the theory of
infinite cardinals).
A problematic met-before arises not only in the individual learner, it is a
widespread feature of the nature of mathematics itself. In shifting to a new context,
say from whole numbers to fractions, or from positive numbers to signed numbers, or
from arithmetic to algebra, generalization is encouraged by supportive met-befores
(ideas that worked in a previous context and continue to work in the new one) and
impeded by problematic met-befores (that made sense before but do not work in the
new context).
These subtle changes of meaning arise as mathematical ideas are generalized.
Properties such as commutativity, associativity, distributivity are supportive as
number systems are broadened through whole numbers, integers, real numbers,
complex numbers, but other aspects such as ‘take away gives less’ or ‘the square of a
non-zero number is positive’ become problematic and impede progress.
Crystalline concepts
Given this increasing difficulty of problematic aspects that occur in generalization, I
sought a unifying principle that is supportive in mathematical thinking and binds
mathematical ideas together in any given context. In Tall (2011), I formulated a
working definition of a crystalline concept as ‘a mathematical concept that has an
internal structure of relationships that cause it to have specific properties in the given
mathematical context.’ Such concepts include:
• platonic objects in geometry, such as points, lines, triangles, circles, congruent
triangles, parallel lines that have properties arising through Euclidean proof;
• operational symbols as flexible procepts in arithmetic, algebra and symbolic calculus
that have necessary properties through calculation and manipulation;
• set-theoretically defined concepts in axiomatic formal mathematics whose properties
are deduced by formal proof.
Not only do crystalline concepts occur at the highest levels of mathematical thinking,
they emerge in the thinking of a young child who sees the flexible proceptual
structure of arithmetic through embodied compression rather than the procedural
step-by-step counting procedures of arithmetic that operate in time.
They enable flexible thinkers to see mathematical ideas in astonishingly simple
ways. It is not that the fractions 4 8 , 7 14 , 101 202 are all equivalent to each other and to
the simplest possible canonical form 1 2 , it is that they are all manifestations of a
single crystalline concept: the rational number as a unique point on the number line.
It is not that the expressions 2(x + 7) and 2x + 14 are equivalent but different,
where the first can be turned into the second by ‘multiplying out the brackets’ and the
second can be turned into the first by ‘factorization’, it is that both expressions are
different ways of writing the same crystalline concept as an algebraic expression.
Indeed, the functions f (x) = 2(x + 7) and g(x) = 2x + 14 are not simply equivalent,
they are precisely the same function. Students who think flexibly in terms of
crystalline concepts have much more powerful means of relating mathematical ideas
than those who see equivalent ideas that are changed from one form to another by
carrying out procedures.
Likewise, in axiomatic formal mathematics, an axiomatic system such as ‘a
group’ is a crystalline concept with rich interconnections between its properties. We
may not know what specific group we are dealing with, but we do know that it has an
identity that we may denote by e, and that if x is any element, we can define the
power x n for any positive or negative integer and prove that x m+n = x m x n for any
integers m, n.
A crystalline concept may be defined formally and then its properties may be
deduced as theorems to build up a knowledge structure where relationships are tightly
interconnected by formal proof. For example, we can prove that if we begin with the
axiomatic definition of an ordered field F, then in this context we may formulate any
of the equivalent definitions for completeness, to prove that a complete ordered field
is not only unique up to isomorphism, it is also unique as a crystalline concept.
At the highest level of pure mathematical research, it is the compression of
structural properties of defined formal concepts into crystalline concepts that gives
gifted mathematicians a simplicity of thought that is beyond the mere proving of
theorems of equivalence. An ordered field not only contains a subfield isomorphic to
the rational numbers, it can be conceived as a crystalline concept that contains the
crystalline concept of the rational numbers.
I recall the ideas that I encountered as a graduate student when theoreticians spoke
of the identification of one structure with another structure as ‘an abuse of notation’.
On the contrary, it is the very vision that gives the biological brain of the
mathematician a level of flexibility to conceive mathematical ideas mentally in more
simple and insightful ways.
The transition from proof in embodiment and symbolism to formal proof
The overall framework for cognitive development from the newborn child to the
frontiers of mathematical research was further developed in the ICMI Project on
Proof and Proving (Tall, Yevdokimov et al, 2012), and has been extended in How
Humans Learn to Think Mathematically (Tall, forthcoming).
The van Hiele levels (1986) have been variously reconsidered by a range of
authors, may now be seen in as four successive levels which I term
• Recognition of basic concepts such as points, lines, and various shapes;
• Description of observed properties;
• Definition of concepts to test new examples to see if they satisfy the definition and
to use the definitions to formulate geometric constructions;
• Deduction in the form of Euclidean proof in plane geometry.
Each of these is a form of structural abstraction in which the structure of the objects
under consideration and their relationships shift to successive new levels of
sophistication. This begins first with observations of geometric objects whose
structures are recognised and described. At this point the foundations of Euclidean
proof are laid down by formulating definitions for figures that not only allow them to
be categorised and constructed but also to use ideas such as congruent triangles and
parallel lines to construct Euclidean proof.
Van Hiele also described a fifth level of rigour that may be seen as shifting in two
directions, the first is to different embodied contexts such as projective geometry or
spherical geometry, the second is in terms of the more sophisticated world of
axiomatic formalism as prescribed by Hilbert.
Van Hiele (2002) saw these levels apply to geometry and not to the symbolic
development from arithmetic to algebra. The calculation with numbers and
manipulation of algebraic symbols involve quite different mental activities from
those in Euclidean proof. However, once operations are encapsulated as number
concepts and generalized as algebraic expressions, these too have properties that can
be recognised and described, then defined as ‘rules of arithmetic’ to be used in
algebraic proofs to deduce theorems. Thus the sequence of structural abstraction also
occurs in the higher levels of operational symbolism to provide definitions of whole
numbers, such as even, odd, prime and to deduce theorems such as the uniqueness of
factorization into primes.
Exactly the same structural abstraction arises in the axiomatic formal world of settheoretic definition and formal proof. This builds on our experience of conceptual
embodiment and operational symbolism, beginning with the recognition and
description of mathematical situations and then the definition of axiomatic systems
and of defined concepts within those systems, and deduction of properties of systems
and defined concepts using formal proof.
Experienced mathematicians have flexible knowledge structures that they wish to
pass on to their students. However, by the time students pass through school to enter
university, they will have already developed in very different ways based on how
they have managed to make sense of previous experiences.
Krutetskii (1976) produced significant evidence that the most gifted children are
more likely to develop a strong verbal-logical basis to mathematical thinking than a
visual-pictorial foundation. Out of over a thousand students, the most gifted nine
were classified with five analytic (verbal logical), one geometric (visual-pictorial),
two combining both (one more visual, the other more verbal) and one who was not
classified. Presmeg (1986) found that the most outstanding senior school
mathematics students in her study (7 pupils out of 277) were almost always nonvisualizers. Of 27 ‘very good’ students (10% of the sample), eighteen were nonvisualizers and five were visualizers.
This suggests that a small number of those students who enter university are
powerful verbal-analytic thinkers who may benefit from making sense of settheoretic definitions, an even smaller number base their thinking on visual-pictorial
representations, and many others with a blend of visual embodied thinking and
operational symbolism.
Some students seek a natural approach based on a blend of previous experiences
of embodiment and symbolism from school mathematics. Some with a more verballogical basis may seek to use a formal approach based on set-theoretic definitions and
the deduction of properties using formal proof. Others seek to learn proofs
procedurally to reproduce in examinations. All of these approaches may involve
supportive and problematic aspects, which have been detailed in the literature (e.g.
Pinto & Tall, 1999, Weber, 2004).
As students become more experienced and shift to graduate studies, Weber (2001)
produced evidence that research graduates are more likely to respond flexibly
problems by making links between concepts in a sophisticated knowledge structure
while undergraduates in their early studies, have yet to develop such flexibility.
This is consistent with the lack of aesthetic appreciation of mathematical ideas
noted by Dreyfus and Eisenberg (1986) and also with the relationship noted by
Koichu, Berman & Katz (2007) between “aesthetical blindness” of students and
factors such as self-esteem that affect their aesthetic judgement.
The theoretical framework presented here traces the development of cognitive and
emotional aspects throughout the lifetime of the individual. A few students,
characterized as being ‘gifted’ develop verbal-analytic skills that enable them to build
formally from set-theoretic definitions to construct highly connected crystalline
concepts that may have embodiments and operations linked to underlying formally
proved structure theorems. But many others, who focus on ‘maximising their mark on
the exam’ to ‘get a good degree’ to move on in their lives, have good reasons for
doing so. The mathematics is problematic for them and it doesn’t make sense.
Structure Theorems
Some theorems based on formal axioms and definitions prove formal structures that
enable the ideas to be reconsidered in embodied and symbolic terms. For example, a
finite dimensional vector space over a field F is isomorphic to Fn, so that its elements
may be represented symbolically as n-tuples and its linear maps as matrices, and in
the case where F is the field of real numbers and n = 2 or 3, it may be embodied in
two or three dimensional space. In the same way a finite group is isomorphic to a
subgroup of a group of permutations, which allows it to be operated on symbolically
and embodied as the transformations of a geometric object.
Structure theorems enrich formal mathematics with new forms of embodiment and
symbolism, offering a wide range of embodiment, symbolism and formalism to
enable mathematicians to explore new situations that follow a sequence of structural
abstraction, beginning with the recognition and description of a problem situation,
then the definition of conjectures and a quest for the deduction of new theorems.
The overall development of proof
Long-term the growth of mathematical thinking of proof begins with the perceptions
and actions of young children, and develops through three successive levels:
• practical mathematics exploring shape and space and developing
experience of the operations of arithmetic. This involves the recognition
and description of properties, such as the observation that the sum of
numbers is not affected by the order of operation.
• theoretical mathematics of definition and deduction, as exhibited by
Euclidean proof in geometry, and of the definition of the ‘rules of
arithmetic’ and properties such as even, odd, prime composite, and the
deduction of theorems.
Theoretical mathematics is appropriate for most applications of mathematics, while
those who go on to study pure mathematics change meaning once more to
• formal mathematics based on set-theoretic definition and deduction.
In mathematical research, mathematicians use a combination of embodiment,
symbolism and formalism to imagine possible theorems and to formulate conjectures
to seek proof and to shift to ever more sophisticated levels using structure theorems.
The framework offers mathematicians, mathematics educators, teachers and learners
the opportunity to share an overall development of proof based on the fundamental
sensori-motor bases of human thinking that becomes increasingly sophisticated
through the use of language and symbolism. It offers an integration of the cognitive
and affective development of mathematical knowledge and mathematical proof. This
may be blended with aspects of interest in other communities of practice involved in
mathematics, science, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, cognitive science,
constructivism and so on.
It begins with practical experiences in which specific examples may be seen as
generic examples of proof. Then these experiences lead to theoretical proof based on
definition and Euclidean proof in geometry and definitions based on the ‘rules of
arithmetic’ in arithmetic and algebra. At a formal level, definitions are given as
quantified set-theoretic definitions and formal proof that apply in any context where
the axioms and definitions are satisfied.
The long-term development is affected by supportive and problematic met-befores
that apply not only to developing students, but also to the historical evolution of
mathematics and to the competing views of differing communities of practice.
Experts with sophisticated knowledge structures are subject to personal conceptions
of mathematics that they may share with other experts in their community but
perhaps not with other communities. The framework offers an opportunity to evolve
theoretical ideas into the future by blending differing viewpoints with the long-term
development of mathematical thinking through perception, operation and reason.
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