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The SCAMPER Technique


Ideas are not often plucked out of thin air. The SCAMPER brainstorming technique uses a set of directed questions to resolve a problem (or meet an opportunity). It can also turn a tired idea into something new and different.

Knowledge Solutions February 2009 | 31 The SCAMPER Technique Ideas are not often plucked out of thin air. The SCAMPER brainstorming technique uses a set of directed questions to resolve a problem (or meet an opportunity). It can also turn a tired idea into something new and different. by Olivier Serrat Rationale A problem is situation, condition, or issue that remains unresolved and makes it dificult to accomplish a desired objective. A problem is perceived when an individual, group, or organization becomes aware of a signiicant difference between what is desired and what actually is. Trying to ind a solution to a problem is known as problem solving. Problem solving is the process by which a situation is analyzed, a workable solution is determined, and corrective action is taken. The common milestones of problem solving are to: • Deine (or clarify) the problem. • Analyze causes. • Generate ideas (identify alternatives). • Weigh up ideas (assess alternatives). • Make a decision (select an alternative). • Determine next steps to implement the solution. • Evaluate whether the problem was solved or not. The SCAMPER Technique Every problem invites a solution and, needless to say, there are numerous problem-solving techniques.1 The SCAMPER technique, for one, uses a set of directed, idea-spurring ques1 They include Affinity Diagrams (organizing ideas into common themes); the Ansoff Matrix (understanding the different risks of different options); Appreciation (extracting maximum information from facts); Appreciative Inquiry (solving problems by looking at what is going right); the Boston Matrix (focusing effort to give the greatest returns); Brainstorming (generating a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem); Causeand-Effect Diagrams (identifying the possible causes of problems); Core Competence Analysis (get ahead, stay ahead); Critical Success Factors (identifying the things that really matter for success); the Five Whys Technique (quickly getting to the root of a problem); Flow Charts (understanding how a process works); The Greiner Curve (surviving the crises that come with growth); Lateral Thinking (changing concepts and perception); the Marketing Mix and the 4 Ps (understanding how to position a market offering); the McKinsey 7Ss (making sure that all the parts of an organization work in harmony); PEST (Political, Economic, Sociocultural, and Technological) Analysis (understanding the big picture); Porter’s Five Forces (understanding where power lies); the Reframing Matrix (examining problems from distinct viewpoints); Risk Analysis; Systems Diagrams (understanding the way factors affect one another); Root Cause Analysis (identifying the root causes of problems or events); SWOT Analysis (analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats); and USP (Unique Selling Propositions) Analysis (crafting competitive edge). Knowledge Solutions tions to suggest some addition to, or modiication of, something that already exists.2 It has also received much attention as a learning tool that fosters awareness, drive, luency, lexibility, and originality. The stimulus comes from being asked to answer queries that one would not normally pose. The changes that SCAMPER stands for are: • S—Substitute (e.g., components, materials, people) • C—Combine (e.g., mix, combine with other assemblies or services, integrate) • A—Adapt (e.g., alter, change function, use part of another element) • M—Magnify/Modify (e.g., increase or reduce in scale, change shape, modify attributes) • P—Put to other uses • E—Eliminate (e.g., remove elements, simplify, reduce to core functionality) • R—Rearrange/Reverse (e.g., turn inside out or upside down) Help Guide to the SCAMPER Technique3 Think about substituting part of the product or process for something else. Substitute Typical questions: What else instead? Who else instead? What other materials, ingredients, processes, power, sounds, approaches, or forces might I substitute? Which other place? Think about combining two or more parts of the product or process to make something new or to enhance synergy. Combine Typical questions: What mix, assortment, alloy, or ensemble might I blend? What ideas, purposes, units, or appeals might I combine? Think about which parts of the product or process could be adapted or how you might change the nature of the product or process. Adapt Typical questions: Does the past offer a parallel? What else is like this? What other idea does this suggest? What might I adapt for use as a solution? What might I copy? Who might I emulate? Think about changing part or all of the product or process, or distorting it in an unusual way. Magnify, Modify Put to Other Uses Typical questions: What other meaning, color, motion, sound, smell, form, or shape might I adopt? What might I add? Think of how you might put the product or process to another use or how you might reuse something from somewhere else. Typical questions: What new ways are there to use this? Might this be used in other places? Which other people might I reach? To what other uses might this be put if it is modiied? Think of what might happen if you eliminated parts of the product or process and consider what you might do in that situation. Eliminate Typical questions: What might I understate? What might I eliminate? What might I streamline? What might I make smaller, lower, shorter, or lighter? 2 3 2 The principles of the SCAMPER technique were first formally suggested by Alex Osborn and later arranged by Bob Eberle as a mnemonic in 1991 to increase interest in the perceptive, imaginative, and creative abilities of children. Litemind’s blog on Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER (available: http://litemind.com/scamper/) suggests more than 60 questions that can be asked, along with almost 200 words and expressions one can create associations with. The SCAMPER Technique Think of what you might do if parts of the product or process worked in reverse or were sequenced differently. Rearrange, Reverse Typical questions: What might be rearranged? What other pattern, layout, or sequence might I adopt? Can components be interchanged? Should I change pace or schedule? Can positives and negatives be swapped? Could roles be reversed? Caveat The SCAMPER Technique is used to produce original ideas. The creative process thrives on preparation, concentration, incubation, illumination, and veriication (production testing). In organizations, its fruitful application depends on the existence of an enabling environment. There are, of course, personal blocks4 to creativity but these can often be removed. Supervisors who do foster creativity listen, are willing to absorb the risks borne by their subordinates, are comfortable with half-developed ideas, do not dwell on past mistakes, expect subordinates to succeed, capitalize on the strengths of subordinates, enjoy their jobs, and can make quick decisions. They must then help sell ideas to senior management. This involves assessing the "sellability" of ideas5 and developing persuasive arguments.6 Further Reading ADB. 2008. The Reframing Matrix. Manila. Available: www.adb.org/documents/information/knowledgesolutions/the-reframing-matrix.pdf ADB. 2008. Appreciative Inquiry. Manila. Available: www.adb.org/documents/information/knowledgesolutions/appreciative-inquiry.pdf ADB. 2009. The Five Whys Technique. Manila. Available: www.adb.org/documents/information/knowledgesolutions/default.asp?kstype=2 Litemind. 2009. Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER. Available: http://litemind.com/scamper/ For further information Contact Olivier Serrat, Head of the Knowledge Management Center, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank (oserrat@adb.org). 4 5 6 I do not want to look foolish. I do not want to fail. I am not creative. This is not my area (e.g., skill, style, job, etc.). I am not paid to have fun! Will the idea work? Will people accept it? Is it timely? This requires that the proponents relate the idea to a recognized need, appeal to positive values, anticipate objections, get others involved, and advertise their credibility. 3 Knowledge Solutions Asian Development Bank ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in the Asia and Pacific region through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members—48 from the region. In 2007, it approved $10.1 billion of loans, $673 million of grant projects, and technical assistance amounting to $243 million. Knowledge Solutions are handy, quick reference guides to tools, methods, and approaches that propel development forward and enhance its effects. They are offered as resources to ADB staff. They may also appeal to the development community and people having interest in knowledge and learning. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB encourages printing or copying information exclusively for personal and noncommercial use with proper acknowledgment of ADB. Users are restricted from reselling, redistributing, or creating derivative works for commercial purposes without the express, written consent of ADB. Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 4444 Fax +63 2 636 2444 knowledge@adb.org www.adb.org/knowledgesolutions 4