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This document outlines the critical components of a Permit to Work system, emphasizing its role in ensuring workplace safety during various types of operations. It delineates the responsibilities of the Issuing and Receiving authorities and describes specific permit types, such as Hot Work, Cold Work, and Vessel Entry Work, along with their validity periods and essential requirements for ensuring safety and risk management. Additionally, it addresses post-job requirements and safety protocols associated with working at height and confined spaces.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
The work permit system offers one of the best methods to meet various conditions required for making a hazardous operation safe and easy to perform and Safety precautions to be taken during the work.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
Permit To Work is an official documents used as a means of communication, control and managing of work activities to prevent accident at the Petrochemical Plant. But in many cases the Permit To Work has failed in its roles to control work activities which causes the occupational accident in the plant. Because of that this study was conducted to assess the Permit To Work in occupational accident occurred in the Petrochemical Plant This study was conducted by distributing 260 survey questionnaire to Work-leader of various contractor company that work in the Plant. The data was analysed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to confirm the five Permit To Work elements construct. The Structural Equation Model was performed to identify most significant element related to failure of Permit To Work, and it was found that the hazardous activity and worksite inspection are the main element contributed to occupational accident in the Petrochemical Plan..., 2022
The presence of the Job Creation Law is expected to be able to protect the welfare of workers. Workers are an asset to a company. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 27 paragraph (2) protects the basic rights inherent in workers. The implementation of Industrial Relations in line with the development of the economy in general-, is a logical consequence of the absolute development required. This research was conducted to find out and analyze the Legal Protection of Workers / Workers in PKWT, agreement clauses in certain time work agreements (PKWT), legal remedies that can be carried out in resolving problems between the Implementation of PWKT, legal protection for workers/workers who are bound by a Certain Time Work Agreement (PKWT) in Government Regulations and Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. This research shows that PKWT Contract agreements generally contain several clauses that must be included, including a termination clause, an employment agreement expiration clause, and a clause on the rights and obligations of the parties. Work protection for workers/workers can be carried out properly if the parties know their respective rights and responsibilities, and understand labor laws in accordance with norms, job creation laws, and government regulations. The government must socialize workers in providing work protection that includes the rights and obligations of workers in accordance with job creation laws and government regulations. So that the workers are not blind to their own rights and obligations in accordance with applicable Laws and Government Regulations.
In 1949 the HIBA Group was here to meet the transportation needs of the community. The company's commitment is to provide increased customer satisfaction through professional management and operational team support to the demands of the changing times. HIBA Group offers complete, professional, modern, and integrated transportation services. In addition to providing comprehensive, professional, current, and integrated transportation services, the HIBA Group also provides work comfort to employees, especially for maintenance, construction, and bus bodybuilding. In the construction or maintenance process, each activity must report a work permit or Permit to Work (PTW), whose function is to monitor and analyze the work to be carried out. The analysis is carried out from the workers' health, difficulty, the environment, and work tools (PPE). The reporting process is still manual form or conventional system to slow down the work being done if the work is essential for a tender. Th...
UNRAM law review, 2022
Legal regulations regarding wages should be the basis for employers/entrepreneurs to implement provisions regarding the fulfillment of wage rights for workers. However, the problems that often occur in the field are fulfillment of wage rights by employers to workers who are not subject to these legal provisions. One of the facts that happened to PT. X has 150 employees under the PKWT system and all of these workers receive wages below the minimum wage stipulated by the government in the current year.This is of course contrary to the provisions of labor law in the field of wages, in particular the provisions of Article 90 paragraph (1) of the Manpower Law. Based on the description of the background, the problems studied in this study are: 1. How is the implementation of the fulfillment of workers' wage rights with a certain time work agreement system at PT. X?. 2. How is the implementation of local labor inspection in fulfilling workers' wage rights with a certain time work agreement system at PT. X?. This study uses a juridical-sociological approach and descriptive research, interview data collection techniques and document studies. Based on the research conducted, the results obtained are: 1. Implementation of the fulfillment of workers' wage rights at PT. X has not been implemented as the legal provisions in the field of employment, there are 4 main legal problems that occur, namely the payment of wages below the minimum wage, payment of wages is often late than the agreed time between workers and PT. X, payment of wages for sick workers and components of wages that are not in accordance with legal provisions. 2. The implementation of labor inspection has not been implemented properly in enforcing labor norms at PT. X especially in terms of fulfilling workers' wage rights.
Archives of Hygiene Sciences, 2019
Background & Aims of the Study: Permit-to-work system is a process used to prevent accidents in the process industries. Evaluation and monitoring of the performance of a permit to work system reveal its inherent weaknesses and reduce accidents in process industries. Since there exists no local tool for monitoring the performance of permit-towork system in refineries and process industries, such as petrochemicals, the present study aimed to develop and validate a questionnaire assessing the performance and effectiveness of permit-to-work system in an oil refinery located in southern Iran. Materials and Methods: Six criteria were identified as the main components of permit-towork system and the initial questionnaire was designed after reviewing the literature and existing guidelines in permit-to-work system, as well as interviewing industry and university experts familiar with permit-to-work system. The criteria included risk assessment, risk prevention and control, coordination and information, sense of responsibility, Clarity and transparency, and documentation.The face validity and content validity of the questionnaire were evaluated based on the viewpoints of 25 industrial and academic experts using Lawshe's method. Cronbach's alpha test was rendered using SPSS software(version 25) based on 100 referred questionnaires out of a total of 120 questionnaires distributed among operational staff (site staff, senior staff, control room staff), security officers, and shift officers who were in charge of issuing or approving work permits in the refinery. Results: The initial questionnaire consisted of 65 questions out of which 50 questions were selected after the assessment of face and content validity of the questionnaire and 15 questions with CVR <0.37 and CVI <0.79 were removed and Cronbach's alpha for the whole questionnaire was measured at 0.81. Conclusion: Assessment of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire revealed that the designed questionnaire has appropriate validity and reliability to evaluate the performance and efficacy of permit-to-work system. Accordingly, this questionnaire can be used as an efficient instrument to evaluate the performance of permit-to-work system in process industries, such as oil refineries and petrochemicals.
The paper is about the various labour law amendments given to the units operating in SEZ and what is its implications.
The construction work force is one part of the national development undertaken in the development of Indonesia fully human and the development of Indonesian society to realize a society that is prosperous, just, prosperous, equitable material and spiritual, based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. development of the employment sector as part of the development of human resources is one part that is integral to national development as the Pancasila, and the implementation of the Act of 1945, aimed at improving the dignity, dignity, and human capabilities, as well as self-confidence in order to realize a society prosperous, just, and prosperous both materially and spiritually. In the implementation of national development, labor has a role and a very important position as actors and development objectives. In accordance with the role and position of labor, manpower development is required to improve the quality of employment and participation in the development and improvement of the protection of workers and their families in accordance with human dignity. The protection of labor is intended to guarantee the basic rights of workers / laborers and ensure equality of opportunity and treatment without discrimination on any ground for the welfare of workers / laborers and their families with regard to the progress of the business world. One of the manifestations of the increase in value and dignity to the workers / laborers are protection of the rights of workers / laborers either agreed in the Employment Agreement and set forth in the Company Regulations or Collective Labor Agreement. Especially with regard to employment agreements, rights and obligations of workers / laborers with employers on a reciprocal basis is already detailed in the Employment Agreement and Collective Labor Agreement. Despite clear and detailed and explicit, but sometimes they often lead towards an industrial dispute. Industrial relations is a system of relationships formed between the actors in the production process of goods and / or services consisting of elements of the employer, workers and governments that are based on the values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of industrial relations is a balance between the objectives and the interests of workers and employers in the process of production of goods and services in an enterprise. This means that workers and employers individually and collectively have a purpose and a common responsibility, because the success of industrial relations, both workers and employers would benefit both individually and within the organization.
The construction work force is one part of the national development undertaken in the development of Indonesia fully human and the development of Indonesian society to realize a society that is prosperous, just, prosperous, equitable material and spiritual, based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 . development of the employment sector as part of the development of human resources is one part that is integral to national development as the Pancasila, and the implementation of the Act of 1945, aimed at improving the dignity, dignity, and human capabilities, as well as self-confidence in order to realize a society prosperous, just, and prosperous both materially and spiritually. In the implementation of national development, labor has a role and a very important position as actors and development objectives. In accordance with the role and position of labor, manpower development is required to improve the quality of employment and participation in the development and improvement of the protection of workers and their families in accordance with human dignity. The protection of labor is intended to guarantee the basic rights of workers / laborers and ensure equality of opportunity and treatment without discrimination on any ground for the welfare of workers / laborers and their families with regard to the progress of the business world. One of the manifestations of the increase in value and dignity to the workers / laborers are protection of the rights of workers / laborers either agreed in the Employment Agreement and set forth in the Company Regulations or Collective Labor Agreement. Especially with regard to employment agreements, rights and obligations of workers / laborers with employers on a reciprocal basis is already detailed in the Employment Agreement and Collective Labor Agreement. Despite clear and detailed and explicit, but sometimes they often lead towards an industrial dispute. Industrial relations is a system of relationships formed between the actors in the production process of goods and / or services consisting of elements of the employer, workers and governments that are based on the values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of industrial relations is a balance between the objectives and the interests of workers and employers in the process of production of goods and services in an enterprise. This means that workers and employers individually and collectively have a purpose and a common responsibility, because the success of industrial relations, both workers and employers would benefit both individually and within the organization. From the point of legal history, the nation entered a phase marked by the development of the welfare state laws that protect the weaker party. At this time the state started to pay attention to include labor protection, consumer protection, protection of small businesses and environmental protection. Act relating to the protection of the various parties to correct for industrialization which is not always a benefit to all segments of society. Besides, the intense competition in the labor market and a severe economic crisis makes the workers did not have the courage to fight for the improvement of their fate. Capital always move to where there is cheap labor and enforcement of labor laws are lenient. This is the need to reform labor law. According to Zainal Asikin, the legal protection of workers from the employer's ability fulfilled if the regulations in the areas of labor that require or compel employers to act like in the legislation is properly applied all parties for the enforceability of the law can not be measured by juridical alone but measured sosilogis and philosophical , The significance of the legal enforceability sociologically can be interpreted that the law always keep pace with changes in society (law in action), while the legal enforceability of the philosophical meaning that the law should be able to provide fairness, certainty and benefits for society in accordance with the purpose of the law itself. Implementation of industrial relations in the company are always influenced by the dynamics of the community so that the implementation is always facing challenges and obstacles and the effect on conditions of employment which changes from time to time. Broadly speaking, the problems that occur in the employment relationship affected the industrial relations, among others, include technical understanding of legislation in the area of industrial relations on the nature of the employment relationship, the problems of labor agreements on which the issuance of a working relationship that is set on the rights and obligations of the parties, the use of a particular time work agreement for all kinds of jobs and the trend of using contract workers, and remediation efforts working requirements set forth in the normative provisions. In Article 50 of Law Number 13 Year 2003 on Manpower (hereinafter Labor Law) explained that the employment relationship occurs because of the labor agreements between employers and workers. Both workers and employers alike have an important role in working relationships with each other and can not be separated. Workers as owners of power, skill, and expertise needed work to make ends meet, while the entrepreneur as the owner of capital requires manpower to run the production process. In this case the necessary reciprocity in harmony in order to create synergies to drive the economy. Furthermore, in Article 56 of the Labor Law states that agreements made for a certain time or for an unspecified time. A work agreement for a specified time (hereinafter referred to PKWT) is based on the time period or the completion of a particular job. A work agreement for a specified time can only be made for specific jobs by type and nature of the job will be completed within a specified time. However, based on the facts on the ground show there are still many companies that do not implement the provisions contained in the Labor Law. In the field of employment concerning the subject of labor relations, there are still many conflicts of interest among workers / laborers with employers mutually defend their own opinion as the system of contract labor (PKWT), determining the amount of the minimum wage, social security, which until now the classic problem can not be solved properly. That's necessary role for government to address the issue of labor / employment through various legislations. It is intended to provide legal protection of the rights and obligations of employers and employees / workers. If the relationship between workers and employers is still left entirely to the parties (workers and employers), then the purpose of labor law to create social justice in the field of labor will be very difficult to achieve, because of the strong will always want to dominate the weaker side (homo homoni lupus ). In this dissertation the author will examine and analyze the terms and implementation of the Employment Agreement Specific Time (PKWT) pursuant to Act No. 13 of 2003 on Labour in Arta Boga Cemerlang PT Jakarta, a company engaged in the distribution of consumer goods. Arta Boga Cemerlang PT Jakarta held a work agreement for a specified time by the workers who will be hired as Sales Promo / Merchandiser (mode) which will care for and displaying items in the outlet area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Serang. The working relationship with PKWT this has caused harm to workers, because the position of workers (mode) were weak and simply resigned themselves accept the terms and conditions that have been created by the company as stipulated in the standard contract. This resulted in a weak legal protection against contract workers.
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