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Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings

2011, Cryptography and Coding

Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings Diego F. Aranha1,⋆ Edward Knapp2 , Alfred Menezes2 , and Francisco Rodrı́guez-Henrı́quez3 1 2 Institute of Computing, University of Campinas dfaranha@gmail.com Department of Combinatorics & Optimization, University of Waterloo edward.m.knapp@gmail.com, ajmeneze@uwaterloo.ca 3 CINVESTAV-IPN, Computer Science Department francisco@cs.cinvestav.mx Abstract. In the past year, the speed record for pairing implementations on desktop-class machines has been broken several times. The speed records for asymmetric pairings were set on a single processor. In this paper, we describe our parallel implementation of the optimal ate pairing over Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curves that is about 1.23 times faster using two cores of an Intel Core i5 or Core i7 machine, and 1.45 times faster using 4 cores of the Core i7 than the state-of-the-art implementation on a single core. We instantiate Hess’s general Weil pairing construction and introduce a new optimal Weil pairing tailored for parallel execution. Our experimental results suggest that the new Weil pairing is 1.25 times faster than the optimal ate pairing on 8-core extensions of the aforementioned machines. Finally, we combine previous techniques for parallelizing the eta pairing on a supersingular elliptic curve with embedding degree 4, and achieve an estimated 1.24-fold speedup on an 8-core extension of an Intel Core i7 over the previous best technique. 1 Introduction Since the publication in 2001 of Boneh and Franklin’s seminal paper on identitybased encryption [13], pairings have been used extensively to design ingenious protocols for meeting security objectives that are seemingly unachievable using conventional cryptographic techniques. Researchers have made remarkable progress in designing and implementing both symmetric and asymmetric pairings. For asymmetric pairings based on Barreto-Naehrig (BN) elliptic curves at the 128-bit security level, there have recently been several notable improvements on the 10-million cycle Core2 implementation reported in [26]. Naehrig et al. [38] exploited high-speed vector floating-point operations and were able to compute a pairing in 4.47 million cycles on a Core2. Shortly thereafter, Beuchat et al. [10] and Aranha et al. [3] reported timings of 2.33 million cycles and 1.70 million cycles, respectively, when employing the fastest integer multiplier available on the Intel Core i7 64-bit platform. ⋆ A portion of this work was performed while the author was visiting the University of Waterloo. L. Chen (Ed.): Cryptography and Coding 2011, LNCS 7089, pp. 275–295, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011  276 D.F. Aranha et al. The aforementioned timings were all for a single-core implementation. In this paper, we continue the work initiated by Grabher, Großschädl and Page [21] on implementing pairings on multi-core platforms. This work is especially challenging for asymmetric pairings because of the apparent paucity of opportunities available for parallelizing Miller’s basic algorithm. In particular, it seems hopeless to expect the optimal 2-fold speedup for known algorithms when going from 1 core to 2 cores on existing computing platforms. Furthermore, effective usage of parallel computation resources depends on expensive operating system calls for thread creation and synchronization and on the relative immaturity of development tools such as compilers, profilers, and debuggers. Concurrent programming is difficult in general, due to fundamentally nondeterministic nature of the multi-threading programming model [33], but it becomes even harder when the computational cost of what is being computed is not several orders of magnitude higher than the parallelization overhead itself. Our Results. We focus our attention on two of the fastest known symmetric and asymmetric pairings at the 128-bit security level, namely the eta pairing [6] over a supersingular elliptic curve with embedding degree 4, and Vercauteren’s optimal ate pairing [45] over BN elliptic curves. It is worthwhile studying both symmetric and asymmetric pairings because they provide different functionalities (see [19]). Our target platforms are popular Intel architectures. For the eta pairing, we combine techniques from [11] and [4] and achieve an estimated 1.24-fold speedup on an 8-core extension of an Intel Core i7 over the previous best technique. For the optimal ate pairing, we exploit a method introduced in [4] for parallelizing a Miller function evaluation and a new ‘delayed squaring’ technique. Our implementation is about 1.23 times faster using two cores of an Intel Core i5 or Core i7 machine, and 1.45 times faster using 4 cores of the Core i7 than the state-of-the-art implementation on a single core [3]. We observe that the straightforward methods for parallelizing extension field multiplication that were deemed effective in [21] fail on the platforms under consideration because our field multiplication is much faster, whereby the cost of managing the resulting threads dominates the cost of useful computation. The limited success in parallelizing the optimal ate pairing on BN curves is due in part to the apparent difficulty in parallelizing the final exponentiation. This motivated us to consider the Weil pairing, whose potential speed advantages over the Tate pairing due to the absence of a final exponentiation in the former were first considered in [32]. We study two optimal Weil pairings, both of which can be computed using the equivalent of four independent Miller functions each having optimal length, and without an expensive final exponentiation. The first pairing is an instantiation of Hess’s general Weil pairing construction [27], while the second pairing is an elegant new construction tailored for parallel execution. These pairings are faster than previous variants of the Weil pairing proposed in [47] and [27]. Our experimental results suggest that the new Weil pairing is 1.25 times faster than the optimal ate pairing on 8-core extensions of the Intel Core i5 and Core i7 machines. Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 277 We emphasize that our implementations are for a single pairing evaluation on multiple cores. If a protocol requires multiple pairing evaluations, the best strategy may be to simply execute each pairing on a single core of a multi-core platform — the optimal strategy depends on several factors including the number of available cores. Thus, our work is primarily directed at protocols that require a single pairing evaluation in applications that have stringent response time requirements or where the processing power of individual cores in a multi-core platform is low. Some examples of protocols that require a single pairing evaluation are the encryption and decryption procedures in the Boneh-Franklin identitybased encryption scheme [13], signature verification in the Boneh-Boyen short signature scheme [12], the Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara non-interactive key agreement scheme [42], and Scott’s identity-based key agreement scheme [43]. Other Platforms. In order to exploit the fine-grained parallelism inherent in hardware platforms, a designer must carefully craft the circuit’s control unit and schedule its hundreds of thousands of micro instructions [17], an extremely challenging and complex task. FPGA devices can achieve substantial performance improvements and power efficiency for cryptographic applications. However, their reconfigurable design feature results in unavoidable highly-redundant architectures that cause an overhead area factor between 20 and 40 when compared to static ASIC designs [25]. Mainly because of this, contemporary FPGA devices can run at maximum clock frequencies of less than 600MHz (although this value is rarely or never achieved in actual cryptographic designs). Thus, it is not entirely surprising that timings for the FPGA implementations of the optimal ate pairing over BN curves reported by Duquesne and Guillermin [16] and Yao et al. [46] are slightly slower than the ones for software implementation by Aranha et al. [3]. In contrast, ASIC designs and multi-core processors can easily operate at higher frequencies. Fan et al. [18] and Kammler et al. [30] presented ASIC and ASIP designs of pairings over BN curves at the 128-bit security level. The timings achieved by these designs are both slower than the ones reported in the aforementioned FPGA designs [16,46] and software implementation [3]. On the other hand, modern multi-core processors are supported by standard C/C++ compilers such as GCC and Intel’s ICC that can be combined with OpenMP to add parallelism. Even though achieving optimal performance using these tools is a challenging task, the software implementor’s work is significantly easier than that of the hardware designer. In practice, the achievable parallelism on the multi-core processors tends to be coarse-grained, but this should be compared with the high frequencies of operation that these platforms enjoy, the periodic addition by major manufacturers of faster and more powerful sets of instructions, and the constant reduction of the retail price due to the large market for these processors. We believe that deciding whether multi-core processors or FPGA/ASIC hardware devices are the best choice for parallel realizations of pairings is far from clear. Perhaps in the near future, the preferred design option will be a combination of both platforms as some hybrid computer manufacturers whose 278 D.F. Aranha et al. architectures combine both technologies seem to suggest. This combination of technologies can also be of interest for emerging resource-constrained and embedded multi-core architectures such as the dual-core Cortex ARM. It is conceivable that such constrained processors can be supported by fast hardware accelerators attached to them. We expect that our study of parallel pairing implementation on desktop processors presented will be useful in predicting the performance that parallel pairing implementations can achieve in resource-constrained embedded systems. Even though the parallelization overhead is likely to be much more expensive in embedded systems than on desktop processors, the pairing computation time will be slower due to the usage of smaller processor word sizes and less sophisticated multipliers. Hence, we expect that the ratio between the pairing computation time and the parallelization overhead reported in our work will remain roughly the same as the ones that we can expect in resource-constrained platforms. Because of that, we anticipate that many of the observations and conclusions for pairing parallelization on desktop processors that we arrive at can be extrapolated to the embedded-system scenario. Outline. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The optimal ate and eta pairings are reviewed in §2. Our parallelization of the optimal ate pairing is described in §3, and the optimal Weil pairings are presented in §4. Our parallel implementation of the optimal ate and optimal Weil pairings is described in §5. Our improvements to the parallel implementation of the eta pairing are presented in §6. We draw our conclusions in §7. 2 Background on Pairings Let E be an elliptic curve defined over the finite field Fq , and let r be a prime with r | #E(Fq ) and gcd(r, q) = 1. The embedding degree k is the smallest positive integer with r | (q k − 1). We will assume that k is even, whence k > 1 and E[r] ⊆ E(Fqk ). Miller Functions. Let R ∈ E(Fqk ) and let s be a non-negative integer. A Miller function fs,R [36] of length s is a function in Fqk (E) with divisor (fs,R ) = s(R) − (sR) − (s − 1)(∞). Note that fs,R is uniquely defined up to multiplication by nonzero constants in Fqk . The length s of a Miller function determines the number ⌊log2 s⌋ of doubling steps, and the Hamming weight of s determines the number of addition steps in Miller’s algorithm for computing fs,R [36]. We will always assume that Miller functions are minimally defined; that is, if R ∈ E(Fqe ), then fs,R is selected from the function field Fqe (E). Let u∞ be an Fq rational uniformizing parameter for ∞. A function f ∈ Fqk (E) is said to be normalized if lc∞ (f ) = 1, where lc∞ (f ) = (u−t ∞ f )(∞) and t is the order of f at ∞. Furthermore, f is said to be semi-normalized if lc∞ (f ) belongs to a proper subfield of Fqk . Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 279 The Tate Pairing. Let GT denote the order-r subgroup of F∗qk . The (reduced) Tate pairing er : E[r] × E[r] → GT can be defined by er : (P, Q) →  fr,P (Q + R) fr,P (R) (qk −1)/r (1) where R ∈ E(Fqk ) satisfies R ∈ {∞, P, −Q, P − Q}. Several variants of the Tate pairing have been defined in the literature, e.g., [6,28,34,45,39,27]. All these pairings have the property that they are fixed powers of the Tate pairing with domain restricted to the product of two order-r subgroups of E[r]. Next we describe two of the fastest asymmetric and symmetric pairings — the optimal ate pairing on BN curves, and the eta pairing on k = 4 supersingular curves. The Optimal Ate Pairing. A BN elliptic curve E : Y 2 = X 3 + b [8] of order r is defined over a prime field Fp , where p(z) = 36z 4 + 36z 3 + 24z 2 + 6z + 1 and where r = #E(Fp ) = 36z 4 + 36z 3 + 18z 2 + 6z + 1 is prime. These curves have embedding degree k = 12. The integer z is called the BN parameter. Let π : (x, y) → (xp , y p ) be the Frobenius endomorphism, and let G1 = {P ∈ E[r] : π(P ) = P } = E(Fp )[r]; G1 is the 1-eigenspace of π acting on E[r]. There is a unique sextic twist Ẽ of E over Fp2 with r | #Ẽ(Fp2 ) [28]; let Ψ : Ẽ → E be the associated twisting isomorphism. Let Q̃ ∈ Ẽ(Fp2 ) be a point of order r; then Q = Ψ (Q̃) ∈ E(Fp ). The group G2 = Q is the p-eigenspace of π acting on E[r]. Points in G2 have x-coordinates in Fp6 , a property that is exploited in the important denominator elimination speedup [7]. For future reference, we note that for a suitable third root of unity δ ∈ Fp , the automorphism φ : (x, y) → (δx, −y) has order 6 and satisfies φ(P ) = p2 P for all P ∈ G1 . The optimal ate pairing [45] is aopt : G1 × G2 → GT defined by  (p12 −1)/r (P, Q) → f6z+2,Q (P ) · ℓ(6z+2)Q,π(Q) (P ) · ℓ(6z+2)Q+π(Q),−π2 (Q) (P ) , (2) where ℓA,B denotes the line through points A and B, and where f6z+2,Q and the line functions are semi-normalized. This pairing is called “optimal” because the length 6z + 2 of the Miller function appearing in (2) has bitlength roughly onefourth that of the length r of the Miller function in the Tate pairing definition (1) [45]. The exponent (p12 − 1)/r in (2) can be written as (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1)(p4 − p2 + 1)/r. Since p-th powering is inexpensive in Fp12 , the exponentiation by (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1) is said to be the easy part of the final exponentiation in (2); the exponentiation by (p4 − p2 + 1)/r is called the hard part. The Eta Pairing. Consider the supersingular elliptic curve E : Y 2 + Y = X 3 + X defined over F2m , with m odd. For simplicity, we further assume that m ≡ 7 (mod 8). We have #E(F2m ) = 2m + 1 + 2(m+1)/2 . Let r be a large prime divisor of #E(F2m ). The embedding degree is k = 4. The extension field F24m is represented using tower extensions F22m = F2m [s]/(s2 + s + 1) and F24m = F22m [t]/(t2 + t + s). A distortion map on G1 = E(F2m )[r] is ψ : (x, y) → 280 D.F. Aranha et al. (x + s2 , y + sx + t). Let GT be the order-r subgroup of F∗24m . The eta pairing of Barreto et al. [6] is ηT : G1 × G1 → GT defined by ηT : (P, Q) → fT,−P (ψ(Q))M , (3) where T = 2(m+1)/2 + 1 and M = (22m − 1)(2m − 2(m+1)/2 + 1). Note that if r ≈ 2m , then the length of the Miller function appearing in (3) is approximately half that of the length r of the Miller function in the Tate pairing definition (1). Observe also that the final exponentiation by M can be computed relatively quickly since squaring in F24m is an inexpensive operation. 3 Parallelizing the Optimal Ate Pairing This section shows how the Miller function fs,R in the optimal ate pairing can be split into shorter Miller functions, which can then be computed on separate cores. We shall assume that all Miller functions and line functions are seminormalized. Equations involving Miller and line functions hold up to multiplication by nonzero constants. The following are two well-known properties of Miller functions. Lemma 1 (Miller [36]). Let a and b be non-negative integers, and let R ∈ E(Fqk ). Then (i) fa+b,R = fa,R ·fb,R ·ℓaR,bR /v(a+b)R , where vP denotes the vertical line through P ; and a · fa,bR . (ii) fab,R = fb,R The method of [4] for parallelizing the computation of a Miller function fs,R is the following. We first write s = 2w s1 + s0 , where s0 < 2w . Applying Lemma 1, we obtain w ℓ2w s1 R,s0 R . (4) fs,R = fs21 ,R · f2w ,s1 R · fs0 ,R · vsR If s0 is small, then the Miller function fs0 ,R can be computed relatively cheaply. w Thus the computation of fs,R can be parallelized by computing fs21 ,R on one processor and f2w ,s1 R on a second processor. The parameter w should be carefully selected in order to balance the time of the two function computations. The relevant criteria for selecting w include the Hamming weight of s1 (which determines the number of additions in the Miller loop for the first function), and the cost of the w-fold squaring in the first function relative to the cost of computing w s1 R in the second function. The w-fold squaring in fs21 ,R can be sped up by first (p6 −1)(p2 +1) (recall that exponentiation by (p6 −1)(p2 +1) is the computing α = fs1 ,R w easy part of the final exponentiation), followed by α2 . The advantage of this ‘delayed squaring’ trick is that α belongs to the order-(p4 − p2 + 1) cyclotomic subgroup of F∗p12 whence Karabina’s squaring method [31] (see also [23]) can be deployed at a cost of 12 Fp multiplications plus some small overhead — this is considerably less than squaring a general element in Fp12 which costs 24 Fp multiplications. Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 281 Each of the two expensive Miller function computations in (4) can be recursively parallelized. For this purpose, one writes s = st 2wt +· · ·+s2 2w2 +s1 2w1 +s0 , where si 2wi = (s mod 2wi+1 )−(s mod 2wi ) for some wt > · · · > w2 > w1 > w0 = 0. We also note that the lines that appear in (2) should be scheduled for execution on the processor that handles s0 since this processor does not have any overhead of computing consecutive squarings. Remark 1. We were unable to find any effective method for parallelizing the hard part of the final exponentiation. The exponent (p4 −p2 +1)/r can be decomposed 2 into a multi-addition chain requiring the consecutive z-th powers αz , αz and z3 α where α ∈ Fp12 [44]. However, the extremely low Hamming weight of z limits the potential for parallelization. Furthermore, techniques that exploit very fast squaring (e.g., [20]) and fixed bases (e.g., [35]) are not applicable. Remark 2. We measured the parallelization overhead in the target platforms using OpenMP Microbenchmarks [40] and observed costs on the order of 1µs for multi-threading primitives such as creation or synchronization; the costs confirm those reported in [2]. These overheads also scaled linearly with the number of threads involved. During 1µs on a 2.53GHz machine, it is possible to perform 6 Fp2 multiplications or 8 Fp2 squarings [3]. On the other hand, the most expensive Fp12 operation within the Miller loop of a pairing computation is a sparse multiplication costing 13 Fp2 multiplications. Hence, it seems that any potential speedup in a parallel implementation of Fp12 arithmetic (for example, by assigning each of the three Fp6 multiplications required for an Fp12 multiplication to different processors), as suggested by Grabher, Großschädl and Page [21], would be nullified by the overheads. Furthermore, this approach is clearly not scalable to many processors. 4 Optimal Weil Pairings This section presents two Weil pairings, called the α (§4.2) and β (§4.3) pairings, that are well suited for parallelixation. In this section, E is BN curve defined over Fp with BN parameter z. Unless otherwise stated, all functions are assumed to be normalized. By a ‘pairing’ we will mean a non-degenerate bilinear pairing from G1 × G2 to GT . Note that if e is a pairing and gcd(ℓ, r) = 1, then eℓ is also a pairing. It is understood that pairing values are defined to be 1 if either input point is equal to ∞. The classical Weil pairing [36] is eW : G1 × G2 → GT defined by eW : (P, Q) → − fr,P (Q) . fr,Q (P ) (5) Note that the Weil pairing does not have a final exponentiation. The two Miller functions in (5) each have length approximately z 4 and can be independently computed on two processors. 282 4.1 D.F. Aranha et al. Hess’s Weil Pairing Construction Hess [27] developed a framework for designing Tate and Weil-type pairings. Let d i s be an integer. Let h = i=0 hi x ∈ Z[x] with h(s) ≡ 0 (mod r), and let m = h(s)/r; we assume that r ∤ m. For R ∈ E[r], Lemma 1(ii) gives m = fmr,R = f d fr,R i=0 hi si ,R . As shown by Vercauteren [45, Theorem 1], repeated application of Lemma 1 yields  d d−1 d  ℓsi+1 R,hi si R   hi m fr,R = (6) fhi ,si R · fsi ,R · vsi R i=0 i=0 i=1  where si = dj=i hj sj . Let fs,h,R denote the expression within the parenthesis in (6); fs,h,R is called an extended Miller function and can be verified to have d divisor i=0 hi ((si R) − (∞)). Note that fs,R = fs,s−x,R . Hess’s result for Weil pairings specialized to BN curves is the following. Theorem 1 (Theorem 1 in [27]). Let s be a primitive 6th root of unity modulo r2 with s ≡ p2 (mod r). Let h ∈ Z[x] with h(s) ≡ 0 (mod r) and h(s) ≡ 0 (mod r2 ). Then es,h : G1 × G2 → GT defined by es,h : (P, Q) →  fs,h,P (Q) fs,h,Q (P ) 6 (7) is a pairing. In particular, there exists a sixth root of unity w ∈ Fp such that taking h(x) = p2 − x gives the eil pairing eeil : G1 × G2 → GT defined by eeil : (P, Q) → w 4.2 fp2 ,P (Q) . fp2 ,Q (P ) (8) The α Weil Pairing Taking h(x) = (2z + 1) + (6z 2 + 2z)x in Theorem 1 yields the pairing α′ : G1 × G2 → GT defined by α′ : (P, Q) → w f2z+1,P (Q) f6z2 +2z,p2 P (Q) ℓ(6z2 +2z)p2 P,(2z+1)P (Q) · · f2z+1,Q (P ) f6z2 +2z,p2 Q (P ) ℓ(6z2 +2z)p2 Q,(2z+1)Q (P ) (9) for some sixth root of unity w ∈ Fp . Since 6 | p6 − 1 and r ∤ (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1), it follows that the map α : G1 × G2 → GT defined by 6 α = (α′ )(p −1)(p2 +1) : (P, Q) →  f2z+1,P (Q) f6z2 +2z,p2 P (Q) · f2z+1,Q (P ) f6z2 +2z,p2 Q (P ) (p6 −1)(p2 +1) (10) is also a pairing. The advantage of α over α′ is that field elements that lie in a proper subfield of Fp12 can be ignored. In particular, the four Miller functions in Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 283 (10) only need to be semi-normalized, the important denominator elimination speedup of [7] can be applied, and the two line functions in (9) can be ignored. Furthermore, the delayed squaring technique of §3 can be employed as described below. In order to shorten the length of the Miller functions f6z2 +2z,R for R ∈ {p2 P, p2 Q} in (10), we can use Lemma 1(ii) to write f6z2 +2z,R = fz,(6z+2)R · z f6z+2,R . The revised formula for the α pairing now has 6 Miller functions, and it may appear that at least 6 processors would be necessary to effectively parallelize the pairing. However, we observe that 2 p f6z2 +2z,p2 Q (P ) = f6z 2 +2z,Q (P ) (11) since p2 Q = π 2 (Q) and π(P ) = P . Lemma 2 shows that an analogous conclusion can be drawn with P and Q exchanged. Lemma 2. For all P ∈ G1 and Q ∈ G2 we have (p6 −1)(p2 +1) p2 (p6 −1)(p2 +1) f6z2 +2z,p2 P (Q) = f6z2 +2z,P (Q). (12) Proof. To simplify the notation, we set a = 6z 2 + 2z and c = (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1). Two applications of Lemma 1(ii) yields 2 cp c ac c c fap 2 ,P = fp2 ,P · fa,p2 P = fa,P · fp2 ,aP . 2 (13) 2 Let π̃ : (x, y) → (xp , y p ) be the p2 -power Frobenius acting on the twist Ẽ. Let G̃1 and G̃2 be the 1-eigenspace and the p2 -eigenspace, respectively, of π̃ acting on Ẽ[r]. Then Ψ −1 (G1 ) = G̃2 and Ψ −1 (G2 ) = G̃1 , where Ψ : Ẽ → E is the twisting isomorphism1 . Lemma 6 of [22] applied to Ẽ shows that (P̃ , Q̃) → f˜p2 ,P̃ (Q̃) is a pairing on G̃2 × G̃1 , where f˜ is a normalized Miller function associated with Ẽ. Thus f˜p2 ,aP̃ (Q̃) = f˜pa2 ,P̃ (Q̃). (14) It follows from the work in [1] (see also the proof of Theorem 1 in [15]) that f˜pc2 ,P̃ (Q̃) = fpc2 ,P (Q) where P = Ψ −1 (P̃ ) ∈ G1 and Q = Ψ −1 (Q̃) ∈ G2 . Hence (14) can be written as fpc2 ,aP (Q) = fpac2 ,P (Q). The result now follows from (13).  Using (11) and (12), we obtain the following alternate formulation of the α pairing: ⎛ α : (P, Q) → ⎝ 1 f2z+1,P (Q) · f2z+1,Q (P )  z (Q) fz,(6z+2)P (Q) · f6z+2,P z fz,(6z+2)Q (P ) · f6z+2,Q (P ) p2 ⎞(p6 −1)(p2 +1) ⎠ . (15) We couldn’t find the statement Ψ (G̃2 ) = G1 in the literature. For completeness, we include a proof in Appendix A. 284 D.F. Aranha et al. Now, if fz,R is computed first, then f2z+1,R and f6z+2,R can be computed thereafter with little additional work. Thus, there are effectively only 4 Miller functions in (15). Each of these Miller functions has length approximately z, and therefore the α pairing is considered optimal in the sense of [45]. Figure 1 illustrates the execution path when the 4 Miller functions in (15) are computed in parallel using 4 processors. A further optimization is to raise the Miller functions to the power (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1) as soon as they are computed z — this enables the use of Karabina’s fast squaring when computing f6z+2,P (Q) z 2 3 and f6z+2,Q (P ). Note also that since (6z + 2) + p − p + p ≡ 0 (mod r), we have (6z + 2)Q = −π(Q) + π 2 (Q) − π 3 (Q) and thus (6z + 2)Q can be computed very quickly. The fourth processor in Figure 1 is the bottleneck because of the exponentiation by z. 1. (6z + 2)P 2. f2z+1,P (Q) 3. (6z + 2)Q 4. f2z+1,Q (P ) 2 p fz,(6z+2)P (Q) f6z+2,P (Q) z f6z+2,P (Q) 2 p fz,(6z+2)Q (P ) f6z+2,Q (P ) z f6z+2,Q (P ) 2 p f2z+1,P (Q) · f6z 2 +2z,P (Q) 2 zp f2z+1,P (Q) · f6z+2,P (Q) 2 p f2z+1,Q (P ) · f6z 2 +2z,Q (P ) 2 zp f2z+1,Q (P ) · f6z+2,Q (P ) Fig. 1. Execution path for computing the α pairing on 4 processors In §4.3, we present a variant of the Weil pairing that is slightly faster than the α pairing. 4.3 The β Weil Pairing Consider h(x) = (6z + 2) + x − x2 + x3 . From (6) we obtain −m −1 fp,h,R = fr,R · fp,R · fp−1 2 ,R · fp3 ,R (16) and fp,h,R = f6z+2,R · f−1,p2 R · ℓ(6z+2)R,(p−p2 +p3 )R ℓpR,(−p2 +p3 )R ℓ−p2 R,p3 R · · . (17) v∞ v(p−p2 +p3 )R v(−p2 +p3 )R Theorem 2. For h(x) = (6z + 2) + x − x2 + x3 , the map β ′ : G1 × G2 → GT defined by  p fp,h,P (Q) fp,h,pP (Q) ′ (18) β : (P, Q) → w fp,h,Q (P ) fp,h,Q (pP ) is a pairing, where w ∈ Fp is some sixth root of unity. Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 285 Proof. For simplicity, multiplicative factors that are sixth roots of unity will be omitted in the proof. For y ∈ {r, p, p2 , p3 }, define the functions γy : (P, Q) → fy,P (Q)p fy,pP (Q) · fy,Q (P )p fy,Q (pP ) −1 −m · fp,P · fp−1 on G1 × G2 . Since fp,h,P = fr,P 2 ,P · fp3 ,P , it follows that β ′ (P, Q)−1 = γr (P, Q)−m · γp (P, Q) · γp2 (P, Q)−1 · γp3 (P, Q) for all (P, Q) ∈ G1 × G2 . The conclusion that β ′ is a pairing immediately follows if it can be shown that γr , γp , γp2 and γp3 are pairings. Now, (P, Q) → fr,P (Q)/fr,Q (P ) and (P, Q) → fp2 ,P (Q)/fp2 ,Q (P ) are, respectively, the classic Weil pairing (5) and the eil pairing (8). It follows that γr and γp2 are also pairings. p Using the facts that fp2 ,R = fp,R · fp,pR (Lemma 1(ii)) and that (P, Q) → fp,Q (P ) is a pairing (Lemma 6 of [22]), the eil pairing can be written as fp2 ,P (Q) fp,P (Q)p fp,pP (Q) fp,P (Q)p fp,pP (Q) = = = γp (P, Q), · · p fp2 ,Q (P ) fp,Q (P ) fp,pQ (P ) fp,Q (P )p fp,Q (pP ) and hence γp is a pairing. p Finally, we note that (P, Q) → fp2 ,Q (P ) is a pairing since fp2 ,Q = fp,Q · fp,pQ and (P, Q) → fp,Q is a pairing. Using this observation and the fact that fp3 ,R = 2 p fp,R · fp2 ,pR , one can check that 2 γp3 (P, Q) = γp (P, Q)p · γp2 (pP, Q). Hence γp3 is a pairing.  Remark 3. The proof of Theorem 2 can easily be modified for all polynomials h(x) ∈ Z[x] that satisfy h(p) ≡ 0 (mod r). Since 6 | p6 − 1 and r ∤ (p6 − 1)(p2 + 1), the map β : G1 × G2 → GT defined by ′ (p6 −1)(p2 +1) β = (β ) : (P, Q) →  fp,h,P (Q) fp,h,Q (P ) p fp,h,pP (Q) fp,h,Q (pP ) (p6 −1)(p2 +1) (19) is also a pairing. Since each extended Miller function in (19) is essentially a Miller function of length approximately z (see (17)), the β pairing is considered optimal. As was the case with the α pairing, the exponentiation by (p6 −1)(p2 +1) means that the four extended Miller functions in (19) only need to be seminormalized and denominator elimination can be applied. Moreover, the vertical lines v(p−p2 +p3 )R , v(−p2 +p3 )R , f−1,p2 R and ℓ(6z+2)R,(p−p2 +p3 )R for R ∈ {P, pP, Q} in (17) can be ignored. Once pP has been computed, the remaining line functions ℓpR,(−p2 +p3 )R and ℓ−p2 R,p3 R for R ∈ {P, pP, Q} can be computed at very little additional cost since p2 P = φ(P ), p3 P = φ(pP ), and pQ = π(Q). Furthermore, 286 D.F. Aranha et al. the delayed squaring technique of §3 can be employed if the extended Miller functions are divided using (4). Figure 2 illustrates the execution path when the 4 extended Miller functions in (19) are computed in parallel using 4 processors. The fourth processor is the bottleneck, and thus it is desirable to accelerate the computation of pP . To this effect, we observe that p ≡ 2z(p2 − 2) + p2 − 1 (mod r), whence pP = 2z(p2 − 2)P + p2 P − P = 2z(φ(P ) − 2P ) + φ(P ) − P. (20) Thus, computing pP has roughly the same cost as zP . p 1. f6z+2,P (Q) 2. pP p 3. f6z+2,Q (P ) 4. pP p f6z+2,P (Q) · f6z+2,pP (Q) f6z+2,pP (Q) p f6z+2,Q (P ) · f6z+2,Q (pP ) f6z+2,Q (pP ) Fig. 2. Execution path for computing the β pairing on 4 processors 5 Parallel Implementation of the BN Pairings The parallelization approaches described in §3 and §4 were implemented on top of the state-of-the-art implementation of an optimal ate pairing at the 128-bit security level described in [3]. The underlying elliptic curve is a BN curve with parameter z = −(262 + 255 + 1) [41]. Let π denote the number of available processors on the target platform. To select parameters (wπ−1 , . . . , w2 , w1 , w0 ) that split the Miller loop, we employ the load balancing scheme suggested in [4] with fine granularity, taking into account the relative cost of inversions, multiplications, squarings, additions and modular reductions on the target platform. The following parameters wi for splitting the Miller loop were selected for the optimal ate pairing: without delayed squaring 2 cores 30, 0 4 cores 46, 28, 12, 0 8 cores 54, 42, 32, 24, 16, 9, 4, 0 with delayed squaring 2 cores 35, 0 4 cores 52, 37, 19, 0 8 cores 61, 56, 49, 42, 33, 23, 12, 0 Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 287 With the optimal parameters determined, elementary operation counting makes it possible to estimate the performance improvement of the corresponding implementation. Figure 3 presents the estimated speedups for the parallelization approaches discussed in this work in comparison with the optimal ate serial implementation of [3]. Notice how the performance of the α and β Weil pairings scales better with the number of processing cores. Scaling stills suffers from the same saturation effect experienced by the ate pairing variants, but at a higher number of cores.           !"# $ % "# & % "#           Fig. 3. Estimated speedups for parallelization techniques for BN pairings. Speedups are computed in relation to a serial implementation of the optimal ate pairing. The parallel implementation was realized on platforms — a 2-core Intel Core i5 Westmere 540M 32nm 2.53GHz machine (“Platform 1”) and a 4-core Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge 2630QM 32nm 2.0GHz machine (“Platform 2”), using GCC v4.6.0 as compiler with optimization flags -O3 -funroll-loops. Parallel sections were implemented through the compiler’s native OpenMP support. The same split in the Miller loop was used in both machines, as they have similar field operation costs. Table 1 presents the experimental results, including both the speedups estimated by operation counting and actual timings. For the optimal ate pairing, the table confirms that delayed squaring yields a slightly better scaling, and that the increase in overall speedup starts to stagnate at 8 cores. Even with these obstacles, the pairing latency of the optimal ate pairing is reduced by 18-20% when using 2 processor cores, a significant improvement over the 10% reported as a preliminary result for the R-ate pairing in [4]. The measured timings are compatible with the estimated speedups — the differences are due to the parallelization overheads that are not accounted for in the model for speedup estimation. The gap between the estimated and measured timings increases with the number of cores due to the linear increase in overhead. The performance of the β Weil pairing is generally superior to the α Weil pairing due to the difference in the cost of computing zP in the former and an 288 D.F. Aranha et al. Table 1. Experimental results for serial/parallel executions of BN pairings. Times are presented in thousands of clock cycles and the speedups are computed as the ratio of the execution time of serial and parallel implementations. The dashes represent data points where there is no expected improvement over the serial implementation. The columns marked with (*) present estimates based on per-thread data. Timings were obtained with the Turbo Boost feature turned off, and therefore are compatible with the timings in Table 4 of the extended version of [3]. Estimated speedup Optimal ate Optimal ate with delayed squaring α Weil β Weil Platform 1: Intel Core i5 Nehalem 32nm Optimal ate – latency Optimal ate – speedup Optimal ate with delayed squaring – latency Optimal ate with delayed squaring – speedup α Weil – latency α Weil – speedup β Weil – latency β Weil – speedup Platform 2: Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge 32nm Optimal ate – latency Optimal ate – speedup Optimal ate with delayed squaring – latency Optimal ate with delayed squaring – speedup α Weil – latency α Weil – speedup β Weil – latency β Weil – speedup Number of threads 1 2 4 8 1.00 1.24 1.40 1.48 1.00 1.27 1.47 1.58 0.43 0.80 1.33 1.84 0.44 0.86 1.48 2.05 1 2 4* 8* 2038 1682 1513 1453 1.00 1.21 1.35 1.40 – 1655 1435 1389 – 1.23 1.42 1.47 – – 1590 1214 – – 1.28 1.68 – – 1481 1104 – – 1.38 1.84 1 2 4 8* 1562 1287 1137 1107 1.00 1.21 1.37 1.41 – 1260 1080 1056 – 1.24 1.45 1.48 – – 1272 936 – – 1.23 1.67 – – 1104 840 – – 1.41 1.86 exponentiation by z in the cyclotomic subgroup in the latter (see Figures 1 and 2). It is important to observe that since the β pairing is tailored for parallel execution, any future improvements in the parallelization of the Miller loop in the optimal ate variants can be directly applied to the β pairing. In the columns of Table 1 marked with (*), we present estimates for machines with higher numbers of cores. These estimates were obtained by running multiples threads per core and then measuring the cost of the most expensive thread. This serves as an accurate prediction of performance scaling in future machines, assuming that critical platform characteristics such as the memory organization and multi-threading overhead will not change dramatically. 6 Parallel Implementation of the Eta Pairing Four approaches to parallelizing the eta pairing are outlined next, followed by a description of our implementation. Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 289 Algorithm 1. Aranha et al. [4] applied the parallelization method given in (4) to the reverse-loop eta pairing algorithm presented in [9], obtaining Algorithm 1. The Miller loop is split across π processors inside a parallel execution section. The intermediate results Fi , 0 ≤ i ≤ π − 1, from each core are multiplied together in parallel in step 17 at a cost of ⌈log2 π⌉ F24m -multiplications. The starting points (w0 , w1 , . . . , wπ−1 ) can be determined so that the precomputation cost of wi wi wi wi processor i to compute (xQ )2 , (yQ )2 , (xP )1/2 , (yP )1/2 in step 10 can be balanced with the number of iterations, wi+1 −wi , so that all processors incur the same cost [4]. This balancing can be deduced statically with a simple platformdependent operation count. The main advantage of Algorithm 1 is the negligible storage requirements, which makes it well suited for embedded platforms. Algorithm 1. For parallelization of the eta pairing on π processors Input: P = (xP , yP ), Q = (xQ , yQ ) ∈ E(F2m )[r], starting point wi for processor i ∈ [0, π − 1]. Output: ηT (P, Q) ∈ F∗24m . 1: yP ← yP + 1 2: parallel section (processor i) 3: if i = 0 then 4: ui ← xP , vi ← xQ 5: g0 i ← ui · vi + yP + yQ + 1, g1 i ← ui + xQ , g2 i ← vi + x2P 6: Gi ← g0 i + g1 i s + t, Li ← (g0 i + g2 i ) + (g1 i + 1)s + t, Fi ← Li · Gi 7: else 8: Fi ← 1 9: end if wi wi wi wi 10: xQ i ← (xQ )2 , yQ i ← (yQ )2 , xP i ← (xP )1/2 , yP i ← (yP )1/2 11: for j ← wi to wi+1 − 1 do √ √ 12: xP i ← xP i , yP i ← yP i , xQ i ← xQ 2i , yQ i ← yQ 2i 13: ui ← xP i , vi ← xQ i 14: g0 i ← ui · vi + yP i + yQ i + 1, g1 i ← ui + xQ i 15: Gi ← g0 i + g1 i s + t, Fi ← Fi · Gi 16: end for  17: F ← π−1 i=0 Fi 18: end parallel 19: return F M Algorithm 2. An alternate parallelization strategy proposed in [11] is to prej j j j compute all the squares and square-roots (xQ )2 , (yQ )2 , (xP )1/2 , (yP )1/2 for 0 ≤ j < (m − 1)/2 and split the Miller loop in equal parts so that wi+1 − wi = ⌈(m − 1)/2π⌉ without the need for any static scheduling. This strategy requires storage capacity for 4 · (m − 1)/2 ≈ 2m field elements, and therefore is more useful for the desktop platform scenario where storage is abundant. However, Algorithm 2 was found to be slower that Algorithm 1 because the precomputation cost is higher. Since this precomputation step is executed serially in Algorithm 2, it can be viewed as the equivalent of all the processors incurring a higher precomputation cost compared with Algorithm 1. 290 D.F. Aranha et al. Algorithm 3. A straightforward improvement to Algorithm 2 is to further parallelize the precomputation step using at most 4 processors, where each processor takes care of one iterated squaring or square-root routine. Algorithm 4. An improvement to Algorithm 3 is to utilize a recently-introduced time-memory trade-off for computing consecutive squares [14]. Since squaring and square-root are linear maps on F2m = F2 [x]/(f (x)), for any fixed power 2k , a table T of 16⌈m/4⌉ F2m elements can be precomputed so that k T [j, i0 + 2i1 + 4i2 + 8i3 ] = (i0 x4j + i1 x4j+1 + i2 x4j+2 + i3 x4j+3 )2 (21) for all 0 ≤ j < ⌈m/4⌉ and i0 , i1 , i2 , i3 ∈ {0, 1}. After the table has been comk puted, any power α2 can be quickly computed as ⌈m/4⌉ k α2 =  T [j, ⌊a/24j ⌋ mod 16], j=0 where a denotes the integer whose base-2 digits are the coefficients of the polynomial α ∈ F2 [x] (which has degree at most m-1). A similar table can be computed for 2−k powers. The objective of this technique is to permit the computation of any 2k or 2−k -powers in constant time independent of how large k is. When applied to the precomputation step required for parallelization, this in turn allows each processor to use the same partition size at a storage cost of 2·16·m/4 = 8m field elements per processor, divided into two tables for squarings and squareroots. This has the effect of making load balancing trivial while speeding up the precomputation step. The technique has further application in reducing an important part of the serial cost of parallel pairing computation — the final exponentiation by M . The time-memory trade-off can also be used to accelerate the 2(m+1)/2 -th power in F24m and inversion with the Itoh-Tsujii algorithm [29,11]. Implementation Report. For concreteness, we focus our attention on the supersingular elliptic curve E1 : Y 2 + Y = X 3 + X over F21223 . This curve is a candidate for the 128-bit security level [26]. We have #E1 (F21223 ) = 5r where r is a 1221-bit prime. The representation chosen for the underlying field is F21223 = F2 [x]/(x1223 + x255 + 1). We implemented Algorithms 1–4 on an Intel Core i5 Westmere 32nm processor (“Platform 1”) and an Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge 32nm processor (“Platform 2”), both equipped with the new carry-less multiplier [24]. The finite field implementation closely followed [5] with the exception of multiplication, where a multi-level Karatsuba multiplier of 128-bit granularity that exploits the new native multiplication instruction was deployed. The first level is the traditional 2-way Karatsuba, where each of the three multiplications is solved by a 5-way Karatsuba formula [37]. Each of the final 128-digit multiplications is computed by another Karatsuba instance requiring 3 executions of the carry-less multiplication instruction. Let M , S, R, T , I be the respective costs of multiplication, squaring, squareroot, repeated squaring or square-root computation using a precomputed table Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings 291 as given in (21), and inversion in F2m . The following ratios were obtained from our implementation of arithmetic in F21223 on Platform 1: M = 14S and S ≈ R; for Algorithm 1 we have I = 95M , and for Algorithm 4 we have T = 73S and I = 51M . Using these ratios, the speedups for the eta pairing of the four parallelization approaches over a serial implementation were estimated; the results are depicted in Figure 4. It can be observed from Figure 4 that the proposed parallelization is expected to be faster and more scalable, at the expense of storage requirements for 8πm field elements. On Platform 2, the ratios were: M = 18S, S ≈ R, I = 78M for Algorithm 1, and T = 81S and I = 38M for Algorithm 4.                          Fig. 4. Estimated speedups of the eta pairing on Platform 1 for four parallelization algorithms using up to π = 8 processors Table 2 presents experimental results for this parallelization and updates results from [5] by accounting for the native support for binary field multiplication. The speedups obtained by the actual implementation closely match what was estimated in Figure 4. The one exception is for Algorithm 4 running in 8 threads on Platform 1 where the competition for cache occupancy among the processors for quick access to the precomputed tables degrades performance. One can expect that this effect will be reduced in a proper 8-core machine because the memory hierarchy would be better prepared for parallel access. The native support for binary field multiplication has two effects: dramatically improving the serial pairing computation time from 17.4 million cycles in [4] to 7.2 million cycles (Platform 1) and 6.7 million cycles (Platform 2) in Algorithm 1; and reducing the relative cost of the Miller loop compared to the final exponentiation, which further reduces the 8-core estimated speedups for Platform 1 from 6.11 in [4] to 4.96 in Algorithm 1. The improvements in Algorithm 4 eliminate an important serial cost in the final exponentiation. For Platform 1, this resulted in an increase in the 8-core estimated speedup to 6.40, and an acceleration of the serial pairing latency by about 4.5%. 292 D.F. Aranha et al. Table 2. Experimental results for serial/parallel executions the eta pairing. Times are presented in thousands of clock cycles and the speedups are computed as the ratio of the execution time of serial and parallel implementations. Timings were obtained with the Turbo Boost feature turned off. The columns marked with (*) present estimates based on per-thread data. Platform Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Platform Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm Algorithm 7 1: Intel Core i5 Nehalem 32nm 1 – estimated speedup 1 – latency 1 – speedup 4 – estimated speedup 4 – latency 4 – speedup 2: Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge 32nm 1 – estimated speedup 1 – latency 1 – speedup 4 – estimated speedup 4 – latency 4 – speedup Number of threads 1 2 4* 8* 1.00 1.85 3.18 4.96 8687 4707 2766 1818 1.00 1.84 3.14 4.77 1.00 1.92 3.62 6.40 8284 4331 2393 1575 1.00 1.91 3.46 5.26 1 2 4 8* 1.00 1.87 3.29 5.26 6648 3622 2072 1284 1.00 1.84 3.21 5.17 1.00 1.94 3.67 6.54 6455 3370 1794 1034 1.00 1.92 3.60 6.24 Concluding Remarks Our work has demonstrated that asymmetric pairings derived from BN curves can be significantly accelerated on multi-processor machines. Furthermore, our experiments suggest that there are variants of the Weil pairing that are more amenable to parallelization than the optimal ate pairing. 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Let c = ξ (p −1)/6 so wp = cw. 2 Then c6 = ξ p −1 ∈ F∗p2 , so c is a 6th root of unity and in fact is in Fp since p ≡ 1 (mod 6). Furthermore, c has order 6 since ξ is a non-square non-cube in Fp2 . Let P = (w2 x, w3 y) ∈ G1 and P̃ = Ψ −1 (P ) = (x, y). Then 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ψ (π̃(P̃ )) = (w2 xp , w3 y p ) = (w2p c−2p xp , w3p c−3p y p ) = π 2 (c−2 w2 x, c−3 w3 y) = π 2 (χ(P )) = χ(P ) where χ : (x, y) → (c−2 x, c−3 y) is an order-6 automorphism of E defined over Fp and thus satisfies χ(P ) = p2 P or χ(P ) = p10 P . If χ(P ) = p10 P , then we have Ψ (π̃(P̃ )) = p10 P , and applying Ψ −1 to both sides gives π̃(P̃ ) = p10 P̃ — this is impossible since p10 is not an eigenvalue of π̃ acting on Ẽ[r]. Hence we must have χ(P ) = p2 P , whence Ψ (π̃(P̃ )) = p2 P . Applying Ψ −1 to both sides gives π̃(P̃ ) = p2 P̃ , so P̃ ∈ G̃2 . We have established that Ψ −1 (P ) ∈ G̃2 , so we conclude that Ψ (G̃2 ) = G1 .