Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Detailed Title:
A Phase II, randomised, observer-blind, placebocontrolled, multi-centre study to evaluate the safety,
reactogenicity and immunogenicity of GSK
Biologicals’ investigational vaccine GSK2838504A,
when administered intramuscularly according to a 0, 2
month schedule to COPD patients aged 40 to 80 years
SAP version
SAP date
All data pertaining to the above study.
Co-ordinating author:
Other author(s):
Adhoc reviewers:
, Global Regulatory Lead (RA)
, Safety
CTRS team
Approved by:
Development Lead
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
, Clinical Research &
, Lead Statistician
, Scientific Writer
, Statistician
Page 1 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 4
DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................ 7
STUDY DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 7
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 8
Primary objective .......................................................................................... 8
Secondary objective ..................................................................................... 8
Tertiary objectives ......................................................................................... 8
ENDPOINTS ............................................................................................................ 9
Primary endpoints ......................................................................................... 9
Secondary endpoints .................................................................................... 9
Tertiary endpoints ......................................................................................... 9
STUDY POPULATION ........................................................................................... 10
Total vaccinated cohort ............................................................................... 10
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity ................................................. 11
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of immunogenicity .......................... 11
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy .............................................................. 11
STATISTICAL METHODS ...................................................................................... 12
Analysis up to Visit 6 (Day 90) .................................................................... 12
Analysis of demographics ............................................................ 12
Analysis of safety ......................................................................... 13
Analysis of immunogenicity .......................................................... 14
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity ............ 15
Analysis of selected biomarkers ................................................... 16
Final analysis (up to day 450) ..................................................................... 16
Analysis of demographics ............................................................ 16
Analysis of safety ......................................................................... 16
Analysis of immunogenicity .......................................................... 18
Analysis of impact of the investigational vaccine on
AECOPD incidence ..................................................................... 19
AECOPD visits and daily questionnaires...................................... 20
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity ............ 21
Analysis of selected biomarkers ................................................... 21
Analysis of sputum ....................................................................... 21
Sputum sample collection and quality ......................... 21
Sputum bacterial/viral results from culture or
from PCR ................................................................... 22
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 2 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Impact of previous antibiotic administration on
sputum bacterial results .............................................. 22
Impact of induction of sample on sputum
bacterial results .......................................................... 22
Impact of previous occurrence of Hi bacterial
pathogen in sputum on AECOPDs ............................. 22
STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS ............................................................................ 23
Derived and transformed data..................................................................... 23
Demography ................................................................................ 23
Safety .......................................................................................... 23
Immunogenicity............................................................................ 24
NTHi associated AECOPD........................................................... 25
HRQOL ........................................................................................ 25
EXACT-PRO derived AECOPD definitions and calculation
rules............................................................................................. 25
“e-diary derived AECOPD” definitions and calculation
rules............................................................................................. 26
End/Duration of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation: .................. 27
Time between 2 e-diary signals for
exacerbations/evaluation of baseline symptom score: ................. 27
7.1.10. Missing data ................................................................................ 28
7.1.11. AECOPDs definitions and calculation rules.................................. 28 AECOPD definition (from clinical evaluation) .............. 28 Characterization of inconsistencies between
morning e-diary signals and exacerbation site
visits ........................................................................... 29
7.1.12. Grading of severity of an exacerbation ......................................... 30
Data presentation description ..................................................................... 30
CONDUCT OF ANALYSES .................................................................................... 31
Sequence of analyses................................................................................. 31
Statistical considerations for interim analyses ............................................. 31
CHANGES FROM PLANNED ANALYSES ............................................................. 32
10. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 32
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 3 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Adverse event
Acute exacerbation of COPD
Alanine aminotransferase
Analysis of covariance
COPD assessment test
Confidence Interval
Cell-mediated immunity
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Case Report Form
Clinical Trial Registry
Internal GSK database code for Efficacy analysis (elimination
codes) link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating
subjects from the analyses
ELISA unit per milliliter
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Eli Type
Internal GSK database code for type of elimination code
EXAcerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool - Patient
Reported Outcome
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
Forced vital capacity
Internal GSK database code for Follow-up analysis (elimination
codes) link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating
subjects from the analyses
Geometric mean antibody concentration
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
H. influenzae
Haemophilus influenzae
Health-Related Quality of Life
Informed consent form
Intracellular cytokine staining
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
International units per milliliter
Lower Limit of the confidence interval
Internal GSK database code for Main analysis (elimination codes)
link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating subjects
from the analyses
MATerial EXcellence
M. catarrhalis
Moraxella catarrhalis
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
mMRC scale
mMRC scale
Not Applicable
Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenzae
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Polymerase chain reaction
Protein D
Protein E
Prescribing information
Type IV pili subunit of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae
Potential immune-mediated disease
Preferred term
Serious adverse event
S. aureus
Staphylococcus aureus
Statistical Analysis Plan
GSK Biological’s Internet Randomization System
Standard Deviation
Study Report
Skim milk, tryptone, glucose, and glycerin transport medium
Tables Figures and Listing template annexed to SAP
Total vaccinated cohort
Upper Limit of the confidence interval
Vaccine efficacy
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
6-Minute Walk Test
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 6 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The complete statistical analysis plan and results presentation is divided into 2 parts: the
first part detailing the analyses to be performed (known as SAP, current document) and a
second part, annex (-es) (called TFL) describing the flow and format of tables, figures
and listings to be annexed to the SR.
Figure 1
Version 1
Protocol Version
Amendment 2 - 15-DEC2014
Study design overview
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 7 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Experimental design: Phase II randomised, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study with 2 parallel groups.
Duration of the study: for each subject enrolled, the study will last approximately
16 months from Visit 1 up to study end
The following group names will be used for the statistical analyses:
Group order
in tables
Group label in tables
Group definition for footnote
2 doses of AS01e adjuvanted vaccine containing
10 mcg of each antigen
2 doses of saline solution
Primary objective
To describe the safety and reactogenicity of the investigational vaccine.
Secondary objective
To describe the humoral and cellular immunogenicity of the investigational vaccine.
Tertiary objectives
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD.
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on NTHi presence in sputum.
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on health-related quality of life
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on lung function.
To explore the impact of the investigational NTHi vaccine on exercise capacity.
To describe selected biomarkers in stable COPD and during AECOPD.
To collect blood and sputum samples for assay development, for disease diagnostic
purpose, for lung microbiome analysis and/ or for additional evaluation of the
immune responses to the investigational vaccine and to other potential pathogens
involved in AECOPD.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 8 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Primary endpoints
Occurrence of each solicited local adverse event (AE), during the 7-day follow-up
period (i.e. day 0 - 6) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of each solicited general AE, during the 7-day follow-up period (i.e. day
0 - 6) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of any unsolicited AE, during the 30-day follow-up period (i.e. day 0 29) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of each haematological/ biochemical laboratory abnormality at Day 0,
Day 7, Day 30, Day 60, Day 67, Day 90, Day 270 and Day 450, in all subjects.
Occurrence of any potential immune-mediated disease (pIMD) from first vaccination
up to study conclusion, in all subjects.
Occurrence of any serious adverse event (SAE) from first vaccination up to study
conclusion, in all subjects.
Secondary endpoints
Anti-PD, anti-PE and anti-PilA total IgG antibody concentrations as measured by
ELISA, at Day 0, Day 30, Day 60, Day 90, Day 270 and at Day 450, in all subjects.
NTHi-specific cell-mediated immune responses as measured by flow cytometry
intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) (frequency of specific CD4+/CD8+ T-cells
expressing two or more markers, such as IL-2, IL-13, IL-17, IFN-γ, TNF-α and
CD40L), at Day 0, Day 90, Day 270 and at Day 450, in a sub-cohort of subjects.
Tertiary endpoints
Number of cases of NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD, over a period
starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of NTHi-associated AECOPD (any severity), over a period starting
1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of moderate and severe AECOPD (any cause), over a period
starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of AECOPD (any cause, any severity), over a period starting
1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Time to first AECOPD, in all subjects.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 9 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Assessment of EXACT-PRO score, daily at bedtime throughout the study, in all
NTHi presence in sputum, at Screening, Day 90, Day 180, Day 270, Day 360 and
Day 450, and from first vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all
Assessment of CAT score, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, and from first
vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all subjects.
Assessment of SGRQ-C score, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, in all subjects.
Assessment of mMRC scale, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, and from first
vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all subjects.
Occurrence of rescue medication use, over a period starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and
lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Occurrence of healthcare use for AECOPD, over a period starting 1 month post-Dose
2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Assessment of FEV1% of predicted normal value at Screening, Day 270 and
Day 450, in all subjects.
Assessment of 6MWT score, at Screening and Day 450, in all subjects.
Occurrence of selected biomarkers in a subset of blood samples, at Day 0 and Day
450, and from first vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all
The following study cohorts will be evaluated.
Total vaccinated cohort
The Total vaccinated cohort (TVC) will include all subjects with at least 1 study vaccine
administration documented:
A safety analysis based on the TVC will include all vaccinated subjects.
An immunogenicity/ efficacy analysis based on the TVC will include all vaccinated
subjects for whom immunogenicity/ efficacy data are available.
The TVC analysis will be performed per treatment actually administered at Dose 1.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 10 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity
The ATP cohort for immunogenicity will include all subjects in the TVC:
Who met all eligibility criteria.
For whom the administration route and site of the vaccines was according to
Who complied with the vaccination schedule.
Who received the study vaccines according to protocol procedures.
Who did not receive a concomitant medication/ product leading to elimination from
the ATP analysis for immunogenicity up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day 90).
Who did not present with an intercurrent medical condition leading to elimination
from the ATP analysis for immunogenicity up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day
Who complied with the blood sample timings, at the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day
For whom post-vaccination immunogenicity results are available for at least 1 assay.
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of immunogenicity
The ATP cohort for persistence of immunogenicity (starting at Day 180) will include all
evaluable subjects, i.e., those who were included in the ATP cohort for immunogenicity,
or were excluded from this cohort solely because they had no blood samples taken or
because of incompliance with blood sample timings up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit,
Who did not receive a concomitant medication/ product leading to elimination from
the ATP analysis for immunogenicity.
Who did not present with an intercurrent medical condition leading to elimination
from the ATP analysis for immunogenicity.
Who complied with the blood sample timings after the 1 month post-last vaccination
For whom persistence immunogenicity results are available for at least 1 assay.
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy
The ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy will include all subjects in the TVC:
Who met all eligibility criteria.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 11 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
For whom the administration route and site of the vaccines was according to
Who complied with the vaccination schedule
Who received the study vaccine according to protocol procedures.
Not having received a medication/ product/ vaccine that may lead to elimination
from the ATP analysis for efficacy.
The list of applicable elimination codes for each cohort can be found in the study specific
form FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating subjects from the analyses.
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of
Elimination codes
Analysis up to Visit 6 (Day 90)
Analysis of demographics
Eli Type
Demographic characteristics (age at the first dose in years, gender and geographical
ancestry), cohort description and other characteristics such as smoking/exposure history
status, pulmonary function test baseline results and COPD history, history of
exacerbation present/past medical history/intercurrent morbidity, and previous
vaccination with a pneumococcal vaccine or an influenza vaccine will be summarized by
group using descriptive statistics:
Frequency tables will be generated for categorical variable such as geographical
Mean, median and standard error will be provided for continuous data such as age.
Other characteristics such as height, weight, BMI selected results and several risk factors
from the six-minutes-walk test, and distribution of several severity stages using CAT or
mMRC or SGRQ-C at enrolment visit will also be summarized.
The number of subjects enrolled into the study as well as the number of subjects excluded
from ATP analyses will be tabulated.
The distribution of subjects enrolled among the study sites will be tabulated as a whole
and per group.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 12 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The numbers of withdrawn subjects will be tabulated according to the reason for
Analysis of safety
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
The percentage of subjects with at least one local AE (solicited and unsolicited), with at
least one general AE (solicited and unsolicited) and with any AE during the 7-day (day 0
– day 6) or the 30-day (day 0 – day 29) follow-up period will be tabulated after each
vaccination and overall with exact 95% confidence interval (CI). The same computations
will be done for Grade 3 AEs, for related AEs and for Grade 3 related AEs.
The percentage of subjects/doses reporting each individual solicited local (any grade,
Grade 3) and general (any grade, Grade 3, related, Grade 3 related) AE during the 7-day
(day 0 to day 6) follow-up period will be tabulated for each group as follows:
Overall, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Overall, the percentage of doses with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Per study vaccine dose, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact
95% CI.
The exact 95% CIs will be calculated assuming independence between doses. For fever,
additional analyses will be performed by 0.5°C increments.
As during the study, 22 subjects have completed wrong diary cards (paediatric ones
instead of adults), a sensitivity analysis will be done on subjects that have completed the
correct diary cards only, to be sure that they were no impact on results.
The verbatim reports of unsolicited symptoms will be reviewed by a physician and the
signs and symptoms will be coded according to the MedDRA Dictionary for Adverse
Reaction Terminology. Every verbatim term will be matched with the appropriate
preferred term (PT). The percentage of subjects with unsolicited symptoms during the
30-day follow-up period after any study vaccine dose with its exact 95% CI will be
tabulated by group and by MedDRA PT. Similar tabulation will be done for the
percentage of doses, for Grade 3 unsolicited symptoms, for unsolicited symptoms that
resulted in a medically attended visit, for Grade 3 and causally related unsolicited
symptoms and for unsolicited symptoms causally related to vaccination.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 13 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
For each group and for each haematology/ biochemistry parameter:
The percentage of subjects having results below or above the local laboratory normal
ranges will be tabulated by time point.
The maximum grading from Screening up to 30 days post-Dose 2 will be tabulated.
Grades will be based on the FDA Guidance for Industry “Toxicity Grading Scale for
Healthy Adults and Adolescent Volunteers Enrolled in Preventive Vaccine Clinical
Trials” (See Protocol).
The number of subjects who experienced any pIMD or any SAE from first vaccination
up to 30 days post-Dose 2 will be reported.
The number of subjects who experienced any AE leading to study withdrawal, from
first vaccination up to study conclusion, or any SAE related to study participation of
concurrent GSK medication/ vaccination, during the entire study period, will be
Pregnancy reports from first vaccination up to 30 days post-Dose 2 and pregnancy
outcomes will be described in detail.
The percentage of subjects/ dose using concomitant medication/ product (any
medication/ product, any antipyretic and any antipyretic taken prophylactically,
respectively) during the 7-day follow-up period (day 0 – day 6) and during the 30-day
follow-up period (day 0 – day 29) will be summarised per group for each dose and
overall per dose.
Analysis of immunogenicity
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for immunogenicity. If the percentage
of vaccinated subjects with serological results excluded from the ATP cohort for analysis
of immunogenicity is more than 10%, a second analysis will be performed on the TVC.
Humoral immune response
Within group evaluation
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for humoral
immune response and for each assay:
Seropositivity rate and their exact 95% CI will be tabulated.
GMCs and their 95% CI will be calculated.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 14 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for
humoral immune response:
Antibody concentrations distribution will be investigated using Reverse Cumulative
Between groups evaluation
Comparative analyses will be exploratory with the aim to characterise the difference
between the 2 groups in humoral immune response.
The difference in terms of GMCs will be evaluated at 1 month post-Dose 2 by computing
the 95% CIs of the GMC ratio between groups by using an ANCOVA model that
consider heterogeneity of variances (via Proc Mixed) on the logarithm10 transformation
of the concentrations. This model will include the country, the group, age category (40 59 years or 60 - 80 years), number of moderate and severe AECOPD in the year before
vaccine Dose 1 (< 2 or ≥ 2), GOLD grade (GOLD 2 or GOLD 3) and pre-Dose 1
concentration (as covariate) as fixed effects.
However, these differences should be interpreted with caution considering that there will
be no adjustment for multiplicity of endpoints.
Cell-mediated immune response
The frequency of specific CD4+/ CD8+ T-cells will be summarised (mean, SD, minimum,
Q1, median, Q3, and maximum) by group, at each time point during which blood samples
are collected for CMI (descriptive statistics).
Each data will be obtained by subtracting the summary of the background value to
each summary value. Values less than or equal to zero will be set to 1 for the purpose
of geometric mean calculation and graphical representation.
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
Descriptive statistics (median, mean, range, standard deviation, first and third quartiles)
on the EXACT-PRO, CAT, SGRQ-C and mMRC scores, on FEV1% of predicted
normal value and on the 6MWT scores will be tabulated by specified visit.
Descriptive summaries rescue medication and healthcare use for AECOPD will be
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 15 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Analysis of selected biomarkers
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy. If the percentage of
vaccinated subjects excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second
analysis will be performed on the TVC to complement the first analysis.
For each type of timepoint (Pre, Exacerbation visit) during which blood samples are
collected for analysis of biomarkers, descriptive statistics (median, mean, range, standard
deviation, first and third quartiles) will be tabulated for each selected biomarker.
Final analysis (up to day 450)
Analysis of demographics
Withdrawal status will be summarised by group using descriptive statistics:
The number of subjects enrolled into the study as well as the number of subjects excluded
from ATP analyses will be tabulated.
The numbers of withdrawn subjects will be tabulated according to the reason for
Analysis of safety
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
The percentage of subjects with at least one local AE (solicited and unsolicited), with at
least one general AE (solicited and unsolicited) and with any AE during the 7-day (day 0
– day 6) or the 30-day (day 0 – day 29) follow-up period will be tabulated after each
vaccination and overall with exact 95% confidence interval (CI). The same computations
will be done for Grade 3 AEs, for related AEs and for Grade 3 related AEs.
The percentage of subjects/doses reporting each individual solicited local (any grade,
Grade 3) and general (any grade, Grade 3, related, Grade 3 related) AE during the 7-day
(day 0 to day 6) follow-up period will be tabulated for each group as follows:
Overall, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Overall, the percentage of doses with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Per study vaccine dose, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact
95% CI.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 16 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The exact 95% CIs will be calculated assuming independence between doses. For fever,
additional analyses will be performed by 0.5°C increments.
As during the study, some subjects have completed wrong diary cards (paediatric ones
instead of adults), a sensitivity analysis will be done on subjects that have completed the
correct diary cards to be sure that they were no impact on results.
The verbatim reports of unsolicited symptoms will be reviewed by a physician and the
signs and symptoms will be coded according to the MedDRA Dictionary for Adverse
Reaction Terminology. Every verbatim term will be matched with the appropriate
preferred term (PT). The percentage of subjects with unsolicited symptoms during the
30-day follow-up period after any study vaccine dose with its exact 95% CI will be
tabulated by group and by MedDRA PT. Similar tabulation will be done for the
percentage of doses, for Grade 3 unsolicited symptoms, for unsolicited symptoms that
resulted in a medically attended visit, for Grade 3 and causally related unsolicited
symptoms and for unsolicited symptoms causally related to vaccination.
For each group and for each haematology/ biochemistry parameter:
The percentage of subjects having results below or above the local laboratory normal
ranges will be tabulated by time point.
The maximum grading from Screening up to study conclusion will be tabulated.
Grades will be based on the FDA Guidance for Industry “Toxicity Grading Scale for
Healthy Adults and Adolescent Volunteers Enrolled in Preventive Vaccine Clinical
Trials” (see Appendix C of the protocol).
The number of subjects who experienced any pIMD or any SAE from from first
vaccination up to 6 months post-Dose 2 will be reported will be reported.
The number of subjects who experienced any AE leading to study withdrawal, from
first vaccination up to study conclusion, or any SAE related to study participation of
concurrent GSK medication/ vaccination, during the entire study period, will be
Pregnancy reports from first vaccination up to 6 months after last vaccination and
pregnancy outcomes will be described in detail.
The percentage of subjects/ dose using concomitant medication/ product (any
medication/ product, any antipyretic and any antipyretic taken prophylactically,
respectively) during the 7-day follow-up period (day 0 – day 6) and during the 30-day
follow-up period (day 0 – day 29) will be summarised per group for each dose and
overall per dose.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 17 of 32
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Analysis of immunogenicity
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for immunogenicity. If the percentage
of vaccinated subjects with serological results excluded from the ATP cohort for analysis
of immunogenicity is more than 10%, a second analysis will be performed on the TVC.
Humoral immune response
Within group evaluation
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for humoral
immune response and for each assay:
Seropositivity rate and their exact 95% CI will be tabulated.
GMCs and their 95% CI will be calculated.
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for humoral
immune response:
Antibody concentrations distribution will be investigated using Reverse Cumulative
Between groups evaluation
Comparative analyses will be exploratory with the aim to characterise the difference
between the 2 groups in humoral immune response.
The difference in terms of GMCs will be evaluated at 1 month post-Dose 2 and at Day
450 by computing the 95% CIs of the GMC ratio between groups by using an ANCOVA
model that consider heterogeneity of variances (via Proc Mixed) on the logarithm10
transformation of the concentrations. This model will include the country, the group, age
category (40 - 59 years or 60 - 80 years), number of moderate and severe AECOPD in the
year before vaccine Dose 1 (< 2 or ≥ 2), GOLD grade (GOLD 2 or GOLD 3) and preDose 1 concentration (as covariate) as fixed effects.
However, these differences should be interpreted with caution considering that there will
be no adjustment for multiplicity of endpoints.
Cell-mediated immune response
The frequency of specific CD4+/ CD8+ T-cells will be summarised (mean, SD, minimum,
Q1, median, Q3, and maximum) by group, at each time point during which blood samples
are collected for CMI (descriptive statistics).
Each data will be obtained by subtracting the summary of the background value to
each summary value. Values less than or equal to zero will be set to 1 for the purpose
of geometric mean calculation and graphical representation.
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Analysis of impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy. If the percentage of
vaccinated subjects excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is more than 10%, a
second analysis based on the TVC will be performed to complement the first analysis.
The following incidence rates will be computed over a period starting 1 month
post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, with 95%CI:
NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD. (See definition in section 7.1.4)
NTHi-associated all-severity AECOPD.
All-cause moderate and severe AECOPD.
All-cause, all-severity AECOPD.
Vaccine efficacy (VE) for AECOPD events will be defined as:
VE (AECOPD) = 1 - Rvaccine / Rcontrol
Rvaccine = average yearly incidence rate of AECOPD events per subject in the group
Rcontrol = average yearly incidence rate of AECOPD events per subject in the Control
In case the 95% CI of the VE cannot be estimated, e.g. when no event is observed in the
group 10-AS01E (leading to a VE of 100%), then an exact procedure will be used to
estimate a VE and its 95% CI. This exact procedure will be based on the number of
subjects with event instead of on the average number of event per subject in each group.
VE in the prevention of NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD and its 95% CI
will be calculated.
VE in the prevention of NTHi-associated all-severity AECOPD, of all-cause moderate
and severe AECOPD and of all-cause, all-severity AECOPD and their 95% CI will also
be calculated.
The 95%CI of the incidence rate will be computed using a model which accounts for
repeated events. The Generalised linear model assuming the Negative Binomial
distribution for the response variable with logarithm as link function, and the logarithm of
time for follow-up as an offset variable will be used. In addition, the following covariates
(as per randomization) will be taken into account:
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number of moderate/severe exacerbations reported in the 12 months prior to
COPD status at enrolment (derived by GSK from the Visit 1 spirometry results)
Age (below or equal to median/above median)
If the model does not converge, the Poisson distribution will be used instead of the
Negative Binomial one.
The frequency of all these AECOPDs will be presented. The estimated incidence rate with
95%CI of AECOPDs in which Hi (resp. Mcat, Sp) is present in culture and was not present
in the previous visit estimated by a Generalised linear model assuming the Negative
Binomial distribution will be estimated.
Time to first AECOPD event by baseline status - Cox regression model
The Cox’s regression model including the risk factors:
- country,
- number of moderate/severe exacerbations reported in the 12 months prior to
- COPD status at enrolment (derived by GSK from the Visit 1 spirometry results)
- Age (below or equal to median/above median)
as covariates (as per randomization) will be performed to model the time until the first
occurrence of AECOPD episodes. Additional stratification/risk factor may be defined
during the analyses like sex factor as exploratory analysis.
AECOPD visits and daily questionnaires
The time until first AECOPD as of 1 month post-Dose 2 will be computed with exact
95% CI by group. Subjects who exacerbate before 1 month post-Dose 2 will not be taken
into account in this analysis.
The number of morning e-dairy (PHT) alerts (resp. evening e-diary alerts (EXACT-PRO))
with and without corresponding site visits will be tabulated. The reason for inconsistency
between morning e-diaries and site visits will also be presented.
The number of exacerbation site visits with confirmed AECOPD with and without morning
e-diary alerts (resp. evening e-diary alerts (EXACT-PRO) will be tabulated along with the
reason for no e-diary alert.
Concordance/discordance of exacerbations periods as defined clinically or via the morning
diary cards or the evening diary cards will tabulated and presented graphically.
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The percentage of spontaneous exacerbation visits will be tabulated as well as the
percentage of monthly visits with recovered/stable status.
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
Descriptive statistics (median, mean, range, standard deviation, first and third quartiles)
on the EXACT-PRO, CAT, SGRQ-C and mMRC scores, on FEV1% of predicted
normal value and on the 6MWT scores will be tabulated by specified visit.
Descriptive summaries rescue medication and healthcare use for AECOPD will be
Analysis of selected biomarkers
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy. If the percentage of
vaccinated subjects excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second
analysis will be performed on the TVC to complement the first analysis.
For each type of timepoint (Pre, Exacerbation visit, Day 450) during which blood
samples are collected for analysis of biomarkers, descriptive statistics (median, mean,
range, standard deviation, first and third quartiles) will be tabulated for each selected
Analysis of sputum
Sputum sample collection and quality
The proportion of subjects (at each stable and exacerbation visit) who provided a sputum
sample will be computed; overall and by the sample method (spontaneous or induced).
The proportion of subjects with induced sputum will be tabulated by COPD status at
enrolment and by severity of the AECOPD.
The distribution of the time (in days) between the start of exacerbation and the day of the
sputum sample collection will be presented.
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Sputum bacterial/viral results from culture or from PCR
The distribution of the proportion of sputum samples positive given the number of days
between start of exacerbation and sample collection will be presented.
The proportion of sputum samples obtained at each - stable and exacerbation - visit and
positive for specific bacterial/viral pathogens (overall and by bacterial culture, bacterial
PCR, or viral species) will be computed. The average infection rate by type of visit will
also be calculated.
The bacterial presence in culture versus the bacterial presence in PCR detected in sputum
will be tabulated.
The viral infections versus the bacterial presence in PCR detected in sputum will be
The incidence of exacerbations and of exacerbations containing Hi, Mcat, Sp, and all
bacterial and/or virus that are planned to be tested by the laboratory will be presented.
For specific bacterial pathogens, the quantitative assessment of PCR results will be
provided overall, for sputum samples positive in culture, or negative in culture of the
specific pathogen.
Impact of previous antibiotic administration on sputum bacterial
The impact of antibiotic administration before sputum collection on the bactericidal
culture or PCR results will be evaluated, for stable (scheduled) visits, exacerbation visits,
or any visit.
Impact of induction of sample on sputum bacterial results
The impact of sputum induction on the bactericidal culture or PCR results will be
evaluated, for stable (scheduled) visits, exacerbation visits, or any visit.
Impact of previous occurrence of Hi bacterial pathogen in sputum on
The impact of the occurrence or presence of respiratory pathogenic bacteria detected in
sputum at the exacerbation visit given the presence of the bacteria at previous visits on the
number of exacerbations will also be studied. In order to do this, 2 types of AECOPDs will
be distinguished:
- AECOPDs in which Hi is present and was not present any previous visit
- AECOPDs in which Hi is present and was not present in the previous stable visit;
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Derived and transformed data
The study groups will be defined by treatment actually administered at Dose 1.
For a given subject and a given demographic variable, missing measurement will not
be replaced.
Age: Age at the reference activity, computed as the number of units between the date
of birth and the reference activity In case of partial dates of any of these 2 dates:
- 15th of month, If only the day is missing
- 30th of June, if day and months are missing
For solicited symptoms, the analysis will exclude subjects with missing or
un-evaluable measurements (i.e. total analysis of solicited symptoms will include all
vaccinated subjects with documented solicited symptom sheets).
For the unsolicited symptoms and concomitant medications/ products/ vaccinations,
subjects who miss reporting symptoms/concomitant medications/ products/
vaccinations will be treated as subjects without unsolicited symptoms or concomitant
medications/ products/ vaccinations, respectively.
Note that for all tables described in this section, the way the percentage of subjects
will be derived will depend on the event analysed (see table below for details). As a
result, the N value will differ from one table to another.
N used for deriving % per subject
Concomitant vaccination
All subjects with study vaccine administered
Solicited general symptom
All subjects with at least one solicited general symptom documented as
either present or absent (i.e. symptom screen completed)
Solicited local symptom
All subjects with at least one solicited local symptom documented as either
present or absent (i.e. symptom screen completed)
Unsolicited symptom
All subjects with study vaccine administered
Concomitant medication
All subjects with study vaccine administered
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For a given subject and the analysis of a given immunogenicity measurement,
missing or un-evaluable measurements will not be replaced.
A seronegative subject is defined as a subject whose antibody concentration is below
the assay cut-off value.
A seropositive subject is defined as a subject whose antibody concentration is greater
than or equal to the assay cut-off value.
Antibody concentrations below the assay cut-off will be given an arbitrary value of
half the assay cut-off for the purpose of geometric mean concentration (GMC)
Calculation of the GMCs will be performed by taking the anti-logarithm in base 10
(anti-log10) of the mean of the log10 concentration transformations.
The assay cut-off is the value under which there is no quantifiable result available.
For an assay with a specific ‘cut_off’ , numerical immuno result is derived from a
character field (rawres):
- If rawres is ‘NEG’ or ‘-’ or ‘(-)’, numeric result= cutt_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘POS’ or ‘+’ or ‘(+)’, numeric result = cut_off,
- if rawres is ‘< value’ and value<=cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘< value’ and value>cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is ‘> value’ and value<cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘> value’ and value>=cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is ‘<= value’ or ‘>= value’ and value<cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘<= value’ or ‘>= value’ and value>=cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is a value < cut_off, numeric result = cut_off/2,
- if rawres is a value >= cut_off, numeric result = rawres,
- else numeric result is left blank.
All CI computed will be two-sided 95% CI.
Impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD
For a given subject and the analysis of a given laboratory assay, missing or
un-evaluable measurements will not be replaced.
Subjects who did not have any sputum collected during at least 1 AECOPD (if at
least 1 AECOPD occurred) will not be taken into account for the NTHI-associated
AECOPD analyses.
For summaries of the number of AECOPD occurring during the 1 year follow-up
period starting 1 month post-Dose 2, an exacerbation rate will be calculated for each
subject. The number of exacerbations during the 1-year follow-up period will be
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imputed for subjects withdrawing from the study to provide an estimate of the
number of exacerbations over the follow-up period. This calculation will only be
performed for purposes of reporting summary statistics for the rate of exacerbations
during the 1 year follow-up period since the modelling of exacerbations takes into
account the number of exacerbations and the time of follow-up for each subject. The
calculation of exacerbation rate will be based on follow-up period intervals to avoid
obtaining high imputed rates if a subject withdrew very early in the follow-up period
after experiencing an exacerbation. Since treatment courses for moderate/severe
exacerbations are ≤ 2 - 4 weeks when appropriate, calculated numbers of
exacerbations for subjects withdrawing from the study will be based on 4-week
intervals of the follow-up period. For subjects followed for less than 1 year, the
number of exacerbations during the 1-year follow-up period will be calculated by
multiplying the number of exacerbations experienced by the subject by 13 and
dividing by the number of 4-week periods the subject was followed up:
Number of exacerbations per year = Number of exacerbations * 13 /Number of
4-week treatment period intervals
NTHi associated AECOPD
An NTHI associated to AECOPD is not yet well defined at the time of the SAP is written.
Here is the first approach:
An AECOPD for which NTHi was observed: Hi confirmed first by culture and
then by PCR.
The CAT index will be derived as the sum of the ratings recorded for each of the eight
individual items. Each of these items has 6 possible scores (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5), leading to a
range of 0 to 40 for CAT score.
EXACT-PRO derived AECOPD definitions and calculation rules
Start of an EXACT-PRO signal for exacerbation (as in EXACT-PRO user Manual and
in Makay, et al., 2014):
1. An EXACT-PRO exacerbation is defined as a 12 point increase above baseline for
2 consecutive days, or a nine point increase for 3 consecutive days.
2. The baseline score corresponds to the average EXACT score during a baseline
period defined as days 14 to 8 preceding exacerbation onset
3. Exacerbation onset will be taken as the first day in which at least two symptoms
(at least 1 major) are present and have not been discounted (see above).
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4. Only symptom data collected during the study period will be used to define the
start of an exacerbation.
End/recovering of an EXACT-PRO signal of an exacerbation:
1. The end/recovering of an EXACT-PRO signal of an exacerbation corresponds to
the day at the EXACT-PRO score return to its baseline value.
2. The length of a signal of an exacerbation will be at least of 2 days. So rule 1 will
only apply from the third day onwards.
Missing data:
Days with missing data will not be ignored when defining start of a signal: e.g., if a
patient has two qualifying symptoms followed by a missing day, if the next day with data
has two qualifying symptoms this will not be defined as an exacerbation.
“e-diary derived AECOPD” definitions and calculation rules
The definition of an AECOPD case definition from section of the Protocol is what
we will call here an “e-diary derived (AECOPD) signal”. In this paragraph, only the
derivation of occurrence and length of e-diary signals is described. Derivation of
occurrence and length of AECOPDs is described in Section 7.1.11.
Start of an e-diary signal for exacerbation:
1. An exacerbation is defined as a worsening of at least 2 symptoms for ≥ 2
consecutive days where at least one of the symptoms is major.
2. The same two symptoms do not have to be present on both days as long as at least
one major symptom is present on both days.
3. Any symptom that has occurred consecutively for 5 days or more prior to a
potential exacerbation should be discounted from the symptoms that define an
4. Exacerbation onset will be taken as the first day in which at least two symptoms
(at least 1 major) are present and have not been discounted (see above).
5. Only symptom data collected during the study period will be used to define the
start of an exacerbation.
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End/Duration of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation:
1. The end/recovering of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation corresponds to
the day at which the 3-day moving average of the daily symptom count score
(average between the day the day before and the day after) to return to
baseline symptom count score (the mean daily symptom count score over
days 14 to 8 preceding exacerbation onset). For a specific day, the daily
symptom count score is defined as the sum of the symptom scores
experienced in this day (a major symptom accounts for 2 points, a minor
symptom accounts for 1 point, as in Trappenburg et al., 2011, but contrary to
Seemungal et al. 2000 and Mackay et al. 2014, in which all symptoms
accounted to 1). Note that the symptoms that have occurred consecutively for 5
days or more prior to a potential exacerbation and that are discarded for these
exacerbations are not discarded from the symptoms counts.
2. The length of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation will be at least of 2 days. So
rule 1 will only apply from the third day onwards.
3. The baseline symptom count score is calculated as the average count score of
the observed days in the period used to calculate the baseline symptom count
score. For example, if an exacerbation occurs from day 10 onwards, the
baseline period will be the average between day1 and day2 (day10 - 8 days=
day2, day10 – 9 days = day1, Day1 being the first study day). For
exacerbations before day 9 but after day 2, the baseline symptom score will
be considered to be day1
4. If the first e-diary signal of an exacerbation is occurring before day 3:
duration will be counted until the day in which there is at most 2 majors or 1
major and one minor symptom.
5. Recovery time is calculated as the number of days from exacerbation e-diary
signal onset (included) to exacerbation e-diary signal end (not included).
Time between 2 e-diary signals for exacerbations/evaluation of
baseline symptom score:
The minimum duration between 2 e-diary signals with distinct baseline value is 15 days,
which is the minimal period for which a new full exacerbation-free baseline can be
calculated for the next e-diary episode.
If a new worsening of symptoms occurs between 6 and 14 days of a previous
exacerbation, the baseline period used will be the same baseline as the one of the original
exacerbation. Therefore, it will last until the daily symptom count score has gone
below the baseline symptom score of the previous event.
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Missing data
Days with missing data will not be ignored when defining start of an e-diary signal:
e.g., if a patient has two qualifying symptoms followed by a missing day, if the next
day with data has two qualifying symptoms this will not be defined as an
exacerbation. Hence, the start of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation will require 2
consecutive non-missing days of worsening. If there is partially recorded symptom
data at a visit, however, only the observed values will be considered but the day will
not be discarded.
Days with missing data will be ignored when defining end of an e-diary signal of an
exacerbation: e.g., if a patient has two days missing in the baseline period and one
day missing in the 3- day moving average, both baseline and 3-day moving average
values will be calculated using observed data only. Similar rules will apply when
there is partially recorded symptom data at a visit (and daily average values will be
calculated among the observed values).
All available data will be used for each patient.
As a general rule, the baseline symptom count score, and 3 day moving averages
are calculated as the average count score of the observed days in the baseline
period. For example, if an e-diary signal occurs from day 10 onwards, the
baseline period will be the average between day1 and day2 (day1 being the first
study day). If day 13 is missing, the 3 day moving average at day 14 will only
take into account day 14 and day 15.
If there are greater than 2 consecutive days of missing data after an e-diary signal not
resolved, the e-diary signal will not be considered resolved until the next day with
observed data if the corresponding moving average is below the baseline value. In
order words, if the 3-day average daily score is missing, the day will be counted in
the duration of the episode.
AECOPDs definitions and calculation rules
AECOPD definition (from clinical evaluation)
Due to the sensitivity and specificity of the e-diary device, false alerts may occur, and
exacerbations resulting in site visits may also occur without e-diary alert. Therefore,
only unscheduled AECOPD visits with clinical confirmation of AECOPD (with or
without associated signals) will be considered as AECOPD events in the primary
In addition, missed AECOPD visits may have occurred and can be:
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a signal from the e-diary (PHT) without a site visit but that cannot be
discounted as a possible exacerbation signal after reconciliation,
- an exacerbation reported retrospectively in the Safety database or medical
records for which there has not been in the same period of retrospective
reporting a corresponding exacerbation visit declared.
Characterization of inconsistencies between morning e-diary signals
and exacerbation site visits
The reconciliation between morning e-diary (PHT) signals and site visits for exacerbation
will aim at characterizing the following 2 cases:
Case A : an e-diary alert with absent/delayed exacerbation visit (i.e. no exacerbation visit
within the calculated length of the e-diary episode)
Case B : a exacerbation visit with absent/delayed e-diary exacerbation alert (i.e. RDE
exacerbation not within e-diary exacerbation period)
The different reasons of inconsistencies of Case A will be categorized by the site after
review according to the following explanation:
1) Not an exacerbation after further evaluation : eg. when a patient does not feel well but
this is due to increased exercise, or patient does not feel well but this is not clinically
2) Ongoing exacerbation : e.g., previous exacerbation is not terminated according to the
3) RDE or other technical issues: e.g., due to technical issues e-diary alerts were not sent
and when the site was aware of it was too late to determine whether this was an
exacerbation or not.
4) Other reasons: specify : e.g. subject was on holidays / subject unable to visit the site /
delayed RDE visit/early RDE entry.
The different reasons of inconsistencies of Case B will be categorized by the site after
review according to the following explanation:
5) Spontaneous visit clinically deemed exacerbating i.e. exacerbation visit took place
before the e-diary alert (spontaneous visit, visit triggered by GP / Patient call asked to be
seen/ felt too unwell to complete e-diary abrupt onset)
6) Planned monthly visit clinically deemed exacerbating
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7) e-diary diary card recording issue or other technical issues : e.g. late e-diary alerts,
subject missed or did not correctly record diary card, broken log pad device.
8) Other reasons: specify
For a Case A, no laboratory data has been collected, but if the answer about the
inconsistency is 3) or sometimes 4) (depending on the specification), it will qualify as
AECOPD. All Cases B will be considered to be an AECOPD if the AECOPD is
confirmed by the site.
Grading of severity of an exacerbation
Severity of exacerbations is defined as (Protocol Section
• Mild: Worsening symptoms of COPD that are self-managed by the patient.
• Moderate: Worsening symptoms of COPD that require treatment with oral
corticosteroids and/or antibiotics.
• Severe: Worsening symptoms of COPD that require treatment with in-patient
hospitalisation or home care intervention.
Severity of the exacerbation will not be derived but taken directly from the information
entered in the CRF.
Data presentation description
The following decimal description will be used for the demography and safety/
Display Table
All summaries
All summaries
Demographic characteristics
Demographic characteristics
% of count, including LL & UL of CI
% of difference, including LL & UL of CI
Mean, median age
SD (age)
GMT ratio
Number of decimal
The following data presentation description will be used for the immunogenicity
Assay cutoff
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Number of decimal
Tick marks on
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Sequence of analyses
The analyses will be performed stepwise:
The analysis of data up to Visit 6 (Day 90) will be performed in a first step. This
analysis will include:
The final analysis of immunogenicity and solicited AEs post-Dose 1 and postDose 2.
The assessment of unsolicited AEs, SAEs and pIMDs up to 30 days post-Dose 1
and post-Dose 2 on as cleaned as possible data.
This analysis will be documented in a statistical report. At this point, the GSK
statistician of the project (or delegates) will be unblinded (i.e. will have access to the
individual subject treatment assignments).
The final analysis of data up to study conclusion will be performed in a second step,
once those data will be available and cleaned. This analysis will include:
The final analysis of immunogenicity at Day 270 and Day 450.
SAEs and pIMDs up to Day 450 on cleaned data.
Impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD, HRQOL, lung function,
exercise capacity and biomarkers.
In addition, all previous analyses will be re-produced based on cleaned data at this
Individual listings will only be provided at this stage. A final study report containing
data from the entire study will be written and will be made available to the
Analysis up to Visit 6 (Day 90)
Final analysis (up to day 450)
Analysis ID
(SDD & CARS sub-folder)
Statistical considerations for interim analyses
Not applicable.
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As during the study, some subjects have completed wrong diary cards (paediatric ones
instead of adults), a sensitivity analysis will be done on subjects that have completed the
correct diary cards to be sure that they were no impact on results.
The exact 95% CIs for a proportion within a group will be calculated from Proc StatXact
[Clopper CJ, Pearson ES. The use of confidence or fiducial limits illustrated in the case of
binomial. Biometrika. 1934;26:404-413].
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Detailed Title:
A Phase II, randomised, observer-blind, placebocontrolled, multi-centre study to evaluate the safety,
reactogenicity and immunogenicity of GSK
Biologicals’ investigational vaccine GSK2838504A,
when administered intramuscularly according to a 0, 2
month schedule to COPD patients aged 40 to 80 years
SAP version
Amendment 1
SAP date
All data pertaining to the above study.
Co-ordinating author:
Other author(s):
Adhoc reviewers:
, Global Regulatory Lead (RA)
, Project Leader
, CLS Clinical Read-Out Team
Safety Representatives
CTRS team
Approved by:
Project Lead
, Clinical and Epidemiology
, Clinical Research & Development
, Lead Statistician
, Scientific Writer
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
, Statistician
Page 1 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. 4
DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................ 7
STUDY DESIGN ...................................................................................................... 8
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 9
Primary objective .......................................................................................... 9
Secondary objective ..................................................................................... 9
Tertiary objectives ......................................................................................... 9
ENDPOINTS ............................................................................................................ 9
Primary endpoints ......................................................................................... 9
Secondary endpoints .................................................................................. 10
Tertiary endpoints ....................................................................................... 10
STUDY POPULATION ........................................................................................... 11
Total vaccinated cohort ............................................................................... 11
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity ................................................. 11
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of immunogenicity .......................... 12
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy .............................................................. 12
STATISTICAL METHODS ...................................................................................... 13
Analysis of demographics ........................................................................... 13
Analysis of safety ......................................................................... 13
Analysis of immunogenicity .......................................................... 15
Analysis of impact of the investigational vaccine on
AECOPD incidence ..................................................................... 16
AECOPD visits and daily questionnaires...................................... 18
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity ............ 18
Analysis of selected biomarkers ................................................... 18
Analysis of sputum ....................................................................... 19
Sputum sample collection and quality ......................... 19
Sputum bacterial/viral results from culture or
from PCR ................................................................... 19
Impact of previous antibiotic administration on
sputum bacterial results .............................................. 20
Impact of induction of sample on sputum
bacterial results .......................................................... 20
Impact of previous occurrence of Hi bacterial
pathogen in sputum on AECOPDs ............................. 20
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
STATISTICAL CALCULATIONS ............................................................................ 20
Derived and transformed data..................................................................... 20
Demography ................................................................................ 20
Safety .......................................................................................... 21
Immunogenicity............................................................................ 21
NTHi associated AECOPD........................................................... 23
HRQOL ........................................................................................ 23
EXACT-PRO derived AECOPD definitions and calculation
rules............................................................................................. 23
“e-diary derived AECOPD” definitions and calculation
rules............................................................................................. 24
End/Duration of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation: .................. 24
Time between 2 e-diary signals for
exacerbations/evaluation of baseline symptom score: ................. 25
7.1.10. Missing data ................................................................................ 25
7.1.11. AECOPDs definitions and calculation rules.................................. 26 AECOPD definition (from clinical evaluation) .............. 26 Characterization of inconsistencies between
morning e-diary signals and exacerbation site
visits ........................................................................... 26
7.1.12. Grading of severity of an exacerbation ......................................... 27
7.1.13. Sputum Quality ............................................................................ 28
Data presentation description ..................................................................... 28
CONDUCT OF ANALYSES .................................................................................... 28
Sequence of analyses................................................................................. 28
Statistical considerations for interim analyses ............................................. 29
CHANGES FROM PLANNED ANALYSES ............................................................. 30
10. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 30
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Adverse event
Acute exacerbation of COPD
Alanine aminotransferase
Analysis of covariance
COPD assessment test
Confidence Interval
Cell-mediated immunity
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Case Report Form
Clinical Trial Registry
Internal GSK database code for Efficacy analysis (elimination
codes) link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating
subjects from the analyses
ELISA unit per milliliter
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Eli Type
Internal GSK database code for type of elimination code
EXAcerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Disease Tool - Patient
Reported Outcome
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second
Forced vital capacity
Internal GSK database code for Follow-up analysis (elimination
codes) link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating
subjects from the analyses
Geometric mean antibody concentration
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
H. influenzae
Haemophilus influenzae
Health-Related Quality of Life
Informed consent form
Intracellular cytokine staining
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
International units per milliliter
Lower Limit of the confidence interval
Internal GSK database code for Main analysis (elimination codes)
link to FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating subjects
from the analyses
MATerial EXcellence
M. catarrhalis
Moraxella catarrhalis
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
mMRC scale
mMRC scale
Not Applicable
Non-Typeable Haemophilus influenzae
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Polymerase chain reaction
Protein D
Protein E
Prescribing information
Type IV pili subunit of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae
Potential immune-mediated disease
Preferred term
Serious adverse event
S. aureus
Staphylococcus aureus
Statistical Analysis Plan
GSK Biological’s Internet Randomization System
Standard Deviation
Study Report
Skim milk, tryptone, glucose, and glycerin transport medium
Tables Figures and Listing template annexed to SAP
Total vaccinated cohort
Upper Limit of the confidence interval
Vaccine efficacy
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
6-Minute Walk Test
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 6 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The complete statistical analysis plan and results presentation is divided into 2 parts: the
first part detailing the analyses to be performed (known as SAP, current document) and a
second part, annex (-es) (called TFL) describing the flow and format of tables, figures
and listings to be annexed to the SR.
Version 1
Amendment 1
In order to see early effects of the vaccine on
the microbiome, analysis on fresh sputum
samples (culture results) will be done on all
available data up to the data lock point of the
interim analysis.
Protocol Version
Amendment 2 - 15-DEC-2014
Amendment 3 - 15-APR-2016
In order to have a first look whether or not the
investigational vaccine has an impact on
AECOPD, AECOPD analyses will be done up
to the data lock point of the interim analysis
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 7 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Figure 1
Study design overview
Experimental design: Phase II randomised, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study with 2 parallel groups.
Duration of the study: for each subject enrolled, the study will last approximately
16 months from Visit 1 up to study end
The following group names will be used for the statistical analyses:
Group order
in tables
Group label in tables
Group definition for footnote
2 doses of AS01e adjuvanted vaccine containing
10 mcg of each antigen
2 doses of saline solution
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 8 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Primary objective
To describe the safety and reactogenicity of the investigational vaccine.
Secondary objective
To describe the humoral and cellular immunogenicity of the investigational vaccine.
Tertiary objectives
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD.
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on NTHi presence in sputum.
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on health-related quality of life
To explore the impact of the investigational vaccine on lung function.
To explore the impact of the investigational NTHi vaccine on exercise capacity.
To describe selected biomarkers in stable COPD and during AECOPD.
To collect blood and sputum samples for assay development, for disease diagnostic
purpose, for lung microbiome analysis and/ or for additional evaluation of the
immune responses to the investigational vaccine and to other potential pathogens
involved in AECOPD.
Primary endpoints
Occurrence of each solicited local adverse event (AE), during the 7-day follow-up
period (i.e. day 0 - 6) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of each solicited general AE, during the 7-day follow-up period (i.e. day
0 - 6) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of any unsolicited AE, during the 30-day follow-up period (i.e. day 0 29) following each vaccination, in all subjects.
Occurrence of each haematological/ biochemical laboratory abnormality at Day 0,
Day 7, Day 30, Day 60, Day 67, Day 90, Day 270 and Day 450, in all subjects.
Occurrence of any potential immune-mediated disease (pIMD) from first vaccination
up to study conclusion, in all subjects.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 9 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Occurrence of any serious adverse event (SAE) from first vaccination up to study
conclusion, in all subjects.
Secondary endpoints
Anti-PD, anti-PE and anti-PilA total IgG antibody concentrations as measured by
ELISA, at Day 0, Day 30, Day 60, Day 90, Day 270 and at Day 450, in all subjects.
NTHi-specific cell-mediated immune responses as measured by flow cytometry
intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) (frequency of specific CD4+/CD8+ T-cells
expressing two or more markers, such as IL-2, IL-13, IL-17, IFN-γ, TNF-α and
CD40L), at Day 0, Day 90, Day 270 and at Day 450, in a sub-cohort of subjects.
Tertiary endpoints
Number of cases of NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD, over a period
starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of NTHi-associated AECOPD (any severity), over a period starting
1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of moderate and severe AECOPD (any cause), over a period
starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Number of cases of AECOPD (any cause, any severity), over a period starting
1 month post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Time to first AECOPD, in all subjects.
Assessment of EXACT-PRO score, daily at bedtime throughout the study, in all
NTHi presence in sputum, at Screening, Day 90, Day 180, Day 270, Day 360 and
Day 450, and from first vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all
Assessment of CAT score, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, and from first
vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all subjects.
Assessment of SGRQ-C score, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, in all subjects.
Assessment of mMRC scale, at Screening, Day 270 and Day 450, and from first
vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all subjects.
Occurrence of rescue medication use, over a period starting 1 month post-Dose 2 and
lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
Occurrence of healthcare use for AECOPD, over a period starting 1 month post-Dose
2 and lasting for 1 year, in all subjects.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Assessment of FEV1% of predicted normal value at Screening, Day 270 and
Day 450, in all subjects.
Assessment of 6MWT score, at Screening and Day 450, in all subjects.
Occurrence of selected biomarkers in a subset of blood samples, at Day 0 and Day
450, and from first vaccination to study conclusion for each AECOPD, in all
Presence of respiratory viral pathogens in sputum (including respiratory syncytial
virus, parainfluenza virus, enterovirus/ rhinovirus, metapneumovirus, influenza virus,
adenovirus, bocavirus and coronavirus) at Screening, Day 90, Day 180, Day 270,
Visit Day 360 and Day 450 and at each AECOPD visit from first vaccination to
study conclusion, in all subjects.
The following study cohorts will be evaluated.
Total vaccinated cohort
The Total vaccinated cohort (TVC) will include all subjects with at least 1 study vaccine
administration documented:
A safety analysis based on the TVC will include all vaccinated subjects.
An immunogenicity/ efficacy analysis based on the TVC will include all vaccinated
subjects for whom immunogenicity/ efficacy data are available.
The TVC analysis will be performed per treatment actually administered at Dose 1.
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity
The ATP cohort for immunogenicity will include all subjects in the TVC:
Who met all eligibility criteria.
For whom the administration route and site of the vaccines was according to
Who complied with the vaccination schedule.
Who received the study vaccines according to protocol procedures.
Who did not receive a concomitant medication/ product leading to elimination from
the ATP analysis for immunogenicity up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day 90).
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 11 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Who did not present with an intercurrent medical condition leading to elimination
from the ATP analysis for immunogenicity up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day
Who complied with the blood sample timings, at the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit (Day
For whom post-vaccination immunogenicity results are available for at least 1 assay.
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of immunogenicity
The ATP cohort for persistence of immunogenicity (starting at Day 180) will include all
evaluable subjects, i.e., those who were included in the ATP cohort for immunogenicity,
or were excluded from this cohort solely because they had no blood samples taken or
because of incompliance with blood sample timings up to the 1 month post-Dose 2 visit,
Who did not receive a concomitant medication/ product leading to elimination from
the ATP analysis for immunogenicity.
Who did not present with an intercurrent medical condition leading to elimination
from the ATP analysis for immunogenicity.
Who complied with the blood sample timings after the 1 month post-last vaccination
For whom persistence immunogenicity results are available for at least 1 assay.
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy
The ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy will include all subjects in the TVC:
Who met all eligibility criteria.
For whom the administration route and site of the vaccines was according to
Who complied with the vaccination schedule
Who received the study vaccine according to protocol procedures.
Not having received a medication/ product/ vaccine that may lead to elimination
from the ATP analysis for efficacy.
The list of applicable elimination codes for each cohort can be found in the study specific
form FORM-BIO-CLIN-9004-05 Criteria for eliminating subjects from the analyses.
ATP cohort for analysis of immunogenicity
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Elimination codes
Eli Type
Page 12 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
ATP cohort for analysis of efficacy
ATP cohort for analysis of persistence of
Analysis of demographics
Demographic characteristics (age at the first dose in years, gender and geographical
ancestry), cohort description and other characteristics such as smoking/exposure history
status, pulmonary function test baseline results and COPD history, history of
exacerbation present/past medical history/intercurrent morbidity, and previous
vaccination with a pneumococcal vaccine or an influenza vaccine will be summarized by
group using descriptive statistics:
Frequency tables will be generated for categorical variable such as geographical
Mean, median and standard error will be provided for continuous data such as age.
Other characteristics such as height, weight, BMI selected results and several risk factors
from the six-minutes-walk test, and distribution of several severity stages using CAT or
mMRC or SGRQ-C at enrolment visit will also be summarized.
The number of subjects enrolled into the study as well as the number of subjects excluded
from ATP analyses will be tabulated.
The distribution of subjects enrolled among the study sites will be tabulated as a whole
and per group.
The numbers of withdrawn subjects will be tabulated according to the reason for
Withdrawal status will be summarised by group using descriptive statistics:
Analysis of safety
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
The percentage of subjects with at least one local AE (solicited and unsolicited), with at
least one general AE (solicited and unsolicited) and with any AE during the 7-day (day 0
– day 6) or the 30-day (day 0 – day 29) follow-up period will be tabulated after each
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 13 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
vaccination and overall with exact 95% confidence interval (CI). The same computations
will be done for Grade 3 AEs, for related AEs and for Grade 3 related AEs.
The percentage of subjects/doses reporting each individual solicited local (any grade,
Grade 3) and general (any grade, Grade 3, related, Grade 3 related) AE during the 7-day
(day 0 to day 6) follow-up period will be tabulated for each group as follows:
Overall, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Overall, the percentage of doses with the symptom and its exact 95% CI.
Per study vaccine dose, the percentage of subjects with the symptom and its exact
95% CI.
The exact 95% CIs will be calculated assuming independence between doses. For fever,
additional analyses will be performed by 0.5°C increments.
As during the study, some subjects have completed wrong diary cards (paediatric ones
instead of adults), a sensitivity analysis will be done on subjects that have completed the
correct diary cards to be sure that they were no impact on results.
The verbatim reports of unsolicited symptoms will be reviewed by a physician and the
signs and symptoms will be coded according to the MedDRA Dictionary for Adverse
Reaction Terminology. Every verbatim term will be matched with the appropriate
preferred term (PT). The percentage of subjects with unsolicited symptoms during the
30-day follow-up period after any study vaccine dose with its exact 95% CI will be
tabulated by group and by MedDRA PT. Similar tabulation will be done for the
percentage of doses, for Grade 3 unsolicited symptoms, for unsolicited symptoms that
resulted in a medically attended visit, for Grade 3 and causally related unsolicited
symptoms and for unsolicited symptoms causally related to vaccination.
For each group and for each haematology/ biochemistry parameter:
The percentage of subjects having results below or above the local laboratory normal
ranges will be tabulated by time point.
The maximum grading from Screening up to study conclusion will be tabulated.
Grades will be based on the FDA Guidance for Industry “Toxicity Grading Scale for
Healthy Adults and Adolescent Volunteers Enrolled in Preventive Vaccine Clinical
Trials” (see Appendix C of the protocol).
The number of subjects who experienced any pIMD or any SAE from from first
vaccination up to 6 months post-Dose 2 will be reported will be reported.
The number of subjects who experienced any AE leading to study withdrawal, from
first vaccination up to study conclusion, or any SAE related to study participation of
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 14 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
concurrent GSK medication/ vaccination, during the entire study period, will be
Pregnancy reports from first vaccination up to 6 months after last vaccination and
pregnancy outcomes will be described in detail.
The percentage of subjects/ dose using concomitant medication/ product (any
medication/ product, any antipyretic and any antipyretic taken prophylactically,
respectively) during the 7-day follow-up period (day 0 – day 6) and during the 30-day
follow-up period (day 0 – day 29) will be summarised per group for each dose and
overall per dose.
Analysis of immunogenicity
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for immunogenicity. If the percentage
of vaccinated subjects with serological results excluded from the ATP cohort for analysis
of immunogenicity is more than 10%, a second analysis will be performed on the TVC.
Humoral immune response
Within group evaluation
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for humoral
immune response and for each assay:
Seropositivity rate and their exact 95% CI will be tabulated.
GMCs and their 95% CI will be calculated.
For each group, at each time point during which blood samples are collected for humoral
immune response:
Antibody concentrations distribution will be investigated using Reverse Cumulative
Between groups evaluation
Comparative analyses will be exploratory with the aim to characterise the difference
between the 2 groups in humoral immune response.
The difference in terms of GMCs will be evaluated at 1 month post-Dose 2 and at Day
450 by computing the 95% CIs of the GMC ratio between groups by using an ANCOVA
model that considers heterogeneity of variances (via Proc Mixed) on the logarithm10
transformation of the concentrations. This model will include the country, the group, age
category (40 - 59 years or 60 - 80 years), number of moderate and severe AECOPD in the
year before vaccine Dose 1 (< 2 or ≥ 2), GOLD grade (GOLD 2 or GOLD 3) and preDose 1 concentration (as covariate) as fixed effects.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
Page 15 of 30
Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
However, these differences should be interpreted with caution considering that there will
be no adjustment for multiplicity of endpoints.
Cell-mediated immune response
The frequency of specific CD4+/ CD8+ T-cells will be summarised (mean, SD, minimum,
Q1, median, Q3, and maximum) by group, at each time point during which blood samples
are collected for CMI (descriptive statistics).
Each data will be obtained by subtracting the summary of the background value to each
summary value. Values less than or equal to zero will be set to 1 for the purpose of
geometric mean calculation and graphical representation.
Analysis of impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy. If the percentage of
vaccinated subjects excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is more than 10%, a
second analysis based on the TVC will be performed to complement the first analysis.
The following incidence rates will be computed over a period starting 1 month
post-Dose 2 and lasting for 1 year, with 95%CI:
NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD. (See definition in section 7.1.4)
NTHi-associated all-severity AECOPD.
All-cause moderate and severe AECOPD.
All-cause, all-severity AECOPD.
Vaccine efficacy (VE) for AECOPD events will be defined as:
VE (AECOPD) = 1 - Rvaccine / Rcontrol
Rvaccine = average yearly incidence rate of AECOPD events per subject in the group
Rcontrol = average yearly incidence rate of AECOPD events per subject in the Control
In case the 95% CI of the VE cannot be estimated, e.g. when no event is observed in the
group 10-AS01E (leading to a VE of 100%), then an exact procedure will be used to
estimate a VE and its 95% CI. This exact procedure will be based on the number of
subjects with event instead of on the average number of event per subject in each group.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
VE in the prevention of NTHi-associated moderate and severe AECOPD and its 95% CI
will be calculated.
VE in the prevention of NTHi-associated all-severity AECOPD, of all-cause moderate
and severe AECOPD and of all-cause, all-severity AECOPD and their 95% CI will also
be calculated.
The 95%CI of the incidence rate will be computed using a model which accounts for
repeated events. The Generalised linear model assuming the Negative Binomial
distribution for the response variable with logarithm as link function, and the logarithm of
time for follow-up as an offset variable will be used. In addition, the following covariates
(as per randomization) will be taken into account:
number of moderate/severe exacerbations reported in the 12 months prior to
COPD status at enrolment (derived by GSK from the Visit 1 spirometry results)
Age (below or equal to median/above median)
If the model does not converge, the Poisson distribution will be used instead of the
Negative Binomial one.
The frequency of all these AECOPDs will be presented. The estimated incidence rate
with 95%CI of AECOPDs in which Hi (resp. Mcat, Sp) is present in culture and was not
present in the previous visit estimated by a Generalised linear model assuming the
Negative Binomial distribution will be estimated.
Time to first AECOPD event by baseline status - Cox regression model
The Cox’s regression model including the risk factors:
- country,
- number of moderate/severe exacerbations reported in the 12 months prior to
- COPD status at enrolment (derived by GSK from the Visit 1 spirometry results)
- Age (below or equal to median/above median)
as covariates (as per randomization) will be performed to model the time until the first
occurrence of AECOPD episodes. Additional stratification/risk factor may be defined
during the analyses like sex factor as exploratory analysis.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
AECOPD visits and daily questionnaires
The time until first AECOPD as of 1 month post-Dose 2 will be computed with exact
95% CI by group. Subjects who exacerbate before 1 month post-Dose 2 will not be taken
into account in this analysis.
The number of morning e-dairy (PHT) alerts (resp. evening e-diary alerts (EXACTPRO)) with and without corresponding site visits will be tabulated. The reason for
inconsistency between morning e-diaries and site visits will also be presented.
The number of exacerbation site visits with confirmed AECOPD with and without
morning e-diary alerts (resp. evening e-diary alerts (EXACT-PRO) will be tabulated
along with the reason for no e-diary alert.
Concordance/discordance of exacerbations periods as defined clinically or via the
morning diary cards or the evening diary cards will tabulated and presented graphically.
The percentage of spontaneous exacerbation visits will be tabulated as well as the
percentage of monthly visits with recovered/stable status.
Analysis of HRQOL, lung capacity and exercise capacity
The analysis will be performed on the TVC. If the percentage of vaccinated subjects
excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second analysis will be
performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy to complement the first analysis.
Descriptive statistics (median, mean, range, standard deviation, first and third quartiles)
on the EXACT-PRO, CAT, SGRQ-C and mMRC scores, on FEV1% of predicted
normal value and on the 6MWT scores will be tabulated by specified visit.
Descriptive summaries rescue medication and healthcare use for AECOPD will be
Analysis of selected biomarkers
The analysis will be performed on the ATP cohort for efficacy. If the percentage of
vaccinated subjects excluded from the ATP cohort for efficacy is at least 10%, a second
analysis will be performed on the TVC to complement the first analysis.
For each type of timepoint (Pre, Exacerbation visit, Day 450) during which blood
samples are collected for analysis of biomarkers, descriptive statistics will be tabulated
for each selected biomarker.
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
Form Owner: VVHS Biometrics, PPD
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Statistical Analysis Plan
Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Analysis of sputum
The analysis will be performed:
By aggregating all laboratory sites where the sputum was tested
By laboratory site in order to evaluate if differences exist in the way of testing
By country (aggregating all laboratory sites by country).
Sputum sample collection and quality
The proportion of subjects (at each stable and exacerbation visit) who provided a sputum
sample will be computed; overall and by the sample method (spontaneous or induced).
The proportion of sputum of good quality will be computed.
The proportion of subjects with induced sputum will be tabulated by COPD status at
enrolment and by severity of the AECOPD.
The distribution of the time (in days) between the start of exacerbation and the day of the
sputum sample collection will be presented.
Sputum bacterial/viral results from culture or from PCR
The distribution of the proportion of sputum samples positive given the number of days
between start of exacerbation and sample collection will be presented.
The proportion of sputum samples obtained at each - stable and exacerbation - visit and
positive for specific bacterial/viral pathogens (overall and by bacterial culture, by
bacterial PCR, or by viral species) will be computed. The average infection rate by type
of visit will also be calculated.
The bacterial presence in culture versus the bacterial presence in PCR detected in sputum
will be tabulated.
The viral infections versus the bacterial presence in PCR detected in sputum will be
The incidence of exacerbations and of exacerbations containing Hi, Mcat, Sp, and all
bacterial and/or virus that are planned to be tested by the laboratory will be presented.
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
For specific bacterial pathogens, the quantitative assessment of PCR results will be
provided overall, for sputum samples positive in culture, or negative in culture of the
specific pathogen.
The same analyses should be performed by taking into account only the sputum that has a
good quality.
Impact of previous antibiotic administration on sputum bacterial
The impact of antibiotic administration before sputum collection on the bactericidal
culture or PCR results will be evaluated, for stable (scheduled) visits, exacerbation visits,
or any visit.
Impact of induction of sample on sputum bacterial results
The impact of sputum induction on the bactericidal culture or PCR results will be
evaluated, for stable (scheduled) visits, exacerbation visits, or any visit.
Impact of previous occurrence of Hi bacterial pathogen in sputum on
The impact of the occurrence or presence of respiratory pathogenic bacteria detected in
sputum at the exacerbation visit given the presence of the bacteria at previous visits on
the number of exacerbations will also be studied. In order to do this, 2 types of
AECOPDs will be distinguished:
- AECOPDs in which Hi is present and was not present any previous visit
- AECOPDs in which Hi is present and was not present in the previous stable visit;
Derived and transformed data
The study groups will be defined by treatment actually administered at Dose 1.
For a given subject and a given demographic variable, missing measurement will not
be replaced.
Age: Age at the reference activity, computed as the number of units between the date
of birth and the reference activity In case of partial dates of any of these 2 dates:
- 15th of month, If only the day is missing
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
30th of June, if day and months are missing
For solicited symptoms, the analysis will exclude subjects with missing or
un-evaluable measurements (i.e. total analysis of solicited symptoms will include all
vaccinated subjects with documented solicited symptom sheets).
For the unsolicited symptoms and concomitant medications/ products/ vaccinations,
subjects who miss reporting symptoms/concomitant medications/ products/
vaccinations will be treated as subjects without unsolicited symptoms or concomitant
medications/ products/ vaccinations, respectively.
Note that for all tables described in this section, the way the percentage of subjects
will be derived will depend on the event analysed (see table below for details). As a
result, the N value will differ from one table to another.
N used for deriving % per subject
Concomitant vaccination
All subjects with study vaccine administered
Solicited general symptom
All subjects with at least one solicited general symptom documented as either
present or absent (i.e. symptom screen completed)
Solicited local symptom
All subjects with at least one solicited local symptom documented as either
present or absent (i.e. symptom screen completed)
Unsolicited symptom
All subjects with study vaccine administered
Concomitant medication
All subjects with study vaccine administered
For a given subject and the analysis of a given immunogenicity measurement,
missing or un-evaluable measurements will not be replaced.
A seronegative subject is defined as a subject whose antibody concentration is below
the assay cut-off value.
A seropositive subject is defined as a subject whose antibody concentration is greater
than or equal to the assay cut-off value.
Antibody concentrations below the assay cut-off will be given an arbitrary value of
half the assay cut-off for the purpose of geometric mean concentration (GMC)
Calculation of the GMCs will be performed by taking the anti-logarithm in base 10
(anti-log10) of the mean of the log10 concentration transformations.
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The assay cut-off is the value under which there is no quantifiable result for which no
accuracy and precision can be reported. For an assay with a specific ‘cut_off’ ,
numerical immuno result is derived from a character field (rawres):
- If rawres is ‘NEG’ or ‘-’ or ‘(-)’, numeric result= cutt_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘POS’ or ‘+’ or ‘(+)’, numeric result = cut_off,
- if rawres is ‘< value’ and value<=cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘< value’ and value>cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is ‘> value’ and value<cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘> value’ and value>=cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is ‘<= value’ or ‘>= value’ and value<cut_off, numeric result =cut_off/2,
- if rawres is ‘<= value’ or ‘>= value’ and value>=cut_off, numeric result =value,
- if rawres is a value < cut_off, numeric result = cut_off/2,
- if rawres is a value >= cut_off, numeric result = rawres,
- else numeric result is left blank.
All CI computed will be two-sided 95% CI.
Impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD
For a given subject and the analysis of a given laboratory assay, missing or
un-evaluable measurements will not be replaced.
Subjects who did not have any sputum collected during at least 1 AECOPD (if at
least 1 AECOPD occurred) will not be taken into account for the NTHI-associated
AECOPD analyses.
For summaries of the number of AECOPD occurring during the 1 year follow-up
period starting 1 month post-Dose 2, an exacerbation rate will be calculated for each
subject. The number of exacerbations during the 1-year follow-up period will be
imputed for subjects withdrawing from the study to provide an estimate of the
number of exacerbations over the follow-up period. This calculation will only be
performed for purposes of reporting summary statistics for the rate of exacerbations
during the 1 year follow-up period since the modelling of exacerbations takes into
account the number of exacerbations and the time of follow-up for each subject. The
calculation of exacerbation rate will be based on follow-up period intervals to avoid
obtaining high imputed rates if a subject withdrew very early in the follow-up period
after experiencing an exacerbation. Since treatment courses for moderate/severe
exacerbations are ≤ 2 - 4 weeks when appropriate, calculated numbers of
exacerbations for subjects withdrawing from the study will be based on 4-week
intervals of the follow-up period. For subjects followed for less than 1 year, the
number of exacerbations during the 1-year follow-up period will be calculated by
multiplying the number of exacerbations experienced by the subject by 13 and
dividing by the number of 4-week periods the subject was followed up:
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Effective date: 01 June 2014
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
Number of exacerbations per year = Number of exacerbations * 13 /Number of
4-week treatment period intervals
NTHi associated AECOPD
An NTHI associated to AECOPD is not yet well defined at the time of the SAP is written.
Here is the first approach:
An AECOPD for which NTHi was observed: Hi confirmed first by culture and
then by PCR.
The CAT index will be derived as the sum of the ratings recorded for each of the eight
individual items. Each of these items has 6 possible scores (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5), leading to a
range of 0 to 40 for CAT score.
EXACT-PRO derived AECOPD definitions and calculation rules
Start of an EXACT-PRO signal for exacerbation (as in EXACT-PRO user Manual and
in Makay, et al., 2014):
1. An EXACT-PRO exacerbation is defined as a 12 point increase above baseline for
2 consecutive days, or a nine point increase for 3 consecutive days.
2. The baseline score corresponds to the average EXACT score during a baseline
period defined as days 14 to 8 preceding exacerbation onset
3. Exacerbation onset will be taken as the first day in which at least two symptoms
(at least 1 major) are present and have not been discounted (see above).
4. Only symptom data collected during the study period will be used to define the
start of an exacerbation.
End/recovering of an EXACT-PRO signal of an exacerbation:
1. The end/recovering of an EXACT-PRO signal of an exacerbation corresponds to
the day at the EXACT-PRO score return to its baseline value.
2. The length of a signal of an exacerbation will be at least of 2 days. So rule 1 will
only apply from the third day onwards.
Missing data:
Days with missing data will not be ignored when defining start of a signal: e.g., if a
patient has two qualifying symptoms followed by a missing day, if the next day with data
has two qualifying symptoms this will not be defined as an exacerbation.
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“e-diary derived AECOPD” definitions and calculation rules
The definition of an AECOPD case definition from section of the Protocol is what
we will call here an “e-diary derived (AECOPD) signal”. In this paragraph, only the
derivation of occurrence and length of e-diary signals is described. Derivation of
occurrence and length of AECOPDs is described in Section 7.1.11.
Start of an e-diary signal for exacerbation:
1. An exacerbation is defined as a worsening of at least 2 symptoms for ≥ 2
consecutive days where at least one of the symptoms is major.
2. The same two symptoms do not have to be present on both days as long as at least
one major symptom is present on both days.
3. Any symptom that has occurred consecutively for 5 days or more prior to a
potential exacerbation should be discounted from the symptoms that define an
4. Exacerbation onset will be taken as the first day in which at least two symptoms
(at least 1 major) are present and have not been discounted (see above).
5. Only symptom data collected during the study period will be used to define the
start of an exacerbation.
End/Duration of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation:
1. The end/recovering of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation corresponds to
the day at which the 3-day moving average of the daily symptom count score
(average between the day the day before and the day after) to return to
baseline symptom count score (the mean daily symptom count score over
days 14 to 8 preceding exacerbation onset). For a specific day, the daily
symptom count score is defined as the sum of the symptom scores
experienced in this day (a major symptom accounts for 2 points, a minor
symptom accounts for 1 point, as in Trappenburg et al., 2011, but contrary to
Seemungal et al. 2000 and Mackay et al. 2014, in which all symptoms
accounted to 1). Note that the symptoms that have occurred consecutively for 5
days or more prior to a potential exacerbation and that are discarded for these
exacerbations are not discarded from the symptoms counts.
2. The length of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation will be at least of 2 days. So
rule 1 will only apply from the third day onwards.
3. The baseline symptom count score is calculated as the average count score of
the observed days in the period used to calculate the baseline symptom count
score. For example, if an exacerbation occurs from day 10 onwards, the
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Effective date: 01 June 2014
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
baseline period will be the average between day1 and day2 (day10 - 8 days=
day2, day10 – 9 days = day1, Day1 being the first study day). For
exacerbations before day 9 but after day 2, the baseline symptom score will
be considered to be day1
4. If the first e-diary signal of an exacerbation is occurring before day 3:
duration will be counted until the day in which there is at most 2 majors or 1
major and one minor symptom.
5. Recovery time is calculated as the number of days from exacerbation e-diary
signal onset (included) to exacerbation e-diary signal end (not included).
Time between 2 e-diary signals for exacerbations/evaluation of
baseline symptom score:
The minimum duration between 2 e-diary signals with distinct baseline value is 15 days,
which is the minimal period for which a new full exacerbation-free baseline can be
calculated for the next e-diary episode.
If a new worsening of symptoms occurs between 6 and 14 days of a previous
exacerbation, the baseline period used will be the same baseline as the one of the original
exacerbation. Therefore, it will last until the daily symptom count score has gone
below the baseline symptom score of the previous event.
Missing data
Days with missing data will not be ignored when defining start of an e-diary signal:
e.g., if a patient has two qualifying symptoms followed by a missing day, if the next
day with data has two qualifying symptoms this will not be defined as an
exacerbation. Hence, the start of an e-diary signal of an exacerbation will require 2
consecutive non-missing days of worsening. If there is partially recorded symptom
data at a visit, however, only the observed values will be considered but the day will
not be discarded.
Days with missing data will be ignored when defining end of an e-diary signal of an
exacerbation: e.g., if a patient has two days missing in the baseline period and one
day missing in the 3- day moving average, both baseline and 3-day moving average
values will be calculated using observed data only. Similar rules will apply when
there is partially recorded symptom data at a visit (and daily average values will be
calculated among the observed values).
All available data will be used for each patient.
As a general rule, the baseline symptom count score, and 3 day moving averages
are calculated as the average count score of the observed days in the baseline
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period. For example, if an e-diary signal occurs from day 10 onwards, the
baseline period will be the average between day1 and day2 (day1 being the first
study day). If day 13 is missing, the 3 day moving average at day 14 will only
take into account day 14 and day 15.
If there are greater than 2 consecutive days of missing data after an e-diary signal
not resolved, the e-diary signal will not be considered resolved until the next day
with observed data if the corresponding moving average is below the baseline value.
In order words, if the 3-day average daily score is missing, the day will be counted in
the duration of the episode.
AECOPDs definitions and calculation rules
AECOPD definition (from clinical evaluation)
Due to the sensitivity and specificity of the e-diary device, false alerts may occur, and
exacerbations resulting in site visits may also occur without e-diary alert. Therefore, only
unscheduled AECOPD visits with clinical confirmation of AECOPD (with or without
associated signals) will be considered as AECOPD events in the primary analysis.
In addition, missed AECOPD visits may have occurred and can be:
a signal from the e-diary (PHT) without a site visit but that cannot be discounted
as a possible exacerbation signal after reconciliation,
- an exacerbation reported retrospectively in the Safety database or medical
records for which there has not been in the same period of retrospective reporting
a corresponding exacerbation visit declared.
Characterization of inconsistencies between morning e-diary signals
and exacerbation site visits
The reconciliation between morning e-diary (PHT) signals and site visits for exacerbation
will aim at characterizing the following 2 cases:
Case A : an e-diary alert with absent/delayed exacerbation visit (i.e. no exacerbation visit
within the calculated length of the e-diary episode)
Case B : a exacerbation visit with absent/delayed e-diary exacerbation alert (i.e. RDE
exacerbation not within e-diary exacerbation period)
The different reasons of inconsistencies of Case A will be categorized by the site after
review according to the following explanation:
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Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
1) Not an exacerbation after further evaluation : eg. when a patient does not feel well but
this is due to increased exercise, or patient does not feel well but this is not clinically
2) Ongoing exacerbation : e.g., previous exacerbation is not terminated according to the
3) RDE or other technical issues: e.g., due to technical issues e-diary alerts were not sent
and when the site was aware of it was too late to determine whether this was an
exacerbation or not.
4) Other reasons: specify : e.g. subject was on holidays / subject unable to visit the site /
delayed RDE visit/early RDE entry.
The different reasons of inconsistencies of Case B will be categorized by the site after
review according to the following explanation:
5) Spontaneous visit clinically deemed exacerbating i.e. exacerbation visit took place
before the e-diary alert (spontaneous visit, visit triggered by GP / Patient call asked to be
seen/ felt too unwell to complete e-diary abrupt onset)
6) Planned monthly visit clinically deemed exacerbating
7) e-diary diary card recording issue or other technical issues : e.g. late e-diary alerts,
subject missed or did not correctly record diary card, broken log pad device.
8) Other reasons: specify
For a Case A, no laboratory data has been collected, but if the answer about the
inconsistency is 3) or sometimes 4) (depending on the specification), it will qualify as
AECOPD. All Cases B will be considered to be an AECOPD if the AECOPD is
confirmed by the site.
Grading of severity of an exacerbation
Severity of exacerbations is defined as (Protocol Section
• Mild: Worsening symptoms of COPD that are self-managed by the patient.
• Moderate: Worsening symptoms of COPD that require treatment with oral
corticosteroids and/or antibiotics.
• Severe: Worsening symptoms of COPD that require treatment with in-patient
hospitalisation or home care intervention.
Severity of the exacerbation will not be derived but taken directly from the information
entered in the CRF.
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Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
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Sputum Quality
The quality of sputum is defined as follow:
< 10 squamous epithelial cells/field: sample of good quality
10-25 squamous epithelial cells/field with significant numbers of cells derived
from the lower respiratory tractus (ciliary epithelial cells, bronchial cells,
round cells): sample of moderate quality
> 25 squamous epithelial cells/field: sample of bad quality
Data presentation description
The following decimal description will be used for the demography and safety/
Display Table
All summaries
All summaries
Demographic characteristics
Demographic characteristics
% of count, including LL & UL of CI
% of difference, including LL & UL of CI
Mean, median age
SD (age)
GMT ratio
Number of decimal digits
The following data presentation description will be used for the immunogenicity
Assay cutoff
Sequence of analyses
Number of decimal
GMC/T ratio
Tick marks on RCC's
The analyses will be performed stepwise:
The analysis of data up to Visit 6 (Day 90) will be performed in a first step. This
analysis will include:
FORM-9000026972-01 Statistical Analysis Plan Template
Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
The final analysis of immunogenicity and solicited AEs post-Dose 1 and postDose 2.
The assessment of unsolicited AEs, SAEs and pIMDs up to 30 days post-Dose 1
and post-Dose 2 on as cleaned as possible data.
This analysis will be documented in a statistical report. At this point, the GSK
statistician of the project (or delegates) will be unblinded (i.e. will have access to the
individual subject treatment assignments).
The analyses of the impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD will be
performed in parallel with the first step. This will include:
the analyses of fresh sputum samples (culture) obtained up to the data lock
point of the interim analysis.
The analyses of AECOPD obtained up to the data lock point of the interim
The final analysis of data up to study conclusion will be performed in a second step,
once those data will be available and cleaned. This analysis will include:
The final analysis of immunogenicity at Day 270 and Day 450.
SAEs and pIMDs up to Day 450 on cleaned data.
Impact of the investigational vaccine on AECOPD, HRQOL, lung function,
exercise capacity and biomarkers.
In addition, all previous analyses will be re-produced based on cleaned data at this
Individual listings will only be provided at this stage. A final study report containing
data from the entire study will be written and will be made available to the
Analysis up to Visit 6 (Day 90)
Final analysis (up to day 450)
Analysis ID
(SDD & CARS sub-folder)
Statistical considerations for interim analyses
Not applicable.
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Effective date: 01 June 2014
GSK SOP Reference: SOP-9000026972
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Study alias & e-track number(s): NTHi-004 (200157)
As during the study, some subjects have completed wrong diary cards (paediatric ones
instead of adults), a sensitivity analysis will be done on subjects that have completed the
correct diary cards to be sure that they were no impact on results.
The exact 95% CIs for a proportion within a group will be calculated from Proc StatXact
[Clopper CJ, Pearson ES. The use of confidence or fiducial limits illustrated in the case of
binomial. Biometrika. 1934;26:404-413].
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