The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
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Association of postpartum uterine diseases with lying time and
metabolic profiles of multiparous Holstein dairy cows in the
transition period
L. Cattaneo, V. Lopreiato, E. Trevisi* , A. Minuti
Department of Animal Sciences, Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Science, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
29122 Piacenza, Italy
Lying behaviour
Retained placenta
Transition period
The objective of this study was to assess how uterine disorders alter the lying behaviour and plasma
biomarkers in dairy cows. 34 multiparous cows were retrospectively classified into three groups
according to the first uterine disorder that cows were diagnosed with: retained placenta (RP), metritis
(MET), or healthy (H; cows without any clinical disease). Lying time (LT) and duration of lying bouts (LB)
were monitored between 6 weeks prior to and 8 weeks after calving via the AfiAct II pedometer. Blood
samples were collected routinely between 14 days before and 28 days after calving. Data was analysed
using Proc MIXED of SAS ver. 9.4.
Regardless of grouping, both LT and LB were longer (P < 0.01) in the prepartum period (774 16.6 min/
day and 89.9 2.1 min/bout) than in the first 28 days after calving (DFC; 653 16.7 min/day and
63.7 2.1 min/bout). Cows with RP had longer LT than healthy cows during the last 3 weeks before
calving (837 30.9 vs. 735 27.1 min/day; P < 0.05). LT in cows with MET and healthy cows were not
significantly different. The LB was similar among groups, averaging 76.1 3.4 min/bout in healthy cows,
73.2 3.8 min/bout in cows with RP, and 75.2 3.7 min/bout in cows with MET (P > 0.05). Compared
with healthy cows, cows with RP laid down longer and stood up for shorter times (P < 0.05), particularly
before calving. In addition, cows with RP had increased mobilization of body stores and more pronounced
inflammatory status, as demonstrated by plasma haptoglobin (P = 0.04) and albumin (P < 0.01)
concentrations. Our data suggest that automatic monitoring of lying behaviour could help identify
cows at increased risk of developing certain disorders, such as RP.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lying behaviour is one of the main activities of dairy cows
(Grant, 2007) and has priority even over feeding and social
behaviour (Munksgaard et al., 2005). Daily lying time is positively
correlated with healthy milk production, lactation stage (Bewley
et al., 2010), parity, and body condition score (BCS; Westin et al.,
2016), while deprivation of lying causes stress and could impair
productivity and welfare (Cooper et al., 2007). Previous investigations reported that heifers have an inelastic demand of 12 h of
lying time per day (Jensen et al., 2005). Although no specific
requirements have been defined for dairy cows in commercial
dairy farms, an average lying time of about 12 h per day was
reported for cows housed in a free-stall barn (Gomez and Cook,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Trevisi).
1090-0233/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2010) and 8.5 h per day for grazing cows (Sepúlveda-Varas et al.,
Optimal lying behaviour can be prevented by numerous factors.
Lying behaviour can be influenced by herd and feeding management (DeVries and von Keyserlingk, 2005), stocking density
(Fregonesi et al., 2007; Maselyne et al., 2017), grouping strategies
(Jensen and Proudfoot, 2017), bedding comfort, design of the freestall barn (Cook, 2019), health status (Sepúlveda-Varas et al., 2014),
heat stress (Hillman et al., 2005; Cook et al., 2007), and seasonal
changes (Steensels et al., 2012). Moreover, important differences in
lying behaviour in the transition period between primiparous and
multiparous cows have been reported (Neave et al., 2017).
It is well-known that some diseases and disorders affect daily
lying time; therefore, monitoring cow behaviour could be useful
for predicting health problems (Weary et al., 2009). Lameness is
associated with increased lying time and reduced frequency of
lying bouts (Solano et al., 2016). Subclinical ketosis is related to
longer lying time in multiparous cows (Kaufman et al., 2016).
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
Mastitis could reduce lying time, mainly due to discomfort
associated with udder swelling (Siivonen et al., 2011). Metritis
(MET) has also been linked to an increase in lying time during the
week after diagnosis in primiparous cows, but not in multiparous
cows (Barragan et al., 2018). Cows diagnosed with this disease have
been reported to have reduced lying time and lying bouts during
the 2 weeks before diagnosis (Neave et al., 2018).
With the development of precision livestock farming (Berckmans, 2014; Halachmi et al., 2019), sensors are now employed in
fields to continuously record activity and lying behaviour (number
of steps; lying time; frequency and length of lying bouts). Sensors
such as pedometers, collars, and ear tags are used mainly for heat
detection, but also for daily monitoring of health and behaviour
status of individual cattle (Calamari et al., 2014; Kaufman et al.,
2016; Lopreiato et al., 2018, 2020).
Uterine disorders such as retained placenta (RP) and MET are
multifactorial and can impair milk production and fertility,
resulting in economic losses (Laven and Peters, 1996; Giuliodori
et al., 2013; Moretti et al., 2015). Early identification of animals at
increased risk of developing these disorders could allow for early
therapeutic intervention, which could ameliorate negative sequelae. Hence, the primary objective of the current study was to
investigate associations between RP and MET and lying behaviour
during the transition period in high-yielding Holstein dairy cows. A
second objective was to assess metabolic and inflammatory
biomarkers in plasma to evaluate responses to RP and MET and
their potential utility as indicators of these disorders during the
transition period.
Health status
Health status was evaluated by the same veterinarian during a weekly
reproductive visit and was monitored daily by the herd staff. Abnormal behaviour
and any concerns were reported to the veterinarian for subsequent examination.
Identification of diseases and date of initial detection were recorded as they
occurred. RP was diagnosed when the fetal membranes had not been completely
expelled 12 h after calving (Beagley et al., 2010). Uterine discharge was evaluated
twice a week after the morning feeding beginning at 5 days after calving. Before
manual examination, a diluted iodine solution was used to clean the vulva and
remove any faecal material. MET was diagnosed based on the classification
proposed by Urton et al. (2005) when mucopurulent and foul-smelling discharge
was detected (score = 2). Cows diagnosed with MET received an IM antibiotic
treatment (Cloxalene Plus, FATRO S.p.A.) for 3 consecutive days starting on the day
of detection. Signs of other disorders (e.g., ketosis, displacement of the abomasum,
foot disorders, and mastitis) were noted if present.
Animal grouping
A total of 47 cows were involved in this study. Since the main aim was to
investigate post-partum uterine disease, 12 cows diagnosed with other disorders
were excluded from the study: six cows had mastitis, four cows had abomasal
displacement, and two cows had lameness. One cow was removed from the analysis
due to pedometer failure. The remaining 34 cows were retrospectively divided into
three groups, according to the first clinical uterine disease diagnosed in the first 28
days after calving. We focused on the main uterine diseases typically occurring in
the early postpartum period, i.e., RP and MET. If multiple uterine disorders were
diagnosed, cows were categorized by the first diagnosed disorder because it was
assumed that other disorders developed consequentially (Peeler et al., 1994). Thus,
the three resulting groups were as follows: RP (n = 10 cows were diagnosed with
retained placenta as the first uterine disease after calving); MET (n = 11 cows were
diagnosed with MET as the first disease after calving); and healthy cows (H; n = 13
cows without any clinical diseases diagnosed in the first 28 DFC).
Blood sampling
Materials and methods
Animal management
The study was performed on a commercial dairy farm in the Po Valley in Italy
from October 2018 and April 2019, in accordance with Italian laws on animal
experimentation and ethics and authorisation by the Italian Health Ministry
(Approval number, 484/2018-PR; Protocol number 7D5FE.5; Approval date, 26
February 2018).
A total of 47 multiparous Holstein cows with a parity range of 2–6 (3.0 1.1,
mean standard deviation) were examined. They were housed in a free-stall barn
within cubicles during the entire length of the trial (98 days). Before calving, cows
were housed in a closed group pen. Immediately after calving, cows were moved to
a postpartum pen; they were moved to the lactation pen after 7 days. The stocking
density was kept at 100% for the entire trial period. Cows were milked twice daily at
3.00 am and 3.00 pm. During the dry period and lactation, cows were fed a total
mixed ration delivered once daily in the morning. The chemical composition of the
diets is reported in Table 1.
Blood samples were collected at –14, –3, 1, 3, 7, and 28 days from calving (DFC)
using jugular venipuncture into evacuated heparinized collection tubes (BD
Vacutainer) before the morning feeding (7.30 am 30 min). Blood samples were
immediately cooled in a water and ice bath. After collection, blood samples were
centrifuged at 1900 g for 16 min at 4 C. Plasma biomarkers were analysed at 37 C
by an automated clinical analyser (ILAB 650, Instrumentation Laboratory). The
analysed metabolites, as described by Lopreiato et al. (2019), included glucose,
cholesterol, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), urea,
creatinine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, zinc,
haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, globulin, total protein, aspartate aminotransferase–
glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (AST-GOT), gamma-glutamyl transferase
(GGT), alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, albumin, paraoxonase, myeloperoxidase,
thiol groups, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM), ferric reducing antioxidant power
(FRAP), thiol groups (SHp), retinol, tocopherol, and β-carotene. Details of analytical
procedures adopted in blood analysis are reported in Table S1 (Supplementary
BCS, rectal temperature and milk yield
Lying behaviour
Lying behaviour was monitored between 6 weeks prior to and 8 weeks after
calving with the AfiTag II pedometer (SAE Afikim), which has been validated for
automatic measuring of lying behaviour (Henriksen and Munksgaard, 2019). This
sensor, attached to the hind limb of each cow, registered activity and lying time
continuously and the duration of each bout.
BCS was assessed by the same operator after each blood sampling, as described
by Mezzetti et al. (2019). In the period closest to calving, rectal temperature was
measured with a digital thermometer simultaneously with blood sampling (–3, 1, 3,
and 7 DFC). Milk yield was recorded daily from 1 to 28 DFC. Daily values for lying
time, duration of lying bouts, and milk yield were expressed as average weekly data.
Statistical analysis
Table 1
Chemical composition of diets fed to dry and lactating cows.
Dry matter (kg)
Nutrients, % DM
Crude protein
Ether extract
Neutral detergent fiber
Energy calculated a
Digestible energy, Mcal/kg of DM
Net energy for lactation, Mcal/kg of DM
DM, Dry matter.
National Research Council (2001).
Data in tables are presented as least squares means and standard error of the
mean (LSM SEM). Before statistical analysis, normality of the data was verified by
calculating the kurtosis and asymmetry indices (Shapiro test, SAS Institute, Release
8.0). Parameters that were not normally distributed were subjected to logarithmic
transformation (i.e., glucose, AST-GOT, GGT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, NEFA,
BHB, myeloperoxidase, FRAP, and tocopherol concentrations). After analysis,
residuals were plotted to assess model assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity.
Data for lying, blood parameters, BCS, rectal temperature, and milk yield were
submitted to ANOVA and analysed by repeated measures in the MIXED procedure of
SAS (SAS Institute, Version 9.4). The covariance structure (compound symmetry,
autoregressive order, and spatial power) with the lowest AICC (Littell et al., 1998)
was included in the MIXED model. Health status (HS; RP, MET, and H groups), time
(–14, –3, 1, 3, 7, 28 DFC or weeks from parturition in the case of lying analysis and
milk yield), and their interactions were used as fixed effects; cows were nested
within the disorder group as the random effect. Data were considered significant at
P 0.05, using the PDIFF statement in SAS. In addition, when a significant
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
interaction was identified, Tukey’s post hoc procedure was used to compare least
squares means between health status groups at each time point.
Health status
All cows in the RP group (n = 10) developed MET. The average
detection date for MET was 6 2 DFC in RP and 8 3 in MET.
Following the scoring system proposed by Urton et al. (2005), cows
with RP had an average score of 3.2 0.8 and cows with MET had
an average score of 2.5 0.8. No signs of lameness or other
disorders were observed.
Lying behaviour
Patterns of daily lying time and lying time per bout are
presented in Fig. 1A and B, respectively. Average daily lying time
throughout the period under investigation was 691 26.4,
748 30.1, and 692 28.7 min/day (mean SEM) for healthy
cows, cows with RP, and cows with MET, respectively. Lying time
remained at similar lengths from week –6 to week –1, was reduced
between week –1 and week 1 (P < 0.01), then remained stable
thereafter. Compared with healthy cows, the RP group had a longer
lying time during most of the experimental period (HS*T; P < 0.01),
especially in the 3 weeks before calving (P < 0.05). Lying time was
not longer in the RP group than in healthy cows in the first week
after calving (P = 0.06).
Average lying time per bout was 74.8 3.8 min, with a marked
reduction after calving (89.9 2.1 min before calving and
63.7 2.1 min after calving). Lying time was stable during the
dry period until week –2, decreased from week –2 to week 1
(P < 0.01), then stable. This parameter did not differ overall among
groups, but the interaction effect (HS*T; P < 0.01; Fig. 1B) revealed a
Fig. 1. Least squares means ( standard error) of lying time (A; min/day) and lying
per bout (B; min/bout) around calving in Holstein dairy cows grouped by health
status: healthy (H, n = 13; cows without clinical diseases), cows diagnosed with
retained placenta (RP, n = 10) and cows diagnosed with metritis (MET; n = 11). HS,
overall effect of health status; T, overall effect of time (–14, –3, 1, 3, 7, and 28 DFC);
HS*T, effect of interaction between health status and time.
Significant differences (P 0.05) between H, RP, and MET groups within each
time point relative to calving.
slightly different pattern in healthy and sick cows. Cows with MET
had longer lying bouts than other cows during the dry period
(week -6 and -5; P < 0.05). Healthy cows had numerically longer
lying bouts than sick cows after calving, but this difference was not
statistically significant (P > 0.05).
BCS, rectal temperature, and milk yield
Patterns of BCS, rectal temperature, and milk yield are displayed
in Fig. 2. Overall, statistically significant differences were not
observed between groups for BCS, but the reduction in BCS was
higher in cows that developed a disease, resulting in an interaction
effect (HS*T; P = 0.02; Fig. 2A). The RP group had a more
pronounced reduction in BCS than healthy cows or cows with MET.
Health status did not affect overall rectal temperature.
However, an interaction effect HS*T (P = 0.02; Table 2) revealed
a different pattern for rectal temperature between disorder groups
over time. Differences were statistically significant at 7 DFC, with a
higher rectal temperature in cows with RP compared with healthy
cows and those with MET (P < 0.01; Fig. 2B). No differences were
detected between healthy cows and those with MET.
Higher milk yield in the first 4 weeks of lactation was recorded
for healthy cows compared with cows with RP and those with MET
(HS*T; P = 0.05; Fig. 2C).
Metabolic profiles
Least squares means of plasma biomarkers are summarized in
Table 2. Compared with healthy cows and those with MET, urea
concentration was higher in cows with RP at 1 DFC (HS*T; P < 0.01;
Fig. 3A). Compared with healthy cows, NEFA concentration was
higher in cows with RP and those with MET at 1 DFC (HS; P = 0.05;
Fig. 3B). At 3 DFC, cows with RP had higher BHB concentrations
compared with healthy cows (P = 0.01), but not compared with
those with MET (P = 0.07)
Compared with healthy cows, magnesium concentration was
lower in cows with RP and those with MET (HS; P < 0.05). The
interaction HS*T effect (P < 0.05; Fig. 3C) demonstrated important
differences between groups over time. The largest differences were
observed after calving, with the lowest values in the disorder
groups at 3 and 7 DFC compared with the H group (P < 0.01). No
effect was detected for calcium, phosphorus, potassium, or
chlorine (P > 0.05).
AST-GOT concentrations were lower before calving in cows with
RP and those with MET compared with healthy cows. Cows with RP
had higher AST-GOT concentrations up to 7 DFC, then lower
concentrations at 28 DFC, compared with cows with MET and
healthy cows (HS*T; P < 0.01; Fig. 3D). Other liver function
biomarkers were not affected (GGT, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, total protein; P > 0.05).
Among positive acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin was higher
in cows with RP and those with MET at 7 DFC (P < 0.01), and an
interaction effect occurred (HS*T; P = 0.04; Fig. 3E). No differences
were observed in ceruloplasmin concentrations (P > 0.05). Among
the negative acute-phase proteins, compared with healthy cows,
the increase in cholesterol concentrations in the first month of
lactation was not statistically different in cows with RP and those
with MET (HS*T; P = 0.06; Fig. 4C). Albumins and paraoxonase were
lower for both groups at 7 DFC (HS*T; P < 0.01; Fig. 3F and 4B). Zinc
concentrations were not different in the RP and MET groups
compared with healthy cows (HS; P = 0.08; Fig. 4A). While there
was no difference at 3 DFC when the RP and MET groups were
compared with healthy cows (P = 0.10 and P = 0.09, respectively),
there was a statistically significant reduction in plasma zinc
concentration at –3 DFC for cows with MET (P = 0.01), compared
with healthy cows.
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
Table 2
Least squares mean (LSM) of plasma biomarkers in periparturient Holstein cows
from -14 to 28 days relative to calving with different health status: healthy (H,
n = 13; cows without clinical diseases), cows diagnosed with retained placenta (RP,
n = 10) and cows diagnosed with metritis (MET; n = 11).
Health status
(n = 34)
Temperature, C
Hematocrit, L/L
Glucose, mmol/La
Urea, mmol/L
NEFA, mmol/La
BHB, mmol/La
Creatinine, mmol/L
Calcium, mmol/L
Phosphorus, mmol/L
Magnesium, mmol/L
Sodium, mmol/L
Potassium, mmol/L
Chlorine, mmol/L
Zinc, mmol/L
Cholesterol, mmol/L
Ceruloplasmin, mmol/L
Albumin, g/L
Globulin, g/L
Alkaline phosphatase, U/La
Bilirubin, mmol/La
Total protein, g/L
Haptoglobin, g/L
Paraoxonase, U/mL
ROM, mgH2O2/100 m L
SHp, mmol/L
Myeloperoxidase, U/La
FRAP, mmol/L TEa
Retinol, mg/100 m L
Tocoferol, mg/mLa
β-carotene, mg/100 m L
AST-GOT, aspartate aminotransferase–glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase; GGT,
g-glutamyltransferase; NEFA, non esterified fatty acids; BHB, β-hydroxybutyrate;
ROM, reactive oxygen metabolites; SHp, protein thiol groups; FRAP, ferric-reducing
ability of plasma; SEM, highest standard error of the mean; HS, overall effect of
health status; T, overall effect of time (-14, -3, 1, 3, 7, and 28 DFC); HS*T, effect of
interaction between health status and time.
Log10 back-transformed LSM.
Fig. 2. Least squares means ( standard error) of body condition score (BCS; A),
rectal temperature (B; C), and milk yield (C, Kg/day) around calving in Holstein
dairy cows grouped by health status: healthy (H, n = 13; cows without clinical
diseases), cows diagnosed with retained placenta (RP, n = 10), and cows diagnosed
with metritis (MET; n = 11). HS, overall effect of health status; T, overall effect of
time (–14, –3, 1, 3, 7, and 28 DFC); HS*T, effect of interaction between health status
and time.
Significant differences (P 0.05) between H, RP, and MET groups within each
time point relative to calving.
Retinol was lower in cows with RP and those with MET at 7 DFC
compared with healthy cows (HS*T; P = 0.02; Fig. 4D), whereas
there was no difference in plasma tocopherol between groups.
Oxidative stress biomarkers did not differ among groups (i.e.,
myeloperoxidase, thiol groups, FRAP, ROM, β-carotene).
In this study, we investigated the relationship between lying
behaviour before and after the diagnosis of a uterine disease during
the transition period in Holstein cows. Automatic measurements of
cow behaviour could be used as an early indicator to improve
prevention and treatment of some diseases (Weary et al., 2009). In
a recent study, Piñeiro et al. (2019) investigated the relationships
between lying time, blood biomarkers, and diseases. In particular,
lying time had a linear association with the risk of ketosis and a
quadratic association with the concentration of NEFA at 7 and 14
days after calving in that study.
In our study, in agreement with Kaufman et al. (2016), we
observed that cows had similar patterns for daily lying time and
lying time per bout around the time of calving, with higher values
during the dry period (approximately 13 h/day), a sudden decrease
approaching the time of calving, then a stabilization around the
values recorded at calving (approximately 11 h/day). Hendriks
et al. (2019) reported similar data for lying time around the time of
calving for healthy grazing cows, but less time spent lying on
average. These differences between dry and lactation periods could
be attributed to the stress of calving and the huge changes that
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
Fig. 3. Least squares means ( standard error) of significant plasma biomarkers around calving in Holstein dairy cows grouped by health status: healthy (H, n = 13; cows
without clinical diseases), cows diagnosed with retained placenta (RP, n = 10), and cows diagnosed with metritis (MET; n = 11).
Significant differences (P 0.05) between H, RP, and MET groups within each time point relative to calving.
occur in the transition period, such as lactogenesis, changes in
management and environments between dry and lactating cows,
and dietary modifications (Trevisi et al., 2016). Jensen et al. (2005)
suggested that heifers required lying for 12 h/day. In our study, this
threshold was exceeded by dry cows but was not reached by
lactating cows. This could be explained by the time spent away
from the pen for milking operations (up to 2 h/day) and the
increased time spent eating, considering that lactating cows
require twice the dry matter intake; both aspects reduce the
available time for lying (Gomez and Cook, 2010; Huzzey et al.,
2005). The average lying time during lactation in our study is
comparable to the results of several published studies (Bewley
et al., 2010; Ito et al., 2010; von Keyserlingk et al., 2012).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to
investigate the relationship between lying time and RP. Until the
first week after calving, cows that developed RP had a
significantly longer lying time than others involved in this study.
We hypothesized that this occurred because these cows were
already experiencing illness, which decreased the time dedicated
to feeding and increased time available for resting (Weary et al.,
2009), even though rectal temperature was not elevated.
Rodriguez-Jimenez et al. (2018) observed the same behaviour
pattern (increased lying time and lower dry matter intake) in
cows with subclinical ketosis. Further research on the link
between increased LT and RP might reveal interesting information
about the mechanisms involved.
Our study was unable to demonstrate a statistically significant
increase in the duration of lying bouts after calving when healthy
cows were compared with sick cows. This could have been due to
limitations in the statistical power of our study, perhaps due to
insufficient group sizes for statistical comparisons. However, if the
duration of each bout in healthy cows was longer, this could be
suggestive of either a more relaxed demeanour or different feeding
behaviour. Lomb et al. (2018) reported that healthy cows spent
more of their standing time at the feed bunk eating, whereas cows
with MET spent this time perching, standing in the stall, or in social
or abnormal lying-related behaviours. Despite lower milk yields in
sick cows in our study, this is also supported by the marked
decrease in BCS in cows with RP, suggesting a lower feed intake
compared with healthy cows. Feeding behaviour could be a
relevant factor in our analysis because major changes occur during
the peripartum period, especially in cows at increased risk of
disease (von Keyserlingk and Weary, 2010).
There was no difference in lying time between healthy cows and
those with MET in our study, which is consistent with Barragan
et al. (2018), who observed the same daily lying time in
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
Fig. 4. Least squares means ( standard error) of significant plasma biomarkers of negative acute-phase response around calving in Holstein dairy cows grouped by health
status: healthy (H, n = 13; cows without clinical diseases), cows diagnosed with retained placenta (RP, n = 10), and cows diagnosed with metritis (MET; n = 11).
Significant differences (P 0.05) between H, RP, and MET groups within each time point relative to calving.
multiparous cows with and without MET. In contrast, Neave et al.
(2018) reported a reduction in lying time and fewer lying bouts
before calving in cows diagnosed with MET, but no differences
after calving. In our study, MET had a less pronounced impact on
behaviour than RP. Based on work by Lomb et al. (2018), it is
possible that the absence of an increase in lying time in our study,
which usually occurs in response to sickness (Hart, 1988), was due
to visceral pain associated with MET that could have caused an
unwillingness to lie down.
Cows with RP had a higher rectal temperature than healthy
cows at 7 DFC. We could relate this increase to the inflammatory
status caused by the disorder or the onset of subsequent uterine
infection (Wenz et al., 2011). The absence of this increase in cows
with MET may have been associated with the less severe infection
status than in cows with RP, as demonstrated by lower uterine
discharge score. Besides lying time, this data could also support the
differences observed in milk yield. Lower production in sick cows is
consistent with the findings of Rajala and Gröhn (1998) for cows
with RP, and Huzzey et al. (2005) for cows with MET. Another
reason for reduced milk production in the RP group could have
been reduced feed intake. However, we cannot fully confirm this
hypothesis because dry matter intake was not recorded in this
study. We inferred such a response since these cows had a longer
lying time up until the first week postpartum, which could have
been related to less time spent eating. Sick animals typically devote
less time to feeding, drinking, and reproduction, increasing the
time for rest to conserve energy (Hart, 1988). This may also explain
the larger reduction in BCS observed in cows with RP, which was
not related to higher energy expenditure required for milk
synthesis. The response in cows with RP may also have been
modified by increased use of body fat, thereby reducing the
difference in milk yield between groups.
The analysis of the metabolic profile was carried out to assist
and support behavioural observations and to evaluate potential
differences in biomarker profiles between cows with or without a
disorder in the periparturient period.
As observed for BCS, the cows with RP and those with MET had
increased mobilization of body fat immediately after calving. This
result is supported by higher NEFA concentrations on the day after
calving and by higher BHB concentrations at 3 DFC. We speculate
that these cows spent less time eating and, consequently, had more
reduced feed intake, thus relying more heavily on body reserves to
support milk production. It is common for sick animals to exhibit
anorexia, fever, lethargy, and reduced social activities (Dantzer and
Kelley, 2007). Moreover, the mobilization of body fat can lead to
immune dysfunction in periparturient dairy cows and could induce
an inflammatory response (Sordillo and Raphael, 2013). Uterine
health disorders also appear to be related to impaired function of
peripheral blood neutrophils and negative energy balance
(Hammon et al., 2006). Since cows with uterine disorders eat
less, they have higher plasma NEFA and BHB, and consequently
decreased neutrophil function before diagnosis. The lower
magnesium concentration observed in sick cows in our study
could also be explained by reduced ingestion since magnesium is
usually well absorbed (Goff, 2008). Considering that diets were the
same for all groups, this difference may have resulted from a lower
feed intake. However, since the dry matter intake was not
measured in this study, we cannot fully confirm our speculations.
Uterine diseases such as RP and MET are known to cause a proinflammatory response. In this study, haptoglobin concentrations
were higher in the unhealthy groups in the first week after calving.
Plasma haptoglobin is an indicator of a positive acute-phase
response that is associated with a reduction of negative acutephase proteins, which are usually synthesised in the liver (Bertoni
et al., 2008). In this study, cows with RP and those with MET had
lower concentrations of albumin, paraoxonase, and retinol. These
observations support the presence of a mildly increased inflammatory status and impaired liver function (Bertoni et al., 2008).
Although there was not a statistically significant effect of
interaction between health status and time for plasma cholesterol,
which was lower in sick cows over the study period, we speculate
that recovery of liver function was not fully achieved in cows with
L. Cattaneo et al. / The Veterinary Journal 263 (2020) 105533
RP at 28 DFC (Bertoni et al., 2008). The lower plasma zinc
concentration in cows that developed a uterine disease could
suggest a more severe inflammatory status. It has been reported
that the plasma zinc concentration is reduced during the acutephase reaction because of increased liver synthesis of metallothionein, which sequesters zinc from blood to reduce pathogen
survival (Rink and Kirchner, 2000; Trevisi and Minuti, 2018). In this
study, retinol concentrations were lower in sick cows, especially at
7 DFC, suggesting a reduction of carrier proteins (retinol-binding
proteins) as a result of the acute-phase response (Bertoni and
Trevisi, 2013). In this context, the increased AST-GOT concentration
observed in the cows with RP indicated that impairment of liver
function occurred.
Cows later diagnosed with RP spent more time lying down
during the prepartum period and in the first week after calving.
The lying behaviour of the cows with MET was similar to those
that remained healthy. These results suggest that automatic
monitoring of lying time over the transition period may help
identify multiparous cows at risk for RP, and has the potential to
be used as a predictive tool in farm management. Associations
between lying time and other parameters, such as rumination
time and feeding behaviour, might help identify cows at
increased risk of ill health. However, further studies with more
statistical power are needed to determine reference ranges
for lying time in healthy cows in different environmental
Conflict of interest statement
None of the authors has any financial or personal relationships
that could inappropriately influence or bias the content of the
This study was funded by the ‘Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi
foundation’, Milan, Italy.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
online version, at doi:
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