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NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE Research Report 2005 Editor: Martin Wolpers, L3S June 2006 PROLEARN: Network of Excellence in Professional Learning http://www.prolearn(project.org PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Table of Contents Technology Enhanced Professional Learning..................................................................... 3 INTEROPERABILITY ....................................................................................................... 4 Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning ......................................................... 5 Interoperable Adaptive Educational Hypermedia: A Web Service Definition ...................... 8 Simple Query Interface Initiative ................................................................................ 11 Interoperability in an Educational Web: A Simple Query Interface (SQI) Opens(Up Learning Repositories ................................................................................................ 14 Integration of SQI to the Courseware Watchdog.......................................................... 17 SAmgI: Automatic Metadata Generation v2.0 .............................................................. 19 Learning Management System Assessment and Evaluation ........................................... 24 COMPETENCIES AND PERSONALISATION .......................................................................27 Knowledge work management: A conceptual integrated model..................................... 28 Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptive Learning ............................................. 34 Interactive Ontology(Based User Knowledge Acquisition: A Case Study ........................ 36 Integration of server(side and client(side solutions for the engineering of adaptive e( learning systems....................................................................................................... 38 Distributed Bayesian Networks for Learner Modelling in Personalized Professional Web( Based Learning......................................................................................................... 42 Privacy and data protection in professional technology(enhanced learning ..................... 45 Usability testing of Technology Enhanced Learning tools and outcomes......................... 48 Usability Evaluation Methods for Technology(Enhanced Learning Systems ..................... 50 COLLABORATIVE LEARNING ..........................................................................................53 Supporting network teaching and the learning of participants in a virtual class within a multi(cultural context ................................................................................................ 54 Recording and Publishing Online Meetings: The LOMI Experience ................................. 56 Working live telepresence: webcasting for professional learners.................................... 58 Conzilla, Confolio and FlashMeeting integration for enhanced professional e(Learning..... 61 Enabling an integrated network of online experiments ................................................. 64 EPFL Research Achievements in Web(based Experimentation ....................................... 67 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND LEARNING ..........................................................................70 Technology Enhanced Professional Learning: Processes, Challenges and Requirements .. 72 Research on Business Processes, Models & Markets for TEL ......................................... 75 Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of training management in European enterprises ............................................................................................................... 80 Research on Process(oriented Learning and Information Exchange .............................. 83 PROLEARN Virtual Competence Centre ....................................................................... 87 Professional Learning Cluster .........................................................................................90 PROLEARN Partners and Abbreviations ...........................................................................93 2 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Technology Enhanced Professional Learning The PROLEARN Network of Excellence (http://www.prolearn.eu) focuses on the support of professional learning through the usage of advanced technology. Professional learning refers here to any form of learning in and for the professional life of a citizen, including individual as well as organisational aspects of employers and employees. PROLEARN is the leading European network in technology enhanced professional learning. With its 21 core members and more than 350 associated participants PROLEARN integrates numerous communities active in professional learning, icluding eLearning, collaborative learning, databases, standards and interoperability, multimedia and online experiments. Results of the research activities motivated through and carried out in the context of PROLEARN are described in this report. Rather then structuring this report according to the organisational structure of PROLEARN / workpackages, the report clusters workpackage results according to four over(arching research themes: Interoperability, Competencies and Personalisation, Collaborative Learning, Business Processes and Learning. The cluster on Interoperability focuses on enabling interoperability among systems and paradigms relevant for TEL: personalized learning management systems as well as open access to content repositories and flexible exchange of learning objects and user data. In the corporate context competencies and personalisation are major driving factors. The corresponding cluster concentrates on identifying and discussing solutions for corporate personalized adaptive learning and knowledge intensive work through and related to competencies. Collaborative learning focuses on how collaboration media can foster group learning interactions and learning behaviours, including on tools for direct collaboration such as video conferencing, live presence tools and online experiments. The Business Processes and Learning cluster investigates questions of business process and corporate education interfaces and relationships from an organisational point of view. Corporate information systems act as bridge between business applications and information technology, supporting the education of employees through competency and business driven learning processes. Research work in PROLEARN has resulted in more than 300 publications in the last two years, and the European Conference Series on Technology Enhanced Learning initiated by PROLEARN provides an important forum for all European research in that area. Through joint collaborations PROLEARN researchers identified new issues and established numerous research projects on national and European levels. The Professional Learning Cluster PRO(LC (http://www.proffesional(learning(cluster.org) now integrates the most relevant European projects in technology enhanced professional learning Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S 3 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 INTEROPERABILITY Interoperability is essential if we want to realize an open infrastructure for learning that can put a wide diversity of tools and content in the hands of learners and teachers. Interoperability issues are relevant for learning object repositories, personalized learning management systems, mass customization of content, open exchange of learning activities, etc. In this section, we focus on more flexible, advanced and powerful uses of reusable learning objects. Our research focuses on: 1. A learning object ontology; 2. An empirical analysis of actual use of learning objects and metadata; 3. The automatic production and consumption of metadata; 4. Interoperability of personalized learning systems. Furthermore, we designed the Simple Query Interface that, already now, is the technical basis for a network of more than 15 international learning object repositories. The empirical analysis is now evolving into work on so(called “attention metadata” as a unifying framework. The automation of metadata has led to the development of the AMG (and now SamgI) framework for Automatic Metadata Generation. Several evaluations are undertaken to validate the respective approaches. Of course, as is often the case in scientific endeavours, these issues never completely “go away”: indeed, as we understand better the problems and what can be done about them, new research questions arise. From our viewpoint, “design for reuse” has become less relevant, as research on automatic de(/re(composition of learning objects strongly indicates that we can “work around” this issue and deconstruct learning material a posterior, rather than asking users to prepare the material for reuse a priori. Semantic interoperability will be an upcoming research theme in 2006 and beyond. Erik Duval, KUL 4 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Interoperability in Personalized Adaptive Learning Milos Kravcik, Fraunhofer FIT (FHG) Milos.Kravcik@fit.fraunhofer.de Peter Dolog, L3S Research Center (L3S) dolog@l3s.de Lora Aroyo, TU Eindhoven (TUE) l.m.aroyo@tue.nl Geert/Jan Houben, Vrije Univ. Brussels Geert(Jan.Houben@vub.ac.be Fridolin Wild, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) Fridolin.Wild@wu(wien.ac.at Ambjörn Naeve, KTH amb@nada.hkt.se Keywords Semantic Interoperability, Learning Standards, Personalized Adaptive Learning, Meta(Data. Objectives Personalized adaptive learning requires semantic(based and context(aware systems to manage the Web knowledge efficiently as well as to achieve semantic interoperability between heterogeneous information resources and services. The technological and conceptual differences can be bridged either by means of standards or via approaches based on the Semantic Web. Our work deals with the issue of semantic interoperability of educational contents on the Web by considering the integration of learning standards, Semantic Web, and adaptive technologies to meet the requirements of learners. Our research objectives include analysis of the state of the art and the main challenges in this field, including also metadata access and design issues related to adaptive learning. Approach/Results Semantic interoperability can be achieved when models are available that more or less resemble each other and where not too many (semantic) differences are to be detected and resolved. We discuss the implications put forth by semantic interoperability when applied to adaptive systems. This encompasses types, architectures, representations, and interoperability problems emerging from distributed adaptive personalisation in technology enhanced learning. Then, we present a formal model for personalized adaptive learning and give an overview on existing interoperability alternatives, related standards, and projects. Investigation of issues related to the access of meta(data in interoperable personalized adaptive learning solutions follows. We focus on querying learning object repositories at first to subsequently present an illustrative example of querying learner profiles. Summarized is 5 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 the status quo reached so far in personalized adaptive learning interoperability and problems which we feel need to be tackled in the future are identified. Our article is aiming to map the current situation in the area of interoperability for adaptive learning components. We have focused on general aspects of semantic interoperability of adaptive systems, formal models and standards, as well as access to metadata, and have given examples of concrete tools, approaches and applications. Interoperability demands can be recognized both at the horizontal level (between various systems) and at the vertical one (between formal models). In none of these two cases we can be satisfied with the existing solutions. There exist standard based solutions supporting interoperability of learning objects and learner models. Standardized learning design enables interoperability between systems, but is not reusable in general. Interoperability of domain ontologies is an open issue, for the context and adaptation models standards are still missing. We can state that in this field we are still far from achieving general interoperability, since the different standards are not enough to realize it and therefore a mediation based or Semantic Web based approach is still to be devised to reach reasonable results. This puts also the impressive looking list of standards and tools in the field in a realistic perspective. Figure: Enhanced Adaptive Hypermedia Application Model References [1] M. Kravcik, L. Aroyo, P. Dolog, G.(J. Houben, A. Naeve, M. Nilsson, B. Simon, F. Wild: PROLEARN Deliverable 1.2 Interopearbility of Adaptive Learning Components, June 2005. [2] L. Aroyo, P. Dolog, G.(J. Houben, M. Kravcik, A. Naeve, M. Nilsson, F. Wild: Interoperability of Personalized Adaptive Learning, submitted to the IFETS Online Journal special issue on Interoperability of Educational Systems, April 2006. [3] Marcus Authoring Specht, Learning Milos Objects Kravcik in (2005) Context 6 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 ProLearn(iClass Thematic Workshop (Leuven, Belgium, March http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~hmdb/ProlearnIClass/papers/specht.htm 2005) [4] Milos Kravcik, Marcus Specht (2005) Experience with WINDS Virtual University. Piet Kommers, Griff Richards (eds.) Proc. of the ED(MEDIA 2005 Conference, Montreal, 642(649 http://www.aace.org/newdl/index.cfm?fuseaction=Reader.ViewAbstract&paper_id= 20155 [5] Violeta Damjanovic, Milos Kravcik, Vladan Devedzic (2005) eQ: An Adaptive Educational Hypermedia(based BDI Agent System for the Semantic Web, D. G. Sampson, P. Goodyear (eds.) Proc. of the ICALT 2005 Conference, Kaohsiung http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICALT.2005.142 [6] Violeta Damjanovic, Milos Kravcik, Vladan Devedzic (2005) An Approach to the Realization of Personalized Adaptation by Using eQ Agent System, Proc. of the PerSWeb Workshop on Personalization on the Semantic Web, UM 2005 Conference, Edinburgh http://www.win.tue.nl/persweb/Camera(ready/2(Damjanovic(short.pdf 7 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Interoperable Adaptive Educational Hypermedia: A Web Service Definition Maram Meccawy, University of Nottingham mzm@cs.nott.ac.uk Ilknur Celik, University of Nottingham ixc@cs.nott.ac.uk Alexandra Cristea, Technical University Eindhoven (TUE) a.i.cristea@tue.nl Craig Stewart, University of Nottingham and Queen Mary University of London craig.stewart@elec.qmul.ac.uk Tim Brailsford, University of Nottingham Tim.Brailsford@nottingham.ac.uk Helen Ashman, University of Nottingham hla@cs.nott.ac.uk Keywords Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia, Web Services, XML, WSDL, MOT, AHA!, WHURLE, LAOS. Objectives We are looking into an innovative approach to resolving the authoring and interchanging of educational material problem, based on one of the newest developments of the Internet, web services. The ultimate goal is that of reusing and interchanging freely adaptive e(learning material, and create our own web(service based approach. Today’s learners expect high quality, relevant educational materials, delivered to them in a timely and appropriate manner. The personalisation of static, ‘one(size(fits(all’ content is the goal of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH) systems. However, the rapid state of development within this field has led to the creation of many on(line educational delivery systems (e.g., MOT, Interbook, AHA!, TANGOW, WHURLE). These systems employ a varying degree of adaptivity to different dimensions of the learner, such as background knowledge, Learning Styles, and/or educational context. In addition each of these AEH systems uses its own content model, coding methodology, and style. This results in a high degree of complexity and confusion for the authors of content for these systems. In an ideal world an author would create content once and be able to use it in any system they desired, exactly as they do for Web content and there should be as little repetition of creation as possible, thereby reducing the time and effort the author must invest in using AEH systems. Aiding the author in this way would encourage use of AEH systems and bring the benefits of a personalised education to many more end users. This paper addresses this issue by designing a standards(based approach to interoperability, specifically the ongoing work of 8 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 using WSDL (Web Services Description Language) to enable the transfer and conversion of data between the AEH systems MOT and WHURLE. Approach/Results The goal of interoperability between the multitude of AEH systems is relatively new. Previous research efforts have involved one to one conversions, such as Interbook to AHA!, MOT to AHA!, MOT to WHURLE and MOT to Blackboard Whilst individual systems may make use of standards (AHA! & WHURLE both use XML, Blackboard uses SCORM), the conversion systems currently developed do not, with the exception of the CAF language which uses XML. Whilst valuable insight has been gained from these one(to(one conversions, this has resulted in several conversion systems that are themselves not interoperable. In other words, some one( to(one conversions are possible, but others are not (e.g., MOT to Blackboard and MOT to AHA! is possible, but AHA! to Blackboard not). It is obviously needed to move an extra step in order to achieve multi(to(multi conversion. This research reports on improvements to the previous work of the MOT to WHURLE conversion, which was written in Java and has proven difficult to generalize and extend to other conversions. To enhance the use of this conversion it was decided to use Web Services. A web service is a software application which is identified by a URL like ordinary websites, however. It can be accessed remotely by another application. The difference between web services and websites that make web services unique is in fact the type of interaction that they can provide. The level of interoperability provided through web services by allowing application(to(application integration resulted in its rapidly growing popularity. Thus, some argue that web services are the "next evolution of the web". Using this approach the authors chose to implement a MOT to WHURLE conversion, in such a manner that the Web Service would be easily extensible. The open nature of the Web Service description would enable any system conversion engineer to add additional AEH system data input and output streams. This would mean for a teacher creating adaptive material for which (s)he wouldn’t have to worry about keeping up with the growing complexity and different releases of authoring and delivering of learning software, as these issues can be then delegated to a different level, or even solved automatically in some cases. References [1] P. Brusilovsky, Sosnovsky, S., and Yudelson, M.: Adaptive Hypermedia Services for E(Learning. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Applying Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques to Service Oriented Environments at the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web(Based Systems (AH'2004), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, August 23, 2004. Published as No. CS(Report 04(19, Technische University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. pp. 470(479. [2] P. De Bra, A. Aerts, B. Berden, B. De Lange, B. Rousseau, T. Santic, D. Smits, N. Stash: AHA! The Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture. In: Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Nottingham, UK, 81(84, 2003. 9 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [3] R. M. Carro, E. Pulido, P. Rodríguez: Designing Adaptive Web(based Courses with TANGOW. In: Proceedings of the 7th Int. Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE'99, Chiba, Japan, V. 2, 697(704, November 4 ( 7, 1999. [4] A. Cristea, A. De Mooij: LAOS: Layered WWW AHS Authoring Model and its corresponding Algebraic Operators. In: Proceedings of the 14th Intl. World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, ACM, Hungary 20(24 May 2003. [5] A. Cristea, A. De Mooij: Adaptive Course Authoring: MOT, My Online Teacher. In: Proceedings of ICT(2003, IEEE LTTF International Conference on Telecommunications, "Telecommunications + Education" Workshop, Feb 23 ( March 1, 2003, Tahiti Island in Papetee ( French Polynesia. [6] A.I. Cristea, D. Smits, P. De Bra: Writing MOT, Reading AHA! ( converting between an authoring and a delivery system for adaptive educational hypermedia, A3EH Workshop, AIED'05, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [7] N. Henze: Personalization Services for e(Learning in the Semantic Web. 2nd International Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web(Based Education: Tools and reusability (WASWBE'05) at AIED'05, 18(22 July 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [8] G. Power, H. Davis, A. Cristea C. Stewart, H. Ashman: Goal Oriented Personalisation with SCORM. The 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 5(8, 2005, Kaohsiung,Taiwan. [9] A. Moore, T.J. Brailsford, C.D. Stewart: Personally tailored teaching in WHURLE using conditional transclusion. In: Proceedings of the twelfth ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Denmark, 2001. [10] MOT, My Online Teacher, described at: http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~acristea/mot.html [11] SCORM, Sharable Content Object Reference th http://www.adlnet.org/scorm/index.cfm, accessed 26 February, 2006 [12] SOAP, SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging th http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12(part1/, accessed 26 February, 2006. Model, Framework, [13] C. Stewart, A. Cristea, A. Moore, T. Brailsford, H. Ashman: Authoring and Delivering Adaptive Courseware, International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia, AH2004, Eindhoven, Netherlands, August 2004. [14] Web Services, http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/, accessed 26th February, 2006 [15] WSDL, Web Services Description Language th http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl, accessed 26 February, 2006 (WSDL) 1.1, [16] XML, Extensible Markup Language, http://www.w3.org/XML/, accessed 26th February, 2006 10 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Simple Query Interface Initiative Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) erik.duval@cs.kuleuven.be Stefaan Ternier, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) stefaan.ternier@cs.kuleuven.be David Massart, European Schoolnet (EUN) david.massart@eun.org Frans Van Assche, European Schoolnet (EUN) frans.van.assche@eun.org Daniel Olmedilla, L3S Research Center (L3S) olmedilla@l3s.de Keywords Semantic Interoperability, Learning Standards, Metadata. Objectives The goal of this initiative is to bridge the world of learning object repositories. Unifying different paradigms for the management and access of learning object will help accelerating the evolution towards a critical mass of easily available, relevant learning objects of high quality. The overall objective of these activities is to build up a global Network of learning object repositories. We have focused so far mainly on an Application Programme Interface (API) which we call the Simple Query Interface (SQI) [10, 12]. This collaborative effort to make interoperable highly heterogeneous repositories has led to the following requirements: 1. The API needs to be neutral in terms of results format, query schema and query language: No assumptions can be made about these components of the interoperability stack. 2. The API needs to support synchronous and asynchronous queries in order to allow its application in varied scenarios. 3. The API needs to support both a stateful and a stateless approach. 4. The API shall be based on a session management concept in order to separate authentication issues from query management. Approach/Results We realized our goals with two different approaches. On the one hand, we integrated existing repositories and referatories into existing search infrastructures. On the other hand, 11 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 we created several SQI wrappers around existing search engines and specifications for search services. A UDDI registry has been set up to ease the process of integrating further repositories. All partners (PROLEARN and beyond) involved in this initiative can register their SQI enabled search engine, providing machine readable information on what query languages are supported and more human readable information (like a description of the search engine or a contact person).The registry shows the repositories that are operated on a production level basis (see http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.be/SqiInterop/free/SQIImplementationsRegistry.jsp) So far, a query tool is operational that already uses this registry to dynamically load SQI enabled repositories. Generally speaking, we distinguish three different kinds of implementations that benefit largely from out interoperability enabling approach: 1. Gateways to third party systems: Creating gateways to other specifications for searching involves the development of software that maps SQI requests to other specifications. In that respect, wrappers to the following systems were created. The first two listed repositories enable access to the user’s search space, the latter provide access to a group of repositories: • SQI gateway into the lionshare [5] p2p network • SQI gateway that searches OKI repository OSID implementations • SQI gateway to the eduSource Communication Layer (connecting the LORNET [6] repositories) • SQI gateway to Edna search API [3]. This gateway provides a connection to the Australian repositories that implement the EdNA search API. • A search index that contains harvested OAI metadata has been created. This is necessary to include repositories that only allow harvesting (instead of searching). • An Edutella [11, 13] SQI gateway was created. 2. Gateways to SQI: There is considerable interest in other communities to connect to the SQI enabled network of repositories: • The OKI [9] repository OSID adapter for SQI provides the ability to search content in SQI repositories to all existing OKI(enabled search and retrieval tools (i.e. LionShare, Learn eXact Package, HarvestRoad Hive Explorer, Tufts VUE, Sakai Twin Peaks and SearchParty) and vice versa.,. • An ECL gateway to SQI enables interoperability from and to the ECL world. • The Merlot [7] federated search system searches in ARIADNE through SQI and vice versa. 3. Native implementations: Native implementations refer to implementations that rely on SQI as an essential component in their software architecture. Note that the software projects listed here use different programming language. This proves that the standard is truly interoperable. • NIME [8] has created a PHP based wrapper on top of its search infrastructure. • Ariadne [1] natively supports SQI • Educanext [4] natively supports SQI • Calibrate [2] natively supports SQI • FIRE [14] natively supports SQI • Limbs [15] natively supports SQI 12 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 • • eMapps.com [16, 17] natively supports SQI iClass [18, 19] natively supports SQI References [1] ARIADNE, http://www.ariadne(eu.org [2] Calibrate, http://calibrate.eun.org/ [3] EdNa, http://www.edna.edu.au/ [4] EducaNext, http://www.educanext.org/ubp [5] LionShare, http://lionshare.its.psu.edu/main/ [6] LORNET, http://www.lornet.org/ [7] MERLOT, http://www.merlot.org [8] NIME, http://nime.ac.jp/ [9] Open Knowledge Initiative, http://www.okiproject.org/ [10] B. Simon, D. Massart, F. van Assche, S. Ternier, E. Duval, S. Brantner, D. Olmedilla, Z. Miklós: A Simple Query Interface for Interoperable Learning Repositories. Workshop on Interoperability of Web(Based Educational Systems in conjunction with 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'05). May, 2005, Chiba, Japan. [11] D. Olmedilla, M. Palmér: Interoperability for Peer(to(Peer Networks: Opening P2P to the rest of the World. Workshop on Interoperability of Web(Based Educational Systems in conjunction with 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'05). May, 2005, Chiba, Japan. [12] S. Ternier, E. Duval: Interoperability of repositories: the Simple Query Interface in ARIADNE. Prolearn(iClass Thematic Workshop, March, 2005, Leuven, Belgium. [13] S. Ternier, D. Olmedilla, E. Duval: Peer(to(Peer versus Federated Search: towards more Interoperable Learning Object Repositories. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 2005. [14] FIRE, http://fire.eun.org/ [15] Limbs, http://limbs.sourceforge.net/ [16] eMapps.com, http://emapps.com/ [17] Minor, http://minor.sourceforge.net/ [18] iClass, http://www.iclass.info/ [19] D. Massart: A “simple query interface” adapter for the discovery and exchange of learning resources. International Journal on E(Learning (IJEL), 5(1):151(159, 2006. Special Issue: Learning Objects in Context. 13 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Interoperability in an Educational Web: A Simple Query Interface (SQI) Opens/Up Learning Repositories Bernd Simon, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) bernd.simon@wu(wien.ac.at Stefan Sobernig, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) stefan.sobernig@wu(wien.ac.at Fridolin Wild, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) fridolin.wild@wu(wien.ac.at Keywords Application Programming Interface, Brokerage, Educational Mediators, Infrastructure, Interoperability, Learning Object Meta(Data, Learning Repositories, Standards, Querying. Objectives The Web puts a huge number of learning resources within reach of anyone with Internet access. However, many valuable resources are difficult to find, because they are hidden in the closed and proprietary worlds of brokerage platforms, learning (content) management systems, streaming media servers, and online collaboration tools. The aim of this area of work within PROLEARN is therefore targeted towards the investigation, modelling, and development of an adequate interoperable infrastructure giving external access to otherwise internal retrieval services for querying learning object meta(data in learning repositories. Approach/Results While for many interoperability aspects wide(spread solutions do exist, the educational domain is still lacking interoperable application services that take advantage of standards such as IEEE LOM, WSDL/SOAP, and XML. Most prominently, a standardised facility is missing enabling the search for learning objects’ meta(data beyond traditional tools & system barriers. Performing a search constitutes a typical process for everyone involved in teaching and learning. For example, pupils complement things they have learned in school by looking for learning resources when working on a homework assignment. Teachers aim at enriching their courses with external resources in order to reduce their own workload through re(use while increasing the effectiveness of their course at the same time. Employees responsible for personnel development try to find a cost(efficient but effective learning arrangement that fill a particular competence gap. Beyond the individual level and on an institution level, interoperability is a driving force for integrating organisations, improving decision making processes, or expanding electronic distribution channels. Within PROLEARN, various initiatives (Ariadne, Edutella, Elena, iClass, EducaNext, among others) have been brought together to assemble requirements from the different professional 14 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 learning contexts – i.e., schools, higher education, workplace learning, vocational training, and personnel development. Furthermore and under the auspices of the CEN/ISSS Learning Technologies Workshop, this group jointly developed a common interface for querying learning repositories. As Figure 1 depicts, this Simple Query Interface (SQI) regulates the communication process between a requesting source system (‘consumer’ or ‘requestor’) and an answering target system (‘provider’). The application service for querying specifies a number of methods to exchange control messages, queries, and effecting results. For more information, see (van Asche et al., 2006). Figure 1: Communication between two repositories. Through an extensive case study with more than a dozen integration cases, the practical applicability has been tested and iteratively yielded several modifications of the interface to become finally standardised on 17th of October 2005. Furthermore, several integration cases could be identified which seem to form recurring patterns for developing an integrated service(oriented architecture in the educational domain: (Web() Service Gateway, RDBMS(based Integration, RDF and XML File Harvesting, XML Database Integration, and HTTP Proxy. For more information, see (Simon et al., 2006). References [1] Frans van Assche, Erik Duval, David Massart, Daniel Olmedilla, Bernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Stefaan Ternier, Fridolin Wild: Spinning Interoperable Applications for Teaching & Learning (to appear). [2] Bernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Fridolin Wild, Sandra Aguirre, Stefan Brantner, Peter Dolog, Gustaf Neumann, Gernot Huber, Tomaz Klobucar, Sascha Markus, Zoltán Miklós, Wolfgang Nejdl, Daniel Olmedilla, Joaquin Salvachua, Michael Sintek, Thomas Zillinger: Interoperability on the Educational Web: Elena’s Smart Space for Learning (to appear). [3] B. Simon, D. Olmedilla, N. Saito: Special Issue on Interoperability of Educational Systems, Journal of Educational Technology & Society (to appear, April 2006). 15 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [4] B. Simon, D. Massart, F. van Assche, S. Ternier, E. Duval, S. Brantner, D. Olmedilla, Z. Miklos: A Simple Query Interface for Interoperable Learning Repositories. In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Interoperability of Web(based Educational Systems, 11(18, Chiba, Japan, May, 2005. [5] G. Rivera, B. Simon, J. Quemada, J. Salvachua: Improving LOM(Based Interoperability of Learning Repositories. In: Proceedings of the OTM 2004 Workshop on Ontologies, Semantics and E(learning, October 2004. 16 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Integration of SQI to the Courseware Watchdog Christoph Schmitz, L3S Research Center (L3S) schmitz@l3s.de Gerd Stumme, L3S Research Center (L3S) stumme@l3s.de Keywords Courseware Watchdog, SQI, web service, integration. Objectives The existing Courseware Watchdog application [4, 5] was designed around the idea of a user having her own knowledge base on her machine, describing learning objects with metadata that she had modeled herself or gathered from outside sources. New information could be integrated using either the Edutella P2P system for integrating information represented in RDF directly, or via crawling full text from the web and then using the ontology learning module. Recently, the SQI interface has been defined in order to build a network of collaborating learning repositories, from which the Watchdog should be able to benefit by obtaining metadata from any repository communicating in SQI. The new functionality needed in order to enable Courseware Watchdogs to take part in the SQI network being established in PROLEARN consists of a new backend module for interacting with other SQI(enabled learning repositories as well as the corresponding frontend for querying and displaying the results. Approach/Results As the functionality regarding SQI is somewhat similar to that which enables Edutella integration, the changes needed to be made were limited to the adaptation of the Edutella module. The Edutella module was reworked, so that it can now be used to query SQI repositories as well as Edutella peers using the QEL family of languages. Queries can be stored in a query repository, so that elaborate QEL queries need not be typed manually. Typically, a user would select from a pre(fabricated set of query templates, but she can also set up her own queries in QEL or Datalog syntax. The resulting SQI functionality was tested against the repositories from the SQI Implementations Registry. In the registry, PROLEARN participants can supply links and information to web services communicating through SQI: http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/vqwiki(2.5.5/jsp/Wiki?SQIImplementationsRegistry As with Edutella, the information retrieved from the SQI network can be seamlessly integrated into the user's knowledge base and re(used in all other components of the Courseware Watchdog. We successfully tested the SQI functionality with those repositories capable of using QEL queries on RDF data over SQI. 17 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Participants Gerd Stumme, Christoph Schmitz, Julien Tane (L3S) ( SQI integration into Courseware Watchdog WUW, CLIX/IMC, Educanext/UPM ( SQI Repositories within PROLEARN: Support in testing the interoperability References [1] Christoph Schmitz. Towards Self(Organizing Communities in Peer(to(Peer Knowledge Management. Proc. ESWC 2005 Workshop on Ontologies in Peer(to(Peer Communities, Heraklion, Greece, June 2005. [2] Julien Tane and Christoph Schmitz and Gerd Stumme. Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An ELearning Application. Proc. 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004), New York City, May 2004. [3] Christoph Schmitz and Steffen Staab and Christoph Tempich. Socialisation in Peer(to(Peer Knowledge Management. Proc. International Conference on Knowledge Management (I( Know 2004), Graz, Austria, 2004. [4] Julien Tane and Christoph Schmitz and Gerd Stumme and Steffen Staab and Rudi Studer. The Courseware Watchdog: an ontology(based tool for finding and organizing learning material. Fachtagung “Mobiles Lernen und Forschen”, Kassel, 2003. [5] Christoph Schmitz and Steffen Staab and Rudi Studer and Gerd Stumme and Julien Tane Accessing Distributed Learning Repositories through a Courseware Watchdog. Proc. E(Learn 2002: World Conference on E(Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Montreal, 2002. 18 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 SAmgI: Automatic Metadata Generation v2.0 Michael Meire, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) michael.meire@cs.kuleuven.be Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) erik.duval@cs.kuleuven.be Lorin Metzger, Penn State University lmetzger@psu.edu Gonzalo Parra, ESPOL(Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador xavier@cti.espol.edu.ec Keywords Automatic metadata generation, global architecture, abstract specification. Objectives We cannot (solely) rely on humans for metadata creation: humans "don't scale" and the metadata they create are not perfect. More importantly, it is hard to sustain manual creation of metadata! We want to enable automatic metadata generation and have developed a software framework for this purpose. The framework can generate metadata from the content of the learning object: as an example, a simple analysis of a limited amount of textual information suffices to determine the language of the learning object with very reasonable accuracy. More interestingly, we can also generate metadata from the context that the learning object is deployed in. An example of such a context is the Learning Management System within which the object is used. Approach/Results We have used our automatic metadata generation framework (AMG) to test the overall idea in proof(of(concept experiments. We have also included AMG as an automatic metadata generation step for already existing tools. What follows here is a brief summary of our experiences so far. In [1], we reported on early experiences: • Blackboard LMS: our first case study generated metadata for documents in the K.U.Leuven Blackboard installation. By using the information that is present in the LMS, we eventually could generate a reliable value for 17 out of the 18 metadata fields in the Leuven application profile of the Learning Object Metadata standard. The result of this work is available as an open source “BlackBoard Building Block”. • OpenCourseWare (OCW) documents: we wrote a specific indexer for all documents within OCW, reusing the already available metadata embedded in those documents, and adding new metadata. After those initial trials, we have deployed and evaluated our framework in a number of additional, larger scale and more diverse contexts. 19 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 • In the ARIADNE Search and Indexation tool, an automatic metadata generation step is initiated when a user uploads a document. First of all, the general AMG functionality is called, in order to for instance determine the language of the object. Generated values are combined with the user profile of the creator. The idea is that if the author for example does research in the field of Biology, then (most of) his documents will be in the Biology field. The creator profile is very valuable to generate values for domain classification related fields. The merging of the metadata values is of course done using the AMG MetadataMerger. • A SIDWebContextBasedIndexer was developed for the SIDWeb LMS, used within ESPOL. This Indexer takes information from the LMS (e.g.: the title of the course, the department of the lecturer, the description of the activity where the document is inserted, etc.) and deduces the value of metadata elements. The development of this indexer took 4 weeks of work of one programmer who was not involved in the creation of the AMG framework, which illustrates the flexibility and usability of the framework. The methods used to extract metadata values varies from very simple transformations to more complex approaches such as the automated classification of the resource in Science, Discipline and Sub(discipline through Latent Semantic Analysis. We relied on GPLed java libraries. We have also extended this implementation to Moodle. • AMG was also integrated in the submission process for entering a document into the DSpace system. The integration of AMG to the submission workflow took about 3 weeks of work for two programmers who were not involved with the AMG framework before. Much time was spent on the required changes to the DSpace submission workflow. The biggest issue encountered was that, in order to generate metadata, the accompanying file or files should be submitted before the metadata is entered. Once the file has been submitted and the metadata has been generated, the submitter can verify the metadata in a form where the generated metadata is already filled in. In the context of this work, a new content extractor has been developed to index docbook documents. These are highly structured text documents containing much metadata. An XSL transformation from LOM to qualified Dublin Core was added to AMG as well. In the first phase of our work, we mainly wanted to proof that AMG can work. Our experiences show that this is indeed the case if we are smart about the way we reuse existing information and contexts. However, AMG suffered from some limitations. 1. Originally, we relied on the ARIADNE LOM application profile, making it difficult for some of the case studies that need another metadata schema. This is important, because we want to develop an open, interoperable framework for automatic metadata generation. Consequently, we modified our implementation and now use a generic LOM Java API. 2. The difference between calling the framework in a standalone versus web service mode was not really clear. Therefore, we removed the web service specific aspect from the actual core of generating the metadata. 20 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 3. Originally, we had developed AMG as a Java application, which we turned into a web service with Axis 1.2.1. Axis automatically transforms the original calls to Java methods into SOAP messages. In this transformation, Axis binds the data types of the original methods to its own serialized format that will not necessarily be understood by other web services platforms. We solved this by first describing the operations that should be supported in a WSDL file that does not use web service platform specific data types. This makes sure that the serialized SOAP messages that are sent over the wire can be understood by all web services platforms (that implement the defined web services standards). 4. Our terminology turned out to be ambiguous and confusing. Consequently, we renamed some of the packages and classes. To accommodate the abovementioned limitations, we incorporated the original AMG framework into a larger framework. The main goal is to make a clear distinction between the actual core logic of generating metadata on the one hand, and the access of clients to that metadata generation process on the other hand. Clients should be able to use AMG, both in a web services way as in a standalone way, and this using the platform of their choice (Java, C#, …). 21 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 The figure above illustrates the new architecture: the first AMG system is incorporated into (the middle right of) a larger picture. In the new framework, our original structure is only concerned with the core metadata generation functionality. We now hide the internal structure from the end(user, and provide a Web 2.0 API to the outside world, in terms of an abstract service specification with a binding to WSDL. In doing this, we relied only on simple types, or types of which the serialized XML format is fully defined by an XML schema. This newly outlined API results in web services and standalone bindings for different platforms. Participants • ESPOL: the SIDWebContextBasedIndexer (see above) was developed basically for testing AMG on a rich source of raw data, like the SIDWeb LMS. The integration was pretty simple, due to the design of the AMG core. The metadata was obtained from the database of the LMS which describes the documents in many forms. Another goal was to extend AMG with new algorithms, in this case a keyword extractor algorithm (KEA). The KEA was trained with several documents in spanish to generate a classifier used to determine which words can describe the document’s content. With this approach we obtained 3 out of 5 meaningful keywords. Another algorithm tested was the WEKA, a collection of machine learning algorithms, used to classify the document within a course in SIDWeb basing its classification on the keywords extrated with the KEA algorithm. • Lionshare: LionShare is a peer to peer application designed to be used for secure sharing and distribution of learning objects. The application is intended to be used by everday computer users, with the expectation that those users have little time or desire to manually enter in metadata. From its inception, the LionShare project has focused on various forms of automatic metadata generation with an extension API to plug in new automatic metadata generators. This extension API made the integration of SamgI extremely simple. The most challenging part for the LionShare intergration was ensuring that all of the dependency on Open Source Java libraries didn't conflict with any existing dependencies in LionShare. This problem is not isolated to Samgi though, and is a known difficulty for most Open Source application development. Even with this challenge it took one programmer Lorin Metzger of Penn State University, approximately one week to integrate the new version of SAmgI into Lionshare. In this context he also extended the used LOM Java API, so that AMG can return Dublin Core in RDF format. SamgI was so comprehensive in its metadata generation that it not only duplicated existing efforts by the LionShare group at metadata generation, but expanded it well beyond anything that the LionShare group had the resources to produce. Due to the fact that Samgi is so comprehensive in its automatic metadata generation, the LionShare group plans to remove their existing efforts at metadata autogeneration and rely solely on Samgi to automatically generate metadata for the learning objects being shared. LionShare will release a new version of their application by Summer 2006 relying soley on Samgi to automatically generate metadata. 22 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 References [1] Kris Cardinaels, Michael Meire, Erik Duval: Automating Metadata Generation: the Simple Indexing Interface, International World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2005, May 10(14, 2005, Chiba, Japan. [2] Xavier Ochoa, Kris Cardinaels, Michael Meire, Erik Duval: Frameworks for the Automatic Indexation of Learning Management Systems Content into Learning Object Repositories, accepted for the ED(MEDIA 2005 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. [3] Simple AMG Interface, version 1.0 pre(alpha, http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.be/wordpress/amg/index.php/2005/09/21/abstract( specification(for(services(that(offer(automatic(metadata(generation/ [4] Ochoa, X., Evaluation experiment for comparing the quality of automatically versus humanly generated metadata. 2006, http://ariadne.cti.espol.edu.ec/Metrics/instructions.jsp [5] Greenberg, J., AMeGA (Automatic Metadata Generation Applications) project, http://ils.unc.edu/mrc/amega [6] Automatic Metadata http://epsilon.uwaterloo.ca/TextMiner/MetadataExtractor.aspx Extractor: 23 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Learning Management System Assessment and Evaluation Tanja Arh, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) tanja@e5.ijs.si Borka Jerman/Blažič, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) borka@e5.ijs.si Vladislav Rajkovič, University of Maribor vladislav.rajkovic@fov.uni(mb.si Keywords Learning management system, assessment, evaluation, multi(attribute model. Objectives In accordance with the fact that human resource development has been recognized as one of the most important elements for further development of modern societies, the current demands for new knowledge and skills has being constantly increased. Parallel to the wide range of possibilities offered by new generations of educational technologies, today it is possible to find on the market a number of Learning Management Systems (LMS) with different levels of functionality which are not appropriate for a definite user. Nevertheless, customers are often faced with the dilemma how to choose the optimum LMS for the implementation of education process for a definite target group. The research is focused on analysing and defining the optimum education and training technologies and systems, including the concrete tools and enabling the establishing of intelligent environments for e(learning (e(education and training). The general aim of this activity is focusing on the usability and applicability aspects of LMS in relation to different target groups and users. With the development of the multi(attribute decision making model, the research provides, on the basis of key criteria, the optimum LMS available for different scenarios and users. Approach/Results First research work was focused on the models for assessing the Learning Management System applicability and adequacy in different environments. This PROLEARN technical objective was followed through the development of a multi(attribute decision making model for the evaluation of LMSs and its application to three different LMS systems (Blackboard, Moodle, Clix). The model considers the wide range of different criteria covering the three basic scopes: Learning Environment, System, Technology and Standards, Tutoring & Didactics. The criteria can include the following values: ‘low’, ‘average’ or ‘high’; the only exception being the criteria where it is impossible to determine an intermediate value. 24 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 The evaluation process is the following1: • • • • Identify the problem. The user is assumed to have already indented the problem to be solved (which LMS to buy). Attributes and their structure. The set of attributes or criteria is defined. Each attribute needs to be described in some way. This is done by using a list of words or numbers. A typical list of values known as an attribute domain could be small, medium, high. Variables are then structured into a tree. Rule elicitation. The decision(maker is required to give some If(Then rules called elementary decision rules which explain how he feels about particular combinations of attribute values. Description and evaluation of options. Some sample options are selected for evaluation according to the rules just provided (Blachboard, Moodle, Clix…). The evaluation shows that every LMS does have its specific strengths, where it outdoes most of its competitors, whereas it is lacking in other aspects. A direct comparison is therefore nearly impossible. However, an interesting result is that the LMS can be divided into two main classes: those who are simple to use, and those who are more flexible and extensible. Easy to use platforms are the optimal choice for users and course designers who need to be able to efficiently create courses with just basic knowledge of web technology. No programming or advanced web(authoring skills are required. Extensible platforms, on the other hand, can be customized and adapted in terms of presentation and functionality. They have a fully accessible and documented programming interface, they allow the addition of new functionality to the server and they give full layout and navigation control to the course designers. However, they require highly skilled course designers and end users. The goal of this evaluation was not to select one winning LMS. Although it may seem obvious, there can be no such thing as the best LMS. A product needs to be chosen depending on the circumstances of a particular institution and users. Therefore, the evaluation results should be interpreted with a specific situation in mind. The research results are described in a Master Thesis and in a journal paper. Results of this research were presented as well to a conference. References [1] Tanja Arh, Vladislav Rajkovic, Borka Jerman(Blazic: Tehnološko podprto izobraževanje ( uporabnost in primernost sistemov za upravljanje e(izobraževanja (Technology(based education – usability and applicability of learning management systems). Organizacija (Kranj), 2005, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 386(393 (in Slovene). [2] Tanja Arh: Technology(based education ( System approach: evaluation of standards and Learning Management Models. Master Thesis, October 2005, University of Maribor, Slovenia. 1 Methods of two recent evaluations: Baumgartner et al. Method (Qualitative weighting and summation), Schulmeister Method (Mixture of practical tests, peer evaluation, criteria based evaluation (based on white papers and other information supplied by the software producer). 25 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [3] Tanja Arh. Analiza uporabnosti in evalvacija sistemov za upravljanje e(izobrazevanja = The analysis of usability and the evaluation of systems for E(education. In: Rajkovic, Vladislav (Ed.). Management sprememb: zbornik 25. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti, Slovenija, Portoroz, 15.(17. 3. 2006: proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Slovenia, Portoroz, March, 15.(17. 3. 2006. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2006, pp. 341(349. [4] Matija Pipan, Tanja Arh, Borka Jerman(Blazic. The evaluation cycle management ( model for the assessment of the usability and applicability of learning management systems, In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of European University Information Systems (EUNIS 2006), Tartu, Estonia, pp. 325(332, 2006. [5] Matija Pipan, Tanja Arh, Borka Jerman(Blazic. The Evaluation Cycle Management. In: Hvannberg, Ebba (Ed.), Lai(Chong Law, Effie (Ed.), Cockton, Gilbert (Ed.), Maturing Usability: Quality in Software, Interaction and Value, Springer Verlag, 2006 (accepted for publication). 26 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 COMPETENCIES AND PERSONALISATION After mapping the state of the art in the area of corporate learning, personalized adaptive learning, and learner modelling in the first project year, in 2005 we focused on interoperability between adaptive systems, privacy and data protection, as well as specification of personalized workplace learning solutions. The PROLEARN Workshop on Personalized Adaptive Corporate Learning focused on four main topics – Pedagogy, Learning Design, Learner Modelling, and Security & Privacy. For each of them invited experts presented their view on the state of the art in the field. The workshop participants presented their results related to the topics. At the UM 2005 Conference we organized a PROLEARN session as part of the Workshop on Personalization on the Semantic Web (PerSWeb). During the PROLEARN Summer School we presented the main results and issues in the area of personalized adaptive learning. A joint UNFOLD/PROLEARN Workshop on IMS Learning Design provided a platform to discuss latest achievements related to modelling of learning activities. In 2005 we focussed on the investigation of interoperability based on standards in the area of personalized adaptive learning. We found that in this field we are still far from achieving general interoperability, since the different standards are not enough to realize it and therefore a mediation based or Semantic Web based approach is still to be devised to reach reasonable results. To identify the learning requirements of corporate partners FHG prepared a survey that has been published via the PROLEARN Virtual Competence Center. POLIMI and L3S have worked on the integration of server(side and client(side solutions for the engineering of adaptive e(learning systems, exploring the combination of two existing approaches, WebML and UML(Guide. More recently these partners have concentrated on distributed, fragmented user modelling – based on Bayesian Networks – in the context of Web(based e(learning platforms. They provide a merge mechanism, as well as a RDF(based framework, to define, exchange and aggregate learner models. TUE together with University of Leeds investigated the integration of open user modelling and learning content management for the semantic Web as well as interactive ontology( based elicitation of user models. TUE and University of Nottingham have evaluated conversions between systems and worked on the design of a common adaptation language for adaptive hypermedia, as well as on patterns in authoring of adaptive educational hypermedia. FHG and University of Belgrade aimed at representing emotional intelligence concepts together with efficient specification of adaptation strategies in personalized learning on the Web. JSI investigated the status and improvements concerning privacy provision in e( learning standardized systems and together with ETHZ they have evaluated personalized search efficacy. CSI and WUW have dealt with usability testing of Technology Enhanced Learning tools and outcomes. Several partners, including KTH, WUW, FHG, and RWTH, have started working on efficient modelling of professional learning processes that should lead to a process(based taxonomy for personalized learning. Marcus Specht, OUNL 27 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Knowledge work management: A conceptual integrated model Sibylle Hermann, Fraunhofer IAO (FHG) Sibylle.Hermann@iao.fraunhofer.de Ambjörn Naeve, KTH amb@nada.hkt.se Till Becker, University of Stuttgart Till.Becker@iat.uni(stuttgart.de Bernd Simon, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) bsimon@wu(wien.ac.at Cristina V. Niculescu, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence Cristina.Niculescu@racai.ro Anna/Kaarina Kairamo, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) anna(kaarina.kairamo@hut.fi Keywords Knowledge work, knowledge, learning organisation, learning arrangement. Objectives The perspective of knowledge work management requires the connection, combination and integration of findings in the field of educational, management and work related research. Especially the volatility and the intensive continuous change of conditions and requirements at work and the demands and possibilities for learning@the workplace have to be considered. The specific focus is directed to the knowledge based work, that is essential for the competitiveness of the companies but not enough known on behalf of its implications for management and formation/composition. Knowledge Work Management (KWM) is understood as a cluster of balanced activities that intent to create optimal circumstances in a company for effective, efficient and human adequate conditions for knowledge based work and performance. Learning Arrangements are intentional initiated constellations that enable options to make the process of learning transparent and configurative and to address the development of competence for action. The main goal is to clarify several interrelations and interdependencies between the key issue areas of the upcoming research field knowledge work management and the formation / composition of the Technology Enhanced Learning Arrangements (TEL(Arrangements) in an integrated model. Approach/Results Information for the integrated model of knowledge work management can be found in the results of different research fields, e.g. knowledge management, learning organisations, work organisation, performance management, creativity, etc. The results from the different 28 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 research fields were collected from several experts and adapted to a integrated model in six categories. The six key issue areas (KIA) of knowledge work management addresses central questions in the thematic area of knowledge work management on different levels. These levels could be sorted in a logical sequence (see Figure 1). The “KIA flow” starts on the strategic level, passes the operative and technical levels and reaches at the end the strategic evaluation level. Companies react to changing business environments (new competitors, competitive products, new technological developments, changing laws, etc.) with new competitive strategies. Therefore they develop new products and services, but one strategy is also to change their company structure and processes (KIA Organisational Learning, New Work Organisation) to improve their efficiency. The way they design their work organisation has an impact on the learning and training conditions of the employees (KIA competence development). On the technical level there is support for this training and working activities with concepts and tools (KIA learning management, knowledge product management). They have to increase the quality and productivity of the new working tasks handled by the employee (KIA performance and productivity). To close the circle to the strategic level, the performance management system gives information if a chosen competitive strategy was implemented successful and if this strategy increases the competitiveness of the company. Competitive Strategy of the Company KIA: Organisational Learning KIA: New Work Organisation KIA: Competence Development adaptation of organisational structures and work processes to new requirements knowledge-based devision of tasks between employees of knowledge workers 1 2 3 Design and Implementation of Technology Enhanced Learning Arrangements 7 Competitiveness of the Company 6 Learning Management 4 (former WP5) 5 KIA: Performance Management KIA: Performance & Productivity KIA: Knowledge Product Management in knowledge-intensive companies ensuring quality and quantity of work output creating and choosing tools to ease knowledge-intensive work processes Figure 1: Integrated model knowledge work management and learning arrangements Every thematic area (KIA) in the model is a substantial research area for its own. In some areas extensive knowledge is available. But in most cases there is a lack of information. In the integrated model there are the following KIAs included. Organisational Learning 29 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 In this sub(research field learning organisations are in the focus of discussion. The central question is how they can generate new knowledge quickly and also can modify it fast if the business environment changes. New work organisation The researchers in this sub(field are looking for consequences of the design of working tasks (e.g. degree of knowledge intensity of work) and of manpower planning (e.g. in( and outsourcing strategies) in companies. Competence Development Every time there is a change in the work content and processes, new requirements for the employees’ competencies arise and the need of getting new knowledge during the work / at the work place appears. In this field the interaction between the changes in the work process and the demand for the knowledge workers’ development of competence is in the focus. Learning arrangements In this ara of the model the formation and composition of the Technology Enhanced Learning Arrangements (TEL(Arrangements) for learning scenarios in knowledge intesive working tasks are in the focus. Knowledge Product Management The research focus in the KIA knowledge product management is on the economical realisation of knowledge resources and the economisation of knowledge intensive work tasks via knowledge products. Performance & Productivity In this research area the focus is on the correlation between work design and the productivity and the quality of knowledge work, respectively. The results are applied to control the “magical triangle” consisting of time, costs and quality. Performance Management In the research field performance management, the consequences of strategic decisions and controlling for knowledge work and training is analysed. Knowledge(intensive companies need controlling systems to measure and evaluate knowledge(intensive work processes successfully. References [1] C. Adler, S. Rae: Personalized Learning Environments. e(learning, 3(1), 22(24, 2002. [2] M. Alvesson: Knowledge work and knowledge(intensive firms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. [3] Amar: Managing Knowledge Workers. Unleashing Innovation and Produktivity: Quorum Books, 2002. [4] R. Austin: Managing Knowledge Workers: Evolving Practices and Trends. Next Wave ( Austin, 2002 ( 04 – 26. 30 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [5] A. Bhattacherjee: Understanding Information Systems Continuance: An Expectation( Confirmation Model. MIS Quarterly, 25(3), 351(370, 2001. [6] Y. Carlisle, A. Dean: Design As Knowledge Integration Capability. In: Creativity and Innovation Management 8 (1999) 2, pp. 112(121. [7] A. Carlsen, R. Klev, G. von Krogh (eds.): Living knowledge: the dynamics of professional service work. 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Willke: Organisierte Wissensarbeit. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 27 (1998) 3, pp. 161(177. [41] A. Winslow, W. Bramer: Future Work; Putting Knowledge to work in the knowledge Economy. New York: The Free Press, 1994. [42] : The knowledge worker as the new problem solver: abilities, competencies, and needs. In: A. J. Beerli, S. Falk, D. Diemers (eds.): Knowledge management and networked environments: leveraging intellectual capital in virtual B. Zucker business communities. New York, NY et al.: AMACOM, 2003, pp. 195(208. 33 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptive Learning Violeta Damjanovic, University of Belgrade vdamjanovic@gmail.com Milos Kravcik, Fraunhofer FIT (FHG) Milos.Kravcik@fit.fraunhofer.de Keywords Personalized adaptive learning, Emotional intelligence, Adaptation strategies. Objectives Our work presents an approach to the realization of personalized adaptation according to the individual user’s traits, such as: personality factors, cognitive factors, learning styles, and personality types (stereotypes), on one side, and user’s devices on which the training is executed, on the other side. In the same time, we are interested in how to manage teaching resources when the e(Learners have different emotions, perceptions, reactions. According to the fact that we are dealing with the stereotypes of e(Learners, having in mind emotional intelligence concepts to help in adaptation to the e(Learners real needs and known preferences, we have named this system eQ. A major aim of this work is to represent emotional intelligence concepts together with specification of adaptation strategies in learning on Web. Approach/Results There are several key paradigms being used in conceptual design of the eQ system: 1. 2. 3. 4. this approach is based on using multi(agent system with the belief(design(intention agent rational model; the eQ system is initially defined by considering component(based definition of the adaptive educational hypermedia systems; the eQ system uses the FOSP method for specification of adaptive learning strategy; the main aim of the eQ system is to improve the adaptation processes in the Semantic Web and Grid environment. We have developed an example of fine art professional training to illustrate the potential benefits like adaptation by focusing on the main subjects from the domain of artistic training (painters, conservators, restorers, technologists, fraud investigators), using all available resources (learning materials, training devices) wherever the user is physically located, exploring ancient and current technologies with the aim to find better solutions, analyzing generated results and deciding about using preventive painting strategies, and collaboration with the aim to achieve the original expertise and art fraud investigation. In addition, we can stress the possibility to envisage Semantic Grid which behaves like a constantly evolving organism, with ongoing, autonomous processing rather than on(demand processing. 34 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Figure: Conceptual design of the eQ agent system References [1] V. Damjanovic, M. Kravcik, V. Devedzic: Emotional Semantic Grid. In: Proc. of the 28th International Convention MIPRO 2005 ( Hypermedia and Grid Systems (HGS 2005), Opatija. [2] V. Damjanovic, M. Kravcik, D. Gasevic: eQ Through the FOSP Method. In: Piet Kommers, Griff Richards (eds.): Proc. of the ED(MEDIA 2005 Conference, Montreal, 3080(3087. [3] V. Damjanovic, M. Kravcik, V. Devedzic: eQ: An Adaptive Educational Hypermedia( based BDI Agent System for the Semantic Web. In: D. G. Sampson, P. Goodyear (eds.): Proc. of the ICALT 2005 Conference, Kaohsiung. [4] V. Damjanovic, M. Kravcik, V. Devedzic: An Approach to the Realization of Personalized Adaptation by Using eQ Agent System. In: Proc. of the PerSWeb Workshop on Personalization on the Semantic Web, UM 2005 Conference, Edinburgh. [5] V. Damjanovic, M. Kravcik: eQ Goes Deeper in Personalized Adaptative Learning. In: Lytras, M. D. and Naeve, A. (eds.): Ubiquitous and Pervasive Knowledge and Learning Management: Semantics, Social Networking and New Media to their full potential, Idea Group Inc., 2006 (accepted for publication, forthcoming). 35 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Interactive Ontology/Based User Knowledge Acquisition: A Case Study Lora Aroyo, Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE) l.m.aroyo@tue.nl Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds vania@comp.leeds.co.uk Keywords Knowledge Acquisition and Representatio, Personalization on the SemanticWeb, User Modeling, Adaptive Content Management, Application of Semantic Web Technologies. Objectives E(learning is a key application domain where the empowering role of semantics(enhanced technologies is being acknowledged. The Web is becoming the most popular educational medium nowadays, at schools, universities, and for professional training. A prominent new stream of research on Educational Semantic Web is being established. Recent successes in this field include semantics(based annotation and sharing of educational resources, as well as supporting the construction and sharing of knowledge among communities of learners and teachers. Although there are initial attempts to develop semantic(aware personalization technologies for Web(based educational systems, this research is still in an embryonic stage. On the other hand, adaptive learning systems are well advanced in the addressing of the user's needs. The future research in the Educational Semantic Web should include, among others, capturing the perspectives of different users based on observations from a variety of sources, and representing these perspectives in interoperable learner models. Our research aims at maximising the automation of acquisition of user knowledge, thus providing an effective solution for multi(faceted user modeling in a domain(independent way. Our ultimate goal is to construct and maintain an enhanced user model that integrates different user perspectives, such as knowledge, personal preferences, interests, browsing patterns, cognitive and physical state. This enables us to utilize this user model for web( based personalized content management and user(adaptive information retrieval. In this case study we present an approach to eliciting a user's conceptualization by engaging in an ontology(driven dialog. This is implemented as an OWL(based domain(independent diagnostic agent. We show the deployment of the agent in a use case for personalized management of learning content, which has been evaluated in three studies with users. We are currently instantiating the approach in museum and digital library domains. Approach/Results The approach presents an ontology(based dialog agent, called OWL(OLM, that elicits and maintains a model of the user's conceptualization. We illustrate the deployment of OWL(OLM 36 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 within an RDF/OWL(based system for personalized management of learning content, called OntoAIMS Resource Browser. It uses a multi(faceted user model built by collecting, interpreting and validating user data from diverse sources, such as user preferences, diagnostic dialog and monitoring the user interaction with the system. Several pilot evaluations were performed with the OntoAIMS Resource Browser. The work in this use case uses two existing systems developed independently at the Eindhoven University (AIMS: adaptive information management system for educational resources) of Technology and at University of Leeds (a dialog(based user modelling component STyLE(OLM). In the collaboration between the two research groups we have integrated the two systems, developed domain ontology for Linux and performed the experiments with various user groups. As a result several research papers were published at UM’05 and ESCW’06 conferences, a poster at WWW’05 conference and a workshop paper at AH’04 conference. The main novel aspects of the approach are: • • • ontological approach for integration of methods for eliciting and utilizing user models; improved adaptation functionality resulting from that integration, validated in studies with real users; support of interoperability and reusability on the educational Semantic Web. References [1] L. Aroyo, R. Denaux, V. Dimitrova, M. Pye: Interactive Ontology(Based User Knowledge Acquisition: A Case Study, In Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Conference 2006. [2] R. Denaux, D. Dimitrova, L. Aroyo: Integrating Open User Modeling and Learning Content Management for the Semantic Web, In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on User Modeling 2005. [3] R. Denaux, L. Aroyo, D. Dimitrova: Ontology(based Elicitation of User Models for Personalization on the Semantic Web, Poster at the WWW’05 Conference. [4] R. Denaux, D. Dimitrova, L. Aroyo: Interactive Ontology(Based User Modeling for Personalized Learning Content Management. In: Proceedings of the SWEL'04 Workshop @ AH'04 Conference. 37 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Integration of server/side and client/side solutions for the engineering of adaptive e/learning systems Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) stefano.ceri@polimi.it Peter Dolog, L3S Research Center (L3S) dolog@l3s.de Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) maristella.matera@polimi.it Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center (L3S) nejdl@l3s.de Keywords Personalization, UML, WebML Modeling, Conceptual Models, Web Engineering. Objectives In recent years, the control of Web applications has moved from the client to the server side, and this has lead to more economical, structured, and well engineered solutions. In particular, the model(driven approach has proved very effective in extending the classical methods and best practices of Software Engineering to the Web. While server(side solutions are dominant, yet bringing some intelligence to the client for performing user(specific functions may be highly beneficial in some cases. Client(side solutions can reveal as being more dynamic, more adaptive, and protective for sensitive user data. They may be very effective for “remembering” the local context or being aware of the local peculiarities of the interaction. Also, a clear separation of concerns between the client and the server may lead to interesting business opportunities and models. Based on such premises, our joint work in the context of PROLEARN explores the combination of two existing approaches, WebML and UML(Guide, for the engineering of e( learning systems. WebML is a high(level model and technology [CFBBCM05, CF03] for building server(side Web applications, which is the result of a ten(years research conducted at Politecnico of Milano. UML(Guide [DN03] is a UML(based personalization engine conceived at the L3S laboratory, which dynamically generates personalized user guides by considering user profiles and context(sensitive data stored and managed at the client side. Our cooperation intends to exploit the potentiality of the two research works and to investigate possible integrations. Our ultimate goal is the building of a unified framework, providing courseware companies with a systematic method ( and implementation support, for fast prototyping and development of personalized vertical e(learning applications. Approach In our integrated framework, we use the WebML method [CFBBCM05] and its development support environment [CF03] for generating the server(side “backbone” of a generic “vertical 38 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 e(learning system”, collecting a large number of Learning Objects (LOs). We then use UML( Guide [DN03] for specifying and building company(specific e(learning curricula that guide users in the fruition of LOs for reaching some learning goals. The proposed approach capitalizes on the use of two systems that both start from high(level abstractions, and are both capable of automatic deployment of the implementations: • • The WebML method is based on the use of high(level concepts, such as the notions of entity and relationship to denote content, and of page, unit, and link to denote hypertexts. These abstractions are automatically turned into implementation artefacts by means of WebRatio [CF03], a tool for the automatic deployment of Web applications. UML(Guide is based on the use of UML state diagrams, whose nodes and arcs ( representing states and transitions ( are turned into XMI specifications. A client(side translator, written in XSL, turns such specifications into a user interface facilitating the adaptive use of the application. A typical e(learning scenario, which can take benefit of the proposed integration, is the one where a courseware company develops and distributes a vertical application for e(learning, running on the company’s server, specified and developed through WebML. The vertical incorporates LOs in the format of lessons, exercises, tests, definitions and examples, arranged according to some categories, and learning paths with checkpoints for the learner. Thus, such a vertical has LOs as content, and navigation mechanisms, such as guided tours or indexed accesses to pages based on LOs categories, enabling a generic user to access such content though predefined navigation paths. The vertical is then used by Small(Medium Enterprises (SMEs) wishing to build personalized e(learning curricula to be used by their employees for focused training activities. Each SME uses UML(Guide to specify its instruction goal in UML. In particular, UML(Guide enables the selection of concepts to be covered in the learning paths, as well as the definition of the workflow driving the students in the learning process. It also allows the SME to specify adaptation rules for constraining possibilities in the learning paths, based on employees’ competencies. These rules enable adaptive content selection from the WebML vertical and also enable to adaptively indicate, show, and hide links in the learning path, and adaptively customize their targets. Results So far, we have worked on the integration of the two design methods, as well as on the definition of a unified software architecture supporting the automatic code generation of e( Learning verticals and their adaptive guides. A first significant result is a set of best practices for covering the different needs emerging in the above described scenario, which are summarized in Figure 1. The defined flow of activities shapes up a design process that supports the generation of adaptive applications, by intermixing top(down design on the server side and bottom(up design on the client side. On one side, the courseware company develops its e(Learning vertical by using the WebML method and the WebRatio tool, which automatically generates the database for storing LOs and the hypertext offering access paths to LOs. The courseware company also authors the 39 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 learning objects in particular domains (e.g. modules about "Programming in Java"). The authoring consists of adding, changing or excluding learning objects and also managing their metadata, like classifying the objects according to topic, title, description, difficulty, background required, related learning objects and so on. On the other side, SMEs tackle the design of adaptive guides through the UML(guide method and engine. The SME designers gather information about the employee's skills and needs (e.g., the integration of Java programming and Oracle 9i), and represent it in form of user models. Then they model (through UML state charts) and generate (through the UML(guide engine) the adaptive user guides to be installed as client applications for the SME employee's. These applications are able to update the user model, fro keeping trace of progresses of employees while they perform learning activities. Courseware Company Data Modeling Hypertext Modeling Figure 1. Design process for adaptive e/Learning verticals. If an SME encounters a need for alteration or additions of new LOs, a request is submitted to the courseware company, which alters/adds the new LOs and updates their metadata. The database of the e(Learning vertical is updated at the courseware side, and the curricula developers are notified about the availability of new LOs. Hence, in case the SMEs' curricula specifications have to be updated, the generation of user guides is repeated. We are currently working on an experimental tool for rapid prototyping under such context. The tool is based on the mapping between WebML and UML(guide primitives, which allows considering concepts deriving from the WebML design of the vertical application for generating personalized user guides by means of the UML(guide engine. Further details about the tool architecture can be found in [CDMN04, CDMN05]. 40 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Based on the conducted experiments, we have observed the following advantages: • • • • The users of the composite system is provided with the standard, WebML(generated interface of the vertical, populated by content spawning a large body of knowledge; but the focused learners is also provided with a guide, available on an interface that can be opened “aside” the main one, and that points to pages and contents published by the WebML(generated interface, according to a specific learning objective and user experience. The use of high(level WebML abstractions in the context of UML(Guide enables the specification of a powerful client(side personalization engine. The resulting application generator can be considered an “adaptive hypermedia generator” in full strength, whose potential expressive power goes well beyond the experiment we have performed. The tools prove to be highly complementary and easily integrated, as it is sufficient to reuse concepts of WebML inside UML(Guide to provide concept interoperability and the URL generation technique of the WebML runtime inside the UML(Guide XSL code to provide systems interoperability. The use of UML(driven methods in conjunction with WebML is by itself a very interesting direction of research, aiming at the integration of UML, the most consolidated software engineering method (and related technology), with WebML as a representative case of new, hypertext(specific models and techniques. References [CDMN04] Stefano Ceri, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera, Wolfgang Nejdl: Model(Driven Design of Web Applications with Client(Side Adaptation. In: Proceedings of ICWE 2004, LNCS 3140, pp. 201(214, Springer Verlag, 2004. [CDMN05] Stefano Ceri, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera, Wolfgang Nejdl: Adding Client(Side Adaptation to the Conceptual Design of e(Learning Web Applications. In: Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 4(1), January 2005, pp 21(37. [CFBBCM05] S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera: Designing Data(Intensive Web Applications. Morgan Kauffmann, 2002. [CF03] Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali et al.: Architectural Issues and Solutions in the Development of Data(Intensive Web Applications. In: Proceedings of CIDR 2003, January 2003, Asilomar, CA, USA, 2003. [DN03] Peter Dolog, Wolfgang Nejdl: Using UML and XMI for Generating Adaptive Navigation Sequences in Web(based Systems. In: P. Stevens, J. Whittle, G. Booch (eds.): UML 2003 – The Unified Modeling Language. Model Languages and Applications. 6th International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, October 2003, Proceedings, volume 2863 of LNCS, pages 205–219. Springer, 2003. 41 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Distributed Bayesian Networks for Learner Modelling in Personalized Professional Web/Based Learning Peter Dolog, L3S Research Center (L3S) dolog@l3s.de Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center (L3S) nejdl@l3s.de Roberto Tedesco, DEI ( Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) tedesco@elet.polimi.it Keywords Learner modeling, automatic tutoring system, Distributed Bayesian Networks, semantic web, P2P. Objectives The World Wide Web (WWW) is becoming a popular platform for providing learning materials to a wider spectrum of users. Such users differ in their preferences, background, requirements, and goals they have when exploring learning contents. Personalization of the information provided by the eLearning environment and navigation in the applications became a must to satisfy the diversities between users. Thus, eLearning systems should maintain knowledge about their learners and use it to decide about variants which are provided in terms of organization of learning content and navigation options to further steps in a learning path. The unique feature of the World Wide Web is a network of connected information described by web pages. While the interconnecting principle of the hypertext at WWW works very well for HTML pages, it was not explored for connecting web(based eLearning applications to full extent. This is due to the dynamic character of information and links that are generated, and the non(scrutable character of information processing, including the learner modeling used by the applications. In such a context, the user models produced by the adaptive applications are often partial fragments of the overall user model. To improve adaptation decisions by providing more accurate and precise user model, the fragments have to be collected and merged into a global user profile. To motivate our approach, we refer (but not limit) to a life(long learning scenario. Learners use different systems during their life(long learning (university, professional certificates, requalification courses and so on). The systems collect knowledge about a user from the learner assessments, certificates gained, and portfolios created. The adaptive functionalities of the adaptive eLearning systems would benefit from the user model integrated from fragmets collected at various systems. 42 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Approach/Results Each e(Learning system comes with its own user model and therefore has a different “view” on learners’ characteristics. These characteristics are derived from behaviours of the user while exploiting instructional materials. In general, there are several categories under which a user can be categorized, in this research project we adopt the Dunn & Dunn “Learning Style” pedagogical model [4]. The Dunn & Dunn, a well(known pedagogical model developed by Dr. Rita Dunn in 1967, defines learning styles as “the way in which each learner begins to concentrate on, process, and retain new and difficult information”. The model comprises five major categories (called stimuli): Environmental (light, sound, temperature, and room design), Emotional (structured planning, persistence, motivation, and responsibility), Sociological (pairs, peers, adults, self, group, and varied), Physical (perceptual strengths, mobility, intake, and time of day), and Psychological (global/analytic, impulsive/ reflective, and right( or left(brain dominance). Within these five major categories are 21 different elements that influence our learning. As the model belongs to the category where the stereotypes can be observed from the user interaction and behaviour, we relate the stereotypes to particular observers and the values derived by the observers. The stereotypic learner model of learning styles is suitable for corporate learning environment due to its simple but yet powerful backward identification of learner activities. The stereotypes are closely related to the workflows and observations of the activities which provide us with a flexible and adaptable solution ready for any kind of business performance integrated with learning. Furthermore, distributed nature and the algorithm for joining the distributed learner model fragments suit well to the dynamic workplace situation nowadays where people move from one department to another, one company to another and so on. Similarly, it is well suited for the life(long learning scenario, where learners develop their knowledge over time at different places using different systems. Since it is not possible to precisely capture learners’ behaviours (for example, learners might be somewhere collaborative, somewhere more self(learning oriented), the classification of learners as a member of one of the stereotypes is probabilistic: A given learner will belong to certain extent to several characteristics. In addition, the value to which extent a given learner belong to a certain characteristic will differ from system to system and will be given by the character of the learning material used.(The personalization components, used to make access to learning information more effective, need to collect the classifications from several systems to make an overall classification. One particular approach to user modelling employed in adaptive, web based systems is Bayesian modelling. We exploit Bayesian models to derive learners’ learning styles [1]. In particular, we concentrate on distributed, fragmented user modelling [2] based on Bayesian Networks. In our scenario we assume users to exploit several systems over time, and those systems to create partial Bayesian Networks for user models based on the context followed in the system (particular course, lecture which might have employed slightly different instructions or user behaviour model). 43 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Moreover, we provide a framework for exchange of the distributed Bayesian user model fragments. The framework consists of the common vocabulary in RDFS based on the Dunn & Dunn model of learning styles, the schema for encoding Bayesian preferences of a user and an infrastructure for exchanging the profiles based on the Learner API [3], web services and Edutella. As a learner model exchange format, we have adopted the IMS Learner Information Package (LIP) [4]. The LIP specification supports the exchange of learner information among learning management systems, human resource systems, student information systems, enterprise eLearning systems, knowledge management systems, resume repositories, and other systems used in the learning process. In particular, we extended the standard in order to permit the exchange of probabilistic users' models. References [1] L. Sbattella, R. Tedesco: Profiling and tutoring users in Virtual Campus. In: Proceedings of 5th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET ’04), Istanbul (Turkey), 2004. [2] P. Dolog, W. Nejdl, R. Tedesco: Distributed Bayesian Networks for User Modeling, submitted to the 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Scotland, 2006. [3] P. Dolog, M. Schäfer: A framework for browsing, manipulating and maintaining interoperable learner profiles. In: L. Ardissono, P. Brna, A. Mitrovic (eds.): Proc. User Modeling 2005: 10th International Conference, UM 2005, volume 3538 of LNAI, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 2005. Springer. [4] K. Dunn, R. Dunn: The Dunn & Dunn http://www.learningstyles.net/, September 2005. [5] IMS: IMS Learner Information Packaging Information Model Specification ( Final Specification ( Version 1.0, March 2001. Learning Style model, 44 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Privacy and data protection in professional technology/ enhanced learning Tomaž Klobučar, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) tomaz@e5.ijs.si Borka Jerman Blažič, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) borka@e5.ijs.si Katrin Borcea/Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology katrin.borcea@inf.tu(dresden.de Keywords Privacy, data protection, personalization, digital rights management. Objectives Privacy provision and data protection are the basic requirements for professional technology( enhanced learning, especially when personalized systems are used that adapt to sensitive learner personal data. Although several surveys show that users are concerned with privacy in the Internet, many learners still do not realize what data about them are exposed when they are using educational services. New privacy problems are being introduced by emerging technologies and learning environments, for example mobile and pervasive systems, that support new ways of learning at workplace. Location based services or other context(aware services, presence recognition systems and interaction services are not just beneficial for the learners, but might also represent a threat to their privacy. Highly complex and dynamic environments as in the case of workplace learning environment also impose new operational and legislative requirements. Ernst & Young in their report “Privacy Top Ten for 2004” emphasize importance of privacy for employees especially in multi(national corporations which are challenged by different national privacy and data protection regulations. The main objective of this research activity was to investigate issues that need to be addressed before technology(enhanced learning is introduced in corporate settings. Approach/Results The objective was followed within the research targeted towards issues related to privacy and data protection in personalized adaptive learning systems. The research work was oriented towards investigation of the privacy and data protection issues that need to be addressed in professional technology(enhanced learning, e.g. legal requirements and threats to the learners’ personal data. The first research results regarding privacy and data protection are partly described in the PROLEARN deliverable D1.5 and in a journal paper. The research started with requirements identification. First input to the list of requirements was provided by the PROLEARN WP1 workshop in January 2005. Further research was conducted mainly by the Jožef Stefan Institute team with support of Dresden University of 45 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Technology and associate partner SETCCE. The list of requirements includes both technical and legal requirements, imposed by EU Directives 95/46/EC and 2002/58/EC, as well as national legislation. Specific examples of privacy and security threats are related to e( profiling, address and location privacy, identity management and service access, and transaction security. Although the focus of the research was on privacy and personal data protection, specific issues like digital rights management were also investigated. Data protection technologies and privacy(enhancing technologies, e.g. identity protectors, credentials or anonymous communication systems, which are expected to be part of learning solutions or are missing in the current technology based learning systems, are identified, as well as the future research topics and other IST projects that are currently approaching these problems. Valuable contribution within this research topic was provided regarding the emerging standards of learning systems. Deficiencies of the existing solutions were identified and appropriate solutions were proposed. Participants applied privacy(enhancing technologies to learning environments and applications, for example e(learning application BluES or Smart Space for Learning. With regard to the digital rights management the main focus was on specification of access rights. Participants PROLEARN WP1 partners have organised a workshop in Bonn, Germany on January 18, 2005, to discuss privacy and data protection in corporate e(learning. Approximately 20 participants attended the workshop. As learning environments are becoming more and more heterogeneous an invited external expert Christian Damsgaard Jensen from Technical University of Denmark presented security and privacy issues in mobile ICT systems. Other workshop participants presented their work and experience with privacy and data protection in e(learning, and tried to identify the security and privacy requirements and problems that are specific for personalized adaptive learning. The research activity on data protection and privacy is led by Jožef Stefan Institute that further identified security and privacy requirements, prepared an overview of existing privacy(enhancing technologies, and applied them to architecture of a Smart Space for Learning. Dresden University of Technology contributed an e(learning application with implemented privacy(enhancing technologies called BluES, and requirements from the FP6 PRIME (Privacy and Identity Management for Europe) integrated project. An associate partner SETCCE investigated specific privacy requirements for pervasive systems. Further joint research is expected to be implemented in the next reporting period with additional parties. Another PROLEARN associate partner Technical University of Vienna will organize in April 2006 together with Jožef Stefan Institute and Dresden University of Technology a workshop “Security in E(Learning”. The workshop in the frame of the ARES 2006 conference will enable us to further discuss relevant data protection and privacy issues in technology(enhanced learning in a wider audience. 46 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 References [1] Borka Jerman(Blazic, Tomaž Klobucar: Privacy provision in e(learning standardized systems: status and improvements. Computer Standards and Interfaces. [Print ed.], 2005, vol. 27, pp. 561(578. [2] Tomaž Klobucar, Katrin Borcea, Borka Jerman(Blazic, Katja Liesebach: Privacy and data protection in corporate e(learning. PROLEARN deliverable D1.5, 2005. [3] Borka Jerman(Blazic, Tanja Arh, Matija Pipan, Metka Tekavcic: Introducing information security courses in web based education in an interregional cooperation. In: Natalia Miloslavskaya, Helen B. Armstrong (eds.): Success through information security knowledge: proceedings of the IFIP TC11 WG 11.8 Four World Conference Information Security Education, (WISE4), 18(20 May 2005, Moscow, Russia. Moscow: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State Univerity), 2005, pp. 179(186. [4] James Clarke, Stephen Butler, Christian Hauser, Martin Neubauer, Patrick Robertson, Igor Orazem, Aleksej Jerman(Blazic, Howard Williams, Yuping Yang: Security and privacy in a pervasive world. In: Ubiquitous services and applications: EURESCOM 2005, conference proceedings, 27(29 April 2005, Marriott Hotel, Heidelberg, Germany. Berlin; Offenbach: VDE Verlag, 2005, pp. 315(322. 47 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Usability testing of Technology Enhanced Learning tools and outcomes Margit Hofer, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) hofer@zsi.at Barbara Kieslinger, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) kieslinger@zsi.at Michael Strähle, Wissenschaftsladen Wien wilawien@ns.adis.at Christine Urban, Wissenschaftsladen Wien wilawien@ns.adis.at Keywords Implementation of eLearning tools, usability testing, dissemination. Objectives The implementation and testing on user groups is very often a neglected part in the development of eLearning tools. The main objective of this research work is to implement and evaluate the outcomes and tools of the two Networks of Excellence KALEIDOSCOPE and PROLEARN and complement with this action also the dissemination activities of both projects. As an asset this implementation specifically addresses local and regional target groups mainly at NGO’s and NPO’s thus tests tools on user groups rarely covered within evaluations. The aim is to build up knowledge on how activities, results and other outcomes of Networks of Excellence and integrated projects can be efficiently and effectively communicated in a participatory way. In addition the testing the tools aims to stimulate the improvement and further development of e(learning tools. Special focus lies on the usability and user( friendliness of e(learning tools but also to insights on marketing strategies for each tool. Approach/Results In a first step, e(learning tools software developers from the KALEIDOSCOPE and from the PROLEARN consortium offered for testing by non(profit organisations are discussed and categorised for the use of NGO’s. The e(learning tools are made known to non(profit organisations, which are potential providers or users of e(learning, by direct mailings, press information and advertisements. In a third step the test organisations will be selected, the tools implemented and feedback by test users given. The knowledge gained by the tested e(learning tools will allow further development of these tools by, among others, adapting their usability. Interviews 48 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 respectively e(mail feedback rounds and three roundtables of test users collect feedback for the developers of the tested tools. One main result contains a presentation of lessons learned from the communication activities, considerations on the conditions for participatory communication activities on similar Networks of Excellence and Integrated Projects, the opportunities for similar Networks of Excellence and Integrated Projects to communicate activities, results and other outcomes efficiently and effectively in a participatory way, and, if appropriate, policy recommendations to the European Commission. The expected outcomes of this joint evaluation activity with the other NoE Kaleidoscope will implement and test the proposed tools of the NoE’s within local and regional actors. Analysing the results of integration, feedback and recommendations will be given to the respective developers of the tools. This feedback shall enable improvement for further research work performed in JPA4 and JPA5 as well as outline indicators of success for (new) target groups. Thus this research work contributes to improve marketability of e(learning tools by involving new groups of potential users and providers in development processes. In addition, it shall extract lessons learned from these pilot communication activities as a practice for improving public participation in RTD processes and bringing science and society together in order to promote the dissemination and application of good practice. References [1] Website: http://parcel.uni(sofia.bg/ [2] M. Strähle, C. Urban: A PARCEL for Technology Enhanced Learning. In: Living Knowledge. Vienna, Austria, 2005. [3] Cockton, G., Lavery, D., & Woolrych, A. (2003). Inspection(based evaluation. In J. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), Handbook of Human Computer Interaction (pp. 1118( 1138). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [4] Dumas, J. (2003). User(based evaluation. In J. Jacko & A. Sears (Eds.), Handbook of Human Computer Interaction (pp. 1093(1117). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [5] Holzinger, A. (2005). Usability engineering methods for software developers. Commun. ACM 48(1): 71(74 [6] Boren, M. T., & Ramey, J. (2000). Thinking aloud: Reconciling theory and practice. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications, 43(3), 261-276. 49 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Usability Evaluation Methods for Technology/Enhanced Learning Systems Effie Law, ETH Zurich (ETHZ) law@tik.ee.ethz.ch Tomaž Klobučar, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) tomaz@e5.ijs.si Matic Pipan, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) matic@e5.ijs.si Tanja Arh, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) tanja@e5.ijs.si Borka Jerman Blažič, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) borka@e5.ijs.si Ebba Thora Hvannberg, University of Iceland (ICE) ebba@hi.is Keywords Usability evaluation methods, Brokerage systems, Task variants, Rationality, Learnability, Search engine, Personalization. Objectives Two general objectives are: • • To bridge the gaps in the current usability research on investigating the scope and applicability of different usability evaluation methods (UEMs) in technology(enhanced learning systems To bring more science to bear on the field of usability, which is still young but highly significant, and consequently drive it towards maturity Several specific objectives are: 1. To identify the effects of performing task variants in usability tests on user cognitive strategy and behaviour, and on learnability of the system being tested 2. To address two major challenges in evaluating adaptive interactive information retrieval (IIR): user information need is highly dynamic and measurement methods are unreliable. 3. To compare the effectiveness of different sets of usability heuristics in discovering usability problems Methods and Results Empirical Work 1 (Specific Objective 1) No systematic empirical study on investigating the effects of performing task variants on user cognitive strategy and behaviour in usability tests and on learnability of the system being tested has been documented in the literature. A use(inspired basic research work has been conducted to identify underlying cognitive mechanisms and practical implications of this specific endeavour. The focus of our work was to assess user rationality and system 50 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 learnability. The software application tested was a multilingual learning resource repository – EducaNext (http://www.educanext.org). Eleven German and eleven Slovenian participants were involved in two user tests (UTs). Usability problems (UPs) identified in two quasi( isomorphic tasks were categorized with respect to a scheme of associated skills. Actions of the two tasks of each of the 22 users were segmented and coded according to a scheme of cognitive activities. Results showed that generally the users adopted different strategies for working out the given task and its variant, and that the system could be proved learnable. User Rational Action Model and implications for future research on user tests are inferred. Multilingual learning repository EducaNext was additionally tested on learners from Slovenia with a goal to compare the results obtained with task variant method and the method using SUMI questionnaire. Empirical Work 2 (Specific Objective 2) Evaluation of adaptive interactive retrieval systems (IIR) is challenged by two problems: the user information need is highly dynamic and the measurement methods are unreliable. We have evaluated a personalized search engine ( ELENA Human Capital Development Suite (HCD) ( that can take user self(defined goals and interests into account when retrieving and ranking learning resources from a network of repositories. The evaluation tests consisted of two rounds. In Round 1 a total of 22 test persons from Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland were involved. They were faculty members of academic institutions with rich experience in search engines. Each participant was required to first enter three personal goals and interests, and then perform seven search tasks. Subsequently, they were asked to judge the relevance of the ranked results produced by the system. In Round 2 two information professionals (or assessors) were involved. They were senior researchers in computer science and HCI, respectively. They performed search tasks based on the users’ goal(driven queries (with and without personalization) that were implemented in Round 1. Then they assessed the outcomes in accordance with two types of relevance – intellectual topicality and situational relevance. Specifically, we address the issue of within( and between(user consistency, and examine the computational methods for estimating relative relevance and the positional strength of ranked information objects. Empirical Work 3 (Specific Objective 3) Research on heuristic evaluation in recent years has focused on improving its effectiveness and efficiency with respect to user testing. Empirical studies have been conducted to compare two sets of heuristics guidelines, Nielsen’s heuristics and the cognitive principles of Gerhardt(Powals, and two means of reporting a usability problem, i.e. either using a web tool or paper. In a two by two between(subject experimental design involving 5 users in each of four cells, we collected qualitative and quantitative data on predicted usability problems discovered during heuristics evaluation. Using the results of the heuristics evaluation, we further carried out user tests with 10 participants that performed eight tasks that the heuristics evaluation showed might be problematic. Although the study found that there were no significant differences between any of the four groups in effectiveness, efficiency and inter(evaluator reliability, it serves as a case study and provides a framework for 51 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 evaluating the effectiveness of a software tool for enabling structured usability problem reporting. Future Plan The ideas, experiences and findings of the above mentioned works will further be validated, consolidated and augmented in the context of the iCamp project. References [1] E. L.(C. Law, B. Jerman Blažič, M. Pipan: Analyses of User Rationality and System Learnability: Performing Task Variants in User Tests. In: Behaviour and Information Technology (in press). [2] B. Jerman(Blažič, E. L.(C. Law, T. Arh: An Assessment of the Usability of Internet Based Education System in a Cross(cultural Environment: the Case of Interreg Crossborder Program in Central Europe. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (accepted for publication). [3] E.T. Hvannberg, E. L.(C. Law, M. Lárusdóttir: Heuristic Evaluation: Comparing Ways of Finding and Reporting Usability Problems. Interacting with Computers (under revision, not be cited). [4] T. Arh, M. Debevc, T. Kocjan(Stjepanovič, B. Jerman(Blažič: Testiranje uporabniške prijaznosti na primeru izobraževalnega portala EducaNext (Evaluation of user satisfaction in case of EducaNext educational portal). Organizacija (Kranj), 2005, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 183(189 (in Slovene). 52 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 COLLABORATIVE LEARNING The enhancement of collaborative learning technologies research underlies much of our work within PROLEARN. This work involves infrastructure that appears in many of the other research threads. However, it is worth picking out a couple of specific research issues that are being productively published via PROLEARN. In the early work we have explored how PROLEARN partners specializing in Professional Learning can explore how collaboration media can foster group learning interactions and learning behaviours. Of particular interest is the role of graphical metaphors for presence, including maps, logical layouts such as building schematics, and abstract artistic layouts such as graffiti walls. We have already found some durable integration of new methodologies, which will come from this work. The first productive research thread reported on here is the connection of our live meeting technologies with knowledge mapping systems. In particular we are looking at how knowledge mapping in the KTH system ‘Conzilla’ connecting with the portfolio management system ‘Confolio’ can be used as a “sensemaking” analysis system for the OU system FlashMeeting’s meeting recording aspect, called “Memo”. This thread is the start of a thread of work adding sensemaking and reuse to valuable learning objects, created by learner and live learning experiences. The live meetings themselves also connect to live webcasting and meeting work such as the research being conducted jointly between the OU, KUL and UPM. Many PROLEARN partners and our professional learning clients have systems allow limited “live telepresent” activity. Hence our research interest in simple live “meeting maker” systems ourselves as critical tools in building our NoE showcasing “replay” events. This is reflected in the webcasting and interactive meeting research threads. Furthermore, online experiments allow the work with real devices or realistic device models. They enable the learners to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical situation and to adopt new skills within a realistic problem solving environment. Nevertheless, many experiments depend on expensive devices. It is often not possible for economic and/or administrative reasons to host different real experiments at each educational institution. Remotely controlled experiments provide students such learning experiences over the Internet, principally independent from time and place. Several educational institutions can share remote experiments and thus provide more experiments or reduce the cost per experiment because they are better utilized than if each institution would provide just a few local experiments. Especially off(campus and part time students benefit from the flexibility to perform experiments from at home without the need to travel to a local laboratory. One of our major goals is the creation of a network for both integration and distribution of online experiments. The latter is necessary to tell the learner where (s)he can find the experiments (s)he seeks for and is realized by means of an online catalog that holds a profile of each experiment stored in it. A common integrated technical framework is needed to reduce the threshold overhead for implementers to create new experiments by offering standard functionality as time schedules and personalized online desktops, etc. Peter Scott, OU 53 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Supporting network teaching and the learning of participants in a virtual class within a multi/cultural context (application to a course on International Project Management) Michel R. Klein, HEC and SIG kleinm@hec.fr Susanne Guth, Vienna University of Economics susanne.guth@wu(wien.ac.at Andras Nemeslalki, Corvinus University Keywords International Project Management, Network Learning and Teaching, Use of Technology in Learning, computer supported cooperative work in learning, group cognition. Objectives To define the content of a course on International Project Management and the best use of technology to support the joint design and teaching of the course in the context of an international alliance of Management Schools. To explore the issues raised by joint design and cooperative teaching of a management course involving distant participants, faculty and company executives using a varieties of computer supported cooperative work tools. Derive policy recommendation for alliances of universities and companies in the art of joint collaborative course design and delivery. The course was offered to business students as well as to executive for professional training. Approach /Results The beginning of the research can be traced back as early as 1998. It has reached most interesting results during the PROLEARN period 2003 to 2005. At the initiative of one of the present authors a group of faculties from various European Universities explored during this period the issues raised by the joint design and teaching of a course .During this period eight faculties took part in the teaching and about four in the design of the course. From the beginning the course was taught by the faculties simultaneously face to face to their local students and through multi(point videos to their distant students. The course involved a case discussion related to international project and student team work. In particular, the A(380 aircraft launch case study (case study which was supported by Airbus Industries and EADS a CEMS corporate partner). During the research period of several years a number of systems and learning resources were used to support the learning process and the context changed. Several multi(point video systems were used to support distant interaction during lectures, case discussion and student group(work. Several CSCW software were used to support student cooperation and project work . The online version of the course is available on the e(Charlemagne e(learning 54 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 platform. The Educanext brokerage platform for Learning Resources was also experimented during this course. The research was supported from private funding (INTEL Corp….) to European public research (Dilemma, Universal and PROLEARN). In parallel the organisational and inter( organisational environment changed. During this research data were regularly collected through questionnaires concerning the motivation of the participants and the use made of the cooperative tools. Technical as well as social issues involved in the running of such courses were identified or confirmed in the context of business students as well as executive following professional training. The hypothesis was tested concerning the use of communication and support tools during various standard phases of project work. Recommendations could be derived concerning functions of co(operative tools for learning purpose. The benefits of such inter(university cooperation were identified as well as constraints. This analysis prepares a suitable foundation for the exploding need of joint course design and delivery in the most recently established Erasmus(Mundus joint Master programs where several European universities started to collaborate according to the Bologna reforms. While on the policy level agreements exist and willingness to collaborate is florishing, departments and instructors strive for modern solutions how to increase the number of such joint courses and make a better use of their human and technical resources to support these endeavours. References [1] Michel Klein: Web based support for collaborative course design and teaching among university faculties, Int. J. Management and Decision Making, Vol 5, No 4, 2004. [2] Michel Klein: Web based support for collaborative course design and teaching between university faculties. In: DSS in the uncertainty of the Internet Age, Bui, Sroka, Stanek, Golutchowski (eds.), Karol Adamiecki, 2003. [3] Michel Klein, Valerie Gauthier, Vladislav Rajkovic, William Mayon(White: Developping synergies between Faculty and students of European Business Schools through telecommunication and Computer Supported Cooperative tools. In: Proceedings of the 14th Electronic Conference, Bob O’Keefe, Claudia Loebbecke, Joze Gricar, Andrza Pucihar, Gregor Lenart, Modern Organisation, 2001 . [4] Michel R. Klein, Valerie Gauthier, Vladislav Rajkovic: Teaching Project Management in a Multi Cultural Environment. Role of Telecommunication and Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Proceedings International Conference Telecommunication for Education and Training, H. Sponberg, Z. Lustigova, S. Zelenda (eds.), Charles University Press, Prague 2001. [5] H. Borgman, M. Klein: PC based video as a tool for supporting collaborative work in teaching and research in management. In: Proceedings of the 3rd CEMS Academic Conference, Institut d’adimistration et de Gestion, Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, 1998. 55 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Recording and Publishing Online Meetings: The LOMI Experience Peter Scott, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) Peter.Scott@open.ac.uk Kevin Quick, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) k.a.quick@open.ac.uk Erik Duval, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) erik.duval@cs.kuleuven.be Keywords Online Meeting, Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Work, Learning Objects. Objectives To explore the impact of online seminars on collaborative research, with a special focus on flexible repurposing of recordings of such seminars. Initially, a series of events using the FlashMeeting online video meeting tool (see http://www.flashmeeting.com), with participants at globally disparate locations was deployed to a range of Prolearn communities. The tool automatically recorded various sets of seminars. The communities then annotated the resulting replay by the use of a wiki to further elaborate the topics discussed in the seminar and to create an online learning resource for reuse. Approach/Results One sample seminar series was lead by K.U.Leuven and conducted on the topic of Learning Objects, Metadata and Interoperability (LOMI). The online seminars began in March 2005, and a total of eleven were conducted up to December 2005. The LOMI events were syndicated via a number of channels, including direct emails to potential participants and presentation via a range of portals. See for example, the EducaNext Learning resource portal, (eg. http://www.educanext.org/ubp/PUSH/search@srchDetailsLR?lrID=lr(int(ocotinat( 1115049884765). The meetings were automatically recorded by FlashMeeting and instantly available for replay, online, via the FlashMeeting Memo™ tool e.g. http://flash.kmi.open.ac.uk:8080/fm/fmm.php?pwd=3fea3f(1034. The recordings of these events include not only the actual broadcasts, but also all chat messages, emoticons, urls and voting etc. The FlashMeeting Memo tool is therefore able to produce a visualization of who spoke and when, and provide easy mechanisms to navigate to any point of a meeting (see example meeting above). All items in the recordings are URLs and can be referred to directly. This is a critically valuable aspect of further sharing and collaboration and is used in the wiki of the seminars to create direct links between annotations and the relevant point in the meeting. The high degree of data recording in the meetings also permits detailed analysis of each meeting. For instance, the location of 56 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 participants (e.g. for the LOMI meeting whose replay is listed above a map of participants can be found at http://flash.kmi.open.ac.uk:8080/kmi_fm/ip.php?pwd=3fea3f(1034), and detailed visualisations (e.g. http://flash.kmi.open.ac.uk:8080/fm/map.php?pwd=3fea3f(1034) The resulting replays have been subsequently integrated into a Wiki (http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/wiki/lomi/Wiki/) and have been annotated etc via this tool, making the topics discussed in the seminars accessible to a wider audience. See Figure 1. Figure 1: The public wiki hosting the LOMI series recordings. References [1] P. Scott, E. Duval, K. Quick: Recording and Publishing Online Meetings: The LOMI Seminars Experience. Submitted to ICALT(2006, The Netherlands. [2] P. Scott: Live interactive conferencing: use and reuse in novel learning contexts. Invited presentation to Ed Media 2006, Florida, USA. 57 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Working live telepresence: webcasting for professional learners Peter Scott, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) Peter.Scott@open.ac.uk Kevin Quick, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) k.a.quick@open.ac.uk Juan Quemada, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) jquemada@dit.upm.es Keywords Telepresence, Webcasting, Streaming Media. Objectives A number tools exist amongst partner institutions for live telepresence work. The aim of this research work is to study, develop and integrate these technologies based on their unique strengths, creating a clear path of usage of the appropriate technology for the widest range of live telepresence scenarios within a professional e(Learning context. Approach/Results Use of live webcasting for remote workplace learners to share in presentations is increasingly common, particularly when now associated with a more mobile and distributed workforce common in an international knowledge work economy. Both the Open University and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid have developed very strong tools for live telepresence work, and each of these tools have their own very distinctive strengths and areas of use in deployment in a professional learning context. A key component of the Stadium technologies (http://cnm.open.ac.uk/projects/stadium/) used as the backbone of Prolearn TV (http://stadium.open.ac.uk/prolearn/), is the dynamic event management system, allowing for the creation of the web site portal for access to forthcoming, live and replays of events. 58 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Figure 1: Screenshot of the Prolearn TV web site The Isabel Application (http://isabel.dit.upm.es/) provides a technology for streaming high quality video and audio to large distributed audiences together with providing a range of collaboration tools. Figure 2: Screenshot showing an Isabel broadcast Development of the Stadium system has permitted the integration of events created through the Isabel Application, and consequently to provide a single portal interface to Professional e( Learning content produced by various live telepresence sytems. Participants OU ( Development of the Prolearn TV portal, Stadium webcasting tools and management system providing access to live streaming and recorded e(Learning video content. UPM ( Development of the Isabel application and hosting of large scale videoconferencing events. 59 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 References [1] J. Quemada, T. de Miguel, S. Pavon, G. Huecas, T. Robles, J. Salvachua, M.J. Perea, E. Moro, D.A. Acosta, J.A. Fernandez, F. Escribano, A. Diaz, J.L. Fernandez: Isabel: An Application for real time Audience Interconnection over the Internet. Terena Networking Conference, Rodhes, June 2004. [2] J. Quemada, T. de Miguel, S. Pavon, G. Huecas, T. Robles, E. Salvachua, D.A. Acosta, J.A. Fernandez, V. Sirvent, F. Escribano, J. Sedano: Isabel: An Application for real time Collaboration with a flexible Floor Control, CollaborateCom 2005, San Jose, 19(21 Dec. 2005. [3] P. Scott, K. Quick: Heroic failures in disseminating novel e(learning technologies to corporate clients: a case study of interactive webcasting. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, Cape Town, South Africa. Jan 3(6, 2005. [4] J. Quemada, G. Huecas, T. de Miguel, J. Salvachua, B. Rodriguez, B. Simon, K. Maillet, E. Law: EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel, WWW 2004 Conference, Education Track, New York, May 2004. 60 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Conzilla, Confolio and FlashMeeting integration for enhanced professional e/Learning Ambjörn Naeve, Knowledge Management Research group (KTH) amb@nada.kth.se Kevin Quick, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) k.a.quick@open.ac.uk Peter Scott, Knowledge Media Institute (OU) Peter.Scott@open.ac.uk Pertti V. J. Yli/Luoma, International Multimedia & Distance Learning (Univ. of Oulu) pertti.yli(luoma@imdl.fi Keywords Videoconference, Concept Browsing, Concept Mapping, Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, Annotation, Discussion, Reflection. Objectives The objective of this work is to investigate the integration of the FlashMeeting videoconferencing tool, with the Conzilla concept browser and with the Confolio portfolio management system The result of this integration is expected to produce a combined tool that can support a powerful e(Learning model. Approach/Results The OU’s FlashMeeting videoconferencing tool (www.flashmeeting.com) has proved very successful, being used for over 2000 meetings. One of its major strengths is the recording of meetings and the ability to replay them together with visualisations of the proceedings of the meeting. All points in a recorded meeting can be accessed directly via a url. Figure 1: Screenshot of a FlashMeeting 61 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 The Conzilla tool (www.conzilla.org), a concept browser developed by the KMR group at KTH, is designed to support the exploration and presentation of information that is structured in the form of a knowledge manifold. Figure 2: Screenshot showing the Conzilla tool (background) and Confolio tool (foreground) The Confolio tool (www.confolio.org), developed under the coordination of the KMR group, is a portfolio management system. It provides a directory structure into which documents can be uploaded and links stored and retrieved with semantic search. The Confolio tool permits the annotation, commenting, and access control of all items in its folder structure – including the folders themselves. The use of links thus provides a natural integration point with FlashMeeting recordings. Both the Conzilla and the Confolio tools are based on Semantic Web technology. The combination of these technologies provides the foundations for a tool for: • • • analysing and describing different conceptions of the world around us (Conzilla) recording live discussions for cognitive reflection (FlashMeeting) annotating and commenting on the FlashMeeting recording (Confolio) References [1] P. Yli(Luoma, A. Naeve: Towards a Semantic e(Learning Theory by using a Modelling Approach. In: A. Naeve, M. Lytras, W. Nejdl, N. Balacheff, J. Hardin (eds.): Advances of Semantic Web for E(learning: Expanding learning frontiers, Special Issue of the British Journal of Educational Technology, 37, 3, 2006. [2] A. Naeve: The Knowledge Manifold ( an educational architecture that Supports Inquiry(Based Customizable Forms of E(learning. In: Proc. of the 2nd European Web(based Learning Environments Conference (WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden, Oct. 62 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 2001, pp. 200(212, (2001a). http://kmr.nada.kth.se/papers/KnowledgeManifolds/KnowledgeManifold.pdf. [3] A. Naeve: The Concept Browser ( a New Form of Knowledge Management Tool. In: Proc. of the 2nd European Web(Based Learning Environment Conference (WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden, Oct. 24(26, 2001, pp. 151(161, (2001b). http://kmr.nada.kth.se/papers/ConceptualBrowsing/ConceptBrowser.pdf. [4] M. Palmér, A. Naeve: Conzilla – a Conceptual Interface to the Semantic Web. In: F. Dau, M.(L. Mugnier, G. Stumme (eds.): Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge, Springer LNCS, 2005. http://kmr.nada.kth.se/papers/SemanticWeb/Conzilla.pdf. 63 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Enabling an integrated network of online experiments Nils Faltin, L3S Research Center (L3S) faltin@l3s.de Keywords Online Experiments, Technical Framework, Catalogue of learning resources. Objectives Online experiments are tools for active learning Professional learning requires learning content that is relevant to the working context and active learning forms that build up not only factual but applicable knowledge. Experiments are important elements in science, engineering and technical education. They allow the application and testing of theoretical knowledge in practical learning situations. Online Experiments are remotely controlled experiment equipment or software simulations of real experiments built for learning purposes. They enable students and professional learners to get hands(on experience without the need to leave their workplace to go to a traditional local laboratory. Measuring and manipulating real or virtual objects in experiments is common in many disciplines, for example in science, engineering, technical education, medicine and economics. Compared with local experiments, remote and virtual experiments open the potential for flexible learning in time and place, access to a large number of experiments and cost savings through experiment sharing. Make it easy to find and use online experiments Many remote and virtual experiments have been developed in pilot projects during the last years. But it is difficult for learners to locate and to use them as they are not integrated into a common framework. They differ widely in their user interface, user management and time reservation scheme. This is also the case for support functions like making notes, data recording and data processing. Communication with remotely located students and trainers is not standardized either. The research at L3S aims to provide developers of online experiments with solutions to better address these problems. Approach/Results To help developers in building online experiments that provide a unified user experience, a common technical framework for online experiments is defined. It also allows developers to concentrate on a specific part of the experiment and to provide a component of high quality. The online experiments can then form an integrated network that is accessible through a central portal. Each experiment in this network can easily be used by learners once they have mastered the first experiment and understood the common basic principles. 64 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 As a first step towards the technical framework, the workpackage has identified the essential services, common to most online experiments. Modules in the specification document include: manipulation and operation, tutoring and supervision, collaboration and teamwork support, authoring and deployment, and management. As an example implementation and as an offer for reuse the workpackage works on an integrated toolset that fits the framework. Partners will integrate own software components to build an open source European toolset for online experiments based on the EPFL eMersion toolset. Partners use the toolset to re(implement existing experiments and build new ones. This provides insight on features and components needed in different application domains for the further development of the toolset. The Online Experiments workshop 2005 had the focus topic “Towards a common technical framework for online experiments” and provided input to the next version of the framework specification through presentations and a round table discussion. Catalogue of online experiments at EducaNext: Additional attributes To make it easier for learners to locate online experiments and for experiment hosts to publish their service offers, a web based catalogue of online experiments was developed. As a first step metadata attributes for online experiments were defined. Categories include experiment components, number of setups, interaction modes, availability, reservation policy and guest access. The next step was to use these metadata to add support for online experiments to EducaNext, a well established catalogue and brokerage platform for learning resources. After a pilot phase it became part of the official EducaNext offer in June 2005. The third step was to write experiment descriptions and to add them to the EducaNext catalogue. The catalogue now provides an overview of 40 online experiments available for vocational training and academic education. This can lay the ground for a self(amplifying cycle, as more learners are attracted to use the catalogue which in turn motives more experiment hosts to publish their offers there. 65 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 The PROLEARN work package Online Experiments task descriptions and deliverables described here are available from the website http://prolearn(oe.org/. Participants The development of the technical framework and the toolset for online experiments is led by partner EPFL. Associated partner UNED contributes its Easy Java Simulation toolkit to the eMersion toolbox. Partner L3S and AP EMSE use eMersion to re(implement some of their online experiments and feed back their experience to improve the toolset and make it broadly applicable. The Online Experiments workshop 2005 was organized by L3S, with presentations from core partners (L3S, EPFL, RWTH, WUW, KTH, ETHZ), associated partners and external experts (Univ. Kaiserslautern, Cyberlab, DIBE). Development of the Online Experiments catalogue is led by L3S. Partners RWTH and EPFL contributed to the metadata specification. Adding support for online experiments to EducaNext was cooperation between work package Online Experiments and Brokerage Systems. Experiment descriptions for the catalogue were written by DIBE, EPFL, ETHZ, FH IESE, KTH, L3S, RWTH and UPM. References [1] Andreas Böhne, Nils Faltin, Bernardo Wagner: Evaluation of distributed versus collocated group work in a remote programming laboratory. In: Proceedings Interactive Computer Aided Learning conference (ICL 2005), Villach, Austria, September 2005. ISBN 3(89958(136(9. [2] G.J. Fakas, A.V. Nguyen, D. Gillet: The Electronic Laboratory Journal: A Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Environment for Web(Based Experimentation, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 14, pp. 189(216, 2005. [3] Andreas Böhne, Nils Faltin, Bernardo Wagner: "Distributed group work in a remote programming laboratory ( a comparative study." International Journal of Engineering Education, to appear, 2006. [4] A.V. Nguyen(Ngoc, Y. Rekik, D. Gillet: "Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Web( based experimentation environment." User(centered Design of Online communities. To be published by Idea Group Inc., Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, 2006 [5] D. Gillet, A.V. Nguyen(Ngoc, Y. Rekik: "Collaborative Web(based Experimentation in Flexible Engineering Education." IEEE Transactions on Education, Special issue on Web(based Instruction, Vol. 48, No. 4, November 2005 66 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 EPFL Research Achievements in Web/based Experimentation Denis Gillet, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) denis.gillet@epfl.ch Yassin Rekik, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) yassin.rekik@epfl.ch Keywords Web(based experimentation, E2E adaptation for real(time & mobile multimedia systems, Artefact(based collaborative learning. Objectives The EPFL research objectives within PROLEARN aim at lowering the deployment overhead and increasing the added value of Web(based experimentation in vocational and academic engineering education trough the development of ad hoc information and communication technologies in order to sustain better interaction, broader acceptance and easier access. Web(based experimentation relies on high(end interactive environments that integrate cutting(edge technologies and services, including remote manipulation of distant physical systems, access to simulation grid infrastructures, as well as synchronous and asynchronous human(human and human(machine interaction capabilities. Research challenges pertain to the orchestration of distributed resources (including on(line experiments), service(oriented authoring of interactive learning environments, live video observation and sensing of remotely operated systems with strong quality of service requirements (minimal delay, minimal jitter, …) and collaborative support for the completion of highly cognitive learning activities, know(how acquisition, knowledge sharing and awareness in groups or within communities of practice. Approach/Results A common technical framework has been defined for Web(based experimentation after a careful review of the existing infrastructures as well as the educational and logistical requirements for vocational and academic engineering education. This framework includes all the necessary components and services to support successful collaborative hands(on experimentation learning activities using either real equipments or simulators. The eMersion environment (http://eMersion.epfl.ch) designed, developed and deployed at EPFL (and in other partner institutions) is instrumental to demonstrate and validate the latest research results in real educational settings. Just to mention a few, the version 2.1 of the eMersion environment integrates an artefact(based collaborative space (called the eJournal), the latest adaptive technology in real(time augmented reality (for the visualisation of remote equipments) and advanced awareness features sustaining learners’ motivation and supporting group activities (see an eMersion screenshot below). 67 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 The networking activities supported by PROLEARN has facilitated the establishing of research consortia to further investigate the key research challenges related with collaborative and Web(based experimentation (orchestration, integration and deployement). One can mentioned the AutoTECH Leonardo da Vinci project dealing with vocational training of automation technicians, the Palette IP dealing with knowledge sharing and appropriation within communities of practice, a STREP dealing with advanced Grid middleware framework to directly implement real(time, dynamic, multimedia content services, based on the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm, and finally another IP dealing with concept, models and methodologies for supporting the collaborative knowledge creation process in industry. Participants Most of the research activities related with Web(based experimentation are carried out within the WP2 (Interactive media) and the WP3 (Online experiments). In this framework, EPFL especially collaborates with the Open University, the L3S Research Center and the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) among the core partners, as well as with the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), the Universidad de Murcia and the École des Mines de St Etienne among the associated partners. References [1] D. Gillet, A.V. Nguyen, Y. Rekik: Collaborative Web(based Experimentation in Flexible Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, Special Issue on Web(based Instruction (to appear in 2005). [2] G.J. Fakas, A.V. Nguyen, D. Gillet: The Electronic Laboratory Journal: A Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Environment for Web(Based Experimentation, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 14, pp. 189(216, 2005. 68 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [3] V. Nguyen, D. Gillet, S. Sire: Sustaining Collaboration within a Learning Community in Flexible Engineering Education, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED(MEDIA), Vol. 2004, Issue. 1, 2004, pp. 1214(1221, Lugano, Switzerland, June 21(26, 2004 (Outstanding Award Paper). [4] K. Zeramdini, Y. Rekik, D. Gillet: Enhanced Web Components and Connectors Description for Authoring e(Learning Environments. In: 5th Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), May 31( June 2, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004. [5] D. Gillet: Towards Flexible Learning in Engineering Education. In: Innovations ( 2003: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research, pp. 95(102, Published by iNEER in Cooperation with Begell House Publishers, July 2003. [6] D. Gillet, F. Geoffroy, K. Zeramdini, A.V. Nguyen, Y. Rekik, Y. Piguet: The Cockpit: An Effective Metaphor for Web(based Experimentation in Engineering Education, International Journal of Engineering Education “Special Issue on Distance Controlled Laboratories and Learning Systems”, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 389(397, 2003. 69 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND LEARNING Following the fundamental understanding about the research field of “Information Systems” PROLEARN adheres to a consistent principle, as depicted in Figure 1 [1; 2]. Business(related computer science spans the gap between business theory and information and communication technology, with a bi(directional relationship between the two. Information and communication technology should be analyzed as to how new technical procedures can enable new IT oriented business application concepts. The “direction of influence” is illustrated by the arrow on the left hand side of Figure 1. In business related computer science, it is not essential to know the full range of information technology, but only to apply the segment responsible for alterations in business application concepts. Therefore, being based on business theory, we focus on the requirements definition and design specification catering to emerging research and (business) user needs in the area of professional learning. Information systems really do act as bridges between business applications and information technology, supporting the education of employees through competency and business driven learning processes. Figure 1: Methodology of Information Systems Recent research activities in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) have created a new awareness for intelligent learning infrastructures. However, with hindsight on past ICT trends, one may doubt that organizations will quickly adopt newest learning solutions, irrespective of their potentials. Only if they are closely coupled to business operations and their direct need for learning, innovative TEL will find wide usage at the workplace. Being the semantic interface of business ICT infrastructure, business processes represent the potential 70 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 linkage between learning and business systems, too. A business process provides the context information necessary to identify learning needs and design matching learning material that is meaningful for organizational business goals and individual learning goals. Our research aims to position the thesis of a reciprocal relationship between business and learning processes being the leverage for future workplace learning based on the recent research activities. Many activities and developments in recent years have been done to gain a better understanding of this research field. Thus, we conduct research activities on technological aspects as well as on business administration and management aspects. The main goal is to clarify several interrelations and interdependencies between the key issue areas of the upcoming research fields and the comprehensive formation/composition of TEL( arrangements in an integrated model as well as interoperability on the level of supporting IT( systems in the sense of TEL(convergence. Gunnar Martin, DFKI References [1] Scheer, August(Wilhelm: Business Process Engineering : Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises. 2., completely rev. and enl. ed. Aufl. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1994. [2] Scheer, August(Wilhelm: ARIS ( business process frameworks. 2., completely rev. and enl. ed. Aufl. Berlin [et al.] : Springer, 1998. 71 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Technology Enhanced Professional Learning: Processes, Challenges and Requirements Mohamed Amine Chatti, RWTH Aachen University (RWTH) chatti@cs.rwth(aachen.de Ralf Klamma, RWTH Aachen University RWTH) klamma@cs.rwth(aachen.de Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen University (RWTH) jarke@cs.rwth(aachen.de Vana Kamtsiou, NCSR Demokritos (NCSR) vana@dat.demokritos.gr Dimitra Pappa, NCSR Demokritos (NCSR) dimitra@dat.demokritos.gr Milos Kravcik, Fraunhofer FIT (FHG) Milos.Kravcik@fit.fraunhofer.de Ambjörn Naeve, KTH Sweden (KTH) amb@nada.kth.se Keywords Technology Enhanced Professional Learning, Learning Process, Learning and Knowledge Management. Objectives Since we cannot transfer knowledge from one person to another person, learning, also known as knowledge creation, is the social process of acquiring and applying knowledge. Our claim is that the oscillating process of knowledge acquisition and application for workplace learning can be best described by the SECI model introduced by Nonaka in 1994. We analysis the learning process in terms of the SECI model, identify the challenges for technology enhanced professional learning and define the requirements for future applications such as personalized adaptive learning. We report the results of a roadmap survey done in the framework of PROLEARN to disclose the desired state of the art in technology enhanced professional learning in the year 2015 and show ways how to proceed on the way to the desired state. Approach/Results In this joint work, we explore the integration of learning management and knowledge management; define learning concepts, point to the relationship between learning and knowledge, focus on the elements of the learning process, and explore the challenges, and requirements of learning at workplace. We argue that ( Similar to the knowledge creation process ( the learning process is knowledge in action, a cyclic conversion of tacit knowledge 72 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 and explicit knowledge. This spiraling, highly dynamic and complex process is modeled in the figure below. Figure 1: Learning Process We also report the results of a survey done in the framework of PROLEARN. This survey is part of an effort to construct a roadmap that aligns business drivers with enabling technologies to provide a logical framework for coordinating R&D to meet the grand challenges of European Technology Enhanced Professional Learning (TEPL). The success of learning in a professional setting is influenced by a number of external factors, (e.g. technological, social, cultural, political and economical). In the course of the survey of influential factors, we have developed a classification scheme that categorizes factors according to their impact and predictability, taking also into consideration the level of agreement of the respondents, as depicted in the figure below. Dismissing factors that according to the majority of the survey participant appear to have no impact on TEPL, we focus on 6 classes of factors, ranging from factors with almost unanimously agreed high impact on TEPL which are mostly predictable (Class 1, important trends) to currently unpredictable trends that the majority viewed as being of low impact on TEPL but with strong opposition (Class VI). Figure 2: Classification of influential factors References [1] M. Jarke, R. Klamma: Metadata and Cooperative Knowledge Management. In: Proc. 14th Intl. Conf. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Toronto, Canada, LNCS 2348, pp. 4(20, 2002. 73 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [2] M. Lytras, A. Naeve (eds.): Intelligent Learning Infrastructures for Knowledge Intensive Organizations: A Semantic Web Perspective, IDEA publishing group, 2005. [3] M. Lytras, A. Naeve, A. Pouloudi: Knowledge Management as a Reference Theory for E(Learning: A Conceptual and Technological Perspective. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1(12, 2005. [4] A. Naeve: The Human Semantic Web – Shifting from Knowledge Push to Knowledge Pull. International Journal of Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS) Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1(30, 2005. [5] A. Naeve, P. Yli(Luoma, M. Kravcik, M. Lytras, B. Simon, M. Lindegren, M. Nilsson, M. Palmér, N. Korfiatis, F. Wild, R. Wessblad, V. Kamtsiou, D. Pappa, B. Kieslinger: A Conceptual Modelling Approach to Studying the Learning Process with a Special Focus on Knowledge Creation. Deliverable 5.3 of the Prolearn EU/FP6 Network of Excellence, IST 507310, June 2005. [6] M. Spaniol, R. Klamma, L. Springer, M. Jarke: Aphasic Communities of Learning on the Web. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (JDET), vol. 4, no. 1, 31(45, 2006. 74 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Research on Business Processes, Models & Markets for TEL Gunnar Martin, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) gunnar.martin@dfki.de Keywords Business Strategy, Business Processes, Process(orientation and Modeling, e(Learning, Technology Enhanced Professional Learning (TEL), Service(oriented Architectures (SOA), Workplace Learning. Objectives With information technology progressing on a nearly day(to(day basis with respect to technical feasibility, general availability and individual familiarity, challenges of e(Learning at the workplace no longer reside in technical impediments. Whereas bulky, unhandy software, weak network connections or low usability used to present the major obstacles, it is now the missing integration of e(Learning in organizational processes that hinders its true business value to unfold [1]. Thus, respective research efforts no longer need to focus on pure technical implementations. Rather, they must tackle the issue of effective, i.e. business( driven learning strategies realized by cutting(edge technology. Methods, concepts and information systems that allow e(Learning tools, environments and solutions to be integrated and aligned to companies’ major business infrastructure loom large in the field of technology( enhanced learning (TEL). Today’s organizations still have difficulties recognizing and realizing the potential business value of technology(enhanced workplace learning. Nevertheless, in the year 2000 United States’ enterprises already invested 20 percent of their budget (13 billion US$ out of 66 billion US$) for professional education in e(Learning activities [2]. A similar trend is now becoming apparent for Europe as well. Whether these developments will tap the full potential of TEL will largely depend on the actual impact of research and development (R&D) on innovative learning technologies and business(administration driven solutions with respect to strategic business relevance. Existing e(Learning approaches miss consistent alignment with business operations and objectives. Especially small and medium(sized enterprises (SME) mostly depend on external e(Learning( and/or Application Service Providers due to financial restrictions and lacking in(house expertise [3]. Such dependencies hamper flexible usage and application of workplace learning in a consistent way. Thus, there are little enterprise( adapted i.e. business(driven TEL activities so that the real value of TEL cannot unfold. In order to further promote and push workplace learning, the research focus must shift on the economical impact of eLearning strategies within the overall enterprise architecture regarding organizational, business and technological infrastructures. Having understood workplace learning as decisive business driver, the market will ask for interoperable systems based on methods and methodologies that empower every organization to govern their own TEL strategies instead of hiring external e(Learning experts with little insight in the daily business. 75 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 By placing workplace learning within their overall value chain, organizations will realize the merits of consistent, technology(enhanced corporate learning strategies. Hereby, the overall goal must be to quantify the learning Return on Investment (“ROI”) in a business context and therefore demonstrate how workplace learning adds measurable business value. Approach, Results and Related Work Approach and Results ! Integrating (e()learning activities into business processes will facilitate a more business( oriented comprehension. Pure e(Learning technology and information systems themselves provide no real competitive advantage any longer [4]. What differentiates enterprise A from enterprise B is not necessarily the availability of a learning management system infrastructure but the specific learning content provided to the learners aligned to individual and organizational learning goals [5]. Figure 1: Core functions in context of the detailed Meta Learning Process [6] A learning process is a course of actions including basic and continuing training measures for a learner’s professional qualification [7]. Structuring the content process within a learning context allows for its systematic, end(to(end development through three major steps (meta level I and II), that can be drilled down by disaggregation techniques via the application level as abstractions of comparable instance properties (level III), to the single learning context 76 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 (level of instances or elements). For here, the core functions of its meta learning process are [see Figure 1]: Learning Process Modeling refers to the development of e(Learning content, i.e. web( based trainings (WBT) or Learning Objects [8, 9] in a purposeful manner – purposeful in the sense of fulfilling business needs and leveraging internal resources [10]. Learning Process Production aims at the focused provision of learning material at the right time and at the right place. This requires a close matching between business needs and requirements on the one hand and learner’s individual competences and needs on the other. These business needs are represented by the operative business processes and their respective functions. Changing business processes brings about changes in competency requirements [11] that need to be met by flexible content delivery [12]. The phase of Learning Process Execution and Control includes the actual learning along the learning process produced as well as the monitoring of the business impact depending on the learner’s performance. This again leads back to the business process that was to be improved. In order to reveal the impact of content(specific workplace learning on the overall business process, training measures must be added to the already common key performance indicators of process monitoring system. This is where the true ROI, i.e. the added value, is quantified and provides feedback for content improvement. Problems regarding today’s workplace content delivery through e(Learning systems persists in the disregard of the learners´ active information need in terms of his daily work. It has been proven that it discourages the learner, when information very present in his daily life is barely depicted by learning objects. In consequence, courses often fail in creating any benefit [4]. This can be avoided by providing a personal learning unit fitted to the current task context and offering the required knowledge. Therefore, innovative and extended methodologies, architectures, frameworks and tools that support the process(oriented deduction, storage, retrieval as well as the distribution of relevant knowledge to the workplace learner – who is at least responsible for the process execution – are needed. Related Work In retrospect, the initial wave of eLearning and Knowledge Management initiatives was doomed to failure in the long term. Even the most modern systems, which were able to create and deliver, learning content, remained stand(alone platforms, isolated from business( driven infrastructures. Today, academia and industry have come to the recognition that only those information technologies will remain relevant which proves to be crucial for the creation of value within an enterprise. Therefore, most recent TEL approaches put workplace learning activities into a strong business context. 77 Business Intelligence Level Process Level Learning Systems Level Aligned Business and Learning Process Performance Monitoring Learning Process Configuration Content Management (LCMS) Learning Process Simulation Learning Management (LMS) al du iv i al on Ind a ti ni z ga Or From Execution to Management and Analysis PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Learning Process Execution Competency Mgmt. (SMS) Knowledge Mgmt. (KMS) From Organizational Learning to Individual Learning Horizontal Integration Figure 2: Innovation through integration of Business Process Management, Learning Technologies [6] In the course of the past years, business processes turned out to be the most common entities to represent a company’s business characteristics. Thus, the major goal of business process management – to intertwine activities across functional department and systems – must also be set for TEL management (cp. Figure 2): Integrating content processes such as content production and content delivery into the overall business process architecture pinpoints how e(Learning may leverage the probably most crucial business factor – a company’s workforce. Contextualizing learning content in a business(driven manner, competencies appear to be the most relevant linkage between business processes and training. Functions of a process, carried out by human beings, require a certain competency profile. The gap between the to( be profile and the as(is profile of an individual employee drives learning activities supported by ICT systems and service(oriented TEL architectures (SOA4TEL), such as the PROLIX IP aims [see also: PROLIX report in the following chapter]. Context(driven learning, i.e. learning activities specifically geared to the actual need, depends on cutting(edge technology. However, whereas TEL systems used to be totally driven by the most recent ICT trend, the second wave of e(Learning will be driven by the learner’s need instead, with technology only being the facilitator of a most integrated way of learning. References [1] A. Back, O. Bendel, D. Stoller(Schai: E(Learning im Unternehmen: Grundlagen – Strategien – Methoden – Technologien, Zürich, 2001. [2] Corporate University Exchange: http://www.corpu.com/, 2000, Download 2004(07( 12. [3] L. Michel, F. Hagedorn, L. Gortz, A. Johanning, B. Raithel: Aktuelle Anforderungen von KMU an E(Learning(Produzenten: Auch Lernet musste lernen. In: Wirtschaft & Weiterbildung 18, No. 3, 2004. 78 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [4] H.M. Niegemann, S. Hessel, D. Hochscheid(Mauel, K. Aslanski, M. Deimann, G. Kreuzberger: E(Learning Kompendium, Heidelberg, Springer, 2004. [5] Collis: Information Technologies for Education and Training. In: H. Adelsberger, B. Collis, J.M. Pawlowski (eds.): Handbook on Information Technologies for Education & Training, Springer, Berlin et al., pp. 1(21, 2002. [6] G. Martin, K. Leyking, M. Wolpers: Business Process(driven Learning. Proceedings of the EU IST Africa 2006 Conference, Pretoria/South Africa. (Upcoming 2006). [7] G. Martin: Anwendungspotenziale multimedialer Lernsysteme in der betrieblichen Aus( und Weiterbildung – Eine Analyse lerntheoretischer Grundlagen. In: Wirtschaftspraxis – Verwaltungspraxis – Wirtschaftswissenschaften (WVW), Kassel, pp. 44(51, 2001. [8] E. Duval, W. Hodgins: A LOM Research Agenda, WWW2003 Conference, 20(24 May 2003, Budapest/Hungary. [9] IEEE (eds.): IEEE http://ltsc.ieee.org/. 1484.12.1(2002 IEEE Learning Object Metadata. [10] EXPLAIN Consortium: EXPLAIN – Überblick über erste analytische Ergebnisse, EXPLAIN Whitepaper E1, 2005. http://www.explain(project.de. [11] C.K. Prahalad, G. Hamel: The Core Competence of the Corporation. Harvard Business Review 90, No. 3 (May(June): pp. 79(91, 1990. [12] G. Martin, M. Wolpers: Process(driven Learning( and Knowledge Environments. In: M.E. Auer, U. Auer, R. Mittermeir (eds.): Ambient and mobile Learning. Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference (ICL) 2005 Conference, Carinthia Tech Institute (School of Electronics), Villach/Austria, 2005. 79 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of training management in European enterprises Barbara Kieslinger, Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) kieslinger@zsi.at Bernd Simon, Vienna University of Economics (WUW) bsimon@wu(wien.ac.at Keywords Training Management, Human Capital Development, Evaluation. Objectives Whereas evaluation of training measures had been concentrating on assessing learning outcome and satisfaction (with tests and smile sheets) companies are increasingly starting to have a deeper look into the effectiveness of trainings. There seems to be a high potential of cost saving in store when applying the right measures. However, appropriate methods, management tools and IT support for measuring the quality and effectiveness of the training investments are still sparse. Practitioners and researchers have recently started to join forces in order to tackle these challenges and provide appropriate concepts and tools for an effective and efficient training management. Some activities have resulted in the development of rather complex and time(consuming instruments for calculating the return on investment (e.g. Phillips and Stone 2002) while other attempts have been made to increase the effectiveness of training measures through specifically targeted measures (e.g. Reißfelder(Zessin 2005). One of the objectives of the IST(funded project ELENA (http://www.elena(project.org/) was to contribute to the current discussion by identifying some of the quality criteria and influence factors contributing to effective and efficient training management and to develop IT support for learning management processes. We called this technical environment a Smart Space for LearningTM. Approach/Results When defining an appropriate scenario for applying a Smart Space for LearningTM and conducting some initial user trials, the ELENA project has been focusing on the corporate world. Thus, emphasis has been put on individual learning in specific organizational contexts, on the organization of learning content provision and on learning process management aligned with organizational goals. Here, individual learning at the workplace is framed by comprehensive business and human capital development processes. They need to be taken into account when it comes to designing, managing, and evaluating individual learning. Hence, a Smart Space for LearningTM requires additional and supporting services geared toward harmonizing individual learning with overarching organizational needs. 80 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Driven by the aim to support companies to provide the most appropriate training for each individual employee it became clear that a holistic approach to human capital development was needed. The goal(driven approach to human capital development (HCD) and the supporting software called “HCD Suite” are results of the project’s work with regard to education and training from a business and organizational perspective. Apart form desk(top research on training management the development work is based on three surveys that were conducted in companies across Europe. The whitepapers, available at the project website, summarize the results of the qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys conducted. The HCD Suite, which is currently available under open source license (see http://www.hcd( online.com/ and http://www.km.co.at/ for further information), represents an access point to a Smart Space for LearningTM. The tool supports organisations and individuals in searching for, selecting, contracting and evaluating learning offerings based on the Human Capital Development (HCD) Cycle (see Figure 1). The central design element of the HCD process is a workflow that engages potential learners, managers, and HR developers in a collaborative decision process that is concerned with choosing the right training measure. At the HCD Suite goals are visible and transparent, learning offerings of heterogenous types are available through a built in catalogue and open web(service based interfaces for replication and quering (see http://www.prolearn(project.org/lori/). The HCD workflow also triggers the evaluation of learning resources at the various stages of the HCD process, from the analysis of needs and expectations to the transfer analysis. Learning Management Process Needs Analysis & Goal Definition Selection & Planning of training measure Provision Learning Management & Evaluation Transfer & Outcome Analysis Figure 1: Learning Management Process Thus, the HCD Suite supports the various steps that should be taken before, during and after a training measure. The HCD Suite has been tested by users in their real working environment and results have been compared with users of other systems (e.g. Learning Management Systems) in order to identify critical success factors for effective training management. In the study on antecedents of effective training management the ELENA project has performed a multinational survey in order to investigate the importance of influence factors such as transparency of goals, motivation, variety of learning resource offerings, and documentation of learning activities on the effectiveness of corporate learning management. References [1] S. Gunnarsdottir: Version 1 Trial Report (D5.6). Reykjavík, Island: Deliverable of the ELENA Project, http://www.elena(project.org/, 2004. 81 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 [2] S. Gunnarsdóttir, U. Heimerl, B. Kieslinger, B., Simon, S. Tsiortou: Current Issues of Training Management in European Enterprises: ELENA Whitepaper, available at http://www.elena(project.org/hr(dev/training(management.pdf, 2004. [3] S. Gunnarsdottir, B. Kieslinger, T. Küchler, B. Simon: From e(Learning to Learning Management: Results of an International Survey. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management. Graz, Austria, 2004. [4] B. Kieslinger, B. Simon: Smart Spaces for Learning: A new Tool for Effective Human Resource Development. In: Researching Technology for Tommorrow's Learning: Insights from the European Research Community, M. Kelleher, A. Haldan, E. Kruizing, (eds.) Bilthoven, The Netherlands: CIBIT, 2004. [5] J.J. Phillips, D.R. Stone: How to Measure Training Results: A Practical Guide to Tracking the Six Key Indicators. New York, USA: McGraw(Hill, 2002. [6] M. Reißfelder(Zessin: Nutzerorientiertes Evaluationskonzept von Online(Lernen. In: M. Gust, R. Weiß (eds.): Bildungscontrolling für exzellente Personalarbeit: Konzepte ( Methoden ( Instrumente ( Unternehmenspraxis (pp. 109(123): USP Publishing International, 2005. [7] B. Simon, H. Treiblmaier, G. Pauritsch, B. Kieslinger: Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren des Fortbildungsmanagements – Eine Studie an Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen für Arbeitssuchende. In: GMW, 2005. [8] B. Simon, B. Kieslinger, D. Löpfe, G. Schmidt: Stand der IT(Unterstützung von Bildungscontrollingprozessen. Vienna: ELENA Whitepaper, 2004.Smith, R.M. (1982): Learning How to Learn: Applied Theory for Adults. Chicago: Follett. 82 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Research on Process/oriented Learning and Information Exchange Gunnar Martin, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) gunnar.martin@dfki.de Keywords Business Processes, e(Learning, Technology Enhanced Professional Learning (TEL), Service( oriented Architectures for TEL (SoA(TEL). Preface “Process(oriented Learning and Information Exchange (PROLIX)” is an integrated research project (IP) with a duration of 48 months that was influenced by research results and the definition of emerging research questions of the “Network of Excellence for Professional Learning (PROLEARN)”, especially its workpackage 6 on “Business Processes, Models and Markets”, and was proposed by an European consortium consisting of members from PROLEARNs core partner and associated participant network including prominent organizations from industry and academia. Please note, this report is written from DFKIs point of view and is structured into four parts. Part 1 “Objectives” imparts a common understanding about the state of the art and major research questions defined by DFKI. The 2nd part on “Approach/Results” of PROLIX will include the related work that will be carried out by and/or supported by DFKI within the projects´ runtime. Finally, part 3 and 4 give a brief overview about the whole “Partner” consortium of PROLIX as well as related “Publications” and workshops by DFKI members. Objectives Currently, many different types of information and knowledge supporting systems exist on the market that support a broad spectrum of functionalities but lack in particular cases a comprehensive approach to meet all requirements of companies and their employees. A problem regarding today’s e(Learning systems and TEL infrastructures persists in the disregard of the active information need of the learner in terms of his daily work context. It has been proved that it is discouraging the (workplace) learner, if information that is very present in his daily life is merely depicted by learning objects or complete course structures so that they often fail in creating an increase of benefit. This can be avoided by providing a personal learning unit fitted to the current task or point of business process execution (context) and offering the needed state of knowledge immediately. Contrariwise, information and knowledge supporting systems can profit from the user friendly, learning goal oriented and didactically prepared presentation of information units. These provide usually only information according to the estimated user’s need, whereas standard of knowledge, learning goals and learning units are neglected. 83 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Due to their function(oriented architectures and focus, the drawback of – more or less – monolithically knowledge supporting systems is the missing consideration of the learner’s (individual) view on the presented information. A context(sensitive presentation of the content, classified according to eLearning categories will complicate the access to the subject from the knowledge management’s point of view. A dynamic classification according to the organizational as well as the individual view of the learner will remove such barriers. Beyond this, the change from function( to business process(orientation is well known in the field of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Thus, comprehensive architectures and integrated information systems exist for nearly three decades and are well known in the enterprises´ daily business. In addition, classical ERP(systems have already been extended by customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) tools and functionalities. In this context, the term of ERP II from Gartner Research Inc. has to be named. Recent research questions in the field of ERP deal with their further development by implementing or embedding knowledge( and experience(based databases and logics – like complex business rule sets – which supports the decision making processes of the organizations employee. Derived from the experiences and expertise in the field of ERP, major research questions are “Why are knowledge supporting architectures and systems still and extensively separated?” and “How should a comprehensive architecture be designed?” Approach/Results The future challenge consists in the development of an interoperable ICT(architecture for professional TEL at the workplace, that interlink e(Learning to knowledge management systems and other relevant enterprise(wide information systems, therefore enable the dynamic accumulation of e(Learning content with up(to(date information in an organizational(, individual( and application specific way. Beyond that, strategies, concepts and methods have to be provided, that contribute to the satisfaction of heterogeneous learning and knowledge needs. IT(supported mechanisms for the composition of systematic interaction and interchange relations, as well as the creation of effective concepts for the measurement of learning phases will complete the concept. The outlined approach experiences an expansion by the intelligent and context(sensitive distribution of relevant knowledge to the “point of business process execution”. The knowledge distribution to the workplace learner causes an integration of internal and external, customer oriented process flows and supports the understanding of transaction oriented cause(and(effect relations, which aligns individual and organizational learning goals. This means, the flexible knowledge distribution on the basis of an improved technology support provides relevant information to the employees enabling a faster internal decision making as well as a shorter response time to stakeholders. This generates a better performance in the business execution by the employee and an added value for the customer that contributes to a higher customer satisfaction. Contrariwise, market changes and customer needs can be detected by the company’s staff and documented systematically. In effect, business processes and services can be better adapted and the “quality of learning” will be improved as a whole and can be carried out in a more efficient way. PROLIX vision is to make people and organisations more competitive by reducing the time to fill competency gaps and to build proficiency according to the business needs and daily work 84 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 processes. The delay between identification of a learning need and the actual learning should not be large. Furthermore, the learning material must be targeted to the learner’s individual learning style and behaviour. In some cases, learning must also be ‘ad hoc’ available in order to improve the performance of the employee at his workplace significantly. Organisations need to understand that providing the necessary means to learning at the workplace is mandatory for employees and organisation alike to react quickly, cost(effective and successfully in changing markets. PROLIX will therefore couple business processes with learning processes in organizational environments. The vision of PROLIX is an information system that allows for business process driven learning at the workplace, taking into account the single learner and their needs as well as the corporate requirements. In addition, the learner will be able to initialize a learning task himself enabling self(guided learning in corporate environments. Overall and seen from an organizational point of view, PROLIX will significantly contribute to the change management within companies that needs to develop into a holistic learning organization enabling the integration of learning into the daily working tasks. Corporate culture requires the provision of strategies, methods and concepts to satisfy heterogeneous learning needs. Mechanisms and concepts for the organizational introduction of TEL in corporations have to be co(ordinated with its philosophy and company vision. PROLIX will research, analyze and develop a process(oriented learning approach and a flexible and adaptive service(oriented architecture system which is capable of aligning training and knowledge product ion of people faced with so(called “complex situations” such as work and business process changes, or other complex multivariable learning environments, which cannot be solved with traditional e(Learning or knowledge management approaches. Often, such situations also require a mix of individual and organisational learning, and of learning and knowledge acquisition/production. 1. PROLIX aims to enable an organisation to close the learner’s life cycle by providing support for the implementation of the international acknowledged quality management philosophy within Organisations. This goal will be reached when PROLIX can prove a closed learner’s life cycle from methodological and technical point of view. This will be measured with management audits verifying the implementation of the life cycle. Also targets will be defined for the reduction of the learner’s life time. This will be verified by benchmark measurements within the Pilots. The PROLIX project is aiming at average a reduction of 20% of the time needed to identify a business need until to the time the competency gap has been bridged through learning. 2. PROLIX aims to make it easier to define Learning Goals based on business needs and business processes by providing methodologies, tools and services within business process management that link to learning design methodologies. This goal will be reached when PROLIX can show that the methodologies enhance business process management activities regarding competency and skill analysis in a usable and appropriate way. This will result in shortening the time period between the identification of the business process needs and the definition of the Learning Goals (target 20%) and the increase of the efficiency of the related business activities (10%). Also important is if the identified competency gaps reflect the real gaps. This will be verified by benchmark measurements during the Pilots. 85 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 3. In order to demonstrate its concept, PROLIX sets up three test beds in different fields of application. In the first 18(month period, PROLIX will specify, design, implement and start to demonstrate its tools and services in more mature e(Learning(aware and, therefore, lower risk environments, i.e. the “Government test bed” with UK Government Care Programme (Social Care Institute for Excellence), the “Telecom test bed” with British Telecom (BT) learning, and the “Educational Publishing test bed” with publishing houses Klett and EDITIS. The IP PROLIX is co(funded by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme, Priority 2 "Information Society Technologies (IST)" started on December, 1st 2005. Further information about PROLIX can be found at the project´s homepage (URL:http://www.prolixproject.org). References [1] G. Martin, M. Wolpers: Process(driven Learning( and Knowledge Environments. In: M.E. Auer, U. Auer, R. Mittermeier (eds.): Ambient and mobile Learning. Proceedings of the Interactive Computer Aided Learning Conference (ICL) 2005 Conference, Carinthia Tech Institute (School of Electronics), Villach/Austria. [2] G. Martin, K. Leyking, P. Chikova: Workplace Learning in applied Research. In: Proceedings of the Professional Training Facts 2005 Conference. Stuttgart/Germany 2006. [3] M. Wolpers, G. Martin, K. Leyking: Integrating Research in Professional Learning. International Journal on Knowledge and Learning. 2006. [4] G. Martin, K. Leyking, M. Wolpers: Process(driven Learning. Proceedings of the EU IST Africa 2006 Conference, Pretoria/South Africa 2006. [5] G. Martin: Business process oriented Learning Management. Ongoing Dissertation. Faculty of Law and Economics, Saarland University. Saarbruecken/Germany. 86 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 PROLEARN Virtual Competence Centre Alexander Karapidis, Fraunhofer IAO (FHG) Alexander.Karapidis@iao.fraunhofer.de Keywords Virtual Competence Centre, requirement studies, industry needs, information brokerage, professional training facts conference. Objectives − − − − The first aim of the competence centre is to promote and to set up an European(wide professional learning society. The second aim of the PROLEARN Virtual Competence Centre is to spread excellence to competence centres, chambers of commerce, industry associations, companies as suppliers and end(users. The third aim is to support the creation of alliances between network members from research and economy in making their work more transparent to each other and identify synergies. The fourth aim is to support economy in professional learning tasks, activities and issues with a strong relation to the workplace. That means that, on the one hand, the PROLEARN Virtual Competence Centre (VCC) is a service unit for online (www.prolearn(online.com) and offline (conferences, workshops) activities in transferring recent research solutions and results to industry. On the other hand, the VCC is a service unit for research institutes to transfer requirements from industry to research. By building up an powerful and active managed online community as well as organising workshops and tracks in already existing conferences this activity will be substantially driven and coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), Stuttgart, Germany and its PROLEARN core and associate partners. Approach/Results Establishment of a service and information brokerage unit in PROLEARN: Several research( relevant aspects were dealt with: − − − Requirement Analysis of industry needs in professional learning and training at different levels: By analysing and comparing issues stressed in different contemporary European studies in professional learning and training, the relevance of these requirements for today and tomorrow has been spotlighted. Further information and survey results can be downloaded for free at the PROLEARN VCC www.prolearn( online.com. CRM concept development for an online community in technology(enhanced professional learning: By comparing more than 150 online communities in different branches factors have been identified and implemented in the VCC which are critical for success for a living community. Significant support for PROLEARN partners and work package clusters carried out to support industry meets research activities: E.g. significant support of an integrated model of knowledge work management and learning arrangements towards industry 87 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 issues; supporting empirical studies in different topics and issues from an applied research perspective (method, content, scope and scale); enable industry meets research information brokerage and face to face meetings especially in the context of the professional training facts conference 2005 in Stuttgart. Additional output of joint work: EU accepted proposal for an integrated project PROLIX (2005(2008). Identified requirements Gaps between business processes and learning processes Based on the requirement analysis we identified several gaps in professional learning and training implementations. While there is already a considerable IT support for business process modelling and execution, this does not apply to accompanying learning processes. Whenever business processes do change, employees may have to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to prepare for the new work processes. Approach PROLIX develops an open, integrated reference architecture for process(oriented learning and information exchange. PROLIX supports a complete learning process life cycle comprising − − − − − − − the the the the the the the analysis of complex business situations and competencies required, identification of individual and organizational learning goals, analysis of competencies and their matching with individual skills, definition of appropriate learning strategies, simulation of competency(oriented processes, execution of enhanced learning processes as well as monitoring of learners’ performance according to the objectives defined. Results PROLIX – Process Oriented Learning and Information Exchange integrated project The PROLIX overall objective is to align these learning processes with business processes in order to enable organizations to increase the competencies of their employees according to continuous changes of business requirements. Participants in the VCC activities The PROLEARN Virtual Competence Centre is based on the activities provided by PROLEARN partners. Additionally, interested actors from research and industry registered to the Virtual Competence Centre to benefit from its services (number of registered users in November 2005: 914). Many of them are prosumers that means that they are both consuming information and services provided by the VCC and producing e.g. news or post white papers in order to provide them to all registered users. Moreover, these actors also join PROLEARN conferences, workshops and symposiums and – in some cases – have applied for associate member status in the PROLEARN network of excellence. 88 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 References [1] T. Becker et al.: Focus Group 1: Experiences and Challenges in Fostering Industry and University collaborations. In: T. van Weert, A. Tatnall: Information and Communication Technologies and Real(Life Learning, New York, Springer, 2005. [2] T. Becker, W. Reuter: Die Zunkunft der Arbeit: Lernen und Arbeiten rücken näher zusammen. In: Lernen(Wissen(Handeln: Heute für morgen, Newsletter für IT( gestützte Bildung, Forschung und Lehre, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Mai 2005. [3] T. Becker: Instant(Qualification erleichtert die Arbeitsfähigkeit ("Just in time". Betrachtung eines Beispiels aus der Lkw(Produktion. In: D. Spath, W. Ganz, T. Becker (eds.): e3World: Work, learning, performance ( Lernen für die Arbeit von morgen, Wiesbaden, 2005, pp. 115(127. [4] T. Becker, D. Spath, W. Ganz (eds.): e3World: Work, learning, performance ( Lernen für die Arbeit von morgen, Wiesbaden, 2005. [5] Alexander Karapidis: Service Management in Production Companies. In: G. Zülch, H. Jagdev, P. Stock, (eds.): Integrating Human Aspects in Production Management, pp. 375( 385, Springer Verlag. [6] Alexander Karapidis: Online(Befragungen für Praktiker – Perspektiven und Services für Unternehmen. In: D. Spath, W. Ganz, T. Becker (eds.): e3World: Work, learning, performance ( Lernen für die Arbeit von morgen, Wiesbaden, 2005, pp. 207(211. [7] A. Karapidis, A. Kienle, H. Schneider: Performancesteigerung durch Kreativität, Lernen, Wissensmanagement in Dienstleistungsentwicklungsprozessen – Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung. In: T. Schlegel, D. Spath (eds.): Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen. Wissen, Kreativität, Lernen, pp. 25(38, IRB Verlag, Stuttgart. [8] A. Karapidis, M. Berenz, T. Ernst: Performance Measurement in Dienstleistungsentwicklungsprojekten. In: T. Schlegel, D. Spath (eds.): Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen. Wissen, Kreativität, Lernen, pp. 85(100, IRB Verlag, Stuttgart. [9] Alexander Karapidis et al.: Focus Group 2: The Developing Importance of Formal and Informal Professional Communities of Practice. In: T. van Weert, A. Tatnall: Information and Communication Technologies and Real(Life Learning, New York, Springer, 2005. 89 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Professional Learning Cluster Martin Wolpers, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany wolpers@L3S.de Gunnar Martin, DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany martin@iwi.uni(sb.de Keywords Business Processes, e(Learning, Technology Enhanced Professional Learning (TEL), Professional Learning Cluster (PRO(LC), joint European research Joint Research in Professional Learning The European research in the area of (technology enhanced) professional learning is very fragmented. The “Network of Excellence in Professional Learning (PROLEARN; http://www.prolearn(project.org/)” has significantly contributed to overcome this fragmentation through a large number of integration activities. Thus, PROLEARN has become a central point – in the sense of a co(ordinator – for research( and industry(related activities in the field of TEL, carried out by its core(partners( as well as its associated participants network. The NoE´s success bases on a two(fold strategy: (1.) Through PROLEARN a variety of research oriented workpackages (WP) has been set up. Within these WP, the partners focus on combining their heterogeneous knowledge and skills to identify new and emerging research areas and foster discussions on issues of interest. The major outcomes are documented in large number of publications presented at international conferences, journals and (joint) workshops as well as in technology(oriented prototypes and ICT(supported tools, for example the “Simple Query Interface (SQI)”, “Flashmeeting” or the “Famework of semi( automated Metadata Generation”, that are used in the context of PROLEARN. (2.) Additionally, PROLEARN launches several outreach activities to widespread its knowledge towards the scientific and industry community in Europe and beyond. Researchers and practitioners are addressed through joint workshops where important research topics like “business process oriented learning management”, “knowledge work management” or “attention metadata” are being presented, discussed and further developed. Furthermore, through the very successfully implemented series of PROLEARN summer schools, the NoE´s Academy targets its activities to the needs of young researchers and PhD students. The themes provide a general introduction into and/or an overview over the area of professional learning as well as more detailed information about specialized areas like personalisation and adaptation, interactive media, social software and the usage of Web 2.0 technologies for TEL. These examples can also be found within PROLEARNs WP(structure. Thus, the summer schools allow young researchers to capture the most recent state of the art in respective 90 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 areas, to get in touch with prominent senior researchers and advisors and last but not least to build up their own scientific network. PROLEARN intends to continue its successful work in professional learning beyond its funding period in December 2007. In order to provide the sustainable forum, the PROLEARN management decided to ensure the continuation of its activities in co(operation with several European key players. PRO/LC As a result, more than 50 European leading research institutes and companies join forces to advance research and application of technology enhanced learning. The “Professional Learning Cluster PRO(LC” bundles the work major European projects, among them – besides PROLEARN – the Integrated Projects PROLIX, TENCompetence and APOSDLE as well as several Specific Targeted Research Projects, such as COOPER and iCAMP. These projects are funded through the 6th Framework Programme of the EC/IST Unit on Learning and Cultural Heritage. Initiated and influenced by PROLEARN, the cluster members focus on integrating technology enhanced learning, knowledge management and business process management in professional learning environments: PROLIX (http://www.prolixproject.org/) provides solutions for the modular combination of eLearning environments with business process modelling tools. The objective of PROLIX is to align learning with business processes in order to enable organisations to faster improve the competencies of their employees according to continuous changes of business requirements. To reach this goal, PROLIX develops an open, integrated reference architecture for process(oriented learning and information exchange. TENCompentence (http://www.tencompetence.org) supports lifelong competence development of individuals, teams and organisations by developing a service(based and open source European infrastructure. The infrastructure will use open(source, standards( based, sustainable and innovative technology. With this freely available infrastructure the European Union aims to boost the European ambitions of the Knowledge Society, by providing all European citizens, SMEs and other organisations easy access to facilities that enable the lifelong development of competencies and expertise in the various occupations and fields of knowledge. APOSDLE (http://www.aposdle.org/) enhances knowledge worker productivity by supporting informal learning activities in the context of knowledge workers' everyday work processes and within their computational work environments. It follows a “learn @ work” approach meaning that learning takes place in the user’s immediate work environment and context. The PRO(LC Cluster will facilitate and strengthen the close and fruitful cooperation between all involved research institutes and companies, enable the sharing of results and infrastructures, and identify emerging research issues in TEL relevant for future initiatives and programs. Furthermore, PRO(LC members came together to jointly work on European and world(wide standardization efforts, e.g. at CEN/ISSS and IEEE standardization bodies. As a first result of the Cluster, the “First European Conference on Technology Enhanced 91 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 Learning (EC(TEL; http://www.ectel06.org/)” will take place on Crete, Greece, in October 2006, supported by PRO(LC. The conference focuses on advances in technology enhanced learning, as well as its interactions with knowledge management, business processes and work environments. The First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning provides a unique forum for all research related to technology(enhanced learning, as well as its interactions with knowledge management, business processes and work environments. It will provide a competitive yet broad enough forum for technology enhanced learning research in Europe and world(wide through specialized workshops and the main conference. The conference will provide unique networking possibilities for participating researchers throughout the week and include project meetings and discussions for several EU/IST projects funded within the 6th framework program under the action line of "Technology(Enhanced Learning and Access to Cultural Heritage". 92 PROLEARN Research Report 2004/2005 PROLEARN Partners and Abbreviations L3S – Universität Hannover,Forschungszentrum L3S, Germany DFKI – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI), Germany OU – Open University (OU), UK KUL – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven) / ARIADNE Foundation, Belgium FHG – Fraunhofer(Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (FHG), Germany WUW – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WUW), Austria CSI – Universität für Bodenkultur, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (CSI) EPFL – École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland ETHZ – Eigenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland POLIMI – Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy JSI – Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia UPM – Universidad Polictécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain KTH – Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Sweden NCSR – National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR), Greece INT – Institut National des Télécommunications (INT), France HEC – Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France TUE – Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE), Netherlands RWTH – Rheinisch(Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH), Germany HUT – Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), Finland OUNL – Open University of the Netherlands (OU), The Netherlands IMC – information multimedia communication AG (IMC), Germany 93