African Women's Studies
Recent papers in African Women's Studies
Apoiando-se nos aportes teóricos dos estudos de gênero em contextos africanos, esta investigação formula análise sobre a participação e as experiências de mulheres angolanas, algumas delas camponesas, no quadro da luta armada pela... more
Women must be made to realize their full potentials and allow to participate in local & national development. No doubt many women had proved their worth in governance, corporate management, etc; therefore women must be supported and given... more
It is often assumed that female pharaoh Hatshepsut had a legitimacy problem as pharaoh because of her gender and, in turn, she had to be ‘strong-willed’ and calculative in her actions to keep support of male. This is based predominantly... more
Paper explores the postcolonial and feminist theory in African writers and their engagement of religion
Used for Students of M. A.
OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN POPULAR MUSIC. The creative process and the production of success; the political process and the control and management of musical production till it reaches the final consumer is a very topical issue for... more
How can one read Mark 5:1-43’s story from the multiple levels of post-colonial, feminist and HIV/AIDS perspectives? There are, no doubt, many ways of reading any text. But more importantly each of the above mentioned paradigm is a... more
This book is based on long-term research and multiple stays in the Oguta area of Imo State, Southeastern Nigeria. Ethnographic descriptions are interlaced with local voices. . The lives and experiences of women and men in the riverine... more
This study codifies the category of the alt-right anti-hero and the antihero’s characteristics. In examining alt-right digital rhetorics, the authors found allusions to heroism in manifestos by killers, both recent and historical, that... more
The black African body is a highly historicised space as it has been tortured and traumatised through the processes of enslavement and colonialism. As for the black female body, a raced and gendered space, it has been even more exploited,... more
The paper explorers the trope of travel and the power relations associated with travelling and travelers. It uses John 1 to explore a reading from the perspective of immigration. Postcolonial theory is employed.
"Passion killings"--murders of young women by their young male partners, sometimes followed by suicide--became a public issue in Botswana in the 1990s, and have continued. Two conflicting narratives emerged, one blaming the loss of... more
I conceived and realized this study during a month internship with the NGO CISS- Cooperazione internazionale sud sud, in the Tata oasis (south Morocco) in January-February 2009. The project "Renforcement des capacités d’intervention des... more
This collection of chapters proposes various ways of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in theological education.
The notion that African traditions are maintained for their symbolic power is evident in Haitian Vodou and its diaspora. The Fon of Dahomey is renowned for its ruling Empire and their belief in the Creator -Mawu-Lisa (now the Republic of... more
This chapter undertakes a process-oriented study of genocide to consider how the gendered nature of genocide continues to influence security policies in postconflict Rwanda, and informs Rwandan women’s motives for joining state security... more
In this paper, I will examine the use of language to colonize the other from a slightly different angle. Most postcolonial debates focus on the imposition of the colonizer’s language on the colonized, its impact on the colonized and the... more
This paper will present some interpretations of Batswana women readers of Matt. 15:21-28. In keeping with the theme of this volume, the aim of presenting their readings is to take seriously the subjectivity and agency of their own... more
The immense roles of women in rebuilding the social, economic and political fabric of the Rwandan society after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi steered President Paul Kagame’s interim government to put in place legislative and... more
This paper highlights the proposed “Talitha cum” African women’s biblical hermeneutics of reading through sketching the practices of four African women scholars: Mercy A. Oduyoye (Ghana); Madipoane Masenya (South Africa), Musa W. Dube... more
Postcolonial theories highlight that imperialism is a military exercise as it is a textual project. Imperial traveling agents employ texts to subjugate foreign geographical spaces, to colonize the minds of native inhabitants, and to... more
In this article, the biblical Rahab and I ؛ill pay a visit to Precious Rawiotswe f؛or a cup of ؛red bush tea. That is, the story of ؛Rahab will provide a reading grid by which to analyse a Botswana woman character:. Precious... more
The paper makes a case for a postcolonial feminist reading of the Bible.
The Bible, its interpretation, institutions and readers, in Sub-Saharan Africa will always be tied to the modern colonial history, preceding and succeeding the scramble for Africa. The scramble for Africa, was the scramble for Africa... more
"A bird with one wing does not fly." In the Church at large, the life of the Church is often far better represented by its feminine wing. But for theological articulations and development, the voice of the feminine wing is too often... more
The article argues that emerging African lesbian fiction in English is radically redefining African feminism, femininity, and society, imagining a social change toward respect for otherness and the recognition of individual human rights.... more
This paper on gender and the Bible in African Christianity can only give broad highlights on phenomena that can be described in a million different ways in the whole continent, given the diversities of religion, ethnicity, race,... more
The Circle of African Women Theologians symbolises African women's space of transformative power of re-interpretation; of intellectual invigoration and creative energy; of talking and of thinking amongst themselves in a friendly and... more
Women civilized men, not the other way around. This book is also intended to showcase the the women’s ancient culture from where the ancient Egyptian civilization was born and give the women and women’s culture its due credit.... more
The article carries out a postcolonial feminist reading of Genesis 34, taking up the intersection of gender, race, class and violence in the colonial space.
This article reviews the gendered Pentecostal Bible as documented by various researchers. It assesses how the prophetic-spirit framework encounters and functions within the framework of the inerrant but patriarchal written word. The... more
African oratures consist of a significant corpus of trickster stories. This article investigates indigenous frameworks of reading texts by exploring the philosophical stance of Mmutle, the trickster of Southern Africa, by analyzing eight... more
Within Africology, there has been long-held sentiment that feminism, feminist consciousness, or any train of thought that interrogates the condition and/or position of women, be it social, economic, political or the like, is an import of... more
As one of the major ways by which interaction between men and women is regulated in society, marriage has offered a useful yardstick for the assessment of gender relations in many works of African fiction authored by women. The paper... more
The article was first written for the SECSOR SBL, eastern regional meeting held in Atlanta in 2008. The theme of the conference was healing. This article outlines the attempts that have been made by biblical scholars and faith activists... more
This paper is primarily based on fieldwork research, carried out by different researchers over the last ten years. It will explore the position of women in the church of Botswana, by examining: a. women from different church... more
Paper presented at an international, interdisciplinary conference on Accountable Leadership and Sustainability in Africa: Religion, Democracy and Civil Society celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the University of South Africa’s (Unisa)... more
By specifically focusing on Big Brother Africa 5 - All Stars- as an example from the emerging cultural and media form of reality TV in Ghana, I attempt to demonstrate that some of the issues raised by reality TV researchers and which have... more
What is the basic structure of African Indigenous Religions (AIR/s)? How is it gendered? How did colonialism affect AIR/s? Is the academic study of AIR/s among Africanists and feminists decolonized? Using the context of Southern... more
This concise but comprehensive handbook was composed by one of Black Africa's leading Muslim women thinkers, reformers, mystics and nation builders. It is a work on Islamic theology, the purification of the heart, metaphysics and social... more