The story of the evolution of a sacred image in the New World. It starts with the first westbound boat from Spain in the fifteenth century and takes the reader through the interwoven migrations of people and ideas, into the world of... more
The story of the evolution of a sacred image in the New World. It starts with the first westbound boat from Spain in the fifteenth century and takes the reader through the interwoven migrations of people and ideas, into the world of modern-day Santería in the United States.
The most important recent development in the history of Afro-American religions is their expansion across ethnic and national barriers. The diffusion of these religions has created networks of ritual kinship that now span national... more
The most important recent development in the history of Afro-American religions is their expansion across ethnic and national barriers. The diffusion of these religions has created networks of ritual kinship that now span national boundaries giving rise to transnational communities of worshippers. The paper argues that there are stages in the formation of these transnational communities that are related to the religious careers of the practitioners, since the different religious variants they encounter in this path have different implications for their development. In this process of increasing transnationalization, the nationality of origin of the different Afro-American religious variants remains important and must be dealt with in different ways throughout the individual’s religious career. It is argued that the re- Africanization processes that have been observed in practically all Afro-American variants in their new settings constitute the latest stage in the development of these religions and that they are instrumental in the creation of a world religion and of a truly multifarious transnational community of worshippers.
En el marco del XI Congreso internacional e interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores nos preguntamos sobre "Nuevas Plataformas para hacer Historia". En relación con ello, he presentado un estudio sobre el imaginario del Santo Moro... more
En el marco del XI Congreso internacional e interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores nos preguntamos sobre "Nuevas Plataformas para hacer Historia".
En relación con ello, he presentado un estudio sobre el imaginario del Santo Moro siciliano Benedetto Manasseri en Instagram, Pinterest e You Tube y su impacto en la historia del culto: ¿qué tipo de santidad representa el modelo devocional que circula en la Web? ¿Es espejo de continuidad devocional o el surgimiento de otra práctica de culto? Además, ¿Cuál es su vínculo con el corpus hagiografico de los siglos XVII y XVIII?
Por otro lado, el objetivo de la investigación es experimentar las Redes Sociales como archivo interactivo en que hacer historia.