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This book chapter examines Black Brazilian efforts to establish a municipal education project that revalues forms of knowledge and learning emerging from and through Afro-descendant communities. By revaluing Afro-Brazilian cultures as... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial MovementsLatin American Studies
Link PDF: https://bdtd.ibict.br/vufind/Record/UFJF_c4661ce6a6d180fd8c2a1b0fa18afc90 __________ (1) ES-RESUMEN: El espacio ritual se constituye en un locus sagrado de fiesta. En el escenario religioso, el sentimiento de reconocerse... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of ReligionEducationSocial Sciences
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      Visual CultureAfro-Brazilian CultureAfro-Brazilian religionPolice Museums
The paper's starting point is the presence, increase and expansion of cults of African origin in Latin America. From there it approaches, in a comparative perspective, some of the changes in the attire of men when dancing the Candomblé... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityAfrican American ReligionsAfro-Brazilian religion
A presente comunicação pretende debater os processos híbridos e a invenção da tradição no seio do Candomblé nagô baiano, onde a memória instituída preconiza o ideal de continuidade. Para tanto, parte-se do estudo-de-caso da divindade... more
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      Luso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesCandombléAfro-Brazilian CultureAfro-Brazilian and African-American studies
O Candomblé jeje-nagô estabeleceu-se na Bahia nos finais do século XIX e primeiros anos do século XX, durante o período final da trata de escravos oriundos da chamada Costa dos Escravos. Diante de um novo contexto cultural e regional, que... more
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      CandombléCandombleHistória e Cultura Afro-BrasileiraAmnesia
This essay aims to clarify some points referring to Quimbanda practiced in Brazil in a clear and objective way, without making any reference to any temple or organization, being only the author's vision, based on their experience within... more
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      QuimbandaAfrican Traditional ReligionsKimbandaAfro-Brazilian religion
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      TransnationalismLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAnthropology of ReligionAfro-Brazilian religion
Resenha crítica da obra do antropólogo Juliano Spyer, fruto de sua pesquisa de campo na periferia de Salvador, BA, onde estão suas percepções sobre o atual pensamento político do povo evangélico, o qual não é tão monolítico como... more
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      AnthropologyReligion and PoliticsBrazilian PoliticsReligious anthropology
The presence of a female priesthood, a distinctive feature of Afro-Brazilian cults, has long been a key issue occupying the attention of researchers. In the "terreiros" that I studied, I observed that the most important founding female... more
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      Gender and SexualityGender and Sexuality StudiesWomen and Gender StudiesAfro-american studies
Focusing on the term "macumba," this article examines the complex and contested process through which the interested claims of officials, elites, scholars, and informants overlapped to produce distinct models of Afro-Brazilian orthodoxy... more
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      ReligionAfro-Brazilian CultureCandombleUmbanda
Resumo: A presente tese possui dois objetivos: De um lado, analisar como o candomblé, através das representações de alguns de seus adeptos, enxerga a questão da raça, cor e etnicidade e, de outro, como a literatura acadêmica e ficcional e... more
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      Race and ethnicity (Anthropology)CandombléCandombleRace and Ethnicity studies, estudos de raça e etnia
Esta dissertação tem como foco de interesse empírico a presença de dois símbolos de referência afro-religiosa dispostos no espaço público da cidade de Porto Alegre e seus arredores. A partir das controvérsias e relações que... more
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      Religion and ModernityAnthropology of ReligionAfro-Brazilian religion
This Special Issue examines the construction of ethnographic knowledge in researching among participants of religious and spiritual groups through the lenses of bodily experience. Articles discuss the methodological implications of... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsSociologySociology of Religion
In 2011, a private-led renovation project sought to redevelop and privatize Rio de Janeiro's port area. In this context, the ruins of an old slave wharf re-emerged, becoming a symbol of Black resistance and, alongside nearby sites and... more
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      Latin American StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesBrazilian HistorySlavery
Resumo: Este artigo analisa performances artísticas ligadas à música e à dança como manifestações culturais capazes de irradiar símbolos dos cultos afro-brasileiros, evidenciando como sua circularidade nos permite compreender esse espaço... more
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      ReligionMusicAfro-Brazilian and African-American studiesAfro-Brazilian religion
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
O presente trabalho enfoca a experiência religiosa Yorùbá e afro-brasileira do Candomblé de matriz Jeje-Nagô como expressas sobremaneira na praxis. É, pois, propósito mostrar que nos imaginários em causa as categorias clássicas de... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesCandombléYoruba Studies
1. Geralmente nascidas e/ou implantadas nas áreas pobres das cidades onde, por questões de ordem sociopolítico-econômica, a paisagem urbana é mais decadente, as religiões de grande adesão popular desenham no espaço geográfico as linhas... more
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      Sociology of ReligionMusicTheologyLuso-Afro-Brazilian Studies
The present paper aims to analyze the idea of person among the Yorùbá people of Western Africa, taking into account the conception of orí, i.e., the head, which is understood by them as the bowl of human personality and destiny. Those... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaCandomblé
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      African StudiesCandombléNostalgiaCandomble
This paper examines Brazil’s century return to Africa movement from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives, identifying three main stages. The largest single wave of voyages came after an 1835 slave uprising in the province of... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian religionBrazilian returnees (agudás)
On "specific holy days" during "unending dance": the body motion of enslaved people in their religious experiences in Colonial Brazil (Pernambuco, 17th century) This paper aims to analyze the meaning of one's body within the religious... more
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      African Religion in Africa and the DiasporaLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureReligious Studies
Brazil is home for the largest African diaspora. In spite of that, until the end of the twentieth century, Brazil's Africanness tended to be hidden under the Eurocentric construct of a colour-blind national identity and the myth of racial... more
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      Brazilian StudiesAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaRace and ReligionAfro-Brazilian religion
A dezassete de Abril de 1732, um homem apresentara-se voluntariamente na Inquisição de Lisboa, requisitando audiência para se confessar. Este fora Lucas Barbosa, homem natural de Ourém e ex-soldado na Bahia, em tempo possuidor de uma... more
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      Local HistoryInquisitionBrazilian syncretismPortuguese Inquisition
Desde suas primeiras caracterizações, um aspecto central da idéia de modernidade é sua suposta ruptura com relação ao tradicional e ao religioso. Neste sentido, as religiões afro-brasileiras, por seu suposto atraso intelectual, e também a... more
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      Religion and PoliticsModernityTradition and ModernityEspaço Publico
This article analyzes the idea of person among the Yorùbás from West Africa, through the conception of orí, i.e. the head, understood by them as bearer of personality and destiny, an idea widespread in the literature on the matter of... more
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      CandombléAfro-Brazilian CulturePredestinationYoruba
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      AnthropologyAfro-Brazilian CultureReligious StudiesAfro-Brazilian religion
Conhecido nacionalmente como a manifestação cultural mais emblemática do Maranhão, o bumba meu boi destaca-se pela dimensão lúdica e pelo caráter religioso, o qual pode ser observado tanto em suas relações com o catolicismo popular,... more
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      Popular CultureSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEtnographyAnthropology of Religion
Resumo: No imaginário candomblecista, a África assume uma posição particular, quer como lieu de mémoire, i.e., como espaço de memória e referência emocional, ligada ao desterro da escravatura, quer como recurso político, ou seja, como... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfrican American Religions
In this paper, we discuss the sociocultural influence of Candomblé in the city of Recife. We seek to deepen our knowledge through visits to several centres of African origin (yards). We will provide an interview with the Babalorixá... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaAfrocentrismAfro-Brazilian CultureHistória e Cultura Afro-Brasileira
O presente trabalho visa abordar a fundação do Candomblé, a partir do comércio transatlântico de escravos (do Golfo da Guiné para o brasil), nos séc. XVIII e XIX, e na posterior diáspora, com os casos português e alemão, reconhecendo que... more
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      TransnationalismCandombléAfro-Brazilian religionReligiões Afro-Brasileiras
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      BrazilPentecostalismNeo-PentecostalismAfro-Brazilian Culture
O presente trabalho visa abordar a fundação do Candomblé, a partir do comércio transatlântico de escravos (do Golfo da Guiné para o Brasil), nos séc. XVIII e XIX, e na posterior diáspora, com os casos português e alemão, reconhecendo que... more
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      Portuguese StudiesTransnationalismCandombléUmbanda
El siguiente artículo presenta un panorama resumido de la presencia de las religiones de matriz africana en Argentina, fundamentalmente de alguna de las particularidades de su desarrollo en la ciudad de Rosario. Con el propósito de ayudar... more
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      ArgentinaAntropología del cuerpoAfro-Brazilian religion
Based on ethnographic fieldwork, the author examines the characteristic behavioral problems that are diagnosed as the work of the controversial spirit entity named Pomba Gira. Described in myth and song as the spirit of a woman beholden... more
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      ArtSexualityGender and SexualityGender
Este artigo é fruto dos primeiros passos da pesquisa de mestrado, e se dá a partir de uma etnografia do processo de restituição de objetos da Umbanda e do Candomblé apreendidos pela Polícia Civil do Rio de Janeiro no início da República.... more
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      HistoryPublic HistoryPost-ColonialismRestitution
This study explores Afro-Caribbean religious traditions as they strive to be accepted and respected as world religions. The study focuses on three broadly based traditions found throughout the Caribbean, the Americas, and the world: the... more
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      World ReligionsIfa-Orisa/Orisha Tradition in Africa and the DiasporaPalo MayombeVoodoo
discusses the role of women in the Afro-Brazilian religions of Candomblé and Umbanda
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)CandombléUmbandaHealing and Religion
This article argues that Pinkster should be understood as an Atlantic Creole festival in a Dutch-American context, rather than a Dutch-African festival in an American context. It claims that the syncretic character of Pinkster did not... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesFolklore
O presente artigo visa analisar o conceito de “religião” e suas implicações concetuais para a observação das religiões africanas, partindo do caso dos yorùbá da África Ocidental e visitando o candomblé, religião brasileira de matriz... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfrocentrism
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      AnthropologyLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesReligious StudiesAfro-Brazilian religion
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. 77 (2017): 118–126 I put the finishing touches on this review article the morning the US election results were in. Both of the books I review here, Chad Seales' 'The Secular... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryRace and RacismAfrican Diaspora Studies
o presente artigo pretende observar o sentido do orí, a cabeça, entre os yorùbás da África Ocidental, dando conta do complexo problema de natureza teológica subjacente à pluridimensionalidade discursiva dentro de um quadro cultural... more
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      African StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesCandombleYoruba
The Lux In Tenebris project is based on a short film of the fantastic thriller and terror genres, which alludes to other filmographies in the category and aims to surprise the viewer with Brazilian references to what is meant by exorcism.... more
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      ScreenwritingFilm StudiesThrillerReligious Syncretism
In 1920 the Orthodox theologian Pavel Florensky presented the theory, that icons are often structured in an ‘inverted perspective’, based on theological notions, and applied for spiritual reasons. This figure has fascinated many since,... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHermeneutics (Research Methodology)Fieldwork in AnthropologyAfrican Religion in Africa and the Diaspora
“Pinkster: Um Festival Luso-Americano em Nova Iorque” Lecture in Portuguese on the annual slave performance in New York called “Pinkster” that existed until the mid-19th century. Lecture by Jeroen Dewulf at USP São Paulo, Brazil.... more
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      Luso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAngolaAfro-Brazilian CultureBrazil and Africa
This paper explores the aesthetic trajectory of Abdias Nascimento in the context of his life's work, arguing that he has to be apprehended as a Quilombola warrior figure, through his entwinement of political and artistic agency. More... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureAfricana Studies
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      IconoclasmLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesPoliceCaboclos
A temática do passado nos estudos afro-brasileiros tem estado acantonada às discussões de longue durée de pureza nagô, idioma diacrítico quer dos terreiros quer de parte da pesquisa especializada, veiculada tanta à herança científica da... more
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      Memory StudiesCandombléAfro-Brazilian CultureAnthropology of Religion