Afterlife landscapes
Recent papers in Afterlife landscapes
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Current events in science imply that a new scientific revolution in physics is unfolding. This new revolution will be as much about mind and consciousness as it is about matter and physics. It will bring a new theory of physical reality... more
An Announcement of my Book about the Roman Cult of the manes, including a description of the work and the table of contents
The Theogony of Epimenides of Crete and the origin of the Orphic-Pythagorean doctrine of reincarnation It is commonly believed that the epic Theogony of Epimenides of Crete derives from the corpus of pseudepigrapha under his name and... more
A popular discussion of select textual and iconographic evidence relating to the punishment the Damned from Egypt's Old, Middle, and New Kingdom.
In a 1947 letter to Sir Stanley Unwin, J.R.R. Tolkien wrote that "every romance that takes things seriously must have a warp of fear and horror". 1 The "romance" of which he writes is, of course, The Lord of the Rings, and the world he... more
This study investigates the unique features of Icelandic geographical terrain and its impact upon cognitive reality of medieval Iceland. The focus is on saga depictions of Viking-Age individuals on Iceland’s western coast passing into... more
This research aimed to explore and describe the concepts of afterlife and the realm of dead in Hebrew Bible and related concepts in Modern Judaism that how modern Jewish thought is different from ancient Biblical Jewish thought about... more
Nothing Better Than Death is a comprehensive analysis of the near-death experiences profiled on this website. This book provides complete NDE testimonials, summaries of various NDEs, NDE research conclusions, a question and answer... more
Christopher Buck, “Sapiential Theosis: A New Reading of Ephrem the Syrian’s Hymns on Paradise.” Journal of the Assyrian Academic Society 9.2 (1995): 80–125. ABSTRACT A fresh reading of the Hymns on Paradise (HdP) discloses how... more
In this beautiful book which is available on, of comforting and uplifting poems, Philosopher, Educator and Metaphysician Renata Leuffen allows the readers to take part in an enlightening conversation between a mother (Renata... more
Taking the medieval period as the highpoint of hell, this talks explores where this idea came from, including Greece and Rome, the mystery religions, Gnosticism, the Bible and the Christian Creeds. It explores ideas from Christian... more
In the New Kingdom Netherworld Books, the full potential of visual imagery is explored, with illustrations and vignettes very closely intertwined with captions and annotations. The beyond is now more than ever encoded in images that... more
Medieval otherworld visions are adventure stories — journeys into unknown realms — with ethical, theological and soteriological instruction embedded into them. The richness of these tales makes them an excellent foundation for such... more
Inhalt:. Einführung: Eine kurze Geschichte des Jenseits; (I) Antike: Vom innerweltlichen zum außerweltlichen Jenseits; (II) Antikes Judentum und frühen Christentum: Himmel, Hölle und Gericht, (III) Islam: Der eine Gott und die vielen... more
Among the greatest questions ever asked, perhaps the greatest is whether some part of us survives death of the body. Whole religions, individual philosophers, scholars of all types, scientists and ordinary people have all tried to answer... more
The article discusses different scientific perceptions of the early Greek afterlife. Jan N. Bremmer identifies changes of attitude towards death already within the Homeric epics and links them with a development Philippe Ariès claimed to... more
It is fairly common to refer to our use of the paranormal aspects of consciousness as a sixth sense, but the idea of a sixth sense comes much closer to the truth of our physical situation in the universe-at-large than we might imagine.... more
Postoji sasvim izvesna veza između sve velike stvorene muzike i svetlosnih struna određenog predela: slika preseka na-sebi-zastalih geoloških strujanja i iz-nesvesnog-izroneli obrisni zapis muzičke kompozicije stoje u prisnoj vezi. *... more
The article deals with a short, almost unknown Latin poem by Albertino Mussato entitled Somnium, which relates the author's oniric journey into the afterlife. As has already been noted by critics, it is a scholarly exercise in controversy... more
BRIEF of my book: < Moira's Controversy - Winged Goddess in the time before Creation > ; author: Katarina Ristich Aglaja (Katarina Ristić Aglaja)
Drawing on an ethnographic research in Trabzon, northeast Turkey, I explore the interrelations between the discreet presence of Greek heritage and the enchantments of local topographies. I particularly focus on imaginations of treasures... more
Everyone seems to have some innate idea that there is an afterlife. Developing a mental picture of the afterlife seems quite natural to us and seems be as old as humankind, more than likely predating even the earliest development of... more
About 12,000 years ago, in the Hilazon Tachtit cave close to the Sea of Galilee — the small, lopsided body of a middle-aged woman was lowered into an oval-shaped grave. Her final resting place had been carefully cut into sterile breccia... more
Every living organism is characterized by two different classes of complex physical field patterns. These constitute (1) the ‘life force’ or biofield and (2) the mind-consciousness complex. The biofield deals with the normal biological... more
Potisnuće duha zemljinog šara u Podzemlje osuda je majke zvezdanih rojeva na život u progonstvu (njen pad u bezimenost). Tako je svet-pre-vremena ostao na površini pust. Ali ona je od ostatka stare svetlosti zemlje, upijene u sebe,... more
I think that relevance is just the wrong word to use. It is not so much that psi phenomena and the afterlife are relevant to one another, but rather that they exist at the same level or order of physical reality with regard to the... more
To support this project, please visit Drawing upon historical, anthropological, medical, psychological, religious, parapsychological, and popular literature, this cross-cultural anthology will... more
The Unknown Origin of The Text
It is no small consolation to one rash enough to agree to lecture on this subject that the title of the lecture is a question rather than an assertion. The title is a question to which the lecturer must address himself rather than a... more