The Farmer and His Wife, is a theatre (short, and in a form of poem) about hardworking and earning the returns. Focuses on spouses and their potential in encouraging each other to a common good. ገበሬው እና ሚስቱ የግጥም ቅርጽ የያዘ አጭር ቲያትር ነው። በባል... more
The Farmer and His Wife, is a theatre (short, and in a form of poem) about hardworking and earning the returns. Focuses on spouses and their potential in encouraging each other to a common good. ገበሬው እና ሚስቱ የግጥም ቅርጽ የያዘ አጭር ቲያትር ነው። በባል እና ሚስት ተረዳድቶ የመለወጥ የጋራ አቅማቸው ላይ አተኩሮ ይጓዛል፨
A Man Thirsty of Truth, is a theatre (short, and in a form of poem) about a fight between Truth and other virtues on one side and False-hood and other similar characters in the other. It is based on personification. እውነት የጠማው ሰው የግጥም ቅርጽ... more
A Man Thirsty of Truth, is a theatre (short, and in a form of poem) about a fight between Truth and other virtues on one side and False-hood and other similar characters in the other. It is based on personification. እውነት የጠማው ሰው የግጥም ቅርጽ የያዘ አጭር ቲያትር ነው። እውነት እና ጥሩ ገጸባህሪያት በአንድ ጎን ከ ሀሰት እና መሰል ክፉ ገጸባህሪያት በሌላ ጎን እሚያደርጉት ፍልሚያ እና ዉሳኔዎች ላይ አተኩሮ በሰውኛ ዘይቤ ይጓዛል፨
"Worisa" is an Amharic Novel by the well known Ethiopian writer Alemayehu Gelagay. The writer employed political, social and historical parodies in this work as devices to give a satirical picture of the reality we live in. This essay... more
"Worisa" is an Amharic Novel by the well known Ethiopian writer Alemayehu Gelagay. The writer employed political, social and historical parodies in this work as devices to give a satirical picture of the reality we live in. This essay tried to analyse the novel briefly. ወሪሳ እንደ ግጥም እምቅ ድርሰት ነው፤ ማኅበራዊውን ሂስ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊውን ሥጋት፣ ፖለቲካዊውን ትችት በውስጡ አምቆ ይዟል፡፡ ...ወሪሳ የአለማየሁ ገላጋይ ቀልድ አዋቂነት፣ በቋንቋ እንዳሻው የመጫወት ብቃት፣ የተረት (የተውላጠ ታሪክም ጭምር) ፈጣሪነት (እንደ ኤዞፕም፣ እንደ ሀዲስ አለማየሁም) አቅም የታየበት ድርሰት ነው፡፡ ደራሲው ምስላቸው አንባቢው ዓይነ ልቡና ውስጥ በአካል ገዝፎ የሚመጣ ገፀባህርያትን የመቅረፅ ችሎታው ይበልጥ ጎልቶ ታይቷል፡፡ በወሪሳ አንባቢው አርአያ የሚያደርገው ልቦለዳዊ ተጋዳሊ (fictional hero)፣ ወይም አንባቢው የሚያምነው የተረጋገጠ እውነት የለም፡፡ ዋናው ገፀባህርይ አንባቢውን የሚያበሳጭ እንጂ የሚወደድም የሚታዘንለትም አይደለም፤ የተተረኩት ልዋጭ ታሪኮችም ሆኑ ተረቶች እንደየተራኪያቸው/ እንደተራቻቸው የተለያዩ መሆናቸውና የድርሰቱ ተራኪም አመዛዝኖ የሚፈርድ አለመሆኑ አንባቢውን ማመንታት ውስጥ ይጥሉታል፡፡....
This book gives a comprehensive account on literature landscape of Ethiopia in a period from 1850's through to 1960's. It tries to infer the dynamics of the fabrics of Ethiopian society with biographic sketches of giant Ethiopian writers... more
This book gives a comprehensive account on literature landscape of Ethiopia in a period from 1850's through to 1960's. It tries to infer the dynamics of the fabrics of Ethiopian society with biographic sketches of giant Ethiopian writers and their literary works. The book is organized into two parts. In the first part, the history of Ethiopian literature in general and that of Amharic literature in particular is depicted, the reference period being from 1850's to 1960's. To that end, broad elements of literature - fiction and non-fiction - were reviewed, with focus on novel & novella, drama & plays, journalism & journalistic works. In the second part, the short biography of 30 Ethiopian literary giants depicted. The book reflects how the political, socio-economic and socio-cultural dynamics in Ethiopia shaped and/or shaped by literary works & life of Ethiopian writers.
The short paper describes the neccessity and advantage of using an alphabetic transliteration side by side with the original Ethiopic script while working on Ethiopic text corpora, establishing word indices, concordances etc. Sample pages... more
The short paper describes the neccessity and advantage of using an alphabetic transliteration side by side with the original Ethiopic script while working on Ethiopic text corpora, establishing word indices, concordances etc. Sample pages of a work in progress – the synoptic edition of the Imperial Songs in Old Amharic are given.
My maternal Grandfather published a memoir entitled A Life of Too Many Ups and Downs, decades ago in Amharic. This is an interpretation, into English, of the foreword. Perhaps, in due time, the whole text will be available for... more
My maternal Grandfather published a memoir entitled A Life of Too Many Ups and Downs, decades ago in Amharic. This is an interpretation, into English, of the foreword. Perhaps, in due time, the whole text will be available for republishing. My grandfather was a teacher, school administrator, diplomat, ambassador, and governor. His local love was Gwonder, and his larger love Ethiopia.
This paper contains a song recorded in 1906 by the German Aksum Expedition in Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia. It praises Emperor Yohannes IV using the traditional patterns of a heroic song, referring to historical events in a highly patterned... more
This paper contains a song recorded in 1906 by the German Aksum Expedition in Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia. It praises Emperor Yohannes IV using the traditional patterns of a heroic song, referring to historical events in a highly patterned way. It makes use, in some cases, of allusions and double meanings to underline the divine nature of Yohannes IV's rule and pass a hidden message of defiance against the then current Emperor Menilek II. The article documents the original Amharic text with translation and analysis.
A terse demonstration, with little explanation, of how an historical figure can change the landscape of language, and how a few moments of critical thinking from a native speaker and reader can illuminate connections hitherto forgotten.