Ancient Liturgies
Recent papers in Ancient Liturgies
This article examines the celebration of Lazarus Saturday in Hagiopolite liturgical practice between the late fourth and early tenth centuries. Lazarus Saturday occupied a significant place within the liturgical year in ancient Jerusalem,... more
Análisis de las normas litúrgicas emplazadas en el obispado de Tlaxcala-Puebla, entre el siglo XVI al XIX. Los principios rectores, los manuales y textos oficiales, así como las reformas derivadas de la realidad social y las prácticas de... more
Gabriella Gelardini offers a form-critical, historical, and intertextual analysis of Hebrews. She starts by acknowledging that Hebrews is frequently categorized formally as an ancient synagogue homily with its consequent Sitz im Leben... more
Starting from the double understanding of peregrinatio as exile and pilgrimage in Augustine, this research aims to investigate the Augustinian motif sursum cor and to discuss its sources and its meanings. I examine the relationship of... more
Wäre Petrus nie in Rom gewesen, wie neuerdings wieder behauptet wird, wäre das ein heftiger Schlag gegen das Papsttum, das sich doch gerade auf das Grab des Apostelfürsten und die Petrusnachfolge beruft. Der Band untersucht deshalb aus... more