Anthropology of dance and performance
Recent papers in Anthropology of dance and performance
Currently, belly dance is practised worldwide, producing a global market of classes, workshops, festivals, competitions, and performances. In this sense, Egypt attracts amateur and professional dancers from all over the world that crave... more
«Мышечное связывание» в истории современного танца: От режима массовости к режиму коллективности «Muscular binding» in the history of the contemporary dance: From the mass mode to the collective mode В статье рассмотрена концепция... more
Este trabajo explora la manera en que la ejecución de la Danza de Aztecas, en el contexto de la fiesta patronal en honor a la Señora Santa Ana, contribuye a la forma de vida comunitaria en Santa Ana Tlacotenco a través de la experiencia... more
Founded in 2009, CORPUS now includes more than 450 researchers who work in 67 countries. Created after a series of seminars organised between 2001 and 2008 in the Social Sciences High School (Paris) and the Autonomous University of... more
The paper begins with historical data about the Yugoslavian Club established in Dayton, Ohio in 1974. Affiliated with this club was a group named Yugoslav Dancers, founded to perform at the Dayton International Festival. In the 1980s... more
Performance forms and Ritual have undoubtedly been linked in human culture since primordial times. The first “theatrical” performances have been speculated to have either originated in early agricultural practices of fertility renewal, or... more
Contemporary European theatre builds on many traditions, yet two seem particularly at odds: wandering theatre troupes and publicly funded municipal theatre institutions. While the Italian commedia dell’arte, the French théâtre de la foire... more
CONGRÉS INTERNACIONAL «LA DANSA DELS ALTRES». Alteritat i joc en la festa popular: moros, cristians i altres fi gures del diferent en el teatre, la música i la dansa de la tradició. Biar (País Valencià), 7-9 de juliol de 2016. Seu... more
Capacity for character: fiction, ethics and the anthropology of conduct Method acting is one of the most popular theatrical rehearsal systems, according to which actors seek intense identification with characters. In this article, I draw... more