Aplied Mathematics
Recent papers in Aplied Mathematics
The Solve Equation X^p+Y^q=Z^w / 01/2022
Salah satu permasalahan yang akan menjadi rumit jika menggunakan metode analitik yaitu menentukan akar suatu persamaan. Beberapa persamaan sederhana seperti persamaan kuadrat mungkin akan mudah jika dilakukan dengan metode analitik, akan... more
Los modelos de simulación sirven –entre sus varias funciones– para comprender los mecanismos que operan en sistemas complejos. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de los puntos de equilibrio de un sistema dinámico ganadero aplicando el... more
Cities traditionally concentrate a country’s resources and tale nts, and, thus, they have long been the hubs of innovation and economic growth. Recent rapid urbanization has brought numerous challenges to our cities,... more
Queueing theory is the mathematical study of waiting line or queue.In general ,it is a branch of operating research as the queueing model are often used in business for marketing decision about the resources need for providing service to... more
ABSTRACT A comprehensive analysis, together with the derivation of a closed form solu-tion to the two-body problem in arbitrary non-inertial reference frames are made within the present work. By using an efficient mathematical instrument,... more
Cities traditionally concentrate a country’s re-sources and talents, and, thus, they have long been the hubs of innovation and economic growth. Recent rapid urbanization has brought numerous challenges to our cities, including... more
Esta investigacion complementa al analisis tecnico bursatil y tiene por ob- jetivo clasi car 88 emisoras de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, utilizando el analisis de componentes principales y el analisis discriminante lineal (PCA y... more
In this paper multilevel approach to the issue of road safety level on the road network of European regions, classified as NUTS 2 in statistical databases of the European Union, has been presented. Following the pattern of many... more
Abstrak: Diskusi ini membahas bagaimana dunia pendidikan dapat mengenal matematika yang sejatinya bukan sebatas rumus belaka, tetapi matematika yang dapat diselesaikan tanpa menggunakan rumus. Dalam hal ini yang diperlukan adalah logika,... more
"Regions are Europe’s basic levels of management. The literature was reviewed to identify regional safety analyses and some of the factors that are important for road safety in the regions. Next, data were collected at the regional NUTS 2... more
The aim of this paper is to obtain the solution of the heat conduction equation on the sphere. We use an icosaedral type mesh and its respective dual mesh. First a temporal semi-discretization was done using the Crank-Nicolson finite... more
After obtaining a discretization of the Poisson equation on the sphere using an icosaedral mesh and its respective dual mesh, we obtain the numerical results after implementing the iterative method resolution code.
O MatLab, produzido pela The MathWorks Inc., é um programa de computador concebido sobretudo para Computação Numérica. O seu nome provém de MATrix LABoratory, e tem um acesso interactivo às famosas livrarias LINPACK and EISPACK, o... more