Arabo-Byzantine Studies
Recent papers in Arabo-Byzantine Studies
Legends and myths seem lacking a solid historicity, but they often, if not always, reflect the imagination, culture and ideas of the peoples who created them. As the recent study demonstrates, aside from the political rivalry, military... more
Slavery may no longer exist as a legal institution, but we still find many forms of enslavement in contemporary societies. It is a troubling paradox, and one this book addresses by considering a period in which the definition of slavery... more
Ce livre apporte une contribution neuve au débat sur le devenir de l’esclavage antique. Et il éclaire en conséquence la définition de la liberté dans le monde de la Méditerranée médiévale. Entre VIe et XIe siècle les sociétés de la... more
This paper sheds light on one aspect of the large-scale influx of Arabic scientific knowledge into Byzantium through an analysis of three Byzantine astrological compendia that contain texts originally written in Greek as well as those... more
Considerable scholarly research has been devoted to moral, ceremonial and legal aspects of the betrothal and marriage in Byzantine Empire. Different chroniclers preserve valuable records of marriage in Byzantium according to which, we can... more
This paper analyzes the effects that the international politics in the central Middle Ages had on the slave trade, and the Byzantine slave trade in particular. The geopolitical changes of the seventh and eighth centuries, which... more
In: Greenberg, R., Tal, O. and Daᶜadli, T. 2017. Bet Yeraḥ, Vol. III: Hellenistic Philoteria and Islamic al-Ṣinnabra. IAA Reports 61. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority. [VI + 226 pages; ISBN 9789654066464; 27 21 cm format;... more
The purpose of this article is to retrieve the available evidence, whatever vague, of the justifications that led some Arabs to conversion, the position of Byzantine authorities towards this, and the mechanisms adopted for their... more
TITLE: Greek and Arabic studies in the twentieth century: the cultural implementation of political choices SUMMARY: The article outlines how the study of Byzantium and the Arabs developed during the twentieth century. It emphasizes the... more
Publ. illustrée d’un lot provenant peut-être de Syrie du Nord et reflétant la circulation de monnaies impériales, de Justinien, Maurice, Phocas, Héraclius et Constant II (641-657) associées aux premières monnaies d’imitation... more
Comnènes L'Orient néo-romain intégré (1159-1183) L'empire de Constantinople, celui que la langue courante de l'époque appelait la Romanie et la langue moderne Byzance, donnait une définition de lui-même, au moins jusqu'au XIII e siècle.... more
This study offers a brief presentation of the life and academic career of Irfan Arif Shahîd, Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University and Honorary Affiliate Fellow of Dumbarton Oaks, Center for Byzantine Studies.... more
The 9th and 10th centuries saw the parallel appearance in different corners of the Mediterranean of movements that shared common characteristic: unprecedented interest in ancient culture. Escalations of literary interest in ancient Greek... more
Ce travail de recherche a pour objectif d’étudier le regard que portaient les auteurs byzantins sur leurs voisins musulmans, en essayant d’en comprendre les raisons. Parmi les sources étudiées, trois sont des ouvrages à vocation... more
Eastern Christian texts deal with the early Arab-Byzantine wars with clear ideological motives. They often attribute to the Arabs extreme violence directed not against their warrior enemies but against civilians and sometimes monks. The... more
Ninth century is conceived a period of important cultural changes in Byz- antium. At that time, written culture of the empire emerges from the “Dark Age” in which literary production was in decline. The most important participants of... more
The purpose of this article is to study whether the conflicts between Byzantines and Arabs at the time of Nikephoros II Phokas (963-969) can be determined and considered as a part of the Byzantine holy war. More specifically, this article... more
Antonino Salinas, a well-known Sicilian archaeologist, was also a protagonist in the history of the restoration of monuments, and in particular of "Arab-Norman" architecture. He held various positions, including that of Director of the... more
The historical development and modern transformations of the attitudes of Eastern Orthodox cultures and ecclesiastical elites to the problems and ethics of war display both significant analogies and dissimilarities to the respective... more
Acest studiu oferă o scurtă prezentare a vieții și carierei academice a lui Irfan Arif Shahîd, profesor de studii bizantine la Georgetown University și membru onorific al Dumbarton Oaks. Interesele științifice ale lui Shahîd au gravitat... more
Nell’estate del 647 il generale araboʿAbd Allāh ibn Saʿd ibn Abī l-Sarḥ invase la Byzacena alla testa di circa ventimila uomini. Nei pressi di Sufetula, il suo esercito affrontò e sconfisse le truppe del patrizio Gregorio, spezzando la... more
Gli incontri mirano • ad accrescere la conoscenza del Sito UNESCO ‘Palermo arabo-normanna e le Cattedrali di Cefalù e Monreale’ attraverso una fruizione larga, profonda, gioiosa dei monumenti che lo costituiscono • a rafforzare in noi la... more
Une analyse préliminaire des potentielles interférences entre la paideia byzantine et l'adab arabe