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Manuel de préparation à la question de CAPES d'Histoire-géographie et d'Agrégation d'Histoire 2015-2016.

Handbook prepared for the French national competitive examinations for secondary school teachers in History 2015-2016
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      Medieval HistoryMiddle East HistoryMedieval StudiesMamluk Studies
A partir de l'étude du chapitre 38 de l'ouvrage du savant mecquois al-Fâsî (m. 1429), Shîfâ' al-gharâm bi-akhbâr al-balad al-harâm, consacré à l'histoire du hajj, cet article tente d'identifier les modes de représentation du pouvoir... more
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      Islamic LawMedieval HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceAbbasid HistoryIslamic History
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo llamar la atención sobre una obra que ha pasado un tanto desapercibida. Considerada como un trabajo menor de un autor satírico, al-Jāḥiẓ, el Kitāb Fakhr al-Sūdān 'alā al-Bīḑān (La superioridad de... more
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      Ancient HistoryAfrican StudiesBlack/African DiasporaRace and Racism
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    • Abbasid History
This chapter examines discourses on polygyny among East Syrian Christians in late antique and early Islamic Iraq and Iran. Through such discourses, articulated principally in legal texts but also in chronicles and biographical... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryMedieval IslamAbbasid History
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      Abbasid HistoryIslamic HistoryIslamic FinanceIslamic folklore and mythology
The works of the third/ninth-century historian and geographer Ibn al-Wāḍiḥ al-Yaʿqūbī have long served as an indispensable source in the modern study of Islamic historiography, but nagging questions about alYaʿqūbī’s purportedly Shiʿite... more
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      Arabic LiteratureIslamic StudiesShi'ismAbbasid History
This article studies the life and works of a hardly known littérateur and anthologist who lived in early Abbasid Baghdad and al-Fustat: Yusuf b. Ibrahim b. al-Daya. The first part of the article gives an attempted biography on the basis... more
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      Abbasid LiteratureEgyptClassical Arabic Prose LiteratureAbbasid History
The issuing of the Baghdad Manifesto by the Abbasid caliph al-Qādir in 402/1011 pervaded Sunni Muslim historiography, and became an indelible marker for denouncing Fatimid claims to ʿAlid lineage. In the chapter on the Baghdad... more
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      Abbasid HistoryIslamic HistoryFatimidsIsmailism
The employment of jurists or qāḍī-s for diplomatic missions, in the first centuries of Islam, is still little understood. The case of the qāḍī Ibrāhīm b. al-Jarrāḥ, who took a part in the surrender of the Egyptian governor ʿUbayd Allāh b.... more
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      LawIslamic LawMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Comparative LiteratureArabic LiteratureClassical Arabic PoetryAbbasid History
Ce court ouvrage d’adab, écrit par Abū Hilāl al-ʿAskarī (m. vers 400/1010), marque une étape essentielle dans l’histoire des relations entre les pouvoirs politique et judiciaire. À travers une série de récits pseudo-historiques, l’auteur... more
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      Arabic LiteratureMedieval HistoryAbbasid LiteratureIslamic Studies
Wie der Titel bereits ahnen lässt, geht es in dem vorliegenden Sammelband um die Träger und Gestalter von Ritualen, die als jeweilige Spezialisten mit dem Neologismus »Ritualmacher« umschrieben werden. Traditionellerweise wenig beachtet,... more
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      Roman HistoryPerformance StudiesMedieval StudiesRitual
İslam Tarihi’nin Abbasiler ve Türk Tarihi dönemlerini kapsayan bu ders kitabı dört ana kısımdan oluşmakta ve Abbasiler ile başlamaktadır. Abbasiler, beş asır gibi oldukça uzun bir süre ayakta kalmayı başarmış bir devlettir. Bu yönüyle... more
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      Abbasid HistorySelçuklu TarihiOsmanlı TarihiAnadolu Selçuklu Tarihi
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic Contemporary StudiesArchivesIslamic Art
This article examines the history of Muslim military in the 'Abbasid era. This study aims at revealing the achievement of the 'Abbasid military from the 8 th to 10 th Century A.D. In addition, this article also identifies the... more
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      HistoryNaval HistoryAbbasid HistoryIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
Explores the epistemic conceptualization of frontiers as articulated in the emergence of administrative geography in Baghdad during the formative period of the ʿAbbāsid state, from the eighth to tenth centuries. Particular attention is... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEpistemologyIslamic Studies
Abstract: This study analyzes the manuscript Lawāmi' al-anwār al-qulūb fī jawāmi' asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (The brilliance of the lights of hearts in the series of secrets known by the lover and the beloved), by the jurist shafi'ī Abū... more
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      Arabic LiteratureAbbasid LiteratureIslamic StudiesSufism
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      Abbasid HistoryHistory of CuisineSasanian History
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla GİRİş Endülüs'te tarih ilminin doğuşu, gelişimini kendisine borçlu olduğu Doğu kökeninden kopuk değildir. Bununla beraber bu ilim, İslam'ın do-ğuşu esnasında hadis ilmine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.... more
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      Abbasid LiteratureIslamic StudiesAbbasid HistoryIslamic History
Study of one of the great palaces of al-Mutawakkil at Samarra, al-Istablat, identified as al-'Arus, circa 852
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      Abbasid HistoryEarly Islamic Archaeology
Aunque la orientalización de la Península Ibérica ya estuviese en marcha, es bajo el signo del emir ‘Abd ar-Rahman II que ésta se hace constante, estableciéndose en su más alto exponente cultural. Contrata para su corte letrados,... more
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      Al-AndalusAbbasid History
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      Intellectual HistoryTranslation StudiesHistory of ScienceIslamic Education
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
Pre-print of a paper not available on the net. Only study of al-Ja'fari, the palace at Samarra where al-Mutawakkil was assassinated (859-861)
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      Abbasid HistoryEarly Islamic ArchaeologyEarly and Medieval Islamic Art and Architecture
This book offers a thorough investigation of a forgotten dynasty: the Cairene descendants of the Abbasid family. It uncovers the public and private lives of the men invested as caliphs during the period of ‘Mamluk’ rule in Egypt and Syria... more
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      Mamluk StudiesAbbasid HistoryAbbasids (Islamic History)Mamluk Cairo
The “For the Record Project” is conceived of as an independent exploration on the topic of objectivity in the arts in relation to war and global conflict. Pieces in the corollary exhibition (held at Montserrat College of Art) dealing with... more
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      Iraqi HistoryIslamic ArtAbbasid HistoryHistory of Baghdad
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      Arabic LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistoriographyWorld History
A History of the Islamic World, 600–1800 supplies a fresh survey of the formation of the Islamic world and the key developments that characterize this broad region’s history from late antiquity up to the beginning of the modern era.... more
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      HistoryAsian StudiesOttoman HistoryMedieval History
Depiction of what a Central Asian ribat actually was from a social and longue durée point of view.
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      Central Asian StudiesAbbasid HistoryFrontier StudiesArchaeology of Central Asia
This article examines the motif of a man being buried alive with his recently deceased spouse found in the Fourth Voyage of Sindbad (El-Shamy S123.2). In 1904, D. S. Margo- liouth noted that Sindbad’s Fourth Voyage shared this theme with... more
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      World LiteraturesOttoman HistoryArabic LiteratureAbbasid Literature
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      Abbasid LiteratureClassical Arabic Prose LiteratureAbbasid HistoryIslamic History
The province of Khurāsān constituted the centre of political, cultural, and religious life in the Sunni Islamic world from the ninth until the mid-twelfth century, after which Khurāsān was completely eclipsed. The question of how this... more
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      TurkmenIranian StudiesHistory of IranMedieval Islam
Emevî-Hâşimî İlişkileri: İslâm Öncesinden Abbasîler Dönemine Kadar, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 1997, xvii+462 s. (Doktora tezinin gözden geçirilerek genişletilmiş hali)
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      Abbasid HistoryIslamic HistoryAhl Al BaytUmmayads
Samarra's Archaeological City is the site of a powerful Islamic capital city that ruled over the provinces of the Abbasid Empire extending from Tunisia to Central Asia for a century. Located on both sides of the River Tigris 130 km north... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchitectureArchitectural History
Özet : Abbasî halifesi Harun Reşid, kendine halef olarak önce Muhammed’i, sonrasında Abdullah ve Kasım’ı veliaht tayin etti. Abbasî hanedanından Zübeyde’nin oğlu Muhammed Emin’in liyakatine inanmadığı halde, hanedanın baskısından... more
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      Abbasid LiteratureMiddle East StudiesIslamic StudiesAbbasid History
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      HistoryIslamic StudiesAbbasid HistoryIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
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      EducationMiddle East StudiesIraqi HistoryAbbasid History
This article investigates the intellectual production of the celebrated scholar Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1210) during the decade or so he spent in the service of the Ghūrid sultans, from ca. 591/1195 to 602/1206. Operating exclusively... more
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      AfghanistanIslamic PhilosophyKalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic Studies
The Amālī of Abū l-Qāsim al-Qushayrī: An Edition and Study of Codex Ẓāhiriyya 1135 Bilal Orfali Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, American University of Beirut bilal.orfali@aub.edu.lb Francesco Chiabotti Associate Professor of... more
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      HistoryArabic LiteratureMysticismIslamic Studies
This paper explores how the ninth-century Muslim Egyptian scholar Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam presents traditions about the origins of the 'Copts' and their historical actions in his 'Conquest of Egypt'. I argue that he exerts authorial agency in... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedieval LiteratureArabic Literature
Abbasid Caliphate illustrated as peak period of Islamic civilization with the emergence of charismatic and influential caliphs. Al-Ma"mun was one of the influential caliphs who gave new political image through his policies on maintaining... more
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    • Abbasid History
"""This book, the first volume of a planned three-volume project, is a pioneering survey of the Galenic doctrine of the critical days. It presents the first scholarly edition of Galen’s De diebus decretoriis (Critical Days; Arabic: Kitāb... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceGalen
Andrey ZAYTSEV Unité et diversité de l'empire abbasside de 750 jusqu'au milieu du Xe siècle. L'espace marqué par la culture arabo-islamique a acquis un niveau d'unité pendant les deux premiers siècle du califat abbasside. Par opposition à... more
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    • Abbasid History
AUTHOR: HILLEL OFEK An examination of the decline of scientific discovery and achievement in the Arab world compared to the history of scientific achievement in the Arab world / Islamic world during Islam's "golden age" from the 8th to... more
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      History of ScienceIntellectual History of the RenaissanceHistory of the ReformationAbbasid History
Abbasilerin kuruluşu  , Emmevilerin yıkılışı
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      Abbasid LiteratureHistory of IranAbbasid HistoryAbbasid Intellectual History
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval HistoryAbbasid LiteratureMiddle East Studies
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      Cultural HistoryArabic LiteratureUmayyad LiteratureScholarly Editing