Ahl Al Bayt
Recent papers in Ahl Al Bayt
Emevî-Hâşimî İlişkileri: İslâm Öncesinden Abbasîler Dönemine Kadar, Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 1997, xvii+462 s. (Doktora tezinin gözden geçirilerek genişletilmiş hali)
A bilingual book containing 40 Hadiths on the virtues of the Family of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم narrated with full transmission chains from 40 of his contemporary descendants out of 40 books of Hadith. Forthcoming.
İnsanoğlu tarih boyunca yaratılış, ölüm, gelecek gibi gayb alanına giren konuları merak etmiştir. Bu merak insanlığı çeşitli yöntemler kullanarak mutlak bilinmez olanın peşine düşürmüştür. İnsanoğlunun gayba duyduğu merak, İslâm... more
Sažetak Rad govori o Poslanikovom Ehli-bejtu (porodici). Prvo obrađuje jezičko i terminološ-ko značenje izraza Ehli-bejt, gdje dokazuje da u Ehli-bejt spadaju pripadnici porodice Hašimija, tj. potomci Alije ibn Ebu Taliba, Džafera ibn Ebu... more
The autoethnographer desires to qualify his work. Using the third person for author, beyond objectified others, emphasises questions of objectivity juxtaposed subjectivity, and authority, reflexively portraying him within the... more
The Qasidah Al-Ayniyya is chanted since the 8th century by the lovers and supporters of Imam Ali . It has many hidden messages and blessings, referred to as ‘The Burdah of the Shias’ and often chanted in weddings. The author:Ismail Ibn... more
SUMMARY Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiya (16-81/637-700) was the son of Ali b. Abi Tâlib and Khawlah bnt. Ja’far al-Hanafiya, who was a member of Banu Hanifa tribe. He lived in an era whose events have been effective till today. For that reason,... more
Ehl-i Sünnet ile Şia arasındaki tarihsel farklılık en başından beri böyle miydi? Şia’yı Ehl-i Sünnet’ten siyasî ve itikadî olarak ayıran meseleler ilk olarak nasıl vuku buldu? Şiîlik ile Teşeyyu arasındaki temel ayrım nedir? Bu ve benzeri... more
This article traces the stellar accomplishments of the Sayyids, as descendants of the Prophet Muhammad are known in the field of Islamic da'wah. For the many Sayyids who excelled as torchbearers of Islam in the Malay world, propagating... more
Pro-‘Alid sentiment (al-mayl ilā ‘Alī, tashayyu‘) is a prevalent, trans-sectarian tendency (i.e. among Sunnīs and Shī‘īs) to venerate ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) and his family. In contrast, Muslims expressing anti-‘Alid sentiment... more
Présentation de mes recherches sur " l’ascendance et la descendance de Muhammad dans la mémoire contemporaine des musulmans algériens". Le point de départ de l'étude est la célébration du Mawlid dans la Zawiya du Cheikh Sidi Muhammad... more
Seyyid Nizam ve Emirler Tekkesi Şeyhleri ilgili kaynaklardan tesbit edilmiştir.
Syria is considered to be a part of the ancient Levant and one of the important cultural centers in the Islamic world. There are some shrines attributed to the Household of the Prophet (PBUH) and the followers of Imams (A.S.) in different... more
"More than thirty years have passed since the tragic death of Amina “Bint al-Hudà” al-Sadr (1937-1980), the renowned Iraqi ‘alimah, public intellectual, and social activist. Particularly following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime,... more
In the Qur'an the phrase of ahl al-bayt (the people of the house) occurs three times. Once In sura 33:73, applied to the house of ibrahim; the second passage, 33:33 "God only wants to remove from you all might be loathsome, O you members... more
This chapter examines the discourse of the ahl al-bayt (The family of the Prophet Muhammad) produced by Bā ʿAlawī scholars in the twentieth- and twenty-first-century Indonesia. Bā ʿAlawī is a term used to designate the descendants of the... more
این نوشته صورت نوشتاری گفتاری است که به تاریخ چهارشنبه ۱۹ شهریور ۱۳۹۹ خورشیدی (بیستم محرم ۱۴۲۲ قمری) به دعوت کانون «بعثت اخلاق» در مشهد به صورت مجازی در صفحهی اینستاگرام این کانون ارائه شده است.
In this paper I argue that the ways in which a genealogical idiom brings together multiple scales of space and time is as important to its social, political,or religious efficacy as the particular people, places, and events it... more
إنّ مفهومَي "الشيعة" و"أهل البيت" كادا يصبحان مترادفين؛ نتيجة الدعاية الفعّالة للشيعة الإمامية على وجه الخصوص. بينما يقَدّم تبني الإيديولوجية الرافضية كالطريق الوحيد الذي لا بد منه لمحبة "أهل البيت" والاقتداء بهم، والحفاظ على حقوقهم؛... more
This article draws on a wide range of Shiʽi periodicals and monographs from the 1950s until the present day to investigate debates on the status of Sayyids in Pakistan. I argue that the discussion by reformist and traditionalist Shiʽi... more
This is a call for a Sunni-Shia dialog and it discusses its virtues and benefits for Sunnis.
يعد هذا الكتاب أول كتاب من نوعه، مؤلفه عالم من كبار علماء الشيعة؛ ومزيته أنه نقد ذاتي لدين الشيعة من داخل مذهبهم ولواحد من أئمتهم لا يستطيع أحد أن يشكك فيه ويبدو عليه التفكير الموضوعي العلمي لمحاولة الإصلاح والتجديد لديانة هذه الفرقة التي... more
آيه مباهله، دليلي آشكار بر عظمت جانشين پيامبر و اهل بيت (ع)، ماهنامه بین المللی زائر، شماره 255، شهريور 1396: 61-59.
Jordan and Palestine include the Levant south territories, in which many holy places and shrines of the great religions and different Islamic sects are located. Among them, there are some shrines attributed to the Prophet’s Household... more
Muslim scholars have for long considered the translation of the Quran to be forbidden, and indeed from a Muslim perspective, ‘... [it] is untranslatable’ (Campanini, 2007:24). In Modern times, however, many Muslim scholars have admitted... more