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Section 41 of the Australian Constitution appears, on its face, to guarantee state electors the right to vote in Commonwealth elections. However, the High Court held in R v Pearson; Ex parte Sipka that the provision was merely... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawAustralian Constitution
The defence of superior orders is not new. However, within Australia, its statutory codification is lamentably underexplored. The 2018 Amendments to Part IIIAAA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) provides a neat catalyst to expand the defence... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary LawInternational Criminal LawWar Crimes
This undergraduate essay of mine explores whether the 1975 Dismissal of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by the Governor-General Sir John Kerr was constitutionally valid. The essay considers the extent of the reserve powers of the... more
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      Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional LawAustralian Law
This article explores the viability for the executive power to authorise the use of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) domestically, through the lens of military intervention in industrial action. It has become practice, when discussing... more
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      Military LawAustralian Constitutional LawCivil-military relationsPublic Law
This article considers how a First Nations Voice to Parliament, if carefully designed, could strengthen the land-based sovereignty and autonomy of First Peoples in Australia. It critiques the proposals presented in the Indigenous Voice... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous PoliticsAustralian Constitutional LawAustralian public policy
Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples re-emerged on the political agenda in 2010. Yet, no government has committed to a specific proposal and debate still rages on the precise content and form of... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesAustralian Constitutional LawPublic Law
This paper aims to address the emerging forms of online protest that have come to be known as ‘electronic civil disobedience’, or more simply defined - protests of Hacktivism. To do this, a brief analysis of what Hacktivism... more
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      Internet LawHacktivismMedia LawAustralian Constitutional Law
Co-authored with Benjamin B. Saunders
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      Intellectual HistoryConstitutional LawPolitical TheoryLegal History
Whistleblowers promote the values of responsible government and the rule of law by drawing attention to criminal or other forms of wrongdoing in publicly accountable organisations. This article explores the relationship between... more
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      Constitutional LawWhistleblowingAustralian Constitutional LawFreedom of Speech
All countries worldwide have a form of criminal justice system whereby a series of organizations work together so as to apprehend, prosecute, defend, sentence and punish those that have been involved in a criminal act. In most countries... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeComparative LawInternational Law
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      Constitutional LawIndigenous StudiesLegal EducationAustralian Constitutional Law
There is a puzzle regarding the place of s 96 in the Australian Constitution. The grants power conferred by the section currently plays a very prominent role in federal arrangements. However, the section reads like a transitional... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawAustralian Constitution
Strong institutions are a prerequisite to good governance and a critical aspect of the rule of law. The independence of a legally qualified judiciary and the transparency and accountability of government are the cumulative result of many... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawPublic LawQueensland Politics
Section 116 of the Australian Constitution limits the ability of the Commonwealth to legislate in respect of religion. It provides: 'The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious... more
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      Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional Law
The High Court of Australia has long struggled with the constitutional status of military tribunals established to hear disciplinary charges against service personnel. The Court's judgments reveal three distinct theories on this issue.... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawAustralian Constitution
From Plato's Laws through common law and until modern legal systems, preambles to constitutions have played an important role in law and policy making. Through a qualitative analysis of the legal status of preambles in different common... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawLisbon TreatyConstitutional Theory
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      Environmental ManagementAustralian Constitutional Law
Case note - Re Canavan (2017) 349 ALR 534
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    • Australian Constitutional Law
The nature and ambit of the Commonwealth’s non-statutory executive power under s 61 of the Constitution is now the subject of heavy debate. The contest is between those who argue that s 61 should be interpreted consistently with... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismConstitutional TheoryAustralian Constitutional Law
This article reviews the High Court of Australia’s emerging jurisprudence on the institutional integrity of state courts. It begins by surveying the Court’s recent decisions in this area. The authors argue that these decisions can... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawAustralian Constitution
In an article entitled "A Republican Tradition for Australia?", George Williams suggested that civic republicanism in anything like the American sense is neither possible nor particularly desirable for Australia. By recognizing that... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawBritish MonarchyCorporatismConstitutional Interpretation
The ability to deport or cancel the visas of non-citizens, regardless of the length of their residency in Australia, remains a controversial topic. Whilst it re ects long-standing Australian policy, the widening scope of s 501 of the... more
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      Comparative LawMigration LawPublic International LawDetention (Immigration)
A century after it was delivered, the High Court's judgment in the Engineers' Case continues to cut off Australian federalism jurisprudence from the insights of American federalism cases. The High Court should abandon this comparative... more
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      FederalismComparative Constitutional LawComparative FederalismAustralian Constitutional Law
Could the implied freedom of political discourse protect the expression of a minister of religion, who the Sydney Anglican Diocese declined to relicense because of his expressing views on marriage equality? While it may be thought that,... more
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      Constitutional LawAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Australian Constitutional LawChurch law
This article argues that the reasoning in Attorney-General (Vic) ex rel Black v Commonwealth, the sole High Court case on the meaning of the establishment clause of s 116 the Constitution, is too narrow and requires reconsideration. It... more
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      Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional Law
Both the principle that the constitution derives its ultimate authority from the sovereignty of the people and the nationhood power were developed by the High Court in the context of Australia’s emergence as an independent nation.... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawPolitical TheoryLegal Theory
This article argues that the religious tests clause of s 116 of the Australian Constitution should be conceived of as an anti-discrimination provision embracing a distinction between direct and indirect religious tests equivalent to the... more
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      Constitutional LawFreedom of ReligionComparative Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional Law
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      Australian Constitutional LawCitizenship
Foreign State and non-State actors attempting to interfere in the domestic affairs of others is not a new phenomenon; nor, too, is the use of information as a resource, environment and weapon in warfare. However, historically there have... more
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      Comparative LawCyber LawfareAustralian Constitutional LawPublic Law
In its decision in the political advertising case in 1992 the High Court of Australia purported to discover a constitutional right to freedom of communication. That right was said to have been violated by a Commonwealth law imposing... more
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      Civil RightsAustralian Constitutional LawPolitical RightsPopular sovereignty
Judicial independence is a fundamental aspect of law and governance in Australia, commanding near universal endorsement. Despite its vital importance, the independence of the Australian judiciary is threatened on a variety of fronts. This... more
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      Constitutional LawJudicial independenceConstitutional TheoryAustralian Constitutional Law
How are we to explain the High Court's reluctance to move into stronger forms of rights protection, as evinced by the disparity between its federalism and rights-based judicial review practices? It has been suggested that the federal... more
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      SociologyLawLegal TheoryLegal Culture
The need for delegated authority and delegated decision making has been recognised as a necessity for modern administrative practice. Yet, with the rise of machine learning tools, it is necessary to start to grapple with the... more
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      Machine LearningJudicial reviewAustralian Constitutional LawAdministrative Law
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      Labour Party (UK)Political ScienceAustralian Constitutional LawCitizenship
This paper examines the words and deeds of Hugh Mahon (1857-1931) on issues of race and seeks to resolve the apparent paradox between Mahon’s progressive views on Aboriginal rights and his overtly racist and restrictive attitude towards... more
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      ImmigrationBiographyAustralian HistoryAustralian Constitutional Law
The modern democratic state embodies the concept of the state as a service. For this reason, the administration of public property is one of the major issues related to the efficiency of public authority. Common law countries and... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawPublic AdministrationEnvironmental Law
What are constitutional values and where do they come from? One plausible answer to this question is that constitutional values reflect the functions or purposes of the Constitution and its provisions. However, this response raises the... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawLegal TheoryLegal interpretation
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      Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional LawCitizenship
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    • Australian Constitutional Law
On Chief Justice Robert French's retirement from the High Court of Australia, it is appropriate to reflect on his impact and legacy. In this article we first revisit the circumstances of Chief Justice French's appointment, before offering... more
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      Australian Constitutional LawJudicial Decision-MakingAustralian LawHigh Court of Australia
This paper provides basic information about the way the High Court of Australia and its individual Justices decided cases in 2015, with an emphasis on constitutional law decisions as a subset of the total.
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      Australian Constitutional LawJudicial Decision-MakingHigh Court of Australia
University Assignment paper, Intercultural Communication (AIS101) unit, Bachelor of International Studies, Deakin University Faculty of Arts and Education.
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      Constitutional LawIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRace and Racism
The religious tests clause of s 116 of the Australian Constitution prohibits religious tests for any office or public trust ‘under the Commonwealth’. The few cases decided by the High Court concerning the religious tests clause, including... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional Law
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      Higher EducationAustralian Constitutional Law
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      HistoryModern HistoryLawComparative Law
How are we to explain the High Court's reluctance to move into stronger forms of rights protection, as evinced by the disparity between its federalism and rights-based judicial review practices? It has been suggested that the federal and... more
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      Legal TheoryLegal CultureComparative Constitutional LawJudicial Politics
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      SociologyLawPolitical ScienceAustralian Constitutional Law
Explores the call for a referendum on the Australian Constitution, and who it may actually benefit.
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      Constitutional LawAustralian Constitutional LawThe role of the judiciaryJudiciary