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"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCovenant TheologyAugustine
Baptism, as the one event experienced by all Christians, is the starting point for Christian identity. Literature suggests that there is a fundamental connection between baptism and ongoing spiritual formation. In order to take advantage... more
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      Spiritual FormationBaptismMetaphor and Narrative and BaptismBaptismal Theology and Practice
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityBaptismSyriac Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryOld Russian Chronicles
1 Peter 3:21 has been called “the nearest approach to a definition of baptism that the NT affords,” yet the key phrase συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς ἐπερώτημα εἰς θεόν is notably ambiguous and thus open to divergent interpretations. This article... more
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      PeshittaBasil of CaesareaDidymus the BlindCyril of Alexandria
This paper seeks to determine how the ceremony of the baptism of Mieszko I of Poland (ca. 960-992) could have been performed. It presents the development of the baptismal liturgy in the Carolingian times and the then emerging baptismal... more
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      LiturgyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)
This paper is an annotated bibliography covering six books and two journal articles researching for the question “can the Lutheran practice of infant baptism be defended on scriptural grounds?” Each of the sources are summarised in a few... more
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      BaptismInfant BaptismBaptismal TheologyBaptismal Theology and Practice
This paper analyzes Paul's Christian initiation as the Model for 4th century Christian rites and analyzes Paul's use of language and Luke's theology to understand technical terms such as "calling on the name of the Lord", "filled with the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgySacramentologyByzantine Liturgy
If baptism in water is only symbolic, a work of man that is nothing more than ritual symbolism, is the meaning of baptism changed?
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      ReligionPhilosophyTheologyMedieval History
EDITORIAL 1-5 Engag ng Scr pture n a Postmodern M l eu FERGUS MACDONALD 6-23 The Suffi c ency of Scr pture TIMOTHY WARD 24-42 Lament For The C ty:The Queest for a Cred ble Fa th n an Urban World DAVID SMITH 43-56 W ll am Cunn ngham and M... more
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      EcclesiologyScottish Church HistoryBaptismal Theology and Practice
Fondato con tutta probabilità sul crinale del quarto secolo, San Giovanni in fonte è in questo stato di cose il primo battistero d’occidente che si conservi con la sua decorazione originaria. I suoi mosaici offrono uno scorcio unico sul... more
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      Late Antique Art and ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArtEarly Christian MosaicsEarly Christian Art and Iconography
Given the disparate details of Luke’s report on early conversion practices, some scholars have sought to deliver their readers from the difficulty of determining normativity. However, the complication which excites such re-exegesis, at... more
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      History of SacramentsBaptismSoteriologyLuke-Acts
Due to their desire to preserve the doctrines of sola gratia and fide, many American credo-baptists have been ‘uncomfortable’ with the New Testament’s ‘close association’ of water baptism with the reception of saving grace. And such... more
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      History of SacramentsBaptismSoteriologySacramental Theology
An overview of the role of relationship between theological education and Christian formation in the Episcopal context.
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      Christian EducationTheological EducationChristian formationBaptismal Theology and Practice
Given the disparate details of Luke’s report on early conversion practices, some scholars have sought to deliver their readers from the difficulty of determining normativity. However, the complication which excites such re-exegesis, at... more
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      History of SacramentsBaptismSoteriologyLuke-Acts
(in-press) edited collection of papers being published by Dr. Kirsten Lee Bierbaum and Prof. Dr. Susanne Wittekind at the Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität zu Köln with Arthistoricum Art Books Press,... more
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      IconographyBaptismMedieval ArtEarly Church Theology
a review of sites and monuments
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologySocial Sciences