Liberalization of economic policies in 1992 allowed foreign institutional investors investing in Indian capital markets. Though FII permitted to invest Indian stock markets in 1992, they actually started investing in India from 1997 and... more
Liberalization of economic policies in 1992 allowed foreign institutional investors investing in Indian capital markets. Though FII permitted to invest Indian stock markets in 1992, they actually started investing in India from 1997 and factual growth of FII investment came after 2002. Since then participation of FII in Indian stock market has continuously increased. They have emerged to be one of the largest investors and have acquired ownership of substantial proportion of non-promoter shares. They have also emerged to be dominant market players contributing very high proportion 41.73% of total stock exchange turnover of BSE and NSE combined. In Indian markets, FII are perceived to be very large and sophisticated investors with very high impact on stock market returns. Many investors and market participants tend to make their stock market strategy based on investment pattern of FII and base their stock market analysis on their perception about factors considered by FII in their investment decision. In this context this paper studies perception of market participants about major determinants of FII investment decision and extent to which investors are influenced by FII investment.
Quando si parla di Made in Italy non sempre si pensa che dietro alla fama mondiale di un marchio ci sono storie e persone meno note: la vicenda riportata in queste pagine è appunto quella di uno di loro, Paolo Pistellato, fondatore della... more
Quando si parla di Made in Italy non sempre si pensa che dietro alla fama mondiale di un marchio ci sono storie e persone meno note: la vicenda riportata in queste pagine è appunto quella di uno di loro, Paolo Pistellato, fondatore della camiceria And di Mirano. Attraverso le interviste all'imprenditore e alla sua famiglia è stata ricostruita la storia della sua impresa, dalla vendita porta a porta negli anni '60 alla lunga orbita nella galassia Benetton, alla gestione di punti vendita propri e al passaggio di testimone alla nuova generazione.
Dalam makalah ini menyajikan meteri keseimbangan dua sector, tiga sektor dan empat sektor dala perekonomian mikro makro. Perekonomian dua sektor merupakan penyederhanaan dalam mempelajari sistem perekonomian secara keseluruhan.... more
Dalam makalah ini menyajikan meteri keseimbangan dua sector, tiga sektor dan empat sektor dala perekonomian mikro makro. Perekonomian dua sektor merupakan penyederhanaan dalam mempelajari sistem perekonomian secara keseluruhan. Keseimbangan dalam perekonomian dua sektor merupakan keseimbangan dari sisi pendapatan dan sisi pengeluaran yang dilakukan oleh sektor rumah tangga dan sektor swasta, dengan mengabaikan sektor pemerintah dan sektor luar negeri. Pada tiga sektor ekonomi adalah perekonomian yang meliputi kegiatan dalam sektor perusahaan, rumah tangga dan pemerintah. Dengan demikian dalam menganalisis perekonomian tiga sektor pada hakikatnya akan diperhatikan peranan dan pengaruh pemerintah keatas kegiatan dalam sesuatu perekonomian. Sedangkan empat sector ekonomi adalah Perekonomian terbuka / perekonomian empat sektor merupakan suatu negara yang mempunyai hubungan ekonomi dengan negara – negara lain. Dalam perekonomian terbuka sebagian produksi dalam negeri diekspor atau dijual ke luar negeri dan disamping itu terdapat pula barang di negara itu yang diimpor dari negara – negara lain. Pembuatan makalah ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan di bidang ekonomi mikro dan makro serta memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Pengantar Mikro dan Makro.
This book explores the essential ingredients fundamental for supplier’s performance both in the short run and in the long run. Typically it is crucial for suppliers and the buying organization to form a long term relationship in a race to... more
This book explores the essential ingredients fundamental for supplier’s performance both in the short run and in the long run. Typically it is crucial for suppliers and the buying organization to form a long term relationship in a race to conduct research and development initiatives together aimed at achieving much profitability and cost reduction. Essentially, supplier relationships should be promoted at all levels in the procurement cycle coupled with supplier training and development as a competitive edge against competitors. In the recent past, Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM) and Kenya Institute of Management (KIM) have spear headed the promotion and incorporation of a sound supply chain management concept integration in both private and public sector organizations. This is made achievable by the use of conference and seminar proceedings, publication of journal articles, and publication of magazines and finally by enrolling members involved in supply chain manageme...