Biblical Hebrew poetry
Recent papers in Biblical Hebrew poetry
Allen Ross’s third volume of his Psalms commentary brings to completion this major contribution to the study of the Psalms. Considering all three volumes, Ross has written nearly 3000 pages on the Psalms. But as Ross himself says in his... more
Ibn Ezra and Nachmanides each maintained an esoteric teaching of his own. Ibn Ezra’s philosophical-astrological teaching derived from Greco-Arabic culture, while Nachmanides was imbued with the Kabbalistic traditions of his teachers, the... more
“This is a remarkable addition to the bookshelves of lovers of the book of Psalms—for prayer, for study, for pure literary enjoyment. The layout of these select loveliest psalms is perfect for readers of all levels and backgrounds, from... more
The modern study of Biblical Hebrew poetry and the contribution made by Alter's Art of Biblical Poetry (1985). Criticism of Alter's put down of biblical scholarship and claims concerning the impetus for developing biblical narrative prose.
The article offers a dynamic reading of word pairs and parallelism in selected poems throughout the Hebrew Bible. Psalmists are concerned with world order and with the dangers facing that order. This tension is regularly represented by... more
Amidst various methodologies for the comparative study of the Hebrew Bible, at times the opportunity arises to improve on a method recently introduced into the field. In YHWH is King, Flynn uses the anthropological method of cultural... more
The COVID-19 situation has raised the profile of Psalm 91. This short article that was originally written as a resource for local churches in Singapore, but it is now clear that it may be helpful for the wider community. Feel free to pass... more
This book contributes to the theory and practice of Biblical interpretation by engaging in an interpretation of Psalm 24 inspired by a particular understanding of Brevard Childs' "canonical approach": an understanding centred on the... more
The essay deals with the underground world in the Bible, taking into account especially poetic texts. Etymological analysis of the main underground words (šĕ’ôl, šaḥat, tĕhôm e mĕṣûlâ) intends to show the profound relationships between... more
Using George Bataille's reflections on desire, death, and God as the basis for considering the love poetry of the Song of Songs as a manifestation of the commingling of separate realms and separate bodies in the service of a longed-for... more
First chapter of my published dissertation.
a relação entre forma e conteúdo em Juízes 4 e 5 Hebrew Biblical Poetry: the relationship between form and content in Judges 4 and 5 Edson M. Nunes Jr. 1 RESUMO A prosa e a poesia da Bíblia Hebraica guardam similaridades e diferenças, mas... more
The Babylonian king of Isaiah 14 and the proud one of Habakkuk 2 exhibit multiple similarities. In light of the historical record and related visions, this study contends that Isaiah 14 and Habakkuk 2 depict the same end-time monarch. In... more
(Problems publishing to PDF will resubmit as different format) Psalm 67 is a brief, yet powerful song found in book II of the Psalter. Often referred to as “the Lord’s Prayer of the Old Testament,” this powerful poem reformulates the... more
This project examines representations of conversion in the twelfth and thirteenth century romances, the Old French Floire et Blancheflor, Aucassin et Nicolette, and Flamenca. In these works, the figure of the convert is used to... more
qu'inscrit dans la tradition poétique de la Bible, le Cantique des cantiques met en Guvre, sur bien des points, une poétique spécifique. Le parallélisme sémantique y débouche sur une forme particulière de contraste des genres, celle de... more
Although the Book of Ruth is in many respects a classic example of biblical Hebrew narrative, with its stripped-down style and the opaqueness of its character's inner lives and motivations, there are two examples of formal poetry in the... more
The book of Lamentations has been noted in biblical scholarship for its peculiar acrostic structure, a feature which makes the book unique in the OT in terms of style and literary unity. Taking inspiration from the possible meaning(s) of... more
The thesis of this project is that the clause functions as the constitutive linguistic unit in the Song of Songs in lieu of parallelism or other rhetorical devices. First, clause boundaries are compared with cola boundaries to... more
A companion piece to What Was the book of Yashar? Explains how this book, like its counterpart, was a collection of ancient poems. See further "Signs of Poetry Past."
In this paper then I will summarize (often in the author’s own words) and briefly comment on this informative Introduction (2007:xiii-xl). I will proceed from there to a selective critique of Alter’s translation of Psalm One, which... more
The designation Archaic Biblical Hebrew (ABH) is used by biblical Hebrew scholars to classify anomalous forms in biblical poetry thought to be the vestiges of early Hebrew. Though, in recent years these forms have been reevaluated and... more
Systematic theologians have constructed a Christology that is highly based on NT texts, which, interestingly, supports the anachronistic reading Psalms scholarship has sustained in the last two centuries. In contrast, this paper argues... more
Psalm 24 is often seen to be a ‘baffling’ psalm due to the juxtaposition of what seems to be thematically and structurally disparate material (creation, vv. 1-2; torah and sanctuary vv. 3-6; divine warrior and sanctuary, vv. 7-10). Most... more
This paper provides a poetical analysis of the first 18 verses of Psalm 118. It was prepared as a part of a Hebrew poetry class (Bible Baptist Seminary). The detailed poetic analysis was helpful in preparing my final thesis on the... more
This paper presents an entrance into the poetry of the Psalms that seeks to highlight their “heard” and “spoken” essence, as a complement to their textualization in being “written” and “read.” The author analyses biblical poetic rhythm... more
PSALM 24 PRESENTS A FINE EXAMPLE of how sensitivity to cultural patterns known from the ancient Near East enhance not only our contextual understanding of an Israelite text but deepen our recognition of the religious aspects of the text.... more
Characterization of the Book of Yashar, cited three times in the Hebrew Bible, and an argument for associating it with another biblical poem, from which the book got its name.
witnessed a great amount of interest in scrutinizing key formal features (e.g., parallelism, meter, line structure) characteristic of biblical
"In this paper the recent use of the Masoretic accentuation as a means to establish the colometry in Hebrew verse is evaluated. A comparison of different studies referring to these accents demonstrates that such a reference is made in a... more