Le but du présent rapport est de présenter deux algorithmes utilisés dans le cadre du datamining. Dans un premier temps nous présenterons l’algorithme classique qu’est ID3, nous aborderons cet algorithme qui est un algorithme... more
Untuk menunjang kinerja, sebuah perusahaan harus memiliki sumber daya manusia yang dapat diandalkan. Dalam memperoleh sumber daya manusia atau yang biasa disebut pegawai perusahaan, maka perusahaan melakukan proses seleksi atau rekrutmen... more
Bu tezin amacı kalp ameliyatı sırasında ya da kalp ameliyatı geçirdikten kısa bir süre sonra hastaya ait hayati riskin sınıflandırmaya dayalı makine öğrenmesi teknikleri kullanılarak belirlenebilmesidir. Çalışmada kullanılan veri seti... more
Karyawan merupakan faktor terpenting dalam suatu perusahaan, terutama dalam memberikan pelayanan pada konsumen. Kriteria karyawan sangat menentukan apakah karyawan tersebut berhak untuk memperoleh kenaikan gaji atau tidak. Melihat kondisi... more
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a study methodology and an application of data mining techniques related to student’s data from academic database. Like other domain, educational domain also produce vast amount of studying data. To... more
Credit is a belief that one is given to a person or other entity which is concerned in the future will fulfill all the obligations previously agreed. some of the problems that often occur in the crediting institutions eg consumer arrears... more
Obesitas merupakan suatu masalah kesahatan yang efek negatif dengan konsekuensi panjang bagi pengidapnya, keluarga, maupun orang lain. Data Riskesdas menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 21,7% penduduk dewasa Indonesia yang berusia lebih dari 18... more
C4.5 algoritması, ağacı oluştururken kayıp verileri hesaba katmayarak ID3 algoritmasından farklılaşır.
Abstrak Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu masalah yang dialami oleh beberapa Negara berkembang, termasuk indonesia. Banyak cara yang dilakukan untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan, diantaranya dengan program bantuan sosial untuk rakyat miskin.... more
The use of mobile phones has exploded over the past years, abundantly through the introduction of smartphones and the rapidly expanding use of mobile data. This has resulted in a spiraling problem of ensuring quality of service for users... more
ان تعدين البيانات فعالية الحصول على المعرفة لتحقيق هدف أساس وهو اكتشاف الحقائق الخفية (Hidden Facts) التي تتضمنها قواعد البيانات وذلك من خلال استخدام تقنيات متعددة تشتمل على الذكاء الاصطناعي، التحليلات الاحصائية، تقنيات و نمذجة البيانات... more
Intrusion detection system dealing with the huge amount of data that include repeated irrelevant cause slow process of testing, training and higher learning resource consumption as well as the vulnerability of the detection rate. Data... more
Depuis l’avènement des disciplines de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’apprentissage automatique des méthodes et des techniques ne cessent d’émerger, on notera que celles-ci sont soit issu du courant symbolique... more
In cancer identification, extrapolation of cervical cancer in patients shows a vital role. To save people from the cancer field of cancer detection, machine learning can play a big role in saving lives. In this paper, to make the... more
C 4.5 is the best known classification algorithm used to generate decision trees for continuous and discrete attributes. Although its extension C5.0 is further developed, it is still used in variety of applications. It works on... more
This study aims to optimize the selection of raw water source options at the location of Pamsimas III program. This analysis will affect the condition of the facilities that will function properly. The data mining method used in this... more
Classification is widely used technique in the data mining domain, where scalability and efficiency are the immediate problems in classification algorithms for large databases. We suggest improvements to the existing C4.5 decision tree... more
Breast cancer is one of the leading cancers for women in developed countries including India. It is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. The high incidence of breast cancer in women has increased significantly in the... more
Data Mining refers to using a variety of techniques to classify the propose of information or decision making knowledge in the database .The healthcare industry collects huge amounts of healthcare records which, unfortunately, are not "... more
This paper describes the application of two decision tree algorithms, Logistic Regression Trees with Unbiased Selection (LOTUS) and Classification Rule with Unbiased Interaction Selection and Estimation (CRUISE), to identify prevailing... more
Classifying and recognizing Telugu characters (aksharas) is a challenging task because of the variations in the script and the large number of characters. The complexity of the shape is a result of structural compositions involving vowels... more
The data mining techniques have the ability to discover hidden patterns or correlation among the objects in the medical data. There are many areas that adapt data mining techniques, namely marketing, stock, health care sector and so on.... more
Abstrak Keterlambatan merupakan tindakan menyimpang yang menyalahi aturan atau tata tertib yang ada di sekolah baik tertulis maupun tidak tertulis. Kedisiplinan siswa datang ke sekolah menjadi yang pertama yang dilihat, beberapa faktor... more
We consider the re-identification of users of on-line social networks when they participate in several different on-line social networks, potentially using several different accounts. The re-identification of users serves several... more
Abstrak-Penelitian ini memberikan satu model penentuan kelayakan pemberian fasilitas pembiayaan. Kendala yang sering ditemukan dalam proses pembiayaan di sebuah perusahaan yaitu sulitnya menentukan nasabah mana yang termasuk kedalam... more
Today, enormous amount of data is collected in medical databases. These databases may contain valuable information encapsulated in nontrivial relationships among symptoms and diagnoses. Extracting such dependencies from historical data is... more
ABSTRACT Power system islanding contingency has always been one of the most severe wide area system failures. The recent Hurricane Gustav landed in west coast in 2008 was one exact case to illuminate the importance and severity of this... more